Ec 502

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Unit III 1. Explain the correlation between time response and frequency response of second order system.

Show graphically the effect of damping on the frequency response and time response Plots. 2. Plot the asymptotic logarithmic plot for the open loop transfer function given below and investigated closed loop stability with determination of all possible stability parameters.

G(s)H(s) =
3. 4.


Discuss All pass, Minimum phase and Non minimum phase systems with suitable examples. Sketch Nyquist Plot for a unity feedback Control system having given

G(s) =
And determine the stability condition. Unit IV 5. 6.


Show by using sufficient proofs the improvement in transient and steady state responses of systems designed using PD, PI and PID Controllers. Find the pulse transfer function for the error sampled system shown in fig:

7. Why compensation is required in control systems? Explain Phase lead and Lag network under following heads: a. Circuit diagram. b. Pole zero plot. c. Bode plot (magnitude and phase Vs frequency). For the system with Design a lead compensator such that the closed loop system will satisfy the following specification: a. Static velocity error constant=20 sec-1 b. Phase Margin = 50 c. Gain Margin 10 dB.


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