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Samantha Clewell Guided Reading Lesson Plan 9/17/12 Book: Ussher, Jane. Mom.

Crystal Lake, IL: Rigby, 1996. Print. Materials: Books, sentence strips, paper, pencils WDMCS Standard #3: Process of Reading: Students will demonstrate their understanding of the reading process by using reading and thinking skills and strategies to achieve their purposes in reading. Common Core: K.1- With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about key details in a text. K.4- Ask and answer questions about unknown words in a text Introduction: -Word work: Have sentence strips with different Mom is statements- Have students put them in the right order to make a correct sentence. - From looking at the front cover, what do you think our story will be about? - What do you already know about moms? -Picture walk the book- what do you notice about the people in the picture? What activities are they doing? -What activities do you do with your mom? - Have students comment on the pictures/potential to make connections - Lets look at page 12. What is this page about? What helped you make that decision? How could you tell the mom is running and not walking? Reading Plan: - Have students whisper read the book - As students are reading, check in with each student to make sure they are using the reading finger and if a student is struggling with a word have them check the picture o What makes sense? o Try again o Do you see a part of the word you know? (Cover up the ending to the word) Discussion Points - What pages were most difficult to read? Why? - What helped you figure out the words on the page? o The beginning sounds o The pictures o Breaking apart the word Processing Strategy - Revisit details of how students problem solved to help them read the story

Extension: - Children will draw their own picture of their mom and their favorite activity they do together write their own Mom is statement. - Or more word work: -ing endings- connecting words such as running, swimming, reading, sleeping. Cooking.

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