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Name: Date: TOEFLListening and Speaking Introduction and Preparation Macroskill Listening Review of Problems *Problems: Purpose Detail

il Inference Pragmatics Main Idea Organization Details Technique Yes-No Connections *Problems: Experiences Preferences Reports Examples Problems Summaries Strategies -Get Organized -Preview -Use Visuals -Read Screen Text -Understand campus context -concentrate Applying Academic Skills -Taking Notes -Paraphrasing -Summarizing -Synthesizing


-Anticipate the 1st question -Support your answers -Understand the task -Pronounce to communicate -Sound confident -Read 135 words per minute -Adapt notes -Pace yourself -Prepare key phrases -Use verbal pauses -Correct yourself -Speak to the criteria for the evaluation -Stay positive

-Taking Notes -Paraphrasing -Summarizing -Synthesizing

Nicola Carozza--TOEFL

Name: Date: Listening Review of Problem Purpose Detail Inference Pragmatics Main Idea Organization Details Technique Yes-No Connections Speaking Nicola Carozza--TOEFL Explanation/Example

Name: Date: Review of Problem Experiences Preferences Reports Examples Problems Summaries Explanation/Example

Nicola Carozza--TOEFL

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