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Petite pink or dwarf oleander also known as a Nerium oleander is an evergreen shrub with a compact, rounded shape and

pink blooms that embellish the shrub from spring until late autumn. This shrub is fast growing and reaches a height and width of about six feet. It is a low maintenance plant that thrives in the sun and dry weather. The plant is not very tolerant of cold weather and although it could survive temperatures between 15 and 20 degrees Fahrenheit, the shrub may incur damage to its leaves and should be kept at a warm temperature. Although it is known to be drought resistant, it is advised that oleander be planted in well-draining soil and is watered regularly for the first few seasons after it is planted. While the plant is still young it is beneficial for it to be fertilized before the next spring season begins, using fertilizer formulated for roses or fruit trees. After the first few seasons, the plant will no longer require regular watering because of its resistance to drought, and fertilization will not be required as often. The plants should not be watered in the winter time. Regular pruning and trimming in the spring and summer seasons is required for both the blooms and shrub leaves to maintain desired size and encourage more blooms. Pink oleander should be handled with caution as both the seed and plant are known to be poisonous.

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