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Sharing the Planet Grade 5 Summative assessment: Public Service Announcement

Your task is to make people aware of a global issue you are passionate about or interested in. To share this issue, you are going to create a Public Service Announcement or infomercial. It is vital that your Public Service Announcement is INFORMATIVE and interesting. The presentation should be made while keeping the units Central Idea in mind. Individuals have a responsibility to respond to Global Issues

TASK REQUIREMENTS This is a three part assessment: Part 1- Topic Research: Here, you will show that you fully understand your chosen topic (form, causation, responsibility) Part 2 - Story board: In the story board, you will plan your PSA video. You will sketch each scene and write the text that you wish to appear on the screen! Part 3 - PSA Video: You will use iMovie to create your public service announcement. This is to be no more than 1 minute long but MUST include powerful images, informative and persuasive text, voice over, suitable music and references


Sharing the Planet: Grade 5 Summative Assessment

Part 1: Topic Research

Part 1 Teacher Signature: __________________________________________

Part 2: Storyboard (see separate sheet)

Requirements: A sketch of each scene Appropriate text covering your form, causation and responsibility questions. NOTE: Whatever is on your storyboard is transferred DIRECTLY to video. Part 2 Teacher Signature: __________________________________________

Part 3: Create Video

Requirements: You will create a short video (max length 1min). It is vital your video is INFORMATIVE and INTERESTING.
Your video can include: powerful images (e.g. photos, drawings, screen shots) voice over suitable music: MUST be downloaded from Jamendo references for music, images and information informative & persuasive text from research Be careful: dont let ashy effects detract from your message. Your issue must be clearly exhibited in your video.

Sharing the Planet: Grade 5 Summative Assessment

Issue (informative)
I have a very clear understanding of the issue

I am unsure what the issue is.

The issue was very creatively presented. The video was not interesting.

Sharing the Planet: Grade 5 Summative Assessment

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