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Brave african huntress Walkthrough by Alex Dijkstra for the c64.

GET MEDICINE, S, GET FRUITS, EAT FRUITS (+5% energy), E, GO HOUSE, GET ARROW, GE T AXE, OUT, GET LAMP, NE, EXAM BEEHIVE, GET HONEYCOMB, SW, S, CUT STUMP (with ax e), DROP AXE, GET TINDER, N, E, S, DROP ARROW, DROP HONEYCOMB, GET FLINT, S, W, GET PIECE, D, LIGHT TINDER (with flint and piece of metal), LIGHT BUSH (with tin der), LIGHT LAMP (with tinder), DROP PIECE, W, GET BAG, WEAR BAG (you can carry more), GET SPECTACLES, WEAR SPECTACLES, EXAM MEDICINE (with the spectacles you c an read the magic writing on the medicine), SMEAR MEDICINE(10%), DROP SPECTACLES , E, U, E, N, GET ARROW, GET HONEYCOMB, S, S, GIVE HONEY TO BEAR (20%), E, NE, F ILL BOTLLE (with water from well), SW, E, E, E, S (the adora monster follows you ), S, S (the adora monster falls from the plank and drowns), N, GET CUDGEL, N, N , CLIMB TREE (without the medicine a snake would kill you here), GET BOW, D, S, S, S, W, W, S, S, EXAM GUARD, GIVE BOTTLE TO GUARD (30%), S, E, N, GET HANDKERCH IEF, S, W, S, EXAM SERVANT, GIVE HANDKERCHIEF TO SERVANT (40%), E, GET STICKS, G ET MATCHES, W, DROP STICKS, LIGHT STICKS (with matches), KILL BIRD WITH ARROW (n eed bow) (50%), DROP BOW, N, W, W, GET KEY, E, N, EXAM BED, GET KEY, S, E, S, U, UNLOCK DOOR (with golden key), OPEN DOOR, E, GET COIN, W, W, UNLOCK DOOR (with iron key), OPEN DOOR, N, (lamp extinguishes), W, S, SE, E, E, EXAM BEGGAR, GIVE COIN TO BEGGAR (tells you to fire oil at monsters), E, EXAM GATEKEEPER, KILL GAT EKEEPER WITH CUDGEL (60%), E, NE, W, NW, E, E, KILL MONSTER WITH CUDGEL (now the nasty monster will be dead when you meet him inside the town). W, W, SE, SE, W, S, S, SW (meet ugly monster. If you don't encounter him in the jungle he won't be at the gate to put you in jail), E, SE, W, S, S, SW, S, CLIMB TREE, KILL MONS TER WITH CUDGEL (70%),CUT HEAD, GET HEAD, N, E, N, NW, NW, E, E (you're taken pr isoner and lose all your inventory), W, W, GET WINE, DRINK WINE (80%) (they thro w you out of prison because they think you're dead), N, CLIMB WINDOW, W, U, GET CUDGEL, GET HEAD, GET MATCHES, D, E, E, S, LIGHT OIL (with matches)(90%), N, N, E, PUT HEAD INTO CAULDRON (the meat dissolves leaving only the skull with shinin g eyes), GET SKULL, W, S, E, S, UNLOCK DOOR, OPEN DOOR, S, W, W, W, S, E, E, SW , D, WEAR SKULL (you can see in the dark), W, KILL BOA WITH CUDGEL (99%), SE, E, N, N (100%). You can see many people. The monster jungle is free for all now. Congratulations ! Your quest is finished.

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