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Meningitis Centre Media Strategy 2012-2013

By: Sarah Arrowsmith, Jessica Fuimaono, Christina Bullock



Executive Summary 1.0 Introduction 1.1 The Meningitis Centre 1.2 Current Media Activities 1.3 The Pilbara Initiative 2.0 Goals and Objectives 2.1 Goals 2.2 Objectives 3.0 Message Strategy 3.1 Strategy 4.0 Target Audience 4.1 Primary and Secondary 4.2 Media 4.2.1 Television 4.2.2 Radio 4.2.3 Newspapers 5.0 Media Placement Strategy 5.1 Radio 5.2 Newspapers 5.3 Magazine 5.4 Newsletters 5.5 Television 6.0 Research and Development 7.0 Timeline 8.0 Media Liaison and Approval Procedures 9.0 Spokespeople/Ambassadors 9.1 Sally Morgan 9.2 Denise Groves 9.3 David Wirrpanda 9.4 Adam Selwood 9.5 Bruce Langoulant 10.0 Evaluation 11.0 Budget 12.0 Human Resources 13.0 References



Executive Summary Community Public Relations (CPR) is an innovative public relations and media consultancy firm specializing in Community organisations and affairs. They have developed a media campaign for the Meningitis Centre called The Pilbara Initiative which is aimed at increasing awareness of meningitis and prevention, particularly among the aboriginal communities in the Pilbara, Western Australia. The main aims of The Pilbara Initiative are to spread awareness of the campaign and to provide positive media publicity for the Meningitis centre. It also hopes to spread awareness of the disease, with particular reference to the rate and effects of Meningitis in Indigenous communities. The Pilbara initiative is based on the Three-Step Strategy Plan, aimed at targeting the community, the media and the stakeholders. However, a large focus of this campaign will be placed on securing effective media stakeholders to ensure awareness can be achieved in a 12-month timeframe. The Three Step Strategy Plan will focus on three main events: Pop up Medical van, Media Tour and the Art Auction and Workshop. The Pilbara Initiative events will be accomplished by conducting a variety of different activities to suit all stakeholders and by focusing on many forms of media, including radio, print and broadcast in both the Pilbara region and Perth. The success of the campaign is largely dependant on effective communication and publicity with the media, community involvement and spokespersons support.

1.0 Introduction


1.1 The Meningitis Centre The Meningitis Centre is a non-profit organisation that educates the community about meningitis symptoms and vaccines by providing awareness and support for individuals and families affected by meningitis. Founded 1992, The Meningitis Centre is a parent driven management committee funded by corporate sponsors and public donations. Meningitis is the inflammation of the meninges (the membrane lining of the brain and spinal cord). There are many types of meningitis with different variations of treatments, the most common and lethal type is bacterial meningitis. Current immunisation programs are listed in the Australian National Immunisation Program, including prevention against pneumococcal meningitis, meningococcal meningitis and hib meningitis.

1.2 Current Media Activities

The Meningitis Centre are currently using a variety of public relations and media tactics, including: Social media: they currently use Facebook, Twitter and YouTube to raise awareness. Their Facebook page currently has 504 likes, Twitter account has 81 followers and videos they have posted on YouTube have reach over 50 views. Media Releases: they have issued two media releases that have been used in the media; 1) Allegras legacy to save lives (March 31, 2012) West Australian and 2) Celebrating 20 years of meningitis awareness (April 18, 2012) Telethon Institute of Child Research. Radio: they have predominately used AM radio to advertise events; 1) ABC Radio National, World Meningitis Day (April 24, 2012) and 2) 6PR, World Meningitis (April 24, 2012). Events: they have been involved in 2012 World Meningitis Day, Meningitis Centre ProRide (February 11, 2012) and AFL Game (April 21, 2012) which have all be used to raise awareness.


The Meningitis Centre also use community press advertising, paid small press advertising, and publications such as The Facts About Meningitis, Recovering From Meningitis, Infant Pnuemococcal Meningitis for advertising and media purposes. 1.3 The Pilbara Initiative

The name of the media campaign, which was developed by CPR, is called The Pilbara Initiative. This campaign seeks to increase awareness of meningitis, gain corporate support and educating the community about the danger/effects, symptoms, prevention and support. This campaign is specifically targeted to aboriginal communities in the Pilbara region of Western Australia, using a number of strategies and tactics to engage and education this target audience. The Pilbara initiative differs from other campaigns as follows a Three Step Strategy Plan which targets communities, stakeholders and in particular, the media. It hopes to achieve effective and long term awareness and publicity by targeting all forms of media both in the Pilbara and Perth.


2.0 Goals and Objectives

The main aims of The Pilbara Initiative are based around awareness of meningitis, gaining corporate support and educating the community about the danger/effects, symptoms, prevention and support. The following goals and objectives have been developed CPR to integrate into the media strategy. 2.1 Goals The goals have been divided into primary and secondary. The primary goals are the most important goals that must be achieved in order the this campaign to be successful. The secondary goals are intermediate goals which are part of the primary goals. Primary Goals:

to communicate effective messages regarding meningitis to the media. to increase awareness about meningitis specifically among aboriginal communities. to establish mutually beneficial corporate partnerships and strengthen current relationships with corporate organisations. to increase the number of corporate donations and financial sponsorship. Secondary Goals:

to create greater community awareness about meningitis. to educate aboriginal communities about meningitis. to promote and strengthen the Meningitis Centre brand in Western Australia.

2.2 Objectives


The objectives have been divided into outcome objectives and process objectives. Outcome Objectives:

- to achieve a 20% increase in the awareness of meningitis in Western Australia,

specifically among aboriginals communities, including the danger/effects, symptoms, prevention and support within the next 12 months.

- to achieve a 75% increase in the awareness of The Pilbara Initiative among

corporate organisations and politicians within the next 12 months.

- to achieve 50% more media coverage within the next year regarding the Meningitis
Centre and the danger, symptoms and prevention.

- to issue a minimum ten media releases to the target media outlets in order to
promote the key messages within the next 12 months.

- to hold a minimum of ten radio or television interviews/press conferences with The

Pilbara Initiative spokespeople in order to promote the key messages within the next 12 months. Process Objectives:

- to create quarterly newsletter that is to be sent to all stakeholders within the next
12 months.

- to create a blog to encourage employees and volunteers to track the progress of

the campaign and as an information outlet for stakeholders and the general public within the next month.

- to regularly update social media (Facebook, Twitter) to engage with key target
audience and to communication key messages.

- to re-design the Meningitis Centre website to align with the introduction of The
Pilbara Initiative and to increase two-way communication.

3.0 Message Strategy


The key messages that are going to be communication throughout this campaign are:

- How dangerous Meningitis is / the effects: deafness, cerebral palsy, epilepsy,

intellectual disability, death.

- The symptoms: fever, headache, neck stiffness, vomiting, muscle and joint pain,
drowsiness/confusion, rash.

- Prevention: vaccines are available to prevent bacterial meningitis, which are listed
in the Australian National Immunization Program.

- The Meningitis Centre provides family support and information. - Lack of awareness of Meningitis in WA, in particular indigenous communities in the
Pilbara 3.1 Strategy In order to effectively communicate the key messages across all target audiences, CPR has devised a The Three Step Strategy Plan:

3.1.1 Strategy One: This will be the start of our campaign, to get people interested and initiate media attention. The idea is to hire a caravan and set up a Pop-up Medical van in the


middle of Perths CBD. We will ask five local Perth doctors to donate two days a week of their time over a period of one month in September. Doctors will provide free medical services and conduct informational activities regarding meningitis. In particular, there will be interactive games and shocking photos for the audience to get involved with such as, Guess the signs and symptoms of meningitis, Which photos depict meningitis, What are the treatment and vaccines for meningitis. Brochures and promotional material will be distributed for the following media tour and auction. This strategy will reveal how many people dont go to doctors because they are afraid of costs or lack of time. It will also be to assess how many people havent had the meningitis vaccine and offer a free vaccine. The main purpose of this strategy is to also create media interest and publicity for the campaign and essentially Spread the word. This will help increase the effectiveness of media the campaign by spreading awareness of the cause through publicity stunt. Spread the word Strategy

3.1.2 Strategy Two: Media Tour This three-stage media tour is aimed at increasing the awareness of meningitis, particularly among aboriginal communities in the Pilbara. The idea is to invite a


number of media outlets on an all expenses paid work trip to the Pilbara in December to experience to remoteness of this area and the challenges of providing health care to aboriginal communities. By providing the media with this opportunity, CPR hopes that this will encourage them to write about The Pilbara Initiative and increase our overall media coverage. The two days will progress as followed: 1. : Involves a school visit where children and parents are invited to a nativity play based on meningitis and the key messages. The nativity play will be used to simplify the key messages in a way that children will understand. 2. 3. During the Day: involves a hospital/community health clinic visit. Evening: involves a concert featuring John Butler Trio or Jessica Mauboy, Perth bands and local aboriginal bands. Attendants will include aboriginal elders, politicians, sponsors, spokespeople and the local community.

3.1.3 Strategy Three: The Meningitis Auction Event and Workshop The last stage of our campaign involves a high profile auction that will help raise funds for the meningitis centre, as well as provide another outlet for the spokespersons and local celebrities to get involved and show their support. Local aboriginal artists will also be asked to donate their artworks for the auction. The auction will invite the community leaders from the Pilbara and local aboriginal leaders. The auction will be concluded by showing the Media Tour DVD. The main purpose of this is to show the accomplishments of the campaign and strengthen the relationships with existing stakeholders as well as spark new relationships. An optional workshop will follow after the auction and will invite individuals to get involved in an interactive information session for schools and health clinics. It will be run by the Meningitis centre staff and will include fun games; activities and a play targeted at children and young adults in indigenous communities and Western Australia. This will be trial run workshop and its main purpose is to get corporate sponsors and volunteers involved in the program. If successful, this workshop will be a permanent outlet for the meningitis centre to continue spreading awareness once the campaign has finished. It will be targeted at schools and health clinics around Western


Australia, specifically focusing on meningitis signs and symptoms and treatments. This event will commemorate the end of the campaign. 3.1.4 Support Strategy All three strategies will be supported by The Pilbara Initiative bracelets, which will be freely distributed with other promotional brochures to the public during all three events. The bracelets will carry the Meningitis Centre brand and represent The Pilbara Initiative Campaign. Its main purpose is to provide a sense of community, unity and representation of the cause, the campaign and the message. They will be densely distributed around schools and medical centers in the Pilbara and Perth to further spread awareness of the campaign. They will be available to order on the Meningitis Centers website and will be sent nationally in large packs for volunteers to distribute around schools and medical centers in other states or schools. Example Design:

Inside band- The Meningitis Centre Website (

Outside band- Logo: The Pilbara Initiative 2012/13

4.0 Target Audience

4.1 Primary and Secondary The primary target audience includes:


- Aboriginal communities in the Pilbara, specifically children and seniors who are at a
higher risk of contracting the disease.

- Aboriginal Pilbara Communities, including Njamal, Bunjma, Innawonga, Kariyarra,

Kuruma, Marthudunera, Nyiyaparli, Wong-Goo-TT-OO, Yaburara Mardudhunera, Jurruru, specifically the elder (leader).

- Health clinics and hospitals in the Pilbara, including doctors, health care
professionals, nurses that regularly treat aboriginal communities.

- Primary and Secondary Schools in the Pilbara who have a high number of
aboriginal students.

- Existing and potential corporate sponsors/supporters. - Local politicians.

The secondary target audience includes:

- Aboriginal Health Council of Western Australia - West Pilbara Communities for Children - Government of Western Australia, specifically the Department of Health. - Minister for Health, the Hon. Kim Hames

4.2 Media

The key media outlets that The Pilbara Initiative is targeting are television, radio and newspapers. These three outlets were chosen, as they are the most effective way to target the aboriginal communities in the Pilbara. 4.2.1 Newspapers


Demographics/ Media Outlet Contact Circulation Psychographics of target audience Alan Richardson, Managing Director Courtney Bertiling, Community Writer Pilbara Echo Address: PO Box 848, Karratha, WA 6714 e: news@pilbarae p: 08 9185 5570 Port Headland, Karratha, South Headland, Dampier, Tom Price, Paraburdoo, Pannawonica, Roebourne, Wickham, Pt Samson, Onslow, Newman Blue-collar workers, target age group 30 years and above, residents predominately men, interested in local news, land and wildlife orientated 14,700 Readers Readership Figures


Mining towns, residents Address: Shop 4 The Boulevard Shopping Centre Port Hedland WA 6721 (08) 9173 5100e: news@northwe p: 08 9172 2600 benefit from the enormous wealth from Port Headland, South Headland, Newman, Marble Bar, Nullagine, Wedgefield mining and associated industries, average income exceeding $60,000 per annum, bouyant real estate market, interested in Trevar Paddenburg, News Editor Address: 34 Stirling Street Perth WA 6000 e: paddenburgt@ sundaytimes.n p: 08 9326 9000 local news Metropolitan, focuses on indepth local coverage as well as Western Australia breaking national and international news and sport, provides a comprehensive lifestyle section 673,000 Readers 7,512 Readers

North West Telegraph

The Sunday Times


Metropolitan, Margaret Marshall, Editorial Office Manager Address: 50 Hasler Road Osborne Park WA 6017 e: westinfo@wan p: 08 9482 3111 predominately professional/m anagement or white-collar, primary source Western Australia of information in WA, covers major national and international news, reaches a wide range of age groups and lifestyles Area is based Alicia Bridges, Journalist Address: PO Box 1105, Kununurra, WA Kimberley Echo 6743 e: news@kimberl p: 08 9169 1100 East Kimberley, Kununurra, Wyndham, Halls Creek on agricultural, mining and tourism, bases in a new settlement which has prospered in a short period of time, strong readership, interested in local news. 6743 Readers Weekdays 188,947 Weekend 318,352

The West Australian


Kirstier Parker, Managing Editor Koori Mail Address: PO Box 117 Lismore NSW 2480 e:editor@koori Phone: 02 6622 2666 Stephen Hagan, Editor 48 Rylah Cresent National Indigenous Times (Newspaper) e: .au p: 02 6231 2422 Wanniassa ACT 2903


Provides news, view, advertisements and other material of interest, aboriginal target audience. 123,000 readers (a fortnight)


Independent newspaper, goal is to bridge the knowledge gap for mainstream Australians of the aspirations of indigenous Australians, focuses on social and political issues, promotes business, academia, sport and community. 20,000 Readers


The Central Land Council Land Rights News Central Australia (Newspaper) 27 Stuart Hwy Alice Springs NT 0870 e: au p: 08 8920 5114 4.2.2 Magazine

Remote communities in Australia

Longest running aboriginal newspaper, published three times a year, focuses on feature articles, free to remote communities

Demographics/ Media Outlet Contact Circulation Psychographics of target audience Readership Figures


National Address: 26 Burton Street Darlinghurst NSW 2010 e: Deadly Vibe au p: 02 9361 0140

Nationally distributed indigenous music, sport, art, community, education and health, promotes indigenous role models, release monthly, profiles a wide range of indigenous celebrities and community achievers.

4.2.3 Newsletters Demographics/Psychographi c Profiles of Audience




Christine Smart e: p: 08 9323 6662 Government of Western Australia, Department of Health COAG Aboriginal Child Health Project Newsletter Anne Wilson e: anne.wilson@health.wa.go p: 08 9323 6684 Address: Department of Health 189 Royal Street East Perth 6004 Industry

Address: Department of Government of Western Australia, Department of Health WA Country Health Service Health 189 Royal Street East Perth 6004 e: wachscomms@health.wa. p: 08 9222 6494 Newsletter, The Country Link Industry

Aboriginal Health Council of Western Australia ACHWA News

Address: 2 Bulwer Street Perth WA 6000 Australia Tash Nannup, Publications and Administration Coordinator e: Phone: (08) 9227 1631 Industry


4.2.4 Radio



Media Outlet

Location(s )


TV Circulation

Demographics/Psyc hographic Profiles of Audience


1. Port Hedland

1. Journalist: Guy Houstoun Address: Port Hedland 6721 WA Phone: (08)

Port Hedland, Karratha, Kimberly, Broome North West WA, Perth

Educated, multicultural, ages 20 and above, interested in national/ global affairs and international development

15.2% Viewer s

2. Karratha Australian Broadcast Corporatio n-on (ABC)

9173 1884 2. Manager: Andrew Collins Journalist: Lachie Macara Address: Degrey Place Karratha, WA, 6714 Phone: 08 9183 5011 Journalist: Natalie Jones Address: 23 Hamersley St Broome, WA, 6725

3. Broome

4. Perth Phone: 08 9191 3011 Journalist: Andrew OConnor Address: 30 Fielder Street East Perth, WA, 6004 Phone: 08 9 9220 2700


1. Broome

Producer: Dan


Educated, ages 20

Media Outlet



Demographics/Psychogr aphic Profiles Audience


Address: Lot 2 6DBY (Derby Media aboriginal Corporation)97.9 FM Wodehouse Street Derby WA 6728 Email: au Phone: 08 9193 1966 Peter Caruso, PR Gumala Aboriginal Corporation Community Radio and Communications Specialist Address: Level 2, 165 Adelaide Terrace, East Perth WA 6004 Email: .au Phone: (08) 9219 4500 Address: Degrey Place Karratha, WA, 6714 ABC North West WA AM Radio Phone: 08 9183 5011

Township of Derby and surrounding communities including Mowanjum.

Indigenous communities interested in local indigenous music, ages 30 and above, particularly baby boomers and males.

Bellary, Roebourne, Onslow , Wakathuni, Youngaleena , Tom Price , Paraburdoo.

Indigenous communities, interested in aboriginal culture and stories, ages 30 and above, both males and females, interested in local music.

Newman, Pannawonica , Paraburdoo, Tom Price, Port Hedland, Karratha.

Ages 20 above, interested in all news ranging from local to world, more educated viewers, both males and females, interested in a range of topics from finance to wildlife.

Judith Chapman, Stations Manager Address: 31 Bond Place, Karratha WA

Paraburdoo, Port Hedland, Karratha.

Ages 16- 30, interested topping music, both males and females, residential listeners,

COMMUNITY PUBLIC RELATIONS Tom Price, in new and old chart

2 3

4.2.5 Television

5.0 Media Placement Strategy 5.1 Radio 5.1.1 Target Media Channel: Radio Station Target Publication: 6PR, Drive with Howard Sattler Angle: Mr Sattler will interview the president who will discuss the Meningitis Centres plans and how it will benefit Aboriginal communities. He will give and background of the Meningitis Centre and their cause. He will additionally explore the differences between our knowledge of meningitis with theirs and state the more risk and death toll they have. Appeal to viewers by making them feel lucky to have the resources they have by pointing out the isolation and vulnerability of Aboriginal communities with meningitis. Rationale: This style of interview will create necessary banter to appeal to viewers whilst still getting out the message. The Drive show will allow for the target audience of educated adults to be addressed as they will be in their cars driving home from work so viewership will be up. Timeframe: Radio report #1 5.1.2 Target Media Channel: Radio Station Target Publication: 720 AM, Afternoons with Gillian O'Shaughnessy Angle: Interview with Ms OShaugnessy will allow for this guy to discuss the plans and cause of the Meningitis Centre. Discussed briefly will be how meningitis affects the local community, the national community, and the world at large. Then discussed will be how the Aboriginal communities are in dire need for education and treatments of


meningitis due to their susceptibility to the disease. The focus will then be on the details of the plan to help these communities in regards to meningitis. Rationale: The show will allow for feedback on the plan by listeners calling up. Ms OShaughnessys passionate nature will make it easier for the plan to be positively presented. Timeframe: Radio Report #2 5.1.3 Target Media Channel: Radio Station (Pilbara Community Based) Target Publications: 6DBY, GACCR, Spirit Radio, PAKAM, Warringarri Radio Angle: The Meningitis Centre is present in the community trying to decrease the rate of deaths from meningitis by treating it via injections. Theyre here to learn about the Aboriginal community and how they can aid it. These forums will allow for the communities to acknowledge their presence and allow the main facts of meningitis to be presented without being pushed on them due to the interview process. Rationale: These stations allow for direct communications within some of these isolated Aboriginal communities. By interviews being conducted by members of the Aboriginal Community it allows for questions that concern them to be answered as well as less reluctance to being educated. The Meningitis Centre thus has more of a chance of being accepted and listened to within the community by the interviewers welcoming and encouraging their cause. Timeframe: Radio Report #3 5.1.4 Target Media Channel: Radio Station (Perth Community Announcements) Target Publications: SBS Radio One, 720 AM, 6PR, Sonshine FM Angle: To update the Perth community on their cause and progress. The Meningitis Centre is progressing successfully with their plans to help Aboriginal communities thanks to its sponsors and volunteers. If you too would like to donate and help out please see our website.


Rationale: These publications have regular updates throughout the day, therefore they are ideal to reach listeners. Additionally with former interviews done with specific stations at the start of the project it would be ideal to update the audience on the progress particularly if they have donated or supported the cause through other means. Timeframe: Radio Report #4

5.2 Newspapers

5.2.1 Target Media Channel: Print Target Publication: West Australian, Sunday Times Angle: Media release titled Free Pop-up health checks in Perth city before the implementation of The Pilbara Initiative pop-up xx and the start of The Pilbara Initiative media campaign. This strategy aims to grab attention of the public and media by being different and bold. Also included will be the key messages, quotes from The Pilbara Initiative ambassadors and why The Pilbara Initiative is important. Rationale: The purpose of issuing a media release to the following target publications is to raise awareness about The Pilbara Initiative pop-up xx and engage interest from the community. Timeframe: Media Release #1 5.2.2 Target Media Channel: Print Target Publication: Pilbara Echo, North West Telegraph, Kimberley Echo


Angle: Media kit following The Pilbara Initiative media tour, highlighting the key events and activities, people and messages. Rationale: The target publications will all receive an invitation to The Pilbara Initiative media tour. This tour will provide reporters and journalists with a number opportunities to write about a local community story. This media release is a follow up document to further reiterate the importance of The Pilbara Initiative. Timeframe: Media Release #2 5.2.3 Target Media Channel: Print Target Publication: West Australian, Sunday Times Angle: Media kit following The Pilbara Initiative media tour, highlighting the key events and activities, people and messages. Rationale: The purpose of issuing a media release to the following target publications is to communicate effective messages regarding meningitis to the media. The Pilbara Initiative media tour is a major strategy which needs to be promoted on a national level. Included in the media release will be quotes from key ambassadors as well as the key messages. Timeframe: Media Release #3 5.2.4 Target Media Channel Print Target Publication - Koori Mail, National Indigenous Times, Land Rights News Central Australia Head Line/Angle - Media kit regarding The Pilbara Initiative, highlighting the key events and activities, aboriginal ambassadors and messages.


Rationale - The purpose of issuing a media release to the following target publications is to raise awareness about The Pilbara Initiative and engage interest from the community. Timeframe: Media Release #4 5.2.5 Target Media: Channel: Print Target Publication: West Australian, Sunday Times Angle: Media release titled Auction helps raise much needed funds for The Meningitis Centre after the The Pilbara Initiative auction event and workshop. This strategy aims specifically at corporate organisations and gain financial support. Also included will be highlights of the event, quotes from The Pilbara Initiative ambassadors and why The Pilbara Initiative is important. Rationale: The purpose of issuing a media release to the following target publications is to raise awareness about The Pilbara Initiative and engage interest from corporate organisations. Timeframe: Media Release # 5 5.3 Newsletter

Target Media Channel: E-Newsletter Target Publication: Government of Western Australia, Department of Health, (COAG Aboriginal Child Health Project Newsletter), Government of Western Australia, Department of Health (WA Country Health Service Newsletter, The Country Link), Aboriginal Health Council of Western Australia (ACHWA News), Deadly Vibe Angle: A feature article profiling the Meningitis Centre and The Pilbara Initiative, highlighting the key messages and up and coming events. Also included will be quotes from The Pilbara Initiative ambassadors and why they believe in this cause.


Rationale: The purpose of submitting a feature article to the following target publications is to gain more awareness about meningitis. The target publications are specifically aboriginal health related which is a deliberate effort, made to increase the awareness of The Pilbara Initiative and key messages to the aboriginal communities while also promoting the Meningitis Centre. Timeframe: Newsletter #1 5.3.1 Target Media Channel: E- Newsletter Target Publication: Government of Western Australia, Department of Health, (COAG Aboriginal Child Health Project Newsletter), Government of Western Australia, Department of Health (WA Country Health Service Newsletter, The Country Link), Aboriginal Health Council of Western Australia (ACHWA News) Angle: A Progress report of the Pilbara initiative, findings and effectiveness published and distributed on World Meningitis Day on the 24th of April. Rationale: The purpose of issuing a progress report is to show the campaigns effectiveness, initiate new stakeholder relationships as well as demonstrate the success of the campaign to reinforce existing relationships with stakeholders. Timeframe: Newsletter #2


5.4 Television

5.4.1 Target Media Channel: Broadcast Target Publication: Sunrise, The Morning Show, The 7pm Project Angle: An informative interview with one of the spokespersons regarding the Meningitis Centres New Pilbara Initiative Campaign and the introduce the three events, particularly the Pop up Medical Van and Media Tour. Rationale: The purpose of this interview is to introduce the events of the campaign and also promote the campaign as well as the Meningitis Centre through the use of the spokespersons. It is also targeted at spreading awareness and publicize the events following the campaign. Timeframe: Broadcast Report #1 5.4.2 Target Media Channel: Broadcast Target Publication: Channel 7 News, Channel 9 News, Channel 10 News, WIN TV News, ABC News Angle: An informative interview with one of the spokespersons regarding the Meningitis Centres New Pilbara Initiative Campaign and its three events, in particular


The Pop up Medical Van and the coming Media Tour. It will also encourage the community to get involved in the Art Auction later in the year. Rationale: The purpose of this interview is to introduce the campaign as well as the Meningitis Centre through the use of the spokespersons. It is also targeted at spreading awareness and publicize the events following the campaign. Timeframe: Broadcast Report #2 5.4.3 Target Media Channel: Broadcast Target Publication: Channel 9 - A Current Affair, Channel 7- Today Tonight Angle: A dramatic insight into the realities of meningitis in Australian and how it is affecting the Indigenous communities through case studies, statistics and community interviews. It will also provide a background into the Pilbara Initiative Campaign and the Meningitis Centre. Rationale: The purpose of this show is to comment on the Pilbara initiative and publicize the Meningitis Centre and what it does to encourage further donation and support. Timeframe: Broadcast Report #3 5.4.4 Target Media Channel: Broadcast Target Publication: Community TV/West TV News, GWYN7 News, SBS News, National Indigenous TV News, Indigenous Community TV News, Ngarda TV, Goolari Media Enterprises News Angle: A more in-depth community focused interview with the Meningitis Centre and the spokespersons regarding the Pilbara initiatives Media Tour results and upcoming Art Auction.


Rationale: The purpose of this interview is to encourage journalists/community to get involved. It will also raise awareness as well as publicise the campaign all around Western Australia. Timeframe: Broadcast report #4

5.5 Social Media

Target Media Channel: Online Target Publication: Facebook, Twitter Angle: This will provide social media users with updated information about the Upcoming Campaign and ways to get involved. It will also introduce the Pilbara Initiatives first event, the Pop Up Medical Van. Rationale: The purpose of this is to provide another communication outlet for the Meningitis Centre and the online communities and groups, in particular Western Australian and indigenous Australian Groups. It is also used to keep information current and get people involved with the Pop up Medical Van Event. Photos and event statuses will be constantly updated. Timeframe: Social Media update #1 5.5.1 Target Media Channel: Online Target Publication: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube Angle: This will introduce the Media Tour to the online community to target volunteers, and in particular journalists to get involved. Facebook will be utilized to


send out invitation for events and groups. Facebook and twitter will be used to give regular updates and upload photos. Youtube will be used to upload the Media tour Video. Rationale: The purpose of this is to get the Australian and Indigenous communities online involved, as well as journalists, to join the Media Tour, whilst also providing publicity and awareness for the Meningitis Centre and the Pilbara Initiative. Timeframe: Social Media update #2

5.5.2 Target Media Channel: Online Target Publication: Facebook, Twitter Angle: This will introduce the last event for the Pilbara initiative, the Art Auction and Workshop. Invitations will be sent out to events and groups. Rationale: The purpose of this is to get the community and journalists interested, as well as engage with stakeholders and indigenous groups or communities online. It also helps provide awareness and publicity for the Pilbara Initative. Timeframe: Social Media update #3


6.0 Research and Development

It is vital to research the media in which the Meningitis Centre will be communicating with in order to understand what they want and desire in communications in order to have a successful media strategy. We have sourced the media research available in order to determine additional materials to execute this plan effectively.

The Meningitis Centre Information Brochures

- Current brochures include; The Facts About Meningitis, Recovering From

Meningitis, Infant Pneumococcal Meningitis, Adult Pneumococcal Brochure, Pneumococcal Immunisation (Pneumovax) information for Older Australians, Meningitis and Septicaemia -After Effects, and the Amoebic Meningitis Brochure.

The Meningitis Centre Fact Sheet

- Fact sheet regarding vaccines and treatments against meningitis

The Meningitis Centre Backgrounder

- Background of the Meningitis Centres vision, attributes, values and cause


- The Meningitis Symptoms poster

Social Media (Facebook, Twitter and YouTube)

- Platform for testimonials, discussions and feedback - Has a link to the Meningitis Website - Provides information on the amount of people communication has reached
through followers

- Allows for updates on new events, research and progress - Ability to follow and keep up to date with media trends and targets COMMUNITY PUBLIC RELATIONS 3 4


- Contact source - Has links to information booklets, brochures, and other information resources
In order to execute the program:

- Contacts List - List of staff positions, roles, phone and mobile number, email - List of external staff to contact for further information or in a crisis - List of media to contact for coverage, information, and relationship

- Surveys - Hard and online copies - Used for evaluation purposes - Focus Groups - In health groups and aboriginal communities - Allows for suggestions and feedback on the communications plan - Meningitis Research Results - Changing epidemiology of invasive pneumococcal disease in aboriginal and
non-aboriginal Western Australians - published in Clinical Infectious Diseases 2010

- Research into other journals and reports on Aboriginal health and


- The Meningitis E-Newsletters - Defining an e-newsletter updating media and Perth community on the
Meningitis Centers progress

- Provide information on what theyre doing, how theyre doing it, and gradual

- Social Networks (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube) - Regularly update Facebook and Twitter page to allow members to keep track
on news, updates and upcoming events (including new links)

- Check feedback and suggestions posted on sites - Upload video of Media Tour on YouTube - Social Networks (Blog) COMMUNITY PUBLIC RELATIONS 3 5

- Create a blog to link to Facebook and Twitter for individual staff members - Allows personal interactions between individual staff and specific members
of the community and media

- The Meningitis Centres Website - Update website to current information and work (including new e-newsletter

- Develop a section of the website for Aboriginal studies - Develop section of the website for their work within the Aboriginal

- Constantly update on new projects, progress, and Aboriginal research - Media Kit Format - Create a template for a media release, fact sheet and backgrounder
available at any time

- Must be easily adaptable, suitable and constantly updated for

communications with the target media

- Photos - Take advantage of photo opportunities to target specific media - Document the project


7.0 Timeline

The timeline shows The Three Stage Strategy Plan consisting of the Pop up Medical Van, Media Tour and Art Auction/ Workshop implemented over a period of 12 months. These strategies are conducted through a variety of online, print and broadcast media and distribution methods before and after the events. Strategy Introducti on Event Meningiti s Centres E-Newsletter from (Current database ) Newslett Pop Up Medical Van (Starting Septembe r) Media Release #1 Broadcas t Report #1 Radio Report #1 Broadcas t Report er #1 Social Media update #1 Jun Jul Aug Se p Oc t Nov De c Jan Fe b Ma r Ap r May


#2 Broadcas t Report #3 Media Release Media Tour (4th 5h December ) Media Release #3 Radio Report #2 Radio Report #3 Radio Report Art Auction and workshop (March 15th) Media Release #4 Radio Broadcas World Meningitis Day (24th t #4 Newslett er #2 #4 Social Media update #3 #2 Social media Update #2


April) Conclusio n

Meningiti s Centers Findings Report (databas e)


8.0 Media Liaison and Approval Procedures

8.1 Media Liaison All media inquiries from reporters or journalists are of the highest importance and should be directed to the official media liaison, Barry Thornton. If this person in not available, the next point of contact will be the CPR team. The people that speak on behalf of the campaign are Bruce Langoulant and the ambassadors. Anyone who speaks to the media must be briefed on what they will be interviewed about and the key messages (question and answer document must be provided). 8.2 Approval Procedures The procedure for approving all media enquiries is that all communication or information that is going to be distributed to the media must be proof-read and approved by the Barry Thornton, Bruce Langoulant and CPR. If the media liaison is unavailable, the procedure should be as follow: 1. 2. 3. Ask the reporter or journalist who they represent or where they are calling from. Let them know who the official media liaison is for this campaign and that they are currently unavailable. Ask the reporter or journalist what their inquiry is regarding, what type of information they require (i.e - interview or quote) and contact details (phone and email). 4. Let the reporter or journalist know that they will notify the media liaison and they will contact them as soon as possible. Do not provide the reporter or journalist with the media liaisons contact information, the media liaison will contact them. 5. Notify the media liaison immediately of the inquiry.


9.0 Spokespeople/Ambassadors

The Pilbara initiative will utilise a friendly and respectful approach when choosing spokespersons to ensure effective dissemination of key messages and a strong, inspirational atmosphere for the campaign. The Pilbara initiative will present male and female spokespersons between the ages of 20-50 years of age, with an indigenous and Australian background. The spokesperson will be someone that many can relate to, somebody inspirational and originally from the Pilbara region. The spokespersons chosen come from a variety of backgrounds and will be able to provide an informational and personal insight into the services available from the Pilbara initiative and help spread awareness in the community, partners and other organisations of meningitis and its effects on a person and their families. The spokespersons chosen for the Pilbara Campaign are:

- Sally Morgan - Denise Groves - David Wirripanda - Adam Selwood - Bruce Langoulant
The spokespersons will attend the three-stage campaign, which will include visits to schools, community health clinics and a concert in the Pilbara. They will be required to advertise and promote the campaign both in the Pilbara and Perth as well as attend press conferences and media interviews. The spokespersons will also be there as additional support and inspiration for the campaign. They will be the link between the Pilbara initiative and its publics, in particular the indigenous Pilbara communities. They will be required to participate where necessary and be able to utilize open twoway communication between themselves and the public to allow further contact and interaction with the chosen publics. Most importantly, the spokespersons will help to raise and generate awareness, publicity and public support for the Pilbara Initiative.


Training programs will be utilized for all spokespersons to ensure effective communication, especially for those who have not experienced it before. These training programs will teach media specific skills in radio, TV and print to help manage and control situations for interviews, speeches and press conferences to allow a positive, consistent and strong dissemination of main messages of the Pilbara Initiative and its goals and objectives. There will also be a crisis management plan to help deal with any possible issues that may arise with the spokespersons to ensure that the initiative can still be effectively implemented. Contact details of the spokespersons will be advertised and promoted on the Meningitis Centres website, social media outlets (Facebook, Twitter) as well as on brochures and posters which will be distributed during the media tour. This will allow for the community to directly contact the spokespersons if needed. 9.1 Sally Morgan Sally Morgan is an Aboriginal artist and writer from the Pilbara. She also the director at The Centre for Indigenous History and The Arts at the University of Western Australia. Her ancestors originate from the Palku (or Bailgu) people of the Pilbara. She is chosen because she is an important figure in the Pilbara, with many ties to the community. 9.2 Denise Groves Denise Groves is very successful Film Maker also from the Pilbara region. She has extensive experience working with the Department of Aboriginal Affairs and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission. She has participated in the organisation of music and film festivals and is a lecturer at Murdoch University. She is chosen because she is also an important figure in the community with a wealth of experience working within the media industry. 9.3 David Wirrpanda David Wirrpanda is a retired West Coast Eagles football player and Young Western Australian of the year in 2009. He is a strong and prominent role model for indigenous Australians and is involved in his own charity, The David Wirrpanda Foundation. He is


chosen as he is already a great inspiration for the community and is involved in his own charity for the indigenous community.

9.4 Adam Selwood Adam Selwood is a West Coast Eagles football player from WA. He is chosen because he is an ambassador for the meningitis centre and has suffered the disease himself and can give personal, first hand accounts of the effects of meningitis on individuals and families. 9.5 Bruce Langoulant Bruce Langoulant is the founder for the Meningitis Centre and the chairman of the DSC. He is chosen because he has extensive knowledge of the disease, its effects and the main messages of the Pilbara initiative. He will be able to provide effective communication and answer any questions and concerns from the indigenous community and publics.


10.0 Evaluation

The success of the media strategy will be determined by measuring the success of the objectives. The Pilbara initiatives main role will be to develop media awareness of meningitis, its symptoms, effects, prevention methods and treatments available over the next 12 months. The success of this media strategy will be determined by measuring the level of public awareness through research, social media and media outlets. Measuring research through surveys will help determine whether there has been a 20% increase in awareness in Western Australia, specifically among aboriginal communities. Surveys will be conducted in Western Australia and Aboriginal Communities in the Pilbara upon completion of the Pilbara initiative to measure the level of awareness of the campaign, the meningitis centre and meningitis as a disease. Similarly, the success of the initiative can be determined by assessing whether there has been a 75% increase in awareness among corporate organisations and politicians over the next 12 months. This will be measured by analyzing corporate donations, new business relationships and funding from the Art Auction and Workshop, as well assessing their overall support during the campaign. Social media will also be utilized to measure the level of awareness of the Pilbara initiative. Social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube will be used to measure the level of awareness through followers and fans. The Meningitis Centre will also be measuring the success of the campaign through the blog, which allows employees and volunteers to track the progress of the campaign on the Meningitis Centre Website. The level of awareness can be measured through the followers and comments on the blog. The meningitis centre will measure the success of the campaign by achieving 50% or more media coverage within the next year by holding a minimum of ten radio or television interviews, issuing a minimum of ten media releases to promote the key messages and creating a quarterly newsletter for stakeholders within the next 12 months of the campaign. The effectiveness of this objective will be measured by Media Monitors Australia program, which will check the number of media outlets that


are spreading the news about meningitis, the meningitis centre or the Pilbara Initiative. Lastly, promotional material will also be used to measure the effectiveness of the campaign by issuing merchandise such as bracelets with the logo The Pilbara Initiative. The bracelets will be distributed during the Pop- up Medical Van, the Media Tour (Schools and Health Clinics) and the Art Auction and Workshop. Ultimately, the success of the campaign will largely be measured by long-term awareness of the disease and support for the Meningitis Centre.


11.0 Budget The budget for the Pilbara initiative is $40,000 to be spent over the 12month campaign. The budget will be largely focused in the development of The Three Step Strategy Plan to attract the community, the media and stakeholders. These strategies are: The Pop up Medical van, Media Tour and Art Auction and workshop. The Pop up medical van will require three doctors to donate one day a week of their time to participate in public discussion, activities and perform minor medial diagnosis. The expenses required is the caravan rental for one day a week over a period of three months, medical supplies and games and activities. The Media tour will take place for two days in the Pilbara region. Journalists will be invited to join the campaign and its activities as well as meet the indigenous groups in the Pilbara. The costs of the budget are for five journalists and seven leaders of the Pilbara Initiative. The costs will include administration, promotional material, accommodation, transport, photography and activities. The Art Auction will require local Indigenous Artists, spokespersons and celebrities to provide an item to be auctioned with all proceeds going to the Meningitis Centre. Costs will include venue hire, catering, decorations and minimal advertising. This will then be followed by a Workshop at the same venue, which will require supplies and TV equipment costs for DVD showing. These strategies will be supported by the merchandise bracelets, which will be freely distributed throughout the campaign.



Budget Item Administration (overhead costs, staff wages) Brochures (professional printing and distribution) Pop up Medical Van rental and supplies (Two days a week for one month) Media Tour (Programs/activities/food) Media tour Accommodation (All Seasons Port Hedland- 1 night) Media tour transport (North Fleet bus and SkyWest Airfare) Auction (Venue, catering, admin costs for one day) Trial Workshop (admin costs, supplies, equipment) Website redesign and New Database Information System (increase interactivity) Spokesperson training (Professional media training and public speaking for 5 people) Photography (Film and production costs) DVD (production costs and distribution) Promotional Bracelets

Cost $7000 $2000 $3000

$1000 $1500


$3000 $2000 $1500




$30 000 Total: $40 000 Budget: * Miscellaneous/ Emergency funds (Crisis Management) or additional paid advertising if needed $10 000



12.0 Human Resources The Human Resources Team will enable the success of the media plan. Their roles and responsibilities will facilitate the strategies of the Pilbara Initiative and largely controls its effectiveness. The current team is mainly set up of members of the Meningitis Centre. Their details are as follows: Name Bruce Langoulant Position The Chair and Founder Role and Responsibility -delegate roles and responsibilities -oversee the project -oversee information, stories, and releases given to the media Linda Gibbs Office Manager and Coordinator -to perform management tasks (including overseeing the budget) -makes sure roles and responsibilities are being met Kristen Chiera Manager of Social Media -to update Facebook and Twitter pages to create and develop a blog for the team -to check feedback and followers on the social media pages

Jess Langoulant

Public Relations Officer

-to develop and release suitable media releases


-to oversee the media relations Treacy Elliot Project Officer -to make sure the goals and objectives are being met throughout -make sure the project is running smoothly, timely and effectively Aboriginal Consultant -oversee all communication with the Aboriginal communities and media (make sure the communication strategies targeted towards the Aboriginal communities are relevant throughout) - advise and educate spokespeople and relevant members of the Meningitis Centre about Aboriginal cultures and formalities

13.0 References


Aboriginal Health Council of Western Australia. 2012. Aboriginal Health Council of Western Australia, Handband Design. 2012. osCsid=b14dda57f0b846e981f17be016ef0a20. Koori Mail. 2012. Koori Mail, Land Rights News - Northern Edition. 2012. Northern Land Council, Knox, David. 2011. Variety the Key to Success. TV Tonight. Margaret Gees Australian Media Guide. 2012. Media Guide, The Meningites Centre. 2012. North West Telegraph. 2012. The West Australian Regional Newspapers, option=com_content&view=article&id=6 news The West Australian. 2012. The Newspaper Works, The Sunday Times. 2012. The Newspaper Works, Vibe Magazine. 2012. Deadly Vibe Group, 0:northwesttelegraph&catid=1:latest-


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