Fast Rack PHP

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HTML Introduction HTML Syntax & Extensions Elements Attributes Paragraphs Text formatting Styles Links Images CSS

Images CSS PHP

Tables List Forms Frames Bgcolor Comments Meta Layouts Line breaks Div

Introduction CSS Syntax & Extensions Selector Internal External Class Id

Text Padding Margin Borders List Position Float

Introduction PHP Features Advantages Open source Installation Softwares o XAMPP o WAMP o ZendServer o ApacheTraid

extensions GUI Tools o Dreamweaver o Net Beans o Eclipse o ApacheTraid o Notepad++ o Edit++

LANGUAGE BASICS Syntax Variables Echo Comments Operators Arithmetic Operators

Integers Float Boolean Strings Assignment Operators

Comparison Operators Conditional Statements If statement If..else statement Flow Control Loops While Do while Strings Strings Syntax Functions Function Define function Arrays Numeric Associative Forms $_POST $_REQUEST $_GET File Uploads Create Open Close Write Read Mail Mail Sending Mail Mysql Introduction Mysql Create table Select table Insert table Update table Delete table Where clause Order by Group by ASC DESC

Logical Operators If..else..if statement Switch statement

For loop Foreach

Concatenation operator Single string & double string Syntax Function return Multidirectional Examples $_SESSION $_FILES Examples Delete Append Truncate Example

Cronjobs Examples LIMIT,RAND Primary Key Foreign Key SUM MAX MIN AVG Date Functions Indexing Engines Phpmyadmin Examples

Mysql with PHP Insert data into database Counting the table data Object Oriented Programming Classes Objects Public,Private,Static Contructor,Destructor Polymorphism Inheritance Model View Controller (MVC) Advantages Friendly urls Security Miscellaneous .htaccess Php settings Server Settings FTP SFTP Ajax with PHP Simple Example Ajax dropdown display Top 50 php functions Joomla (CMS)

Select data from database Delete data into database Examples Magic Methods Constants Extends This Scope Resolutions Model View Controller Filezilla Winscp Cpanel


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