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Not Without Honour

marriage is an honourable estate


Parts II-III


But is it any good?

worthy but dull

To-day men and women, but especially women, live in a very different world from that of 1870, or 1900, or 1910. Even since 1914, weve passed through a whole series of social revolutions. There are others to come which I shall not see, for reason and mercy will have to fight their battle with passion and injustice for ever. Hatred and cruelty and perhaps even war will come again, in my childrens time and the time of their children; theyre the dark forces from our barbaric beginnings which are always being conquered and always rising again. But with every generation we know them better for what they are. We know more clearly what we should withstand and how we should build.

To my mind the pitiless condemnation of sex-offences illustrates exactly that self-indulgent evasion of fundamentals which societys capable of at its worst.

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