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ADVERTISEMENT There are a lot of papers patched on the information board in front of computer laboratory of FPSB UII.

There are many poster informing different event such as; food festival, singing contest, open recruitment of organization and so on. All in all, after reading a lot of information that provided in each paper we argue that most of the papers are included into advertisement subject. In many advertisement papers above we find many specific information such as; purpose of the event, date, time, place. We also find other more specific information in some poster like; date of registration, requirements, retribution, related address for more information. This specific information will be very useful for the reader to join the event or to give detail information to other persons. The More specific the advertisement papers the better. From many advertisement papers there, the most interesting one is the poster about food festival. This poster is the biggest than the others. This poster provides clear and simple information that easy to remember. This poster is well-designed; it is eye catching and makes the reader curious to see more closely. And the most important point that a like from this poster is because this poster contains persuasive word that makes the reader interested.

Khulafaur Rosidin 11322008 Luthfi Arisyi

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