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Bridge Maintenance Strategy And Implementation In Indonesia

Ministry Of Public Works Of Indonesia

Directorate General Of Highways
Directorate Of Technical Affairs
Sub Directorate Of Bridge Engineering

Bridges In Indonesia

Indonesia is an archipelago and tropical country has many rivers/channels. Recorded more than 88,000 bridges (1,050 km) including railway crossing/ FO. More than 21.371 bridges (404.84 km) located on National roads.
Ministry Of Public Works Of Indonesia Directorate General Of Highways Directorate Of Technical Affairs Sub Directorate Of Bridge Engineering

Bridges In Indonesia
1. Bridge Construction (National roads)
Construction < 1970 1970 1980 1980 1990 > 1990 Total Length (km) 93.1 81.0 113.4 117.4 (%) 23% 20% 28% 29%

2. Bridge Condition (National roads)

0 1 2 3 4 5 Good Condition Few damage (damage can be repaired through routine maintenance, and do not affect the safety or function of the bridge). Damage that requires monitoring or maintenance in the future. Many damage That need to be rehabilitation next years Critical condition Collapsed or is not be functioned


10,047 4,274 3,419 1,709 854 1,068

20 16 8 4 5

Ministry Of Public Works Of Indonesia Directorate General Of Highways Directorate Of Technical Affairs Sub Directorate Of Bridge Engineering

Deterioration Model
Bridge deterioration diagram can be summarized into: 1. Early phase of damage (vague damage) 2. Propagation of damage (damage develop rapidly)
Early phase of damage

Propagation Of damage
100 Y / N a
1/ b



Condition value

1 Routine maintenance Maintenance Maintenance 2 3 Rehabilitation 4 5 Replacement

NK 5




Acceptable service life limits

Ministry Of Public Works Of Indonesia Directorate General Of Highways Directorate Of Technical Affairs Sub Directorate Of Bridge Engineering

NK = Condition value Y = Bridge life N = design life (50) a = coefficient (4,66) b = coefficient (1,9051)

Bridge Management System 92

Links DGH and the execution staff in the province with tool to:
Support National Development Optimize the use of funds available
Component of BMS Policy Framework Emergency Action Inspection Load Rating

Facility of the system:

Inventory recording of all bridges Condition, traffic and loading capacity rating Identification of bridge treatment Priority ranking of bridge works Optimum allocation of funds Standard procedures for implementation


Planning & Programming Investigation & Design Monitoring

Ministry Of Public Works Of Indonesia Directorate General Of Highways Directorate Of Technical Affairs Sub Directorate Of Bridge Engineering

Bridge Inspection
Bridge inspection Process to collect data of physical bridges condition that can be used for programming of bridge works, maintenance (routine, periodic), rehabilitation, retrofitting and replacement of the bridge.

Objective To convince the function of bridge in a safe condition for users, besides to keeping investment value of bridge. To determine the maintenance action.

Ministry Of Public Works Of Indonesia Directorate General Of Highways Directorate Of Technical Affairs Sub Directorate Of Bridge Engineering

Stages Of Bridge Implementation


Routine Maintenance (condition 0 dan 1)

Routine Maintenance Document

Routine maintenance Work

Data Base BMS

Planning/Programing -technical screening -Economic evaluation - Program Indication vs Budget Constraint

Rehabilitation periodic (condition 2, 3 dan 4)

Generic Rehab (condition 2 dan 3)

Expert System

Rehab Document Rehabilitation Work

Special Rehab (condition 4)

Special Inspection

Rehab planning Inspection Bridge Condition and Traffic Volume Bridge Preservation activities

Rehab Document

Construction (condition 5)
Refers to: - NSPM Techniques - Bridge Information Systems - Best Practice Bridge - Rehabilitation of Bridge Specifications - Strengthening procedures Bridge

- Bridge Replacement - Bridge Construction - Bridge Duplication - Bridge Widening - Over Pass/ Under Pass Construction - Bridge Improvement/ upgrading

Detail planning

construction documents

New Construction/ widening/ upgrading Work

Upgrading/Capacity Expansion Activities

Implementation of Bridges in Indonesia are managed using a system called the Bridge Management System (BMS), which includes the planning / programming, feasibility studies, technical planning, implementation, operation and maintenance of bridges.
Ministry Of Public Works Of Indonesia Directorate General Of Highways Directorate Of Technical Affairs Sub Directorate Of Bridge Engineering

Follow the recommendations presented in inspection reports

WHO ??
An experienced or licensed professional engineer is qualified

Where to repair and rehabilitate ??

Selective criteria can be applied based on location and on a priority basis
Ministry Of Public Works Of Indonesia Directorate General Of Highways Directorate Of Technical Affairs Sub Directorate Of Bridge Engineering

Which bridges to repair and rehabilitate first?

Those which require emergency work have a higher priority depending on condition evaluation

WHY ??

Safety, continuity of use & failure prevention.

The consideration are :

1) Improve traffic condition 2) Addressing environmental concern 3) Increasing load capacity 4) Correcting deficiencies 5) Providing for possible future widening 6) Minimizing cost

Ministry Of Public Works Of Indonesia Directorate General Of Highways Directorate Of Technical Affairs Sub Directorate Of Bridge Engineering


Girder Deck Expantion joint Bearing


constant wearing surface

Ministry Of Public Works Of Indonesia Directorate General Of Highways Directorate Of Technical Affairs Sub Directorate Of Bridge Engineering

erosion or earthquakes

1) Field Inspection & structural health monitoring

2) Preparing an inspection report

3) Computing condition rating

HOW ??

4) Analysis & Load Rating

5) Preparing the Rehabilitation report 6) Implementing diagnostic design procedures 7) Selecting method of repair, reftrofit, rehabilitation or replacement 8) Preparing contract document

Ministry Of Public Works Of Indonesia Directorate General Of Highways Directorate Of Technical Affairs Sub Directorate Of Bridge Engineering

Types Of Bridge Inspection

Type of bridge inspection

Inspection should be done for a life time of the bridge.

1) Inventory Inspection

2) Routine Inspection

3) Detail Inspection

4) Special Inspection

Ministry Of Public Works Of Indonesia Directorate General Of Highways Directorate Of Technical Affairs Sub Directorate Of Bridge Engineering

Strategy Of Bridge Inspection BRIDGE INSPECTION

Construction Every 1,0 1,5 years Every 3,0 5,0 years When Needed





Final Hand Over Committee

Bridge Inspector

Bridge Inspector

Specialist Engineer

Ministry Of Public Works Of Indonesia Directorate General Of Highways Directorate Of Technical Affairs Sub Directorate Of Bridge Engineering

Survey Method: 1. Institutional Survey (Ledger) 2. Visual Survey (Inventory, Routine, Detail) 3. Special Survey (Measurement Tools)

Sequence of Bridge Inspection :


Link Direction


Ministry Of Public Works Of Indonesia Directorate General Of Highways Directorate Of Technical Affairs Sub Directorate Of Bridge Engineering

Bridge Preservation Strategy


Life-cycle cost Analysis Maintenance Replacement User cost

Determines costs and performance to high extend! Strategic planning

Functional demands Deterioration process

Safety, reliability; design life time

Load < or > strength

Construction quality

Return on investments

Materials Maintenance strategy Condition


Operational planning Inspections Prioritization


Measures Type / extend Intervals Cost Inspections

Financial strategies

systems => Reliable models are essential tools

Ministry Of Public Works Of Indonesia Directorate General Of Highways Directorate Of Technical Affairs Sub Directorate Of Bridge Engineering

Bridge Preservation



Ministry Of Public Works Of Indonesia Directorate General Of Highways Directorate Of Technical Affairs Sub Directorate Of Bridge Engineering

Examples of standard Bridge Preservation

Ministry Of Public Works Of Indonesia Directorate General Of Highways Directorate Of Technical Affairs Sub Directorate Of Bridge Engineering


Steel Plate Bonding

Examples of standard Bridge Preservation

Improvement Expansion Joint
Ministry Of Public Works Of Indonesia Directorate General Of Highways Directorate Of Technical Affairs Sub Directorate Of Bridge Engineering


Bearing Replacement

Examples of standard Bridge Preservation

improvement with Welding
Ministry Of Public Works Of Indonesia Directorate General Of Highways Directorate Of Technical Affairs Sub Directorate Of Bridge Engineering

Improvement concrete



Ministry Of Public Works Of Indonesia Directorate General Of Highways Directorate Of Technical Affairs Sub Directorate Of Bridge Engineering

Structural Health Monitoring System (SHMS)

A system which can be used to detect a defect in the structure with a Non-Destructive Test (NDT). This system could maintain the structure, so the structures degradation and defect can be detected early.

Ministry Of Public Works Of Indonesia Directorate General Of Highways Directorate Of Technical Affairs Sub Directorate Of Bridge Engineering

Suramadu Bridge
Surabaya, Jawa Timur, Main Span Cable-Stayed: 192 + 434 + 192 meter Total Length: 5400 meter

Ministry Of Public Works Of Indonesia Directorate General Of Highways Directorate Of Technical Affairs Sub Directorate Of Bridge Engineering

Bridge Management Information System In Suramadu

Bridge Inspection

Manual Inspection (Inventory, Routine, Detail)


Automatic monitoring (CCTV, Digital sensor)

Technical evaluation of the condition of bridges elements and structural of the bridge

Condition value 0 and 1

Condition value 2

Condition value 3

Condition value 4

Condition value 5

Routine maintenance

Periodic maintenance

Repair and/or retrofit

Retrofit or Replacement

Replacement bridge

Special Inspection
Ministry Of Public Works Of Indonesia Directorate General Of Highways Directorate Of Technical Affairs Sub Directorate Of Bridge Engineering

only for capacity building or retrofitting program

The Importance of SHMS

Suramadu Bridge has a very complex structure.

Suramadu is a huge investation.

Degradation / Structure deterioration needs to be monitored

Manual monitoring activity will cost a lot of time and money.
Manual Monitoring Activity Is based on visual bridge inspection Requires a lot of time and money Provides a high risk to the checker

Ministry Of Public Works Of Indonesia Directorate General Of Highways Directorate Of Technical Affairs Sub Directorate Of Bridge Engineering

Function of SHMS
Design Verification
Verify assumption used in the bridges design


Structural Maintenance
Plan the bridges maintenance program

Traffic Management
Adjust level of safety traffic control Monitor traffic condition Restrict overload vehicle

Ministry Of Public Works Of Indonesia Directorate General Of Highways Directorate Of Technical Affairs Sub Directorate Of Bridge Engineering

no instrumentation

Visual inspection
with simple instrument


Component of Suramadu SHMS

Transform the data to TCP/IP form Store and Process the retrieved data from the network
Ministry Of Public Works Of Indonesia Directorate General Of Highways Directorate Of Technical Affairs Sub Directorate Of Bridge Engineering

Collect Data by Sensing measured material

Suramadu Bridges Sensor

1 Anemometer

Sensor Type

Parameter Measured
Direction and Speed of wind

2 3 4 5 6

Air Temperature and Relative Humidity Sensor (AT&RH) Ambient Temperature and Relative Humidity Temperature Concrete and Structure Temperature Strain Gauge Concrete and Structure Strain Weight In Motion System (WIM) Vehicle weight GPS Position of the Bridge in 3D
Accelerometer Vibration of the bridge

9 10 11

EM Sensor (EMS)
Seismic Accelerometer (SE-ACC) Bi-Axial Tiltmeter (TLM) Video Camera

Cable force
Vibration in case of earthquake Lean of the bridge Bridges traffic

13 14 15

Displacement (LVDT)
Rain Sensor Steel Box Girder Corrosion Sensor Concrete Corrosion Sensor on Pile Cap

Displacement of the bridge

Precipitation at Causeway Madura and Surabaya Corrosion at Steel Box Corrosion at concrete on pile cap

17 18 19 20

Steel Bar Corrosion Sensor on Pile Cap

Cathodic Protection Monitoring Sensor Reset and Monitoring Power Supply Sensor Dehumidifier Controller Sensor ALPR

Corrosion at steelbar on pile cap

Cathodic Protection Power Supply of the sensor Dehumidifiers on the bridge Vehicles plate number

Suramadu SHMS

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