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From Subnetting to VLSM

Classful vs. Classless Routing VLSM Explained Why VLSM Suggestions for Teaching VLSM

Virginia Phillips, CCNA, CCAI
Instructor CCNP classes, Youngstown State University

Edmund Ickert, CCNA, CCAI

Instructor CCNA classes, Youngstown State University, completed all CCNP courses

Sandeep Kolwalkar, CCNA

Graduate Student, taking CCNP classes, Youngstown State University

Classful vs Classless Routing

Classful routing assigns address space based on the value in the first octet of the 32-bit IP address
RFC Number 791 (760) Class based on value in first octet value Receiving router ands subnet mask to determine subnet
Class A Class B Class C 0-126 128-191 192-223

Classless routing ignores classes and uses a CIDR value (number of 1s in network mask) to identify the network
CIDR transmitted as part of IP address RFC 1517-1520 Network portion not restricted to entire octet

Classless Routing
Address Space Issues

Class A and Class B = 75% address space

< 17000 organizations can be assigned address

Class C = 12.5% available address space

Each network limited to 254 maximum hosts Potential routing problems
Too many network addresses in routing table Extra work for CPU; more memory required

Private Addressing
RFC 1918

Class A to

Class B to

Class C to
Used to extend life of IPv4 addressing Note: Do not mix private and public IP address in same network it will create discontiguous subnets which causes problems

Classless Routing
Another method used to extend the life of IPv4 Temporary solution to deal with lack of network numbers Uses bit mask (NOT 1st octet value) to determine network portion of address Uses CIDR to summarize routing information; CIDR transmitted with IP address Enables the use of supernets and/or route aggregation and summarization
Smaller routing tables Reduced router memory requirements Reduced number of CPU cycles for routing processes

Routing Protocols
Classful cant send subnet information in updates
RipV1, IGRP, EGP, BGP3 also cant support discontiguous subnets

Sends CIDR in updates sent via multicasting Can authenticate
RipV2 (RFC 1058), EIGRP, OSPF, IS-IS, BGP4
RIPV2 and EIGRP automatically summarize at classful boundary unless you configure differently RouterA (config-router) no auto-summary

Variable Length Subnet Masking

Subnets a subnet

Can support multiple contiguous routes

Can use more than one subnet mask for address space allocated to a firm Makes more efficient use of available address space
Creates two-host subnets for serial links

Why Not IPv6?

128-bit address space

Slow to arrive

IPv4 revitalized with new features

VLSM, NAT/PAT, IP unnumbered, private addresses

Not supported by legacy systems

Requires new software (and hardware) Requires retraining

Zero Subnet (Ones too?)

Zero subnet
IOS 12.X and higher supports by default Configure pre-12.x IOS routers
RouterA(config) IP subnet-zero

DO Use it to increase address space available

Ones subnet
Defined in RFC 1878 Can use it; however can cause problems Avoid using unless you absolutely need it

Route Aggregation Example 1

Assume you are using three Class B private addresses 10101100.000100 00.0.0 10101100.000100 01.0.0 10101100.000100 10.0.0

Common bits are 10111000.0001

8 bits in first octet + 6 bits in second octet = 14 CIDR is 14

Insulates upstream routers from route flapping problems (serial link problem)

Route Aggregation Example 2

Assume you are using three Class A private addresses 00001010.000101 00.0.0 00001010.000101 01.0.0 00001010.000101 10.0.0

Common bits are 00001010.000101

8 bits in first octet + 6 bits in second octet = 14 CIDR is 14

Supernet Example 1
Company assigned 4 contiguous Class C networks 11001000.00001010.00001010.0 11001000.00001010.00001011.0 11001000.00001010.00001100.0 11001000.00001010.00001101.0

Summarize on common bits = 21

Appears in routing table as

Supernet Example 2
Company assigned 4 contiguous Class C networks 11001000.00001010.11001001.0 11001000.00001010.11001010.0 11001000.00001010.11001011.0 11001000.00001010.11001100.0

Summarize on common bits = 21

Appears in routing table as

Network Subnet Example is assigned IP address
130 subnets needed Requires use of third octet for subnet values
1,2,3,4, ., 254

Each subnet can support 254 hosts Each serial connection will use a subnet and waste 252 address spaces

Network Subnet Example

Assigned IP address is
Scenario - 130 subnets needed and 20 serial connections used now Requires use of third octet for subnets to, subnet mask or CIDR 24 Each subnet can support 254 hosts To use an entire subnet for a serial connection would waste 252 address spaces and we have 20 now SO..

Network Subnet Example

Subnet the Subnet

Use subnets to for needed subnets with a CIDR of 24 Subnet subnet using CIDR 30 ..

Network 2 Subnet Example

A Network address of is assigned
Subnet with a CIDR of 26, (62 hosts)

Subnet subnet 128 with a CIDR of 28,, (14 hosts)

Subnet subnet with a CIDR of 30,, (2 hosts)

Can summarize (aggregate) on

Using VLSM
Variable Length Subnet Masking allows division of address space based on the size of networks
Start with network requiring the most addresses Create a subnet mask (use CIDR Classless InterDomain Routing number) Subnet the subnet as needed to provide address space required for other subnets
Be logical start at beginning or end or address space Addresses must be contiguous to enable route summarization

Teaching Tips 1
Make certain students understand subnetting
Provide students with a mix of subnetting problems using Class A, B, and C addresses and different numbers of bits borrowed to ensure they do understand

Show relationship of CIDR number of subnet mask

Teaching Tips 2
Explain reasons for using VLSM

Explain route aggregation (summarization)

Explain supernetting Show how to summarize using common bits Show how to supernet using common bits

Teaching Tips 3
Show a simple VLSM example using the third octet
First subnet for 255 subnets with 254 hosts; CIDR = 24 Then subnet one of the subnets for subnets with CIDR of 28
Subnet 200.16, 200.32, 200.48, etc.

Then subnet one of the subnets for subnets to use for serial lines and a CIDR of 30
Subnet 201.4, 201.8, 201.12, 201.16, etc.

Teaching Tips 4
Show a second example using the fourth octet
Subnet for 8 subnets with a CIDR of 27
Subnets 0, 32, 64, 96, 128, 160, 192, 224

Subnet subnet 96, 128, and 160 with a CIDR of 28

Subnets 96, 112, 128, 144, 160, 176

Subnet subnets 192 and 224 with a CIDR of 30

Subnets 192, 196, 200, 204, 208, 212, 216, 220, 224, 228, 232, 236, 240, 244, 248, 252

Teaching Tips 5
Show examples of divided address spaces
Do not use slides use hard copy and give students a copy

Give several problems moving from a very simple problem to a very complex problem
Provide answers for each problem for students to check as problem is completed

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