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TALES OF VESPERIA SUB-EVENT SCRIPTS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~ ZAPHIAS ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Wonder Reporter - Part 1: Obtain the Wonder

r Log. (Automatic) Yuri turns the corner past the market. VOICE You there! You there! Are you aware of the serious events going on in the world? YURI ? VOICE Over here! Right here! Im the Wonder Reporter! Bringing you the articles about what matters most, every day! Do you read the newspaper in the morning? Cup of coffee? Donut? What? You dont? That just wont do! What epic thing as transpired today? Youll never believe it! You can read it whenever, wherever, and with no effort at all! Yes, its the Wonder Log! Put it to good use! And by the way, lets let the fact that Im in the wall be our little secret, okay? [star] Well then, farewell! YURI ? INFORMATION Obtained Wonder Log. With the Wonder Log, you can access the Synopsis via the Library from the Menu. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~ WORLD MAP ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ King of Adventure - Part 1: Near Zaphias, travelers inn named, King of Adventure. spend the night at the

YURI Weve come a long way from the capital. ESTELLE YesI wonder if were safe now. YURI Hard to say. Those guys are a sticky lot. RICH Woof! YURI Huh? Yuri sees a young man and woman standing by a beast drawn carriage. MAN Hmpf WOMAN Greetings. Yuri, Estellise and Repede walk over the the couple. ESTELLE (bows) Hello! WOMAN Welcome, good travelers! [music note] ESTELLE Is this a shop? MAN Its the King of Adventure Travelers Lodge WOMAN Oh, big brother, do try to be a bit more friendly! [heart]


Sorry, Karen Please, youll have to excuse him. My name is Karen, and this is Rich. Youre operating a traveling inn? Doesnt the King of Adventure refer to something else something more well-known? The late emperors brother, His Highness Regin, was known by that name thanks to his insatiable thirst for adventure. Indeed! We took our name from His Highness Regin. Its true. We respect him Hmmm, thats a pretty nice name, then. So are the two of you married? (clasping her hands over her face) M-married? I, I Do we look like were married? Oh? It seems I was mistaken. So very sorry! If youre tired, perhaps youd like to stay the night? Wh-what should we do? Sure, well sleep here. Excellent! Thank you very much! Enjoy your shut-eye Oh, big brother, please! Im sorry! Im sorry! N-no, its quite all right Okay. Come back anytime. Thank you. Did you rest well? Yeah, thanks a lot. I do hope our paths will cross again, somewhere out on the road! [music note] Yes, I hope so, too! Later

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~ DEIDON HOLD ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Duke - Part 1: Find Duke on the roof of the Guard Station. A man with long white hair hanging below his waist, gazes out over the rampart wall. When he spots the group coming toward him, he turns to walk away. MAN YURI ESTELLE MAN ESTELLE MAN ESTELLE [exhasperated sigh] Hey, hold on [he ignores them] Hello Um, I beg your pardon, butwhat are you looking at? Humanity at work. Their tenacious attachment to this life ? [huh?] Why? Why must humans live the lives they do? They fight for a share of monopolized technology and hurt even those closest to them .? [hmm?]


Are you talking about blastia? [exhasperated sigh] I cant speak for anyone else, but It doesnt seem to me like theres any reason why we get dumped into the world. But once youre here, you just do what you can to give this life everything youve got. MAN Perhaps there is truth in what you say The mysterious man turns on his heal and quickly walks away from them. YURI H-hey! The man ignores Yuri and walks on. ESTELLE Hes gone What was that all about? YURI Got me. They say the heat can make people go a little crazy. ESTELLE Is it hot? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~ QUOI WOODS ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ No side quests here.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~ HALURE ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ No side quests here.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~ QUOI WOODS ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ No side quests here.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~ HALURE ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ No side quests here.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~ ASPIO ~

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Collector Book - Part 1: After Rita joins the party, check the second floor of Rita's house for the Collectors Book. Yuri picks up a book from a pile in Ritas bedroom YURI Huh? Whats this? (reading a book) RITA Oh, the Collectors Book! Its a self-updating book that makes it easy to record all fo the items you find. YURI A self-updating bookhuh? I guess Ill just have to look and see what you mean RITA Sure, that would work, too. Its extremely useful to have. Lets take it with us. INFORMATION Obtained Collectors Book YURI Huh? Hey, get a load of this! Most of the pages are blank Are you sure youre a world-renowned researcher? RITA ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~ SHAIKOS RUINS ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ No side quests here.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~ ASPIO ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Brionac - Part 1: With Rita in the party go and check nicknamed Victoria in Rita's house on the bottom floor. a Blastia

They take another look at the blastia in Ritas Hut. YURI You really like blastia, dont you? RITA (to Karol) Hey, I told you not to touch Victoria with your grimy little hands! KAROL Vic-Victoria? Do you mean this blastia? YURI How come you like them so much? RITA How come Because theyre fun! The way they work, the theory behind them Argh, I dont know Ive never thought about it! Can you give reasons why you like the things you like? YURI Well, there are definitely some things I like for no particular reason. I guess the reason I like them is becauseI like them. RITA Exactly.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~ HALURE ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ No side quests here.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~ EHMEAD HILL ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Under the Tree - Part 1: After Repede and Karol join back the party, get back to Halure and talk to the elder near the tree. MAYOR ESTELLE MAYOR ESTELLE MAYOR Redso very red This years especially bad Whats the matter, Mayor? Oh ho. Youre back? What about something being red? Oh, its just that this years flowers are an especially deep shade of red, so I was thinking that the curse of the caged emperors bride must be particularly strong this year... But Im just joking, of course. Whos this caged emperors bride supposed to be? About 300 years ago, the emperor at the time, Brimstone the Fourth, planted a tree on the perimeter of Halures barrier. He lived all of his later years shut up inside his castle, so people took to calling him the caged emperor. Its always so educational to have you around, Estelle. But what does the caged emperors bride have to do with this tree? Legend has it that the caged emperor murdered his fiance, and buried her corpse beneath the roots of this tree. The tree gets its red color from the murdered brides blood, which its roots absorb. Wha What the hell Its really nothing more than a legend. Of course. Theres no way a tree could keep sucking up someones blood for centuries, anyway. Yes. But Im worried that this macabre tale will spread and drive potential visitors away from our town. U-ummmthen dont you think its a bad idea telling it to travelers like us? Iuhh Oops. Okay, forget all about that story I just told you, could you? How are we supposed to forget something like that?! If you dont forget it, the caged emperors bride will hold a grudge against you C-cut it out! There you go again! Youre just reinforcing the legend.




MAYOR Oops ESTELLE Theres no way that storys true ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Elucifer's Grave - Part 1: Check the unusual stone on the cliffs edge overlooking the sea. KAROL ESTELLE YURI RITA Whats this supposed to be? Is it agrave, perhaps? A grave? In a place like this? Actually, this is just the type of place Id expect to see one. KAROL What do you mean? RITA You know, like the grave of someone who plotted against the empireand failed. If you wanted to bury somebody and keep it quiet, youd want a place like this with no one around. YURI Huh, wonder if thats what Ive got in store for me. ESTELLE Dont say such things! That isnt funny! YURI I wasnt exactly kidding. Its just a fact of life that some folks from the lower quarter never get a funeral or a proper burial. KAROL What happens to them, them? YURI They get cremated and have their ashes scattered over a river or a field, usually. ESTELLE Are you telling the truth? RITA How did we get started talking about this, anyway? KAROL Cause were trying to figure what a lone grave is doing in a place like this. YURI Yeah. So, just who does it belong to? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Elucifer's Grave - Part 2: Go back to Halure and speak with the couple near the entrance. YOUNG MAN If ya head for the sea from here, ya cant help running into Ehmead Hill. They say theres the remains of some monster in the ground about halfway up. The story goes that this monster was as long as the trunk of the Tree of Halure. Big, right? YOUNG LADY Not long ago, I caught sight of a gallant man on my way home from the port city. He was tall and slender, with silver hair. But he was headed into the mountains, and nobodys seen him since. He was far too handsome to be a hermit I wonder who he could have been --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

-----Blastia Destroyer: Afterward, head toward the Blastia that is blocking the main road to name it Ekaterine. Rita heads toward the broken blastia in the road. YURI You know, I think itd be better if we turned back. RITA How come? KAROL This is where that broken blastia is. RITA I know that. YURI Come on, lets go back. If the knights find us well get in trouble. RITA I just want to have a look at that blastia! Im just going to look. ESTELLE You might get caught! RITA Im not that much of a klutz! (runs back) ESTELLE Rita! YURI Hey now (they follow Rita) RITA (leaning over, looking at blastia) Ekaterine KAROL Ekaterine She named that blastia, didnt she? RITA (walks back to them) YURI All set? RITA yes. Theresnothing that I can do for her Its just too cruel KAROL I mean, I understand that blastia are very valuable items, but RITA Its not about how valuable they are. Countless people have given their lives to make human civilization what it is. And blastia have been living together with mankind all of that time. Theyre more than just a simple tool that we use. YURI Well, its certainly clear that blastia are very important to Rita. ESTELLE Yes. YURI If youre all finished here, we should be on our way. RITA Okay. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~ CAPUA NOR ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ The Dice Master: Beat Dice Game Master for Rita's New Dice Master title. In part one, you can win a Gel Set. Part two, you can win a Bottle Set. Finally in part three, you can win a Super Gel Set. Dice Masters House: DICE MASTER Oh! Excuse me, young lady! Can you spare a minute or two? RITA Huh? You mean me? DICE MASTER Yes, yes indeed! You think you might want to play a little stone-taking game with me? To make it interesting, Ill give you a nice present if you can beat me! What do you say? RITA (walking up to the window) Hmmm Well, why not? Butare you sure? Im pretty good at that kind of game!


Ho ho! Excellent! Ive been looking for an opponent to give me a challenge. They call me the Master! I wont go down without a fight. *sigh* Do we really have time to be sitting and playing games? Dont worry. Ill make short work of this geezer. Just wait and see. Ho ho! Well then, shall we begin? High or Low? Even or Odd? Frankly, after all that big talk, I was expecting a more impressive showing Wha! No, no, youve got it all wrong! Im just feeling a little under the weather, is all! Ho ho! Feel free to come back for a rematch when youre feeling better!

(2nd Trip to Dice Masters House): DICE MASTER Oh, back so soon? Ready for a game? Play a game! DICE MASTER Ho ho! Well then, shall we begin? (lose 2nd game) YURI Heh heh heh. What happened, genius mage? RITA (Turning around) Sh-shut up, you!! DICE MASTER Ho ho! All that anger isnt going to help you win! (3rd Trip to Dice Masters House): (loose 3rd game) YURI Im telling you, give up now! Youre just going to keep losing! RITA I cant stand it, I cant stand it, I cant staaaand it!! DICE MASTER Hmmm Perhaps I was wrong about you (4th Trip to Dice Masters House): (win a game) INFORMATION Youve acquired a Gel Set Apple Gel x! Orange Gel x! Lottery Gel x! RITA Finally. DICE MASTER Hmpf, yes Ive lost. YURI I guess even someone with no skill can win eventually. RITA Sh-shut up, Yuri! DICE MASTER Now for our prize, a delicious kiss from yours truly RITA ! YURI ! DICE MASTER Haha fooled you! No, Im going to give you the title of New Master! As news of my defeat travels, new challengers will appear, hoping to steal your glory! Stay strong and dont lose, Rita! That is, the New Stone-Taking Master Rita! To be continued next time, in A New Assassin Lurks! YURI To be continued? RITA Thats not likely. DICE MASTER Ho ho! Ho ho!

Well, if you ever feel like it, youre welcome to join me in my hobbies. INFORMATION Rita earned the New Dice Master title. (playing a new game): DICE MASTER I really have a bad feeling about this The bureaucrats keep talking about money Cant we just go ahead and play a game? Its a duel! (after duel): Theres a certain romance to be found in stones. I shall become the King of Stone-Taking! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~ CAPUA TORIM ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Dark Enforcer - Part 1: After everyone rejoins the party, sleep at the inn. While applying for a room, Yuri overhears a conversation between two nobles. WOMAN Wow, what a strange group of people. A dog and even a couple of kidsand they dont look like theyre related, either. YOUNG MAN As the gateway to all of Tolbyccia, Capua Torim sees its fair share of interesting folks. A motley crew like theirs isnt too uncommon among all of the guilds that pass through here. WOMAN But I could swear that Ive seen that young man somewhere before YOUNG MAN You too, maam? to tell the truth, he looks familiar to me, too. I wonder where Ive seen his face Yuri turns around and looks at them. YURI ? DESK CLERK Your room is the last one down, on the right. Have a pleasant stay. YURI Sure, thanks. During the night, voices awaken them. VOICE (KNIGHT) Is the wanted man really hiding in here? VOICE (NOBLE MAN) Im sure. I thought Id seen him somewhere before. And then I spotted the wanted poster, I immediately know it was him. VOICE (KNIGHT) That room up ahead, hmm All right. You stand back. VOICE (NOBLE MAN) Yes, of course. There are three beds in the room. Rita and Estelle are in the bed next to the wall. Karol is asleep in the middle bed and Yuri is in the bed nearest the door. Hearing the voices, Yuri sits up in his bed. YURI Hey, wake up! RITA Mmmwhat do you want? Its the middle of the night! KAROL Not too much milk on my cerealno, itll get soggy YURI I said wake up, Karol! We have to get out of here! VOICE (NOBLE MAN) The wanted man has three friends with him. Theyve also got a dog, so be careful.


An Imperial Knight wont be beaten by the likes of a common criminal! (Yuri stands up on the bed) RITA Estellise! Kid! Wake up, you two! An Imperial Knight, with spear at the ready, and the noble young man enter the room. The beds are empty. KNIGHT All right, put your hands up and come quietlyhuh? MAN They got away!! Yuri and the others gather in front of the Fortunes Market which is closed for the night. ESTELLE Wh-what was that all about? YURI It looks like somebody snitched on us. KAROL Snitched? RITA Youre too well-known for your own good, Yuri. All three (look at Yuri) .. YURI Isnt guild influence really strong in Torim? Maybe that knight was overcompensating for how impotent he must feel. ESTELLE Yuri, that knight was just trying to do his job! Id appreciate it if you kept our insults to yourself. KAROL Ugh Im never gonna be able to get a good nights sleep at this rate YURI Well, at least we got away without getting caught, right? We can be happy about that. RITA Happy? This is annoying as all hell! The next time we stay at an inn, you can sleep outside with the dog! Yuri heaves an exasperated sigh. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~ CAER BOCRAM ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ No side quests here.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~ HELIORD ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Estelle's Teacher - Part 1: After Estelle rejoins and you're able to leave town, go to Barrier Blastia in the center of town to find Drake. An old officer stands near the blastia. ESTELLE Master! MASTER (turning around, seeing Estelle) Princesswhat are you doing in a place like this? ESTELLE Theres something I have to talk to Flynn about, so MASTER I heard about you slipping out of the castle. ESTELLE Um, um, ummm KAROL Whos this? MASTER I apologize for not having introduced myself sooner. My

name is Drake Dropwart. He was the previous emperors swordmaster, and is also my teacher. YURI Ahthe knightly patriot, Drake KAROL The knightly patriot? ESTELLE Master Drake has served the empire with his sweat and tears for decades. YURI In the Imperial Knights, Drake Dropwart is thought of as a model for all knights to follow. ESTELLE Hes now an advisor to the Imperial Knights, you know. KAROL Wow, really? DRAKE Im really an advisor in name only. These days Im pretty much retired. My only real duty of late is teaching the Princess swordsmanship. ESTELLE But didnt you come here with the Commandant as an advisor? DRAKE YesIve heard everything thats happened so far. How was it, setting foot into the outside world for the first time? ESTELLE Well, weve had a lot of bad things happen to us, but all of its been a fantastic experience. DRAKE A fantastic experience, you say? I see ESTELLE Ummm Is something wrong? Leblanc runs toward them and stands at attention before Drake. LEBLANC Mr. Drake, sir! (seeing Yuri) Wh-wh-whaits you DRAKE What do you want, Leblanc? LEBLANC (saluting) Sir. His Excellency the Commandant is calling for you, sir. DRAKE All right. Well then, Princess. I must take my leave. Try to avoid doing anything too rash, wont you? ESTELLE Yes, of course. Take care of yourself, Master With a nod to Estelle, Drake and Leblanc leave. YURI I cant believe Drake Dropwart taught Estelle how to fight with a sword. RITA Im surprised that a princess would know how to use a sword at all, really. KAROL Estelle, what made you learn how to use a sword? ESTELLE Thats a good question It might take a while to tell the whole story. The next time I get a chance YURI Yeah, Id like to hear about it too, once things have calmed down a little. ESTELLE Sure! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------ESTELLE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------Yuri and the Chevaliers: After Estelle rejoins and you're able to leave town, enter the Chevaliers HQ to find Hachette. [Note: The dialogue differs if you wait until Raven joins the party.] WITHOUT RAVEN: GUARD Yuri! Is that you, Yuri? YURI Huh? Whore you?


Hachette ESTELLE Hachette RITA YURI KAROL Hachette

ESTELLE Hachette YURI KAROL Hachette RITA Hachette YURI Hachette


You dont remember me? I sure as heck-fire remember you! Its Hachette! Not that its easy to recognize someone when theyre got a mask on. Oh wow! You look different from how I remember. I didnt realize it was you. Havent you gained weight? Ouch! Its nice to see you too, Yuri Looks like the mask had nothing to do with it! (chaotic scribble symbol) Is this a friend of yours, Yuri? Hachette joined the Imperial Knights at the same time I did. That armor color is the same as Leblancs knights, isnt it? Yep! Im in the Schwann Brigade! To tell you the truth, Im pretty glad they didnt assign me to the Flynn Brigade. You didnt want to work with Flynn? Well, it would be tough working under him, since we started off training to be soldiers together. That doesnt seem like the sort of thing Flynn would care about. Youve got that right, Rita. Flynns all about advancing in his career, isnt he? Its pretty crazy for a non-noble to make captain at such a young age. Me on the other handthanks to all the goofing off I did with you, Yuri, Im still nothing but a lowly peon. what sort of things did you two do? We used to skip training and sneak into the dining hall to grab snacks. Yeah, and then wed sneak into the warehouse to switch bodhi blastia for nicer ones Sounds like a whole lot of sneaking! Its true. We had our fair share of youthful indiscretions. Yuris still up to his old tricks, though. Ha ha, Ive heard as much. Go easy on Flynn, would ya? Yeah, yeah. Dont goof off too much on the job! Oh yeah, Yuri, youve been traveling around, right? You think you might be able to t stop by Capua Nor and tell my folks that Im doing well? They live in the inn, so you cant miss em. Sure, Id be happy to. See ya later, Hachette.

(Outside Chevaliers HQ) ESTELLE I didnt expect to hear you talking so happily about your time in the Imperial Knights, Yuri, YURI Oh yeah? ESTELLE I mean, it seemed to me like you didnt enjoy your time as a knight very much. YURI Joining them was a decision I made myself. Its not al bad memories. Practice wasnt so bad, and I had all sorts of fun with my fellow knights-in-training. RITA From the way that knight was talking, it sounds like you acted like a crazy and rambunctious kid.


Rita, if theres one person who doesnt need to be scolding me for a little youthful indiscretion, its you. (pulsating cloud/smoke symbol angry, steamed)

[NOT DONE] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Laborer: After Estelle rejoins and you're able to leave town, rest at the inn. Its nighttime and Yuri is approached by Estelle in the blastia plaza. YURI The city streets may look nice, but peoples lives are the same everywhere. ESTELLE Yuri? YURI (turning) Whatre you doing awake this late at night? ESTELLE I couldnt sleep. I kept hearing noise from outside Even at this late hour, everyones still hard at work. YURI Well, I dont think theyre doing it because they enjoy it. But if they dont keep working, they wont be able to make a living. And even with this work, theyre hardly able to get by. ESTELLE Thats terrible As she speakes, a worker enters the plaza and collapses face down from exhaustion. Estelle runs to his aid. ESTELLE (kneeling) Are you all right? The man gets up. MAN Youre a noble, arent you? Stay away from me! He walks away. ESTELLE Oh! (she gets up) YURI Theyve just learned to distrust nobles and the empire. Its nothing personal against you, Estelle. Try not to let it bother you too much. ESTELLE I wonder if its something that can be changed YURI I dunno Its not easy. For his part, Flynns trying his hardest to change things. ESTELLE YURI Lets go back and get some rest. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Wonder Reporter - Part 2: After Estelle rejoins and you're able to leave town, go right just before the inn door to examine a corner. WONDER REPORTER Oho, you found me! Blastia goes out of control, and more! Yes, some serious events have taken place in the world recently! Id better write an article about it, post haste! Day and night, I run around chasing after the newest scoops Im the Wonder Reporter!

Im not stalking you or anything, I promise! Well then, adieu! The Wonder Reporter disappears in a ball of flame. YURI Is he following me? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Duke - Part 2: After Estelle rejoins and you're able to leave town, go back to Caer Bocram and head left to find Duke. The man with long white hair stands at the edge of the lake watching the water fall. His weapon glows with energy. YURI Someones here MAN Traces left behind by the flow of aer But where is it flowing? YURI That monster sucked all of it up. MAN (turning to look at Yuri) Monster? KAROL Yeah, that big, rough, spiky, huuuuge monster MAN So He was here after all ESTELLE He? You mean the monster? MAN Monster It matters not what humans call them, but Such a name does them a disservice. He turns and marches off. ESTELLE Sothat wasnt a monster? RITA Just what makes something a monster, anyway? KAROL We call any creature that viciously attacks humans a monster YURI So that would mean that things a monster, right? RITA Huh But the kid just gave us the human point of view. ESTELLE You mean we just lump them all together as monsters, but there might be more to it? KAROL What do you think that guy was up to? ESTELLE We met him earlier at Deidon Hold, didnt we Yuri? I cant figure him out. RITA Well, whatever, hes got nothing to do with us, anyway. KAROL Y-yeah, I guess ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~ DANGREST ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Bunny Guild: You need 500 Title Points to make the Bunny Guild Leader show up in the top left corner of the guilds HQ and 4,00 Title Points to get everything. Revisit when you receive more titles. They talk to the Elderly Man standing in the back corner. OLD MAN Oh!Not bad! I can use someone like you! How bout it? Want to help spread word bout my guild? There wont be much to it! It wont be like youre registered under two guilds. So, how bout it? You interested?

Will you help? Yes (or no) OLD MAN Oh, is that so. Heres what you need to do. My guild here is about protecting rabbitsIts the Bunny Guild! I want you to help spread the word about my guild. Theres nothing to it. Ill give you this badge. Youre gonna be famous with this! Hmm to put it simply, just collect a lot of titles! The more titles you earn, the more well known my guild becomes! Ill give you a nice reward as my guild gets more famous. Waddaya think? Not too bad a deal, eh? You got all of that? Did you understand? Yes (or no) OLD MAN Fantastic! Now, go on and let the world know about this spectacular guild! Oh, almost forgot. Heres your badge and a little something for your efforts. INFORMATION Obtained: Girly Bunny Ears x 1 Bunny Guild Badge x 1 OLD MAN Im counting on ya! Collect lots of titles! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~ KEIV MOC ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Bug Hater: At the first insection, go left for Karol to learn Bug Breath. With Karol in the front and Raven in the rear, they are walking in single file on a moss covered tree root. Karol stops. YURI Karol, what are you doing? Lets hurry up and go. KAROL Y-yeah RITA .. A beetle monster suddenly swoops down at Karol. KAROL Waaaaaaaahhhhhh! Karol waves his hammer back and forth in the air long after the bug has gone. KAROL Get away! Dont touch me! Stay back! Karol continues to frantically wave his hammer. ESTELLE Karol, Karol, its okay! It already flew away. Karol calms down. KAROL Huh? Ha, ha ha ha, it did Alright, lets keep moving. Karol turns back around and continues on down the root. YURI Captain Karol seems a little different than usual, doesnt he? RITA You think? He seems like his usual spaced-out kid self to me. YURI No, somethings different about him. The Karol I knew before wouldve been peeing his pants or running for his life if something like that happened. ESTELLE Ohnow that you mention it, I think youre right. As they continue on down the root, Raven gets an idea (light bulb).

RAVEN Wah! Bugs, a giant swarm of them! Watch out! Again Karol thrashes his hammer in the air and yells. KAROL Waah, stay away, stay away!! While Karol panics, Rita turns to Raven and takes out a brightly colored spray bottle and uses it. Raven covers his face with his hands. RAVEN Blech! Hey! Wh-wh-what did you do that for Agh, my eyes RITA I was just giving you a little something to keep away the giant swarms of bugs! KAROL Ah, I dont believe it.. RITA *Hack* *cough* I thought I was gonna die! ESTELLE Karol Youre really afraid of bugs, arent you? KAROL Wh-who, me? N-not at all! RITA Its okay, Karol. You dont have to pretend. Here, take this. Aspio-brand insect spray, the best to keep the bugs away! KAROL Oh, uhy-you dont mind? RITA Not at all. Just make sure not to spray it near any people. It can sting! Karol nods appreciatevly and Ravens shoulders sag. RAVEN So Im not a person anymore, am I Yeesh RITA (to Karol) Come on, lets go. INFORMATION Karol learned the Bug Breath Base Arte. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Old Man's Wisdom: At the second intersection after veering left at the first, go left again. Another giant beetle hovers above the root trail. RITA Try to be careful. These botanical abnormalities are being caused by the aer here. Theres a good chance that there are pockets of excess aer all over the place. RAVEN Yeah, too much aer can have negative effects on people and blastia. Takin in a lotta aer causes yer metabolism ta speed up, and thatll make ya more tired than usual. RITA Wow, you know more than I thought. RAVEN Eh? Thats just common sense! RITA Id expect people to know about aers effect on the human body But I didnt think it was common knowledge that blastia can become supersaturated with aer if used improperly. RAVEN Nah, anyone who deals with bodhi blastia should know all about it! KAROL Actually, Id never heard about it until Rita mentioned it. RAVEN Ya gotta quit slackin and hit the books, kid! YURI ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~ DAHNGREST ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

~~~~~~ No side quests here.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~ GHASAFAROST ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ No side quests here.

~ PART II OF III ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~ DAHNGREST ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Duke - Part 3: After the bridge falls reenter back to find Duke on the other side of the broken bridge. After Flynn leaves, they take one last look at Karols hometown, Dahngrest. A man stands at the edge of the gap blasted in the bridge. KAROL Thats the guy we met at Keiv Moc ESTELLE Hello! DUKE [Hmm] Duke ignores Estelles greeting and turns his head away from them. YURI And here Estelles being so nice Somebody needs to work on their manners. KAROL Youre one to talk, Yuri. Hey, that monsters gonna attack us again if we keep wandering around here. ESTELLE Y-yes, youre right. DUKE [looking at them] You were the target of his attack? ESTELLE What? Oh, yes. Umdo you know what he meant by insipid po - -? YURI What, is that your pet or something? DUKE We follow the same course of action. YURI What? Youre doing the same thing as a monster? ESTELLE Then, does that mean youve come here to attack me too? DUKE My blade does not exist to pass sentence on humans How odd He has taken his leave But why? JUDITH DUKE Perhaps I am mistaken No Duke turns on his heel and walks back toward the town. YURI That guy still doesnt make any sense. KAROL What do you think hes up to? YURI Who knows Hey, we dont have time to just hang out here and enjoy the scenery. KAROL Oh yeah! We gotta go!

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Brionac - Part 2: After the bridge falls, go to Ghasfarost and check the bottom right room on the first floor. They return to Gastafrost Tower to the cell where Yuri and Judith were held. JUDITH Its definitely gone YURI The spear? It looked like it was very valuable. Ill bet the mercenaries carried it off as loot. JUDITH ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~ HELIORD ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ No side quests here.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~ CAPUA TORIM ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ The Dragoon - Part 1: Just right of the Fortune's Market HQ, speak with the woman by the tree. They see a young woman staring at a palm tree outside the Fortunes Market . YOUNG WOMAN How strange ESTELLE [approaching the woman] Whats the matter? YOUNG WOMAN The shaggothim flowers are only supposed to open during the rainy season, and yet, look! Theyre already in full bloom! YURI That sound pretty weird YOUNG WOMAN I know, right? I wonder if someones been coming here and watering the ground, or something While the others are talking to the woman, Judith quietly sneaks down the stairs to the right. ESTELLE Would just that be enough to make these flowers bloom? RITA Another cause for flowers blooming early could be an imbalance in the aer. RAVEN So youre sayin that this place? RITA Its okay. Even if my guess is right, this level of aer imbalance can occasionally be found in nature. Plants are simply more sensitive to changes in the surrounding aer than humans, and theyre reacting to that.


We wouldnt wanna have what happened in Heliord happenin here YURI YURI [looks around] What the Judy? Theres an explosion on the first level. VOICE Waaah! The warehouses aero blastia is! RITA I cant believe that dragon frek would do this again! Im going to go see! Rita runs down the stairs. ESTELLE Oh, Rita! Judith approaches from the left and stands behind Yuri. YURI [Judith walk up behind Yuri] Dragon freak, huh JUDITH Whats all this commotion about? YURI Huh? It wasnt you? JUDITH I plead the fifth. YURI Rita comes back. RITA It was terrible There was nothing left for me to fix. YURI Im sorry for yourloss. RITA Ugh The next time I see that freak, Im going to punch him into the stratosphere!! Stupid dragon freak! RAVEN Whoa, scary. The others walk away. Only Judith and Yuri remain behind. YURI I dont know wht youre trying to do, but JUDITH Its not causing any of you any trouble, is it? I already told you. Im not going to do anything that would cause any of you harm. Judith turns on her heel and follows the others. [end of cutscene] YOUNG WOMAN They just bloom at an odd time, but there arent anything wrong with the flowers themselves. They are so delicate and cute, arent they? These are shaggothim flowers. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~ GHOST SHIP ATHERUM ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~No side quests here.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~ FREE TIME AFTER GETTING THE SHIP ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Tidy up the Warehouse - Part 1: [Deidon Hold] Reward: 2x Miracle Gel, Limit Bottle, Spicy Potion and 2,000 Gald [SCRIPT NOT RECORDED] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

---------------------------------------------------------------------------Tidy up the Warehouse - Part 2: [Capua Torim] Reward: Power Light, Golden Horn, 3x Lottery Gel and 2,000 Gald [SCRIPT NOT RECORDED] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dog Map - Part 1: In Capua Torim, go toward the harbor to get the Marking Map and Repede's Fated One title. They return to Capua Torim for supplies YURI Whats the matter, Repede? REPEDE Woof! There is another dog on the peir. Strange DOG Wooo! YURI Thats your former nemesis! KAROL Say again? ESTELLE Thats the dog Yuri was talking about, who used to rule over all of the dogs and cats in the capital YURI Yeah, its the Little Wolf. Repede approached Little Wolf. REPEDE (Its been a while, Old Man.) LITTLE WOLF (Dont think Ive forgotten how you drove me out of the capital like a common stray.) REPEDE (We settled everything fair and square in battle. You have no right to hold a grudge.) LITTLE WOLF (You had to go and take pity on me) (Why didnt you just kill me when you had the chance?) REPEDE (I havent sunk so low a to raise a paw against a defeated loser.) LITTLE WOLF (Me, a loser? You filthy mutt. Ive still never lost to you in person.) REPEDE (So you want a fight mano a mano?) LITTLE WOLF (You catch on quick.) [Repede somersaults in the air and lands ready to fight.] (No, a physical confrontation wouldnt be a fair fight.) (It has to be a marking battle.) REPEDE (What do you mean?) LITTLE WOLF (Its a battle to see which of us can mark more places that we go as our own territory.) (A battle spanning the whole globe!) Estelle gets and idea. REPEDE (Hmmm, sound pretty interesting) (You sure youll be able to keep up?) LITTLE WOLF (Thats my line. Sit around on your haunches and Im gonna leave you in the dust.) Little Wolf stalks off. YURI Hmph, Repedell catch up with him in no time. RAVEN Yeah, I hope so. KAROL How long are they going to be doing it? YURI Huh? Oh, Repede, youre finished. REPEDE Woof!

Estelle rejoins them. YURI Whered you go off to, Estelle? ESTELLE Here you go, Karol. KAROL Wh-whats this? ESTELLE You can use this to make notes of all of the places where Repedes marked his territory. KAROL Huh? Y-you want me to do it? YURI This sort of thing is what Captain Karol does best! REPEDE Woof! YURI Were counting on you! INFORMATION Obtained Marking Map. INFORMATION Repede earned the Fated One title. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dog Map - Part 2: In Zaphias, get near the right side of the shop to get the Friendly Fur Ball. They meet a tan dog at the base of the stairs leading down to the Citizens Quarter REPEDE Woof! DOG Bark! REPEDE Woof woowoof! DOG Bark, woof! KAROL I wonder what theyre talking about. YURI Yeah, me too. KAROL You too Yuri, I thought you understood what Repede means when hes barking? YURI When did I ever say that? [the other dog leaves] KAROL Oh That dog ran off! RAVEN But dont you interpret what Repede says sometimes? YURI Nah, Ive just been saying whatever I think he might be thinking at the time. KAROL Really? Im not so sure. YURI Do I really look like a dog whisperer to you? KAROL Ah, he came back! The dog faces Repede. RAVEN Hey! The puppy came an brought somethin fer the pup! INFORMATION Obtained Friendship Fur Ball. KAROL What is it? YURI Looks like the Little Wolfs fur. RAVEN Ah, I see whats goin on. The pups are having a territory markin competition. YURI Right, and with that fur, Repede will be able to use his sense of smell to figure out where the Little Wolf is. KAROL Oh, I see! That dog went and brought back some fur that had been left in town. RAVEN With this, not even yer rivals a match fer you! Right, pup? REPEDE Woof! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Dog Map - Part 3: Upon 50% completion of the Dog Map, a scene will trigger automatically. YURI *Yawn* Should we head out? ESTELLE Repede? REPEDE Grrr. Woof woof woof! YURI Huhthats? A tri-colored dog with horn-shaped ears approaches and Repede steps forward to intercept him. RAVEN Oh ho, thats the Mini-Wolf we saw back in Torim harbor! REPEDE (Its Little Wolf, old man.) LITTLE WOLF (Right, Im the Little Wolf!) REPEDE (Why did you come here?) LITTLE WOLF (You call that a greeting?) REPEDE (After how youve treated me in the past, you expect me to run up to you and lick your face?) LITTLE WOLF (I see youve already finished marking about half of the places out there as your territory.) (It looks like Im going to have to pull out all the stops.) REPEDE (Oh? What are you going to do?) LITTLE WOLF (Im going to go all out. No more mercy.) He turns to leave. (Just like back in the capital.) REPEDE (Wait!) Little Wolf leaves. YURI Wow It looks like hes going to go after the rest of the cities even more fiercely than ever. KAROL Its okay! Repedes way too good to be beaten by the likes of him! Isnt that right? Repede turns his head away from Karol. KAROL Aww, you dont have to get all embarassed! RAVEN Not that I reall care, but Why do I always have to do the Little Wolfs voice? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dark Enforcer - Part 2: In Zaphias, head toward the Nobles Quarter for a scene. They climb the steps to the Royal Quarter where they are stopped by a noble man with red hair. NOBLE MAN ESTELLE YURI NOBLE MAN RITA YURI NOBLE MAN KAROL Ahhh! You there, in black! Yes, you! Ive been looking for you! Is his a friend of yours? I dont exactly have very many nobles for friends present company excepted, of course. Youve got a bounty on you, right? Looks like you got another fan, Yuri. Lets get outta here! No, please wait! Im not going to turn you in! Please, listen to what I have to say. The Imperial Knights will show up if he keeps yelling like that!


I know. Look, Ill hear you out. Just keep your voice down. NOBLE MAN Yes, of course, Im sorry. My name is Shel. And you would beYuri? YURI In the flesh. SHEL Actually Ive come to you precisely because of your bounty. Please. Could you find my brother? ESTELLE What does Yuris bounty have to do with your brother? SHEL Well, my brother just cant let criminals go. So I thought that with a bounty on your head RITA So to get this straightyou want to use Yuri as bait to lure your brother out into the open? SHEL Thats a bit of a harsh way of saying it, but essentiallyyes. YURI Sorry, find yourself another sucker. ESTELLE Yuri, wait! You havent been able to find your brother? SHEL No, I havent heard from him ever since he left the capital three years ago. He left on a journey to do great deeds and become famous. He used to be in the Knights, but he couldnt get famous even after many brave deeds. YURI Yeah, unless your superior officers happen to be really nice, theyll take all the credit for anything you do. KAROL Why was your brother so concerned about making a name for himself? SHEL His girlfriends fathr said that he wouldnt allow their marriage unless he became famous. He told him, The man who marries my daughter must be know throughout the world for his righteous deeds! ESTELLE So then, what is your brothers girlfriend doing now? SHEL Shes still waiting for him to return. Her father has since passed away, so theres no one left to oppose their marriage. KAROL So if your brother comes back, they can get married! ESTELLE Yuri YURI *Sigh* Here we go again Theres no guarantee that he wont try to kill me. SHEL I would evern be happy with just some information about my brothers whereabouts. His name is Clay. ESTELLE Clay. Got it. Well look for him. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dark Enforcer - Part 3: Talk to Shel again. SHEL YURI SHEL KAROL SHEL Ah, Yuri. Have you found any clues as to my brothers whereabouts? No, nothing yet. I see Its pretty hard to look for him when all we have is the name, Clay, to go by. Well then, please go and meet Lune. Shes my brothers girlfriend. You should be able to find her with the children in the

citizens quarter. ESTELLE Okay, lets go and have a look. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dark Enforcer - Part 4: Go to the Public Quarter and talk to Lune who is sitting on a bench. Lune sits on a bench reading a book to Ted and another child. TED Oh, Yuri! Fancy seeing you here! YURI I could say the same for you. I wouldnt have ever expected to see you together with a noblewoman. TED This is Miss Lune! she comes and reads books to the kids every now and then. YURI Ah, so youre Lune. LUNE How did you know my name? YURI Shel told me about you. LUNE Oh, I see. the children have told me quite a few things about you, too, Yuri. RAVEN Looks like youre the talk of the capital! YURI [chaos scribble] LUNE What can I do for you? YURI I was wondering if you could tell me how I might be able to find your boyfriend, Clay. LUNE Youre looking for Clay? Shel asked you to do this, didnt he? ESTELLE Yes. Well find him for you, I promise! Just be patient! LUNE Thank you. But you neednt try too hard. Id be glad if Clay came back, but Im happy enough as it is. ESTELLE Are you sure? LUNE Yes. Now that I know how nice it feels to have someone whos always there for me YURI I see. LUNE But Im very thankful for your kindness! Ah yes, Yuri, youre a swordsman, correct? Perhaps you could use this. Lune gives Yuri the book. LUNE This book was my fathers. He was a famous swordsman with the Imperial Knights. He had many disciples, but none of them were able to master the techniquewhat do you think? RAVEN Can ya do it? Yuri takes a few steps away from them. YURI Maybelike this?! Yuri leaps into the air and executes several impressive strikes with his sword. TED [jumping up and down] Thats our Yuri! RITA Wow, got it on your first try! LUNE Thats amazing. You truly have a rare gift with the sword, Yuri. YURI Nah, its nothing. LUNE No, its very impressive for you to have succeeded where all of his disciples failed. As a show of my gratitude for your kindness, youmay have

this book. I hope that itll e useful to you. Yuri learned the Tiger Blade Base Arte. You really think its okay if we dont look for Clay? I dont knowShel seemed pretty worried about him. Lets search for him a little more. INFORMATION Yuri earned the Kingdom Celeb title. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------INFORMATION ESTELLE YURI ---------------------------------------------------------------------------Under the Tree - Part 2: In Halure, talk to the kids under the tree to get the Veil attachment for Estelle. At the base of the tree, they find two little boys and one little girl looking at the ground. LITTLE BOY #1 Th-they say that some ladys body is buried under this tree LITTLE BOY #2 Y-yeah, I hear that she was the wife of some empreror a long time ago LITTLE GIRL Nuh-uh! I heard that she died before the wedding! So she wasnt his wife. LITTLE BOY #1 Whatever! Its s-scary, but I think its true! LITTLE BOY #2 Yeah, Halures flowers are so coolits hard to believe something weird like that happened LITTLE GIRL Th-this explains whats been making us feel so funny about this tree ESTELLE Excuse me You know, that storys not actually true. LITTLE BOY #1 Nuh-uh The Mayor told it to us! YURI What the heck was that old man thinking, anyway LITTLE BOY #2 And what about this? [shows something to Estelle] JUDITH Oh, what a lovely veil. ESTELLE Where did you get that? LITTLE BOY #2 A white shadow, like a ghost, dropped it! KAROL Youre not saying that the white shadow was the ghost of the dead bride? RITA N-no way! Theres no such thing as ghosts and curses! LITTLE BOY #2 Its true! RITA No its not! Its not, its not! Im sure that veil was just dropped by someone in your village! LITTLE GIRL The Mayor went around and asked everybody, but it didnt belong to anybody RITA Theres no way Its just not true, OKAY?! LITTLE BOY #1 This girls is really scared LITTLE BOY #2 Lets get out of here The children leave. ESTELLE Oh, you forgot this Rita RITA Im sorry ESTELLE What should I do with this? RITA Throw it away. The kids dont want something as ominous as that, Im sure. ESTELLE But I dont think it seems all that ominous. I actually think it seems moreholy I think Ive taken a liking to it. Do you mind we take


it with us? Argh If you get cursed, its your own fault! I thought you said theres no such thing as curses?

Sh-shut up, Yuri! Obtained Veil. except Estelle. I wonder if theres an explanation thats moreholy It seems like theres something more beautiful to all this ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Professor Sicily - Part 1: In Halure, talk to Sicily near the inn for Raven to learn Arrive Derci. In Halure, they meet a man staring into the small pool of water near the inn. man Uno, due, tre Quattro No, it is too difficile to do by myself! What to do, what to do YURI Wh-whats that? RITA That guys the definition of creepy. RAVEN Yeah, maybe we oughta just keep on movin The man notices them and turns around. MAN Oh, buon giorno! You came at a good time! KAROL Wh-whats with this guy? MAN My names Sicily! Piacere! ESTELLE Ah, pleased to meet you too. YURI Estelle, youre only encouraging him SICILY I have to say, Im having a piccolo problema Do you think you could help me? RAVEN Eh? Ya want us ta help ya? JUDITH What is it that you want help with? SICILY Well, signorina, Ive been counting the petals that fall from this tree! But its a bit difficile to do alone ALL YURI Well, about time we hit the ole dusty trail JUDITH Good idea SICILY Aspetta! Please, wait! Why wont you help me? RITA This guys pretty annoying SICILY All I need is someone to help! Even that signore would suffice! Per favore? RAVEN Huh?! Me? And whaddaya mean even that signore Whatre ya tryin ta insinuate YURI All right, Raven. Were counting on you. Rita and Yuri walk away. RITA [walking away] Yeah, and make it fast, okay? KAROL I still dont really know whats going on, but, uh good luck? [he leaves] ESTELLE Ummm I guess its okay? JUDITH The old manll get things done. Hes a real go-getter! Judith and Estelle leave Raven alone with the strange man.


Bene! Molto bene! So, signore, you go and look over that way! RAVEN H-hold on just a second! I still havent said Id help at all-JUDITH Itll be easier if you just give in and accept your fate, old man. RITA Yeah, and make it snappy, would you? RAVEN Urgh [runs off the screen] RAVENS VOICE How do I get talked inta these things In a while, Raven runs back to Sicily. RAVEN II countedall of them. From here all the way over there, theres 97,201 petals in all! SICILY Si! I thought itd be something like that. Grazie! RAVEN W-what the hells all this for, anyway? SICILY Ohh, signore, I cannot tell you that! Its a secret! RAVEN A secret, huh? Wh-whatever Im goin ta go now. SICILY Aspetta, signore! Your name, what is it? RAVEN Raven. SICILY RavenYou did a good job today. Im sure good luck will come your way! Arrivederci! [Sicily runs away] RAVEN Good luck comin my way? Thatd be a nice change Hey! I just I just realized somethin! INFORMATION Raven learned Arrivederci. RAVEN Im a pretty complex guy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Recipe - Seafood Bowl: In Capua Nor, talk to the woman by the inn for the recipe. The dialogue will differ if you've done Yuri And The Chevaliers. [NOTE: SCRIPTED AFTER COMPLETING YURI AND THE CHEVALIERS SUB-EVENT.] Outside the Pollux Inn: OLDER WOMAN Are you staying the night? We just got a catch of some delicious fatty fish in today! You should definitely stay at our inn and experience our delicious seafood ricebowl! RAVEN Oo, that sounds mighty tasty! YURI ? OLDER WOMAN Do you like seafood ricebowls, young man? YURI Sure, I guess. OLDER WOMAN Well then, this is for you. YURI A recipe? JUDITH Its a recipe for seafood ricebowl. INFORMATION Learned the recipe for Seafood Bowl. OLDER WOMAN Its my grandsons favorite food, you see. Hes working in the Imperial Knights right now, so I dont get to see him very much Hes right around the same age as you, young man. I wish I cold give my grandson a taste of his grandmas home cooking, which Im sure hes missing Oh, Im sorry I must sound so selfish. But please take it, if youd like.


A knight around the same age as Yuri He said his family lived in Capua Nor, didnt he? [Yuri nods.] YURI Is your garandsons name Hachette? OLDER WOMAN H-how did you know that? YURI I used to be a knight, myself. I trained with Hachette. OLDER WOMAN Well, well! YURI I have a message from him, actually. He told me to tell you that hes doing well in Heliord. OLDER WOMAN Yes, Im sure hes working hard for the Knights Im glad. Thank you for telling me that. I must give you something for your thoughtfulness YURI No, youve given us enough already. JUDITH Well definitely use your recipe. Thank you! The Wonder Chef walks into view. WONDER CHEF Thats my cue [wildly waving his golden frypan] Dont be hasty! The recipe for my Transcendent Seafood Ricebowl, the holy grail of cooking, is right here! And now, it is yours!! All RITA [scratching her head] Uh, lets go RAVEN Good call They all turn around and leave. The chef drops his pan on the ground as he raises his arms to his sides dramatically. Yuri spares a backward glance at the Wonder Chef. WONDER CHEF Wha?! Where are you going? You must take my recipe for Transcendent Seafood Ricebowl! It is the end product of my grueling and relentless research! They walk away leaving the Wonder Chef blinking in disbelief and disappointment. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Professor Sicily - Part 2: In Capua Nor, go west and find Professor Sicily for Raven to learn the Vacanza skill and his Twilight Dreamer title. You run into Sicily on the road to the Magistrates Palace. SICILY Oh, buona sera! How are you, my amici? YURI Apparently were his friends now. RAVEN Urgh, its him again KAROL This is This the guy we met back in Halure. JUDITH What are you doing here, Sir? SICILY Oh? Ehhh, I was just watching the sun set over the sea! ESTELLE Just watching the sun set Really? SICILY Si, signorina! Perhaps all of us can watch it together? Especially Signor Raven! For him, I am sure something like this is perfetto! YURI Hes calling you out, old man. RAVEN H-hey! Howd I get brought inta all this again! YURI Well, well be waiting for you back at the inn. They walk away, leaving Raven all alone with Sicily. JUDITH [walking away] Heh heh, good luuuck!


Good luck, she says What the heck am I supposed ta be doing SICILY You do nothing. Thats it. Just look ouuuut at the sea! RAVEN Look ouuuutat the sea Raven stands beside Sicily at the low wall and looks out over the sea. Sicily looks at Raven with interest. SICILY Oh! Raven, mio amico Is that a bodhi blastia? RAVEN Huh? Oh yeah. I can use this ta learn weapon skills. SICILY Hmmm You know, I hear bodhi blastia, can be used to learn artes even without the weapons equipped! RAVEN Really? Ya dont say SICILY In effetti, they say that weapon skills are buried deep under a persons skin. And the weapons are nothing more than a key to bring them out! Or so I hear RAVEN Hmmm Ya sure know a lot about these things. SICILY Well, they are just rumors. I cannot say for certain, but RAVEN I see SICILY Well, I must go! Be well! Arrivederci! Sicily runs back toward the town. RAVEN I dont really get that guy The bodhi blastia on Ravens sword hilt flashes with light. RAVEN Huh? Wh-whats this? INFORMATION Raven learned the Vacane Skill. INFORMATION Raven earned the Twilight Dreamer title. RAVEN How in the? I get the feelin theres more than meets the eye with that weirdo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------King of Adventure - Part 2: Find the King of Adventure inn north of Halure or west of Aspio and rest to talk to Rich. This must be done BEFORE killing any Giganto monsters. They spend the night with the King of Adventure traveling Inn. That evening, Karol practices with his weapon while Rich sits by the campfire. A sword sticks up out of the ground nearby. KAROL Hyeah! Hyeah! Yuri joins them. YURI Hmm, thats a pretty ancient-looking sword. RICH Hmpf YURI [sitting by Rich] The blades gotten really dull, too RICH Its no longer anything more than an antique, unfit to cut man or beast. Karol sits by the campfire to observe the sword, too. YURI Is that sword important to you? RICH It belonged to someone I respect. I cant just get rid of it KAROL RichIt seems like youre not running a traveling inn just for the heck of it. Am I right? RICH Hmpf YURI You shouldnt be so nosy, Karol. RICH Its all right



Im Im a warrior, not an innkeeper I left my7 village with Karen to slay Giganto Monsters I was 15 at the time When you were 15? How old are you now? Im 28 Thirteen years, huh Thats pretty long The Giganto Monster Thats the name of a giant type of monster living all over the world. I heard that an exerination force sent by the empire to kill them ws entirely wiped out. Unitl every single on e of those monsters has fallen, I cannot go back to my hometown Whys that? Sounds like theres something youre not telling us. Maybe we can help? It seems like youre having a tough time of it. But you see I dont know the details, but ou committed to doing this yourself, ididnt you? ...Y-yeah Then it sounds like this is up to him, Karol. Y-yeah Thanks for letting us stay the night. No problem Come again!

Maybe we should have helped them We cant solve all of the worlds problems by ourselves. Though if we ever happen to run into those monsters that he was talking aboutwe might as well take them out for him. I dont see nay problem with doing that much. KAROL Yeah. All right. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~ NORDOPOLICA ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ The Dragoon - Part 2: Speak with the fish seller in front of the black cauldron. (NOTE: I believe this is the correct script for The Dragoon-Part 2. In the game script, I identified the script for part 3 of The Dragoon as Part 2.) KAROL MAN JUDITH RAVEN Batangi? Thats a type of fish, right? Is it any good? It useta be as bad as a brine-soaked boot! Ye couldna ate it if ye tried. But no, its rather tasty! [walks away while the others talk to the bespectactled man] Ya say the fish useta taste bad, and now its good?


Aye, it was a wee, gamey fishie, wit nae meat oughtlins. But it got all nice an fat all o the sudden. It makes a right braw meal now! RITA This could be caused by a local aer imbalance, as well. I wonder if theres and aer krene at the bottom of the ocean YURI Judy Not again VOICE Its terrible! Hurry! Two men run through. One stops to speak with the man wearing glasses. MAN [GLASSES] Eh? Whats all this hubbub aboot? MAN [RUNNER] I dont know any details Simply that a blastia has been destroyed. MAN [GLASSES] Whod do a thing like that? MAN No one saw their face, but apparently it was someone wielding a spear. They both run in the same direction as the other man. RITA A spear! Its that dragon freak! Rita runs after them. ESTELLE Oh, Rita! KAROL Ritas always running off to one place or another! Isnt that right, Judy Judy? YURI I think Judys very much the same way, to be honest. JUDITH Eh? I dont think thats true. [Judith arrives from the same direction as the running men] KAROL Where were you? JUDITH A very nice gentleman invited me out to tea. RAVEN What? Inconceivable! Rita returns. YURI We dont need your commentary, old man. JUDITH It seems like theres some commotion going on. Did something happen? KAROL A blastia was destroyed! By the same dragon rider as last time, too. JUDITH Oh. How frightening! YURI Yeah Ill bet youre scared stiff RITA It was torn to pieces Damn it! I swear, Im going t omake a permanent imprint of my fist into that dagon freaks face! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Estelle's Teacher - Part 2: Find Drake at the bottom of the stairs on the way to the Colosseum. Drake stands on the stairway to the coliseum. ESTELLE Master! DRAKE Ah, Princess, its been a while. Are you in good health? ESTELLE Yes. Master, you look quite well, yourself. DRAKE It seems youve traveled to a great many places since last we met. ESTELLE Yes! Ive seen and heard so many thingsits been an amazing experience. [MISSED A LINE OR TWO OF DIALOGUE HERE]


What a self-righteous old geezer. I didnt notice that attitude the last time we met him. Is he always like that? ESTELLE Yes, Master Drake has always been verystrict. Im pretty used to it, though But really, he might just be the reason that Im traveling with you. I mean, I want to prove myself to him JUDITH Thats just a guess, right? ESTELLE Im sorry, actually YURI No, its fine if youre just guessing. Its true that you want to prove yourself to him, right? ESTELLE Yes. RITA All right, then you should set him aside and give him a piece of your mind someday! ESTELLE Okay. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Duke - Part 4: After Raven rejoins the party, you can find Duke in the reception area of the Colosseum. They enter the double doors leading to the registration tables. At the top of the stairs behind the row of desks, a frantic man runs his hands through his hair over and over again while another punches the air with his fists. Duke is there, too, talking to Belius guard, Natz. NATZ Im sorry, but the Duce is not currently receiving visitors. Please come back later. Duke turns to leave, but Yuri stands on the stairs a few feet below him. YURI Hey, we keep bumping into each other. Must be fate. DUKE There is no such thing. YURI Maybe not. What brings you to a place like this? DUKE I have come with tidings for the age-old master of this city. YURI Belius? Are you here on business with a guild or something? Probably not, right? DUKE It is nothing so vulgar as that YURI Vulgar? [chuckling] All right, so what kind of noble errand are you on? DUKE I need not answer that. Duke desends the stairs, pasing Yuri. YURI Dont tell me youre out to save the world or something. DUKE .. YURI Man, whats with that guy? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dark Enforcer - Part 5: Rest at the inn for Yuri to learn Shining Eagle. They spend the night at the inn before meeting Regaey in the registration room of the coliseum.

Its nighttime and Yuri speaks to Repede whos lying down in front of the Inn. YURI Dont worry. Im just going to check out that rumor I heard today about people in town disappearing. Yuri walks downs the steps to the wharf and hears a voice. VOICE Eeek! H-help me Someone, someone please help! YURI ! Yuri runs in the direction of the plea and sees a man groveling before a red-haired man armed with a sword. MAN Not only do you team up with the tipsters to rip off innocent customers, but then you kidnap people who couldnt pay their debts and do away with them! You dirty piece of slimethis is what you deserve! He strikes the groveling man with his sword knocking him on the ground. VICTIM Aaaaaaah! YURI Whoa The red-haired man flees, running past Yuri. YURI Who was that guy? And what was that? INFORMATION Yuri learned the Shining Eagle Arcane Arte. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~ WEASAND OF CADOS ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Duke - Part 5: After completing Weasand of Cados, re-enter the cave and head back toward the Aer Krene. ESTELLE Its him They see Dukes standing on the other side of the path over the aer krene water pit. Rita runs toward Duke. RITA If youre here for the aer krene, the monster already got it under control. DUKE I heard KAROL Heard? From who? ESTELLE But Regaey--err, I mean Yeager--was the only other person here then Yuri walks onto the bridge and stops slightly behind Rita. KAROL Wait, then you and Yeager are?! DUKE I thought I told you Stay away from the aer krene. YURI Sorry about that. We just totally stumbled on this one by accident. Honest. DUKE Then you will leave immediately. Do not return again. Duke turns to leave. RITA Hold on a second Duke ignores her and keeps walking. RITA Okay, what is with his attitude? YURI Were already here sowe can just leave after youve examined it. RITA Youre kidding, right? Arent there plenty of other things we should be doing instead? YURI Well, WE do, but RITA [uhhh] (exasperated}


We all do. Estelle. All right, then. Lets go. Rita, you too. [Rita nods]

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~ MANTAIC ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Wonder Reporter - Part 3 (Final): In Maintaic, find Wonder Reporter near the tree by the middle intersection near the water. WONDER REPORTER Oho, you found me! While you sleep, Ive been sneaking in and updating your Wonder Log! Oh no, you know my know my precious secret! And yet, youre the first person Ive ever told. Its all right! Just let this stay our little secret, and Ill keep sneaking up to your bedside and working my magic. [heart] Oh no, I think I just violated the reporters code of confidentiality! Goodbye! YURI [sweatdrop] (The wonder reporter disappears in smoke) Im scared ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Moonlight Talon: After your party has rested at the inn, rest again for Judith to learn the Moonlight Talon skill. While the others are asleep, Judith walks toward the door preparing to leave the room. YURI Mrngh Where are you going? JUDITH The moons so pretty, so I thought Id go out and take a walk. There is the sound of wagon wheels and hooves. KAROL What? What was that sound? RAVEN What strange sounds The sound of a wagon wheels and hooves stops. RITA So noisy Whats going on? JUDITH Its nothing, everyone. Go back to sleep. Repede shakes himself and gets up. YURI Ugh, now were all awake. Stupid noisy son of a The scene changes and Yuri, Judith, Rita and Karol stand near the first two now empty beds. While Repede lies on the floor next to Yuris bed, Estelle lies on her back in the bed opposite Raven, who is also stretched out on his back. RITA Nope, one of us is still sound asleep. ESTELLE Mrngh mrngh No, no more tapioca RAVEN What happened? KAROL There was some weird sound outside the door. Like

someone carrying something heavy. This late at night? Thats strange. Anyway, you want to go and see what it was? Yeah, good idea. Hey, Estelle, get up. Were going out for a bit. Huh? A party, for me? Shes still dreaming Im sleeping too Argh, I swear Repedes also asleep. We should just let them rest. leave the room. Youre coming, right? Yes. the stars, two knights of the Cumore Brigade stand drawn carriage. Hurry up Hes waiting for us Yes sir Buthow could such an object like this possibly be used? KNIGHT #2 You ask too many questions. This is a special assignment YURI That looks heavy. Want some help? The knight turns around to see Yuri, Karol, Rita and Judith standing behind him in the street in front of the inn. KNIGHT #2 Ah, nice of you to offer Huh? Its you RITA Thats a hoplon blastia, isnt it? What are you going to use it for? KNIGHT #2 [to other knight] Run! KNIGHT #1 Y-you want me to run? KNIGHT #2 You fool, hurry up and run away! He runs to the carriage and it rolls away toward the western exit. YURI Lets go after them! They catch up with the carriage in the desert. YURI End of the line, boys. KNIGHT #2 Theyve caught us! [he assumes a fighting stance] Our orders were to eliminate all witnesses, no matter what! KNIGHT #1 B-but KNIGHT #2 Enough grumbling, do it! KNIGHT #1 Yes sir! KNIGHT #2 Ill just use this [activates the blastia] Agh! [stares at the control panel, clueless] JUDITH [weapon drawn, ready to fight] Say goodbye! Judith knocks the knight down with her spear and in the process manages to pierce the blastia, causing it to smoke and burn. KNIGHT #2 Gah! Both knights lie upon the sand while the blastia continues to smoke and flame. RITA Argh, this wouldnt happen if amateurs would keep their clumsy hands away from blastia! KNIGHT #1 Eeeek! [jumps to his feet and runs away] The blastia continues to burn inside the wagon. KNIGHT #2 Damn it, you just wait Ater both Cumore Knights have fled the scene, Rita runs toward the ruined blastia. KAROL Rita, its not safe! RITA B-but Oh no, the core is burnt to a crisp YURI Its too late RITA KAROL YURI RITA ESTELLE KAROL RAVEN RITA YURI Karol and Rita JUDITH YURI JUDITH Outside, under beside a beast KNIGHT #2 KNIGHT #1

Yuri looks long and hard at Judith. JUDITH YURI Did your walk have to do with going after this blastia, by any chance? JUDITH What could you possibly be talking about? YURI Well, it ended up destroyed in the end, anyway. JUDITH YURI Its gotta be hard doing it all by yourself, trying to keep it all a secret from everyone. JUDITH I know You cant even go for a nice walk without someone butting in. YURI You still wont tell us your reasons for going around and destroying blastia? JUDITH [walking away] Yeah. I stillthink that its something that youre just as well off not knowing. YURI KAROL ? [watching Judith walk back to town] INFORMATION Judith learned the Moonlight Talon Base Arte. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Estelle's Precious Thing: Rest at the inn twice in a row to recieve the 'Mother's Momento'. (Required in an upcoming Secret Mission) Its nighttime. The palms sway gently in the breeze and cast shadows upon the sand. Estelle stands at the edge of the oasis. YURI Hey, Estelle. ESTELLE Oh Yuri. YURI Is thatwhat you were going to give us as payment? ESTELLE Yes, its a memento of my mother. YURI Your mom She passed away? ESTELLE Yes, when I was still a child. What about your mother, Yuri? YURI It happened when I was a baby. I dont even remember what she looked like. ESTELLE I see ESTELLE I thought that I was special, to never have a father or mother while I was growing up. But you, and Karol, and even Ritayou all grew up by yourselves, too. YURI Well, in my case, everyone in the lower quarter helped raise me. ESTELLE Everyone in the castle helped to raise me, too. But I still felt lonely sometimes. Whenever that happened, I would look at this memento and think of my mother. It helped bring my spirits up a little. YURI ESTELLE Whatre you doing trying to give away something so important to you? You should keep it safe! After I started this journey, I completely forgot about the memento of my mother. I think, because I was with you, Yuri I didnt need it anymore I had stopped getting lonely Are you going to get rid of it? We all have to leave our old memories behind. Everyone


else is living fiercely and not worrying about the past. I need to learn how to grow up and move on, too. YURI If you dont want it, let me hold onto it for you. ESTELLE Yuri YURI The time will come when youre going to need it. Youre going to want to reevaluate who you are. Youll need to remind yourself who you were, and how far youve come. You dont want to make any rash decisions now that youll regret later. ESTELLE Maybeyoure right But until then, please take care of it for me, Yuri. If I lose sight of where Im going, I may have to fall back on it. Estelle walks away. YURI Thered be nothing wrong with that, either INFORMATION Obtained Mothers Memento. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~ SANDS OF KOGORH ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ No side quests here.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~ YORMGEN ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ No side quests here.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~ MANTAIC ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Reward for Helping Others: Speak with the children in the alley behind the inn. YURI Hey kid, hows it going? ALPH Oh, its you! Yay! LAYLA Thank you for saving our Mommy and Daddy! RAVEN Aw, shucks, kids, twerent nothin! RITA What are you getting all bashful for, old man? JUDITH After all, we even got a reward for helping them. JUDITH Oh, whats the matter? The parents join them. FATHER Hey, its you! Thanks so much for your help back there! MOTHER Thanks to you, our children have someone to take care of

them again. No, really, we hardly did anything. No, no, its thanks to all of the precious water you shared with us that were here today! MOTHER I doubt this is really enough to thank you for all youve done, but INFORMATION Obtained Hourglass. KAROL Thank you! FATHER Its the least we could do. Thank you. As the others leave, Judith approaches Alph. JUDITH Here you go. ALPH Huh? JUDITH This is important to you, right? You can have it back. ALPH But JUDITH Dont worry, your Mom and Dad already gave us something to thank us for helping them. We couldnt take your reward too! That would be greedy! ALPH O-okay! JUDITH See ya later, okay? INFORMATION Handed over Glass Marble. Judith leaves to join the group. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------ESTELLE FATHER ---------------------------------------------------------------------------Kowz Boy - Part 1: After most of the knights have left, re-enter Mantaic and spend the night at the inn. Then follow the path under the arch to the right of the inn. The small courtyard behind the inn is accessible now that a knight is no longer standing under the arch blocking the way. Beyond they find what appears to be a small child dressed in a cow costume standing beside a small sand pit. KAROL W-who are you? KOWZ Ding-dong! Im Kowz! You can call me K-Z for short. Nice to meetcha! RITA K-Z? Dont you think Kowz is plenty short enough? KOWZ No need to be so sassy, Flatty McChesterson! RAVEN F-flatty McChesterson!! Hah hah! I like the cut of yer jib, K-Z! Rita sets her sights on Raven and readies a firey arte. RITA Im surrounded by idiots Whats the point of having big boobs, anyway? They just get in the way! RAVEN I g-guess YURI So, what are you doing in a place like this, anyway? KOWZ Good question! I guess you could say Im helping out with some chores. ESTELLE Oh, thats so nice of you to help your mother with the chores! KOWZ My mother? You crazy? Who said anything about that? Im helping out the Ant Lion Man! JUDITH Is Ant Lion Man the name of a friend of yours, or something? KOWZ Yepperoo! Somehting like that, Ms. Bouncy-bouncy. KAROL B-bouncy-bouncy

[blushing] Anyway, could ya let me borrow an Apple Gel? If you do, Ill show you what I mean. [you are given a choice.] INFORMATION Handed over Apple Gel. KOWZ Oh, thanks! The kowz turns to the flowing sand trap and chants: KOWZ Round and round we go! Where we stoponly I know! The sand pit roars and spews sand into the air. Out comes the Ant Lion Man, landing beside the Kowz. All ! KOWZ Catch! There is the sound of a cash register ringing up a sale. ANT LION MAN Oo hoo! Thankee, thankee! The ant lion man jumps back into the sand pit and the roaring and spewing sand quit. YURI What the heck was that KOWZ That is my friend, the Ant Lion Man. You can call him Ato-the-L for short. RAVEN Imat a loss JUDITH So He took that apple gel, huh? KAROL I think so I was too flabbergasted by all this weirdness to really notice. RITA Yo, give that apple gel back, you! KOWZ Give it back? Dont be so heartless, Flatty! Youll just have to take this instead. Here. INFORMATION Obtained Milk. KOWZ Fresh-squeezed from the udders of your truly! Moo hoo hoo. [heart] All . . . ---------------------------------------------------------------------------KOWZ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------Guild Quest - Part 1(a): Once most of the knights have left the city, speak to the man across from the building nearest the lake. A man wearing a white shirt with black vest and pants stands to the side of the path to the lake. RAVEN Hey! MAN Hey there, Raven! Your friend, therethats uh, thats the little guildhopper, right? KAROL The names Karol! Im a member of a guild called Brave Vesperia now. MAN Ohh, Brave Vesperia, huh? So what business does your guild have with us? JUDITH Is this the Union outpost? MAN Yeah. Looking for a job? [Karol glances back at Yuri.] Well, lets seethis is about all Ive got at the moment Yuri reads the note the man hands to him. YURI I request transportation for my goods. Yu Seron. Whats this supposed to mean/ Theres no detailed information here. KAROL Well, it is the Union. Theyre probably all going to be

pretty standard jobs. Should be just about right for one of your first jobs. It pays 4200 Gald. RAVEN Hold on a sec. Brave Vesperia isnt a member of the Union, ya know. MAN Huh? Youre unaffiliated? Okay, so with the 30% finders fee, that brings your take down to 3000 Gald. What do you think? You want it? [Decline Offer] MAN Okay. Feel free to stop by whenever you need work. I should be able to hook you up. MAN 2nd converstation with man from Union: MAN What do you say to that job I told you about last time? [Accept Job] All right. Now go talk to the client. Theyll fill you in on all the details of the job. Yus a guy who usually hangs out around the bridge near the entrance of town. KAROL All right, lets go and talk to him! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Guild Quest - Part 1(b): Talk to the red-haired man near the inn. A red-haired man stands under a palm tree near the archway of the bridge. KAROL Are youMr. Seron? MAN Yes, Im Yu Seron. Are you from the Union? KAROL Yeah, were a guild, Brave Vesperia. YU Brave VesHmm, I havent heard of you KAROL Dont worry. We can handle it! You need people to deliver some stuff, right? YU YesId like someone to take a book to an old friend of mine. JUDITH A book? YU Yes, quite an important one. Its a book that holds many memories for us. KAROL Well make sure to take good care of it. YU Please dont lose it. If that should happen Ill have you pay compenstation for the lost item through the Union. YURI Karol said dont worry, right? Do dont worry. JUDITH And who might this friend of yours be? YU His name is Nobis Celestial. Hes currently traveling, so I dont exactly know where he is I think hes probably in one of the cities on Tolbyccia or Desier. Please take this crest. If you carry this with you, he should recognize it and call out to you himself. A fiery soul into a sea of flames. Youll know its Nobis if he says this to you. KAROL Okay, got it

YU Yu walks away. JUDITH What was that thing you said at the end there that sounded like a magic spell? KAROL Its an oath for taking a new job. Its proof that you accept the clients request. JUDITH Interesting. YURI All right, lets go look for Nobis! REPEDE *Aggressive bark* INFORMATION Obtained Book of Friendship. INFORMATION Obtained Comrade Crest. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Guild Quest - Part 1(c): Go to the inn at Capua Torim and speak to a man standing inside near the front desk. As they walk into the Inn, a man standing near the front desk gets an idea [lightbulb}. MAN A fiery soul into a sea of flames KAROL ! Thats Thats what Mr. Seron said JUDITH Would you be Yus friend, Nobis? NOBIS Indeed. You were sent to find me? Karol hands something to Nobis. KAROL Yes, we brought you something from Yu Seron. INFORMATION Handed over Book of Friendship. NOBIS You havent looked at whats inside, have you? KAROL Huh? No, of course not NOBIS Very well. If that is all [turning away to leave] KAROL Oh, wait. I need to take some proof of delivery back to the client NOBIS [turning back to Karol] Ah, okay. Lets seeyou can take this to him as proof of delivery. [hands something to Karol} INFORMATION Obtained Rainbow Bookmark. NOBIS Well then, say hello to Yu for me. KAROL Of course. Thanks! [Nobis deparats] YURI Pretty good for our first job. KAROL Were not done yet. We still gotta take this proof of delivery back to Yu. JUDITH And then well finally6 be finished with the job. Karol nods. YURI Im glad we didnt lose the book before we got it to him! KAROL That wouldve been bad. I dont think you could just go out and buy a replacement for that book. RITA How would you even lose something like that? RAVEN Maybe if ya went ta the bathroom and accidentally left it by the sink when ya washed your hands? RITA Eww, thats dirty. Raven Whats dirty? Youre washin yer hands! KAROL We need to make sure not to lose the proof of delivery, too.

We accept this task in the name of the brightest star in the night sky--Brave Vesperia. Thank you for your help.


Okay, enough talking. Lets get moving! Yeah, lets go to Mantaic and see the client. Yikes, are we going back all the way? The sooner, the better. Dont you want to tell the client? YURI Theres no need for a rush. Talking of things like this, the more you wait, the more you joy. KAROL Is that true? YURI Lets see the client when we stop by at Mantaic later sometime. REPEDE Woof! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Guild Quest - Part 1(d): Once you've done that, go back to Mantaic and speak with the man near the inn for your payment. They find Mr. Seron under the palm tree near the archway of the bridge. KAROL We delivered the book, just like you asked. Here, look This is proof we finished the job. INFORMATION Handed over Rainbow Bookmark. Yu Oh, indeed. Thats Nobiss, all right. Wow, thanks so much for your help! And hre is the pay I promised you INFORMATION Acquired 3000 Gald. KAROL If you ever need anything else, dont hesitate to call on Brave Vesperia! Yu Yes, Of coursesee you later. Yu Seron walks away. ESTELLE A symbol of their friendship How touching. I wonder what kind of book it was. RAVEN It was just a normal book. Looked like it had something ta do with economics. KAROL Did you look inside, Raven? RAVEN So what if I did? KAROL I mean, its fine, butwhat if the client had hidden something private in the book? RAVEN Oh, its no big deal. No harm done if it didnt get in the way of the job. YURI An economics book, eh Doesnt sound too racy. JUDITH It wouldve been funny if some romance novel was the proof of two guys friendship! YURI Really? KAROL Anyway, I guess were done with our first job with the Union. YURI So this is what its like to work in a guild. KAROL Yeah. If we were the Hunting Blades, wed probably get jobs to exterminate monsters. Fortunes Market usually does stuff like transport products over long distances. JUDITH So, Brave Vesperias in the delivery business, then? KAROL Well, we Uhhh REPEDE *Howl*, woof woof! YURI We can think it over while we try out a few different kinds of work.


Yeah, sure!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~ WEASAND OF CADOS ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ No side quests here. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~ NORDOPOLICA ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ YURI'S DOWNTOWN LIFE: Return to Zaphias and enter Yuris room. They go up to Yuris room. The men go inside, but Estelle stands outside the open door. ESTELLE Do you mind if we take the room next door? YURI It might be a bit small, but go right ahead. Rita walks by. ESTELLE Oh, wait for me! Raven looks out of Yuris window while Karol checks out the winebottles, crackers and bag of fruit on the small table. Ted runs into the room with noisy footsteps. Ted Welcome back, Yuri! Raven and Karol turn around to look at Ted. YURI Youre full of energy as usual, Ted. Ted [looking at Raven and Karol] Eh? Flynns not with you? YURI Hes been busy with the Knights. I couldnt drag around some rising star captain on my little errands. Ted Did you two get in a fight again? KAROL Again? Do Flynn and Yuri fight a lot? Ted Yup, day in and day out. Yuri, I want you to go and make up with Flynn. YURI Look, its not that simple. Ted Simple? You and Flynn are as simple as they come! Like when we culdnt pay our taxes. You thought youd just get rid of the tax collector. Whats simple is your way of thinking. Even I wouldve thought that one through a little more. RAVEN Thats simple, all right. Ted Theyre both too stubborn. If theyd just give each other an inch Like when Yuri quit the Imperial Knightsthings keep getting rock like that. You two are incorrigible. Here, take this and go patch things up with Flynn. Ted hands something to Yuri. INFORMATION Obtained Bread. KAROL Bread? Why? Ted You can split it. Yuri and Flynn have split everything with each other, ever since they were kids.



Like their first sword. They could only afford one, so they switched off using it all day long. Ah, I think Im starting to see how similar Yuri and Flynn really are. [scribbled thoughts_like a tumbleweed symbol] Weve been together forever. When you grow up in the same environment, youre bound to be a little alike. Youd better make up with him before the next time you come back here. Then Ill have the missus cook up everyone a nice, big dinner! Make up with Flynn, huh It was so easy when we were kids

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~ DAHNGREST ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ No side quests here.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~ MANOR OF THE WICKED ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ No side quests here.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~ DAHNGREST ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ No side quests here.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~ FREE TIME AFTER AN UNFORTUNATE DEATH ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ LADIES MAN Part 1: In Dahngrest, enter the Tavern Sagittarius at the western part of the town for a scene. Reenter the Sagittarrius. WOMAN Ah! Its been a while since weve seen you in here, baby. What happened to you? RAVEN Oho, what a nice surprise. Ive been out runnin all

over the place on the Dons orders. No way, baby! Are you kidding? You and hard work dont mix! RAVEN Goin on a world tour is pretty nice. You should try it sometime. WOMAN Tee hee hee! Ill bet youve been partying it up everywhere youve gone. You rascal! By the way You friends dont seem like your usual crowd. You havent been trolling the local high schools for jailbait, have you? RAVEN Nah, not at all. WOMAN Ah. Good. Well, lets have a drink next time youre free. See ya. The woman walks away. KAROL A friend of yours? RAVEN Just someone I know. KAROL I dunno, you two seemed pretty buddy-buddy, Old Man YURI Karol, lets keep our nosy little questions to ourselves, eh? RITA What the hells her problem? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------WOMAN ---------------------------------------------------------------------------LADIES' MAN Part 2(a): After Mt. Temza, return to Dahngrest and talk to the woman at the circle intersection. As they approach the circle, a woman with the Surveyors Guild greets Raven. WOMAN Hey therebaby? Havent we seen each other a few times? RAVEN Ya. We used ta meet every now and then. WOMAN I thought so. Its been a while. Im still in the same place as always, if you want to come and visit RAVEN Ah, maybe one of these days. WOMAN Sure. Well then, until then. The woman walks away. KAROL Wherever we go, we run into girls who know Raven ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------LADIES' MAN Part 2(b): In Dahngrest, talk to a woman outside the Tavern Crimson Stars. On their way to the Crimson Stars tavern another woman recoginized Raven. WOMAN Hoo hoo! [music note] Looks like youve got some new lady friends! JUDITH RAVEN Uh oh, looks like a feisty one found me. WOMAN Im still waiting for you to apologize for hurting my feelings. Ive been waiting in the Red Meteor Swarm. RAVEN Sorry bout that. Ive been pretty busy.


Youre so cold, baby. Drop me a line the next time you think of me. RAVEN Sure thing. See ya. Another woman greets Raven with a wave on their way to the Union HQ. WOMAN Oh, if it isnt Raven! So youre back. RAVEN Hey. [Raven throws up his hand in greeting.] WOMAN Looks like youre drifting around aimlessly as usual. RAVEN Hey, dont talk ta people like theyre jellyfish! WOMAN When are you ever going to just settle down? RAVEN Not until these ol legs of mine rust and fall apart! Dont worry, Im sure the arthritisll set in soon enough. WOMAN Its just like you to say that. Come by and see me sometime, wont you? RAVEN Sure will. See ya! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------LADIES' MAN Part 2(c) {Final}: In Dahngrest, head toward the Union HQ for the final scene and recieve Raven's Ladies' Man title. They leave the tavern and head toward the Union HQ. A young lady, her hair in pig tails, follows them and shouts to Raven. YOUNG LADY Raven! They all stop and turn around. YOUNG LADY Welcome back! RAVEN Hey. KAROL Thats a bit different from the usual reaction he gets, dont you think? YOUNG LADY Where were you traveling, this time? Tell me all about your journey! How would you like some tea? I baked a cake yesterday, too. Youre all invited, of course. RAVEN Ya know I dont like sweet things, right? YOUNG LADY Oh, maybe I should have made dinner instead of tea and cake. JUDITH Everyones got their own tastes, I guess. YURI Seems that way. RAVEN Im tired, so I think Ill be on my way. You have someone else ta eat your cake for you, right? YOUNG LADY I want to feed you, Raven! RAVEN Come on, theres no use wasting your precious time on a bitter old fogey like me. Dontcha have an up-and-comin young lad ta keep ya company? Go and be with him. YOUNG LADY You mean Harry? No thank you! Hes so wimpy and negative all the timeI hate it! RAVEN Men change for women every day! Im sure youd be able ta change him inta yer dream guy in no time. Stop just makin excuses and get a move on. YOUNG LADY Im not making excuses! Raven, youre so mean! She runs away. Yuri is astonished. YURI Wow. KAROL HmmmI dont know what to think about Raven anymore.


I feel sorry for that girl after he treated her so harshly JUDITH Really? I think I see Raven in a whole new light. RAVEN Oh yeah? Ol Ravenll welcome ya with open arms, ya sweet thing. Just say the word. KAROL I think Ive finally realized just how much Raven likes girls! INFORMATION Raven earned the Ladies Man title. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ESTELLE'S TEACHER - PART 3: In Dahngrest, enter the Tavern Sagittarius at the western part of the town. Leave and meet Drake outside for the Imperial Crest key item. A man sits on the floor leaning against the wall. ESTELLE Is that man injured? WOMAN Back when we had that stand-off with Palestralle, he got crushed in the stampede of onlookers, and he ended up like that. Estelle runs to the man to heal him. YURI Hmmm Hey, Estelle [Estelle ignore him and kneels down to heal the man] Damn it She always has to be like this INJURED MAN Leave me alone! YURI ?! [walks over to stand behind Estelle] INJURED MAN Youre going to heal me, and then Ill owe you tons of money, huh? Thats quite a scam! Hmph! ESTELLE No, thats not true at all!! YURI The man wants to die, Estelle. You should leave him alone. INJURED MAN You think Im gonna die from a puny little wound like this?! YURI Even a little scratch can get infected. And then the infection can spread through your whole bodyand then you die. It happens a lot. INJURED MAN Y-you cant be serious! YURI Lets go, Estelle. ESTELLE Please hold still! [arms outstretched, she performs a healing spell] It shouldnt hurt anymore. Estelle stands and joins Yuri standing a few feet away. ESTELLE Sorry to keep you waiting YURI All right, lets go. Outside the tavern, they meet Drake. DRAKE Why would you use your healing artes on someone who tells you not to? ESTELLE Master I just wanted to make that person happy DRAKE Every single one of a princesss actions is exceedingly meaningful. Countless people are affected by what you do, and if youre not careful, they can result in confusion. YURI Isnt it better than sitting around doing nothing at all?


Yuri Sometimes the best course of action is taking no action at all. YURI What about all the people back in Halure that Estelle helped? Theyre grateful for what she did. DRAKE Are you aware that due to that action, a strange rumor of the appearance of a princess of redemption has taken shape? YURI Whats so bad about that? DRAKE Once you get peoples hopes up, they expect things from you. And these expectations grow and grow, until their hopes are finally dashed against reality. Once you fail to live up to their expectations, people become discontented, and this results in chaos. ESTELLE B-but DRAKE Luckily, none of the townspeople are aware that their princess of redemption is in fact the Princess herself. ESTELLE I DRAKE To rule an empire, you must think rationally, and not be swayed by fleeting emotion. You are not cut out to sit on the imperial throne. It would be best if ou stepped down from the candidacy as soon as possible. ESTELLE What should I do?! DRAKE Here, take this. Drake puts something in Estelles hands. ESTELLE This isthe imperial crest DRAKE Look at that and put some thought into your actions. ESTELLE YURI Hey, keep your chin up. ESTELLE Im okay Master Drake told me to put some thought into what Im doing. So thats what Im going to do. Im going to think about whether my actions are rally the right ones for a future empress. YURI I see. Good luck with that, Estelle. ESTELLE Yes. Thank you. INFORMATION Obtained Imperial Crest. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SLEEPLESS NIGHT: In Dahngrest, sleep at the inn for Karol's Insomniac title. They stay at the Inn a second time. Yuri and Karol share a bed. Yuris eyes are closed as he lies with one leg bent with knee up and hands behind his head on the pillow. Karol lies spread eagle on the mattress and with his eyes wide open. KAROL ! Phew I cant sleep A little later that night, Yuri finds Karol standing on the bridge looking over the side into the water. YURI Hey Karol. Cant sleep?


Yeah I had thisbad dream Bad dream? I was dreaming that everyone was about to die and I was trying to run to save thembut no matter how hard I ran, I never got any closer. YURI That sounds like a pretty bad dream, yeah. KAROL I got so scared that I woke up YURI Well, if you cant sleep, at least you wont be keeping us up with all your noise. KAROL ? YURI You dont know? Well, maybe that makes sense. Karol, you talk in your sleep. A lot. KAROL How would I know that? Im asleep when it happens! YURI Ha hayeh, I gues youre right. YURI Karol If youre still shaken up about the Dons death KAROL Its not just what happened to the Don. I dont know what I should do for Brave Vesperia. I dont even know what I can do. I still have to figure that out. YURI I see. KAROL And thats why Ive been having some trouble sleeping. Do you have worries that are keeping you up, Yuri? YURI Nah, not me. Im a man of action, heh. Thinking about things too much just makes my head hurt. I prefer moving my body, rather than those rusty gears in my head. It suits my personality better. KAROL Your personality, huhI wonder what suits my personality better YURI Maybe if you went to sleep and had a good dream, it would help you figure things out a bit? KAROL I cant keep running away to my dreams. YURI You wouldnt be running away. Youd be dreaming so that you can come back to us. KAROL Yeah Im sure once I go back to the inn and lie down Ill be able to sleep. Dont worry about me. You go on ahead. YURI Gotcha. Karol watches Yuri walk away toward the street for a few moments before he resumes watching the water. Yuri stops just at the end of the bridge to look back at Karol who continues to gaze into the water. YURI Even if he reasons things out in his head, his heart is slow to follow suit. I guess thats just how he is INFORMATION Karol earned the Insomniac title. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TRUTH OF RUIN'S GATE - PART 1: Enter the Shaikos Ruins. They return to Shakios Ruins and see a researcher wearing a red coat standing with his back to them. YURI Theres someone here RITA Those guys are from Ruins Gate.


Hearing about Ruins Gate again makes me think of Regaey Dont forget that the Regaey we saw was an imposter. Regaey was Yeager. Wait, I thought that Yeager was just disguising himself as the real Regaey. YURI Really? While they talk, another man runs to the other and shows him something he found. Yuri and the others watch and listen. WORKER Hey, look at this funny-looking thingamabob I found. The researcher looks at the object with great interest. RESEARCHER Archie, Youve found a part of a blastia housing. ARCHIE This is so awesome, Mark. Ill bet its a priceless historical artifact. MARK Lets get this back to Aspio in a hurry and show it to the researchers. ARCHIE Dont forget to write your name on it to prove youre the one who found it. Unable to bear it any longer, Rita runs to them and interrupts their conversation. RITA Just what do you guys think youre doing?! ARCHIE Wh-whats going on?! RITA Who do you think you are, vandalizing a valuable specimen like that? ARCHIE Its my natural right as the one who found it. RITA You idiot! What are you trying to do?! Ack! Its not coming off! Okay, you two, sit your butts down, NOW! The two men promptly sit down on their butts. YURI Uh, Rita? Whatre you doing? RITA Im going to explain to these half-wits the importance of treating blastia with a little respect! MARK Loo, Archie, I think the little mage is going to give us a presentation. ARCHIE Hmph Whys she so high and mighty? RITA Shut up and listen! After the presentation, the men remain seated with Rita looming over them. RITA Got it?! MARK Yes, maam. ARCHIE Ive never heard so many words come out of such a little person MARK I think wed be better off doing as she says. RITA Sheesh Im gonna give Ruins Gate a piece of my mind when I get back to Aspio The two men get on their feet. YURI Still, they seem really harmless. RITA I guess youre right But its the well-meaning idiots that sometimes do the most damage. YURI Aw, come on. Lighten up. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~ NORDOPOLICA ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

No side quests here.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~ WEASAND OF CADOS ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ No side quests here.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~ MANTAIC ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ No side quests here.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~ MT. TEMZA ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ No side quests here.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~ FREE TIME AFTER GETTING BAUL ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Monster Book - Part 1: In Capua Nor, look for Nan if you have completed 50% of the Monster Book. Karol and Yuri stroll the streets of Capua Nor at night time. Outside the Inn, they meet Nan in the intersection. YURI Huh? Thats KAROL Its Nan! Nan!! Karol runs to Nan, while Yuri remains a discreet distance away. NAN Karol KAROL After what happened at Mt. Temza Are you okay? NAN Im okay enough that I dont need your pity, Karol. I just let my guard down, is all. KAROL Yeah. I guess. NAN Do you want something? KAROL The Monster Book that I got from you has been helping us out a lot, Nan! [holds up book] Look at all the monsters weve put in it so far! NAN I see. But why are you reporting all this to me? You never know when well end up face-to-face, competing

to catch the same mark. Stop talking to me like youre my best friend. KAROL N-Nan NAN Im leaving. Nan runs away toward the field exit. KAROL Nan YURI Karol, you okay? KAROL Yeah Im fine Lets go YURI Okay. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hard Working Boy: In Dahngrest, sleep at the inn multiple times until you get a total of four scenes. Karol will learn the Special skill which enables him to use Mystic Artes. Hard-Working Boy: First Scene: They return to Dahngrest at night and stay at the Inn after visiting the Sagistarrius Tavern and meeting Drake outside. Later that evening, Karol lingers outside the Sagistarius Tavern. Unbeknownst to him, Harry is standing a few yards behind him. KAROL Don. I have to I have to get stronger! [swinging his sword repeatedly] Hyah! Haaaa! HARRY . . . Hard-Working Boy: Second Scene: Karol cant sleep so he practices using his latest weapon outside the Sagistarrius Tavern. Harry arrives and watches Karol swing his axe repeatedly in a wide sweeping arc. KAROL Hyeaaah! Ryaaah! HARRY Harry walks closer into Karols line of vision. HARRY Hey! KAROL Wah! Y-you startled me Huh? Arent you H-harryright? HARRY Werent you practicing here last time, too? KAROL Ohyeah I always have trouble sleeping whenever I come back to this city HARRY Because of the Don? KAROL Yeah. I want to be strong, like he was. Every time I think of what he did, I feel like I have to work harder HARRY Harry walks up to Karol. HARRY You can borrow this. He hands Karol a slim, finely crafted, long-handled sword. KAROL Whats this? HARRY Its the sword that the Don used. Karol sinks with the weight of the sword. KAROL Its heavy It feels heavier than it looks HARRY Yes, all of the responsibility of holding the guild together is contained in that sword KAROL Yeah.


Ill let you use it whenever youre practicing here. It should make for better training than what youve had in the past. I can use this sword? Im just lending it to you, though! You have to give it back in the morning. I still need to work on mastering it, myself I see Thank you. walks away. The Dons sword All right then swings the Dons sword with renewed vigor. Dyeeaah! Hyaaah!

Hard-Working Boy: Third Scene: They spend the night at the inn again. That evening Harry watches Karol practice with the Dons sword in front of the Sagitarrius tavern. KAROL Hyaaah! Yaaaaah! HARRY Your stance is still too weak! Youll never be as good a fighter as the Don was like that! KAROL Urgh! Ryaaah! Yaaah! HARRY Thats it! Imagine your opponent in front of you and swing the sword just so! KAROL R-right! Hard-Working Boy: Fourth Scene: They spend another night at the inn. That evening Karol continues to practice with The Dons sword while Harry watches. KAROL Uryaaah! Ryeeeah! HARRY Okay! One more attack, and then take a break! KAROL Right! DragonUppercuuuut!! The sword flashes. KAROL *Pant* *pant* *pant* HARRY It looks like youve gotten pretty good at using his sword KAROL M-maybe ButI still have a long way to go. The blastia on Karols bag glows. KAROL Huh? HARRY Hmmmlooks like youve surpassed me. KAROL What do you mean? HARRY Youve learned the weapon arte thats stored in that weapon. KAROL Oh, I seebut whats this arte? HARRY The Don used this weapon. Its gotta be a good one, right? KAROL Yeahseems like it. HARRY Youve surpassed me You wont need to borrow this weapon anymore, I think. KAROL Yeahright. Thank you, Harry. INFORMATION Karol Learned the Special Skill. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Guild Quest - Part 2(a): In Dahngrest, enter the Sagittarius tavern

and speak with the bartender on the right. Later, they all enter the Sagitarrius and start a conversation with the bartender there. KAROL Hi there! BARTENDER Well, look who it is. Here for more work? Menu Look for job? Response Yes YURI Yeah. BARTENDER Lets see, a job I could give to you guys Hows this? KAROL Im looking for a lost pendant. -RhiannaKale?! YURI Whats up, Karol? Recognize the name? KAROL Uhhyeah, its, umm, someone in a guild I used to belong to. BARTENDER So, you already know the client? RAVEN The usual lookin for a lost item, huh? Ehh, works work, I guess. JUDITH The usual? YURI I guess people lose things. BARTENDER It pays 4500 Gald. So? You gonna take it? Reponse Accept job BARTENDER It should go pretty quick since you already know the client. Youll find her in the inn. YURI All right. Lets go. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Guild Quest - Part 2(b): In Dahngrest, speak with Rhianna in the Inn. They leave the Sagitarrius and set out for the Inn to find Rhianna Kale. They find Rhianna in the sleeping room. Strangely enough, Karol is nowhere to be seen. JUDITH Would you be Rhianna? RHIANNA Yes, Im Rhianna Kale. Who are all of you? YURI Weve been sent by the Union. RHIANNA So youre the guild members wholl look for my mothers necklace for me? Raven quickly approaches the woman to offer her support. RAVEN Ah, you poor, beautiful lady. Youre searching desperately for a memento of your mother? RHIANNA Thats right. Its the necklace that my father gave my mother when they got married. RAVEN Oh! The necklace she received on her wedding day! What a wonderful story, my sweet. RITA Its getting kinda creepy, old man RHIANNA This necklace is made of a rather valuable metal called Everlight. My father mined the ore himself and hand-crafted it into a necklace. It was truly the only one of its kind RAVEN So, what sort of identifying features does your necklace have? RHIANNA Everlight is a bright red metal.

My father made that metal into hexagonal links to form a necklace and gave it to my mother. RAVEN A necklace of bright red hexagons Quite distinctive. YURI Yeah, that should make it easier to find. So, do you have any idea where you might have lost it? RHIANNA Well, actually I dropped it into the river from the bridge at the entrance to town RAVEN What?! YURI How are we supposed to find that? RHIANNA Please! Its extremely important to me! JUDITH We can see that, with all youve told us, but What youre asking is impossible. YURI But we did tell the Union wed accept the task, after all. JUDITH Any other guild would turn a request like this down, once they realized they couldnt do it. RHIANNA No Rhianna slumps in distress. Raven turns to his guildmates. RAVEN No! No, no, NO! Once a guild has taken a job, it cannot refuse to do it! YURI What got into you?! RAVEN Cant you see that this young lady is deeply troubled? What kind of guild would refuse to help such a poor, sweet, beautiful girl? We accept this task in the name of the brightest star in the night sky--Brave Vesperia! RHIANNA Thank you! JUDITH And who put you in charge? YURI Oh well. I guess well go ahead and take care of it, right, Karol? They look around for Karol. RITA Hes gone. JUDITH Huh? He was waiting at the entrance just a minute ago YURI That would explain why its so quiet. REPEDE *Two barks* YURI Lets go and find him. They find Karol outside standing in the middle of the street. KAROL Hey, are you done talking to her? JUDITH Where were you? KAROL Oh, I remembered something that I had to do. YURI Thats all well and good, but let us know before you run off, would ya? KAROL Y-yeah, sure. Sorry about that. YURI Anyway, lets go over to where she said she dropped the necklace. REPEDE *Aggressive bark* Repede walks toward the bridge. YURI Im pretty sure she said she dropped it from the bridge. They stand on the bridge looking over into the water. KAROL I never really noticed how deep the water is here YURI So the client dropped her necklace right down here JUDITH Then, we dive into get it, I suppose? RITA Even if you jumped in, I doubt the necklace is there anymore. Everlight isnt all that heavy as far as metals go, so yeah. Im sure its drifted downstream. YURI Well, that would mean its lying somewhere on the

bottom of the ocean about now. REPEDE *Whine* An older man approaches them. MAN Id be careful if I were you. The currents pretty crazy around here, thanks to the ocean tides. If you fell in, youd be swept off in a jiffy! YURI The tides? This isnt the sea, though. MAN The water in this river is a mixture of ocean water and fresh water that runs down from the mountains. All of the rivers around here are like that. KAROL Wow, really I had no idea MAN Come to think of it, the body of the magistrate that they say was dumped into this river washed up over in Heliord. That just goes to show you how far the current can carry things that fall in. JUDITH Sounds like starting this search in Heliord might not be a bad idea. KAROL Thanks for your help, sir. MAN Huh? For what? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Guild Quest - Part 2-c: In Heliord, go down the lift to the Laborers Camp. There is a river nearby. Yuri, Karol and Judith walk out onto a short pier built over the water. YURI Nope. Theres no sign of that necklace that I can see. JUDITH If it was washed downstream, it wouldnt be unthinkable for someone to have picked it up. KAROL Why dont we ask around a bit in town? YURI Guess weve gotta start somewhere. They approach a young woman standing nearby under a tent. JUDITH Oh! Her necklace KAROL Ah! YOUNG WOMAN Wh-what is it? YURI Hey, can you tell me how you got that thing youre wearing around your neck? YOUNG WOMAN Oh, this? I found it by the riverside. KAROL Aha, just as we thought! YURI Is there any way youd consider giving it to us? The original owners sent us to come looking for it. YOUNG WOMAN But I RAVEN Now, be a bit more accommodatin. If its money, well reimburse ya however much ya want. YURI Hey, old man, whose money are you talking about! RAVEN Oh, dont throw a hissy. YOUNG WOMAN Well I couldnt accept money for it. But you know, I guess Id be willing to part with this if you gave me a small bird feather. YURI All right, well then A young man runs to the woman and interrupts them. YOUNG MAN Hold it!

Ill be takin that necklace. Even if I have to use force No, I mustnt use force. Perhaps Ill persuade her to give it to me. But I wont let you all have it! KAROL Shes already told us that shell exchange it for a small bird feather, buddy YOUNG MAN Well then, if I get here with that small bird feather first, will you give it to me? YOUNG WOMAN I dont care which one of you gets it. Ill give the necklace to the first person who brings a small bird feather to me. YOUNG MAN All right, Im off. Farewell! Dash! The young man runs around them and heads for the lift. JUDITH And hes gone, just like that. what a busy little man. YURI We shouldnt loiter around waiting for him to beat us to it. Lets go! They return with a small bird feather. YURI Heres the small bird feather you asked for. YOUNG MAN My, that was quick. Oh well. I had really taken a liking to itbut anyway, here you go. KAROL All right! INFORMATION Handed over Bird Feather (Small). INFORMATION Obtained Everlight Necklace. The young man comes running. YOUNG MAN Wait wait wait! I brought it too! Here you go, a small bird feather! KAROL Its already a littlebeaten up YOUNG WOMAN But I promised Id give the necklace to the person who came back with the item first, so I already gave it to them. YOUNG MAN W-what! Y-youre not going to give it to me!? But I must have it! YURI Unfortunately, we need this, too. Sorry, man, but we cant give it to you. YOUNG MAN Damndamn it! It looks like Ill have to use force REPEDE [blocking his way] *Big growl* YOUNG MAN A-ack, no, violence isnt the solution HahI give upoh, but, if only KAROL I sort of feel bad for him. JUDITH This is no time for pity, Karol. YURI This is Rhiannas necklace, anyway. It isnt ours to give, even if we wanted to. KAROL Yeah. Youre right. YURI All right, lets go back to Dahngrest! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Guild Quest - Part 2-d: In Dahngrest, report back to Rhianna in the Inn. Back at Dahngrest, they assemble outside the inn. JUDITH Do you think Rhianna is still at the inn? YURI Well, lets just go inside and take a look. KAROL HeyI um


Dont want to see your old teacher, huh? You can wait here if you want. KAROL [looks down] O-okay They find Rhianna in the inn. RHIANNA Oh, its you. Thanks again for what you did for me. YURI It was nothing. JUDITH It was a lot of work, actually. YURI I was trying to be polite REPEDE *Aggressive bark* YURI Actually theres something we want to ask you. RHIANNA Oh? Id be happy to help, if I can. YURI That necklace you asked us to find was made of Everlight, right? RHIANNA Yes. YURI You said your father mined the ore for the necklace and made it himself, right? Do you know where he got the ore from? RHIANNA I read in his diary a while back that it came from a mountain in wester Desier. JUDITH Mt. Temza? RHIANNA Yes, that name sounds right. He wrote that he went up to the mountain after spending the night in a Krityan village there. JUDITH Do you know when this was? RHIANNA Before my parents got married, soover twenty years ago. JUDITH Twenty years ago YURI That long ago, huh Theres no telling if theres any Everlight left there anymore. RHIANNA Im afraid I dont know anthing more than that YURI Thats plenty. Thanks! They leave and meet Karol in the street. KAROL Hey, did you find anything out? YURI She said it was twenty years ago on Mt. Temza KAROL Twenty years ago? Huh? What was? RAVEN That areas been a wasteland ever since the Great War. JUDITH But rocks are rocks. Wars shouldnt really affect things like that. YURI Judith, werent you born there? Did you ever hear anything about this? JUDITH Well, I was really little when I lived there. I never heard anyone talking about Everlight. YURI Hmm Okay. KAROL Wouldnt it be faster just to go and see if we can get any ourselves? YURI Yeah, youre right. Lets take a trip to Mt. Temza. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Rebuilding the Union - Part 1: In Dahngrest, enter the Guilds Union HQ. Inside the Union HQ, a man approaches them. MAN Ah, Raven. Just the man I was looking for. RAVEN Oops, looks like I walked inta the wrong building by accident. See ya. The man runs and stands in the doorway to block Ravens retreat.



MAN The man leaves. KAROL Miss Kaufman, eh? But I wonder where we can find her RAVEN Dont ya worry about that. We dont hafta search fer her or anything. Well just let her know if we happen ta see her. KAROL But YURI You think that Altosk will be able to knock the Union back into shape, dont you old man? RAVEN They learn quick and act fast. Theyre the only thing keepin the Union in check, if ya ask me. KAROL Ahh, right. RAVEN So if we happen ta see that pretty president anytime soon, lets be sure ta ask fer her help. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Rebuilding the Union - Part 2: In Capua Torim, talk to Kaufman at the Fortune's Market HQ. Kaufman sits behind her desk talking to a noble man. KAUFMAN Having a travel permit is Fortunes Markets right, as it is our responsibility.

Wait! Just hear me out. Weve already got our hands pretty full with other peoples troubles, ya know. [hangs his head, looking down] Harry isnt in any sort of state to help us with this Okay, okay. Ill hear what ya got ta say. But thats all! [head snaps up] Yes, sir! Recently, weve had countless skirmishes breaking out between the guilds and the empire. In the past, the Union has always mediated these disputes. But now that the Don has passed away, the Union is only a shell of what it once was. The Unions not workin like it use ta, so thats why yer comin by yerself ta talk with me about this? Yes. I hear that Fortunes Market and the Knights also clashed the other day over the sealing off of the Weasand of Cados. That would be Flynns blockade, I think. Yeah, probably so. And because of the law of no intervention between guilds, Altosk cant directly admonish Fortunes Market for what they did. Restorin the Union ta its former self may be the only choice weve got But Harrys in no condition to help, and we still need to do something about the next head of the Blood Alliance Weve gotta take things one at a time. First off is yer guild, Altosk. Do somethin to fix that boy Harry up. And if I run inta Madam President, Ill see if I cant convince her ta do things right, through the Union. I understand. Thank you for your help.

Since you sealed off the roads, I guess youre okay with our cargo shipments not going to the capital? NOBLE MAN Thats not what Im saying! KAUFMAN Its just like Nordopolica. What gives the Knights-protectors of the people--the right to oppress them? NOBLE MAN The Imperial Knights dont need your permission to do what needs to be done. I can see were not going to reach an agreement like this. Now, if you would please let me pass? KAUFMAN Wait! RAVEN Sadly, wht that official said is right. KAUFMAN Yuri Lowell? And you, arent you with Altosk RAVEN What a happy surprise ta be remembered by such a lovely lady. KAUFMAN [rising from her chair, leaning on one hand over the desk] Perhaps Altosk is planning on sticking its nose into the business of Fortunes Market? RAVEN Nah, I just came to ask fer yer cooperation. As a member of the Union. KAUFMAN Our cooperation? RAVEN Help us make the Union as strong as it useta be. Fortunes Market is one of the pillars of the Union. Or arent ya? Im sure ya know how important the Union is fer the guilds. Well all just get trampled on if we dont work together against them. KAUFMAN This, from someone whos been parading all over the world with Yuri for the past how many weeks? RAVEN Altosk has already mobilized. Thats why Im out here gatherin information. KAUFMAN I hear youve ben traveling as the Dons right-hand man, and watching the Imperial Knights. All right, lets do it. Well save face for you and the Don and promote the rebuilding of the Union. RAVEN Im glad youre as decisive as they say. KAUFMAN It is an honor to be recognized as such by someone so well-versed in negotiations with the Empire. RAVEN Please, ya flatter me. Ive just lived long enough ta get a little clever about these things. KAUFMAN I hope that I can do the same. Now, if youll excuse me. She walks away from the desk. KAROL Raven, Im impressed at how well you dealt with an imposing lady like Miss Kaufman! RAVEN Compared to the Don, she was nothin. KAROL Yeah. The Don was moreimpressive. RAVEN Dont just agree with me! Wheres the But Raven, you were awesome! KAROL Huh? B-but YURI Come on, lets go. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Waiter/Waitress Game Part 1: In Dahngrest, enter the Sagittarius tavern speak with the female bartender in the middle. Clear all three

levels with everyone except Yuri and Repede for the Waiter/Waitress series titles. WOMAN RAVEN KAROL WOMAN JUDITH WOMAN Welcome! Oh, its you Youre the Dons friends, right? Yeah, I guess ya could say that. Hey, the Don worked with this tavern, didnt he? Hmmm? No, not exactly. He just came here often to drink. Maybe this was his safe haven Where he could relax Exactly. We always worked hard, so the Don would have a place to take his mind off of things! ESTELLE Keep up the good work. If theres anything we can do to help, let us know! WOMAN Oh, really? in that case, I have a favor to ask of you. YURI You dont waste any time. WOMAN To tell the truth, the girl who used to help us around the tavern set off on an excavation trip or some such. That leaves us in a tight spot--were short on help. I dont know when that girls coming back, either. RAVEN So ya want us to take her place an help ya with yer customers? WOMAN Right. It would only be a temp job, so I wouldnt be able to hire you officially. KAROL No, thats fine. We dont want to become official employees. WOMAN Oh, I see. Too bad. Anyway, its hard work, so Id be paying you, as well. RAVEN Hey, Gald is Gald. Might as well, eh? RITA Looks like the Old Man is his usual money-grubbing self WOMAN I only need one person to help. Feel free to choose whoever you like. YURI Knock yourselves out, guys. Estelle and Karol turn to look at Yuri. ESTELLE Yuri, youre not going to help? Raven turns around and looks at Estelle. RAVEN A rude waiter like Yurid be bad fer business. The customers would take off in no time. RITA Youve got a point, old man. WOMAN Thanks, I appreciate the help. (KAROLS SHIFT) WOMAN Oh! Looks like some customers are arriving! Karol yawns and stretches. INFORMATION Playing the Game 1. Go over to the customers to take their orders when called. 2. Input the orders at the counter. 3. Once the order is ready, take it to the respective customer. 4. The game is finished when all the orders have been delivered to the customers. 5. Pay will depend on how well you fulfill the orders. Good luck! INFORMATION Hints: -Approach the customer to take their order once called. -The customer will only say the order once, so listen carefully! -You can only input one order at the counter each time.

-Bring the dish to the customer as soon as it is ready. -The customer will not be happy if you incorrectly bring them the number of dishes in their order. -Your payment will change depending on how well you delivered the order and how quickly you serve the customers. -Conditions will change depending on the server. WOMAN Im counting on you. Karol stretches and yawns. Afterwards: KAROL Ah, I see. I think Ive gotten a handle on the basics. WOMAN All right, then feel free to come by and help whenever you can! (ESTELLES SHIFT) WOMAN Youre very graceful as you move. Fantastic! ESTELLE Really? Maybe its because I like working with other people so much YURI it sound like your good breeding is showing through. WOMAN Oh, really? That ought to attract customers, too. We dont have many people of proper upbringing around these parts. ESTELLE I dont think I did anything special YURI Your nothing special is different from ours, Estelle. WOMAN Do you think youll come and help again? ESTELLE Y-yes, if I could help WOMAN Thank you. Here, take this. Its my best attempt at a uniform for you. YURI Hey, not bad. Why not try it on right now? ESTELLE Sure! Estelle comes back in a short gold and pale yellow top with an orange obi sash tied in a very large bow at the back. Her skirt is oyster trimmed with an orange hem. Her pumps are orange and her hair is tied in a high bun encased in an oyster colored cloth tied on with a red ribbon. The look is oriental and sophisticated. ESTELLE What do you think? WOMAN It looks great on you. Please come back and help again soon. INFORMATION Estelle earned the Gracious Waitress title. (KAROLS SHIFT) KAROL Phew! I worked my butt off! YURI Good job, Karol. WOMAN You sure do work hard for a kid! KAROL For a kid? Whats that supposed to mean? YURI Karol, it was a compliment. WOMAN Please come back and help out again sometime. Ive even made a special uniform for you. Karol jumps up and down excitedly. KAROL Really? Sweet! Thank you! Ill try it on right now. Karol appears in the costume. KAROL . . . Karol sports a white overshirt with sleeves gathered just below the elbow. A crisp white apron is tied about his waist. The green pants perfectly match his shoulder bag and are gathered below his knees. A white scarf covers his head and is tied in a neat little bow just below the back of his head. Pert little brown sandals shod his rather petite


I look like a lunchlady. Theres nothing cuter than a kid wearing an apron! Karol earned the Lunch Lady title.

(RITAS SHIFT) RITA Phew! Well, that about does it. WOMAN Amazing! You handled so many customers with such finesse YURI Well, she is a genius mage, after all. WOMAN I could really use some employees who know how to go with the flow How about you work for me full-time? RITA Youve gotta be joking. Ill pass. WOMAN Oh, really? Well, please let me know if you change your mind. YURI Rita, thats great! Now you have a place to go if that whole blastia research thing doesnt work out. RITA [sweatdrop] WOMAN Id like you to come and help out again sometime, so Ive made you a uniform. Please wear it, wont you? RITA Right now? YURI Sure, throw it on and see how it fits. Rita is dressed in a black mini skirt with a white ruffled stitched to the hem. Her apron is gold and fashioned after a cats paw complete with pink pads. Her brown blouse sports length sleeves. Black thighhigh leggings with a white motif on the ankle cover her legs. Her bulky Buster Brown shoes are brown with gold toned toecaps. On her head she wears black cat ears that perfectly match the black cats tail attached above her bottom. WOMAN Mmm, very nice! With a personality like yours and cute cat ears like that, youll be a hit! RITA What do you mean Ill be a hit?! WOMAN A hit with the customers, of course. You look Purrrrfect. I cant wait to see you working in that outfit! RITA [blushing] A cat, eh Heh heh. Meow. YURI Eh? Did you say something? RITA Who, meeeeow? YURI Huh? RITA I, uh, didnt say anything INFORMATION Rita earned the Kitty Cat Waitress title. JUDITHS SHIFT: WOMAN You give off such a professional air when you work. JUDITH Oh really? I was just acting the way I normally do. YURI It must be because Judith is always so relaxed. WOMAN Youre great. Really, just great. Howd you like to work here? JUDITH Sorry, Ill pass. Ive got things I need to do. I dont mind helping every now and then, though. WOMAN Aw, rejected Oh well, I thought you might say that. But since you said you dont mind helping on occasion, Id like to give you this uniform. JUDITH Oh, thank you! Ill try it on right now. Judiths glamorous outfit consist of a black short sleeve blouse, purple micro mini skirt, and thigh high black leggings accessorized with a white outer bra, purple neck scarf, black diamond shaped wrist

bands, blue and black high heeled shoes, and a pert blue head band with a white ruffle. YURI You look good no matter what you wear, Judy. WOMAN Wow, it looks great. Your body compliments the outfit quite nicely. JUDITH Its a little tight in the chest area WOMAN It looks like your curves were even beyond what I imagined. Im a little jealous. INFORMATION Judith earned the Glamorous Maid title. (RAVENs SHIFT) RAVEN Phew! That was some tough work! WOMAN Good Job. Youve helped me out quite a bit. RAVEN What else wouldja expect? I am the Great Raven, after all. YURI That was the first time Ive seen you do any serious work in a long time. RAVEN Whaddaya mean? Im always serious about working! WOMAN Well, with as many customers as we get, theres not really any time to slack off, anyway. YURI Yeah, he didnt have any time to goof off or flirt with any cute girls. RAVEN Phew, Im beat! WOMAN Yes, thank you again. Please take this new uniform as a token of my appreciation for your hard work. RAVEN Eh? For me? WOMAN Yes. This is my best attempt at making a uniform for a male employee. Its sort of a trial model. RAVEN No, no, it looks great! And a present from a pretty lass, no less! Ill take it with pride! Raven outifit is a yellow jacket with blue trim along the shoulder joins, and all edge hems worn over a white scoop neck tank. The pants sport a peach sash and hang below the knee. The short sleeve shirt is long, covering his front and bum and is notched on the sides and the seams of the sleeves. A yellow scarf is tied around his head and knotted in the back. He wears white tabi socks and blue sandals on his feet. A sky blue wristband completes the ensemble. RAVEN Hey, hey! Not bad at all! WOMAN It looks great on you. It matches your hairstyle, too. A perfect fit! RAVEN Whats this strange warmth? Love, perhaps? Wearing this, I can feel yer warm feelins of affection WOMAN You can feel the love? RAVEN Yeah, its filled with it! This handiwork is second ta none! WOMAN Thank you. Ill tell my father that you like it. Raven is appalled. RAVEN Ah, er, yer fathermade this? YURI Tell him that we could feel the love. INFORMATION Raven earned the Gentleman title. WOMAN Raven RITA I really cant thank you enough for everything youve done for me. Come on, ya dont need ta thank us. We got paid for it, and we even got nice new uniforms. You sure are a sucker for pretty girls, old man.


I wonder if all this work weve done would have made the Don happy ESTELLE Of course it would have. Im sure that he would be glad that were all helping out. WOMAN Ill bet hes looking down on us all from somewhere with a big, fat grin on his face. KAROL So you never ended up working at all, huh Yuri? YURI Yeah, I guess not. This type of work just doesnt suit me. JUDITH Hey, you never know. You might turn out to be a pretty good waiter. ESTELLE Just once, Id like to see what Yuri looks like waiting tables YURI [turns away, and waves] Stare me down as hard as you want Im not doing it. WOMAN Too bad. Ill bet youd be pretty popular. Not every tavern can claim to have such a stubborn waiter on their staff. RITA What the hell can I get you? RAVEN Dont order that! Its horrible! RITA Eat this, you idiot! JUDITH I dont need your money! Go home! YURI . . . others [music note] KAROL Yeah, I think hed be a hit. YURI Am I really like that? ESTELLE Youd be surprised. YURI I think Ill leave the waiter stuff to you guys. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Waiter/Waitress Game Part 2: Play the game a second time to have a contest against the waitress you subbed for. [NOT COMPLETED] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------After the Death of Belius: In Nordopolica, head towards the Coliseum to trigger a cutscene with Natz. YURI Hey, it looks like things have calmed down a bit for Palestralle. NATZ Whenever I see your faces, I cant help but remember Belius. YURI Yeah, I still feel bad about that NATZ No, dont. Ive got more good memories than bad ones. Like when I first met her, or when I joined Palestralle. I remember it like it was yesterday Natz grows silent while he thinks and paces a few steps then stops. NATZ Id been traveling on a solo journed around the world. The night that I forst saw her, a full moon hung in the

sky. I shivered with anticipation. It was a monster Ive never seen before! If I beat it, Id be famous! YURI Y-youre saying that you challenged Belius? NATZ Well, I was pretty foolhardy back then, And much to my surprise, I got my butt handed to me. When I came to, I was int the Coliseum, lying on a bed. YURI You fought Belius and livedthats pretty impressive in and of itself. NATZ NoI wasnt even in the same league as Belius. YURI Ahh, so she let you live? NATZ When I asked her why she spared my life, she told me this: Theres nothing to be gained by making a short life even shorter. YURI That sounds like something only an age-old Entelexeia could say. NATZ Im sure shes seen thousands of humans come and go in her lifetime. Even if they became her friends, or her subordinates, shed eventually outlive all of them. I cant even imagine how lonely that must be. But when she passed away, she was finally freed from theat terrible loneliness. Thats why I thinkthat what happened wasnt such a bad thing at all. YURI Hmmmmaybe youre right. Natz turns around to face Yuri. NATZ Oops, sorry if I got off on a tangent there. I never know when to stop talking. YURI No, I dont mind at all. I feel like I understand Belius a little better now. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Arena - Part 1: [Nordopolica] The Coliseum is now open. You can clear 30 Man, 50 Man and 80 Man Melee for now. [NOT COMPLETED] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Kowz Boy - Part 2: In Mantaic, give the Kowz a Trident for Rice, Potato, Onion and Carrot. KOWZ RAVEN KOWZ KAROL KOWZ Ding-dong-ding! Im Kowz! You can call me K-Dubbs for short. Howdy-doody! Youve come again, I see. You missed me, eh? Nah, we just wanted ta see whatcha were up ta, really. Oh, so you like me! You really like me! Hey, dont you ever get hot, dressed up like that? Hot? Why would I be hot?


Isnt that some sort of weirdo fursuit, or something? It makes me feel itchy just looking at you. What doooo you mean? I am naked! Cant you tell? I am going au naturel! I, uhh, err Try not to give it too much thought. Now, whats todays item du jour, you might ask? Dadum dadum dadummm DUM! Its the Trident! Tadaaa!


What do you mean tada?! Are you trying to tell us something? KOWZ Now now, no need to play dumb, Pheromone-Boy. RAVEN Heh heh! Pheromone-Boy The Kowz turns to Judith. KOWZ Pleeeease? [heart] JUDITH Another item exchange, then? KOWZ Exactly, Miss Bouncy! So hand it over! Select Give Trident? (No What a scrooge. [heart] Let me know if you change your mind, hey? (2nd visit, prepared to hand over the Trident) KOWZ Ah, youre back. Did you have a change of heart about the Trident?) (Yes) Information: Handed over Trident. KOWZ Thank ya, thank ya. The Kowz runs back over to the hole, chanting: KOWZ Round and round we go! Where we stoponly I know! The hole blows dust and an Ant Lion Man jumps out and stands before the Kowz. KOWZ Caatch! ANT LION MAN As always, thankee! Heh heh! The Ant Lion Man jumps back into the hole and the dust is sucked back into the hole and once again the sands flow endlessly into the hole. ESTELLE Even though I know when hes going to come out, hes still quite startling! RAVEN So, whatll ya give us this time? The Kowz turns his back to them, thinking KOWZ Hmmm, what indeed Here, you can have this. INFORMATION Obtained Rice. Obtained Potato. Obtained onion. Obtained Carrot. KOWZ Theres nothing like a yummy curry in a hot place! [heart] All KOWZ Im gonna kill you dead, baby yeah! So dead! [musical note] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

-----Dark Enforcer - Part 6(a): In Mantaic, go speak with the man sitting with the children by the lake. Yuri, Karol and Rita overhear a conversation between a man and two children sitting by the lake. LITTLE GIRL Is the ocean bigger than the lake? MAN Its much bigger, and much deeper. The ocean is bluer than any lake, and prettier, too! LITTLE BOY Fish live in the ocean, right? Where is it? LITTLE GIRL Is it far from here? MAN Yeah, its a little far from here. Rita walks away. LITTLE BOY Aw man! I wanted to go see it! Karol turns and looks up at Yuri. MAN You can go when you get older. You can get on a big ship and go to other cities, and see all sorts of new stuff! LITTLE GIRL Yeah! Karol, too, walks away. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dark Enforcer - Part 6(b): In Mantaic, sleep at the inn, then go to toward the lake. They spend the night at the Inn, ANTARES. Outside the inn that evening, Yuri addresses Repede. YURI I just thought Id have a walk and check out the city a bit. They say theres a kidnapper around here, you know. That guy who was playing with the kidsI feel like Ive seen him around somewhere Yuri strolls toward the lake, looking around to see if he can spot the kidnapper. He hears a voice from the house closest to the lake. VOICE Aahh! YURI ! A man runs quickly past Yuri. VOICE I caught you red-handed, you scum! Stop! Stop in the name of the Imperial Knights! Yuri watches a Knight run after the man. When the knight draws near, Yuri strikes him. YURI Yaah! Yuri takes out after the running man. He catches up with him standing under a tree near the western exit. MAN Hey, thanks for the help back there. And you reproduced the move I used back in Nordopolica perfectly YURI I thought itd be a good way to attract your attention. Youre the man who was with those kids down by the lake in the afternoon, right? MAN Ah, so you noticed. Were two of a kind, you know. Maye fates brought us together. YURI How do you know MAN I know who you are. Yuri Lowell, youre a man whos had to get his hands dirty, just like me.


Well, thats not fair. I hardly know anything about you. Unfortunately, I dont think I really have time for us to get all chummy. But just for tonight, Ill let you ask me one question. Besides my name, that is. YURI Just tell me whyyouve had to get your hands dirty. MAN Lets just say my reasons are not the same as yours. Im looking for the man who killed my swordsmanship teacher. Im just purging the world of a few villains in the meantime. YURI You dont mind murdering people along your quest? MAN Just a little collateral damage. But its who I am. YURI Its who you are? MAN Its fine if you dont understand. Maybe its better, even. You can still turn back. YURI What are you talking about? MAN I thought I told you, you only get one question. Well, Im off. I hope that our paths dont cross again. The man strolls casually toward the towns exit. YURI Yeah, Im not too crazy about seeing you anytime soon, either. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Portrait of Nan: After completing Bug Hater, rest at the inn in Mantaic. They decide to spend one more night in Mantaic. They enter the inn and find a member of the Hunting Blades talking to the Inkeeper. MAN I seeso the Chief and the others left town this morning. INNKEEPER Im not sure if they left the town, but they did spend the night here last night, and Im fairly sure that their leader was your Chief. MAN I see. As soon as the man leaves, Karols runs to the counter. KAROL M-mister, who was that man just now? INNKEEPER Oh, he said something about being a member of a guild called the Hunting Blades, I believe. It seems he got separated from the rest of his guild. though. KAROL D-did Nan stay here last night?! INNKEEPER Nan? YURI Chill out, Karol. You cant expect him to know that. JUDITH Sir, members of that guild were staying in this inn, correct? INNKEEPER Yeah, they were here until early this morning. KAROL W-was there a girl with brown hair traveling with them? INNKEEPER Actually, I seem to remember someone like that, yes She looked like shed be injured, somehow. KAROL That must be her wounds from fighting with us Oh no YURI You dont know that for sure. Those guys get into fights all the time. RAVEN Hey Yuri, ya think we might be here fer the night? Looks like the kids a mess. Some relaxationd be good fer his nerves.


Youre sure its not just that youre tired and want to rest? Well, there is that, too Hmmm

Stay at the inn? [Yes] YURI Good idea. Lets get some rest. RAVEN Well, you said it! Stay at the inn? [No] YURI We dont really have time to be lounging around in a place like this. Right, Karol? KAROL Y-yeah YURI You head him, old man. RAVEN Oh, too bad Later that evening, Karol stands under the palm tree near the Kowz boys sand pit and looks at a picture hes holding in his hands. KAROL Nan Judith appears. JUDITH Cant sleep, huh Karol hastily hides the picture behind his back. KAROL Judith Why are you up? Its so late. JUDITH I was just watching the moon KAROL The moon JUDITH Youre worried for that girl? Karol is surprised. KAROL Yeah. JUDITH Youre a nice kid, Karol. KAROL Ivebeen in so many different guilds But I ended up doing a cruddy job in all of them and quitting So all the guilds just gave up on me. But thenNan JUDITH She invited you into her guild? KAROL Ahyeah But we still havent made up since we got in that fight. Im sorry Im a member of Brave Vesperia now. I shouldnt be thinking about all this. JUDITH I dont blame you for it. Shes important to you, right? KAROL Erh-how did you? JUDITH You wouldnt carry around a picture of her if she wasnt important. KAROL Youyou knew? JUDITH Ive seen you looking at her picture with that silly look on your face several times now. KAROL OhI got a friend of mine from the photography guild I used to belong to to take that picture for me. JUDITH A little photography on the sly? KAROL N-noI mean, he just happened to take it as she was passing by I mean I guessit works out to the same thing. [hangs his head] JUDITH What a naughty boy. ButI dont think its all that bad, really. KAROL Really? I, I wonder Do you think well run into her again?


Im not sure No, I know we will I still have to make up with her! Heh hehgood luck with that. Well, Im gong to go to bed. Good night. KAROL Ohyeah Thanks, Judith. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Dragoon - Final Part: In Capua Torim, speak to the woman by the tree to the right of the Fortune's Market HQ. They stop to speak to the woman looking at the flowers planted around a palm tree next to Fortunes Market HQ. WOMAN The Shaggothim flowers all withered and died Rita turns to look at Judith. RITA You were the one who destroyed the blastia here, werent you? JUDITH Yes, that was me. RITA I see The reason for these flowers blooming like that was the aer imbalance from the blastia you destroyed And in the coliseum, too JUDITH You heard what the man in the boat said about the fish around there, right? I looked into it, and it was all due to the blastia. So I did what I had to do. RITA . . . Rita starts to walk away. JUDITH Youre not mad? RITA Im plenty mad! Butits in the past. I hate arguing about things that have already happened. Rita walks away. JUDITH Sometimes I feel like she might be TOO understanding. WOMAN Its sad to see a flower bloom with all its might and then wither They leave the woman and enter Fortunes Market HQ to talk to Kaufman. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Elucifer's Grave - Final Part: In Ehmead Hill, head toward the small monument on the cliff. They find Duke kneeling before the small monument near the trail. DUKE What are you? YURI Who are you paying your respects to? DUKE An old friend. A dear comrade who shared my cause, and gave his life in battle RAVEN Battle? Was he in a guild? DUKE Why would you think so? RAVEN Well, Imperial Knights who fall in the line of duty are given a state funeral.

DUKE This has nothing to do with the empire or the guilds. YURI Whats that supposed to mean? Duke rises to his feet. DUKE Those institutions are nothing more thatn man-made trivialities. RAVEN Is he the reason youve been driftin around so long? DUKE That is none of your concern. RAVEN Hey, no need ta get testy. Duke walks away and Yuri, Estelle and Raven look closely at the grave. YURI Just whose grave is this, anyway? RAVEN Its not a knight or somebody from a guild. Thats gotta mean Estelle walks away. YURI I know some people cant afford a burial, but why put them in a place like this? KAROL Estelle, what are you doing? Estelle stands near the monument, her head bowed and hands together in prayer. ESTELLE We may not know whose grave this is, but this feels like the right thing to do YURI Might as well Yuri, Karol, Judith, and Rita draw closer and offer their silent prayer. Raven, however, stays where he is and does not pray. YURI Okay, lets head back down. I think were done here. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Truth of Ruin's Gate - Final Part: In Nordopolica, head towards the Coliseum and talk to the merchant standing to the right of the headless statue. MERCHANT YURI Hello there. Mind is I ask who your connection is? What, we cant buy things from you without an introduction? MERCHANT Im afraid not. Im not quite like the other merchants, you see. KAROL You mean youre different from the people in Fortunes Market? MERCHANT Yes, yes, most correct. I am Mercedes Dunkel, black marketer extraordinaire. RITA Black marketer? MERCHANT A salesman for Leviathans Claw. I travel the wide world, selling my weapons wherever I set up shop. YURI Leviathans Claw So youre one of Yeagers henchmen?! MERCHANT Ah hah hah. Henchman has such a villainous ring to it. JUDITH What sort of things do you have in stock? RITA Jeez, Judith. Go ahead and make friends why dont ya. JUDITH I beg your pardon, but when did knowing ones enemy become a bad thing? MERCHANT Hah hah, I suppose I could show such an honest young lady my wares. I cant sell you anything, though. The merchant stoops and opens a chest at his feet. MERCHANT Here. This is a hoplon blastia that can spray a target with flames up to 100 meters away. Its actually an antique from quite a ways back, but

Ive kept it in top shape so it still works fine. ! Heythis. Theres a name written on it MERCHANT Yeah, must belong to whoever dug it out of the ground. KAROL Hey, those guys from Ruins Gate in the Shaikos Ruins were writing their names on the stuff theyd found. RITA Whats worse, this things got that idiots name on it, too. RAVEN Oopsie Looks like that solid proof of a connection between the two RITA You know something dont you, old man?! RAVEN Well, the Dons got this little hunch ya see, that Yeager and Regaey are one and the same person. KAROL No way. You dont really think theyre both one guy? RAVEN That doesnt change the fact that Leviathans Claw and Ruins Gatere two different guilds, though. ESTELLE But imperial law forbids the trafficking of blastia. RAVEN Thats got nothin ta do with the Union. Fortunes Markets about the only guild that follows the Empires laws. Business and all, ya see MERCHANT Oh, well now. Youre Brave Vesperia, arent you? YURI We have been making a bit of a name for ourselves, I guess. MERCHANT A man in black, a princess-like young lady, a mage, a man from the Union, a young boy, a femme fatale, and a dog. I received word from Yeager to treat you with extreme caution should we meet. And with that Ill be bringing our little business engagement to a close. JUDITH What do you think, should we get rid of him? MERCHANT H-hold on, now, do you enjoy threatening poor, defenseless merchants? JUDITH Oh stop, youhave all these weapons dont you? MERCHANT These blastia are my inventory. I cant just use them whenever I like. RITA Hes not worth the trouble. Taking care of this guy wont put a stop to their blastia smuggling. RAVEN Well, if it gets ta be a problem for the Union, theyll be sure ta lay down the law. Ya know, like with Barbos. MERCHANT Just like the man says. So if its all right with you, Im going to get back to earning a living, here. They walk away out of the merchants earshot before they form a huddle. RITA I am seriously looking into this whole Ruins Gate thing when I get back to Aspio. YURI Depending on Yeagers next move, we might be forced into action ourselves, before too long. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------RITA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------Study of Hermes - Part 1: : In Ehmead Hill, examine the Blastia from the east side. Rita inspects the broken Hermes blastia closely. YURI You did this one too, didnt you, Judy?


Yep, thats right. [turns around] Hey Judiththe reason you were destroying the hermes blastia was because they were a danger to the planet, right? JUDITH Thats right. RITA So in other words, you did it to save the world from harm? JUDITH I dont mind if you think of it that way. RITA Something about that just doesnt make sense to me. Why not just take down that Hermes guy who was making the blastia? Either that, or tell a mage about it, or something JUDITH I was putting my life on the line to put a stop to rogue blastia that were causing strange effects on the worlds aer No one would believe a crazy story like that. RITA ! If youhad only told me! JUDITH You think you could have done something about all of the hermes blastia in the world, when you dont even know how many there are? Im sure that you may have been able to stop one or two of them, with enough trying. But you would surely die before you had managed to take care of all of them. RITA YURI Since you were with Baul, there was something you could do about the blastia going out of control. Is that what you mean, Judy? JUDITH [nods] I dont have any way of making adjustments to the blastia, so destroying it was the only way I could make sure it wouldnt be a problem. RITA But JUDITH You think we might be able to go by Aspio the next time we get some free time? RITA Why bring that up all of the sudden? JUDITH Its about the hermes blastia. Theres something Id like to investigate a bit. RITA But you see YURI Yeah, youd like to go back home, wouldnt you, Rita? RITA Not particularly YURI All right, lets stop by there when we have some time. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Study of Hermes - Part 2: In Aspio, check a bookshelf in the library. In Aspio, they check the shelves for a information on Hermes Blastia. JUDITH You think we might be able to look for a certain book? I want to find out some more about hermes blastia.

YURI So we should just look for the right bookshelf? JUDITH Yes, please. After awhile Judith holds a thick book with ornate black binding. JUDITH Found it! RITA Hey, its Ifmunft Nepmayjups Discourses on Aer! JUDITH What? Youve heard of this book before? RITA This book used to be in my house. I think it mayve belonged to the person who lived there before me. JUDITH I see Yes, I see RITA It was all full of code that I couldnt understand so I didnt find it all that interesting. I ended up giving it to the first person who showed any interest in it. JUDITH . . . Ifmunft Nepmayjup. Thats Hermes. It was his penname. RITA What?! Really?! YURI So that means Hermes used to live in Aspio? JUDITH Thats what it would mean, yes. RITA Keeping something important like that from us yet again JUDITH Im sorry. I wasnt entirely sure of it until now. RITA *Sigh* Well, whatever. ESTELLE Whatis all this? I cant understand any of it at all YURI Kdvkxosktzgr hrgyzog iuarj hk jgtmkxuay It looks like he just wrote letters at random RITA Its all in code. I thought about trying to figure it out a few times, but This annoying type of writing is often used for taking down personal memos and the like. But not for research papers. And look at the front of the book. ESTELLE It says, I dedicate this to my daughter. RITA And then it says Try and read it. Pretty ambiguous, dont you think? I never felt up to trying to read it. ESTELLE Do you think this couldve been his way of giving a challenge to his daughter? JUDITH Yes, I think it was. RITA I see What a ridiculous, foolish researcher. He didnt even know what the blastia hed created were capable of. JUDITH Yeah RITA Thats it Im going to take this book and decode it! ESTELLE Wait C-can you really do that? JUDITH No, I think thats best. We went to all the trouble of finding it, after all. ESTELLE II guess so RITA Right. Ill show that blastia-researching bozo! JUDITH INFORMATION Obtained Hermes Notes. (If you do this later in the game, you can get the book that Hermes wrote from a mage in the Capua Torim Inn) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Study of Hermes - Part 3: In Capua Torim, rest at the inn. In the room, Rita sits on the bed looking at an opened book spread across her cris-crossed legs. JUDITH Hows it going? Any Progress? RITA Each page is a little different, but it looks like hes just using a cipher to shift all of the characters in the text. It just takes time to figure out the cipher JUDITH What sort of things is the book about? RITA At first, I thought that Hermes was an average mage who was using his knowledge for evil But he wasnt. He was an upright mage who had dreams about the potential of blastia and aer, and he was just innocently going wherever his curiosity led him. JUDITH So what is it thats troubling you? RITA There are so many interesting things written in Hermes notes. There are plenty of formulas for magic Ive never heard of, for example. JUDITH So Hermes was a geniuseven compared to you? RITA It hurts a little to admit it, but yes. I was shocked to see that he wrote down so many ideas and observations Id never had And it seems he wrote down a formula in this book to destroy blastia that had gone out of control JUDITH ! RITA Hermes fully understood the possibility of the amount of aer on the planet increasing. He understood the dangers of the blastia he had created. JUDITH Hmmm Yes, I see. RITA Yes. Thats why he was studying magic to destroy the blastia in case that happened. JUDITH If a type of magic like that exists, I think that you should use it! No matter who or how, Hermes was looking for someone who could use that magic for good. He was looking for someone to take over his work for him. Thats why he left behind these notes. RITA Wouldnt the best person to continue Hermes work be his own daughter? JUDITH Oh? But what if the daughter doesnt know how to use magic? Or maybe RITA Or maybe? JUDITH Well never get anywhere if we keep talking in hypotheticals. RITA Well, yes JUDITH Even if its something that was thought up to destroy blastia You could put it to some other use. Dont you think so? RITA W-well, thats true, but Youre right. I dont think that any other mage besides me could ever use this formula properly. Perhaps Ill take it, after all JUDITH Heh heh. Im sure Hermes would be very happy, too. RITA Youre just saying that

JUDITH No, Im saying it because I really think its true! INFORMATION Rita learned Negative Gate. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Avenging Soldiers - Part 1: In Ehmead Hill, enter the clearing near the western entrance to get the Fire Lily. ESTELLE Ah! Estelle runs over to look at some bushes. RITA Whats with you? ESTELLE These flowers are so pretty RAVEN Hmm? Hey, thats a cyrthanthus bloom. YURI You actually know a lot about plants, dont you, old man? RAVEN Oh, I dabble here and there. [music note] RITA Hmph So whats that one called? RAVEN Hah? One second, its ateardrop tulip. RITA How about that? RAVEN Why, um Thats a, uh rainbow flower? RITA Wrong. Crimson nadesico and beautyberry. Some botanist you are. Raven I just happened to not know those. ESTELLE It looks more like you just happened to know cyrthanthus bloom. RAVEN No, no, really - YURI So, how did you just happen to know about these nightshade flowers? RAVEN Argh, listen to me! KAROL Sounds like youve got a special reason. RAVEN Kind of Nightshades just a flower an old friend of mine from the Knights used ta like. My friends room was always full of em. YURI So you have had a couple of friends, then. RAVEN Youre sayin that like it surprises ya. Poor old Ravend just curl up and die if ya left him all alone. JUDITH Just what is the correct response when a man starts whining like a mouse, I wonder. RAVEN You say, Oh Raven, you big silly, youre so cute. JUDITH HahThats not the word Id use. RAVEN Argh! Judith, darlin youre cold as ice. RITA Good grief. ESTELLE Its a little like Flynn and Yuri, what with you having a friend in the Knights, and all. RAVEN Well now, it cant compare ta the shinin example of friendship those two young ladsve got goin, but yeah. We were pals. YURI I dont think of my friendship with Flynn as shiny. RAVEN Really? But youths a fleetin thing for all of us. That friendships long past, now. ESTELLE Oh, did you fight about something? RAVEN Hm, I spose ya could call it that. Would ya mind pickin a few of those for me, young miss? ESTELLE Hmm? Oh, certainly. Estelle stoops to pick flowers for Raven. INFORMATION Obtained Fire Lily.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Brionac - Part 3: In Capua Torim, speak with Kaufman in Fortune's Market HQ. JUDITH KAUFMAN JUDITH YURI JUDITH KAUFMAN Can I ask you a question? Does Fortunes Market deal in spears? We do, but If youd like to sell that, youd be better off going directly to a store than talking to me. No, I dont want to sell it I wanted to see if maybe I could see other spears that have been sold to you. Youre still trying to find that spear of yours, arent you? It seems you have some personal stake in this, but I dont think its been sold to us. If any of our vendors received any valuable items, no matter what they are, I wouldve heard of it. And I havent heard anything I see


Ill let you know as soon as it comes in. You know its going to cost you, right? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Brionac Part 4: After speaking to Kaufman in Capua Torim, return to Dahngrest and speak to the merchant inside Fortunes Market near the bridge. JUDITH MERCHANT YURI JUDITH MERCHANT JUDITH Can I ask you something? Do mercenaries ever come in and sell spears here? They do indeed, on occasion. But most of them are secondhand, used items. Are you in the market for something like that? If its the spear shes looking for Its not the sort of thing to b easily damaged or dulled. Right, Judy? Yeah, I think youre right. No ones brought in a fancy spear like that, nope. I see

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~ PHAEROHS CRAG ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ No side quests here.


~~~~~~ ~


. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ No side quests here.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~ EGOTHOR FOREST ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ No side quests here.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~ MYORZO ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Tidy up the Warehouse - Part 3: [Myorzo] Reward: 2x Hourglass, 2x All Divide, Flare Stone, Freeze Stone, Aer Stone, Geo Stone and 2,000 Gald GUARD KAROL GUARD KAROL GUARD [cleared] GUARD INFORMATION GUARD You guys wouldnt happen to be the Brave Vesperia, would you? Actually, we are I heard you specialize in cleaning up warehouses How about it? Would you lend us a hand? We will, of course, pay you for your efforts. Um [chose yes] All right! Leave it to us! All rjight! Thanks a lot! Thanks! That was a great help. Heres something for your hard work. Acquired 2000 Gald. Thanks! Well be counting on you, Brave Vesperia!

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Entelexia: Rest before leaving the city. They spend one more night in Myorzo. While everyone sleeps, Judith gets up and leaves the house. Her movements, however, are noticed by Yuri who immediately sits up in bed beside Karol. YURI Wheres she going this late at night? [standing] I should be asleep too, for that matter

Yuri finds Judith on the skydock with Baul. YURI Just what do they eat to get this big? JUDITH The only thing they eat is aer. Any aer that doesnt become an apatheia gets metabolized and makes them this size. YURI And they can live on just that? JUDITH Aer contains all the necessary ingredients for life. YURI Huh. Thats a little trick wse humans cant do. JUDITH The Entelexeia have each evolved into a particular form that best suits their needs. It takes time. Many, many times the length of a human life. YURI So, thats why they keep to themselves, even though theyre all part of the same group. JUDITH Yes. Humans knowledge cant compare to the knowledge the Entelexeia accumulate over their lives. YURI But even though theyre smarter than humans, they dont use magic. JUDITH The Entelexeia have no need to rely on magic to defend themselves. Unlike humans. YURI Okay, but magic can be used for other things besides self-defense JUDITH I guess they had no desire for power other than to protect themselves. YURI So they had a totally different set of values. JUDITH That different set of values has led to the wars between the humans and the Entelexeia. YURI And the tow sides had to come together somehow to defeat the Adephagos in the past Man, you gotta wonder how crazy that mustve been. JUDITH I dont know Bauls still young. He wasnt alive during those times. YURI Even so, hes been around more than a hundred years already, right? JUDITH Heh, yeah But that would only make him around 20 in human years. JUDITH I imagine Phaeroh would know about the events of that era YURI I wonder if hed be willing to tell us about it. JUDITH We wont know until we ask. Shall we meet with him so you can ask in person? YURI We will soon enough. We havent solved any of Estelles issues, so hed probably just yell at us again. JUDITH Youre right ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~ YORMGEN ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ No side quests here.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~ SHRINE OF BACTION ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Magic Lantern: In the dark area with part of the floor missing, fall down three times to get a key item, the Magic Lantern. They find a dark room with lanterns hidden beyond holes in the floor. Eventually, they fall through one such hole. FIRST FALL: KAROL Ack We fell! YURI Damn it They could make these paths a little bit wider JUDITH Probably a precaution to keep out trespassers. RITA I see No wonder its so dark in here. YURI Lets stay on our toes so we dont run into another of these. THIRD FALL: KAROL Ugh, Im sick of these stupid traps! RITA How many times do we have to fall in these before youre happy?! YURI Its the fault of these stupid paths for being so narrow! RITA I cant take it anymore Just a second. Rita sits on the ground. KAROL What are you doing? RITA This wouldnt be happening to us if we could see properly. So Im going to give us some light. KAROL Huh? After some banging: RITA Alright, there we go. KAROL Wow, that fast? YURI Howd you even manage to whip up something like that? RITA The word impossible isnt in my dictionary! I ripped that page out. Lets go. JUDITH Oh, its so bright. We should be just fine now. YURI All right, lets go. INFORMATION Obtained Magic Lantern. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~ HERACLES ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ No side quests here.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~ ZAPHIAS ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ No side quests here.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~ CAPUA NOR ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ No side quests here.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~ BLADE DRIFTS OF ZOPHEIR ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ No side quests here.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~ HALURE ~ . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ No side quests here.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~ QUOI WOODS ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Duke - Part 6: After leaving Quoi Woods, head to Deidon Hold and go up onto the ramparts above the Guard Station. They find Duke standing on the path to the Magistrates Palace and looking out over the sea at the newly risen Shrine of Zaude. YURI Hey. DUKE I will take back what I have loaned. You allowed that to rise again. You cannot be trusted with Dein Nomos. YURI Do you know what that thing is? DUKE The legacy of the ancients A giant blastia that could save the world from impending doom. But you have allowed it to fall into hands that would use it for ill purposes. All things must be returned to their proper places. Begin by returning that sword to me. YURI Wait. If this should be returned to its proper place, wouldnt

that mean giving it to Estelle? Nothing would be more fruitless than giving it to one who could not use it properly. ESTELLE For us Dein Nomos was never anything more than proof of imperial lineage. So, perhaps you are better suited to weild it. DUKE . . . [Hmm.] YURI So, if you dont mind, could you let me keep it a little longer? Were going to stop Alexei ourselves. And we need this to do it Duke turns back to ocean. DUKE Very well However, if youshould waver before the task ou face, I will come again to claim the sword. YURI Okay. Lets go. DUKE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~ ZAPHIAS ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ No side quests here.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~ FREE TIME AFTER PARTY FULLY RE-ASSEMBLES ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Duke Part 7 [Final]: In Capua Nor, head towards the Magistrates Mmanor. They find Duke standing on the path to the Magistrates Palace and looking out over the sea at the newly risen Shrine of Zaude. YURI Hey. DUKE I will take back what I have loaned. You allowed that to rise again. You cannot be trusted with Dein Nomos. YURI Do you know what that thing is? DUKE The legacy of the ancients A giant blastia that could save the world from impending doom. But you have allowed it to fall into hands that would use it for ill purposes. All things must be returned to their proper places. Begin by returning that sword to me. YURI Wait. If this should be returned to its proper place, wouldnt that mean giving it to Estelle? DUKE Nothing would be more fruitless than giving it to one who could not use it properly. ESTELLE For us Dein Nomos was never anything more than proof of imperial lineage.

So, perhaps you are better suited to wield it. . . . (Hmm.) So, if you dont mind, could you let me keep it a little longer? Were going to stop Alexei ourselves. And we need this to do it Duke turns back to ocean. DUKE Very well However, if you should waver before the task you face, I will come again to claim the sword. YURI Okay. Lets go. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------DUKE YURI ---------------------------------------------------------------------------Professor Sicily - Part 3: Go to the port in Capua Torim to get the ship modified with Salvage Crane. A voice calls to them from the dock. SICILY Ciaaao! RAVEN ! Th-that voice! A green-haired man walks over to greet them. SICILY We meet ancora! RITA This is all you, old man. RAVEN Why does it always hafta be me? JUDITH Is there anything we can do for you? SICILY That barca thats tied up in the port Is she yours? KAROL Theboat? Yes, its ours. It used to belong to Miss Kaufman, but SICILY I was wondering Is okay I upgrade it? All . . . YURI You want to upgreade it? KAROL N-no way! What if you mess it up and it stops working? RAVEN Upgrade it, ya say What do ya wanna do to it, anyway? SICILY Theres just something Id like to put onto it, capisce? I wont do anything bad to it! You have my word. YURI You think were just going to let you do who-knows-what to our ship? RAVEN Hey, Yuri. Ya think we might just let im do it and see what happens? YURI Do you know something I dont, old man? RAVEN Mmmm Nah, not really. Jus thought we might give im a chance. YURI Okay. Go ahead and do it. But if it doesnt work when youre through Were going to tie you to the hull and give you a paddle. SICILY Sure! Okay! Grazie! Bene, bene, just wait here a little bit! Later. SICILY Guarda! I have finished! Rita examines Sicilys work. ESTELLE Theressomething attached to the ship RAVEN What did ya do?


I attached a salvage arm for you! With this, you can collect treasures in the sea! YURI What do you think, Rita? RITA Its been placed very well. The weight distribution and hull balance have been taken into account, too This is just too perfect SICILY I also adjusted the bottom, to get you through shallows that you could not traverse before. KAROL W-wow RAVEN Hey, Howd ya do all this? SICILY Oh, Ive just been interested in le barche lately, is all. RAVEN Wow, what a strange guy SICILY Well, see you! Arrivederci! They stand speechless until a bespectatcled man runs toward them. MAN (GLASSES) W-was that Professor Sicily just now? RITA Huh? You know that guy? MAN (GLASSES) Of course! They call him the Shining Star of Core Engineering! Theres no one in the world whos better at manipulationg blastia cores! ESTELLE Wow, thats amazing. JUDITH Rita, you havent heard of him? RITA No, I havent. Blastia research has many subfields. I always researched how to use blastia to produce magical effects. But some blastia engineers develop new applications for cores and their effects. Thats a totally different area of research. KAROL Wow Blastia engineers, eh? Ill bet the architects guild would love to get their hands on someone like him. MAN (GLASSES) Thats right! The architects guild is working frantically to find Professor Sicily and get his help! YURI This sounds like information Kaufman would be interested in MAN (GLASSES) But they say that hes rather eccentric, and he only works on projects that interest him at the time RAVEN That sounds about right YURI Ha ha. Lets go see just how useful that professors eccentricity can be. KAROL Yeah! Lets see what that salvage arm can do! INFORMATION Obtained Salvage Crane. INFORMATION A crane has been added to the Fiertia. Lower the arm near specific search points to uncover hidden items or Gald. You might even discover some other items. In addition, the ship has been reinforced and now you are able to travel through shallow strams you were unable to reach before. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Children Lover: In Heliord, speak with Pauly near the Blastia.


Oh, its Miss Estelle! Oh, Pauly! How are you doing? Im good! Hows your doggy? Wooo Wow, Repedes being nice to someone Repede loves playing with kids who like dogs. Really?! What about me, then? Look, Repede! I like you thiiiiis much! REPEDE Woof! KAROL [blue teardrops] Paulys parents arrive. TEAGLE Hi! YURI Hey. I thought you left this place for good. TEAGLE My kid likes this place. We come back from time to time. YURI I see. Thats great. KELLAS All right Pauly, its time to say bye bye now. Everyone, good seeing you all again. PAULY [turns to Repede] Bye bye! They leave. REPEDE Woof! ESTELLE Its nice to see them so happy. REPEDE Woo...woof! They hear Kellas call out in alarm. KELLAS Aaaaah!! ESTELLE What is it?! They catch up with Kellas and Teagle in front of the Chevaliers HQ. REPEDE Woof! [runs on up ahead] ESTELLE Repede! TEAGLE Pauly was kidnapped by a monster! YURI A monster inside the barrier? ESTELLE Repede ran after them! We should go too! Everyone nods. INFORMATION Repede left the party. Outside the city, Pauly has being held captive by a bandit and three monsters. BANDIT Heh, heh! Everyones so careless, thinking their little barrier will protect them from everything That was a piece of cake! Now, I wonder how much Ill be able to get for this little brat Repede shows up and barks aggressively. REPEDE Woowoof woof woof woof woof! BANDIT You mangy hound You dare stand up to a human? REPEDE Grrrr Yuri, Estelle and Karol arrive with weapons ready. BANDIT Damn it Who are you? YURI I thought it was strange that a monster would be inside the barrier. A companion of yours, I see. Give back the kid. BANDIT You think Ill hand him over that easily? REPEDE Grrrr Woof woof woof! They battle a grasshopper and a tortoise. After the battle, Repede captures the Bandit then turns his attention on Pauly. REPEDE Woooo, woof woof! YURI Good job, Repede! BANDIT D-damn it I wont forget this The bandit runs away.


Ah! Leave him. For now, the important thing is to get Pauly back to his parents. INFORMATION Repede joined the party. Back at the blastia plaza, they return Pauly to his parents. KELLAS Thank you so much! TEAGLE You helped us so many times I dont know how I could possibly thank you enough. RAVEN Think nothin of it. Its all in a days work! YURI I dont remember you doing all that much to help them, old man. PAULY Your doggy saved me! REPEDE Woof! YURI Repedes not the sort of pooch whod ignore a dog-loving kid in distress! TEAGLE Thanks, Mr. Dog. REPEDE Woof! TEAGLE I still wonderwhy would anyone want to take Pauly? REPEDE Woof woof woof! YURI It looks like he was just trying to make a quick buck. TEAGLE Ugh I guess we have to be on our guard, even inside the barrier Something glows in Paulys hand. TEAGLE What do you have there, Pauly? PAULY That guy dropped something, so I picked it up! YURI The bandit did? It looks like a note on how to teach a certain technique to a monster. Not that a dumb monster could ever learn to use a technique like this. REPEDE Woof woof woof! YURI What? Is this what you want? REPEDE Woof! YURI Theres nothing Repede cant use Oh, alright, Ill read it to you. REPEDE Woof! Later. YURI Thats all there is to it. You think you got all that? REPEDE Woof woof! INFORMATION Repede learned the Special Skill. PAULY The doggy got stronger again! REPEDE Woof! INFORMATION Repede earned the Nanny title. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tidy up the Warehouse - Part 4: [Nordopolica] Reward: 3x Specific, Paralyze Ward, 3x Treat and 2,000 Gald GUILDSMAN KAROL GUILDSMAN You wouldnt happen to be the Brave Vesperia, would ya? Yes, we are! Brave Vesperia is who we are! Our warehouse is flooded with new shipments, and we havent been able to tidy it up. We heard tidying up warehouses is your specialty. Can

you help us out? Umm Help? [chose Yes] Sure! Well take care of it! All right, then. Im counting on you. Specific x3 Paralysis Ward x1 Treat x3 Cleared! Thanks! I appreciate it! Heres a little something for ya! INFORMATION Acquired 2000 Gald. KAROL Thanks, Brave Vesperia! YURI Hey, you did say, that Brave Vesperia just now, did you not? Just What is, that supposed to mean? RAVEN Well, its whatever ya like for it to mean? YURI I thought so I dont know if thats a good thing or a bad thing ---------------------------------------------------------------------------KAROL Menu KAROL GUILDSMAN Chest: Chest Chest Informatin GUILDSMAN ---------------------------------------------------------------------------Kowz Boy - Part 3: In Mantaic, give the Kowz a Poison Charm, Paralyze Charm and Stone Charm in exchange for a Flare Mantle. KOWZ Dingity-dongity! Im Kowz! You can call me K-Wizzle for short! Hi-dee-ho! Ah, youre back again, again! You just cant get me off your mind, eh? Im getting tired of hearing your rambling Whats got your britches in a bunch, Flatty? Okay, Ive had about enough of your crap. You trying to start something? Hey, lay off, Rita. I dont much feel like seein a catfight break out between a coupla kids. A kid? Whos a kid? Im grown up and glorious! Uhhhyou sure about that? You look like a kid to me. Youre tiny! Youre one to talk, you swooshy-haired midget. Ahh ha ha! Swooshy-haired midget *Snicker* . . . Now, for the main event! Todays item is du jour is Dadum dadum dadummm DUM! Poison Ward, Paralyze Ward and Stone Ward! Whys it up to three items all of the sudden? Mmmm Why dont you keep your nosy questions to yourself, Little Miss Innocent? . . . Little Miss Innocent? What does that mean? Ignorance is bliss, honey, and what you dont know wont hurt you. So then, whenevers convenient for you , feel free to hand them over! [heart] Youll give up somethin nice in exchange, right? [heart]


KOWZ Select

Sure, sure, dont worry about it! Give Poison Ward, Paralyze Ward and Stone Ward? [Yes/No] [Chose Yes] INFORMATION Handed over Poison Ward INFORMATION Handed over Paralyze Ward INFORMATION Handed over Stone Ward KOWZ Thanks! Round and round we go! Where we stoponly I know! Dust billows out of the hole and out jumps the Ant Lion Man. All . . . KOWZ Here ya go! ANT LION MAN Oh me, oh my! Thankee, again! Oh ho heh heh heh. The Ant Lion Man jumps back in the hole, taking the blowing sand storm with him. JUDITH I dont know if Ill ever get used to seeing that thing pop out of there. YURI I dont blame you. Thats just messed up. RAVEN So, we gave ya three things Now whatll ya give us? KOWZ [turns his back to them] Ah, right. Today Im going to give you Humina jumina Here ya go! [runs over to Yuri] INFORMATION Obtained Flare Cape. INFORMATION Obtained Flare Cape. INFORMATION Obtained Flare Cape. KAROL Th-three of the same thing? KOWZ Isnt that enough? You want me to give you more? RAVEN Whod want a buncha copies of the same thing? KOWZ R-really?! B-but I thought that theyd come in handy out in the desert All . . . RAVEN Yeeesss! Yah! Were so happy! Right, Karol? Right? KAROL Oh, yeah, yeah! Im so happy! Oh boy, too happy for words. KOWZ Oh, good. Well, keep them safe! See ya later! Ding! [heart] All . . . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Extra Dungeon - Part 1: Go to Phaeroh's Crag and approach the Phantom Seam to enter Yormgen. Visit the Sage, then rest. They land on at the base of the crag. RAVEN So why are we here, again? KAROL Dont we have other stuff to do? JUDITH Well, weve come this far. It wouldnt hurt to just go and say hello to Phaeroh. YURI Im hoping he wont be around Theres a circular blue rift at the base of Phaerohs throne. KAROL Whats this? RITA Its like a hole just opened up in the sky JUDITH Oh that It is a phantom rift. Phaeroh made it. YURI What the hell is a phantom rift? JUDITH Yormgen, the town where we met Duke, was an illusion

that Phaeroh made. KAROL There wasnt anything left but ruins that second time we went there YURI It kinda makes sense if what we saw in Yormgen was from the same time as the ghost ship. RAVEN Besides Duke, that is. JUDITH Yeah, thats probably what happened. RITA And you say Phaeroh made this thing? JUDITH Yes. YURI It seems likePhaerohs not around here anywhere JUDITH Hes not responding to my calls, either. KAROL H-hey Whats going on here? JUDITH No! KAROL Waaahh! Karol disappears into the phantom rift. RITA That stupid kid! YURI Lets go! Yuri and the others enter the phantom rift after Karol. They find Karol sprawled on his backside in front of the bridge to Yormgen. The town is intact like it was the first time they visited except it appears uninhabited. JUDITH Karol, are you okay? KAROL I-Im okay. That was crazy YURI This is Yormgen JUDITH Or, the illusion of it that Phaeroh made. RITA Theres no one around? YURI Could Phaeroh be here? JUDITH Perhaps. KAROL Lets have a look around. There is someone in the Sages house, A krityan male. KRITYAN What brings you here? YURI Were just travelers passing through. KRITYAN Im sorry, but there is no longer an inn or any shops in this town. JUDITH Are you here alone? KRITYAN Yes. Its just me. YURI You wouldnt happen to be the sage, would you? KRITYAN The humans of this town once called me that. KAROL Huh? But didnt the sage die? RITA Shh YURI This is an illusion Phaeroh made, right? KAROL So that would mean this is actually the Yormgen of a thousand years ago YURI Yeah. I wonder if the lack of a barrier blastia is the reason everyone else took off. KRITYAN How perceptive. Blastia cannot easily be acquired, nor do we have the clear ciel crystal The Children of the Full Moon should never have signed the pact with the Entelexeia. ESTELLE Pact? KRITYAN They agreed to bury most of the blastia, with the Children standing watch over the rest. JUDITH In order to protect agains the Adephagos. RITA So then The ancient civilization didnt collaspse It was sealed up KRITYAN Well, I thought you were perceptive, but now I see you



YURI [end of KRITYAN [Yes] KRITYAN Is that so? Enjoy your stay. In the morning, they all meet outside the sages house. Rita and Karol are not feeling well. KAROL I feel kinda dizzy RAVEN I cant believe he kept us up all night tellin those stories ESTELLE Well I was fascinated by his epic tale of the girl who fought with a frying pan and a ladle! JUDITH Estelle, it sounds like you want to hear even more stories. RITA Yeah, well you can count me out YURI Anyway, this is quite impressive for something thats just an illusion. KAROL Its so weird Its an illusion, but we can talk with people, and everything feels so real JUDITH Perhaps its because these things really did exist at

actually know nothing. Wh-what? Supervising the use of blastia Doesnt that remind you of the empire today? Well, Estelle is a Child of the Full Moon, not to mention one of the heirs to the throne. Wait! So then, the Children of the Full Moon must have founded the empire Please, theres no need to speak in hushed tones. The pact will surely be forsaken. Unless, that is, all blastia can be done away with for good. But people couldnt live like they do now without blastia. A certain type of life can be led, even without blastia. Yeah, the inconvenient type. So it has always been. They come to depend on anything that eases the burdens of life. Yet even knowing that, you helped the people of this town to build a barrier blastia? I, too, was poisoned by the desire for greater things. I couldnt ignore the convenience. Now what kind of a sage does that? To be a sage means only to be rich in knowledge. I too belong to the society of people. Being a saint isnt a prerequisite for leadership, then, huh? Well put. And the Children of the Full Moon are no different. The role of supervisor will turn into one of absolute authority before long. Wh-what does that mean? Its pretty clear if you look at what the Empires become. Anyway, nothing remains in this village. Not even blastia. You are welcome to stay the night, if you dont mind the ramblings of an old man. Thanks. cutscene] How about it? Do you want to rest?


one point in the past. Humans could never give up blastia completely Which has brought us to where we are today The empire was only meant to monitor the blastia, but they started digging them up and studying them. The Entelexeia despised the blastia, but humans just cant let them go. . . .

Estelle and Judith go back into the sages house. SAGE Is there something else you require? JUDITH What have you been doing in this town since all of its people left? SAGE As my fellow Krityans left for their new home in the sky, I too needed a place of refuge. JUDITH You didnt go with them? SAGE I got left behind in the commotion. Didnt that happen to you, too, young lady? ESTELLE It must be so lonely, being here all by yourself SAGE On the contrary, a pleasing calm settled over this place after everyone had moved on. [end of cutscene] SAGE Are you going to stay tonight? I still havent told you the one about the mysterious white watermelon. What? Youre busy? Oh well. Before leaving, Yuri enters the Inn. Near a window, he sees writing carved into the wood. INFORMATION Theres something written here Cecille[hearts]Frings After they finish looking around, they walk over the bridge and appear back on Phaerohs Crag. From there, they fly to Mantaic. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SUB-EVENT: Kowz Boy Part 3: In Mantaic, give the Kowz a Poison Ward, Paralyze Ward and a Stone Ward. KOWZ Dingity-dongity! Im Kowz! You can call me K-Wizzle for short! Hi-dee-ho! Ah, youre back again, again! You just cant get me off your mind, eh? Im getting tired of hearing your rambling Whats got your britches in a bunch, Flatty? Okay, Ive had about enough of your crap. You trying to start something? Hey, lay off, Rita. I dont much feel like seein a catfight break out between a coupla kids. A kid? Whos a kid? Im grown up and glorious! Uhhhyou sure about that? You look like a kid to me. Youre tiny! Youre one to talk, you swooshy-haired midget. Ahh ha ha! Swooshy-haired midget *Snicker* . . . Now, for the main event! Todays item is du jour is



Dadum dadum dadummm DUM! Poison Ward, Paralyze Ward and Stone Ward! Whys it up to three items all of the sudden? Mmmm Why dont you keep your nosy questions to yourself, Little Miss Innocent? . . . Little Miss Innocent? What does that mean? Ignorance is bliss, honey, and what you dont know wont hurt you. So then, whenevers convenient for you , feel free to hand them over! [heart] Youll give up somethin nice in exchange, right? [heart]

Sure, sure, dont worry about it! Give Poison Ward, Paralyze Ward and Stone Ward? [Yes/No] [Chose Yes] INFORMATION Handed over Poison Ward INFORMATION Handed over Paralyze Ward INFORMATION Handed over Stone Ward KOWZ Thanks! Round and round we go! Where we stoponly I know! Dust billows out of the hole and out jumps the Ant Lion Man. All . . . KOWZ Here ya go! ANT LION MAN Oh me, oh my! Thankee, again! Oh ho heh heh heh. The Ant Lion Man jumps back in the hole, taking the blowing sand storm with him. JUDITH I dont know if Ill ever get used to seeing that thing pop out of there. YURI I dont blame you. Thats just messed up. RAVEN So, we gave ya three things Now whatll ya give us? KOWZ [turns his back to them] Ah, right. Today Im going to give you Humina jumina Here ya go! [runs over to Yuri] INFORMATION Obtained Flare Cape. INFORMATION Obtained Flare Cape. INFORMATION Obtained Flare Cape. KAROL Th-three of the same thing? KOWZ Isnt that enough? You want me to give you more? RAVEN Whod want a buncha copies of the same thing? KOWZ R-really?! B-but I thought that theyd come in handy out in the desert All . . . RAVEN Yeeesss! Yah! Were so happy! Right, Karol? Right? KAROL Oh, yeah, yeah! Im so happy! Oh boy, too happy for words. KOWZ Oh, good. Well, keep them safe! See ya later! Ding! [heart] All . . . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Fell Weapons - Part 1: In Myorzo, speak to the elder to obtain the Fell Weapon, Abyssion.





Hm hm hmmm Greetings, Elder. What were you grumbling about? Oh, youve returned! Look what I found when I was cleaning my dresser. You had a sword in your dresser? Hey, but his is This isnt just any old sword It looks likeyou know. Yeah. No kiddin. Not so much the shapebut the vibe its givin off. Just what kind of sword is this? I was hoping you would ask. If memory serves, it is one of the seven fell arms of legend. You mean the weapons spawned by the !4-headed monster from the fairy tales? Hmph, I dont know how the story is told below, but here the legend is as follows: At the height of the ancient blastia civilization, an attempt was made to produce special weapons. Eventually, this led to the creation of armaments of untold power, seven in total. So these weaponre a legacy of the ancients Well, Dein Nomos is real. Maybe this story is too. Is Dein Nomos one of these fell arms, then? Id say its possible if what the Elder said is true. But if this really is one of the fell arms, why was it in your dresser, Elder? I cant remember for the life of me Its been decades since Ive cleaned this thing out. You havent cleaned out your dresser indecades? I dont know what to say If these weapons are really as powerful as they sound, it might be a good idea for us to get a hold of them before they fall into the wrong hands. Yeah Thereve been quite a few sets of wrong hands out there, lately, too. Might we take this with us, Elder? Huh? Oh, fine by me. Youre giving it to us just like that? To tell the truth, Im glad it turned up, but Id been wondering what Id do with it. Ive got no real use for it. Besides it would be a shame to just leave something like this lying around. I figure you are just the ones to put it to proper use. Do you know anything about the other fell arms? Let me see here According to the legend, the seven wapons share a common bond. If this is truly one of the fell arms, it may react if brought near the others. But Dein Nomos hasnt reacted at all. Hmm Then perhaps it isnt a fell arm after all. Then how are we supposed to find them? Well, theres no point thinking it to death. So long as we have one of them, the bad guys wont be able to get them all, right? Maybe thats good enough.


I agree. All right then, Elder. Well take it off your hands. Thanks ELDER [Hmmumm] Ho ho. INFORMATION Obtained Abyssion. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hotspring - Part 1: Travel to Yumanju and speak to the owner of the Hotsprings. In the middle of the forest they find a building. They enter and talk to the receptionist behind a desk. RECEPTIONIST Hello, fine visitors, and welcome to the Yumanju Hot Spring Spa! KAROL Hey, what is this place? RECEPTIONIST Sir, you have arrived at Yumanju Hot Spring Spa, home of the finest open-air baths that Terca Lumireis has to offer! The Yumanju springs are famous the world over. RAVEN Whats an open-air bath? ESTELLE Its a hot spring where you go outside to take a bath and relax. RITA Take a bath outside? Ive never heard of anything like it. RECEPTIONIST I think youll find that it feels quite nice, and liberating, too! YURI I just get in the bathtub and hop right out as soon as Im clean. Who cares how nice it is? ESTELLE Yuri, its best for your body if you soak for a while and relax. JUDITH Open-air baths, huh? Sounds like quite a sight to see. I wonder what it feels like to sit in them. Karol jumps up and down with excitement. KAROL Oh wow, this sounds great! I want to go in! [musical note] RAVEN I think it sounds like quite a sight to see, too! If you know what I mean. *Wink* RITA [looking at Raven] ESTELLE Can we go in? RECEPTIONIST Unfortunately, you cannot! You cannot! Karol stamps his feet in disappointment and irritation. KAROL Whaaaat!! Why cant we go in? You big meanie! RECEPTIONIST I assure you, I am not a meanie. The baths are simply being cleaned right now. RAVEN Seriously? What a tease! JUDITH Lets come back the next time we get a chance. RECEPTIONIST I am terribly sorry! We look forward to your next visit! The doors to the bath are in the rear of the room along with vending machines on either side. Fortunes Market has set up a stall at the front of the room. There are also stuffed reclining chairs and tatami mats to rest on. Fortunes Market (Yumanju): INFORMATION Lots of souvenirs are sold here. There are some cookies,


handkerchiefs, and pins. Welcome to Yumanjus gift shop, Bubble Baubles. Please have a look around. This place is really wonderful. I didnt even know there were such things as open-air baths. I never imagined getting a good soak in the great outdoors would feel so good.

A woman relaxes in one of the vibrating massage chairs. WOMAN [seated] OohI cant get enough of these hot springs. Ohh, they feel sooo gooood. Isnt it nice to forget ones worldly cares and just relax? There is a Yumanju toy dispenser to the left. On the right the Ant Lion Man stands beside the Drink Machines. ANT LION MAN Klink! Klank! Klank! Klink! Toss in a coin and out comes a drink! Whats gonna come out? [musical note] Whats gonna come out? [musical note] Tra-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la! [musical note] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Avenging Soldiers - Part 2: In Mt Temza, head up the mountain to get the Compact of Remembrance key item. RAVEN Never gets any easier, no matter how many times I come. YURI Bad memories of the Great War? RAVEN Yeah, there are those too Raven walks to the edge an throws something down into the crater below. ESTELLE Ah What are you? INFORMATION Lost Fire Lily. RAVEN I mentioned I had a friend that liked this flower, right? My friend is here. RITA Why would you have a friend here? ESTELLE You mean a friend from the Knights? RAVEN Some waste their lives while theyre alive, others waste their lives by dyin too soon JUDITH Your friend died in the Great War. RAVEN Yeah. Humanswhat a sad bunch. ESTELLE Oh, I didnt realize RAVEN Way better knight than me. Always used the familys famed bow. Mansuch a brave knight Never did find out what happened ta that bow YURI Maybe its still somewhere here in this field? RAVEN Could be. Findin it would be pretty tough, though. *Sigh* Thought maybe if I just bummed around, Caseyd get mad enough to come back, but Heh. KAROL Thats so sad RAVEN Hey hey hey. Dont go getting all gloomy on me. YURI What are you talking about? Youre the one who started this sob-fest. RAVEN I, uhsorry. Anyway Rest well, Casey. I know youre in a better place.

They all say a silent prayer. Karol looks up. KAROL Hey, somethings falling out of the sky. RAVEN Huh? ESTELLE Wh-what is it? RAVEN Oh, you gotta be kiddin YURI So what is it? RAVEN This was Caseys favorite compact ESTELLE But how? JUDITH The ghost of your friend must be watching over you. RITA Ghost?! Thats impossible! It was just a coincidence! KAROL RITA YURI RITA RAVEN RITA RAVEN JUDITH ESTELLE RAVEN RAVEN INFORMATION You call this a coincidence? Like maybe a bird picked it up, and then dropped it by mistake! Yeah, thats gotta be it! Sowas this Casey friend of yours a woman? Woman? What? Ooooh, a lady from the old mans past? Now, Rita, remember your blood pressure Oh come on, I want all the juicy details. Sorry, there aint much. For starters, another guy already had his heart set on her. A tale of unrequited love, then? A love on wars fickle sea A lady gone too soon Oh, such a tragedy Okay, thats enough You guys go ahead and think what ya like, though. Heres ta you, Casey Im doin okay with these kids here. Im doin okay Obtained Compact of Remembrance.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~ ZAUDE ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ No side quests here.

~ Part III of III ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~ ZAPHIAS ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ No side quests here.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~ ASPIO ~ .

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ No side quests here.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~ DAHNGREST ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ No side quests here.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~ FREE TIME AFTER PARTY FULLY RE-ASSEMBLES AGAIN ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Rebuilding the Union - Part 3: In Zaphias, find Leblanc sitting on a bench in the Citizen Quarter and speak to him for Raven's title, Imperial Knights Captain. YURI Whats going on, Leblanc? Leblanc jumps to attention. LEBLANC Captain Schwaaaaaann! Raven turns away from Leblanc. RAVEN Nah, ya got me mixed up with somebody else. LEBLANC [saluting] I apologize! You are Sir Raaaaaaaven, plain and simple! Raven turns back around. KAROL There he goes again with the Sir Raven, plain and simple. Raven shrugs in an exasperated way. RAVEN Whats a former elite officer of the Schwann Brigade doin loitering around a place like this? LEBLANC Ah, well, you see, that is RAVEN Concise reporting, Leblanc. LEBLANC Yes, sir! I was agonizing over the future of the Schwann Brigade, sir! I believe that we should go help to fill the ranks of the Flynn Brigade, but other lieutenants claim that we should remain in the capital. With our officers paralyzed with hesitation about our next step, our subordinates are losing their faith in us as leaders! I am so ashamed! How can I ever face Captain Schwann like this?! RITA And yet, what if he happened to be standing right in front of you? LEBLANC [snapping to attention] I am so sorry!! ESTELLE [turning to Rita] Rita! [turing to Raven] UmmmRaven? RAVEN Well, I cant just turn a blind eye ta the brigade. It


was Schwann who led em inta all this. Are you going to gather the members of the Schwann Brigade together and lead them yourself? Leblanc. Is that what ya want me ta do? [resnapping to attention] Sir, no sir! I do not want to cause trouble for you, Sir Raven! So then, whos going to decide where the brigade will go? Sir, that would be me, sir! I will proudly bear the weight of responsibility and guidance for my brigade!

If yave made yer decision, then act on that decision. And Im willin ta bet that Schwann would think its important ta support the Flynn Brigade in addition ta guardin the capital. LEBLANC [saluting] Yes, sir! Thank you, sir! Leblanc runs away. KAROL Sounds like you gave him some good advice. JUDITH Nah, Raven just gave him a little push. Leblanc already knew what he wanted to do. ESTELLE The first time I heard you were actually Captain Schwann, I didnt believe it. But youre just like the rumors said! RITA Just like the rumors said, but not just like you thought Captain Schwann would be? ESTELLE No! That is, I mean YURI It was the same when Harry and the guild members asked for your help. You really watch out for others, dont you, old man? RAVEN Nah, I listened ta what Leblanc had ta say. Thats all I did. JUDITH Oh, is somebody embarrassed? RAVEN Aw, Judith baby, cut ol Raven some slack, would ya? KAROL You helping people without pampering them Thats tough. I wonder if Ill ever be like you, Raven RAVEN Putin ol Raven up on a pedestal wont get ya anywhere in life, kid. ESTELLE Lots of people respect and admire Captain Schwann. So I dont think you really have to deny everything about him. RAVEN I cant argue with such a pretty girl! INFORMATION Raven earned the Imperial Knights Captain title. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dark Enforcer - Part 7: In Zaphias, head toward the Royal Quarter for a scene with Shel. Later that evening, they run into Shel in the royal quarter of Zaphias. Shel stands atop the steps to the lower quarter, talking to himself. SHEL Why wont my brother come back No ones left to oppose the marriage Lunes been waiting for him this entire time! I have to do something, so that the three of us can be happy again I cant rely on anyone else anymore. I have to help

him KAROL Does something seem odd about Shel to you? YURI Hey, Shel. Shel turns around. SHEL Oh, hello. Do you need something? JUDITH Well, its about your brother. SHEL Oh, dont worry about that anymore. Im sorry I asked such an odd favor of you. Please, forget I ever said anything about it. ESTELLE But what about Clay? SHEL Ive been thinking about it, and Ive decided that I cant entrust this sort of thing to anyone else. This is something that I have to do myself, so please, dont let it trouble you. Now, if youll excuse me Shel leaves. RITA What was that all about? RAVEN He said hed handle it himselfya think hes got some idea where his brother might be? YURI Hard to say. It still bothers me a bit, but if he says he doesnt want our help, I guess thats the end of it. RITA [taps her foot] This leaves a bad taste in my mouth. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Avenging Soldiers Part 3: In Capua Torim, head toward the port to find Gauche and Droite. In Capua Torim, while heading toward the dock, they see Gauche and Droite talking to a woman with two kids. KAROL Hey guys, look! LITTLE GIRL Come see us again real soon, kay? GAUCHE Okay DROITE Thats a promise. The girls turn to leave, but upon seeing the Yuri Lowell gang, they assume a fighting stance. YURI We run into each other in the craziest places. RAVEN Whoa now, lets take it easy. This isnt really the time WOMAN Whats wrong, Gauche? Droite? DROITE Ah, umm GAUCHE The girls turn back to the woman and the children. GAUCHE Goodbye DROITE Kay, bye! They leave and run past Yuri and friends without another word. RAVEN Now whaddya spose those twore up to? The woman approaches them. WOMAN Pardon me, butare you acquaintances of the two young ladies? YURI I wouldnt say acquaintances, really WOMAN Oh, Im so relieved. RITA Huh?!


I worry about those girls. They have the misfortune of being easily misunderstood, you see But now that I see they have this many friends, I can stop my worrying. KAROL Misunderstood? But theyre member of Leviath--oof! Rita runs forward and smacks Karol before he can say more. RAVEN And how might you know our friends, Miss? WOMAN I am the governess of this home, and they once lived under its roof. RITA Home? WOMAN This orphanage was built to shelter those children who have no one to depend on. The two of them lost their family in the war ten years ago. RITA Shes gotta mean the Great War The children run to join the woman. LITTLE GIRL Hey, who are they? LITTLE BOY If theyre our big sis enemies, Ill beat em up! WOMAN ESTELLE Here now, hush, both of you. How generous and kind of you. It must not be an easy job WOMAN Oh my, no. I could never manage all of this alone. It is all made possible by the donations I receive. Yeager is his name. He really does too much for us RAVEN Yeager?! But whatd he want ta do a thing like that for? WOMAN I dont know his reasons. But he has never asked for anything in return. LITTLE GIRL Nanny! Im hungry! WOMAN Oh yes, its time, isnt it? Im sorry, I must be going The governess and the children leave. JUDITH I wonder what it could mean. I wouldnt think he would have much interest in charity. RITA Somethings going on here. I mean, those two are obviously Yeagers personal guard, KAROL You dont think he raised them as orphans just to make them his underlings?! RAVEN He just might try somethin like that. Huh? What is it, lass? ESTELLE Oh, I When we were talking with her just now, I truly felt that whoever did this had good intentions But can that person Can that really be the Yeager we know? YURI Your guess is as good as mine. ESTELLE . . . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Avenging Soldiers Part 4 {Final}: Now go to Zaude and head to where you fought against Yeager to fight Gauche and Droit (Be sure to steal from both). On a revisit to Zaude, they meet Gauche and Droite in the room where

they defeated Yeager. GAUCHE Brave Vesperia! Yeagers killers! YURI What are you doing here? RAVEN Hey, hold on. Its not worth it. Revenge is really overrated, ya know. DROITE But were sick of being so depressed. We gotta do something. RAVEN If youre gonna hold grudges, youd better not forget Alexei. GAUCHE Alexeis dead. Youre alive. YURI Fine, you want a fight, you got one. ESTELLE Wait, Yuri! [Yuri, Wait!] Why didnt you two fight alongside Yeager? You just stood there and watched. GAUCHE . . . RAVEN Because thats what he ordered them to do. Right? DROITE Yeah, thats right. YURI So whyre you still on this revenge kick? That doesnt make any sense. GAUCHE Shut up! How could you ever understand?! DROITE Yeager had no choice but to do that for us. ESTELLE What do you mean? DROITE Alexei found out about everything Yeager had done behind the scenes. The things he did to help us GAUCHE Thats enough, Droite. DROITE My bad. GAUCHE None of that matters. You killed him. And we will never forgive you for that. DROITE Sorry, but were gonna have to fight you now. JUDITH It looks like they wont take no for an answer. ESTELLE B-but YURI Here they come! After the battle, both girls are down to the floor on one knee, one hand holding their injuries. DROITE Are you okay, Gauche? Oh man, we totally lost! GAUCHE We will challenge them until we win. Thats the pledge we made. RITA How can you guys still be so loyal to him? Hes gone! GAUCHE We owe him our lives. Raven walks over to put a comforting hand on Gauches shoulder. RAVEN Once ya knew his secret, ya worked for him to return the favor. How sad Poor things. Gauche pushes Ravens hand away. She stands up and walks a few feet away, assuming her fighting stance. GAUCHE Dont touch me. She stands up and walks a few feet away, assuming her fighting stance. Raven stoops down to pick up an object he had dropped. RAVEN Whoops. DROITE Hey, thats! Raven stands holding the object at his side. GAUCHE What are you doing with that? N-no, that doesnt matter. Please. Give it to us! RITA Hey, it doesnt even belong to you!! GAUCHE Please. That belonged to Casey, someone very dear to Yeager. Weve looked everywhere for it. RAVEN [speaking softly] Casey KAROL Raven

RAVEN Someone very dear to Yeager, huh RAVEN Here. [throws the compact to Gauche] My condolences. GAUCHE [uhh] DROITE Thanks a lot. Droite moves to stand beside Gauche. Gauche throws a bow down at Ravens feet. GAUCHE That weapon should serve as ample compensation. RAVEN Whoa, this Isnt this Caseys Bow? You all had it? GAUCHE Now we owe you nothing. But we still have a score to settle. DROITE Well see you again after we train some more, kay? Gauche extends her arm out sideways at shoulder height and they leave. Raven holds a letter in his hand. RITA What the? KAROL They took off. You okay with that, Raven? Wasnt that important to you? RAVEN Huh? Oh, well yeah. Got somethin pretty nice in return, though. Ill le this slide. JUDITH Ooh, is this a tale of lost love? Or maybe a little jealousy? RAVEN Hey, Judith darlin, its not nice to tease your elders. ESTELLE I just dont know what to make of it. Those two adoring Yeager knowing how bad he was. And Yeager himself donating to an orphanage JUDITH And all the children saved by a criminals generosity! I cant tell whats right or wrong? YURI Guess Yeager was even more complicated than we thought. RAVEN Yup, theres always more goin on with people than ya first think. RITA So, what about you? Sounds like things were pretty complicated between you and this Casey. RAVEN Yeah, I feel like a big weights been lifted off my shoulders. Aw, but who cares about an old mans sorry past. Come on, lets go! Raven walks toward the nearest exit. RITA Hey, come back here! INFORMATION Obtained Divine Cannon. INFORMATION Obtained Letter of Challenge (L. Claw). INFORMATION Handed over Compact of Remembrance. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Estelle's Teacher - Part 4: In Capua Torim, speak to Gauche and Droites governess to donate 500,000 Gald. Leave town by the west exit for a scene to get the Noble Princess title for Estelle. The governess is standing at the railing near the west exit looking out over the water. WOMAN Some pretty flowers to give to your parents? Or your sister? Or someone you love? Oh, you over there Ah, its you ESTELLE Arent you the woman from the orphanage? KAROL Ah, so youre actually a florist! WOMAN N-no Thats not quite right



Then why are you selling flowers? You need money, dont you? W-well, you see Ah, yesnow that Yeagers gone, the orphanage doesnt have any money? Unfortunately, thats the caseweve actually been renting the orphanage building from a certain well-known man in town. But since weve stopped receiving contributions from Yeager, were no longer able to pay that debt. The rent for the building aside, it takes a lot of money to feed the children. But arent some of the kids out and workin now? Theyre all still struggling to make a living for themselves. It would be far too much to ask them for help with something like this. What about that pair of assertive young ladies from the orphanage? Gauche and Droite are in the same situation. They were both working for Yeager. But now that hes passed away, theyre probably having just as hard a time as anybody.

A man walks by. WOMAN Oh, sir, would you like to buy some flowers? The woman walk away to sell more flowers. KAROL Is she really going to be able to pay off their debt like that? YURI Maybe shell be able to make a little profit, but I dont know about paying off that debt The woman comes back. RITA It kind ofhurts to watch, doesnt it? ESTELLE Please, take this. You should be able to sell it for a good amount of money. YURI Whoa, whoa, are you sure its okay to give that away? ESTELLE Im just doing something that the empire shouldve done already. Thats all. KAROL But if you give that away, wont that mean you wont have any other proof of being in the imperial family? ESTELLE No, its okay. Not having this wont change who I am. JUDITH Before we go any further here, how much is it that you need, exactly? WOMAN Lets see 500,000 Gald should be enough JUDITH Weve got that much. KAROL I mean, I suppose we have it, but its still a lot of dough YURI Yeah Pay 500,000 gald? [Do not pay] or [Pay] Chose [Pay] YURI Well give you the 500,000 Gald. KAROL Wh-what are you saying? RITA Dont be such a scrooge! WOMAN But I cant just let you give me so much of your own money YURI Were no the ones paying you. Isnt that right, Estelle? ESTELLE Huh? Why me?


Didnt you say you were just doing something that the empire shouldve done already? So were just spotting them the money until they take responsibility for it themselves. ESTELLE Huh? So you mean YURI Once you go back, see if you can get the Council to pay us back for giving the orphanage this money. ESTELLE Y-yesIll do it! WOMAN What are you talking about?! YURI This money is assistance from the empire, so you can take it and not have to feel bad about it. WOMAN Ummmwell, I dont really understand, but YURI Its tough to explain. You do it, Karol. KAROL What? M-me? YURI You like explaining things, right? KAROL N-not particularlybut Ill give it a go. [scene fades and returns after Karol has explained and the woman as left.] KAROL She said she would work hard and pay us back for the money, but YURI The empirell reimburse us. Right, Estelle? ESTELLE Ill ask Ioder about it. If he refuses, thenIm sorry. KAROL Youre sorry ?! YURI Well cross that bridge when we come to it. Were just asking you to twist His Highnesss arm a little. ESTELLE Ill try my best! YURI Okay, lets go. INFORMATION You paid 500,000 Gald. At the west exit, they run into Drake, Estelles old teacher. ESTELLE Master DRAKE I believe that I already told you of the importance of each and every one of your actions. And yet, you insist on acting rashly, guided by your own emotional whims. ESTELLE In the course of my journey, Ive discovered that people in higher positions in society need to look at the big picture, and not be distracted by the world before them. Thats what you were talking about, correct? But I cant choose whats important while completely ignoring everything I see. DRAKE You are not doing things in the right way. ESTELLE Yes, I know DRAKE However, as Princess, you should do what you believe is correct. I have no right to stand in the way of the path you have chosen for yourself. ESTELLE Master DRAKE I didnt want to hear that right answer. I wanted to know your true, unwavering opinion of what you think is right. Eyes firm with resolve, overflowing with grace and pridethat is the true proof that one belongs in the noble family. Child of the Full Moon, may you always follow your heart. ESTELLE Yes. Thank you so much, Master. DRAKE There are surely still things left for you to do. Please hurry.

INFORMATION Estelle earned the Noble Princess title. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sexy Clothes Part 1: In Heliord, speak with the shop owner. Fortunes Market: MERCHANT Welcome, travelers. Oh! You were the ones that came by to synthesize a dress last time, right? I still have it right here. Do you want it? KAROL N-noIts okay We dont need it Karol runs for the door. YURI Lets take it since we came all this way. JUDITH Whos going to wear it? RITA Why dont you wear it, then? YURI Lets have Karol wear it. MERCHANT Would you ladies be interested in a dress that will be sure to catch any fellas heart? JUDITH Now, that sounds like an interesting concept. RAVEN Hey, Judith baby, if its ol Ravens heart youre after [Rita taps her foot in irritation] Youve got it, baby! MERCHANT If you can bring me cheagle fur, a spirit fragment, two pieces of sacred tree and two cockatrice claws, then I can get started. INFORMATION Karol earned the Girly title. MERCHANT I can make more clothes if I had cheagle fur, a spirit fragment, two pieces of sacred tree and two cockatrice claws. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sexy Clothes Part 2: In Heliord, speak with the shop owner when you have all the raw materials to get the costumes. After collecting the materials for the dresses, they return to the Fortunes Market in Heliord. Estelle models her new shorts and tight rose corset. RAVEN *Whistle* Sexy typhoon, mama! ESTELLE S-sexyt-typhoon? INFORMATION Estelle earned the Enchanting Belle title. JUDITH Oh my, thank you very much. MERCHANT Here you go. Judith stands before them in rather scanty furry pink outfit. The pink goves, furry antennae covers and fluffly white bunny tail attached to the pink bikini briefs, make her resemble a pink bunny rabbit. RITA J-Judy, baby T-his is against the rules Raven faints and falls backward onto the floor. YURI Hey, old man?! KAROL Rules? Yuri shrugs.

INFORMATION Judith earned the Sultry Tempest title. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Professor Sicily - Part 4(a): In Heliord, visit the laborers camp. Sicily stands on the small fishing dock over the river. SICILY Ho-hum KAROL Th-thats Professor Sicilyisnt it? JUDITH Oh yeah, it is. We sure do run into him a lot. RITA You dont suppose hes following us around and then going where he knows well be? ESTELLE I wonder Should we say hello? YURI [to Raven] Well old man, whatre you waiting for? RAVEN M-me?! Oh well, I guess I might as well B-buon giorno! How ya doin? Sicily turns around. SICILY Oh, its you Buon giorno Ho-hum RAVEN Y-ya seem pretty down in the dumps. Whats the matter? SICILY Hmm? Di ricente, I just dont feel like doing much at all RAVEN I-is that so? I guess we all get a little bummed sometimes Karol gets an idea. KAROL Hey, ummm, Mr. Sicily? SICILY Mmmm? KAROL Arent you a really great engineer, Mr. Sicily? You can make weapons and stuff, right? SICILY Eh? Si KAROL Then make a really awesome weapon for us! SICILY A weapon, you say? No, Im just not too interested KAROL Oh, I see Too bad YURI So its true that you really have to be interested in something to work on it Sicily walks closer to them. SICILY ! Hey bambino Your haircut, its very interessante! KAROL Huh? My haircut? R-really? SICILY Oh! I just thought of something magnifico! KAROL Huh? SICILY Bambino, your haircut, it gave me a hint! Grazie! Grazie mille! I must go get some parts! Ciao, amici! Until we meet again! Arrivederci! Professor Sicily runs past them and disappears somewhere in Heliord. KAROL And there he goes RITA What a weird guy RAVEN I fell like well be seein him again soon enough ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Professor Sicily - Part 4(b): Fight at least ten battles, then return

to Heliord and talk to Sicily. SICILY Buon giornooo! RAVEN Just as I thought We meet again JUDITH Heh heh He looks like hes cheered up a bit. RAVEN Yeah, maybe he has. ESTELLE It looks like hes got somethingwith him? SICILY Guarda! Havva look at this! Its my masterpiece! The robot takes a couple of steps forward. BARRELOW X I am Barrelow X, jarnk I am Professor Sicilys helper, jarnk! RITA What the? YURI It looks just like Karol SICILY Pretty cool, eh? BARRELOW X Pretty cool, huh? JAAARNK! RITA I-is this a blastia? It looks like a toy BARRELOW X A t-toy?! You take that back! Professor Sicily! Say something, please! Jarnk The robot shuffles around to look at Sicily. SICILY Hmmm, well, si, you are pretty much just a toy BARRELOW X Big shock!! Jaaarnk! SICILY In verita, I was thinking that I might give this toy to you, my kind amici BARRELOW X B-bigger shock!! RITA Hes fully autonomous, right? I just cant feel the same way about him as I do with other blastia YURI So that can happen to even you, Rita RITA Im sorry! I dont want him! I mean, well maybe No, Im sorry, I cant! I cant take him! BARRELOW X Shock!! I-i-impossible!! Barrelow X takes off running away from them. YURI He ran away ESTELLE You dont think we should go after him? KAROL . . . My amiciyou are all very unique people! YURI Hes not paying attention Barrelow X comes back but stands beyond the nearest tent looking at them. RAVEN I think ya got us beat in the uniqueness category SICILY Un cane! You have a dog! Signor Dog, do you fight, too? REPEDE Woof! BARRELOW X Y-you dont care about me anymore! Big shock!! Barrelow X runs off again. KAROL [to Sicily] Come on, we should follow him! SICILY Che cosa? Follow who? KAROL Barrelow X! SICILY Oh yes? Si, si, I see. Ill stay here and relax. KAROL [turns to others] Lets go! YURI Y-yeah They find Barrelow X standing near the field exit, his little gear axe resting on his shoulder, just like Karol. KAROL . . . H-hey BARRELOW X [blue teardrops] Wh-wh-what do you want, jarnk! I-Im not lonely or anything, jarnk! KAROL You know, I think youre really cool.


. . . [blushing] [waddles around to face Karol] Th-thats obvious, jarnk! Why are you saying such obvious things, jarnk?! Im shocked at how obvious that is, jarnk! KAROL I was thinking maybe we could be friends BARRELOW X . . . I-if you insist, I suppose I could make you my henchman, jarnk KAROL Uh, I wanted to be your friend, not your henchman Anyway, lets go back to Professor Sicily, okay? BARRELOW X Okay, jarnk! Barrelow X stands before Sicily on the tiny pier. SICILY Ah, you have returned! BARRELOW X Professor Sicily! Ive decided, jarnk! Im going to go with these people, jarnk! This boy begged me until I agreed, jarnk! I didnt want to make him cry, jarnk! KAROL Thats not how I remember it SICILY Oh really? Eccellente! Then buona fortuna! Work hard! You can come back anytime, eh? BARRELOW X Professor Sicily SICILY Well, he is yours now Feel free to give him a new name if you like! BARRELOW X Huh?! RAVEN Hmmm, nothin springs to mind Barrelow X turns to look at them. ESTELLE He was originally named BARRELOW X , and he looks just like Karol How about calling him Karolow X? YURI All right, its decided. KAROLOW X Just like that?! KAROL N-nice to meet you, Karolow X! KAROLOW X Uh, o-okay, jarnk. From now on, Ill be Karolow X! Jarnk! JUDITH Welcome to the party, Karolow X! You can stay in Karols bag. Okay? KAROLOW X Why, jarnk? I can walk by myself! JUDITH Pretty please, with cherries on top? [beating heart] KAROLOW X Wow! O-okay, jarnk! Karolow X hops into Karols bag. JUDITH Ahh. Finally, some peace and quiet. Okay, lets go now. KAROL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Alexei's Research Part 1: In Dahngrest, talk to the right bartender in the Sagittarius tavern. KAROL BARTENDER YURI KAROL Hi there! Hey, good to see you. Looking for more work? Unfortunately, I dont have any jobs for you right now. Hmm I guess sometimes theres just not enough work to go around. Yeah, we cant always count on there being jobs for us

to do. We can always try again later. *Aggressive bark* Doing well? Thats good to hear. Come to think of it, I ended up getting this key from those Blood Alliance guys But I dont have any use for it. You can have it. Apparently its a key to the lower level of Ghasfarost. INFORMATION Obtained Ghasfarost, Basement Key. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------JUDITH REPEDE BARTENDER ---------------------------------------------------------------------------Alexei's Research Part 2: In Ghasfarost, use the Sorcerer's Ring on the lever and head downstairs. It evening when they reach Ghasfarost. The moonlight casts erie shadows upon the steps leading up to the dark and foreboding tower. JUDITH Theres a keyhole in this lever. YURI Come to think of it, didnt we get a key a while back? Karol inserts the key into the lever. YURI Oh? JUDITH This looks like ti might move if you used the Sorcerers Ring on it. Yuri zaps the lever with the ring and a set of staircase move into positon nearby leading to the lower level. RITA Ah, so this is what they were keeping in the lower levels. YURI What is all this? Yuri looks at the machinery heavily laden with gears and gauges. RITA That blastia network that Alexei was trying to create This is all equipment that was to be used for that. YURI This is? RITA Yes. It seems that he had Barbos set up Ghasfarost as one of the nodes in the network. YURI So Alexei was behind what Barbos was doing, after all. RITA With Zaude at the center of the network, and other nodes at Chasfarost, the capital, Capua, Halure, Heliord, and Aspio This network siphoned aer from blastia all over the world to Zaude, giving him all that power. ESTELLE Aer should be used so people can live happily, but he wanted to use it for his own personal gain RAVEN And thats what caused this teensy little global catastrophe were dealin with. I cant forgive what he did, but I cant help feelin a little sorry fer him. JUDITH Theres no need to feel sorry for him. Its because of Alexeis evil deeds that our world is in such trouble right now. KAROL Theres no use arguing about someone whos already dead! Whats important is that fight to protect whats important to us now. YURI I couldntve said it better myself, Karol. KAROL Ah, it was nothing RITA What the This is

Rita walks across the gigantic gear they all stand upon. YURI Whats up, Rita? This is what Alexei was using ESTELLE Its the fake Dein Nomos. YURI Howd it get here? KAROL Wasnt this destroyed in the fortress shrine of Zaude? RITA Maybe they made multiple copies. That would make sense Each of the copies is a control key for the blastia in its node of the network. ESTELLE Then the blastia here is also? RITA Yes I thought it was strange! I never saw how Barbos could control this towers blastia, as immense as it is, wsith that crude imitation he had. But if they had this one that Alexei made, I can believe it. ESTELLE Is it okay if we take that? RITA It could cause the aer supply to stop working, and make the tower stop functioning, but Thats all right, right? RAVEN Sure, sure, no problem at all. [looks at Yuri.] Take it, would ya, lad? YURI Take this? So were going to use the power that released the Adephagos to go and defeat it I like the way that sounds. All right Lets go! INFORMATION Obtained False Dein Nomos. Chest Limit Bottle ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Guild Quest - Part 3(a): In Dahngrest, speak with someone by the east entrance. Returning to Dahngrest, they find Yu waiting on the bridge near the east entrance. YU Oh, youre that guild from last time Many thanks for you help back then. KAROL Hey, we should be thanking you for giving us the job. YU Actually, youve come at a perfect time I have a favor Id like to ask. JUDITH What is it? YU My friend Nobis--the one to whom you delivered that book--is looking for people to do a job. Would you mind going and hearing what he has to say? KAROL Well YURI Hold on. Can we take a job without asking the Union first? KAROL The Union doesnt keep other guilds from doing their own work. The Union system for getting jobs is just to help out guilds that couldnt get work on their own. JUDITH So we just moved up as a guild.


Exactly. And this way, theres no finders fee, so we get all the money ourselves! YURI Huh. All right, well go talk to your friend and decide whether or not to take the job. YU Thank you. Hes most likely in Torim Harbor right now. Please go there and listen to what he has to say. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Guild Quest - Part 3(b): Head to the dock in Capua Torim and talk to the man standing near Tokunaga. They find Nobis standing on the port directly across from where the Fiertia docked. NOBIS A fiery soul into a sea of flames. KAROL Its you! NOBIS Hello there. I apologize for not staying in touch. YURI Why would you? All we did was deliver a package. NOBIS Ah, thats a good point. KAROL We heard from Yu that theres something youd like to have done? NOBIS Really? Oh, I would be so grateful JUDITH Thank goodness for friends, right? NOBIS Ive actually heard your guild mentioned here and there recently. I thought you could probably find the answer I seek. KAROL So you want t hire Brave Vesperia? NOBIS Yes, thats right. Id actually like you to go gather information about a certain something. YURI Gather information? Sounds like another job that just keeps going and going NOBIS Well, I tried to do it myself, and Ive also asked whatever guilds would help So far though, there havent been any promising leads HoweverI cannot afford to be dissuaded. I must obtain what I seek at any cost. JUDITH This sounds prettyserious. NOBIS Yes. For me it is a matter of great importance. KAROL Great importance, huh? So what is it youre looking for? NOBIS An ore of the metal known as Everlight. KAROL But thats JUDITH The girl who asked for our help back in Dahngresther necklace was made of Everlight. YURI She did say something about her Dad digging it up in a mine somewhere. NOBIS Really? JUDITH Yes. We might be able to get more information if we asked her a few questions. NOBIS Splendid. You will of course be paid well for useful information. Allow me to explain. KAROL You really need this Everlight What are you going to use it for? NOBIS A dream I would give my life for


A dream youdgive your life for Sorry, I shouldnt bore you with personal matters. Will you do this for me? [Yes] or [No] Well, guess wed better see if we cant get this thing done. Oh, really? We couldnt possibly refuse t ohelp with something thats so important to you! We accept this task in the name of the brightest star in the night sky--Brave Vesperia. Thank you. Im counting on you. Ill be waiting here in this town for a while in case you find some good news.


[end cutscene] NOBIS So whats the connection between the father of that woman in Dahngrest that knows about the everlight? Wellanyway, bring me some information. Ill be waiting right here. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Guild Quest - Part 3(c): In Dahngrest, enter the inn. Back at Dahngrest, they assemble outside the inn. JUDITH Do you think Rhianna is still at the inn? YURI Well, lets just go inside and take a look. KAROL HeyI um YURI Dont want to see your old teacher, huh? You can wait here if you want. KAROL [looks down] O-okay They find Rhianna in the inn. RHIANNA Oh, its you. Thanks again for what you did for me. YURI It was nothing. JUDITH It was a lot of work, actually. YURI I was trying to be polite REPEDE *Aggressive bark* YURI Actually theres something we want to ask you. RHIANNA Oh? Id be happy to help, if I can. YURI That necklace you asked us to find was made of Everlight, right? RHIANNA Yes. YURI You said your father mined the ore for the necklace and made it himself, right? Do you know where he got the ore from? RHIANNA I read in his diary a while back that it came from a mountain in wester Desier. JUDITH Mt. Temza? RHIANNA Yes, that name sounds right. He wrote that he went up to the mountain after spending the night in a Krityan village there. JUDITH Do you know when this was? RHIANNA Before my parents got married, soover twenty years ago. JUDITH Twenty years ago


That long ago, huh Theres no telling if theres any Everlight left there anymore. RHIANNA Im afraid I dont know anthing more than that YURI Thats plenty. Thanks! They leave and meet Karol in the street. KAROL Hey, did you find anything out? YURI She said it was twenty years ago on Mt. Temza KAROL Twenty years ago? Huh? What was? RAVEN That areas been a wasteland ever since the Great War. JUDITH But rocks are rocks. Wars shouldnt really affect things like that. YURI Judith, werent you born there? Did you ever hear anything about this? JUDITH Well, I was really little when I lived there. I never heard anyone talking about Everlight. YURI Hmm Okay. KAROL Wouldnt it be faster just to go and see if we can get any ourselves? YURI Yeah, youre right. Lets take a trip to Mt. Temza. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Guild Quest - Part 3(d): In Mt. Temza, check east of the last warp portal. As they near the ledge where Baul transformed on Mt. Temza, Yuri spots a bit of red stone off to the side of the rocky path. YURI Huh? Hey, whats that red thing voer there? KAROL Is that? Rita walks over to inspect the red stone. RITA Heythere are a lot of impurities, but this is definitely Everlight ore. KAROL Awesome! YURI KAROL Now we just need to tell Nobis, and were done with this job. Hey, shouldnt we bring some back for him since were here? Sure, I dont see why not. Well lets do some digging, then.

JUDITH YURI Later. YURI Here we go This is a pretty good-sized chunk. INFORMATION Obtained Everlight Ore. RITA Hey, do you all hear something? They hear the sound of wings flapping and turn to look at the sky. KAROL What is that! JUDITH Well? Do we fight it? KAROL No way! Lets get out of here! YURI You heard him. They warp to the base of the mountain path curving around the crater. KAROL Are you kidding? That things still following us?! YURI My guess is its not after us. RITA You think it wants the Everlight? YURI Probably. A voice calls behind them.

Voice Stop right there!!! YURI That voice Zagi stands behind them. KAROL Wh-where did you come from! ZAGI Yuri Wherere you going in such a hurry? Hmm? Weve got all the time in the world. YURI Hey, you kinda caught us at a bad time ZAGI Gah hah hah hah! Its never a good time when youre in reach of my blade! Yuri Lowell! Zagi happily runs at Yuri with his sword drawn. Yuri steps aside as Zagi races by and almost collides with a huge monster bird, flapping its wings so it can hover inches above the path. The bird looks oddly humanoid with its muscular torso and upper arms. ZAGI Huuh? Who the hell are you? Stay out of this!! You couldnt hope to satisfy me! You wanna die first? Huh? The monster swipes at Zagi with a muscular wing, but Zagi dodges the attack. ZAGI Hmph. Piece of crap RITA [to Yuri] Should we be going? YURI Yeah, I dont want to fight any pointless battles. Right, Karol? KAROL Y-yeahwe dont really have time for this, anyway. They run down the steep hill, and pause a few yards beyond when they hear Zagi shout. ZAGI Gyaaaahhh! Im gonna rip your ugly head off, monster!! KAROL I-I wonder if hes okay. JUDITH Which one of them do you mean? KAROL Uhhmm. They reach the base of the mountain. YURI Hey, are we really gonna take this with us? KAROL Of course! I mean, it the job we were given. And you saw how much the client wanted this Everlight. YURI Yeah, but why was that monster so interested in it? KAROL Baul should be able to outfly him. Right, Judith? JUDITH Of course. But thats not really the issue here, is it? YURI No, I just wonder if its really okay to carry off something that seems so important? KAROL Nobis trusted us to do this job for him. I want to take this back to him. I think its the right thing to do. YURI Well, if you put it like that JUDITH Maybe we should just ask the client what hed like us to do? KAROL Yeah, lets do that. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Guild Quest - Part 3(e): In Capua Torim, report back to the client and collect your reward. Nobis waits on the dock. KAROL Look, we brough you the Everlight!


Handed over Everlight Ore. Ooohhh I never imagined you would deliver it to me directly Thank you so very much. With this, we can finally revive our guild YURI Revive? Did something happen to your guild? NOBIS No, its-its nothing Here. Take this as a show of my gratitude. He puts something in Karols hand. Information Acquired 5000 Gald NOBIS Now that Ive acquired it, I mustnt waste even a single moment! Nobis runs up the dock and out of sight. RITA You think hell be all right? RAVEN Must really be in a hurry if hes headin out of town on his own. They hear a trilling noise. JUDITH That voice KAROL I-I dont believe it YURI Damn, he sure is persistent Nobis is in trouble. Lets go! NOBIS Gaaah! Near the west exit, Nobis lays on the ground. RITA It looks like the monster got away with the stone YURI Hey, are you okay?! NOBIS After all that searching Now Ill have to start over Estelle joins. ESTELLE This wound is terrible! Estelle performs a healing arte on Nobis. YURI Lets carry him to the inn! Lateroutside the inn. ESTELLE Well, hell live, but he shouldnt be moved for quite some time. YURI Hes lucky you were here. What a stupid thing to do I dont care What the reason, anybody who steps outside a barrier alone is crazy. RAVEN I figure thisll make him give up on the Everlight. Hes lucky to get off with his life. KAROL I guess we shouldnt have brought the Everlight to him after all I should have listened to you, Yuri YURI Hey, its his own fault for charging out like that. You got nothing to worry about, Karol. KAROL Yuri YURI But we should decide what our guild will do if something like this happens again. JUDITH We do need to try and define Brave Vesperias rules as we gain more experience. KAROL Yeah YURI Hey, dont get all down on yourself. We just started as a guild. KAROL Yeah. Well only get better from here on. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Guild Quest - Part 4(a): In Dahngrest, In Dahngrest, talk to the right bartender in the west pub. BARTENDER KAROL BARTENDER Well now, if it isnt the Brave Pizzeria. Its Brave VESPERIA! Youre gonna have to forgive me. Never been very good with names. Here for more work? Look for a job? [Yes] or [No] [Chose Yes] BARTENDER So youre up to it, huh? Well lets see here Oh, right. There is that one thing Hmm JUDITH Something the matter? BARTENDER Nah Its just that this ones come as a direct request from the Union itself. KAROL Does that mean its a tough job? BARTENDER Not necessarily. More likely that the client isnt too familiar with the way the Union and the guilds work. YURI [reading] I wish to be put in contact with a certain guild. Mimula KAROL Why did the Union pass this job to you? BARTENDER This person approached the Union directly about getting hold of this guild they mention here. RAVEN And the Union isnt a matchmakin service for guilds and their potential clients. JUDITH Then why is the job being posted here? BARTENDER Because, were in the business of lending a hand to the newer guilds that cant find work on their own yet. YURI Heh, so thats whats up. JUDITH Well, what do you think? Should we take the job? YURI What do they mean by certain guild? BARTENDER Thats something only the guild that takes the job gets to know, Im afraid. The reward is 6000 Gald. Will you take it? Accept job? [Accept job] or [Decline offer] [Chose: Accept job] BARTENDER The client for this job isnt exactly nearby. Are you up to it? KAROL Where are they? BARTENDER The imperial capital of Zaphias. YURI That means KAROL This Mimula isnt somebody you know, is it Yuri? YURI Nonot a name Ive heard before Yuri turns to Repede. REPEDE *Whine* [shakes his headno.] YURI Maybe a more recent arrival JUDITH We might as well have a look. With Bauls help its just a short flight away. REPEDE Woof! YURI All right, lets go. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

-----Guild Quest - Part 4(b): In Zaphias head to the Lower Quarter and speak to Leblanc. They enter the lower quarter and find Leblanc standing by the fountain. As they approach Leblanc, Adecor and Boccos come running. LEBLANC Y-you there! Its curtains for Oh, wait ADECOR Were in the middle of carrying out a secret, I say, secret mission! BOCCOS Adecor! Our investigations of anti-imperial activity are strictly confidential! YURI You might want to reacquaint your boys here with the meaning of the word secret. LEBLANC [turning to boys] Idiots! ADECOR Beg, I say, beg your pardon, Sir! BOCCOS Apologies, Sir! LEBLANC What did I do to deserve this? As you can see, Ive got no time for small talk with the likes of you! RAVEN Whats the deal? Those extremists causin problems for ya again? LEBLANC Yes Sir, Captain Raven SIR! Theyre up to more mischief than ever before! ADECOR I say, weve had reports of them slinking and sneaking around the lower quarter! RAVEN Well then, Im sure youll get the job done. ESTELLE Good luck to you. BOCCOS I never dreamed wed receive the praise of the Princess and the Captain in person! LEBLANC Thank you for this gracious kindness! YURI The extremists, huh? Those are the guys who plant bombs, hurt people and put the town in a general state of panic, right? RAVEN The very ones. We hadnt heard much from them for a while, but it sounds like theyre up to their old tricks again. ESTELLE Are there really people who do things like that? YURI Yeah. I can understand that they arent thrilled with the empire, but theyve got no right involving innocent people. RAVEN Unlike the guilds, theyre a pretty disorganized bunch. People with chips on their shoulders tend ta be that way. Makes it hard ta put a stop to em once and for all. Well, it isnt like we have any clues ourselves. Shouldnt we just leave it to the Knights? RAVEN Spose youre right. LEBLANC You can count on us, Your Highness! Sir! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------JUDITH ---------------------------------------------------------------------------Guild Quest - Part 4(c): Go to the lower quarter in Zaphias and talk to the young noble woman in the Inn and Tavern Comet. YURI Are you Mimula?


Thats right. And just who might you be? Were Brave Vesperia. The guild who took the job you posted with the Union! MIMULA Its about time! I will, of course, dock your pay for all the waiting youve made me do. KAROL What?! Thats not fair! [steamed] Judith walks toward them. MIMULA Is this indecent young lady part of your Bravewhatever you call it as well? JUDITH Do you have a problem with how Im dressed? MIMULA Its your reputation. Now, are you serious about taking the job? KAROL Well, what does it involve? MIMULA I havent seen my butler, Sebastian, since he left to negotiate with a certain guild. Id like to get some word from him, but nobody seems willing to go for me! JUDITH Have you considered going yourself? It would make a lovely day trip, Im sure. MIMULA Oooh! This is no time for jokes! I have no interest in going any place that vile. YURI Which is where we come in, right? MIMULA Naturally, the commoners must heed the words of the nobility. YURI So whats a high and mighty noble like you doing in the lower quarter? MIMULA Well Iyou see Oooh! How rude! Why should you care?! All . . . KAROL And what guild are you talking about? MIMULA Theyre called Leviathans Claw. YURI Leviathans! MIMULA You are to find out first, if Sebastian is safe, and second, how the negotiations have gone. KAROL What was he supposed to negotiate? MIMULA That is none of your concern. YURI Yeah, its not, but we dont need any extra hassle. JUDITH So basically, youd like us to bring this Sebastian back to you. MIMULA Thats right. YURI If were dealing with Leviathans Claw, I guess were off to the Manor of the Wicked. JUDITH Just what kind of dangerous hobbies are you people into? MIMULA Oooh! I thought I told you it was none of your business! You need only concern yourselves with the work Ive hired you to do! JUDITH Such emotion is unbecoming of your ladyship. MIMULA Hmph REPEDE Woof! YURI I hear you, Repede. Lets get going. KAROL Right. We accept this task in the name of the brightest star in the night sky--Brave Vesperia. MIMULA Whatis that your little slogan? Please KAROL [steamed] JUDITH We cant possible understand the refined taste of such an elegant lady, Karol.


Woof! Oooh! How dare you make fun of me?! I wont stand for it Ooooh! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Guild Quest - Part 4(d): Go to the Mansion of the Wicked for a scene They fly to the Manor of the Wicked. Two red-eyes guard the front entrance. RED EYE #2 Hey, you guys are Brave Vesperia YURI How nice of you to remember. RED EYE #1 The boss isnt here anymore. Yeah, no reason for you to come sniffing around here anymore. YURI Anybody named Sebastian come here lately? RED EYE #2 Hmph. Never heard of him. RED EYE #1 Wait. You know as well as I do weve got no idea what to do with that guy. JUDITH Then he is here. RED EYE #1 We kept him here under house arrest while Yeager was still with us. But to tell the truth, hes getting to be a waste of space, these days. RED EYE #2 Whatre you saying? Youre talking to Yeagers killers! RED EYE #2 Yeager is dead and gone. Were gonna have to face facts sooner or later. But theres a condition. KAROL Condition? RED EYE #1 Were trying to start an alliance with a guild called the Soul Smiths. YURI Why would we want to do anything to help a bunch of arms smugglers? RED EYE #2 Go ahead, try and force your way in, then! RAVEN All righty, lets all play nice, now. RED EYE #2 Hmph RED EYE #1 We need weapons to defend ourselves against the monsters, dont we? Without Yeager, its all we can do to survive out here. YURI [to Karol] The Soul Smiths? Have you heard of them? KAROL Of course I know them. Theyre one of the five master guilds, and they specialize in blacksmithing. But unlike the others, they keep pretty much to themselves. They built a forge deep inside a mountain, and they still live there, tucked away from the world. RED EYE #1 Thats it. We need somebody to find them for us. YURI You want us to check every mountain on the planet? Yeah right. RAVEN Who said old Raven didnt have at least a hunch up his sleeve, huh? Both Yuri and Karol turn to look at ol Raven. KAROL No way! YURI Heh, leave it to the No. 2 guy in the Union. Guess this is a father-knows-best situation.


Dont tell me ya forgot your first client, Yu, already. He might be good ta chat with. KAROL Th-that guy?! RAVEN Would this face ever lie to you? Conference over, they turn back to the Red-Eyes. YURI So if we can get a hold of these Soul Smiths for you, youll let the butler go? RED EYE #1 Dont see why we couldnt. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Guild Quest - Part 4(e): In Dahngrest, speak with the man near the east entrance. They fly back to Dahngrest where they find Yu walking on the bridge. KAROL Hello! YU Ahhif it isnt my faithful delivery guild YURI This may be a bit abrupt, but are you with the Soul Smiths? YU Soul Smiths? Oh, you mean the blacksmith guild. No, Im afraid I have nothing to do with them. YURI Um, Raven? Raven walks over to Yu. RAVEN That book these guys delivered for ya Thats no ordinary book, now, is it? There were guild codes written in there. YU You mean you looked insideit?! And wait. You can read codes? KAROL Guild codes used to be a way for the guilds to communicate with each other in secret. YURI Huh. Pretty clever. RAVEN And the Soul Smithsre about the only guild still usin em at this point. YU Dealing in weaponscarefully has always been our guilds motto. Those who make the best weapons must always be neutral. KAROL So then, you are one of the Smiths? JUDITH Which would make that Nobis who picked the book up a member as well. YU It would seem the jig is, as they say, up. YURI Leviathans Claw wants to get in touch with you. YU Oh, do they Our boss never had much stomach for Yeagers unpredictability YURI Ah, then YU ButI hear that man is dead now. Perhaps a change is on the wind. It would at least be worth making contact with them. KAROL Whoa, weve gotta get that written down! Theyll want some sort of proof we actually met one of the Soul Smiths. YU If I must, I suppose. Later, Yu hands the proof to Karol. YU Here you are. This signature represents the will of my guild. When

coupled with our guilds reputation, it should be sufficient. INFORMATION Obtained Letter to Leviathans Claw. JUDITH Then we should be getting back to the Fallen Manor. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Guild Quest - Part 4(f): Return to the Mansion of the Wicked. The exhausted butler is down on one knee in front of the manor as the two Red-Eye guards give him orders. RED EYE #2 Come on, move those feet! BUTLER *Groan*. YURI Hey, is that Sebastian? KAROL Weve come with news about the Soul Smiths! So let Mr. Sebastian go, okay? RED EYE #2 Huh? Do I know you? YURI We had a deal, here. RED EYE #2 No clue what youre talking about. JUDITH Theyre just toying with us. KAROL But you said if we could make contact with the Smiths youd let Mr. Sebastian go RED EYE #2 Oh, you must mean that guy who was here with me. Theres only one thing that happens to losers like him in Leviathans Claw. KAROL Then you YURI Okay, this guys gotta go. The two guards brace for a fight. RED EYE #2 Watch that lip, boy! Lets see what youve got! Battle ensues. After the battle, they gathe around Sebastian. Estelle kneels in front of the old butler. ESTELLE Hang in there. How do you feel? SEBASTIAN W-who are all of you? KAROL Were Brave Vesperia! RITA Youre Sebastian? SEBASTIAN The very same. But how did you? JUDITH Your employer asked that we come and pick you up. SEBASTIAN My lady sent you? H-how very fortuitous. Oh, thats right. Do wait here a moment. The scene fades and Sebastian returns balancing a bag on his shoulder. SEBASTIAN Here I am. YURI Whoa, hold on. Whats with the luggage? SEBASTIAN Oh, just something I nearly forgot. KAROL Thats a pretty big something. SEBASTIAN Honestly, pay it no mind. Well, I do owe you my thanks Sebastian toters on ahead with his bag. They all turn and watch him. REPEDE Woof! YURI Yeah, I smell fish too, boy. JUDITH Were under no obligation to interfere in everything that seems a bit off, are we? YURI I wonder. KAROL They do say the customers always right, but YURI At any rate, lets go collect our reward from our favorite noblewoman. KAROL Y-yeah

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Guild Quest - Part 4(g): In Zaphias Lower Quarter, head toward the Inn and Tavern Comet for a conversation. Pick the 2nd choice. They return to Zaphias and see the noblewoman and her butler around the corner past the inn. ESTELLE *Gasp* Yur-! YURI Shh SEBASTIAN Thanks to the confusion caused by the motley crew you sent to my rescue, I was able to make off with quite a haul. MIMULA Well done, Sebastian, my dear. At lastIll teach those imperial idiots a lesson for daring to look down on my family SEBASTIAN You do have to give Leviathans Claw some credit, though Theyve really got a nice collection of weapons. MIMULA This should aso please those excitable extremists. SEBASTIAN With us on their side, itll be a new day dawning for this empire Heh, heh,heh. MIMULA And with the coming sun, this flower of the nobility shall bloom once again! Those grimy-faced commoners wont know what hit them! ESTELLE They want to overthrow the empire? YURI You said once that the emperor is the one who makes their noble ranks official, right? KAROL So If they got rid of the empire, she wont be a noble anymore. JUDITH Perhaps she has eyes for the throne, herself. RAVEN So, What do ya propose doin about it? Once hired, a guilds pretty much limited to doin the job and collectin a pay check. ESTELLE But do we just pretend we didnt hear their plans to stage a coup? RAVEN Not ta worry, Princess. Those extremists wont amount ta much trouble at all. Theyll cause a bit of a panic if theyre lucky, and then the Knightsll come down on em. KAROL You really think so? RAVEN Why not just pick up your reward, and skedaddle? RITA Sure its all rijght for a former knight captain to say that sort of thing? RAVEN Hey, youre lookin at a strict utilitarian,here. ESTELLE Well, we shouldnt waste any time reporting this to the knights. YURI What do you think, chief? KAROL Im at a loss They approach the noblewoman. YURI Yo. Weve taken care of the job. MIMULA & BUTLER [panicky surprise ie. blue seatdrops] My my, Welcome home. SEBASTIAN Ah, ah yes. Thanks for everything Heh heh heh YURI Wed like to settle up with you, if you dont mind. MIMULA You did rather well, for commoners. Not that the job was

all that difficult. Yuri walks boldly forward, but Estelle stops him. ESTELLE Yuri! MIMULA Oh, so you dont need it? Hmph, I thought beggars couldnt afford to be choosers. Accept reward? [Accept] or [Ill pass] [Chose: Ill pass] YURI Nope, I just cant take it. KAROL Yuri?! MIMULA What? do you mean to say that you wont be accepting my most charitable reward? Oooh! Silly commoners! Oooh! YURI [over his shoulder to his comrades] Best to be prudent at times like this. ESTELLE Right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Guild Quest - Part 4(h): In Zaphias Lower Quarter, speak with Leblanc again. They find Leblanc in the lower quarter by the fountain. LEBLANC Yuri Lowell! ADECOR Here now, dont, I say, dont interfere in our duties! BOCCOS youd better not keep us from keeping watch! LEBLANC Pipe down, you two! YURI You can always count on Tweedle A and B for a laugh. ADECOR I say, what did you say? LEBLANC Dont you have something better to do than stand around harassing public servants? YURI You got it all wrong. We found some people helping out the extremists. Thought you might want to know. LEBLANC Y-you what?! ADECOR [to Boccos] I say, this is of utmost importance! BOCCOS Off we go, Adecor! LEBLANC Halt! Where did you say they were? YURI Check the alley next to the inn. ADECOR [to Boccos] I say, this time its really important! BOCCOS Here we go again! The three knights run off to make an arrest but Leblanc hesitates. LEBLANC Sorry about earlier. YURI Forget it. RAVEN Make me proud, Knights! Leblanc nods then runs to join his men. The three knights round the corner into the alley and confront Mimula and her butler. MIMULA Release me! I am a noble! How dare you knights! Ugh! Back at the fountain, Karol expresses his doubts. KAROL Sodid we do the right thing? YURI Sure we did. Who knows what kind of mess theyd casue if we just left them alone. RAVEN Gotta say though, it goes against the guild code of conduct to tell secrets ya find out when youre on a job. JUDITH Really? RAVEN You gotta keep quiet about any dirt you find out during a job for your client.



Wow, old man, thats actuallyhonorable. Guilds gotta turn a blind eye to stuff their clients do, no matter how bad. Besides, stickin your noses into the clients business isnt gonna earn ya any extra dough. I guess youre right, but Take the pay you got for this job, for example. I dont know about just doing the work, getting paid, and leaving it at that. Yeah Like last time Right. We did exactly what the client asked, and look how badly that turned out. Which reminds me Have you figured out what this whole Brave Vesperia thing is for yet? Is it for the money? Because you like it? What?


We Do justice, right? Yes, Brave Vesperia does what its members feel is right. Even if that doesnt always make money like Raven was talking about. I-I mean, for now well still do jobs that pay, of course. ESTELLE Huh. So thats twhat Brave Vesperia does. RITA Hmph Not sure how much that actually cleared up, but RAVEN You guys sure youre all right with that? Bein in a guild isnt all fun n games, ya know. YURI We never expected it to be. And even if it was, that wouldnt change how we feel... KAROL Yeah, well do things our own way. RITA Hmph, listen to this kid. KAROL What? ESTELLE I think it sounds great! YURI So thats where things stand, old man. RAVEN Heh Knowin you kids, youll probably find a way ta pull it off. KAROL Of course! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Guild Quest - Part 4(i): In Dahngrest, report back to the bartender for your reward. They report back to the bartender at the Sagittarius to get their payment. BARTENDER Whats up, Brave Vesperia? KAROL Looks like you finally remembered who we are. BARTENDER Well, of course I have. Got something here with your name on it, after all. YURI What? BARTENDER Dont get too excited, now. Its form one of the lieutenants in the Imperial Knights. JUDITH I wonder what it could be. RAVEN Huh? Whos it from? BARTENDER Oh yeah, theres a note attached.


Lets see Dear Brave Vesperia, We hope this finds you succeeding in all your ventures YURI Skip that part. What do they want? KAROL Uh, okay Thank you for your cooperation in the recent arrest of anti-Empire elements. Due in part to your aid, a plot to overthrow the government has been averted. Financial compensation of any guild by the Imperial Knights is strictly forbidden. On behalf of myself and my two subordinates however, I humbly offer you our heartfelt thanks. I look forward to future cooperation between our parties. Good fortune and good health. Leblanc ESTELLE ! JUDITH My my, how gentlemanly. YURI Future cooperation? What is he thinking were going to cooperate on? KAROL Huh, back from the job we did for Mimula YURI I guess thisll have to take the place of payment for that job. BARTENDER Its none of my business, but its a pretty big deal for the Knights to send anything like this to Dahngrest. Therere folks around here whod rather not draw the Empires attention. Do make sure and watch yourselves. YURI No worries, its nothing like that. KAROL Feels pretty nice to finally get some recognition for our hard work, huh Yuri? YURI Yeah, lets hope we can keep this up. INFORMATION Acquired 6000 Gald. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Guild Quest - Part 5(a): In Dahngrest, talk to the right bartender in the the Sagitarrius tavern. BARTENDER Well, if it isnt my favorite guild. You guys have been keeping busy lately! Youre bound to start getting offers on you own before long, Id wager. Here to find a job? Accept job? [Accept job] or [Decline offer] [Chose: Accept job] BARTENDER Well, how does this sound? KAROL Ive forgotten something terribly important. Please go and fetch it. Markham of Ruins Gate JUDITH An absent-minded client, hmm? YURI Seriously, cant he just go get his own stuff? ESTELLE There must be some sort of extenuating circumstances. KAROL Yeah, theres gotta be. Plus, this would be an official job. RAVEN A job request from Ruins Gate They were the ones behind that trouble at the Coliseum JUDITH We fell completely for Yeagers act. YURI Dont remind me about stuff like that, old man. ESTELLE But we defeated Yeager, so


So things should be okay now, right? I hope so. Got your game plan set? Payments set at 5500 Gald. How bout it? Accept job? [Accept job] or [Decline offer] [Chose: Accept job] BARTENDER If I had to put money on it, Id say any Ruins Gate people would be at Union HQ. Theyll fill you in on the nitty-gritty. KAROL Got it! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Guild Quest - Part 5(b): In Dahngrest, go to the Union HQ and speak with the two at the upper right corner. There are two men in the very back of the main hall. One wears a red coat and the other is a surveyor. KAROL Hi, um, were looking for Mr. Markham MARKHAM [red coat] I am Markham. You are? WORKER Mark, its you know who. That request you posted JUDITH Have we met? WORKER Im Marks friend, Joshua. MARKHAM Youre here because of my little want ad with the Union? KAROL Yep, thats us. Wed like to hear a little more about it. MARKHAM It was the last time I went to the excavation site. Believe it or not I forgot my shovel there. Id like for you to go and get it for me. YURI Did you say, shovel? JUDITH Thats right, shovel. Theyre also called trowels or spades sometimes. YURI Thats it? MARKHAM What do you mean, thats it? This is no trifling matter! Have some respect! JUDITH Now, Markcalm down. MARKHAM Calm down?! He dismissed our precious tool of the trade as if it were nothing! JUDITH YURI MARKHAM JUDITH MARKHAM JUDITH YURI MARKHAM JUDITH I heard it too, but youve gotta take some deep breaths now. If its so precious to you, whyd you go and forget it in the first place? Urk Well, you see He was set upon by monsters and forced to leave it behind. He wept the whole way back. Of course wed love to go get it ourselves, but without some help, theres no way. Why not cut your losses and buy a new one? If you can afford to pay us, that sounds like an easier fix to me. Do you know what youre saying? If a tool doesnt fit the hand just so, its impossible to get any real work done! Its just a shovel. But its far more than a shovel.


This makes no sense Without my shovel, Ive got no job. Please! Okay, then. Well do it. You cant always pick and choose the work that comes your way. YURI You dont say Hey, why not? Youre starting to sound like a boss again. KAROL Heh heh Think so? RITA Dont go heaping too much praise on him. It goes straight to his head. KAROL By the name of Brave Vesperia, the brightest star on the canvas of the night sky, we accept this task! MARKHAM The place is the temple of Baction on the Hypionian continent. Im depending on you. YURI Of course it would have to be there KAROL What part of the temple? MARKHAM As I recall, I headed t othe northern side as soon as I got underground. I went one floor deeper, and I remember checking out the area around there JUDITH That informations a little vague. MARKHAM Also, you can tell its mine by the name on the handle. KAROL Well just have to go with those clues then. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Guild Quest - Part 5(c): Head to Baction and use the Sorcerer Ring Level 3 on the breakable walls in the dungeon to find a shovel. They fly to Baction and, with the help of the Sorcerers Ring, find the shovel in a southeast room on the second level below the main floor. KAROL Is this the shovel? ESTELLE It looks like Harmfall is written on it. JUDITH But no sign of Markhams name. RITA So it isnt this one, then. ESTELLE Shall we keep on looking? YURI If it is here, shouldnt it be somewhere nearby? KAROL Wonder if we missed it somehow JUDITH Theres no worry of that. It wouldnt get past my eyes. RITA Then somebody must have walked off with it. RAVEN Whod just randomly pick up a shovel with them when they left? RITA How should I know? Im sure therere shovel fanatics out there. KAROL Sort of like how youre a blastia fanatic RITA I am not a fanatic. KAROL [irritated] YURI Wonder if this means well fail this job. JUDITH But the item we were sent to get isnt even here. Thats different than failing. RAVEN Your client may beg ta differ with ya on that little point, though. YURI Man KAROL Well, what about this one? YURI Thered be no point dragging it around. Lets just leave

it here. You might just be making the next shovel fanatic that comes along very happy. KAROL And youd know just how theyd feel, right Rita? YURI You should know youre gonna get chopped by now ESTELLE I I think maybe YURI Huh? ESTELLE Anyone whos forgotten a shovel in a place like this has to have something to do with the excavation, right? YURI Wellyeah, thats probably true, but ESTELLE Why dont we drop it off with the client and let them decide what to do with it? KAROL Hmm Maybe this Harmfall is someone those two guys know. YURI Doesnt exactly lighten our load, but I guess we can take it to them. INFORMATION Obtained Shovel. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------RITA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------Guild Quest - Part 5(d) {Final}: In Dahngrest, report to Markham in the Union HQ for your reward. MARKHAM KAROL MARKHAM JUDITH KAROL MARKHAM ESTELLE KAROL RAVEN RITA RAVEN RITA YURI RAVEN YURI RAVEN JUDITH ESTELLE JUDITH KAROL ESTELLE MARKHAM JUDITH That was fast. Have you found it already? No, um We actually didnt see it down there So then, someone else must have run off with it Oh dear Come on Mark, keep your chin up. Were um, really sorry No need to apologize If its anyones fault, its mine for leaving it there in the first place. Um We could look a little more if youd like Whoa, hold your horses, tiger. There might just be a clue or two that we missed Not you too, Rita Chiquita. Im sorry I said you were talking nonsense earlier. I didnt realize your shovel really meant that much to you. Do you really think therell be some sort of clue down there? Um, hello. Thats what Im sayin. On the other hand, theres no grarantee well come up empty-handed if we take another look. Now, hold on Well I suppose that chance is good enough for me. Im in. I-Ill come along too Oh, Mark. Mark, did you hear? These people are going to continue the search. We will have to nudge our payment up just a touch, in exchange, though. [music note] Karol doesnt miss a beat, does he? Thank youbut Im afraid your willingness to help is more than enough. But Mark Why?


I was pleasantly surprised to find people who understood just how important that shovel was to me. And in the guilds, when a jobs been done, thats the end of it. We in Ruins Gate take no exception to that rule. JUDITH Yeah MARKHAM You gave it your best shot. Ive got no trouble paying you for your time. KAROL Really? MARKHAM Its only natural. INFORMATION Acquired 5500 Gald. MARKHAM Ill have to bid farewell to my old friend, and go find myself a new one. JUDITH Thats it, thats the ticket, Mark. Well then, we should be moving on ESTELLE Oh, wait a moment Are you familiar with a Mr. or Miss Harmfall? MARKHAM Harmfall You mean MY Harmfall? KAROL Your? ESTELLE Maybe you misunderstood me Markham is excited and runs to Estelle. MARKHAM Harmfall! So you were okay after all KAROL Huh? YURI Hold onyou dont mean JUDITH Yes, this is the Harmfall, a legendary shovel thats been in his family for generations. Oh, luck was with us today. KAROL So then, that name written on the handle is the shovels name? RITA I guess. INFORMATION Handed over Shovel. They leave the Guilds Union HQ. YURI Well, thats another job that ended well. JUDITH We have to give Estelle the credit this time around. ESTELLE Who, me? RITA Youre the one who suggested we take it back with us. KAROL Yeah, if you hadnt spoken up, Estelle, the Harmfall wouldve gotten left behind. ESTELLE I-it wasnt really anything. I justsort of thought we should bring it along. Hmstill YURI Huh? ESTELLE It sort of feels like I did my first work for the guild. YURI Heh, that so? KAROL Right on. [music note] RITA Lets see if we can keep this going in the future. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Favorite Toys - Part 1: In Dahngrest, go Fortunes Market near the bridge and talk to the guildsman inside. GUILDSMAN KAROL . . . Huh? Whats the matter?


Hey, Karol, and Raven too! No, its justIve got something on my mind, is all RAVEN Whats up? KAROL Tell us. Maybe Brave Vesperia can help. GUILDSMAN Well, I feel pretty dumb, butI lost the key to the storeroom. I cant do an organizing at all! RAVEN This sounds like a job fer Captain Karol! KAROL Huh? M-me? RAVEN Its all on ya now, master lockpicker! Karol tinkers with the lock but is unsuccessful. KAROL [irritated] This lock looks pretty old. I dont think I can get it unlocked. Im sorry GUILDSMAN Is that so I wonder what I should do, then KAROL . . . GUILDSMAN . . . Raven has an idea. RAVEN Aha! Im a genius! KAROL What? What is it? Ive got a bad feeling about this RAVEN Just like last time, kid! Hop up! Ill give ya a boost. Karol gets busy and tinkers with the lock. KAROL We did it! GUILDSMAN Ohh, thank you! You did great! RAVEN What else did ya expect from the great Raven? KAROL But all you did was give me a boost up! GUILDSMAN I cant thank you enough. You can have whatevers in the storeroom. KAROL But werent you planning on tidying up your things? GUILDSMAN Well, I was originally planning on reorganizing all of my boxes, and Im sure that a lot of them wouldve ended up getting thrown away. And I need to give you a reward for the work that you did! KAROL Okay, but dont you think this is a bit much RAVEN It sounds okay to me. After all, its a reward fer hard work done by Brave Vesperia! GUILDSMAN [to Raven] Frankly, I dont really know whats in there. KAROL All right, then well take it! Thanks! GUILDSMAN Thanks for your help. If I ever have another problem, Ill be sure to ask Brave Vesperia! Chest: (C) F Statue Check: Poison Ward Check: Stun Bracelet ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Kowz Boy - Part 4: In Mantaic, give the Kowz an Hourglass and All Divide. KOWZ KAROL KOWZ Diiing! Im Kowz! You can calle me Lil K for short. Nice to meetcha, better to greetcha! The skys all squirmy Does it bother you? Me? Nah. Who cares? No point in getting aaaall worked up about it!



. . . So ya just take things as they come? Ya take more of a philosophical view of things? I have a philosophy of going with the flow! You know, like a cloud, floating along with the breeze Hmmm, that mumbo jumbo almost sounds believeable You should shut that big yap of yours before someone trips on it, Flatty. You wouldnt know hopes and dreams if they smacked you in the face! Argh Youre really asking for it now! Rita, control yourself! Oh, Pheromone-Boy! Youre so thoughtful. [heart] To show my respect for you, Pheromone-Boy, let me take some of your excess items. We have excess items? Not that I know of. We pretty much need what we have. No, you definitely look like you have some items to spare! Come on, give them here! Gimme gimme! Pleeease! Why do you want items so badly? My tale is sad to hear and even sadder to tell. The reasons for my desires run deep, and are born of tears and sorrow! But it would take too long to tell you everything, so just take my word for it. What the hell are you going on about? Stop being so vague! Well, todays items du jour are the All-Divide and the Hourglass. Do you have any extras of these two items? If so, gimme! Give All-Divide and Hourglass? [Yes] or [No]

Why do you want all this stuff? Here, just take it. Oh ho ho. Thanks much! Handed over All-Divide. Handed over Hourglass. Kowz chants to the sandpit. KOWZ Round and Round we go! Where we stoponly I know! The pit blows a hearty stream of sand and out jumps the Ant Lion Man. KOWZ Caatch! ANT LION MAN Oh ho, oh ho! Thankee, thankee! Ant Lion Man jumps into the sandpit. KOWZ No, thank you! [turning his back to them] Now then, to return the favor Tadaaa! INFORMATION Obtained Apple Gel, Lemon Gel, Orange Gel, Pineapple Gel, Melange Gel, Miracle Gel RAVEN Eh? Hmm This aint so bad KOWZ Your very own set of gels! I like to call it the Chewy Chewy Yummy Pack! RITA Id say we broke about even JUDITH So what happens to the items that we give you? KAROL Yeah, yeah, I wanna know, too! KOWZ RITA YURI Hmmm Thatd take a long time to explain. I dont wanna Come on, tell us! !


Oh, would you look at the time! Come again, wont you? Ill be waiting! Ding-dong-ding! [heart] ALL . . . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Krityan Style Fighting Part 1 In Myorzo, enter the elder's house and check the mural on the back wall for the Bush Baby Doll. ESTELLE Wow, the Krityans in this painting are raising their weapons against the Adephagos YURI Thats odd. The Krityans dont seem like very warlike people. Well, besides Judith, that is. The Elder joins. ELDER Indeed, the Kritya have always been a peaceful race. We laugh and we cry, but seldom do we fight. ESTELLE So the only time that the Krityans armed themselves and fought was against the impending threat from the Adephagos? ELDER Err, well All . . . ELDER It seems its not so much a depiction of real life, as it is a scene tht the artist thought would be cool to paint. KAROL What the You mean, theyre not really fighting? ELDER Well, that was all a long time ago. But we do know that around that time, a certain type of magic was developed. It was a powerful arte called Astion, and appartently it served them quite well in the battle. RITA If such an amazing type of magic exists, you have to teach it to us! Im sure it would be useful in the battle well have to fight. ELDER Im sorry, but I dont know the magic. I wouldnt be able to teach it to you. RITA Its just letdown after letdown with you, isnt it? ELDER Come now, dont be so critical. Perhaps this can make up for my ignorance. He gives an object to Estelle. ELDER This is my one and only Bush Baby doll. ESTELLE Oh my gosh, its so cute! The doll resembles a big eared blue and white cat. ELDER Please, take good care of it. ESTELLE Of course! RITA I cant believe you *Sigh* I give up ELDER Its possible the knowledge of Astion is still being passed on among our brethren who decended down onto the planets surface. KAROL You think the Krityans on the surface would know it? ELDER Well, I dont think that all of them are as well-versed in the old Krityan lore as others. But someone might know of it. JUDITH I wonder what happened to Tort. Hes guarded the way to Myorzo for generations. Perhaps hed be able to tell us YURI Well, I guess we have no choice but to go to Aspio and

ask him in person. INFORMATION Obtained Bush Baby Doll. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Krityan Style Fighting Part 2 {Final} In Aspio (or Deidon Hold), speak with Toth for Estelle to learn Astion. (Note: If done later in the game, you'll need to go to Deidon Hold instead of Aspio.) TOTH RITA TOTH KAROL TOTH ESTELLE TOTH RITA ESTELLE TOTH KAROL TOTH I remember you from before. What can I do for you today? Id like you to teach me the magic known as Astion. Youve heard of Astion? Im impressed. But unfortunately I cannot teach it to you. Isnt there some way? We want to do what we can to stop the Adephagos! But you see Oh, that Bush Baby doll you have Oh, this...we got it from the elder of Myorzo. Hmmmalright, then lets have a trade. Ill teach you Astion if youll give me that. Huh? Really truly? Huh? But we cant! That doll is an extremely valuable item to the Kritya. It was certainly used in the ceremony to honor Krones. Krones? Krones is the name of the one who carries Myorzo. To the Kritya of Myorzo, Krones is a being held sacred above all others. Thats why that doll you have is so important. The Elder sure handed it over without much of a fuss, didnt he? We might as well, right? If all we have to do is give him that little trinket. That little trinket? That is blatant disrespect toward the Bush Baby doll! Take that back! Oh, geezIm sorry. Hey, its no skin off our backs. Come on Estelle, hand it over. B-but Its so cute! What are you talking about? This things our ticket to learning that magic! Id rather have this cute little doll than some stupid magic spell hides the doll behind her back. Stop being such a baby and give me the doll! You know, they say that sometimes dolls have powerful curses on them that affect anyone who touches them. Eek! examines the doll. Rita takes the opportunity to snatch the doll from Estelle and hand it to Toth. Simply amazing. I never thought the day would come when I would lay hands on this doll. Now then, this is for you.


All of the details about Astion are written in this book. Ohhh, how could you trick me like that?! Come one, grow up a little. Hmmm, this seems like its Estelles kind of magic. ESTELLE What? My kind of? RITA Read through that by tomorrow and see if you can learn it. They leave and Estelle walks on ahead with the book. Karol talks to Rita. KAROL Why do you say its Estelles kind of magic? RITA The formulas interesting because its so old, but its really too bad KAROL ? ESTELLE I dunno, its just a very simple kind of magic. Frumpy, if you will. YURI So you gave it to Estelle because its boring? RITA Th-thats not a very nice way to put it! Some people are just more naturally inclined towards certain types of things! KAROL Youre terrible INFORMATION Estelle learned Astion. INFORMATION Haned over Bush Baby Doll. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------ESTELLE RITA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------Feelings in the Mural: In Myorzo, enter the elder's house and look at the mural again. ELDER YURI JUDITH Ah, so youve returned. Hey, good to see you again. Elder, why is the mural hdden like this? Isnt this the lore of our ancestors? Isnt it important for everyone to know? ELDER We gave up blastia as a race for that we might not repeat the mistakes of our ancestors. And then this mural was left behind, so that the dire consequences of these mistakes might be know to later generations. However, fearing that this knowledge would bring confusion to our brethren, our ancestors hid the mural within this wall. Those who handed down the lore of the Kritya were the only ones entrusted with this truth JUDITH Really? ELDER Yesbut not that I think about it, perhaps it was a mistake to keep it a secret. We should have told everyone of these events earlier, and worked together to find a way to fight against the Adephagos. ESTELLE ButIts not too late! ELDER Thank you, thank you, Miss Earth-Dweller. VOICE (behind them) Hello! Is everyone else coming? Ahwhats that painting doing here? A Krityan man enters the elders house and looks at the mural. ELDER Ohwell, you see, this waspassed down from our

ancestors More Krityans, young and old, arrive. WOMAN Hellooo, I hope Im not late Wait, what is that? MAN This is that thing thats floating up in the sky out there. Look, everyones fighting it! WOMAN The Krityans are holding spears, too! LITTLE BOY [jumping up and down] Wooow, cool! ELDER Indeed it is, little one. YURI Is this really okay? I thought he didnt want them to know JUDITH Maybe its not such a big deal. Look, no one seems to be too disturbed by it. YURI I guess LITTLE BOY How could you keep something as cool as this all for yourself, Mr. Elder? Thats not fair! ELDER Sorry, little one, but my grandfather told me to take good care of it. It was too much trouble to leave it out, so I hid it. JUDITH Ah, I thought as much. ESTELLE But what about my encouraging words MAN The Krityans fought against the monster, too! MAN And then they wiped it out! WOMAN We need to be brave, too! YURI & ESTELLE . . . JUDITH I understand their hesitation. This is what being a Krityan is all about. I wasnt able to be like the rest of my people. Thats why I left this city in the first place. WOMAN All right, lets have our meeting! We need to discuss what measures we can take against the monster! ELDER Well then, if youll excuse us YURI Oh, right, well be going now. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dragon Race - Part 1: Fly toward the top of Mt Temza to trigger a scene. They fly over Mt. Temza. Standing on the deck of the Fiertia, Judith looks at the mountains. JUDITH It feels like it was ages ago that I left. Heh heh. You feel the same way, Baul? Yuri joins. YURI Youre talking with Baul? JUDITH Yeah. We were just remembering the time that we first met. YURI Would you mind telling me about it? JUDITH A long time ago, Baul used to live on the summit of Mt. Temza. The townspeople all feared him They thought of him as a giant, ferocious monster. But I talked to Baul, and eventually, we became friends. YURI About how old were you then? JUDITH I dont remember exactly, but I think I was pretty young. From that point on, we started traveling together. My




dad came, too. Your father did? My dad had a fierce passion for blastia. I feel like I was influenced a lot by him as I grew up. Soon after that, the Great War happened. I was about to become a statistic, and then Baul saved me. You were right in the middle of the battle, werent you? Yes My fellow Krityans took me up to Myorzo for a while, but I went back down to the surface. And then, I decided to travel around the planet with Baul. To destroy all of the Hermes blastia, and rid the world of its negative effects. I see. So Baul saved your life. Yes.

I feel like I understand the connection between you two a lot better now. Thanks for sharing that with me. Yuri leaves. Judith looks up at the sky. JUDITH Dad ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hotspring - Part 2: In Yuumanju, pay 300,000 Gald. Sleep at any inn before you come back and pay 600,000 Gald. (PAY 300,000 Gald) They return to the Yumanju Hotspring at night. RECEPTIONIST Hello, fine visitors, and welcome to the Yumanju Hot Spring Spa! KAROL Hey, are you done cleaning the baths? RECEPTIONIST Yes, sir! The open-air baths are sparkling clean, and ready for you enjoyment! RAVEN Heeey! Sounds nice, sounds nice! ESTELLE Well then, can we go into the baths, then? RECEPTIONIST Please, feel free! Thatll be 50,000 Gald per person. Everyone, except Judith, reacts with shocked expressions and body language. KAROL F-fifty thousand Gald?! RITA T-thats highway robbery! RECEPTIONIST The principal customers of our establishment are wellto-do-nobility. Our prices are merely the result of our sincere desire to meet every conceivable need of our esteemed clientele. I believe that once you experience our services, you wont feel that the prices are too high for the level of satisfaction you receive. JUDITH What should we do, Yuri? Pay the fee for the spa? [Yes] or [No] Chose [Yes] YURI We dont need to pay for Repede, so thats six people,right? Here you go. INFORMATION You paid 300,000 Gald.


Later. Raven rests in one of two three chairs arranged in front of a window overlooking a senic view. Yuri stands looking out the window while an anxious Karol wearing a towel tied around his neck and wasit, figits nearby. KAROL Come on, hurry up! Lets go inside! RAVEN Patience is a virtue, youngun. Grown-ups move at a slower pace than you do. YURI This resort seems to have a very peaceful feeling to it. Dont you think? RAVEN Ya, check out that bamboo fountain over there. This place is pretty zen. KAROL Come on, we can talk about all of that once we get in the water! Lets go! YURI Karol, you can go ahead if you want. Well be in soon. KAROL Okay, sure! See you outside! Karol runs out the door. A huge splash is heard as apparently Karol leaped into the bath. RAVEN Ah, youth. So pure, so innocent. YURI Yeah, thats what I like most about Captain Karol. But is it really okay if you get your chest wet, old man? RAVEN Hmmm I dont think therell be any problem. Sides, a little electrocution is good fer ya! YURI Stay out of the water when Im in there. The door to the baths opens and Karol comes rushing in. KAROL Guys, guys! Youre not gonna believe this! RAVEN Whats all the fuss, youngun? Yer not gonna teall me something fantastic like we can see inta the womens baths, right? KAROL Thats exactly What it is! Theres a hole I the middle of the wall separating the two baths! Raven rises immediately from the chair. RAVEN Saints be praised! Boy, why didnt ya say so sooner?! Hurry, hurry! The waters-a waitin! Karol watches as Raven runs spritely out the door to the baths. YURI And I guess the best thing about the old man is hie perverted enthusiasm? The scene switches to Raven standing on a rock celebrating his good fortune. RAVEN (I, I cant believe it. You can really see through the partition. Ive died an gone ta heaven) Raven runs to the partition and squats down to look through the hole. RAVEN () (I cant hear anythin Maybe they havent come in yet? Or did they already leave?) Later. Judith, fully clothed, enters the main lobby. YURI Ah, done so soon? JUDITH Yes. That was so refreshing! Rita and Estelle run into the lobby from the bath area. RITA What the hells with that bath, anyway? YURI Heh. Why are you so mad, Rita? ESTELLE We overheard what Karol was going on about. Thats why

Thank you very much! The ladies bath is on the right, and the mens bath is on the left. Enjoy!

we got out of the water so soon. I dont see what the problem wouldve been with giving the boys a little show, myself We couldve gotten Karol and Raven wrapped around our little fingers RITA What are you talking about?! You realized that they could see us from their side, didnt you?! Thats why you got out so quickly! JUDITH Well, I wouldnt have minded staying in. But I thought itd be more fun to watch your reactions from outside the bath once you found out. ESTELLE Judith Youre mean. JUDITH Oh, Im sorry. Raven and Karol enter from the baths in time to hear Rita declare. RITA Im never getting in that perverted hot spring again! JUDITH (PAY 600,000 Gald) RECEPTIONIST Hello, fine visitors, and welcome to the Yumanju Hot Spring Spa! Ah, so youre back! Im glad you enjoyed our hot springs so much the last time. RITA We didnt enjoy them at all! What the hell was with that partition? You can see right through it! RECEPTIONIST No, no, we simply folded up the partitions to open up the space as much as possible. Besides, its a question of morals. I doubt any visitor to our springs would be of such despicable moral fiber as to spy on members of the opposite gender! They all turn around and look at Raven who wards them off with his hands up. RAVEN Hey, hey, I didnt get to see anything! JUDITH You certainly wouldve given half the chance. RECEPTIONIST If its that much of a concern for you, perhaps youd like to rent out a spring for personal use? You would be the only ones using your particular spring, so you could all go into the sme bath with no problems, males and females together. RAVEN T-t-t-together?! This is an excellent idea! Lets do this! We should do this. YURI Hey old man, if you want us to all go in together, its just going to be you and Karol in there. KAROL Whaaat? Alone in there with Raven? No, I think even Ill pass on that one. ESTELLE Well, what if we rented out a spring and went in one gender at a time? YURI One gender at a time, eh If that works for you girls, it sounds good to me. The others RECEPTIONIST RITA KAROL ! All right then! Now then, exclusive hot spring rental will be 600,000 Gald. S-six hundred thousand Gald?! Thats twice as much as it was last time


Since youre reserving the room for just yourselves, the price is a bit higher But its really quite a bargain! Pay the fee for the spa? [Yes] or [No] Chose [Yes] YURI The girls deserve to have a good time, too Here you go. INFORMATION You paid 600,000 Gald. RECEPTIONIST Thank you very much! Enjoy your visit! They gather in the lobby. ESTELLE Okay well go in first! Raven walks over to the tatami mats and lays down on his side. RAVEN Sure, sure. Ill jus have a little nap while Im waitin. Wake me up when the baths free, wouldja? RITA With him asleep, we can relax. All right, lets go. Raven and Yuri are asleep, but Karol is wide awake. KAROL Man, I hope they hurry up Yuris asleep, too Geez, this is really boring Karol turns over to get up and looks into Ravens face. Karol is astonished when Ravens eyes open. Raven reaches out and knocks Karols supporting arm out from under him, causing Karol fall onto the mat. KAROL Urk Raven gets up. Later, Raven and Karol lurk behind the uneven bamboo fence around the outdoor spring. KAROL (T-this This place is) Raven peeks through a low space in the fence. RAVEN (Shh! Quiet, boy! The ladies have already gone in.) KAROL ! RAVEN (Thisll be good fer ya, boy. You might learn a little bit bout the world.) (Though I guess if were caught that makes ya my accomplice, dont it? Heh heh!) KAROL . . . The door opens and Rita walks to the spring. Estelle is already sitting in the spring. She does not see Raven peeking over the fence just off to the side. RITA Ahh This feels so nice ESTELLE Rita! Come on, hurry! RAVEN (Come on, who cares about Rita? Judith! I wanna see Judith!) The door slides open again. RAVEN ! [moving his head to get a better look] JUDITH Ahh, the open-air spring feels so amazing. I feel so liberated! RITA Youre certainly taking that to heart. Lose your towel? JUDITH Oh, its just us girls here, Rita. Why would I need a towel? RITA I guess youre right, butwith you just letting it all hang out like that, I dont feel comfortable looking at you. And look at Estelle! Shes been struck speechless by your bold display.

RAVEN (I-Im speechless too) KAROL [sweatdrop] Raven faints and falls away from the fence. KAROL (R-raven! Are you okay?) Scene fades and returns with the girls back in the lobby. ESTELLE Yuri! Were out! Yuri gets up off the tatami mat. RITA Wheres the old pervert and the little twerp? Right on cue, Raven and Karol walk in through the FRONT door. KAROL Oh, sorry. Raven wasnt feeling very well JUDITH [walking over to Raven] Oh, are you all right? RAVEN [blushing] Raven faints and falls backward. YURI Well, this isnt going to work. I guess well leave the hot springs for another time. KAROL [looking at Raven on the floor] . . . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~ BLADE DRIFTS OF ZOPEIR ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ No side quests here.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~ FREE TIME AFTER THE BIRTH OF UNDINE ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Dark Enforcer - Part 8: In Zaphias, head toward the Nobles Quarter for Yuri's Dark Enforcer title. As they walk the street in the Royal Quarter, Shel runs past them. YURI Shel? SHEL Yuri! My brother has returned! YURI Huh? What? SHEL Like I said, my brother Clay is back But Im sorry, I really have to go! Shel runs on his way. KAROL So they finally found Clay! We werent very helpful at all. ESTELLE But Shel seems to be in such a good mood. Im happy for him. JUDITH Maybe we should go meet the long-lost brother? SHEL [up ahead] Waaahhh! ALL ! They find a man standing over Shels body lying on the pavement in front of the empty mansion. YURI Its you! MAN Looks like fate has brought us together again, Yuri Lowell. RAVEN Who is this?! SHEL Mybrother Why would you


Y-your brother? You mean this man is! So youre Clay? Why did you do it? Thats what I want to know. Why did you kill my master, Lunes father? ALL ! SHEL B-butI thought if he were goneyou, Lune, and I could CLAY Is that what Lune wanted? SHEL I just wantedthe three of us My brotherLune and I werewe were waiting for you this whole time LUNES VOICE Aaaahhhh! Lune runs to Shel and kneels down beside him. LUNE Shel! Shel! LUNE What happened to youClay! Do you realize what youve done?! How could you do that to Shel?! My father didnt teach you to use a sword so you could do something like this! CLAY I had t osee that justice was doneI couldnt overlook what Shel did. LUNE Your justice was more important than Shels life?! Clay [runs away] LUNE So stupid Im so stupidI should have told Shel He was always there for meI should have told him thank you Yuri finds Clay standing at the foot of the steps leading up to the castle. YURI Clay! Are you happy with all of this? CLAY I dont knowI dont even know what justice is anymore. YURI Then why did you attack Shel? CLAY I told youits who I am. If I hadnt brought him to justice, it would make everything Ive ben until now a lie. Id be brought down to the level of the villains I hate. YURI But you already knew, didnt you? Thats why you didnt go back to her. Youd gotten your hands dirty in the pursuit of your justice, and you felt you were no longer worthy of ther. Clay It is as you say. I dirtied these once innocent hands for the sake of justice I even cut down the people I wanted to protect, all in the name of justice YURI If your resolve is that weak, you shouldnt throw the word justice around so lightly! CLAY Huh? YURI Anyone who learns to use a sword should know Swords should be used to protect others! Once its clear to you whats worth protectiong, your resolve wont waver ever again! CLAY Whats worth protecting YURI What is it you want to protect? CLAY Swords should be used to protect others That was the first thing I ever learned form my teacher. I wonder wehre I ended up forgetting that. Your resolve never waves, does it? YURI Im just lucky enough to have a lot thats worth protecting.


Hey, I owe you one. Take this. Consider it my way of saying thank you. Maybe itll help you protect whats important to you. YURI What are you going to do? CLAY I cant take back what Ive done. But I wont run away. Im going to go atone for my sins. Clay walks up the steps to the castle. ESTELLE Yuri Yuri walks back to his friends. YURI How are things going over there? RAVEN We left the rest to the knights. What about Clay? YURI He went into the castle. I think he plans to turn himself in. JUDITH Good. tHings shuld work themselves out, them. KAROL Why did this have to happen YURI Dont cry, Karol. Weve still got a lot to do. INFORMATION Yuri earned the Dark Enforcer title. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Under the Tree - Part 3: Go to Halure and speak with the kids under the tree to get Estelle's title, Fairy Tale Weaver. Despite the late hour, there are three children at the base of the Tree. LITTLE BOY Hey! Its the healer girl! ESTELLE Hi! YURI The Trees flowers look as red as ever Too bad about that brides curse ESTELLE Im pretty sure thats wrong, Yuri. YURI Wrong? Whats wrong? ESTELLE This veil It told me Once upon a time, there lived a kind-hearted prince named Jarre. He adored flowers and insects, and he loved the moon, the sun, and the stars up in the sky. One day, Jarre found a seed. He took that seed to the top of a great hill, and planted it there. In time, the seed sprouted, and became a long, thin trunk of a tree. But its flowers did not bloom. The impatient Prime Minister said, Whats the point if it wont bloom. Cut it down. But Jarre replied: Even if it doesnt bloom, its putting all of its effort into growing. Cutting it down would be a terrible thing to do! Hearing this, the tree took the form of a young woman, and appeared before Jarre. He instantly fell in love with her white skin and beautiful figure. On a moonlit night, he asked her to marry him. After their wedding, the two of them were as happy as can be. But the Prime Minister, angry that the Prince had married the maiden, had her cruelly cast out of the castle. Jarre was so sad that he shut himself up in the castle.

Day and night he cried, unable to think of anything but his lost love. The maiden learned of this, and stretched her trunk and branches until several pure, white flowers bloomed from their tips. Jarre say this from his castle window and stopped crying. He went outside for the first time since his maiden had gone. Sitting beneath the newly bloomed flowers, he heard the maidens voice. Dont cry. Youll always be able to find me here. It was then that Jarre realized that his love had actually been the tree, transformed into a fair maiden. When he gently kissed the bark fo the tree he had loved, all of its flowers turned to a bright red. ESTELLE And that is why this trees flowers symbolize eternal love, permanent and unchanging. LITTLE BOY Wow So thats why the flowers are red! LITTLE BOY So thats the real story! LITTLE GIRL Miss, thank you for the wonderful story! ESTELLE No, it was my pleasure. LITTLE BOY You should tell that story to the Mayor, too! Off the children run, down the hill. KAROL Wow, I didnt know about all that, Estelle. YURI Yeah, when did you find all that out? ESTELLE W-well I didnt find out about it, exactly I sort of made it up. KAROL But you said the veil told you ESTELLE That was a lie. Im sorry I was just looking at this veil, and the story came to me all of a sudden KAROL Wow, Estelle! You have a real talent for making up stories! JUDITH A hidden talent, huh? Will wonders never cease ESTELLE Oh, heh heh YURI You ever think about becoming a writer of childrens stories? ESTELLE N-not really [blushes, putting her hands over her ears] RAVEN You cant force her inta somethin like that! KAROL After all, Estelle, youre the Princess! [music note] ESTELLE Yes, thats true. They leave Estelle at the base of the tree. Estelle turns to look at the tree. ESTELLE Childrens stories, hmmm Maybe it wouldnt hurt to at least give it some thoughtright? INFORMATION Estelle earned the Fairy Tale Weaver title. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Under the Tree - Part 4: After getting Estelles Fairy Tale Weaver title, exit Halure and reenter. Go to the tree again for Estelle to learn the Force Field arte YURI ESTELLE What the?! Wait!


Thank you for the lovely story The storyyou mean the story that Estelle made up? Who are you? I have dwelled at the base of this tree for many generations If you wish to give me a name, you could refer to me as the flower maiden of your story. ESTELLE So you mean that really happened? VOICE Those children saw me, and Im afraid that started an unfortunate rumor. ESTELLE You mean the story of the brides ghost? VOICE Yesand I even dropped my veil ESTELLE Oh, so this is yours. Let me give it back to you. VOICE NoI shall let you keep that. Thanks to you, the unfortunate rumor was put to rest. ESTELLE But noI mean, I was just making that story up VOICE NoI shall give you another token of my gratitude. ESTELLE Huh? VOICE I have given you a new ability. Perhaps it will help you protect your companions. Farewell ESTELLE Ah! The light disappears. YURI Whatwas that? RITA An elemental spirit, I think. KAROL Huh? But I thought elemental spirits came from Entelexeia RITA Theres a barrier blastia here. Which mean that theres a blastia core, which could be the source of an elemental spirit. All ! RITA Estelles power put aer into the core, and that created an elemental spirit. Or perhaps the tree and the blastia did that by themselves? YURI Hmmmvery interesting. RITA It sort of takes the flowers out of the equation, though JUDITH But dont you think the idea of a flower spirit is a little romantic? ESTELLE Ive decided After our fight with the Adephasos is over, Im going to become a writer. KAROL Wh-whaaaa! ESTELLE I want to be able to spread joy, like what happened with those children and that spirit. I want to make everyone happy like I did for the people in this town YURI Sounds good to me! KAROL Sounds good to you? But Estelles going to be the Rita walks over Karol and hits him. Karol sinks to the ground. KAROL Yeow! RITA All right, lets go. INFORMATION Estelle learned Force Field. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

-----Dragon Race - Final Part: In Myorzo, enter the main part of the city and talk with the Krityan boy in the lower right to play the Dragon Race. Clear Level 3 to get Clones Dew which will power up Baul automatically. Clear Level 5, to get The Red Mantle and Judith's Super Dragon Rider title. If you have done at least 1,000 Fatal Strike Chains, rest at the inn then speak with the boy again for Judith's Into The Sky title. LITTLE BOY JUDITH LITTLE BOY KAROL LITTLE BOY RAVEN LITTLE BOY ESTELLE LITTLE BOY YURI LITTLE BOY RITA LITTLE BOY RITA JUDITH LITTLE BOY RITA LITTLE BOY RITA JUDITH LITTLE BOY A dragon came into our city! Do you know who he belongs to? Hes my friend! His name is Baul. Cool Hes pretty big, but hes still a small fry compared to Krones! Krones? Whos that? Where? Hes right here, silly! Krones is the Entelexeia who protects our city! Ya mean this big ol jellyfish? Hes not a jellyfish, Mister! Show some respect! Krones is so big! I cant believe an entire city could fit inside an Entelexeia. Yeah, cool, huh? Even your Ball can fit inside! His name is Baul Whatever. Who cares? Krones is way better! You know, youve got a pretty smart mouth, kid. Just who do you think you are? Whaddaya mean? Im just telling the truth. Judith, say something to him! All Entelexeia have their roles to play. Theres no such thing as one of them being better than another. Ha! Youre just saying that because you dont wanna admit tht your Entelexeias already lost! Baul hasnt lost anything! If youre so eager, lets settle this right now! My pleasure! Youd better not cry once you get beaten! Judith! Lets do it! Oh, so I have to back up your challengers? What a pain in the rear Well compete in a race that I made up! Lots of points are floating in the sky, and you win by collecting them all! Give it your best shot!

AFTER ACHIEVING 1,000 FATAL STRIKE CHAINS: LITTLE BOY Oh, Miss! You came! JUDITH Howve you been doing? LITTLE BOY Good! Ive been watching all of the great things youve been doing from up here in the sky! KAROL Can you really see all that from up here? JUDITH Krityans do have better sight than humans, but I still think thatd be impossible. LITTLE BOY ActuallyI was using this. He holds up an object for them to see. RITA Does that magnify the image of whatever its pointed at? Blastia? No I get the feeling its somehow different.


They say that someone named Hermes made it, a long, long time ago. But I dont know how it works. JUDITH . . . RAVEN Thats pretty cool, bein able ta see things so far away. LITTLE BOY Yeah! I love watching Ball fly all over the world. YURI Its Baul. LITTLE BOY Hey Miss, you were knocking a bunch of monsters into the sky, werent you? ESTELLE Wow, you could even see that? LITTLE BOY Yeah! It was so cool! I even counted how many there were! KAROL You counted? The small Krityan boy becomes excited and jumps into the air. LITTLE BOY Yeah, you know Those monsters that you hit up into the air and then they disappear! Poof! RAVEN Sounds like hes talkin bout fatal strikes. LITTLE BOY I counted more than !000 of them! You guys are awesome! RITA Youre pretty awesome, yourself, for counting all of those. LITTLE BOY It was so fun watching! I want to give you something to show you how much I liked it. YURI Thats very thoughtful of you. The little boy hands something to Judith. LITTLE BOY I, I made this! Its for you!! Judith stoops down so her head is level with the little boys. JUDITH Thank you. LITTLE BOY C-can you try it on? JUDITH All right. Just a minute. Later, Judith appears in new clothes. She wears a marone hat and ornate white with gold trim gauntlets and hip armor. A maroon vest over a white blouse with a lacy collar leaves her midriff bare. Black low-rise pants and a very short jacket complete the look. JUDITH What do you think? RAVEN *Whistles* and does backflips. ESTELLE It looks great on you, Judith! KAROL Wow. It doesnt look hand-made at all. LITTLE BOY Heh, I thought youd like it! I actually wanted to give it to you after I counted 300 monsters, but it wasnt ready yet JUDITH Ill take good care of it. Thank you. INFORMATION Judith earned the Into the Sky title. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~ NORDOPOLICA ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ No side quests here.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~ FREE TIME AFTER NORDOPOLICA ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

Spirit Magic - Part 1: In Aspio, head toward the circular plaza. Rest at the inn at least twice and head toward the plaza again for Rita to learn Meteor Storm. (Note: If you end up doing this later in the game, go to Halure instead of Aspio.) Script for Aspio only: While they standing at the main entrane with the guards, Rita makes a request. RITA Do you mind if I step away for a bit? Id like to talk to the mages here about spirit conversion. YURI Sure, go ahead. RAVEN All their blastia research might be useless pretty soon anyway RITA All right, Ill try not to be too long. Rita runs on ahead up the stairs toward the central plaza. INFORMATION Rita left the party. They climb the steps and find Rita conversing with several mages. RITA So thats about the long and short of it. FEMALE MAGE Wow, things have gotten pretty bad. MALE MAGE Spirits, huh MALE MAGE So youre saying you want to take our blastia research away from us? FEMALE MAGE People cant live without blastia! I dont like this idea one bit! FEMALE MAGE You all sure talk big for a bunch of amateurs with underfunded research that on one cares about. MALE MAGE What did you say?! [fighting stance] MALE MAGE You wanna rumble? [fighting stance] RITA I didnt come here to listen to you have your petty arguments! Can you just put your emotions on hold for a few minutes? ARGUING MAGES [sweatdrops] RITA Anyway, its as I told you. We mages will soon be unable to simply continue with our studies of blastia. I just thought it would be best if I let you know. MALE MAGE We cant accept what youve told us. Two of the mages leave. MALE MAGE Even if youre the best brain in Aspio, youre still a child. MALE MAGE Adults are reluctant to pay heed to the words of one so young as you. Surely thats all it is. RITA Thats reallynot the issue here. [sweatdrop] MAGE Adults have their own way of discussing things. You just leave everything to us. MALE MAGE Right. Well do something about that stubborn bunch! The last two mages leave and Rita turns to her companions. RITA Sorry about that. Come on, lets go. ESTELLE Is it really okay to leave so soon? I mean RITA Its fine. Lets go. INFORMATION Rita joined the party. They rest at the inn and climb the steps to the plaza. The group of

mages are waiting for them. MALE MAGE Oh, its you MALE MAGE Look at this! The mage holds out his hands and blue sparks of light emit. Rita walks closer to him. RITA Thats! MALE MAGE Its magic using spirits. Its not yet complete, though. MALE MAGE Pretty nice, eh? This guy managed to work out the spirit formula. He looks at a mage in green robes holding a book. MALE MAGE Nah, this is nothing, really. FEMALE MAGE I have to say, Im impressed that you managed to cast a spell like this. MALE MAGE Heh heh, please, Youre too kind. RITA Youve already started doing spirit research despite all of your objections earlier? Dont you think thats a little hypocritical? MALE MAGE Were still continuing our blastia research. FEMALE MAGE Weve just added one more area in which to focus that research! RITA Well, not that I mind or anything. So, what sort of formula is it? MALE MAGE Dont be so nosy! MALE MAGE Were all mages of Aspio, arent we? We can be civil to each other. We can trust you to keep the construction of this formula an Aspian secret? RITA Of course. MALE MAGE First you draw a textual formula around the outside edge to isolate the fire attribute ALL MAGES [happy] YURI Rita seemed pretty worried, but it looks like things are going to work out. ESTELLE As researchers, their desire to study new things is too powerful to fight. YURI Yeah. They may be older than Rita, but these mages are all made of the same stuff. MALE MAGE So thats how it works, but this part is something we havent been able to understand. How would you do it? RITA Hmmmmm Ive got it! Like this! With magic artes, Rita draws a glowing circular pattern on the stone floor. Then she forms a glowing arte ball that encompasses her and rests on the circle. A few yards away, fire balls plummet down onto the floor. The mages are impressed and awed by the display. MALE MAGE Fwoah MALE MAGE Hey hey Thats just too powerful! RITA S-sorry MALE MAGE ButI think that we can use this! FEMALE MAGE Yes. What do you think? RITA Yes Do you mind if I use it? MALE MAGE Well, wed prefer something a little less volatile. MALE MAGE Were going to see if there might be a slightly more practical direction we can take it in. RITA Right Let me give it some more thought, as well.

If I come up with a better way to use that formula, Ill let you know. MALE MAGE Thanks a lot! INFORMATION Rita learned Meteor Storm. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Raven and the Heart Blastia: In Dahngrest, rest at the inn. They stay at the Inn in Dahngrest. Later that evening, Yuri finds Raven standing on the bridge looking into the water. YURI Youre not thinking of jumping, are you? RAVEN Do I really look that depressed? YURI You look likeyouve been worried bout the blastia in your heart. RAVEN Looks like I cant keep anything from ya, kid Sorry I tried. Damn it. Why do I have to let somethin like this get me all torn up after so long YURI You want to keep on living, dont you? Its only natural. RAVEN Oh yeah I guess that would be only natural, wouldnt it YURI Did you just now remember? You should go talk with Rita as soon as possible, then. RAVEN Yeah I dont much fancy bein indebted to that girl Well, Ill think about it. YURI Listen, Raven. This is serious. Dont you want to live out your life good and proper? RAVEN Hah hah. My life belongs ta Brave Vesperia. I wont go dyin an leavin ya all high and dry. I promised the boy, too. Now, isnt it past yer bedtime, kid? YURI Okay. Ill leave you be, old man. Yuri walks away and Raven sinks to one knee on the bridge and grabs his heart. RAVEN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Judith's Sundering Moon - Part 1: In Myorzo, speak with the elder. ELDER KAROL JUDITH So, word has it that youve been going around doing something for another to the worlds Entelexeia. Y-you make it sound so bad Weve been getting Entelexeia to change into a different form, called elemental spirits. This lets us borrow their power, which will help us to break up the Adephagos. Oh ho, I seeit is as I thought. Indeed, I suspected that you would be working to defeat the Adephagos. Again with the impressive claims I am correct, am I not?




Perhaps it would interest you to know that our people have been considering going down to the surface. Going down to the surface? The time may soon come for Krones, the Entelexeia who carries Myorzo through the air, to turn into an elemental spirit and help your cause. Do you not think that likely? Ill admit its certainly a possibility. The less patient among us have already gone down to the surface. ? Where did they go? I do not know. Though I would imagine theyd be hard to miss. [to Yuri] I wonder where they went. You can already find Krityans in just about any city in the world. Krityans can live anywhere. Theyre very practical people. Mmph.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~ THE EREALUMEN CRYSTALLANDS ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ No side quests here.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~ RELEWIESE HOLLOW ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ No side quests here.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~ PHAEROHS CRAG ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ No side quests here.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~ FREE TIME AFTER THE FOUR SPIRITS ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Anxiety of the Spirit-Fication: around with Ba'ul. A scene will trigger while flying

Flying to Capua Nor, Yuri and Judith talk on the deck of the Fiertia. YURI Is Baul doing all right? Sure hes not getting too tired? JUDITH No, hes fine But hes uneasy. YURI Whats wrong? JUDITH The apatheia within him isnt enough to undergo spirit conversion yet. But he knows that someday, he will need to give up his current form and become a spirit YURI Well, humans are all going to die sometime, but we dont spend every day worrying about it. JUDITH [crossing her arms] I imagine some people do. YURI Are you saying Baul is that weak? JUDITH Hes far more delicate than you, Yuri. YURI Dying, in his case, isnt exactly death like we normally think of it though, right? JUDITH But it does mean that his consciousness will disappear, and be replaced by something new. YURI So, its basically a fear of the unknown. That part of it is actually not too different from us. Baul roars. JUDITH The other Entelexeia have accepted that they must become spirits. They feel it is their duty to maintain the stability of this planet. YURI Bauls got a mission of his own though, doesnt he? I mean, what about his commitment to destroy all of the hermes blastia? JUDITH The determination necessary for destroying blastia and becoming a spirit are very different. Baulstill lacks the resolve to give up his identity as an Entelexeia. YURI I think acking it is a lot healthier, if you ask me. And I certainly understand. Baul roars. JUDITH He seems pleased that you understand him. Still, I worry about him going on like this YURI Do you want him to become a spirit, Judy? JUDITH No, not in the least. But, I wonder what the Entelexeia What the spirits themselves must think Suddenly the four spirts appear on the deck and go up to surround Baul head. YURI Whats going n? JUDITH Im not sure Baul and the spirits are communicating. Or something like thatbut without using their voices. Baul roars. JUDITH Yes YURI What happened? JUDITH He says we shouldnt worry about him. YURI But what was all that? JUDITH Hmm The spirits said something to calm him down. YURI Maybe they told him how easy theyve got it. JUDITH Yeah, probably. At any rate, its impossible for him to become a spirit now. YURI Were going to have to go on depending on you until the

joruneys over, Baul. Baul roars. JUDITH He wants you to know you can count on him. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Fell Weapons - Part 2: At the SE of Weasand of Cados, you can find the Four Sisters Islands. Head in the rock formation on one of the islands. You will get the Zarich then head inside for Sorcerer Ring Level 4. They fly to the Four Sisters Islands and inspect a rock formation on one of the islands. Its night and the breeze rustles through trees and flowers lining the wide path to the rock formation. RITA Does this stone look really worn down to anyone else? RAVEN It looks like its been pretty worn down by wind. YURI Huh? Yuris weapon glows with a red light. There is a similar glow coming from an object inside a pile of rocks in front of the rock formation. JUDITH Thats the sword we got from the Elder in Myorzo. There is a blinding light so bright all they see is white. RAVEN Wahoo! ESTELLE Eek! RITA Eek! YURI Ack! KAROL Waaah! JUDITH Ahhh! The light disappears and the rocks fall away revealing a spear with a large green orb in the shaft near the spearhead. JUDITH A spear came from inside the rock? KAROL Its shape It looks like this is a fell arm, too. JUDITH Yes, I think so. YURI It seems like theres some sort of strange power linking these two weapons together. KAROL Hey, I think we can get inside from here! INFORMATION Obtained Zarich. Inside the rock formation, they find an peaceful aer krene. ESTELLE This is RITA It looks like its an aer krene. JUDITH Wow, who wouldve thought a natural aer krene would be left here RAVEN With that giant rock sealin it up, it makes sense that nobodyd get inta here until now. YURI . . . KAROL Whats up, Yuri? Yuri walks onto the natual stone bridge extending into the middle of the krene. ESTELLE You shouldnt get too close Yuri hold up the sorcerers ring and it begins to glow. ALL ! Rita runs forward to join Yuri on the bridge. RITA W-wait, let me see that! Yuri turns around and hold up the ring so she can see. Estelle and Karol join them. RITA Aha, just as I thought! Its just like the ones we saw

before. The internal geometry is changing. KAROL What what do you think will happen if you use it? Raven and Judith gather with them. RITA Why dont you give it a try? YURI Hows this? Yuri fires a blast and red rings radiate outward from the ring. KAROL Whoa The orbs color is different from last timeW-what is it? RITA The difference in color is due to an increase in fire attributes ESTELLE FireI wonder if it could burn anything you wanted. RITA I thinkthats probably not the case. It seems beyond the Sorcerers Rings capabilities. KAROL What was it? The two types of aer are reacting to each other, or something? RITA On a basic level, thats pretty much right. RAVEN I seeee. So the ring can burn a taree or a vine, since theyve got aer runnin through em. RITA Not all material has aer flowing through it, so there are a lot of things the Sorcerers Ring wouldnt be able to ignite. JUDITH So depending on whats hit by the blast, some things will break, and other things will burn? YURI Id think most objects wouldnt even react at all. RITA Yes, thats right. Normally, aer mixes with the surrounding atmosphere, and nothing happens at all. But if you take a mass of aer and collide it with a material that already contains aer The violence of the sudden confluence of aer can destroy or ignite the original object that was struck. KAROL Mmm, that makes sense. YURI Thats all a bit too complicated for me to wrap my head around. But at least its clear that we can put this ring to good use. Karol gets an idea. KAROL So you meanwe could use this to burn up walls or trees that are blocking us from getting somewhere we need to go! YURI Yeah, we can go places we couldnt before Lets go around and see...! INFORMATION Obtained Sorcerers Ring Lv. 4. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Fell Weapons - Part 3: With Sorcerer Ring Level 4, explore Keiv Moc thouroughly for more items. You can also find the Nebilim. [SCRIPT NOT RECORDED] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Fell Weapons - Part 4: With Sorcerer Ring Level 4, explore Releweise Hollow thouroughly for more items. You can also find the Mercurius. At Relisese Hollow, they find the Mercuris, a sword for Estelle. Cutscene: Onboard the Fiertia in the sky after obtaining four of the five Fell Arms. KAROL Now weve found most of the fell arms. ESTELLE They dont seem really powerful to me RITA Maybe theres something we have to do to awaken them fully. RAVEN Wed be getting a big boost to our own strength if we could manage that. JUDITH Though it wouldnt be good to depend upon them too much. ESTELLE Thats right Just like an over-reliance on blastia led to severe repercussions. If we rely on the power of the fell arms, we might be repeating the same mistakes. YURI Well, just dont use em then. Were just gathering them up to make sure the wrong type of people dont get them. KAROL Right. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Fell Weapons - Part 5: With Sorcerer Ring Level 4, go back to Quoi Forest. From the eastern entrance, go west a bit and look out for rotten grass. Burn them to an area where you can find the Glasya Labolas. [SCRIPT NOT RECORDED] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Collector Book Part 2: When you have completed at least 50% of the Collector Book walk up the steps in the library at Aspio. In the Aspio Library, a hooded mage in white robes stops Estelle at the top of the steps. ESTELLE Ack! E-excuse me! ESTELLE Oh no, excuse me. Here, you dropped this book. ESTELLE Oh, yes Thank you very much. ESTELLE The Collectors Book, eh? Yours contains an impressive amount of data. It seems youve found lots of rare items. This is quite intriguing. ESTELLE Oh? It is? Ritas always saying how we havent found nearly enough ESTELLE [leaning forward anxiously] Ahem! If it wouldnt be too much trouble ESTELLE Y-yes? ESTELLE Do you think I might be able to borrow this book for a short while?

If I had one monthno, even two weeks, that would be enough! Please! Please let me borrow it. ESTELLE Ah, well RITA VOICE No, you cant. Thats too long, anyway. RITA climbs the steps and stands beside Estelle. ESTELLE Ack! Mordio! Y-you know this young lady?! RITA Yeah. I know you dont wanna hear this But we cant give you the book yet. ESTELLE Wh-why?! RITA We still havent completed it yet. If youd like to look at it, wouldnt a complete book be better, anyway? We dont want to have to lend it to you every time we make an update, either. ESTELLE Err, I I see, yes. Then once youve finished filling in that book, allow me to borrow it for a bit! Of course, I dont expect you to lend it to me for nothing. ESTELLE Oh, you dont have to give us anything! Really, its quite all right. Well bring it to you once weve finished updating it. ESTELLE Th-thank you! My name is Giovanni. You probably already know this, but Im a researcher here. ESTELLE Okay, Mr. Giovanni. Well bring you the Collectors Book as soon as its completed. GIOVANNI Oh, thank you so much! Im looking forward to it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Collector Book Part 3 [Final]: When you have completed 100% of the Collector Book, head toward the fountain at the west in Halure. You will get 3x Limit Bottles and Estelle's title, Item Mania. [NOT COMPLETED] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~ CAPUA NOR ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ No side quests here.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~ FREE TIME AFTER CAPUA NOR ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Poker Face: In Nam Cobandas Gym, speak with the Kowz at the Chip Exchange and Poker Table then the Ant Lion at the Slot Machines. Use

over 250,000 worth of Chips to trade in prizes for Judith's Poker Face title. Leave the gym and and talk with the people inside of the Shoe Locker. ANT LION MAN JUDITH Wow, amazing! Youve gotten so many rare treasures! Weve never had anyone this lucky before. Oh, really? There was only one each of them, so I figured they might be valuable Indeed! Out of all of the items we have, those were very special. Well, this was a lot of fun. We got a ton of chips, too. Yeah, and Judith had such a good time playing, too. The games are all so simple and fun I guess they just suit me well. Ive been watching you, too. It seems youre quite the experienced gambler! Oh, why do you say that? I was watching you while you played Poker, and the expression on your face never changed. Youve got quite the poker face! You think something like a little hand of Poker could faze our Judy? Heh heh. Was that a compliment I just heard? Truly, truly, I am most impressed. Youre the best gambler whos ever visited our establishment! Judith earned the Poker Face title.


Inside the shoe locker: YURI Oh? Kaufman? I didnt expect to see you again. KAUFMAN Ive just been talking shop a little. No concern of yours, though. RAVEN Always the businesswoman, eh? Always tryin ta cut a deal! KAUFMAN Are you trying to charm me? Its having the opposite effect. RITA Thats the old mans MO, Im afraid. JUDITH So do you want to make other amusement parks like this one in the world? There could be an untapped market out there. KAUFMAN Now heres a girl with a good head on her shoulders. This place isnt business-oriented like other amusement parks, so the park itself doesnt really produce any profit. However RAVEN Ahh, so yer plannin on providin transportation here and turnin a profit that way? KAUFMAN Exactly. We were just discussing how to divide the shares, but RITA So whats the matter? Are they unhappy that their shares are too small? KAUFMAN Quite the opposite, actually. They say they dont want any Gald at all. KOWZ We have no need of Gald! Its enough for us if we can just make others happy. Thats all it takes for us to be satisfied. KAUFMAN You see? How am I supposed to work a deal with people who think like that?


Whats the problem? They say they dont want any Gald Sounds like a pretty sweet deal for you. KAUFMAN No! It would go against our guilds principles. Good people must always be dealt with fairly! ESTELLE Hmm You kind of remind me of Leblanc, Miss Kaufman. YURI That annoying old fart? Are you serious? KAUFMAN Did you just say Leblanc? ESTELLE Y-yes, I did, but KAUFMAN . . . YURI Has he been bothering you, too? KAUFMAN Nono, dont worry about it. Its nothing really. KOWZ Hey hey, do you mind if I go? Ive gotta go make some Milk Yakisoba! See ya! KAUFMAN W-wait a second Kaufman runs to catch up with the Kowz leaving them alone at the back of the shoe locker. ESTELLE Did you notice that? When she heard Leblancs name YURI Yeah I wonder what that was about.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Gamble Life: In Nam Cobanda Isle, speak with the Cow Boy at the Poker Table in the Gym. Exit out and enter back the Gym. Whether you win or lose the match, Judith will get the Legendary Gambler title. [SCRIPT NOT RECORDED] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Favorite Toys Part 2 [Yumanju]: YOUNG MAN Theres nothin finer than taking a bath under the nighttime sky! A cool drink, a little moon gazin Its just the best!! Theres also that first drink after ya get out, though. Wouldnt be a proper bath without that now, would it? Heh, guess I do my fair share of drinkin. [in electric massage chair] I think I was in the bath for too long. I feel a bit flushed. [heart] Like your girls fresh out of the bath, huh? Yeah, Ive seen your type before. Welcome. The healing waters of Yumanju are open night or day. Hello? Mmm? Whats up? Do you think you might be able to show me that item you have?





Ah, praps the Luxury Toy Series has caught yer eye? Oh, so its one of those after all! Im so jealous! What the hecks so great about this toy Theyre pretty hard to find these days, ya know. Its quite a shame. Oh, you didnt know? I heard that you can get them from that capsule machine right over there! Whawhawha!! Really? Really? It was just a rumor, mind you. I tried my best, but I didnt have a bit of luck! I thought perhaps youd gotten the one you have from that very machine. Nope! It was a reward for work that Brave Vesperia did! Brave Vesperia? Is that the name of a guild? Well, we really dabble in a little bit of everything. . . . A guild Perhaps it wouldnt be too much trouble for me to ask you for a favor, then No problem, no problem! Anyone who shares the same interest as ol Raven is someone whos deservin of a little assistance! Do you think you could get all !! items in the Luxury Toys Series for me? But you cant buy those in stores, can you? And we dont know if theyre even in that capsule machine. Perhaps, but there may be people out there who have them. And Ive heard more rumors that there are capsule machines in other parts of the world, as well. I know about those. Ya gotta put in Gald or some other stuff ta get anything outta them, though. Ah, so you know of more? Then please, look for these toys for me! Ill make it worth your while, of course. And let me give you this, as part of the reward. Obtained Tiara. I got that in a capsule, but its not really my style. Young lady, I think it would be quite fetching on you. [bows] Thank you very much! It looks like it matches with these clothes very nicely. Well, now that weve gotten a reward for the job, I guess weve gotta do it! Well look for the toys for you. Thank you so much!

Toys from Dispenser at Yumanju INFORMATION Obtained [C] H Statue. INFORMATION Obtained [C] B Statue. INFORMATION Obtained [C] J Statue. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Favorite Toys Part 3 [Zaphias]: HANKS YURI HANKS Oh, Yuri! Loitering around as usual, I see. Hey, good to see you too, Old Man. What are you up to? I didnt want to say this, but Ive started preparing for the worst.








I thought Id look at this memento of my wife and reminisce about the good times while I still can Wait! The world isnt over yet! Well do something to save itjust wait and see! Thats quite nice of you to say, but I cant help feeling a little pessimistic when I look up in the sky. So you were talking with your wife about the happy times you had when she was alive? Laugh at me all you want. Im not long for this world, Yuri. Ill be with her soon. I dont know if shed feel like putting up with you up in heaven, what with the way youre being right now. Yes! You should cheer up Youre not being yourself! Im not being myself? Everyone in town is always cheered up by your energy and spirit. This goes for me too, of course. But now it hurts to look at you Look at everyone in the lower quarter! Even though theyre having tough times, theyre working hardworking for the future! The only way to guarantee that the end will come is to give up now! . . . Estelles right, Old Man. Youre not yourself. Heh heh Fwa hah hah An old man like myself never expected to receive such a lecture from a young girl. Im, Im sorry! No, no, I should be the one to apologize. It seems I misunderstood. You know, when youre angry, you sound just like my wife, when she was young. You even look like her, come to think of it. I do? Yes, youre her spitting image. Are you sure? You dont think youre exaggerating a bit? You dont know what youre talking about, boy. That tiara you have looks like one I gave her a long time ago, too. Thank you. Youve brought me back to my senses. Oh, no, not at all! I was just That is, I like you when youre happy! What a nice thing to say Please take this, as my way of saying thanks. But isnt this the memento of your wife Im sure she wouldve wanted you to have it. Please take it. You really dont mind? Nah, its okay. I want the young lady to have it. Even if I give away my keepsake of her, the good memories I have wont leave my heart. My memories are all that I need. So please, take this. . . . I understand. But if you ever want me to give it back, just let me know. Ill take very, very good care of it. Dont worry. Thank you.

INFORMATION Obtained [C] L Statue. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Favorite Toys Part 4 [Nam Cobanda]: INFORMATION YURI KOWZ Obtained maid costume . . . ! I was looking for that maid costume. Can I have it back? Ill give you this in return. INFORMATION You have lost maid costume. INFORMATION Obtained 1000 Gald ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Favorite Toys Part 5 [Yumanju]: With all the statues, report back to the man in Yumanju for Yuri's Recollection Guardian title. OLDER MAN RAVEN Oh! That look on your face Could it be?! Yessir! I single-handedly managed ta collect the entire series! RITA Whaddya mean single-handedly OLDER MAN Please, let me see them! Yuri hands the items to him. The man pumps his fist downward by his sides in a victory gesture. OLDER MAN Fantasticsimply fantastic. You really have all 11 of them! Oh, I cant wait! I really cant wait! I cant wait to decorate my room with them! KAROL Im glad that youre so happy! So this means our job is done, right? OLDER MAN Oh, sorry about that I got a little carried away. RAVEN No, not at all. I know how ya feel. OLDER MAN Now, for your reward! Hmmm, what would be appropriate ESTELLE . . . Ummm OLDER MAN Gald, perhaps? Or maybe another item? Maybe another toy might do the trick? ESTELLE Ummm! Excuse me! JUDITH Whats the matter, Estelle? Why are you yelling? ESTELLE Do you think you might be able to give us back that c L Statue? ALL ! KAROL Wh-what are you talking about, Estelle? He asked for the whole set of 11! RAVEN An incomplete set is worthless ta a collector. ESTELLE I know that. Its justwe cant give him that one doll YURI Oh, this is about Hanks, right? ESTELLE That doll is his memento of his wife Its very important to him. KAROL But didnt he give it to you, Estelle?


But its still his! We have to give it back to him! So, pleasepleasejust let us keep that doll RITA Estelle OLDER MAN But still, you gave me that doll as part of the job I asked you to do YURI . . . Yuri steps forward and reaches into a pocket inside his tunic. ALL ! The older man cringes in terror. OLDER MAN H-hold on! What do you think youre doing? YURI Ahh, Im sorry All of these are fakes. KAROL Y-Yuri? What are you talking about? YURI I was thinking Id get the reward by handing over a bunch of fakes. But it looked like Estelle was about to spill the beans, so I stole them all back. KAROL You stole them back? YURI So Im sorry. It looks like the job was a failure. The older man becomes angry and leans forward slightly to peer into Yuris face. OLDER MAN What the! Are you trying to make me look like a fool?! I cant believe this! The older man strolls away with an angry expression. RAVEN Agh, it looks like we missed out on the reward After all that work, all we got was a single tiara ESTELLE Yuri, thank you!! YURI Thats the only valuable thing Hanks has ever had. I couldnt let you give it away. Besides, this things gotta be a fake, right? If anyone found out, it would soil the good name of Brave Vesperia! RITA What a load of bull Good thing that guy was too dense to recognize bad acting when he saw it. JUDITH Why didnt we just actually make a fake doll and give it to him? ALL . . . RITA Youre even worse than Yuri INFORMATION Yuri earned the Recollection Guardian title. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Treasure Hunter: At Nam Cobanda Isle, speak to the Ant Lion Man near the entrance after you have opened up 445 (86%) Treasure Boxes to get Yuri's title, Treasure Hunter. ANT LION MAN RITA ANT LION MAN Yuri holds out ANT LION MAN Hey, not bad! You collected a ton of treasures! We went all over the world! Show me, show me! his hand and shows him. [happy] Ooo, this is very nice! Oh, Ive heard of this! Oh, this one is pretty useless Great! Thank you! This should help a lot!


Huh? Thats all you need? Its enough, its enough! Ive stored everything Ive seen up in this noggin of mine! ESTELLE Then youll be able to get the treasure fishing up and running soon? RAVEN But yall need some time to get things rollin, wont ya? ANT LION MAN Yes, indeed. To fill it up I think!00 treasures should do the trick? JUDITH Even making !00 treasures sounds like pretty daunting work. ANT LION MAN No, not at all! Its fun! YURI Youre really something, you know that? ANT LION MAN Youre really something yourself, kid. YURI ? ANT LION MAN You went into all the worlds nooks and crannies and opened all of the treasure chests you saw! By now, most of the treasure chests in the world are empty! YURI You make it sound like Im a thief, or a miser, or something. ANT LION MAN Indeed! In your quest for treasure, you leave no stone unturnedin fact, you leave no stones at all! You take them all! [heart] All ! ANT LION MAN [happy] INFORMATION Yuri earned the Treasure Hunter title. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Future of Blastia: Fly toward Zaphias and head inside. Head down toward the fountain area from the north. After, head toward the castle. As they climb the ramp to the Citizen Quarter, Rita addresses Judith who stands further up the ramp. RITA So you figured it out? Theres lots of hermes blastia hidden inside the castle. JUDITH Yes Baul was the one who noticed, actually. ESTELLE It was probably left behind by Alexei. YURI So, you want to go and destroy it, Judy? JUDITH Decreasing the imbalance of aer on the planet just a little bit will make it all the easier to go up against the Adephagos, wont it? ESTELLE Yes, youre right. RITA Ill go too. JUDITH Oh, why is that? RITA If we dont break it and instead take the core ESTELLE Umm, do we really have to destroy it? Couldnt we just deactivate them somehow? YURI That could workin theory. But theres no guarantee that someone wont some along and try to get them working again. After all, itll be just as inconvenient to have blasatia that dont work as it will to hav no blastia at all. Judith heads for the upper quarters.

RITA Hold on! I told you, Im going too! Rita runs up the ramp after Judith. ESTELLE Oh, wait! Yuri, lets go too! YURI *Sigh* Yuri, Estelle and Karol catch up with them on the long steps leading up to the castle. The castle moat is marred with the writhing reflection of the Adephagos tentacles in the sky overhead. Judith ignores Ritas pleas and walks swiftly and steadily toward the castle. RITA Argh, come on! Wait for me! [to Yuri, Estelle & Karol] All of you, wait here. YURI Huh? I mean, thats fine, but ESTELLE Im going to go with you! RITA ESTELLE No, you wait here, too. If you and Judith go alone, youll be captured in no time! YURI You should give Judy and Rita more credit than that, dont you think? ESTELLE But it would be so much easier if they didnt have to worry about being stopped by guards! Judith, wait for us! Estelle runs up the steps as Rita calls out to her. RITA No, dont come with us! Rita runs up the steps leaving Yuri and Karol alone. They watch the girls depart in silence for a few seconds. YURI Well then Yuri heads up the steps after them. KAROL Yuri, where are you going? YURI Oh, just for a walk. Judith, Estelle and Rita have entered the roped off dining room. ESTELLE Are you really going to destroy it? JUDITH Like Yuri said, no matter how much people swear that theyre not going to use blastia The temptation is too great. Someone will inevitably show up who wants to use it again. RITA Thats why we have to make absolutely sure that it will never be able to function again. ESTELLE I see I guess theres no other choice than to destroy it JUDITH Ah, thats not true, actually. ESTELLE Really? RITA If we take away the blastias core, it wont be able to be used. So we can take the core out, and then use spirit conversion on it. Then well be in the clear! ESTELLE But isnt that stealing? RITA Yes, it is. Thats why we wanted to do this ourselves JUDITH No, I think at this point our only choice is to make Estelle an accomplice. ESTELLE Whawhawhaaa?! JUDITH To make it so they odnt know weve taken the core, we should really tear up the warehouse and everything around it. They wont notice the cores missing in all the mess. What do you think? ESTELLE Whawhawhaaa?! RITA Good idea. Maybe we can put some screatches on the blastia body as well

I guess this is the only way we can do it. I have to say, I was quite pleased that you figured out my plan so quickly. RITA Wht are you saying? it was a cinch to see what you were thinking of doing. You were trying not to involve Estelle and everyone else, right? Though I guess theres not much point in that anymore ESTELLE I-Im sorry Yuri stands near the entrance behind the wall outside the dining room. YURI Come on You didnt have to go to all that trouble. You could get things done a lot easier if you would just tell Flynn and His Royal Highness JUDITH Do you want to go in there with us, too? ESTELLE Huh? Is someone there? YURI OopsI think thats my cue to exit stage right. Yuri exits to the right. JUDITH Well, now that were all here, lets go do a bang-up job! They cross to the right side of the dining room. Theres a loud explosion and smoke billows out from the right into the dining room. JUDITH Meanwhile, Yuri exits the castles double doors to find Raven and Karol standing on the steps a few feet away. KAROL Ah, Yuri. The castle is rocked by another explosion. LEBLANCS VOICE Whats all this commotion?! Leblanc followed by Adecor and Boccos run to the castle doors and stop in front of Yuri. YURI Ah, top of the morning to you, gentlemen! BOCCOS Yuri Lowell! ADECOR You are no doubt behind all of this! Yet again, I saaay! YURI Hmmmmaybe I am, indeed. KAROL Wht? Yuri, you mean LEBLANC Urgggh! How insolent! Youre under arrest! YURI Hey Karol, old man. Lets get outta here. Yuri takes off running down the steps past Ravens old troops and on past Raven and Karol. RAVEN Uh? KAROL Huh? As Raven and Karol gather their wits and take off after Yuri, Leblanc and crew take off after them all. Later the guys catch up with the ladies on the street. A large yellow bag of items sits on the street beside Rita. YURI Get everything taken care of? JUDITH Yes, thanks to you. KAROL Rita, whats in that bag? RITA Nothing at all! YURI You can tell him. Were all accomplices to core theft now. KAROL Wht! What do you mean theft? RITA Wait, you knew? RAVEN Ahh, I see. Thats a blastia core, then! KAROL How the heck did I become a thief without even realizing it?


Im sorry, Karol Hah hah! Lets get out of here before Leblanc comes back! The others take off running but Rita needs a word with Judith. RITA Judith. That is, uh, thank you. For not destroying that blastia. JUDITH Oh. A surprising bit of humility, coming from you. RITA But why did you do it? You didnt have any trouble destroying blastia before now. JUDITH I just wanted you to like me! RITA N-no way! Youre joking, right?! JUDITH Yes. RITA You JUDITH When I was by myself, the only way I could stop them was by destroying them. But now I know that there are fdifferent ways of taking care of the blastia, when Im with friends. I can count on you, right? RITA S-sure. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------King of Adventure - Part 3: After beating all nine Giganto Monsters, go back to speak with Rich for Karol's Valiant Swordsman title. RICH YURI RICH KAREN RICH KAREN KAROL RICH KAROL KAREN You defeated all of the Giganto Monsters Yeah We ended up beating them all ourselves. Thank you Thanks to you wonderful people, we can finally go back to our hometown! Thats true, but Lets keep traveling for a while Huh? Why?! We can finally go home! You can see your father! Im sure hell acknowledge our marriage, now! Huh? Did you just say marriage? Yes But waitarent you two brother and sister? My father and Richs father were both members of the Regin Expeditionary Force together. Because of that, the two of us have been friends since we were kids, and weve been as close as siblings. But youre not actually siblings Richs father is the only surviving member of the expeditionary force. For that reason, he said he would never acknowledge our marriage until we defeated all of the Giganto Monsters. And I was planning on dong that, too To fulfill His Highnesss lifelong wish But defeating a Giganto Monster by yourself? Thats insane! Yes Its insane. Suicide, probably. But that wasnt



enough to make me stop So you just got into the habit of wandering around You shouldve told us all this sooner. You shouldve asked us for help. We couldve gotten it taken care of faster. RICH Im sorry. KAREN Come on, lets go back. Lets go back to your father RICH Why not just keep things the way they are? We wont need to be tied down by all the formalities of marriage We can just wander around forever That wouldnt be so bad, would it? Forever, together. KAREN Big brother KAROL What the [drooping with exasperation, looking at them] You mean, we beat all of those Giganto Monsters for nothing? RICH No, thats not true Youve brought honor back to my fatherand to His Highness Regin as well KAREN His Highness biggest hope was that people could live in peace, without having to worry about being attacked by monsters. Thats why he traveled around the world. [heart] RICH If you ever meet my father in your travels Please tell him that all of the Giganto Monsters have been defeated My father should still live in Capua Torim YURI Sure, I can try to remember. RICH Really Thank you YURI If youre going to thank anyone, you should thank our monster-hunting all-star, right here. Karol turns to look at Yuri. KAROL You mean m-me? RICH Such a large weapon for such a small person Fantastic And still just a boy Truly fantastic Youve got potential KAROL [rubbing the back of his neck] H-heh, thank you! RICH Its just like a valiant, unfinished sword Karen gets an idea. KAREN That reminds me, Ive got something for you. Please come with me to the carriage. KAROL ? Afterwards, they gather in front of the carriage. Karol sports new attire. KAREN We got this from Scicily, a guest who stayed with us last time. He said this is for when I have kidsBut Im not even married yet. [heart] YURI Do you really want us to have this? KAREN Yes, thisll probably be too big for kids, even when I do have them one day. RAVEN We must be some special guest to receive this JUDITH Its cute! Embarassed again, Karol blushes and rubs the back of his head. KAROL [blushing] JUDITH It suits you. RITA Yeahvery kiddy? YURI

KAROL [irritated] Karol leans over to hide his face. KAREN If you happen to see our carriage again, please stop by and say hi! Well always have room for you to stay the night! [musical note] ESTELLE [bowing] Thank you! KAREN No, thank you! INFORMATION Karol earned the Valiant Swordsman title. end of cutscene RICH Seems like you guys took on some huge beast Why dont you stay and rest? Go on! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------King of Adventure - Part 4: Go to Capua Torim and speak with Rich's father. They find an older man standing under the tree near the Fortunes Market. MAN To think that my son left home 13 years ago, with no word from him since I wonder where he could be KAROL Hey, would you happen to be the father of Rich, by any chance? MAN Youknow Rich? KAROL Yes, we met him while we were traveling. MAN Where is my son? KAROL I think hes off somewhere, continuing his travels with Karen. MAN Hes on a journey, then I see Thats why he wasnt in any of the cities. KAROL Oh, but Rich wanted us to tell you All of the Giganto Monsters have been beaten. MAN What the The two of them managed that? KAROL No, we were the ones who beat them, actually. We even have proof. Karol shows the items to the man. MAN These are from the Giganto Monsters Amazing This is simply amazing. If you happen to meet Rich again in the course of your travels Would you mind telling him that Ill allow their marriage? Tell him that he should come back home! KAROL Okay, I will! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------King of Adventure - Part 5: Return to the King of Adventure and report to Rich. KAROL RICH KAROL I saw your father I passed on your message for you. Is that so Thank you He says you can come home whenever you want. Hell

allow your marriage. Is that so Perhaps our wanderings will take us to Capua Torim someday That would be a good time to visit KAROL Yes. [Rainbow colored makes appear from Karol, Estelle and Judiththey are happy] Rita looks at Raven. RITA Youve been unusually quiet, old man. RAVEN Whaddaya mean? Im just a quiet guy! RICH RITA RAVEN I was expecting you to butt in with something awkward. What, yer married? I was all ready ta propose an everythin! Something like that. Nah, I prefer older, more mature women. You know, like Judith. Ya still dont really get me, Rita. Maybe ya never will. ? I dont know why youd think Id want to get you


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~ NORTHEAST HYPIONIA ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ No side quests here.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~ FREE TIME AFTER FLYNN LEAVES THE PARTY ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Guild Quest - Part 6: In Dahngrest, you can meet with Dyne a bit north from the inn. Go toward the intersection in Mantaic and go to Mt Temza to fight the Giganto Monster. Go back to speak with Dyne near the Mantaic inn. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Drama Lovers: In Namcot Island, head in the Gym and speak with the person near the stage to get the Drama series titles, Estelle's Warrior's Sword and Shield. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

~ DAHNGREST ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ No side quests here.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~ NORDOPOLICA ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ No side quests here.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~ NORTHEAST HYPIONIA/AURNION ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ No side quests here.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~ FREE TIME AFTER AURNION ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Dog you the map Map - Part 4 [Dahngrest]: Talk to the cat on the east bridge. If didnt get the Bone With Meat attachment and Big Boss title with dog in Aurnion, you may receive it here if you have 85% of the dog completed.

With the cat in Dahngrest: CAT Meooow! RITA Oh, a cat Meow! The cat walks over to Repede. CAT (Are you the one they call the Dog Warrior?) REPEDE (Ive been called that name. Can I help you with something?) CAT (A vicious dog showed up in town recenty, and hes been causing us on end of trouble!) (Hes causing trouble for all of the dogs and cats in town, and the humans, too. Could you please get rid of him?) REPEDE (I dont usually do mercenary work, but) They all turn around to see Little Wolf standing on the other side of the bridge across from them. LITTLE WOLF (Hey there, pussycat. [heart]) CAT (Thats him!) REPEDE (Its you!) LITTLE WOLF (Oh, lookie what the cat dragged in!) REPEDE (Stand back, maam.)

Repede approaches Little Wolf. REPEDE (I hear youve been trotting around town like you own the place. Causing trouble for the locals.) LITTLE WOLF (Oh, the things some people say. Im just trying to free this city from the self-serving humans.) CAT (In our city, humans and animals live together in peace! You should mind your own business!) LITTLE WOLF (Sucking up to the humans, eh? How pitiful.) REPEDE (Sucking up to someone and getting along with them arent the same thing.) (But it looks like you never learned the difference, Old Man.) LITTLE WOLF (As always, you dont know when to keep your mouth shut. How about I shut it for youfor good?) The two dogs fight and Little Wolf loses. LITTLE WOLF (Damn it How did you beat me so easily Ill show you!) Little Wolf runs away. CAT (Th-thank you) (As our way of showing our thanks, this towns dogs and cats will work together to make sure your territory around here stays protected.) REPEDE (Oh Thatd be real nice of you.) CAT (Its the least we can do for you, after you made that terrible dog go away.) The cat leaves the bridge and Repede rejoins his party. KAROL So maybe that means all of Repedes territory around this city is safe? YURI Yeah, I think so. Isnt that great, Repede? REPEDE Woof! RITA Im sure this towns cats dont want it to belong to the likes of the Little Wolf, either. ESTELLE You know, I have to say I didnt know all of you were so fluent in the canine language! JUDITH Heh heh. that would certainly be a sight to see if it were true. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dog Map - Part 5 [Aurnion OR Dahngrest]: When youve completed 85% of the Dog Map, go to the west side of the tower in Aurnion. If the scene does not show, talk to the cat on the east bridge. You will get the Bone With Meat attachment and Little Wolfs territories won't expand anymore. As they walk around the lookout tower, a man bolts from around the tower and runs past them. MAN Agh! A monster! A woman follows. WOMAN Its a monster! They look around the tower and see Little Wolf. REPEDE (Its you) LITTLE WOLF (It looks like youve marked your territory in quite a few places.) REPEDE (And now, Im gonna take all of your territory away from you in one swoop.)


(Well then, shall we settle things here and now?) (If I win, I get to take all of the territory thats currently yours.) (If you win, I may give you my territory. You could go and take all of it.) REPEDE (It sounds like Im getting the shorter end of the stick, but) (All right. Ill accept your challenge.) (If only to keep things interesting.) LITTLE WOLF (Hmph, enough talk. Lets take this out front!) Little Wolf runs off and Repede follows him. ESTELLE Ah, Repede! Later Repede meets the team on the bridge outside the entrance. YURI Repede, you won? REPEDE Wooo KAROL What are you carrying in your mouth? YURI A trophy, huh? So your nemesis has been vanquish? REPEDE Wooo INFORMATION Obtained Pork Chop. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dog Map - Part 6 [Final]: When youve completed 95% of the Dog Map, head towards the tavern in Zaphias lower quarter. Talk to the dog near the stairs to get Repedes Great Boss title. Repede talks to the smaller tan and white dog next to the stairs leading to the hotels rooms. DOG Woof woof!! They all turn around and look toward the fountain where other dogs and a few cats join the tan and white dog. YURI Hey Whats all this KAROL I see Repedes marked the whole territory as his territory! YURI It was nice of you to make a marking map to track Repedes progress, Karol! KAROL It was my pleasure! ESTELLE Everyones giving Repede their congratulations for a job well done. RITA Hey, youre pretty popular, Repede! RAVEN Ya, lil Ritas jealous! RITA Jealous?! Who is jealous?! JUDITH Ease up, Rita. Lets celebrate Repedes victory, too. YURI WOOF! INFORMATION Repede earned the Great Boss title. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Guild Quest - Part 6(a): Go to Mantaic and check on Nobis at the inn. ESTELLE Nobis! You shouldnt be out of bed!

NOBIS Cant afford to lie about all day Nobis does a few squats. YURI Yeah, youre in really great shape. Later, Nobis lies on his back in a bed. YURI You got your Everlight. Where is it youve gotta run off to now? NOBIS I must find the secret text that details the process of Everlight refinement YURI Whats so special about that? NOBIS In its raw state as ore, Everlight is all but useless, of course. KAROL Oh yeah? RITA Thts true. Its a metal, so you wouldnt be able to do much with it unless you removed all the impurities first. NOBIS And Everlight must be refined according to a specific process. Our guild had the method written down in a secret manual It was taken on a journey logn ago, and its whereabouts remain unknown to this day. JUDITH And you were going to try and find it? ESTELLE But why? Why would you put yourself at such risk? NOBIS It is for For the sake of our guild For the Soul Smiths RAVEN Just whatre you goin on about? NOBIS Our guild is facing a crisis that threatens its very survival. KAROL Survival? But youre one of the five master guilds! NOBIS Thanks to the stability the barriers have helped create, weapons are no longer the valued items they once were. It has been many years since anyone joined our guild, and nothing will slow the aging of our oldest members. YURI So what does refining Everlight have to do with that? NOBIS In the art of crafting weapons, no ore is Everlights equal. ESTELLE Now that you mention it, I think I remember reading that most famous weapons are made from very specific metals. NOBIS For better or for worse, the world today is a calamitous place. Perhaps weapons we forge could play a role in restoring order to such a world, and glory to our once-great guild. Even though I have acquired the ore, without the manual, it is as nothing. ESTELLE Even still, you shouldnt overdo it JUDITH Does he look like someone wholl stay put just because you tell him to? RAVEN Hes borderline obsessed. NOBIS . . . YURI Guess I shouldve seen this coming. Okay, well go and find your secret manual for you. NOBIS You? YURI Meanwhile, you stay put here, like youre supposed to. By the name of Brave Vesperia, brightest star in the night sky, well take the job. KAROL Whoa, Yuri! Did you plan on asking the rest of us? JUDITH We are striving to live lives of justice, with punishment for the unjust, are we not? KAROL Um, yeah.


didnt Rhianna say somethin about her old man minin that Everlight and makin somethin out of it? YURI Oh right, that lady you had a crush on who hired us to look for her necklace. KAROL thats right, Id forgotten about Miss Rhianna! ESTELLE Then maybe if we ask her about this, well get some idea of where to begin looking. YURI Lets go and find out. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------) Guild Quest - Part 6(b): In Dahngrest, head toward the inn. They stand outside the inn, preparing to go in and talk to Rhianna. YURI Oh right, Karol. Are you still gonna take a pass on meeting your teacher? KAROL Ive been thinking about that JUDITH And what did you come up with? KAROL Well, I figure theres no point hiding from here forever ESTELLE Then we can all go together! Inside the inn: RHIANNA Oh my If it isnt Karol. KAROL Hi there. Its been a while, hasnt it? RHIANNA And all of you Youre Karols friends, then? KAROL Miss Rhianna, Id like you to meet my new guildmates. RHIANNA I heard youve gone from guild to guild. I think its time for you to grow up and commit to something. KAROL Um, actually, this time Im in it for the long haul Karol looks back at his guildmates. RHIANNA Oh you are? Well then, you must finally have been blessed with a truly understanding group of friends. KAROL Yeah, I have. And I heard that youre engaged to be married Congratulations. RHIANNA Yes, thats right. Thank you. YURI Speaking of your high-strung groom-to-be ESTELLE I-I beg your pardon. Hes actually referring to the necklace given to you by your fianc JUDITH You did say your father had fashioned the necklace out of Everlight himself, did you not? RHIANNA Thats correct. KAROL Weve heard that Everlight can only be forged using a very specific process. We were wondering how it was your father might have come to know such a thing RHIANNA Im afraid only my father could answer that. RAVEN Hmm. Any idea where we might find him about now? RHIANNA He is no longer with us, unfortunately. He passed away quite some time ago. KAROL Then, that means RHIANNA He belonged to a metal-working guild, though. Perhaps they could help you. KAROL Really?! ESTELLE Where could we find the other members of that guild? RHIANNA Another continent lies across the seas to the west of

Dahngrest. Thats the continent of Yurzorea, right? Yes. A stange little town exists on the continents northern-most reaches. I have never been myself, but they called themselves the Galactic Gearbox and have a shop there. KAROL Thanks a lot! We owe you one! Lets roll! Karol is startled by Rhiannas scolding tone: RHIANNA Here now, Karol. You should know by now that haste makes waste. KAROL Oops, um, sorry RHIANNA I cant promise that my fathers guildmates will know anything at all. KAROL Thats okay! Well just go see! rh Keep your friends close to you, and give it your very best. KAROL I-I will! RHIANNA Please continue looking after Karol for me. Yuri and the others nod. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------KAROL RHIANNA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------Guild Quest - Part 6(c): Go to Nam Cobanda Island and speak with the two vendors behind the gym. The find the Galactic Gearbox guild in the market area behind the gymnasium. MAN Welcome to the Galactic Gearbox shop. What sort of trinket are you in the market for? WOMAN Weve got some dazzling earrings made with the finest silver. Step right up! JUDITH You dont have much in the way of weapons and armor, do you? MAN Fraid not, maam. We focus on aesthetics here. [music note] YURI We didnt exactly come here to go shopping. JUDITH Heh, thats right. Id almost forgotten. WOMAN Well, if youre not here to shop, what is it we can help you with? KAROL Were actually wondering if you can shed some light on the method for refining Everlight. MAN Hey, you think he means that stuff Kale had written down in that old book of his? WOMAN That would be my best guess. KAROL Thats it! Thats what Nobis is looking for MAN I dunno what wed have done without that old book. WOMAN Processing Everlight is a pretty tricky business, you see. ESTELLE Would you consider lending it to us? We could even make a copy for ourselves if it isnt too long. MAN Problem is, we dont have it anymore. WOMAN The Imperial Knights came some time ago, and took it with them when they left. KAROL The Imperial Knights?

The man and woman nod affirmatively. Yuri, Estelle, Judith, Karol, Rita and even Repede turn immediately to stare at Raven. RAVEN Whoa, hold on. Im bein framed, framed I tell ya! You happen ta hear what this group of knights called themselves? MAN Wasnt it somethin like the Cumore brigade? ESTELLE Cumore YURI Never thought wed be hearing that name all the way out here. MAN Yeah, he snatched that book right up. Called it heretical. Course he was just feedin us a line. WOMAN You should have seen his face light up when he first heard us mention it. YURI He must have seen it as a sure-fire way to start making some heavy weaponry. RITA Its the no-talent hacks that always seem obsessed with making the biggest toys. KAROL Well, what now? If Cumore took it with him, then RAVEN Id imagine the Knightsd keep a pretty close eye on the stuff they confiscate. Not too familiar with the protocol myself, though. ESTELLE Why dont we try asking Flynn? YURI Maybe thats our safest bet if the old man here cant help us. KAROL Looks like were headed to Aurnion. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Guild Quest - Part 6(d): Head to Aurnion and speak with Flynn in the Chevaliers HQ. Yuri finds Flynn in the HQ staring at the messages pinned to the bulletin board on the wall. FLYNN Its good to see you, Yuri. You must be tired. Feel free to rest up here. YURI Id like to take you up on that, but were actually in a bit of a hurry. JUDITH We must be moving on once weve asked what we came to ask. FLYNN Ask who? Me? ESTELLE Did you ever see a secret manual for refining metal ore among the items confiscated by the Knights? FLYNN A secretmanual? Flynn turns to look at the Knight with him. The Knight nods, then leaves. Flynn turns back to his visitors. FLYNN No. Confiscated items were always under the jurisdiction of the Schwann brigade Everyone turns and once again fixes Raven with an expectant stare. RAVEN What? Starin at me isnt gonna help. Im not that Schwann guy, ya know RITA Oh yeah? YURI Sounds like Schwann was even more clueless than Id thought. FLYNN Keeping track of all these items is basically paperwork. Its not something a captain usually deals with.

RAVEN Ya know, this ones not so bad after all The Knight returns and hands something to Flynn. FLYNN Thank you. Unless its a recent acquisition we should have a copy here But Im not seeing anything that looks like a manual here YURI Oh well We had to check. Thanks, man. Were gonna get going. FLYNN Yo Yuri. YURI Huh? FLYNN Give em hell out there. The team gathers outside the HQ to discuss their next move. KAROL Whered this manual wind up, anyway? YURI I wonder if Cumore didnt just pocket it for himself. RAVEN If he did, wed find it at his place in the royal quarter. RITA A little light burglary, huh? ESTELLE No, we should ask someone at the house to go and see if they can find it for us. YURI We might as well go check the place out You know where Cumores pad is, old man? RAVEN Its in the east end of the royal quarter back at the capital, if memory serves. KAROL Thats right. Cumores from a pretty well to do noble family, isnt he? YURI Royal quarter, huh? Wonder if theyll be so kind as to let us in. ESTELLE Dont worry. Ill see that were allowed to enter. YURI That should make things go a little smoother. KAROL All right, come on, lets go! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Guild Quest - Part 6(e): Go to Zaphias and speak with the Guard by the gate to the Royal Quarter. They are stopped by the guard outside the entrance to the royal quarter. KNIGHT Common citizens may go no further without permission. Go home. ESTELLE Pardon me, but we are on our way to Sir Cumores residence. Can you let us through? KNIGHT P-princess?! But what are you doing here? RAVEN So long as the Princess is with us, there can be no problem, surely. KNIGHT Captain Schwann I could never refuse entry to either of you KAROL Were in![music note] KNIGHT You should know though, Sir Cumores residence is currently uninhabited. ESTELLE What? But why? KNIGHT Captain Cumore struggled numerous times to exhibit properconduct as a Knight. During his assignments at Heliord and Mantaic, he was at the center of some rather unseemly developments. As a result, he was stripped not only of his home, but

of his noble status as well. Huh. That guys had some up and downs. Whats more, his sister, Miss Mimula, was recently apprehended for her involvement in aiding the extremists. KAROL Mimula Hey wait, is that? JUDITH That ill-mannered girl we did a job for earlier. Remembering, Yuri looks at the ground. YURI Huh Thats no big surprise. I kept thinking she reminded me of somebody. KAROL Do you know where this Mimula is right now? KNIGHT It hasnt been long since she was taken into custody, so she should still be down in the prison. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------RAVEN KNIGHT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------Guild Quest - Part 6(f): In Zaphias, go to the castle and speak to Mimula in her prison cell. They find Mimula in the second cell. MIMULA How can a lady of my stature possibly be locked in a wretched place like this?! Oooh! KAROL Man, she hasnt changed a bit MIMULA What? Whos there? Oh, youre that guild from earlier. YURI Looks like youve done well for yourself. MIMULA Youre the ones I hired to find Sebastian! I knew he wouldnt just leave me here! YURI Huh? No clue what youre going on about. MIMULA Sebastian sent you, didnt he?! To help get me out of here YURI Were not actually here to break you out of jail, no. MIMULA But Then hes abandoned me to the wolves after all! And he calls himself a faithful servant! Mimula looks downcast at the floor. KAROL Wow, he just took off MIMULA Thats right! That failure of a man! He grabbed up every penny I had left, and went away! RAVEN My heart goes out to ya, dearie. Honest. YURI So, you had a brother named Cumore, right? MIMULA So what if I did?! All of this is thanks to his childish mischief! YURI Did you ever see something like a secret manual among his things? MIMULA A secret manual Mimula turns her head away. JUDITH It sounds as though you have heard of it before. Mimula turns back. MIMULA I might just tell you about it if you can get me out of here. Yuri turns to leave. YURI All right, were going. KAROL Huh? MIMULA Dont you want to know about the manual?! YURI If it means being used by someone like you, Ill take my chances on something else.

Yuri starts walking while the others stay put. MIMULA A-are you sure thats what you really want?! KAROL Its not what we want, but its not our place to let you out of there. Karol leaves. RITA You see how it is. Rita leaves and Raven follows. RAVEN Sorry, muffin. Raven apologizes sarcastically as he passes Mimula standing at the cell door. JUDITH This is what they call Karma, I believe. Judith leaves. Mimula looks at Estelle. Estelle spares Mimula a split second then leaves without a word. Repede stops in front of Mimulas cell door facing her squarely. REPEDE Woof! Repede lopes off to join his teammates and Mimula turns away from the door. MIMULA What?! Oooh! The team gathers outside the entrance to the prison. ESTELLE Maybe Sebastian has the manual with him. YURI Sounds like hes the one we need to bring in. KAROL Yeah, but where do you think he ran off to? RAVEN Its a wide, wide world, after all RITA Could he really have gotten that far away, though? YURI He could be almost anywhere if hes gotten on a boat. KAROL Hmm, a boat Lets check the ports, then. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Guild Quest - Part 6(g): In Capua Nor head toward the inn. They see a sailor talking to the innkeepers wife. SAILOR Darn it. Im in a real pickle now WOMAN You got a look at them, though, didnt you? The one that stole the boat SAILOR Oh I saw im all right. He was carryin this big ol black bag, and he was dressed like a butler. WOMAN Well, why didnt you get another boat, and take off after him, then? Oh phooey, youre just hopeless ESTELLE RAVEN RITA Someone dressed like a butler Could it be Sebastian? Looks like he got out onto the ocean. Yeah, but where exactly? The oceans a pretty good hiding place. Its huge! JUDITH Thats right. I wonder if well be able to find him. KAROL Were always one step behind him RAVEN Who knew lookin for old Nobis little manual was gonna be this tough? RITA For real If only hed just stay put for a while. YURI It might not get us anywhere, but wed better set sail and see if we cant find this boat hes taken. ESTELLE Yes, I agree. -----------------------------------------------------------------------

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Guild Quest - Part 6(h) [Atherum]: Go to the ghost ship Atherum to find Sebastian. As they board the ship, Estelle spots an elderly man being attacked by two monsters. ESTELLE Hey! Look, over there! SEBASTIAN S-s-somebody, help me YURI Sebastian So this is where youve been hiding. Judith runs to save the old man. RITA Good grief. Nothings ever easy, is it? They dispatch the monsters. SEBASTIAN Y-you saved my life RITA So, whered you stash all the stuff you ran off with? SEBASTIAN I-I dont know what youre talking about JUDITH Were talking about the items you stole from your mistress, of course. SEBASTIAN Omigosh, stop! Ill talk, Ill talk! I was just on my way to get them. Ive tucked them away where nobody would bother looking. ESTELLE A place no one would look? SEBASTIAN I put them smack dab in the middle of the ruins of an old town on the Tolbyccian continent. KAROL I wonder if he means Caer Bocram. YURI Thats gotta be it. I dont suppose there was a secret manual with the rest of the stuff. SEBASTIAN Secret manual? You mean that stone tablet engraved with the ancient writing? KAROL A stonetablet? SEBASTIAN There was a black stone tablet with a bunch of stuff written on it in red, but it wasnt anything I could read JUDITH Are you sure that was all? SEBASTIAN Thats all I can think of The rest was just money and a few paintings YURI Then that just might be the secret manual after all. ESTELLE I had thought a manual would be something more like a book. While they are talking, Sebastian runs quietly to the other side of the deck. A few moments later, he paddles away in a small boat. KAROL Hey! Wait! Karol sees Sebastian floating away in the boat. KAROL A-arent we going after him?! YURI RAVEN JUDITH RITA YURI Were not under any obligation to bring him in. We got the info we needed, so Id say were still par for the course. I suppose he isnt our concern, then. At any rate, hes bound to have a tough time of it, running off on his own in a place like this. Heh, maybe youre right. I guess hell just be getting what he deserves. So our next stop should be Caer Bocram, then.

ESTELLE With any luck well finally get a hold of the manual. KAROL Yeah. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Guild Quest - Part 6(I): Go north after entering Caer Bocram. RITA KAROL YURI Man, this place is as muggy as it ever was You dont like it? Its just about perfect if you ask me. Now, if I were a butler, where would I hide a stone tablet in a place like this? RITA This place is actually pretty big. Where are we even supposed to start? They hear voices up ahead. VOICE Oh come on, its not like were leaving empty-handed. Still, Im always a little bit bummed when we dont find any blastia. A former clients, Markham and his friend, walk toward them still engrossed in their conversation. MARKHAM Yes, but this may just be the clue we need to untangle the mystery of blastia once and for all. RAVEN Whatre those two doin here? MARKHAM Lets see, Brave Vesperia, was it? KAROL You remembered!m How could I forget the people who returned my dearest Harmfall to me? KAROL Hey, whats tht youve got there? MARKHAM We dug this up deep within the ruins of the town. JOSHUA It has ancient writings on it, so it might just contain some important information about blastia. YURI Mind if we take a look at it? KAROL A black stone tablet with red writing This is RAVEN I love it when a plan comes together. [music note] RITA Its about time. Id had it up to here with this cat and mouse game ESTELLE Ive actually enjoyed all the interesting places this search has taken us. Judith looks at the tablet and begins to read it. JUDITH Do not over-water the plants early on. Once they have borne fruit though, take care not to let the soil become dry KAROL Huh? Whats that, Judith? JUDITH Theyre instructions for growing delicious cucumbers. ESTELLE Wait Didnt the elder at Myorzo say something about that? RITA Who cares about gardening at a time like this?! JUDITH I only read whats written on the tablet. YURI Wait, what do you mean? JUDITH Um, just what I said. KAROL What about the process of refining Everlight? JUDITH Yes, well Theres nothing here about that at all. The others draw closer to Judith and Yuri. RITA So then, this hunk of rock isnt the secret manual after all? RAVEN But its a black tablet engraved with red writing.


Its exactly like the one Sebastian said he brought here. The story mustve gotten turned around somehow during all the time we were chasing him. No way Now we look like a bunch of idiots. You did say the process for Everlight refinement, right? Is that why youre here?

Yeah, we came here hoping to find it, but it looks like we had our facts mixed up MARKHAM I imagine Irmine would know something about that. YURI Who? JOSHUA Hes a famous shovel maker. Hes been locked up in the Unions prison for quite a few years, though. MARKHAM If theres anyone who can tell you about refining Everlight, hes your man. KAROL Whoa, really? JOSHUA Yes. And its no great secret that Irmine was the very one to make Marks precious Harmfall, as well. MARKHAM Or that the Harmfall itself was crafted entirely out of Everlight. ESTELLE Is that true?! KAROL But what is someone like that doing locke up in a prison? MARKHAM Im afraid Im not privy to the details. He never did strike me as the criminally-minded type, though. YURI Well worry about that if and when we need to. Lets put this Everlight thing to bed once and for all. KAROL Yeah, youre right. That was quite a piece of information you gave us. Thanks a lot. MARKHAM The Unions prison isnt a very fun place, even to visit. Take care of yourselves. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Guild Quest - Part 6(j): In Dahngrest, go to the prison in the Union HQ and feed the man with Okonomiyaki recipe to get the Note. The reach Dahngrest at daybreak and head for the prison straightaway. PRISON GUARD You aint going any further. You know whats up ahead, right? Its a jail, man. Theres nothing to see. The sole occupant in the first cell is asleepstand up! Yuri opens the door and enters the cell. An elderly man with a gray beard, bald head and glasses turns around. YURI Mr. Irmine, I presume? IRMINE Shut yer hole and leave me be. KAROL Weve come to ask you about the process for refining Everlight, sir. IRMINE Everlightwhoo boy. Whoo nanny, whoo nanny RITA What did he say? What sort of response is that? ESTELLE Will you tell us what you know? IRMINE Are ya sure thats what ya wanna know? Why dont I tell ya the measurements of that fine young thing who works in the item shop, instead? RAVEN Hmm, he drives a hard bargain Oof! Judith turns on Raven and evidently punches him.


Before you tell us anything You are the one called Irmine, are you not? IRMINE Now now, lets not stand on formalities and such. RITA Hey, are you sure this old coots right in the head? YURI So long as this is our only option, we dont really have much of a choice. KAROL Is he really our only option? He seems a bit on the sketchy side to me IRMINE Whore ya callin sketchy?! The sketchiest thing around here is your sorry excuse for a haircut! ESTELLE Yuri I think Im ready to go now YURI [to Estelle]Come on, perk up a little. Yuri turns back to Irmine. YURI Listen, old man. Were here to ask you something serious. Enough with the games. IRMINE I dont get anymore serious thatn this, sonny! YURI Okay then, were here to ask you about the method for refining a metal called Everlight. IRMINE If ya think Im givin that sorta infor away fer free, youre plain nutty. Youve gotta be nuttier than athan a RAVEN A fruitcake, perhaps? Thosere pretty nutty. YURI You want money? Or wait, youre not trying to get us to break you out of this joint, are you? IRMINE Nah, that stuffs for amateurs! YURI Then, what is it? IRMINE What Id really love is a fine home-cooked meal. KAROL What? IRMINE If youre too dumb to understand the first time, its not going to help for me to say it again! RAVEN Okay, the old goats even startin ta grate on me, believe it or not. They converse pritately a few yards away from Irmines cell. YURI That does it. Were gonna make this old lunatic the best meal hes ever had. KAROL Yeah, but what should we fix for him? ESTELLE Why dont we try asking whoevers in charge of preparing his meals? They talk to the guard. GUARD Theres no way that old man is going to eat anything sweet. They run up the stairs and speak to the guard in the main room. GUARD That old man down at the cellar wont eat anything cold. He says it gives him a stomachache. For that matter, he wont eat fried food either. I guess you have to watch what you eat when youre his age. They find a guildsman in the Dons chamber. Guildsman The other day, Irmine grilled some shrimp and squid with salt. The old man ate it without saying a word. Maybe it didnt suit his palate? They talk to two guildsmen of Ruins Gate near the entrance. WORKER That old man down at the cellar will tell you like it is, if the food taste bad. On the other hand, he wont say a word even if it tastes good. That bastard. WORKER Its tough cooking for that old man. He gets in a foul mood when theres no meat in his food.

You know, stuff like pork, beef, chicken, lamb, horse, boar, and such Later, they return to Irmines cell. Irmine is asleep again, standing up. IRMINE Well? Are ya gonna fix me up some mouth-waterin morsels? Select [Yes] [No] IRMINE Whoo boy. What is it? Whats it gonna be? YURI Youll just have to wait until its ready. IRMINE If it taste bad enough, I might hafta keep my mouth shut for the rest to my days. They serve Okonomiyaki. YURI Here we go. Give this a taste. IRMINE Let me see here I dunno Looks sorta gross from here *Munch, munch, munch* *Munch, munch* *Munch, munch, munch* Phew YURI How was it? IRMINE Huh? Oh, yeah, that filled me up. Nap time. KAROL Hey, wait a sec-IRMINE ZZZZ RAVEN Thats a pretty neat trick. Sleepin standin up like that YURI What is with this guy? Irmine gets an idea, then turns quickly to face them. IRMINE Watin for me ta fall asleep, huh? Well it wont work! YURI Now you listen to me IRMINE Oh well, I guess youve earned it. Thosere my notes on how ta refine Everlight. RAVEN Whoa, that came out of nowhere! IRMINE Now Ill show ya what happens ta people who try ta put one over on me in my sleep! Try me! Age aint nothin but a number, and Ill go toe ta toe with you youngins any day of the week! Im gonna! Sleep just a bit more. [walks to the back of the cell, and turns his back] ZZZ. RAVEN Wow. That wasspecial ESTELLE I feel like I could use a nap myself Rita looks at the notes in Yuris hand. RITA But These notes Its all here KAROL So then, this is the real manual?! I thought it would be more impressive than this. YURI We should be able to find out for certain once we get it to Nobis. JUDITH Lets take it with us then, and go back to Mantaic. ESTELLE Hes probably beside himself with waiting, at this point. INFORMATION Obtained Irmines Manual. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Guild Quest - Part 6(k) [Final] [Mantaic]: Report back to the man in the inn of Mantaic. They find Nobis fully dressed beside his bed in the inn.


Is it okay for you to be up? Yes, more or less. Im feeling much better now. Glad to hear it. Heres what you asked for INFORMATION Handed over Irmines Manual. NOBIS I-Is this the secret manual? KAROL We think so. We got it from an old man named Irmine. NOBIS Yestheres no mistake. This is the real thing. KAROL All right! YURI So the old man had a few screws loose, but the books the genuine article. NOBIS With this we will be able to clean the Everlight of impurities. Nobis turns his eyes toward the heavens beyond the inns high ceiling. NOBIS Mark my words. We will craft items to surpass even the armaments of legend! KAROL And thatll mean the Soul Smiths can get back on their feet again! NOBIS Yes, our day in the sun has come at last. And it is all because of you. Thank you. Oh yes, your payment. INFORMATION Acquired 8500 Gald. KAROL If you ever need help in the future, dont hesitate to call on Brave Vesperia. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Guild Quest Part 7 {Final}: In Dahngrest, head toward the intersection. KAROL RITA KAROL ESTELLE Karol nods. KAROL I didnt really think about it before we started taking on these jobs,but Keeping a guild going is really tough Whats with the deep thoughts, all of sudden? Well, I mean its pretty obvious why we started taking on work in the first place. Because we like seeing people smile? But what happens if we help out the wrong people, or end up doing more harm than good? Then wed be getting the total opposite results of what we set out to do. Yeah, but take that guy Nobis, right? He looked pretty happy in the end. I hope they can restart their guild now that everything is finished. And the man from Ruins Gate was pretty excited when we returned his shovel. A little too excited, if ya ask me. I mean, its a shovel. Some people, like Mimula, will try to use us for the wrong reasons, too,though. You always have to watch the good, the bad, even the ugly, sometimes. Thats what guilds do. I just wish we could take a pass on the bad and the ugly



We just need to stand up to those things when we come across them. RAVEN Everybodys born with a bad side. ESTELLE Thats not so. There is something beautiful in the core of each and every person. We may have to try harder to see it in people who do things they shouldnt RAVEN Peace, love, and understandin, huh? ESTELLE Dont make fun of me. Bad people always have reasons for what they do. Raven holds his hands out in front of him and shakes his head. RAVEN Actually, Your Highness, I beg ta differ with ya on that point. YURI Anyway, goals are important, but you dont always have to achieve them KAROL Maybe youre right YURI If everyones happy where they are, who cares if its not the goal they were going for? KAROL Even if that means failing sometimes? YURI You cut your losses, and move on to whatevers next. JUDITH Even if you wind up naked in the street, youre not finished as long as youre still breathing. RAVEN Huh? Naked? Did our lovely Judity here just say somethin about getting naked? YURI Down, boy. Down ESTELLE Well, Yuri. Are you on Ravens side, or mine? YURI Hold on, when did we start choosing sides? RITA Whats so tough about this? You just have to learn from your mistakes. Thats the basis for any kind of learning. KAROL Rita RITA For starters, just try to enjoy the ride a bit more, like these clowns do. KAROL Yeah, I will. REPEDE Woof! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Spirit Magic - Final Part: After Guild Quest - Part 7, go toward the tree in Halure to get Rita's Ivy Blade. YURI NOBIS YURI What are you all up to? Eh? Well, if it isnt Brave Vesperia! Oh, Nobis It looks like youre doing well. We were worried about you. NOBIS Yes, as you can see, Ive made a complete recovery. YURI Thats good. What have you been doing with these mages here? YU I made a weapon from the Everlight that you got for me. Now Ive been trying to get these mages to apply a formula to it for me. Mage [white robe] Im really looking forward to working with Everlight! As far as metals go, Everlight has an amazingly high

level of aer conductance. Aer conductancethats how easily something can carry aer, right? RITA Right. Formulas used on weapons with a high level of aer conductance have stronger effects, and make for more powerful attacks. Mage [gold robe] Were going to try to apply the spirit formula that weve recently developed. By our calculations, when the stored energy is released as magic, it will be several times more powerful than magic produced from aer. KAROL A technique for combining a sword with magicvery clever. NOBIS Yes Well then, if youre ready Mage [gold robe[ Yes, of course Nobis drops a rope with several objects strung on it as light burst forth from the mages hands. Mage [gold robe] Its finished! NOBIS Ohh Its giving off a fantastic level of power! Truly, the light of the Soul Smiths has been restored to this blade! Now I have to find someone to use the blade Mage [gold robe] If you do, wed also like to record exactly how much of an effect the spirit magic is having on the weapon. YURI Oh yeah? I think I know just the person for the job. RITA You mean me? YURI Dont you think that weapon would suit you pretty well? And youd be able to record accurate data, too. Theres no one better suited to take it. RITA Thats true, but NOBIS Id be quite comfortable with you using it. Mage [black robe] I guess we dont have any choice. If the client himself is suggesting it, well have to let the weirdo have it. Nobis hands the flexible sword to Rita. RITA This is Mages VOICE You can tell its quite powerful just by holding it, cant you? ESTELLE We would love the chance to use this weapon. NOBIS Certainly. Id love if you could use it in battle, all the while helping to promote our guild and our services. Then perhaps the name of the Soul Smiths will once again begin to be known across the world, and skilled artisans will seek us out to join our ranks! Rita test the blade by spinning and whipping it in the air. YURI This way, it works well for both of us. NOBIS Yes. ESTELLE It looks like youve taken a liking to it. RITA Lets go. INFORMATION Obtained Ivy Blade. KAROL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Seeker: In Halure, toward the tree and speak with a mage on the way if

your party has inflicted over 60,000,000 damage in total, you will get Rita's Seeker title. On their way up the path to the tree, they are stopped by mage in a white robe. MAGE Ah yes, this is for you. He hands something to Rita. RITA But this is? A mages battle robes MAGE Yes, it was tailored. Just for you. RITA But, why? Why me? MAGE Well, we thought you were just a kid before, but we can see you really know your stuff. RITA Well, not really but MAGE Yes, youre the pride and joy of Aspio. RITA R..really? MAGE What is this? Its not like you to get all emotional. Rita accepts the robes. RITA MAGE Well, there you go. Good luck. RITA Wow The mage walks away. ESTELLE Rita, hurry and try it on! RITA Huh, umm Rita stands before them wearing a short orange and blue mini-robe with one black legging. ESTELLE Oh my gosh! Its so cute! It looks great on you! RITA Really? You think so? ESTELLE Those robes are the sign of a true researcher. RITA More than that, theyre a sign of an accomplished researcher. ESTELLE Thats perfect for you, Rita! Rita shakes her head. RITA I still have a long way to go with my research. Theres still so much to learn. ESTELLE Thats the spirit, right? RITA You can study and study, and therell always be something left to learn in the world of magic There are so many mysteries. Like an onion, peeling off one layer just reveals another ESTELLE So, youre going to keep those clothes? RITA Yeah, with pleasure. It makes me stand tall and proud when Im wearing them. I dont know what it isHe he he It makes me feel like I can churn out idea after idea with this ESTELLE G-good luck, Rita ESTELLE I think Ive begun to understand why everyone calls Rita a weirdo INFORMATION Rita earned the Seeker title. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Under the Tree Part 5 {Final}: Enter Halure. Yuri, Estelle, Karol and Judith stand under the tree looking up at the blossoms. Repede lies down a few feet away with Raven sitting

crosslegged nearby. KAROL The flowers are blooming so beautifully today JUDITH It must be because of the ghost! ESTELLE Yes, it must be! [music note] RAVEN Hey, speakin of ghosts, wheres Rita? ESTELLE She said something about looking at a blastia, and climbed up the tree. YURI Shes certainly got a lot of energy. ESTELLE Ive read that Halures name comes from the three types of tree: the harmonea, the luluria, and the reren. The beginnings of their names come together to form the name of the town YURI Spoken like a true bookworm, born and bred. ESTELLE I dont see whats so wrong about that Estelle is silent for a few moments, then she turns to look at Yuri. ESTELLE Ive made up my mind. Once Were done with our journey, Im going to live here. KAROL Huh? Youre not going back to the castle? ESTELLE I can go to the castle from here, if I need to. If I spend all of my time cooped up in the castle, Im afraid Ill get swept up in all of the chaos there. RAVEN So why not just leave all that castle stuff ta Master Ioder so ya can relax? ESTELLE I cant do that! YURI Estelle cant just spend her life goofing off like you can, Old Man. RAVEN Now hold on, ol Ravens living his life pretty seriously, Ill have ya know. KAROL Really? How so? RAVEN Whaddaya mean how so Rita arrives and looks directly at Raven. RITA What a silly conversation You all dont have anything more productive you could be doing. KAROL This from the tree-climbing blastia hunter RITA Ill have you know, Ive been examining the blastia here to evaluate its potential for spirit conversion. ESTELLE [sweatdrops] ESTELLE So, did you discover anything? RITA Its no good. The blastia here is resonating with Halures tree, and its making some sort of configuration Ive never seen before. It does seem like its made an elemental spirit on its ownas I suspected. But were short on time right now, so Ill have to come back later to study it some more ESTELLE R-really?! RITA Huh? Well, yeah Whats up with you? JUDITH Estelle was just telling us how she wants to live here once our journey is over. RITA Really? Oh, I, I see YURI All right, then if Im not mistaken, we have an Adephagos we need to go take care of. ESTELLE Yes. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

---------------------------------------------------------------------------Professor Sicily - Part 5: In Heliord, go down to the lower section. Find Sicily by the river for Murakumo if Repede is above Level 50. They find Sicily standing on the narrow pier. SICILY Oh, buona sera! How have you been? KAROL Oh, its Mr. Sicily! RITA KAROLOW X SICILY KAROLOW X I swear, that kook is definitely following us. Professor Sicily I missed you, jarnk!! Oh, its Sterrilow! Have you been well, Sterrilow? Ive been very well, jaaaarnk! It looks like youve been well too, Professor Sicily! Jarnk! YURI Sterrilow? Thats not his name JUDITH So what? Karolow doesnt seem to mind, anyway. A man runs through the laborors camp. VOICE Th-thieeeef! Catch him!! YURI Get him, Repede!

REPEDE Woof! Repede runs after the thief and corners him near a tent. THIEF Y-you stupid mutt!! Two Imperial Knights and a laborer show up. LABORER That was amazing Thank you, my canine friend REPEDE Woof woof! Repede rejoins the team. SICILY What an amazing dog! YURI Yeah, you can count on Repede. Hes more reliable than most humans I know. SICILY So he can really fight after all He has a weapon too! KAROL Thats right! Repedes faster than just about anything! REPEDE Woof! SICILY Hmmm This gives me some motivazione YURI Huh? Now youve taken an interest in Repede? SICILY Si, I think soI think I could make something very nice But could he really use it to its full potential? ESTELLE It seems likeyou have something on your mind. KAROLOW X Be quiet, Jarnk! Professor Sicily is thinking! SICILY Hmmm, it looks like this dog sould be able to use it! Si! YURI Whats that? Something about Repede? SICILY Just wait un momento. I will make you something very good RAVEN I hope its not some lousy let down like Karolow X again KAROLOW X Are you making fun of me? How dare you! How daaaare you! They wait on the spot until the professor returns. SICILY Finito!! RAVEN Wow, yer sure fast at this stuff SICILY I think this should be just right for your canine amico! JUDITH It looks like its a weapon for Repede. YURI Now this is something we can use! REPEDE Woof! INFORMATION Obtained Murakumo. KAROLOW X Youre the greatest, Professor Sicily! Its amazing, jaarnk! YURI Yeah, Ive gotta saythanks a lot.


You dont need to thank me! Your dog just sparked my interest a bit, you know? YURI Ah, I see. RAVEN G-good for you, Repede JUDITH Is someone getting a little lonely because no ones interested in him lately? RAVEN Ha ha ha, whaddaya mean? Enough with the jokes, Judith darlin SICILY Well then, until we meet again, amici! Arrivederci! Sicily runs off toward the lift. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Professor Sicily - Part 6 {Final}: In Halure, speak with Sicily before the inn for Joke Weapons if you have completed the requirements he asks of you. They see Professor Sicily standing beside the small pond near the inn. RAVEN Hey, buon giorno! KAROL B-buon giorno KAROLOW X Professor Sicily! Buon giorno, jarnk! SICILY Oh, my amici! Buon giorno! RITA Hmph, youre sure chummy all of the sudden YURI So? Whats wrong with that? RITA I-I didnt say theres anything wrong with it at all! JUDITH Heh heh, youre a little jealous, eh? RITA O-of course Im not! RAVEN Come ta think of it, this is the exact same place where we first met ya. Ya countin flower petals again or something? SICILY No. Nothing like that I just Recently I am lacking of motivazione KAROLOW X A great genius like Professor Sicily requires a lot of motivation, jarnk! KAROL Well then, how about How about you make us an awesome weapon? YURI He already made us a weapon for Repede, though. KAROL Y-yeah Maybe you could do something like that againor not? SICILY Hmmm, si Well I cant say Im too interested in weapons right now, butwell, youve been my amici for so long, somaybe KAROL Y-youll do it? SICILY Hmmm Si, if youll do something to give me some motivazione, Ill make you a nice weapon! KAROL Something to give you some motivation? YURI Here he goes again with the crazy talk SICILY Every time you do one of these motivational things, Ill make a weapon for you! INFORMATION * Repeat an attack a motivational amount of times * Deal a motivational amount of damage to an enemy * Receive a motivational battle evaluation * Fight in a motivational number of battles * Get a motivational amount of Gald * Finish a battle in a motivational amount of time


* Run away frombattle motivationally . . . Good luch, eh? Wh-what are we supposed to do? I guess were supposed ta be motivational like he said? Hmmm, well, I guess theres nothing making us do all that if we dont want to. Heh heh Why not give it a try? It might be nice to spread a little motivation. Oh! it looks like you dealt a motivational amount of damage to an enemy! Congratulazioni! Geezwhy do we have to do all this work? I will give you this for your efforts! Obtained Measuring Tape. How long is it? How short is it? Lungo! Corto! This is the basic tool of data measurement! Okay, sure, butare you saying that I can actually use this to fight? A good scientist does not complain about her tools! Hmm, I guess Oh! It looks like you received a motivational battle evaluation! Congratulazioni! Yes, everyone worked very hard! I will give you this for your efforts! Obtained Cat Teaser. With this beauty, youll be able to perform a charming meowmeow attack! All the cats will be jealous! Th-thank you very much Oh! It looks like you fought in a motivational number of battles! Congratulazioni! Heh heh. I hope it was motivational for you. I will give you this for your efforts! Obtained Deck Brush. This legendary and mysterious tool is now yours! Use it wearing a maid outfit, and it works twice as well! I see. Ill do my best to put it to good use. Oh! It seems youve gotten a motivational amount of money! Congratulazioni! Yessiree. We worked our butts off! I will give you this for your efforts! Obtained Slingshot. We all have a little bambino inside ourselves! But be careful with this! Learning responsibility is a part of growing up! I dunno if Ive got much gorwin up left in me Oh! It seems you finished a battle in a motivational


amount of time! Congratulazioni! Y-yeah Well, it was all Repede I will give you this for your canine efforts! Obtained Grilled Chicken. Heres some yakitori! Nice and hot! Fresco e delizioso! Woof woof! Woof woof! Although I prefer the gizzard myself Th-thanks Oh! It seems you ran away from a battle motivationally! Congratulazioni! YeahIt was pretty hard I will give you this for your efforts! Obtained 765kg Hammer. Come on everybody, take a chance! Were going underground to do the Sicily dance! I have no idea what youre talking about

YURI [not met requirements] SICILY Hmmm, it seems youve done nothing very motivationally lately YURI Oh, I see

YURI [met requirements] SICILY It looks like you repeated an attack a motivational number of times! Congratulazioni! YURI O-okay SICILY I will give you this for your canine efforts! INFORMATION Obtained Shinai. SICILY Swing this through the air with a swish and swoosh! Tomorrows victories await! Lets-a go! YURI Th-thanks SICILY Oh, wow! Youve accomplished all of my motivational tasks! Truly, my amici, congratulazioni! YURI Yeah, I guess we did. SICILY Youve given me a lot of motivazione! Grazie! Well, perhaps we shall meet again soon! Arrivederci! Sicily runs away. ESTELLE What an interesting man. RITA What a kook REPEDE Woof YURI Wow, he was even getting on your nerves, Repede? KAROL I dont know think hes an awesome guy. JUDITH Yes. And he gave us all sorts of rare items, too. YURI Theyre lacking in the usefulness department RAVEN They say theres a fine line between genius and insanityand our man Sicily walks that line in style! All [rainbow marks] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------One Night Training: Enter Capua Torim for Karol to learn Rending Drop. They enter from the west and meet Tison, Nan and Clint. YURI Hey, so we meet again. CLINT Hmph Tison walks away and Nan follows him. KAROL W-wait! I, I want to talk to Nan NAN Karol Tison turns abruptly to Nan. TISON Nan, what about you? Do you have anything to say to this kid? NAN M-master I CLINT Were heading to Dahngrest. Make sure youre back by tomorrow morning. The two men head out into the field, leaving Nan with Yuri, Karol and Repede. NAN Chief thank you. KAROL NAN So, what is it, Karol? KAROL Well Theres something I wanted to talk to you about, Nan. Im sorry for always being so wishy-washyand for causing you nothing but trouble. But during my travels with Yuri and everyone else, Ive


figured out whats really important to me. Thats why Can you just stop bothering me? You only ever think about yourself, Karol.

Nan Even if youve learned whats important to you, nothings ever going to change if you stay as weak as you are. KAROL Ill get stronger. Ill prove myself to you, Nan. NAN I wonder Youve always talked big. But nothing ever comes of it. KAROL It, it might be impossiblebut I want you to believe me. Im different, Nan. Ive changed. NAN All right. Ill teach you a technique of mine. If you can master it in one night, Ill reconsider how I feel about you. KAROL In, in one night YURI Sounds like well be spending the night here! REPEDE Woof! KAROL Thanks, Yuri Later in a clearing, Nan teaches Karol her technique. NAN In this technique, you jump into the air, then use all of your weight to fall downwards, headfirst. What do you think? Youll never be able to master it until you man up and stop being such a coward. KAROL Urgh I, Ive gotta try The next morning, Yuri stands outside the inn waiting for Karol who, followed by Nan, is hobbling up the street. KAROL S-sorry for making you wait NAN Karol, Ill never forgive you if you die while Im gone! Nan runs to the exit to travel to Dahngrest. YURI Looks like things didnt go so badly. KAROL Heh INFORMATION Karol learned the Rending Drop Arcane Arte. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Big Voice Contest: After One Night Training, go to Dahngrest. Head toward the central square area and pick either choice for Karol's Infinity. In Dahngrest, they come upon a throng of people gathered around an announcer with a microphone standing in the middle of the circle intersection. YURI Eh? Whats with this crowd? ANNOUNCER Young man, would you like to take the challenge? This is Dahngrests annual Big Voice Contest! Anyone can participate! Whoever yells the loudest is declared the winner! And of course, our winner will receive a fantastic prize! ESTELLE It seemsthat its a yelling contest. RITA How lame can you get ANNOUNCER Our current champion is the manager of the local inn,

Shiva, with his earth-shaking bellow at 765 points! Eishrrraaaaah! . . . Hey, this looks fun. Maybe Ill give it a go? Ju-Judith?! What Are you for real? What is this?! It appears we have a new challenger, and a female, at that! Leaning back with her upraised hands balled into fists, Judith bellows with all her might. JUDITH Sheeeeyaaaaaa!! ANNOUNCER ! A, amazing! A new record! 1192 points!! The crowd is thrilled and express it with rainbowed emotion. SHIVA I-impossible YURI W-wow ESTELLE C-cool ANNOUNCER And now, with this amazing record, has our contest been decided?! NAN Count us in, too. KAROL Nan! Behind Nan are Clint and Tison. YURI I didnt think wed see you in a place like this Dont you guys specialize in hunting monsters? TISON Aye! But we always love a good competition! Here I go! Holding his fists wide apart at shoulder level, Tison leans back and yells. TISON Urrrraaaaaaaaargh! ANNOUNCER ! Y-yet another amazing performance! A stunning 1180 points! A formidable showing, and yet, its barely beaten by the score of our previous competitor, Miss Judith! TISON Arrrrgh! JUDITH Heh heh. Clint strolls forward. CLINT My turn. NAN Ch-chief! YURI Breaking out the big guns, huh? This is getting serious Clint uses his own technique and stoops over slightly with fists to perform his holler. CLINT Gyaaaaaaoooo!!! ANNOUNCER ! L-l-ladies and gentlemen, Ive never seen anything like this! An amazing1300 points! Just when we thought Miss Judith had clinched the competition with her powerful voice, this is even higher still! The crowd expresses rainbows of appreciation. JUDITH Aw TISON Thats our Chief YURI Hes got a hulking voice to match his hulking stature, huh RITA Hes almost like a monster, himself ANNOUNCER Folks, it looks like our contest has been decided! The SHIVA CROWD JUDITH KAROL RITA ANNOUNCER


winner of this years Big Voice Contest is W-wait!

I, Im going to do it, too! YURI Eh? Clint crosses his arms defiantly. CLINT JUDITH Heh that makes sense, with that girl here and all. NAN Karol ANNOUNCER Amazing! Just when it all seemed decided, the voice of a new challenger rises from the crowds, and that voice belongs to a young boy! What will you shout? [A heated battle call] [A burning confession of love] {chose A burning confession of love} Karol tries Judiths technique and hollers. KAROL I LOVE YOOOOOOOU!! ANNOUNCER ! YURI Eh? TISON Is heinsane? NAN !! ANNOUNCER Woooooow! Ladies and gentlemen, we have an unexpected confession of love! And yet another amazing score! 1295 points! H-however! However! This bold proclamation of affection is just barely beaten by the score of our previous challenger, Clint! KAROL Damn it! ANNOUNCER What an unbelievable day weve had here, folks One record after another! A heated battle the likes of which even history itself seldom sees! And whats more! The victor in this battle is none other than the chief of the Hunting Blades, Clint! CLINT Hmph ANNOUNCER For our winner, we have a powerful weapon made by Dahngrests most skilled artisans! CLINT I dont need this. You can take it KAROL Eh? Youdont mind? Clint and Tison walk away but Nan remains. KAROL AhNan Nan runs away. YURI Hey, you gave it your all. Thats what counts, right? RITA I think you coulve picked something better to yell, but JUDITH You were really great, Karol. KAROL Th-thanks INFORMATION Obtained Infinity. {Chose a heated battle call} KAROL RendingDROP!! NAN !! ANNOUNCER F-f-fantastic!! A whopping 1322 points! Who would have thought such a colossal voice could come from such a small boy?! This beats the record of our previous competitor, Clint! CLINT Hmph

Clint and Tison walk away. NAN Karol KAROL Ah Nan Nan runs away. ANNOUNCER What an unbelievable day weve had here, folks One record after another! A heated battle the likes of which even history itself seldom sees! And whats more! The victor of this battle is none other than the prepubescent powerhouse, the miniature mammoth, the one, the onlyKarol! KAROL I, I did it! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cooking Battle Part 1: With all recipes from Wonder Chef and all developed recipes, go to the port in Nordopolica to talk to Wonder Chef for Mabo Curry recipe and the Cooking Battle Invitation. They see the Wonder Chef standing on the pier beside a kitty. WONDER CHEF It seems that youve managed to gather all of my recipes, and youve studied them diligently! My eyes have not deceived me. All of you are now worthy to stand atop the stage of glory! KAROL Huh? WONDER CHEF Before long, a cooking battle will be held, in order to promote goodwill between the Empire and the Guilds. Id like to nominate you to represent the Guilds. YURI A cooking battle, eh? Why not enter, yourself? WONDER CHEF We chefs have our own competition against the chefs of the imperial court. The competition you will be appearing in is an exhibition match. RAVEN Ya say ya compete against the imperial chefs every year? Sfirst I ever heard of that. WONDER CHEF In the kitchen, we chefs act with fairness and equality. Our interactions with the imperial chefs have always taken place behind closed doors. ESTELLE With the recent cooperation between the Empire and the Guilds, its become possible for you to do a public competition. WONDER CHEF What do you say? Surely Ive convinced you to enter? KAROL Its a chance to improve our guilds reputationbut it would be terrible if we lost WONDER CHEF Stop making excuses and just take this! INFORMATION Obtained Cooking Match Invitation. KAROL Uhh I dont know about this WONDER CHEF Fear not! Your opponent is an amateur. And whats more, with what Im about to give you, victory will surely be within your grasp. I present to you nowthe ultimate dish! INFORMATION Learned the recipe for Mabo Curry. WONDER CHEF If you use that dish, along with all of my recipes that youve mastered so far, surely nothing will stand in the way of you becoming first-class chefs! Now go! Waste not a single moment! Your training awaits!

Ill be waiting for you on the stage of glory, in Dhangrests Cooking Coliseum! In a puff of aer, the chef disappears. KAROL Wow, a cooking battle JUDITH Sounds like fun. ESTELLE Promoting goodwill between the Empire and the Guilds is important! YURI Well then, it sounds like well need to pay a visit to Dahngrest sometime soon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cooking Battle Part 2: Go to Dahngrest to enter The Bistro Black Hole. Cooking Stadium Bistro Black Hole (night) OLD MAN Ill need see a letter of invitation before I can allow you to enter the Cooking Coliseum. Ah, the guild representatives? Excellent. Once inside, you will not be able to withdrawal from the match or leave until it is finished. Have you made all the necessary preparations? [Chose Enter the Competetion] OLD MAN You entry has been accepted. Im terribly sorry, but for sanitary reasons, your canine friend will unfortunately be unable to enter the Cooking Coliseum. YURI Im sorry, Repede. Youll have to wait for us outside. REPEDE Wooo OLD MAN So, which of you will be competing? [Chose Yuri] YURI I guess Ill do it. It should be interesting to fight in a battle where I dont have to be slicing up monsters. OLD MAN In order to keep the judging fair, we will also be having one member from each team participate as a judge. Judges will be chosen during the battle itself. Now then, let me show you to the cooking arena. They are taken to a huge auditorium lavishly decorated in hues of aqua and gold. Each team sits on a raised platform on either side of the auditorium. On the raised team platform to the right sit Rita, Judith, Raven and Estelle. The opposing team, sitting on the left side, are Witcher, Sodia, Boccos and Adecor. Down below, on the floor, the announcer stands between two identical cooking stations. At the far end of the auditorium, two blastia bodies mimicking Dahngrests barrier blastia lean toward the middle of the ceiling to frame a portrait of a chef in an elaborate white chefs hat on the wall over a raised platform of the judges. ANNOUNCER Ladies and gentlemen! This is the event youve all been waiting for! The first annual Fortunes Banquet exhibition match is about to begin! This event is brought to you by His Royal Highness Ioder, the Guild Union, and our generous co-sponsor,

Fortunes Market! Seated left to right, the judges are: Leblanc, Kaufman, Ioder, The Wonder Chef, and Karol. RAVEN This is a pretty big-time event. RITA Doesnt that little prince have anything more important to be doing? ANNOUNCER First, Ill explain the rules. The competition will be divided into three dishes: an appetizer, a main course, and a desert. Competitors must impress the judges with the flavor, arrangement and overall composition of their chosen dishes! And now, to present the challengers. From the Guilds, a proud member of Brave Vesperia, Chef Yuri Lowell! From an obscured door in the upper right corner, Yuri runs to stand to the right of the announcer. ANNOUNCER And representing the Empire, hailing from the Imperial Knights, Chef Flynn Scifo! Flynn bolts from an obscured door in the upper left corner of the arena and stands to the left of the announcer. ESTELLE W-why is Flynn here? RITA This doesnt seem like the sort of thing hed be into. RAVEN Ill bet he got suckered in by all that stuff bout promotin goodwill between the Empire and the Guilds. YURI [to Flynn] Cant get enough of these Coliseum battles, can we? FLYNN At least this time we wont have to pull any punches. ANNOUNCER And now, without further ado, let the first annual Fortunes Banquet exhibition match begin! The ever sprightly Flynn runs to the ingredient shelves built into the platform underneath the judges table and looks at the many items. FLYNN . . . Yuri walks casually to the nearest set of shelves. YURI . . . Flynn get an idea. ESTELLE Im glad they got to settle their differences so peacefully like this. RAVEN Yeah, it kinda warms this old mans heart The contestants return to their stations and prepare their dishes. ANNOUNCER Stop your cooking! We will now move on to the tasting and judging of the prepared dishes! Three judges from our sponsors and two judges from the two competitors teams will evaluate the dishes. And now, the tasting and judging will commence! First, our guild challenger, Chef Yuri. Five plates and a cup of Yuris cooking sit before each judge. LEBLANC [happy] KAUFMAN [music note] Ioder [heart] WONDER CHEF ! KAROL [music note] LEBLANC Mmm This istruly delicious. It blows the food in the knights dining hall out of the water. KAUFMAN Its not bad. I might even pay for it. Ioder A delicate taste with a hint of adventure. This might even be better than the castle chefs cooking. Fantastic.


Yummy, yummy, in my tummy! [music note] I love your cooking, Yuri! WONDER CHEF I know how to choose a good chef! ANNOUNCER It seems that Chef Yuris dishes left a favorable impression on our panel! Next, the dishes of our challenger from the empire, Chef Flynn! KAROL Wow, this looks so nice Ioder This is artwith the plate as the canvas. KAUFMAN Its not every day that I see food so beautiful that I hesitate to bite into it. WONDER CHEF That man has mastered the essence of cooking. He is a culinary force to be reckoned with! All ! LEBLANC Mmm.uck?! KAUFMAN Ick KAROL Wargh?! LEBLANC ) KAUFMAN ! Ioder [bored] WONDER CHEF [steamed] KAROL [sweatdrops] ANNOUNCER W-what is this? Our judges panel is in a state of total chaos! One by one, they are dropping like flies! Flynn turns to the judges panel. FLYNN Master Ioder, what do you think? Ioder It appears Ive made the wrong choice. FLYNN It wasnt to your liking? Im sorry Flynn rubs his chin. FLYNN I thought that I did a good job, too WONDER CHEF [waving his pan] This is sacrilege against the culinary art! You ought to be ashamed of yourself!! The Wonder Chef disappears in a puff of aer. RAVEN The panels goin ta hell in a handbasket RITA Did Flynn poison that food or something? JUDITH You know, I was watching him as he cooked, and I think he might just have no sense of taste. No one with a normal set of taste buds wouldve seasoned that food like he did. RAVEN But how can ya season somethin so badly that all the judges keel over? Thats impressive! RITA Bad cooking can be a formidable weapon. ANNOUNCER And now!! Its time for the verdict. The judges have chosen The Guilds! Chef Yuri is the winner! YURI Tough luck, Flynn. JUDITH Yuris too good to lose to cooking like that! FLYNN I admit defeat. Good job, Yuri. YURI If youd followed the recipe more closely, it couldve just as easily been my loss. Sodia stands up abruptly. Sodia This cant be right! Let me taste that food! Witcher Sodia, no offense to the acting commandant, but I believe thats simply too dangerous. ANNOUNCER In recognition for your victory, Chef Yuri, were awarding you the prestigious title of Commoner Chef.

Congratulations! Yuri earned the Common Chef title. And this brings the first annual Fortunes Banquet exhibition match to an end! See you all next year! Outside, the team meets the Wonder Chef in the street. WONDER CHEF Cooking is in the heart. Do not get too caught up in physical results. I have nothing left to teach you. Let us meet again once you have reached the next step in your path to culinary perfection. YURI Sounds good to me. WONDER CHEF As I was saying! The perfect dish is the result of the exchange of harsh critiques. Only then, can perfection be achieved! In other words, cooking is not based on the effort of one, but the result of many. For that, I shall grant you all titles! INFORMATION Estelle earned the Cordon Bleu title. INFORMATION Karol earned the Guild Chef title. INFORMATION Rita earned the Chemical Chef title. INFORMATION Raven earned the Weekend Chef title. INFORMATION Judith earned the Chef Mom title. INFORMATION ANNOUNCER WONDER CHEF At any rate, it was a fine tournament. I look forward to the day we meet again! Farewell! As the Wonder Chef disappears in a puff of aer, Repede joins the party. YURI Sorry we kept you waiting, Repede. REPEDE Woof woof! KAROL That cooking battle was a lot of fun! ESTELLE Yes. And Flynns cooking wasremarkable. RITA Yeah, and it looked so delicious, too What a terrible surprise YURI Now you know how I feel! To think, he wanted me to be personal taster! JUDITH Good thing youre a good cook, Yuri! RAVEN Yeah, ya can say that again! KAROL Well then, should we get going? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cow Boy - Final Part: In Mantaic, give the Silver Edge +1a to the Kowz for several items. KOWZ RITA KOWZ All KOWZ YURI KOWZ Hey there! Welcome to the Kowz Mansion! Mansion? I dont see a building anywhere. Come on, Flatty, youre missing the forest for the trees! You gotta look at the big picture! You dig? . . . Now, its time for everyones favorite tradition Thats right! Its item exchange time! Since when was this everyones favorite tradition? Details, details!



SELECT Chose [No] KOWZ Chose [Yes] KOWZ

So ya want something, right? No need t obe so blunt! Youre right, though. Todays item du jour is gonna knock your socks off! That sounds like itd be the sort of thing we wouldnt even have If you dont have it, you can just make it for me. That should be fun! And now, to announce the item du jour! Dadum dadum dadummm DUM! Its a Silver Edge +!a! So then, whenever youre ready! [heart] Thats a pretty fancy item to be asking for. Well then, it may help to know something: I fell like this will be the last item! You could call it a Kowz s sixth sense, perhaps? So then, will you, wont you? Do you, dont you? Give Silver Edge +1a [Yes] [No] You dont have that, do you? Hmmm Maybe its beyond your abilities

Oh, did you bring the Silver Edge +1a? Would you like to shaaare? INFORMATION Handed over Silver Edge +1a. KAROL It wasnt easy, but here you go! KOWZ Ah, swooshy-haired midget, you always come through in a pinch! Youre such a little smarty! The Kowz takes the weapon from Karol. KAROL Is that supposed to be a compliment? KOWZ Round and round we go! Where we stoponly I know! Out pops the Ant Lion Man from the sandy pit. KOWZ Here you go! This is as good as it gets! ANT LION MAN Oo hoo! This is awesome! Thankeeee! The Ant Lion Man departs. Voice from pit Awwwwsome!! The kowz turns his back to them. KOWZ It looks like A-to-the-L was happy. How nice. Now, to give you a reward for your help. RAVEN Thisd better not be something lame again! KAROL Yeah, after we worked that hard to get it for you! KOWZ Ding-dong! He hands something to Yuri. INFORMATION Obtained Magic Lens. All . . . RITA Are you trying to insult us? KOWZ Cant take a joke, eh? No wonder youre such a flatty, Flatty. Okay, once again This time its for real! Informatin Obtained Kronas Symbol. Obtained Blue Dice. Rebirth Doll. RAVEN Whoa! Hey, this isnt bad at all, Lil K! [heart] KOWZ Hard workers deserve appropriate compensation for their efforts! Theres nothing I hate more than when honest people are given a bum deal.


Yes, I couldnt agree more! Youve still got some growing up to do, Little Miss Innocent. ESTELLE Yes, I know. Ill do my best! All . . . RAVEN This haul isnt bad at all. JUDITH Yes, I think we actually came out on top, in the end. YURI Well, looks like we made out pretty well. KAROL Yeah, thanks a lot! KOWZ Sure, sure! Keep up the good work, boys and girls! Ill be seeing you later! [heart] Ahhhh!!! All ! RAVEN What? What? Whats the matter? KOWZ Come to think of it, you exchanged lots of great things with me, didnt you? RITA Well, it was more like they were taken by force KOWZ Shut it, Flatty! Since youve helped me out so many times, Ive got a little something in return. ESTELLE something in return? KOWZ Yep. Hold on a sec. Sorry about that. This is for you! INFORMATION Obtained Holy Avenger. Obtained Hypershock Yo-yo. Obtained Dragon Helm. Obtained Paladin Cape. Obtained Black Onyx. Obtained Special Gel. Obtained Red Sage. Obtained Hourglass. Obtained Alexandrite. Obtained Rebirth Doll. KOWZ Thats all. The end! Fin! KAROL Souh Are these all the items we gave you, only now theyve been barfed back upor something? RAVEN Hey, whos complainin? These items are great! JUDITH You really dont mind if we take all this? KOWZ No, go right ahead. Think of them as a way of showing my thanks for everything youve done. They can also double as my payment for such delicious eye-candy. [heart] RITA Youre really creepy! I hope you know that! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Illusion: Go to the ruins of Yormgen and examine the Red Box in the remains of the Inn. ESTELLE Isnt this the same box that we found in the Atherum and delivered to that girl? It looks like its unlocked. Eh? Zat a journal?

KAROL RAVEN Estelle reads. ESTELLE I think that today is the day that Im going to stop waiting for you to come back. Its been three years since those travelers came to

town with the box, but they came with no word of what happened to you The box that I gave you as a gift, which you guarded with your life Theres no way you would have ever given it up so long as you were strong and well. Im sure you would want me to move on and look for happiness yet again. Thats why its time that I said farewell. Thank you for everything youve done for me. JUDITH Her name was Yuefan, wasnt it? What a strong girl. RAVEN ell, I guess ya cant really move on in life if ya spend all yer time waitin for someone whos passed on. RITA Y-you all dont think that theres something a little unusual about this? KAROL About what? JUDITH The version of Yormgen that we went to was an illusion that Phaeroh created And yet the box we delivered in the illusionis right here. RITA And the travelers she wrote about in the journalthat would be us, wouldnt it? ESTELLE So the Atherum was in our modern time, and the box was, too. KAROL H-huh? Y-youre right, buthow could this be possible? YURI It looks like the worlds still chock full of mysteries. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sword Friend: In Aurnion, learn Final Gale from Flynn. They see Flynn waiting in front of the blastia. FLYNN Im glad to see that youre all safe. You must be tired. Flynn turns to a guard. FLYNN Someone please show them to their rooms. The guard in front of the blastia steps forward and nods. Everyone but Yuri and Estelle and Repede follows him. Judith stops to speak to Estelle. JUDITH Lets go. ESTELLE All right. Estelle, Judith and Repede leave. FLYNN Do you really have time to be lounging around? YURI We cant afford to make any mistakes. We have to be careful about things. FLYNN That doesnt sound like you, Yuri. Arent you the one whos always acting irrational and reckless? YURI Nah, I think youre thinking of yourself, Flynn. FLYNN I cant imagine youd be hesitating at this point, so What is it that you need? It is just some encouragement? YURI Im still looking for the right finishing move. FLYNN If thats the case, maybe I can be of assistance. YURI Your work can wait? FLYNN I cant think of anyone whod make a better practice partner for you.

And it appears Captain Schwann prefers to use a bow to fight, anyway. YURI I appreciate the help. Ill take you up on your offer. FLYNN Excellent. LaterRita stretches in front of a tent while Judith and Estelle stand with her. RITA *Yawn* I slept so nicely. ESTELLE I tried shaking you and calling your name, but you wouldnt wake up. I thought you were gone, Rita. *Sigh* What a relief! JUDITH We mustve been more tired than we thought. RITA Are those two still at it? ESTELLE Yes. Theyve been fighting with hardly a moments rest ever since they started. JUDITH They look like theyre enjoying themselves. RITA Theyve got some nerve. When are we going to leave? Its stifling here. Im going to go do some maintenance on the Vesperia One or something. ESTELLE Oh, Ill help! Estelle follows Rita. JUDITH Id say Ritas pretty similar, really Its evening and Yuri and Flynn practice with swords by the tower. YURI Take that! And how about this! FLYNN Ack! They stop and face each other. YURI That was FLYNN Yep, it looks like you got the hang of it. YURI Yeah. Thanks, man. FLYNN You dont need to thank me. If it helps you pull off wht youre planning to do, thats enough for me. BV walk the town looking for Yuri and Flynn. ESTELLE Yuri! Flynn! They find them by the tower. RITA Are you finished? YURI Yeah, sorry to keep you waiting. JUDITH All right, shall we go? YURI Huh? Hold on, let me rest just a little bit KAROL We dont have time to be lounging around! All right, last one theres a rotten egg! They all leave. FLYNN Good luck out there! YURI Leave it to me` Flynn holds out his hand and Yuri claps his own into it. INFORMATION Yuri learned the Final Gale Arcane Arte. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Estelle's Teacher - Part 5: In Aurnion, speak to Drake for Yuri's Certified Soldier title. Yuri and Estelle find Drake standing outside the HQ. ESTELLE Master, so you were here in Aurnion! DRAKE YesBut I regret that I must set out again quite soon.


Ive been waiting here so that I could speak with you, Yuri Lowell. Huh, me? I would like you to return to the Imperial Knights, and provide support for Commandant Flynn. Support for Flynn? Return to the Knights? You gotta be kidding me. Ive always thought that the Imperial Knights let a very precious asset go when they lost you. Master Drake, flatter me all you like, but its not going to change my mnd. Its not flattery; Im being sincere. What do you say? Im sorry, but even if you offered to make me Commandant Of course, youd be starting off as an apprentice, but with your abilities youd make captain in no time. Take this armor! I dont want it! With Flynn as Commandant, the Knights will change for the better. Still, you are not interested? With that stuffy spoilsport as Commandant? No thanks!

[MIGHT HAVE MISSED SOME DIALOGUE HERE] Yuri walks away. Estelle says goodbye to Drake then runs after Yuri. DRAKE When Yuri reaches the blastia memorial, he stops and reflects for a bit. YURI Commandant Flynn, huhI cant say it doesnt have a nice ring to it INFORMATION Yuri earned the Certified Soldier title. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Encouragement of the Schwann Team - Part 1: Enter Aurnion and head toward the blastia monument. If Raven has at least 100 skills, he will get the Shining Star title. They encounter LEBLANC RAVEN LEBLANC RAVEN LEBLANC Leblanc near the blastia. Sir Raven, a mission well done! Mission? Whaddaya mean? Sir Raven, word of your formidable success has reached our ears, even here! Enough with the formalities. Yes sir, that is, Ive come with a gift of clothing from Master Ioder! This is a gift of encouragement to Sir Raven from Master Ioder. Please take it, tht it may serve you well in the final battle. An outfit for the final battle, eh? Its given by the emperor to a distinguished commandant to recognize their loyalty and great deeds. Hes probably trying to get you pepped up by giving it to you before the final battle. But shouldnt you be givin it ta Flynn, then? Im not


one of the Imperial Knights! Apparently, Sir Flynn refused to take it. He said that you deserve it, Sir Raven, as you will be the one to stand on the real battlefield. YURI I think thats Flynns way of saying, Ill clean up for Schwanns mistakes. Go and give em hell. Hell be pretty steamed if you turn it down. RAVEN I understand. Then Ill accept this gladly, as an imperial gift from Master Ioder. ESTELLE Once you accept it, you have to wear it. RAVEN Right here? ESTELLE Yes. Its the custom. The entire Schwann Brigade gathers for the occasion. Raven dons the outfit. JUDITH It suits you rather well. Raven turns to Judith, with his hands out in a pleading gesture. RAVEN Im glad ya like it. Now, lets get out of here. Leblanc gets emotional and wipes tears on his gauntlet. LEBLANC C-Captain schwaaann Leblanc gets control of his emotions and with a wave of his arm, issues a command to the members of the Schwann Brigade. LEBLANC Schwann Brigade! All salute Sir Raven! They all perform a rigid salute. LEBLANC Godspeed! KAROL Wow RAVEN [hiding his face] Thats why I wanted us to get out of here! JUDITH Everyone has such high hopes for us. INFORMATION Raven earned the Shining Star title. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------LEBLANC ---------------------------------------------------------------------------Dedicated Paramedic Part 1 [Aurnion]: Speak with the doctor in the Inn. DOCTOR KAROL YURI DOCTOR ESTELLE DOCTOR ESTELLE DOCTOR Oh, hello. Weve met before somewhere, havent we? You helped us out in Capua Nor. That was back when youd been captured by Alexei. You can use healing artes? Huh? You can tell? All healers have a characteristic mark on their left thumb, from which their artes are released when theyre used. Theres a little dark spot You could tell from just this? Doctors have to be observant. Plus, Im a practitioner of healing artes as well.

Two women come in. WOMAN Grandma suddenly started feeling ill GRANDMA Its too late, Doc1 Im not long for this world ESTELLE Oh no This is serious DOCTOR Hold on. A healer cant let herself get flustered when there are sick people to help. Maam, could you tell me what sort of discomfort youre having, and where it hurts?


My side hurts, like its being squeezed real tight And my fingers feel all stiff Hmmm Well, lets have a look I feel all better1 Thank you, Doctor1 Oh, ou dont need to thank me. This is my job.

You were using your healing artes precisely, only on the parts of her body that needed it. That takes some skill. DOCTOR It can actually be harmful to focus ones healing artes on healthy parts of the body. ESTELLE R-really? DOCTOR If a healer works too hastily, she can cause her patient undue stress, and worsen their conditions. A healer must always be calm and focused. ESTELLE I, I seePlease excuse my ignorance. DOCTOR No, not at all1 Youre still learning. The path to becoming a healer is a tough one, to say the least. Please, come and visit again. There is much Id like to teach you. They leave the inn. YURI So, are you hoping to become a healer someday? ESTELLE No But even so The only thing Ive ever been good at doing for others is healing their wounds Id like to learn more about what a healer does. Id say youve done a lot more for us than just heal our wounds. ESTELLE Huh? YURI Nah, forget it. Anyway, I dont think theres anything wrong with learning more about healing and seeing where it takes you. ESTELLE Yes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dedicated Paramedic Part 2 [Aurnion]: Rest at the inn and speak to the doctor again. Estelle enters the Inn and find the Doctor tending a patient lying on one of the beds. ESTELLE Hello! DOCTOR Oh, how are you?... It looks like youre just fine. ESTELLE You can tell? DOCTOR Sure, I can tell from looking at your face. Patient Urgh Doctor DOCTOR Oops, I was working! The doctor turns back to his patient and Estelle walks to the patients bedside. ESTELLE Is that a patient of yours? DOCTOR Yes, it appears he has some sort of heart disease. Hold on, friend. Ill help take away the pain. Patient Ugggh It hurts

DOCTOR It doesnt look like its working Estelle performs an arte. DOCTOR Hmmm Amazing magical power Patient Ah It doesnt hurt anymore ESTELLE Good! DOCTOR Hmmm! Patient Thank you, Doctor DOCTOR Y-yes, of course Well, stay here a bit to get your energy back beore you head out again. Laterafter the patient has gone: DOCTOR You have quite a rare tlent, young lady. ESTELLE What? I do? I dont think DOCTOR No, seriously, being able to wield that level of healing artes is no small feat. Technically speaking, your skills are a little rough around the edges, but youre a born healer. I cant wait to see how youll turn out with a bit more training. ESTELLE Yes Outside the inn, Estelle confides in Yuri and Raven. ESTELLE Im starting to feel like Im deceiving that doctor YURI You mean because you dont actually want to become a healer? ESTELLE Yes RAVEN It doesnt seem so bad ta me. The hospitals hurtin for help, and yer just givin them a hand. Im sure they appreciate it. And ya cant help it if they want ya ta be someone yer not. ESTELLE Maybe youre right ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dedicated Paramedic Part 3[Aurnion]: Speak with the man near the inn owner. Yuri, Judith and Estelle see one of the doctors patients outside the inn. MAN Ah, Doctor, thank you for your help the other day. ESTELLE D-doctor Y-you mean me? MAN Yes, of course. You treated me in the hospital the other day. Youre not usually working in the hospital though, are you? ESTELLE N-no Im usually out traveling But you know, Im not really a Doc-An older man joins them. OLDER MAN Hey, whats up? MAN This is the doctor at the hospital I was telling you about. OLDER MAN Oh, I didnt think shed be this young. Maybe Ill go and pay you a visit sometime soon. My shoulders been hurting me a bit lately, ysee. ESTELLE Ummm But Im not A woman approaches Estelle. WOMAN Oh, so this is the famous doctor girl? MAN [enthusiastic] Yeah, its her! Thanks to this miracle

worker, Im the very picture of health! WOMAN I see! Keep up the good work, Doctor! ESTELLE R-right MAN Thanks again, Doctor! WOMAN If I feel sick, Ill be sure to come and see you! ESTELLE I But You see The townsfolk leave. YURI Looks like youre developing quite a fan club, Estelle. JUDITH Maybe you should start collecting magazines to put in your waiting room? ESTELLE This is a bit of a pickle ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dedicated Paramedic Part 4 [Aurnion]: Once your party have healed at least 4,000,000 HPs, toward the inn for Estelle's title. Three men like sprawled on the ground around the inn. KAROL Something must have happened ESTELLE Are these people injured? Estelle approaches the nearest man. ESTELLE Let me help you! Estelle performa a healing arte on the man. YURI Im going to go inside and see whats happened. Everyone except Estelle go inside the inn. Every bed holds a patient. DOCTOR Good timing. I could use your help right now. YURI What happened?! DOCTOR There was a landslide. They were bringing down building materials for town YURI It looks like youre short on help. Can we lend a hand? DOCTOR That would be great. Were running low on waterwould you mind going and bringing some from the watering hole? Yuri turns to Karol and Raven. YURI Hey old man, Karol, did you hear that? They nod and run off to fetch the water. DOCTOR Some of the injured are still back where the landslide happened. The Imperial Knights have gone out to rescue them, but Im sure theyre short on hands. If you could somehow help them YURI Judy, take Baul. REPEDE Woof! YURI Okay, you to too, Repede. DOCTOR You two can go and buy supplies. Go get the materials in the Imperial Knights facility and take them to the shop to synthesize into medicine. YURI Gotcha. Lets go, Rita. Estelle enters as Yuri and Rita run past her on their way out. ESTELLE Doctor, Ive used my healing artes on the people outside. How are things in here? DOCTOR Almost everyone heres been healed, too. But there are more people on the way. For now, take care of those people. ESTELLE Okay!

A few hours later, The team minus Estelle and the doctor, stand around patients resting comfortably in the beds. YURI It looks like things have calmed down here. Estelle and the doctor enter. DOCTOR Everyone outside wasnt wounded too badly, so we sent them home after they were healed. ESTELLE Im so glad no one was hurt too badly. DOCTOR Youve gotten quite good at the motions and techniques involved in healing. Id say youre well on your way to becoming a fine healer! ESTELLE U-ummm About that DOCTOR Eh? What is it, young lady? ESTELLE I dont want to become a healer! Im sorry!! DOCTOR I see ESTELLE I think that healing others like a doctor does is an amazing thing to do. I really do. But my dreams lie somewhere else DOCTOR I see, I see It appears I jumped to conclusions. Im the one who should be sorry. ESTELLE Not at all It was my fault for not telling you sooner Im so sorry. Estelle bows in apology. DOCTOR No, no. Dont worry about it. Besides, whatever you want to be eventually, you already make a remarkable co-medical. ESTELLE Aco-medical? DOCTOR Its someone whos neither a doctor nor a healer, but who helps doctors to treat the injured and the sick in a number of ways. Allow me to give you this, as a testament to your abilities. ESTELLE A nurses cap DOCTOR You possess the special gift of healing, young lady. If you come across someone who is in pain, you must use this gift to help them, however you can. Even if youre not officially a healer, healing the pain of others is one of the finest things you can do in this world. ESTELLE Yes, it is! DOCTOR Good luck in pursuing those dreams of yours. ESTELLE Thank you. INFORMATION Estelle earned the Dedicated Paramedic title. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Study of Hermes - Part 4 {Final}: In Aurnion, rest at the inn. While Estelle sleeps in the bed beside hers, Rita studies the book of Hermes spread out across her knees. JUDITH Youre still reading that book? RITA Ive just gotten to a really good part Later, after Rita has put the book away. RITA Phew Your dad was eally a great man, Judith. JUDITH Why do you say that?


Hermes had already deduced how elemental spirit conversion could be used. JUDITH Yes Its not hard to believe that someone as smart as he was would have been able to accomplish that RITA But not as something to use for the disasters that were facing now, but rather, as a possiblility in the far, far-off future. Long after humans have been wiped out, and probably after the Entelexeia themselves are gone from the world When the planet Terca Lumireis is approaching the twilight years of its life All aer on the planet will undergo spirit conversion, through mana. JUDITH But right now, quite unexpectedly, spirit conversion is being done by human hands. Even though peopleand the world itselfarent ready for it to happen. Now we have to find a way to continue to do all of those things. Those things that people have used blastia and aer for so long to do that they take them for granted RITA Yes But this book goes into great depth about the intricacies of aer. If I used this and what I know to do some experiments with elemental spirits I might be able to come up with a method of creating a new type of blastiaone that doesnt use aer. JUDITH Really? RITA His formulas are a little bit complicatedbut I think Id like to give them a try. A high-output model like a barrier blastia might be impossible, but Anything is better than nothing, right? YURI Yes. Of course. Im sure youll be able to do it, Rita. RITA Im so impatient to get started. Maybe Ill just try an experiment or two right now JUDITH No, dont rush. We all have to stay in tip-top shape for the battles ahead, you know? RITA Yeah JUDITH Well, good night. RITA All right. Maybe some sleep might be nice ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Conversation Between the Spirits: In Aurnion, rest at the inn. In a column of flame, Efreet appears into total blackness. Efreet When faced with a daunting foe, they often betray their comrades and save themselves. They gain more power than they need, and grow overconfident once they have it. This had been my understanding of human nature. In a swirling pool of water,Undine appears. Undine Humans are quite interesting. They become distrustful

once betrayed. One moment they may slander a friend, and the next be moved to feelings of love. Their hearts may grow more compassionate, or be lost to depravity. Truly puzzling creatures. There is rush of wind, twirling into a column and Sylph joins them. Sylph All of that makes them dangerous. How long until they are drowned by their thirst for power? How long until they betray all those dear to them, in their struggle for supremacy? When they stand before a mighty enemy, will they keep their resolve? There is a small earthquake and Gnome appears. Gnome Undine Do you not believe in them, Sylph? Sylph I wished only to convey the delicacy of the situation. Efreet Should they ever become too great a nuisance, we need only burn them to the ground. Undine It seems that the conversion to spirit form has not tempered our leaders fiery wrath. Sylph Nor has there been any change in the optimism that so characterized you, Undine. Efreet And you remain every bit as cautious and careful as you ever were. Undine Has not that fear kept you in constant concern over the catastrophe in the sky? Sylph It was all the Entelexeia and humans could do to seal it away 1,000 years ago. The humans have said that as spirits we possess the power to defeat it. However Undine Say no more. Speaking it out loud will only further increase your worry. Efreet We are a new power that will form the cornerstone of this world. The Adephagos is nothing. Sylph We may possess enough power to defeat the Adephagos once and for all. But all our work will have been for naught if the humans cannot face this threat. Do not forget that it is the mortals who must use our powers against the Adephagos. Undine Did you not place your faith in their hands? Sylph As there are no others to whom we can turn I will entrust them with our final hope. Undine Then be content to standy by, and watch over them. Believe in them. Efreet I too await the day when I make known my full power. Sylph [ehhhh] Gnome howls. Efreet Speak, Gnome, if you have something we should know. Sylph He says We are left to make one of two choices Perish along with this world, or entrust our powers to the humans They may be fragile, but their hearts burn with determination to live. I will stand with them. Undine Do you mean it, Gnome? Sylph He says, I, too, share their desire to go on living. Efreet That is the life for those who grow old and die. We must


Gnome howls. Undine Goodbye ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Brionac - Part 5: Set Rita as the on screen character and check the Barrier Blastia in Aurnion. Check it a second time with Rita to get an additional scene. {1st check) ESTELLE JUDITH RITA ESTELLE RITA YURI RITA Is this a barrier blastia, too? Its not activated, but Even if its not working, maybe they want to leave it here as a symbol of protection for the city? I think I figured it out. Oh? What did you figure out? Why I like blastia, that is For me, blastia are like my brothers and sisters. Your brothers and sisters? I didnt have a father while I was growing up, and my mother died when I was young, too. But blastia were always with me, even when no one else was. So thats what you mean by brothers and sistersthat makes sense. And my knowledge of blastia developed and grew as I did. Maybe thats why I always felt so close to them, and why I got so mad when they were broken. But Ill hae to be saying goodbye to all of those blastia soon Brothers and sisterscant be together with you forever. Someday, you have to leave them behind and move on. Someday, you say? When you find someone whos even more important to you. But just because youre separated from them, that doesnt mean that the important link you had with them is broken. Maybe youre right And just because youre apart That doesnt mean that you have to forget how important they are, or how much you love them. Estelle Judith And Rita, youve found a lot of people who care about you very much. Isnt that right? Hmm Youve still got a long way to go before youre as good as the blastia. A long way to go? Apparently so. Youre terrible, Rita! This is how ya repay my love? You shrew!

live as suits our nature. No. Like them, the oncoming catastrophe could sow the seeds of our obliteration as well. Gnome, let us, too, struggle for as long as we can. As the humans do.



Youre so annoying! And youre the worst of all, old man! Maybe someday Rita will lean how to take affection gracefully I dont think its so bad. I mean, I think thats one of her cutest traits!

(2nd check) Rita talks to the blastia as Karol and Estelle watch from a few yards away. RITA Maria Ill be back KAROL Going off and naming blastia whenever she wants to ESTELLE I think its a very cute name! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Estelle's Teacher - Part 6: In Aurnion, talk to Drake for Estelle's Worldly Adventurer title. Estelle meets Drake outside one of the tents in the camp area. ESTELLE Master! DRAKE Princess! You look well. Youve grown into a strong young woman. Im sure youve seen many amazing things so far in your journey. ESTELLE Yes, I have! Master, I have so much to tell you! REcfently, I saw the sea! It was so amazing! Id heard about it in stories, but it was even bigger than I thought But thats not all! We took a ship into the sea, and there was water in every direction, no matter where we looked And then, we went into a nightmarish desert, with nothing but sand for as far as the eye could see! The sunshine was so hot, it was unreal And then there was a dreamlike city floating in the sky, and then DRAKE Heh heh. All of those were new experiences for you, werent they? ESTELLE Yes! Im ashamed of how little I knew of the world outside the castle DRAKE You still have much left to see. Dont let your journey end yet. ESTELLE Yes, Id like to see and learn about many, many more things in the world, as a member of the imperial family. DRAKE Long ago, the Emperors brother organized the Regin Expeditionary Force to explore the world and maintain peace in the empire Seeing you now, it is as if Im looking into the eyes of His Highness Regin himself. ESTELLE Thank you Master DRAKE To make sure that you follow the right paththat is my true duty as your subject, Princess. ESTELLE Thank you INFORMATION Estelle earned the Worldly Adventurer title.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Rebuilding the Union - Final Part: Set Raven as the on screen character and enter Aurnion. Speak with Drake near the Blastia for Raven's Vanji Lost. Raven and Yuri see Drake standing near the blastia. DRAKE All this laziness cant be good for you, Schwann. Arent your skills getting a bit rusty? RAVEN How rude! My name isnt even Schwann, and my skills arent getting rusty, tarnished, or anything else! DRAKE Then perhaps youd be willing to go a round? RAVEN Oh, ya wanna rumble? Raven fires a few shots from his bow past Drakes shoulders. Unperturbed, Drakes stands still. RAVEN I surrender! YURI You dont have to surrender DRAKE To think that Schwann Oltorian could be bested by an old codger like myselft RAVEN I told ya, Im not Schwann! DRAKE Well then, have it your way. Drake walks away a few yards and stands with his back to Raven. DRAKE Alexei was a very capable man, but he was too singleminded, and lacked personal magnetism. RAVEN Ill bet that wouldnt even be news ta the former Commandant himself. DRAKE In contrast, Schwann had a very human personality. He was made of the right stuff to lead others. RAVEN Oh yeah? Hah hah hah Hah! DRAKE Because he was such a born leaderthere was something that I wished to pass on to him. But if hes died, then I have no one to give it to Yuri heaves an exasperated sigh. YURI Whats the thing you wanted to pass on to him? DRAKE The Imperial Knights strongest arcane arte The technique that was used to wipe out so many monsters at once in the Great War. YURI Wow, really? DRAKE Besides Schwann, theres no one else in the Imperial Knights worthy of carrying on this legacy. [looking up at the sky] I may end up taking it with me to my grave. YURI It doesnt bother you that such an amazing technique would disappear from this world? RAVEN Regardless Im not Schwann, after all, so Argh! I must reveal the truth! I am Schwannsbrother! YURI RAVEN DRAKE Sheesh Do you really expect him to believe that tripe So Im askin ya, Old Man! Would you pass that technique on ta me, in place of my dear brother? Hmpf All right. Raven, was it? I shall bestow you with the Imperial Knights strongest

arcane arte, in place of your brother. Make us proud. RAVEN [bows] Yes, sir! DRAKE I hope I dont have anything to worry about. RAVEN I dont know what yer talkin about! YURI Yeesh, wouldnt it be a whole lot easier to just drop this Raven thing? RAVEN Whaddaya mean? After all, Im Raven! Whos this Schwann guy, anyway? YURI Well, its not like I care either way INFORMATION Raven learned Vanji Lost. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tough Hound: In Aurnion, head toward the left of the Blastia when Repede is at least Level 60 to get Repede's Tough Hound title. As they reach the blastia, Flynn calls to Repede. FLYNN Hey, Repede. Repede runs to Flynn who gets down on one knee to pet him. ESTELLE Repede really likes Flynn, doesnt he? Hes so lucky YURI Well, Repede also thinks of Flynn as his owner. A long time ago, Flynn and I used to look after Repede together. ESTELLE Did Repede use to have such a cold personality? YURI Yeah, he did. ESTELLE So how did you and Flynn get to be such good friends with him? YURI We just took care of him. One time, Repede got hurt really badly. Flynn and I stayed up all night tending his wounds and making sure he was okay. JUDITH Is that maybe how Repede got his scar? YURI Yeah. KAROL Come to think of it, didnt you say that Repede got his blastia as a keepsake of his old owner? I wonder if his bodhi blastia has anything to do with the time that he got hurt. YURI Hmmm, good question. ESTELLE Were you the one who gave Repede his name? YURI Nah, that was his last owner. Repede seems to like his own name, so I didnt really have the heart to give him a new one. ESTELLE Youre so nice, Yuri. RAVEN Maybe Repedes got a promise ta keep ta his old owner, and thats why he acts so unfriendly all the time. A hard-boiled hound whos still loyal ta his old owner sounds pretty cool, dontcha think? Repede crouches and leaps beside Flynn. RITA Hes playing with Flynn! RAVEN Maybe hes just a big softy inside? Repede shows Flynn his knife tricks. FLYNN Youve gotten so strong, Repede!


Take good care of Yuri, okay? Woof! Repede earned the Tough Hound title. Histories

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Golden Soldier: Enter Keiv Moc to get the Hunting Blades' Invitation and Karol's Golden Soldier title. Almost the minute they enter the forest of Keiv Moc, Repede alerts them to a possible threat. REPEDE Woof! YURI Find something, Repede? Repede runs ahead a few yards then stops and waits for them to follow. Repede leads them up a vine trail where they find three people lying injured. REPEDE Woof woof! MAN Agh YURI Those guys are Hunting Blades What the hell happened? WOMAN We were done in by a huge monster Agh If only the Chief were here 2nd MAN Nans all alone Please KAROL Nan!! Karol charges down the western vine. RAVEN H-hey, whaddaya doin chargin in by yerself ESTELLE I-Ill go too JUDITH Its finally Karols time to shine. Dont you think so? ESTELLE His time to shine? Down below, Nan faces a huge plant monster by herself. NAN *Pant* *pant* The monster strikes and knocks Nan down. Monster Gheeeee! NAN Agh! Nan struggles to get up as the monster shuffles toward her. Monster Keeeeshaaah! Karol drops down between the monster and his prey. KAROL Punishing Smash! Karol takes out the monster in one strike. KAROL Nan, are you okay? Nan gets to her feet. NAN Karol! Why are you? Tison and Clint arrive and look at their comrades lying injured on the ground. TISON Eh? What? What happened here? They walk toward Karol and Nan. Clint crosses his arms in a mean business manner. CLINT Nan, explain this. NAN Ahyes sir When you and the others went in to hunt the monsters, a huge monster suddenly appeared TISON And that monster beat everyone? NAN Yes. But Karol Karol defeated the monster. KAROL Uh, but I didnt do it alone

TISON Karol, you did this? With his eyes on Karol, Clint walks him. CLINT KAROL Ahuhh CLINT You helped us out. You have my thanks. Clint turns and leaves. KAROL Uh Eh? TISON Its not every day that the Chief thanks someone Anyway, you have my thanks, as well. KAROL Uh, no I mean, you dont have to Tison, too, leaves. NAN This is for you. KAROL Huh? Whats this? NAN Its a piece of clothing I made from the fangs and tusks of a monster I slew recently. It had the most amazing golden tusks KAROL Its tusks were made of gold? NAN I thought it wouldnt look right on anyone who wasnt strong enough, but I think it will suit you just fine. KAROL Huh? You mean NAN Well, Im going now The next time I see you Im going to be stronger, too! Nan runs off after Tison and Clint. KAROL O-okay! Yuri walks over to Karol. YURI Looks like she dropped something. Karol bends down to pick it up. KAROL Then Ill get stronger, too INFORMATION Karol earned the Golden Soldier title. INFORMATION Obtained Letter of Challenge (H. Blades). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------King of Adventure Part 6 : Sleep at King of Adventure again to get Repede's Shining Fang. Yuri, Karol and Repede talk to Rich. RICH Seems like you guys took on some huge beast Why dont you stay and rest? Go on! That evening Yuri sits around the campfire with Karen and Rich. Karol plays Repede. KAROL Repede! Catch! Ignoring Karol, Repede faces the campfire and sits down. KAROL Same ol Repede RICH Repede? KAREN Repede? I cant believe it YURI Huh? What do you mean? KAREN Oh, its justhe has the same name as a dog that someone we know used to have. YURI You dont say KAREN Were you the one who named him Repede? YURI No It was a name given to him by his previous owner. RICH Then he must be KAREN But YURI What is it?

Rich gets up. RICH Hold on Rich gets something off the wagon. He walks back to Repede and crouches in front of him. Meanwhile Karol plops down by the campfire. RICH Take this REPEDE Wooo YURI Hey now, whats this all about? RICH This is an arte that was given to us by your mother KAREN You see, Repede was the name of one of the pups of a dog who belonged to an acquaintance of my father. Butafter my fathers friend died, Repede went missing. Soon after, Repedes mother passed away, and she left behind a manual of technique that she used. YURI Theres still no guarantee that Repedes the same person--dog, I mean--as the one in your story. Its still okay if we take that? RICH Yes Take it KAREN Hmmm, yes Only a dog would be able to use that arte, anyway. And its only fitting that it be kept by a person--a dog, that is--who can use it. YURI Really Well then, well gladly take it. REPEDE Woof! Rocking back on his heels, Rich stands up and goes over to sit beside Karen again. YURI [to Repede] But you cant read this, can you? Repede sits down in front of Yuri. REPEDE Woof woof! YURI [standing] Okay, okay, Ill help you out. In the morning, Yuri sits near the beast drawn wagon as Repede leaps high into the air practicing an arte. REPEDE Wooo! KAROL Wow! Repede learned how to do it! Yuri, were you up all night too? YURI Yeah. Im pooped. Are you happy, Repede? REPEDE Wooo! INFORMATION Repede learned the Shining Fang Base Arte. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------King of Adventure Part 7 {Final}: Sleep at King of Adventure again to receive the Order of the Hound medal and Repede's Ultimate Dog Warrior title. Before going to Tarqaron, they rest one more time at the King of Adventure. That evening while Yuri, Rich and Karen sit around the campfire they hear a loud crash to the right of the camp. Yuri and Rich spring to their feet. YURI What was that? KAREN Oh my, it looks like some of our things fell from the carriage. Repede leaps out of the carriage with an object in his mouth and walks toward them. Yuri stoops down beside Repede. YURI Repede? Whats that in your mouth?


Oh, thats the A medal? That belongs to Repede That is, the pup of the dog that our fathers friend owned. That medal is the mark of a knights dog. Repedes mother received it from the Imperial Knights. After she died, it was supposed to have been passed on to Repede. YURI But on one knew where to find him. KAREN Right. It ended up being entrusted to us, at least until Repede came back. It seems it was mixed up with our bags Yuri hands the medal to Rich. RICH A giant beetle attacks them. All ! Repede leaps at the beetle defeating it. YURI Good job, Repede. KAREN Amazing Rich walks over to Repede and stoops down in front of him. RICH Take it YURI Waitisnt this important to you? RICH He should be the one to have it REPEDE Woof! KAREN Yes Theres no point to us holding onto it anymore It seems your Repede has taken a liking to it, too. YURI I guess its yours then, Repede It makes you look pretty distinguished. REPEDE Woof! INFORMATION Obtained Order of the Loyal Hound. INFORMATION Repede earned the Ultimate Dog Warrior title. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dark Enforcer Part 9 {Final}: Get back to Lune in Zaphias. Its raining when they enter Zaphias. In the citizen quarter, they see Lune sitting on a bench reading to children. KAROL Look, its Lune. ESTELLE Shes smiling JUDITH She can smile, because she has people who will smile with her. ESTELLE Shes such a strong person. YURI Its up to us to make sure nothing happens to those smiling faces. RAVEN Right on, kid. Come on, weve got work to do. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Brionac Part 6: In Aurnion, rest at the inn. Its morning and snow is falling. Yuri and Estelle stand near the blastia.



MISSED A LINE OR TWO OF DIALOG HERE CONTROLLER DROPPED RITA KAROL This towns gotten pretty cozy. Good morning, everybody! Huh? Is Judith still asleep? ESTELLE She wasnt in her room Judith and Kaufman approach them from the other side of town. JUDITH Oh, good morning, everyone! KAUFMAN Well, Ill be off. Sorry I couldnt be of any more help. JUDITH No, not at all. Thanks for your time. Kaufman leaves. RAVEN Ya had business with the president of Fortunes Market? JUDITH She just came to give me an update on something Id asked her about a while ago. YURI Something you asked her about You mean the spear that was taken from you back in Ghasfarost? JUDITH Yes. RITA The spear that you used to destroy all that blastia So youve been looking for it. RAVEN That was a pretty nice spear YURI So, did President Kaufman tell you anything useful? JUDITH There hasnt been any news, so far as spears out on the market are concerned. So she said it might be a good idea to try to track down the Blood Alliance. KAROL The Blood Alliance, eh I wonder if they had another base besides Ghasfarost ESTELLE So do you want to look for it? JUDITH Nah, thats okay. YURI Really? But you were so intent on finding it. JUDITH Yeah. But its reached the point that it might not be worth the trouble anymore. The Adephagos isnt going to wait for us while we look for ityou know? YURI I see. Well, if you really dont mind, then we dont have to look for it. Anyway, were all together Shall we head out? KAROL Yeah! They all walk toward the exit. Judith watches them file past her. JUDITH Judith follows them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Brionac Part 7 {Final}: In Caer Bocram, go north and enter the near right house for Judith's Brionac. They find two bandidos and a rogue, all members of the Blood Alliance, talking in the right house. Oddly, there is no rain in Caer Bocram this time. ROGUE Ever since we lost Barbos, weve been absolutely pathetic! Whats more, the Blood Alliance got tossed out of the

five master guilds! If the boss hadnt sold this city to Alexei, we wouldve had a strong guild presence with a respectable base stronghold here! ROGUE Thanks to Alexeis damned blastia experiments were stuck in these wretched ruins. RIGHT BANDIDO At least we got one good piece of booty. That damned dragon riders spear! As he says this, Yuri, Judith and Rita walk into the room and join them. RIGHT BANDIDO I hear that spears pretty famous. The old man at the smithy said so. Yuri, Judith and Rita walk into the room. ROGUE Who dares set foot inside our hideout RITA ! Wait, arent you Barbos That spear! RIGHT BANDIDO Wait, these kids Theyre the little punks that beat the boss at Ghasfarost LEFT BANDIDO Wh-what?! We havent done anything wrong! ROGUE Everything we didit was on our bosss orders! RIGHT BANDIDO Crap Lets get outta here! As they flee for the door, Rita blocks the Bandido carrying Judiths spear. RITA Hold it! Leave that spear. BANDIDO Wh-why YURI That belongs to one of our members. We cant let you have it. JUDITH You two BANDIDO Hell no, that spear is our YURI Whats that? Youre ready to fight to defend it? BANDIDO D-damn it The Bandido throws down the spear and runs. Rita picks up the spear. RITA There you go. JUDITH Really, youre giving this to me? This is the spear that destroyed all of that blastia, you know. RITA Its important to you, right? Werent you looking for it? JUDITH This is the spear of my oath The oath that no matter how hard it got, even if on one understood or wanted to help, I would continue in my quest with Baul. I swore on this spear, a symbol of the bond between Baul and me. YURI Wow, so it really is important to you RITA And you were just going to give up on getting it back?! JUDITH Thanks to you all, Ive learned that you can have a bond with someone without any physical objects to back it up. RITA But Judith! You should never have to forget feelings that are important to you! You cant just give up on them! JUDITH Im sorry. YURI Judy, I dont think you need to be apologizing here. JUDITH Youre right. Thank you, Rita. RITA D-dont mention it! I was just running my mouth. Thats all. JUDITH Really, thank you. INFORMATION Obtained Brionac. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------LEFT BANDIDO

---------------------------------------------------------------------------Monster Book - Final Part: In Capua Nor, you can find Nan if you have completed 100% of the Monster Book. You will get Karol's Manly Man title. [NOT COMPLETED] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sorcerers Ring Level 5: Fell Weapons - Part 6: Fly to the Yulzorea Continent East and enter the rock formation there for the Sorcerer Ring Level 5. They visit another aer krene. This one was located on the Yurzorea continent nestled in the grassland on the eastern side. YURI I guess no spears gonna jump out of this one RAVEN Maybe ya could use the Sorcerers Ring to destroy it? Yuri shoots a blast from the ring and the rocks blocking the entrance crumble away. RAVEN Yah, crumbled like a cookie! YURI Despite all your faults, old man, youve got good intuition! RAVEN Whaddaya mean despite my faults?! ESTELLE Lets go in and see whats there! RAVEN Lead the way, ye of little patience The aer krene is similar to others they visiteda dark stony cavern dotted with bright yellow crystal formations and luminous plants with bits of light rising from a pool with a narrow peninsula jutting out into the middle of the krene. They step out onto the peninsula. ESTELLE So this is an aer krene too RAVEN I guess there are more around the world than we thought? KAROL You think there are still more in other places? JUDITH I think there might be. There are surely a lot of places on the planet that humans havent laid eyes on. RITA Hows it look, Yuri? YURI All I have to do is get close, right? Yuri walks to the end of peninsula and his ring begins to radiate a swirling light. All ! KAROL Aha, there we go! RITA Let me see. Yuri walks back to Rita and holds up the ring. Rita leans over to examine it. RITA The geometrys already changed. RAVEN And that means? YURI Time for a test shot! Yuri fires another blast from the ring. This time the blast travel much further than before. all ! KAROL Wow, it powered up a lot!


It got faster, and moves farther now! Judging from the size of the Sorcerers Ring, I think its reached its limit. YURI I think this is enough to do what we need to do. RAVEN I hafta say, Im surprised at all of the different effects aer can have. RITA Well, you see - YURI But I feel like al of those effects are simply different ways of aer interacting with itself. RITA Well, aers high affinity creates-KAROL And then, the application of those effects on certain objects allowed the technologies of blastia and magic to be developed. RITA Well, converted man is - JUDITH So aer is divided into different attributes in the form of magic, and when its used, it releases energy and then turns into aer again. RAVEN So thats how aers helped sustain our day-to-day lives, eh RITA . . . I give up YURI No, your explanations are just too hard to understand! KAROL But the civilization we have, based on aer and blastia, is about to come to an end JUDITH Well, well still have elemental spirits! RAVEN Yeah, weve still got some time until we gotta give it all up, too. Until then, use it or lose it! KAROL Yeah, youre right. Well, we can at least be thankful that the Sorcerers Ring is even more useful now. INFORMATION Obtained Sorcerers Ring Lv. 5. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Arena - Final Part: Enter Aurnion for the Warrior's Invitation. [NOT COMPLETED] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Judith's Sundering Moon - Final Part: Go to Mt Temza and head toward the area with the first Memory Circle for Judith's Sundering Moon. They climb up the mountain until they reach the Krityan city ruins. YURI What the There are Krityans here? JUDITH I wonder what theyre doing in a place like this? KRITYAN MAN Hey, its you. We heard that Myorzos days of floating in the sky might soon be over, so weve been scoping out places to live on the surface. JUDITH I dont think you need to rush or anything. After all, Krones still hasnt made the decision whether or not to turn into an elemental spirit.

And our goal was to gather together the Four Elementals, which weve already done. KRITYAN MAN I seewhat should we do, then? JUDITH I think you have to figure that out for yourself. But perhaps it would be a good idea to use the knowledge of the Kritya to help people in need? KRITYAN MAN Hmmmthat sounds hard. YURI I dont think it does at all KRITYAN MAN I dont suppose something like this would be of much use to anyone Theres no way anyone would be able to use an arcane spear arte like this JUDITH Could I see that? The Krityan man hands something to Judith. YURI For a race thats mostly pacifists, the Kritya certainly have a lot of artifacts related to fighting, dont they? KRITYAN MAN Its possible that our people came up with them back when we fought the Adephagos, a thousand years ago. There are many artes that our own people do not use perhaps we only worked out the theory, but never put them into practice. Later, Judith practices the arte. She makes a small moon appear a foot or so off the ground then shatters it like glass with her spear. KRITYAN MAN Wow, amazing. For a Krityan, you are very skilled. JUDITH I think this could come in handy. KRITYAN MAN I see. We cannot lend you our force in battle, so we shall lend you our wisdom. Were happy to do whatever we can if it will help you in your quest. JUDITH Thank you. Keep up the good work. They continue up the mountain. On the bridge, Yuri stops to talk about the arte they saw Judy perform. YURI Heythat strike arte that you did just now was really JUDITH Basic? Yes, I was just beating my spear hard against the ground. Theres a trick to it, but its not really that hard to do. YURI It looks like they never tried to do it themselves. JUDITH The Krityan people could do things like this if they tried. Then theyd discover all sorts of new abilities they didnt know they had. YURI Like you, Judith? JUDITH Hee hee. Exactly! INFORMATION Judith learned the Sundering Moon Arcane Arte. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hotspring - Part 3: Return to the Hotsprings in Yuumanju to get a series of titles for everyone except Repede. RECEPTIONIST YURI Oh, what a pleasant surprise. I was hoping to see you again soon. Oh yeah? What ridiculous price are you going to charge

us this time? Please, good visitors, dont be so harsh! After all the kind service Ive given you But actually, theres a favor Id like to ask of you, if you wouldnt mind. Might you hear me out? RAVEN I assume yer willin ta give us somethin in return? RECEPTIONIST Of course, of course! I would be more than willing to compensate you for your help. Perhaps a free lifetime pass to our hot springs would do the trick? ALL ! KAROL You mean we could go in any time we wanted for free? RECEPTIONIST Yes, yes, of course. You would come and go as you pleased. RITA A resort where spa rental cost 600,000 Galdis going to give us lifetime admission for free? Who do you want us to kill? RECEPTIONIST No, no, its not that Its justtheres a group of customers coming in soon, and Im short on help. If you could just give me your help with some tasks around the resort, Id appreciate it tremendously. All . . . ESTELLE Lets help! It sound like it would be really tough for him otherwise. YURI Oh well. Theres no dissuading the Princess once she gets like this. RECEPTIONIST Excellent, excellent! Youll find everything you need in the staff room. Please go and change into the appropriate employee uniform. Later, Yuri walks into the lobby wearing a lilac doo-rag, tank top and yellow athletic pants. YURI Looks like Im the last one out Whoa, is that you, Raven? Raven too wears a tank top but with an aqua blue robe belted around his waist and a sporty coral hand towel draped around his neck. RAVEN Why do I hafta be the head clerk? YURI You look hilarious, old man. RAVEN Youre one ta talk, boy. Yuri looks at Ravens bare legs. YURI Oh yeah? Turning away from Yuri so he cant see his calculating expression, Raven rubs his chin thoughtfully. RAVEN Ya wanna trade me places, Yuri? Ill make it worth yer while! Yuri turns to head back toward the baths. YURI Ill pass on that one. You have fun, old man. Im going to go see what the others are doing. Raven droops with disappointment. Laterin the lobby RAVEN Come on, Yuri, trade places with ol Raven, wont ya? Ill sweep the entryway, clean the bathroomswhatever ya want! YURI Didnt they stick you here so you wouldnt sneak off and peek in the womens baths? RAVEN ! H-how did they know?! Yuri, ya gotta believe meIm not a bad guy! It was just RECEPTIONIST

a fleeting fit of insanity Yuri turns to leave, snapping his fingers in the air. YURI Yeah, yeah. I gotcha, I gotcha. RAVEN [sweatdrops] No, no, you dont understand! I didnt see anything! No one, no one at all except Judith! Er! Yuri turns back to Raven. RAVEN [sweatdrop] YURI Oh, so you saw Judith? No wonder you passed out last time we were here. Anyway, try to keep out of trouble. RAVEN [end of cutscene] RAVEN Guess I shouldnt try anything But that Judith Judith is helping out with the store. She wears a short blue robe with a wide orange sash. Other than the high heeled pumps on her feet, Judys legs are bare. JUDITH Hello! How may I help--oh, Yuri, its you. YURI Oh, Judy? I didnt recognize you at first. What do they have you doing here? JUDITH Im running the souvenir shop. They sell all sorts of interesting stuff here. Just looking around is pretty fun. And keep this on the down-low, but Im also on the lookout for Raven. YURI ! JUDITH It looks like Estelle and Rita havent caught on yet, but when I saw how he passed out last time, I knew exactly what was going on. I have to say, Im surprised at how little experience Raven actually has. YURI So you noticed, Judy JUDITH Oh, did I? YURI No, no, Im no match for you, Judy. Poster girl for the souvenir shop, indeed. Those clothes look great on you. JUDITH Oh Yuri, youre nice and all, but flattery will get you nowhere. They smile at each other with happy little rainbow marks above their heads. Yuri enters the mens bath and find Karol standing on a rock at the springs edge, dressed only in a towel around his waist. YURI Hey, Captain Karol! Whatre you up to? Karol turns around, startled. KAROL Ahhh! Yuri!! How come I was the only one who didnt get a uniform? They only gave me this one towel!! YURI Ill bet it was all they could do. I doubt they had any clothes in kid size. Whats the problem? Just sit in the water and enjoy yourself. Karol gets pouty. KAROL I cant stay here for the entire time! Ill shrivel up like a prune! I wonder if I can leave yet YURI Theres not anything to do outside, anyway. Relax and


KAROL [end cutscene] KAROL Its boring when you have nothing to do I want to help too! Yuri finds Estelle in the Womens dressing room. Estelle wears a celery green and white top with short poufy sleeves over a pair of poufy white shorts and white leggings. There is a sky blue mask over her eyes. ESTELLE Ah, Yuri! Even if youre an employee, I cant let you into the womens baths! YURI Were more part-timers than employees But anyway, I was just coming to see if youve been working hard. ESTELLE Yep, Im hard at work! Look! Estelle twirls so Yuri can get a good view of her outfit. YURI Oh wow Whats that all about? Are you playing dress-up or something? ESTELLE Urgh! No! Im an esthetician! An esthetician! YURI An esthewazza? Estelle the esthewhositis this some kind of joke? ESTELLE Im a masseuse! I give the women massages to help them look and feel beautiful! Its hard work, but its fun! I also get to talk with all sorts of people while Im doing it, so it never gets boring. YURI Hmmm, well, Im glad youre enjoying yourself. Keep up the good work. ESTELLE Of course! Dont you go slacking off either, Yuri! Yuri turns to leave, snapping his fingers in the air. YURI Yeah, yeah. Cutscene ends ESTELLE You want to go in the girls bath that badly? Yuriyoure.. Yuri enters the womens bath and find only Rita there dressed in a sleeve blue patterned jacket over a yellow tank and blue short shorts. RITA Ahh Getting in the water would feel so nice, and cleaning is no fun at all YURI Shouldnt you be working instead of complaining? RITA But with the bath right in front of me, its so hard to fell like working ! Rita turns on Yuri, hands on her hips, expression stern. RITA Hey, wait! What are you doing here?! This is the womens bath, you know! YURI I was just stopping by to make sure you werent goofing off. RITA Youre nothing like that pervert Raven. It didnt even occur to you that I might be naked in

stay here. Everyone else is working pretty hard. They wouldnt really have time to chat anyway. What about you, Yuri? Dont you have anything better to do? Im on guard duty. Im making my rounds! This is hard work! Ugh, why do you get to have all the fun? Oh well, give it a bit and then come on out, I guess. The guests should be coming in here pretty soon anyway. Yeah All right.

here? If it happens, it happens. Urgh I cant understand you sometimes. What, do you want me to think of you more as a woman and less as a girl? Rita blushes, then gets irritated and makes fists. RITA [blushing] W-what?! Get out of here! Get back to work!! Yuri leaves quickly and Rita turns her back and sulks. YURI Ack, scary! End cutscene. RITA I guess back pain is the price you pay for being busty Later in the lobby: RECEPTIONIST Everyone, thanks so much for your help! I dont know what I wouldve done without you. ESTELLE Think nothing of it! Im sure you wouldve done the same for us. And it seems like everyone enjoyed themselves while they worked, too. RAVEN Speak fer yerself KAROL I didnt JUDITH It was great! I learned so much, too. RITA [scratches her head] It was hard work, but it wasnt so bad. RECEPTIONIST We cant thank you enough. Ah, now for a token of our appreciation INFORMATION Obtained Yumanju, Permanent Free Pass. RECEPTIONIST The clothes youre wearing are also yours to keep. ESTELLE [bows] Wow, really? Thank you! Estelle grins happily at the girls. They all sport happy rainbows over their heads while the men look less thrilled. Raven rubs his shoulder and talks to Karol. RAVEN Im happy bout the complimentary passes, really I am but my bones ache so much, I feel like passin out I cant say Im too thrilled bout these clothes either KAROL Look on the bright side, Raven. Youve got the satisfaction of a hard days work, and youve even got some nice new clothes to wear! All I got was a towel to go into the bath RAVEN Youngun, youll see someday This is all part o growin up. KAROL Walking around in a towel is part of growing up? INFORMATION Yuri earned the Tank Top Lover title. Estelle earned the Massage Therapist title. Karol earned the Towel Fanatic title. Rita earned the Fashionista title. Judith earned the Enchanting Beauty title. Raven earned the Spa Manager title. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------YURI RITA YURI ---------------------------------------------------------------------------Miska Doctoral Degree Part 1: Speak with Miska in the Gym at Nam Cobanda Isle. Find the five books and report back to Miska and answer the test questions correctly.







Welcome to IACCROs official testing facility! Are you here to take the test? Iuh I dont even know what ta say ta that. Well, first off, what sort of place is this? This is where you can take the Imperial Academic Conference Collaborative Research Organizations certification test! Weve set the hurdle rather high, but passing this fine examination will earn you a special doctoral degree! H-h-hold on a second! IACCROyou mean the top research organization in the whole empire? The famous organization recognized by Researchers Weekly, the top academic journal for peer review and research presentations? Oh, quite impressive! It seems you are no stranger to our field of study. Then you are no doubt familiar with the Miska Doctoral Degree? You can take the test to get that degree here! ! . . . Quit pulling my leg! The Miska degree is the highest honor a blastia researcher can achieve! You expect me to believe that you can take a test for something like that here, of all places? Hah! Hey, Yuri. Are those two speaking in another language or is it just me? I dont understand what theyre talking about, either. I guess all we can do is see what happens. The original test can only be taken in the imperial capital, it is true. But our facility is recognized as an official alternate site. Actually, it was at this site where I received the degree, myself. ! Youre saying that YOU are the single person whos managed to obtain the Miska Doctoral Degree?! Oh, Im afraid I forgot to introduce myself. Im Miska Jutalion. Whaaaaaaaaa! Hold on, you cant be serious!! Are you saying youre the same Miska Jutalion who discovered magical antibodies? Youre THAT Miska Jutalion?! Thats a person? Yeah, looks like it. Hes standing on two legs, isnt he? Yes, I am the same Miska Jutalion who discovered magical antibodies. . . . Ummm, Rita? Im not really sure we all understand what youve been talking about Ahhh, right. Simply put, this person is the most renowned blastia researcher in the world. Ive always felt a certain connection to what he wrote in his research papers, and his ideas are very close to my own. I had never met him before, but I guess I felt like we were close nonetheless






So you were trying to get this Miska Doctoral Degree? To be honest, I never really cared about other prizes or papers, but I always thought, if I could only get the Miska Doctoral Degree Oh my! How flaaattering that you could have so much respect for what Ive done! I guess ya cant judge a cow by its udder So, what do you say? Would you like to take the test? Weve already come all the way out herewhat do you say, Rita? Im sure youll pass with flying colors! Estelles right. We wouldnt be able to go to the original test site in the capital, anyway. . . . Are there any requirements for taking the certification test? Anything I need? ! Youre determined. I can tell from the look in your eyes. You remind me of myself when I was your age. All of the items that you need in order to take the test are written on this piece of paper. Make sure not to lose it. Obtained Exam Application. If you come back with those five books, youll be able to take the test. The Village Carpeted with Flowers Reflections on the Scent of the Sea Urban Planning for Bustling Cities The Legend that Sleeps in Searing Sands Against a Backdrop of New Hope Think of the search for these books as the first part of your test. Good luck! [heart] Since its books were looking for, maybe we should look in the sort of places that youd normally find things to read? Right. Lets go around and see if we can think of any good places to search.

HELIORD The Chevaliers HQ Rita and Yuri look through the books in the room where they were interrogated by Leblanc. RITA Right here in the back of this box Aha! Urban Planning for Bustling Cities YURI Weve found what were looking for, but theres nobody around at all. RITA What should we do? Yuri looks around for a few seconds then addresses the room at large. YURI Excuse me! Wed like to borrow this book! Thats okay, right? RITA . . . YURI I dont hear any objections. Lets take the book and go. RITA I dont know how anyone could hear such a quiet voice INFORMATION Obtained Urban Planning for Bustling Cities. HALURE Mayors Residence Rita Here it is! This is The Village Carpeted with Flowers The mayor joins them. MAYOR Ah, such a tattered, old book you have there !


Ummmwould you mind if we borrowed it? Certainly, I dont mind. Its just some old technical book. Its all gibberish to me. Thanks a lot. No, think nothing of it. I can never thank you enough for what youve done for our town. Obtained The Village Carpeted with Flowers.

AURNION Aurnion HQ YURI I see that Flynns a clean-freak as always. RITA Hold on. Whats that book? YURI Huh? It says Against a Backdrop of New Hope. RITA Bingo! Thats what I was looking for! Flynn walks into the room. YURI Oh, good. FLYNN I come back to my room, and what do I see but a thief? YURI Hey, hey, dont be so harsh! At least refer to me as an honorable outlaw! FLYNN Honorable outlaws are seldom so immodest as to refer to themselves as such. YURI Meh, details, details. FLYNN So, what is such an honorable outlaw doing in my room? RITA Sorry, but could you give us this book? FLYNN . . . Flynn shifts his feet. FLYNN Yuri? YURI Flynn, my dear friend, could you somehow give us this book, please? RITA [sweatdrop] Somehow that doesnt sound entirely sincere FLYNN Yuri, when will you ever learn All right. You can have the book. RITA Thank you! YURI Thank you! FLYNN You fool, faking politeness is even harder than just asking direct INFORMATION Obtained Against a Backdrop of New Hope. CAPUA TORIM Kaufmans Office in the Fortunes Market HQ They stand in front of Kaufmans bookcase. YURI Is this the book youre looking for? RITA Yes, theres no mistaking it. Thats Reflections on the Scent of the Sea. KAUFMAN Oh, so youre interested in my autobiography? Perhaps the allure of high seas profit has finally caught your eye? YURI You wrote this? What the--oops, I mean, could we have it? KAUFMAN Straight to the point, as usual. Heh, I admire your candor. You may have that book if you like. Study it wellyou might learn something. RITA Thank you. This helps a lot. KAUFMAN Oh my, all this interest in my life story and now words of thanks from you? I can feel the winds of change blowing across the sea! RITA [irritated] Obtained Reflections on the Scent of the Sea.

MANTAIC Inn They check out the bookcase in the inn. RITA It seems like it should be around here Oh! Here it is, here it is! Its The Legend that Sleeps in Searing Sands! YURI Well, well! This book belongs to the inn, doesnt it? The innkeeper approaches. RITA Yep. INNKEEPER Is there something you wanted? RITA Well, its about this book in this shelf here INNKEEPER Oh that? That shelf is full of books that guests have accidentally left in the inn when theyve stayed here. To be honest, we dont have any use for them at all, and guests hardly ever come back for their books You can feel free to do whatever youd like with any of the books on that shelf. YURI So you mean, you dont mind if we take one of them? INNKEEPER No, go right ahead! In fact, that shelf fills up pretty quickly. Weve just been throwing away the books whenever it gets full. RITA All right, well take it, then. Thank you! INFORMATION Obtained The Legend that Sleeps in Searing Sands. YURI All right, so youve finally gotten all of them? RITA Yep. Ive collected all five. Now I can go and take that test. YURI Going out to look for books all across the worldwhat a crazy test! RITA Oh, the real test has yet to begin. Therell be a written test that requires using these books as reference material. YURI Agh, just thinking about taking tests makes my head hurt. RITA Wouldnt you like to give it a try? Just to see how you do. YURI Nah, I wouldnt have a chance. I dont care about that whats-his-face degree anyway. RITA Yeah, giving something like that to you would be like casting pearls before swine. YURI Hey, whore you calling swine?! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Miska Doctoral Degree Part 2: With all five books in possession, report back to Miska and answer the questions correctly for Rita's Miska Doctoral Degree title. MISKA RITA MISKA From the look on your face, Id guess that youve brought back all five books. Yep, every single one! All right! Then without further ado, shall we get started with the written test? You may refer to the books that you brought to answer all of the questions that follow. How hard can it be to ace a test where you can look up


all the answers in books? Then maybe you should take it too, Karol. Who knows--you might surprise yourself and pass. MISKA You there! KAROL & YURI ! KAROL Ah, ah, Im sorry MISKA Did I hear you say youd like to take the test? The Miska Doctoral Degree is pretty tough. You should sit for the Nam Certificate! KAROL Th-the Nam Certificate? MISKA Yes. Its a test for kids around age ten. Its one of our most popular attractions! RAVEN Oho, arent ya scared ya might fail? A test like this could be tough for a kid like you. KAROL Dont insult me! Im already twelve years old! Thats a full two years above the age level for the test. It should be a cinch! MISKA If thats what youve decided, then both of you, get ready to take the test. Karol steps up to the table to take the test with Rita. RITA Hey, dont distract me or anything, okay? This isnt a game, you know! KAROL Yeah, I understand. Its not just your pride thats on the line here! MISKA All right, lets go. Let the test begin! Each of Karols questions will be presented and Karols reaction posted after the player makes a correct or incorrect choice. Karol will make a comment and Rita will resent the distraction and have a response. Correct answers are bolded. YURI Karols reactions if he gets the questions wrong: Question 1: Ack, that was wrong? Question 2: Oh, so it was the other one Question 3: Agh, I dont know the answer Question 4: M-maybe this is tougher than I thought? Question 5: Aghhh! This is so hard Nam Certificate: Question #1 When was Tales of Destiny released in North America? Select 1. September 30, 1995 2. December 15, 1997 3. September 30, 1998 4. August 29, 2003 Nam Certificate: Question #24 In Tales of Symphonia, who is the worst cook in the party? Select 1. Raine Sage 2. Sheena Fujibayashi 3. Lloyd Irving 4. Zelos Wilder Nam Certificate: Question #52 What is Norma Beattys nickname from Tales of Legendia Select 1. Chick 2. Norm 3. Chatterbox

4. Bubbles Nam Certificate: Question #81 Which of the following characters does NOT appear in Tales of The World: Radiant Mythology? Select 1. Arche Klein 2. Stan Aileron 3. Presea Comatir 4. Eugene Gallardo Nam Certificate: Question #100 Which of the following events does NOT take place on Nam Cobanda Isle in Tales of the Abyss? Select 1. Ishtar turns to stone 2. A special flag appears 3. A valkyries hat can be found 4. You can see a screenshot of Ferios MISKA Later: RAVEN RITA Thats the end! Good work. Now, Ill total up your points.

So, howd it go? Terrible Thanks to this little bozo, I couldnt concentrate at all. KAROL Whaaaaat?! Its not my fault if you didnt do well! RITA [steamed] What do you mean its not your fault? You were the one groaning in despair the entire time! KAROL Th-that was just me thinking out loud MISKA Sorry to keep you waiting! I have the results of your tests! All . . . MISKA Miss Rita Mordio, out of a possible 800 points, you received 715 points! You just squeaked by! You passed!! RAVEN, Judy, YURI [happy] ESTELLE [heart] RITA [music note] KAROL . . . YURI Hey, not half bad. RITA Hmph. I wouldve done better if not for that little squirt. RAVEN Nah, doin that well even with all that distraction thats quite a feat. Genius mage, indeed. KAROL What about me? What about me? MISKA Ah, yes. Next we have Karol Capel. Out of a possible !00 points, you received 66 points! Unfortunately, you didnt pass. Better luck next time. KAROL . . . Oh no! It cant be true!! This is a joke, right? MISKA No, no. Sorry, you just didnt pass. You didnt have enough points. RAVEN *Whistles* A 12-year-old failin a test with problems written fer a 10-year-old! Its a new low! ESTELLE Well, you were just having an off day today! Right, Karol? KAROL I, I I dont YURI Dont cry, Karol. We all flub up every now and then.


Every cloud has a silver lining. Let this failure inspire you to try harder in the future. So then, a glorious title for the successful test-taker. INFORMATION Rita earned the Miska Doctoral Degree title. RITA [heart] YURI Just look at them What the Rita is suddenly decked out in a new black outfit with pink and lilac trimand skulls! Very gothic. MISKA Only those who has earned the honored Miska Doctoral Degree gets to put on this special costume. YURI But, of course RITA Im just so happy to know that I was right to believe in myself! JUDITH You wouldnt be the Rita we know without that selfconfidence of yours! ESTELLE Congratulations, Rita! KAROL [irritated] -------------------------------IF KAROLS ANSWERS ARE CORRECT AND RITA SCORES 800 ON THE TEST: ESTELLE RITA Rita, how did it go? Do you think you passed? Mmmit was pretty tough, even for me But I think I probably did all right. YURI That sounds like the Rita I know. RAVEN How about you, kid? Howd ya do? KAROL I think I probably passed. Ive got a good feeling about it. JUDITH It sounds like youre pretty confident. KAROL Heh heh, I guess. MISKA Sorry to keep you waiting! I would like to present the results of your tests! All . . . MISKA First, Miss Rita Mordio. Out of a possible 800 points, you received 800 points! You passed with a perfect score! Raven, Judy, YURI [happy] ESTELLE [heart] RITA [music note] KAROL . . . ESTELLE Wow, Rita! Youre amazing! RAVEN When it comes down ta it, ya can get things done, kid. RITA Im actually quite relieved Only one other person has ever passed this test before. JUDITH So then, that makes you the second person in the world to pass it, Rita! KAROL You guys! All ! KAROL I still havent gotten my results yet! MISKA Next, we have Karol Capel. Out of a possible 100 points, you received 82 points! You just barely passed! KAROL I did it! I did it!! Yeesssss! I passed, I passed! Eh? Why isnt everyone else celebrating? RAVEN Well theyre questions written fer a ten-year-old . A twelve-year-old passin them just isnt too impressive. RITA It wouldve been pretty shameful if youd failed. KAROL C-come on


Now, to bestow the honored titles onto the successful test-takers! Rita earned the Miska Doctoral Degree title. Only those who has earned the honored Miska Doctoral Degree gets to put on this special costume. Whats the matter? Arent you happy, Rita? Uhy-yes, of course. Im happy ! Youre cryin! Overwhelmed by emotion! Reduced ta tears! Salty, salty tears of joy! [blushing] S-stop saying such ridiculous things! There was just something in my eye, thats all! Heh heh. Suuure, Rita. Now then, next off, we have a title for Karol, as well. F-for me? Really?! Karol obtained the title, Little Shrimp Professor. L-little shrimp! I thought I was getting the Nam Certificate! The Nam Certificate has various levels, and youre at the lowest of those levels. If you get a higher score, youll go up in rank. Hoo boy! Little shrimp professor! A fittin title, if I do say so myself. A good titlefor a ten-year-old. Oh nooh no! Ack, I dont want it! I cant have a title like that! You can have it back! Karol gracefully declined the Little Shrimp Professor title. I think its a perfectly good title Anyway, Miss Rita Mordio, congratulations. Ah, yeah, thanks. Keep up your research so as to not soil the honor that you have earned to day. [heart] Leave it to me. This genius mage has yet to begun to shine!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~ TARQARON ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Encouragement of the Schwann Team - Final Part: Equip the Shining Star title and make Raven the on screen character. From the last Memory Circle, back track and go east. While descending the east wall of the tower: RAVEN Sooo tired Ol Ravens beat, kids. Tarqarons just too big, I tell ya! Come on, lets take a load off! A little nap in the lovin lap of sweet Judith and Ill be back ta full health in a jiffy RITA Ugh KAROL And just when I thought youd turned a new leaf, Raven.


That outfit doesnt look so believable on you anymore. Hey hey, Judith baby, whaddaya say? I know a much better way to get some nice sleep than lying in my lap. RAVEN Ohhh? [heart] JUDITH You might find it a little hard to wake up, though. RITA Whatever it takes, Judith, just make him shut up! RAVEN Youre sure cold. Treat yer elders a little nicer, wont ya? ESTELLE Its nice to know weve still got the same old Raven with us. KAROL I cant imagine Raven as Captain Schwann anymore YURI Yeah, maybe he was only plain old Raven, after all ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Fell Weapons Part 7 [Tarqaron]: In the area with ladders, look for a path leading to the east and follow it to the Susanoo and the Uroboros. Aboard the Fiertia, the party talks after acquiring all seven Fell arms. YURI So this makes the seventh one. RAVEN Sounds about right. KAROL We finally got em all! Whats the deal guys? Isnt that exciting? YURI Its not like theyre some lost treasure, or anything. KAROL Yeah, but theyre ancient relics! Theyve gotta have something cool hidden inside, right? RAVEN Theyre not givin off any vibes that I can feel. ESTELLE Maybe theres some sort of key that would unlock their power. YURI Maybe. I want to know why they were hidden in the first place. Why are they treated so differently from Dein Nomos? ESTELLE Do you think theres something bad about them? YURI I dont know. Anyway, at least we know weve got all of them together now. Now all thats left to do is give them to Flynn, and let him deal with the mess. RITA You knowyouve got a real winner of a personality. YURI Hah hah. It took you long enough to notice! JUDITH There can be no doubt that entrusting the fell arms with him is our most reliable option. YURI Exactly. Next stop, Aurnion. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Fell Weapons Part 8 {Final} [Aurnion]: With all seven Fell Weapons, exit Tarqaron and head to Aurnion. As they enter Aurnion, they see Flynn talking to a Knight and a merchant near the blastia. KNIGHT Commandant Flynn Scifo! Status report, Sir! There is

currently no sign of monster assault. Understood. Thank you. Now, go and get some rest. No, Sir! Im just fine! I will continue my watch. Taking breaks is part of the job. You cant protect people with enthusiasm alone. KNIGHT B-but FLYNN Go get some rest. KNIGHT Y-yes, Sir MERCHANT Commandant, we need your approval for the distribution of the foodstuffs. Another knight joins them. FLYNN Very good. Ill be right there. KNIGHT Commandant Flynn. Id like to speak to you about the additional building materials. FLYNN Yes, I havent forgotten. However, Im just on my way to supervise the food distribution. Im afraid youll have to come with me. We can discuss it on the way. KNIGHT Yes, Sir. Flynn, the knight, and the merchant walk away toward the market center. YURI I guess it wont hurt us to hold onto the fell arms for the time being. KAROL Huh? Why the change? RAVEN I think Yuris tryin ta say that weve all got a job ta do. YURI Flynn wouldnt be able to look after the fell arms with all this stuff going on. JUDITH How kind of you. YURI Kindness has nothing to do with it. Lets get going. Yuri heads out, leaving the others standing. ESTELLE I think he mightve blushed there. RITA Wow. Now Ive seen everything. RAVEN Hah hah hah. And thus, through friendly teasing, the youth of today form the bonds of tomorrow. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------FLYNN KNIGHT FLYNN ---------------------------------------------------------------------------Hope of the Town: Use the lift to exit Tarqaron and head to Zaphias. Speak with Ted near the fountain for Yuri's Claimh Solais and Hope of the Town title. They run into Ted near the fountain. [Nighttime] Hey, its Yuri! Wait there, would ya? YURI ? Ted runs off and returns with Hanks. Ted carries a huge sword taller than he is, in his arms. HANKS Yuri, Ive been waiting for you and Flynn to show up. YURI You were waiting for me andFlynn? HANKS Yep. I wanted to give this to you. Raven rubs his chin. RAVEN Hmmmthats quite the item. You cant find anythin like that in a store. Howd somethin like that end up in the lower quarter? HANKS This sword belonged to a famous mercenary who visited us in the lower quarter a long time ago.

He only came through here by chance, but he ended up liking it so much that he stayed for a long time. Actually, it would be better to say he lived here. We came to think of him as one of us. YURI Thats the first time Ive heard anything about someone like that. HANKS It makes sense that you wouldnt know about him. He left the capital and went on his way a long time before you were even born. KAROL Where did this mercenary go after he left? HANKS I dont knowa bunch of knights and guild members came to ask if he left his sword behind, but we were never able to find it. RITA What do you mean? How could a mercenary go off without his sword? TED But then, just a while back, when we were cleaning up the city after things in the capital got crazy, the sword turned up. KAROL How could that be? ESTELLE Maybe it was a gift to the people in the lower quarter in return for your hospitality. RITA Then why didnt he just give it to them himself? RAVEN He probably planned on comin back an getting it someday. YURI Then if thats the case, we shouldnt be taking it with us, right? HANKS The mercenary always said that swords should be used to protect people. I dont think hed mind if I left the sword with our lower quarter boys, who are working to protect the world. JUDITH A weapon chooses its owner, not the other way around It might not just be random chance that the sword turned up now, after all those years. HANKS Use the sword, Yuri. Youd be doing all of us a favor. Ted brings the sword to Yuri. YURI All right. Ill hold onto it for you. Yuri hold the sword up before his eyes and examines it. TED Dont forget to split it with Flynn. ESTELLE That sword holds everyones hopes and dreams, doesnt it? YURI Yeah. Its heavier than it looks. INFORMATION Obtained Claiomh Solais. INFORMATION Yuri earned the Hope of the Town title. SKIT Home, Sweet Home

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~ FREE TIME AFTER BEATING THE GAME ~ . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Extra Dungeon - Final Part: 1. Head to Dahngrest for a quick scene and then exit out. 2. Fly toward the west and you will discover the Extra Dungeon.

Defeat Kratos within to get Braver's Invitation which will unlock 200 Man Melee if you have cleared 100 Man Melee with at least three characters. [NOT DONE] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------True Knight: If you have completed all Secret Missions in the same playthrough, speak with Flynn in Aurnion for Yuri's True Knight title. [NOT DONE] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hotspring - Final Part: In Yuumanju, equip everyone with the Hotspring series titles and speak with the owner sitting behind the front desk. [SCRIPT NOT RECORDED] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Curious Princess: Visit every location on the World Map including the Aer Krenes and the Extra Dungeon. Then sleep at the King of Adventure to get Estelle's Curious Princess title. [NOT DONE] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Development of Aurnion: Part 1: Talk to the knight standing guard outside the Aunion HQ. (Initial Conversation with Agueron) The Knight standing guard outside the Aurnion HQ greets Yuri. KNIGHT Yo, Yuri! Didnt expect to see you here! YURI Eh? Whore you again? KNIGHT Ha ha ha. You havent changed a bit, Yuri! Its me, man! We were in the Imperial Knights together! Im Agueronremember? YURI Agueron? Ahh, yeah, I sort of remember. You were the one who always stole food, right? AGUERON That was somebody else Well, not that it matters, really. It sounds like youve been doing pretty well since you got out. Me, Im gonna keep working my butt off to help Flynn build this new city!





Hey, thats great! Flynn could really use your help, Im sure. People are expecting so much from Flynn right now. Im going to help him as much as I can from behind the scenes. Thanks for that. Well, if theres anything you need, just let me know. Ill do what I can to help. . . . Well, actually The towns come a long way, and now it seems like people have stopped caring about its development so much Up until now everyone was solidwe were all working together. But the people in town started to lose their enthusiasm. Well, Id say thats a pretty natural way for people to feel. Yeah I mean, people want to relax, Im sure. But some people have started throwing all of their work onto Flynneven little and manual labor around town. So what are you getting at? I wantto help the town remember the original spirit of industry that drove them to build their homes here in the first place. I was thinking that maybeif they could feel some sense of accomplishment, maybe it could bring the town together again. So what are you saying should be done, exactly? Could you perhaps go and gather some building materials that we cant find near town? If we could get some more materials, I think we might be able to improve the town even more. Well, we do have Baul, after all Pleasehelp our town grow! I guess Ive got no choice. I assume you dont want me to mention this to Flynn? Yeah He has far more important things to focus on right now. Sounds good. That way he can keep his mind on what he needs to do. Thank you. Theres nothing like a fellow knight to come through in a pinch! All right, then, could you bring me three of each of the following? Desier Gold Dust, Hypionia Tree Bark, and Yurzo Fruit. Desier Gold Dust, Hypionia Tree Bark, and Yurzo Fruit three of each. Gotcha. Ill be back.


Agueron nods. [end of cutscene]

[IF YOU DONT HAVE ENOUGH OF REQUESTED ITEMS] AGUERON Oh, did you bring them? Select Give Desier Gold Dust, Hypionia Tree Bark, and Yurzo Fruit? chose [Yes] INFORMATION Handed over Desier Gold Dust x3. INFORMATION Handed over Hypionian Tree Bark x3.


Handed over Yurzo Fruit x3. This should be everything, right? Wow, I knew you wouldnt let me down. Thanks, man. So, whats next? You catch on quick.. This is what Id like you to bring me next. Might Orb, Treant Flower, Crystal, Mystic Orb, and Great Leo Fang. Ill need three of each. YURI Thats a lot to ask. AGUERON Yeah, sorry about that. YURI Nah, dont worry about it. Ill go and get them and bring them here. AGUERON Thanks so much. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Development of Aurnion: Part 2 [Aurnion]: (Second Conversation with Agueron) AGUERON Hey there, Yuri. Did you manage to collect the materials? Select Give Might Orb, Treant Flower, Crystal, Mystic Orb, and Great Leo Fang? chose [Yes] INFORMATION Handed over Might Orb x3. INFORMATION Handed over Treant Flower x 3. INFORMATION Handed over Crystal x 3. INFORMATION Handed over Mystic Orb x 3. INFORMATION Handed over Great Leo Fang x 3. YURI AGUERON YURI AGUERON YURI AGUERON YURI AGUERON YURI AGUERON Sorry to keep you waiting. This should do it, right? Yep, its exactly what I need. It mustve been tough getting it all. Nah, it wasnt so bad. Heh, yeahIll bet it was a cinch for someone like you, Yuri. Hey now, hold on here. Are you trying to butter me up so you can ask for something really hard to get? I cant fool you, Yuri. Come onjoin the Knights again. Flynn could use your help. Ive got my own work to do. Besides, Im helping enough as it is, arent I? Well, I guess thats more your style, anyway. So, whats next? This next one is the last request Ill make of you. With this, we should have everything we need. Im going to need one Greenlight Stone, one Pitch-black Ink, one Rare Metal, andwell Andwhat? Come on, spit it out. Itshard to say. I dont feel right asking you for this So its Gald, then? Just say it like it is. Youre still as hesitant as ever, I see. And youre as perceptive as ever. Youre right. Its Gald. So how much you need? Err About 500,000 Gald. With that, well be able to


have any remaining resources we need shipped in. Okay. So thats a Greenlight Stone, a Pitch-black Ink, a Rare Metal, and 500,000 Gald. AGUERON I know its a lot, butIm counting on you, Yuri. I promise this is the last time. YURI Gotcha. Be patient, okay? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------YURI ---------------------------------------------------------------------------Development of Aurnion: Part 3 [Aurnion]: (Third Conversation with Agueron) AGUERON Hows it going? Have you managed to find everything? Select Give Greenlight Stone, Pitch-black Ink, Rare Metal, and 500,000 Gald? Chose [Yes] INFORMATION Handed over Greenlight Stone. INFORMATION Handed over Pitch-black Ink. INFORMATION Handed over Rare Metal. INFORMATION You paid 500,000 Gald. YURI This should be everything AGUERON Yes, it is Im so sorry for putting you to all that trouble. YURI Aww, stop it. You did what you could, Agueron. It was just our turn to do the same. AGUERON Yeah, youre right. Yuri, youre a really good guy. YURI Come on, cut me some slack! Enough with the jokes, man. AGUERON Heh, seems like you still cant take a compliment after all these years. But really, thank you. I dont know what wouldve happened without your help. YURI So you think that thisll be able to help with the towns development? AGUERON Yes. Im going to use everything you gave me to help bring everyone together again. YURI All right, good luck with that. Ill hope for the best. AGUERON Yeah, come back in a while to see our progress! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Estelle's Teacher - Final Part: In Developed Aurnion, speak with Ioder at the west to get Estelle's BC Rod. [NOT COMPLETED] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tidy up the Warehouse - Final Part: In Developed Aurnion, arrange the Warehouse for 3x Special Gel, Mysterious Piece, Spring of Wisdom, 2,000 Gald and Karol's Warehouse Master title. (Here's a

solution map if you need) [NOT COMPLETED] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

INCOMPLETE AND UNDONE SUB-EVENTS: Yuri and the Chevaliers: Did not copy script WITH RAVEN in the party. Tidy up the Warehouse - Part 1 [Deidon Hold] Tidy up the Warehouse - Part 2 [Capua Torim] Recipe Seafood Bowl [Capua Nor]: Did not do event BEFORE completing Yuri and the Chevaliers. Estelles Teacher Part 2 [Nordopolica]: Missing a line or two of dialogue Waiter/Waitress Game Part 2 [Dahngrest] Arena Part 1 Monster Book 100% completion-final scene with Nan in Capua Nor. Spirit Magic Part 1 [Can be done in Aspio OR Halure]: Did event at Aspio instead of Halure. Collector Book 100% completion [Halure] Krityan Style Fighting Part 2 [Aspio OR Deidon Hold]: Did event at Aspio instead of Deidon Hold. Brionac-Pary 6 [Aurnion]: Missing a line or two of dialogue Fell Weapons Part 3 and 5: These may of not had any dialogue in the game. Extra Dungeon Final Part True Knight Hot Spring Final Part Curious Princess

Organized with help from Draekons rewritten Koulis Event Chart:

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