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Home Screen

This HOME SCREEN is the central place to access: 1) product specications commonly known as the Product Specication Guide (PSG), and 2) technical system and product information on our vast array of electrical distribution and control products and services commonly known as the Consulting Application Guide (CAG). Extensive numerical and alphabetical indexes have been created and crosslinked to the pages for fast access. One way to enter either of these resources is to click on the appropriate page below. On the CD, the Product Specication Guide (PSG) and Consulting Application Guide (CAG) have additional navigation aids beyond Acrobats navigation buttons, in the form of blue and green colored boxes on the guide pages to allow for quick navigation between information resources. For example, a user can review specications in .pdf and MS Word formats. Also, some abbreviations may be used, e.g., TOC means Table of Contents. The MS Word les also exist on the CD and the entire specication folder may be copied, saved and renamed for editing future project specications. If you are in the CAG and want to review a specic product specication, simply go to the beginning page of that CAG section and click on the desired CSI specication number at the bottom of the page. In addition, the HOME SCREEN page links to Time/Current Curves, our Web Site, and a Help screen which explains Adobe Acrobat navigation features and other word processing items of interest to the CD users. See the black vertical interactive sidebar with radio buttons at the right for the links.

Links to Tab 1 of the Consulting Application Guide

Home System Design Time/ Current Curves Download to Hard Drive Web Site

Product Specication Guide (PSG)

Consulting Application Guide (CAG)


Alphabetical Index
1995 CSI Format Index
2004 CSI Format Index

Alphabetical Index


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