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Book Review by Duncan L.


American Sniper by Chris Kyle, Scott McEwen and Jim DeFelice

An autobiography of a dedicated Navy seal, now retired, who is considered to have been the most lethal sniper in US military history. He was called the devil by his enemies with a bounty on his head; known as the legend by brothers in arms. The author provides an interesting perspective of the 21st century world of snipers as lived by himself in Afghanistan and Iraq, including its ultimate impact upon his family. A Texas boy he intensely desired to become a SEAL and overcame the stringent physical demands to become a member of the elite team. After being accepted into the organization he reveled in that profession. Kyle served in Iraq and Afghanistan and endured the disparities of war and the difficulties of returning to a civilian life with a touch of a button. Intermingled chapters reflect his wifes opinions and feelings about his services impact on their family within his narrative presentation. He covers his grueling basic training and later harsh training as well as his off duty brawling and drinking. There is a lot of killing of soldiers, the daily hardship of war, dying and maiming of comrades and possible anguish about its ultimate value. Kyle always eager to be in the thick of it manages to establish a unique kill record during his tours of duty. He believed in the war and his unit. Kyle served his country well, but it took its toll. He was wounded twice and retired a highly decorated solider Fortunately, he and his family managed to survive his intensely demanding military career.. This is the story of a physically strong dedicated military man, doing his duty, without reservations, as he understood it. Kyle, Chris, McEwen, Scott and De Felice, Jim American Sniper, William Morrow: New York, 2011. 381 pages. Rating: 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Type: Military History November 18, 2012

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