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ecause she had experience with a different

network-marketing business, Ann Diller of
Verona, Wisconsin, was not eager to jump
into Arbonne. A little research and results, plus the
need to make more income, made up her mind.
While my friends and family would have voted me most unlikely to have
an Arbonne business, I am so thankful I took the leap! When I was intro-
duced to Arbonne, I didnt wear makeup or even wash my face! Plus, I
already had a successful direct sales business and things seemed ne.
I was already familiar with network marketing. I had started my own
home-based business as a hobby, to get my products at a discount. I
discovered that time leveraging is an amazing thing and network market-
ing is a brilliant business model. I reached a leadership level that allowed
me the exibility to stay home with my children, and that worked for a
while. However, I seemed stuck, never reaching the level of success I
desired, even with consistent effort.
I reluctantly hosted a Presentation for my friend, EAM Carrie Shipshock.
What I learned about the Arbonne products impressed me; what I
learned about the opportunity intrigued me. My initial reaction was
that it seemed too good to be true. I felt I had been there, done that. I
Ann Diller
Arbonne Independent Consultant, Executive Regional Vice President
Megan, Natalie and Erin growing up with the gift of their moms time, thanks to Arbonne!
Ann celebrating joy with the best people in her life, her daughters, Megan, Erin and Natalie.
certainly wasnt experiencing the results in my other network-marketing
business that I heard Arbonne could deliver. After attending an Arbonne
Opportunity Presentation with ERVP Beth Malcook and doing research
on the company and compensation plan, I could see what a smart deci-
sion an Arbonne business was.
I discovered that time leveraging is an
amazing thing and network marketing is a
brilliant business model.

After having my third child, I needed to contribute more income to the

family. My options were to increase income with my current business,
nd a job, or start an Arbonne business. I knew without a doubt that the
Arbonne plan was the smartest, most achievable and generous plan I
had seen. It had a huge market potential for pure, safe and benecial
products. I took the leap with a lot of faith.
In my rst few months, I shared the opportunity with everyone and began
to build my team. I logged many ight hours doing Group Presentations
at least two or three times a week. I did this with my three children at
home, doing part-time in-home daycare while my husband traveled for
work. Was it always easy? No. Was it worth it? Yes!
I knew I wanted something different and that I could do something about
it. I want a life for my family where we can make our decisions based
on our values and beliefs, not our bank account. With Arbonne, I am in
control of our future. The best part is that along the way, I get to help
others. It has been so rewarding working with some of my best friends
and building new relationships. This business is about teamwork, and
we are all on the same team with Arbonne.
I couldnt do this business alone. Thank you to my husband for supporting
my decision to take the leap and for dealing with our crazy schedules. You
are a big part of my success. Thank you to my mom and dad for your con-
stant support. Life is a journey and without you, I wouldnt be the woman
I am today. Thanks also to my sister, grandma, aunts and other friends
and family members who helped with childcare. You are all appreciated!
To my girls, Megan, Natalie and Erin: Thank you for being patient while
Mom works. You have been able to have personal time with your dad,
which is priceless. I want you to know that you can do whatever you wish
in your future and reach all your goals!
Thank you to my sponsor, EAM Carrie Shipshock, for being gently per-
sistent and not taking my initial nos to heart. You have changed my
familys life, and I am so appreciative!
I would not have seen the big picture without the incredible leadership of
our SuccessLine. ERVP Beth Malcook, thank you for the vision goggles
and for not sugar coating what it takes to get to the top. Your support
and belief means the world to me. A special thank you to ENVPs Tiffany
Bufton, Linda Parker and Cecilia Stoll for leading the way, sharing and
training your entire team.
To EAM Susan Kitts and AM Wendy Cupp: You are next in line for your
Mercedes-Benz! I know with your incredible positive attitudes, you will
achieve what you are looking for. Keep on doing what youre doing.
To the DMs in our Region: You are all growing amazing businesses and
have such opportunity in front of you. Continue being consistent, setting
your goals and sharing the Arbonne products and opportunity. You can
achieve whatever you set your minds to.
To our Preferred Clients: Thank you for your support in hosting Group
Presentations and using the awesome products. You are key to the growth
of our businesses, and you are appreciated!
Top to Bottom
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Veca. A||. \VP Be|| |a|:cc|. ERVP we|d] Cupp. RVP Re|e Hu|c| a|d ERVP Sua| ||||.
The Arbonne Independent Consultant featured in this EOA has achieved the rank of Regional Vice
President. The average number of active Arbonne Independent Consultants who achieved this rank and
a.e(ace :crpe|a||c| | de:(|oed |u(||e( || ||e ||depe|de|| Cc|u||a|| Ccrpe|a||c| Surra(] ||CCS
a.a||ao|e a| a(oc||e.:cr > T|e Ccrpa|] > Cc(pc(a|e |||c(ra||c| > 2011 ||depe|de|| Cc|u||a||
Ccrpe|a||c| Surra(].
The testimonial in this EOA is for illustrative purposes only and does not represent income projections. The
results discussed in this EOA by the featured Arbonne Independent Consultant are not typical and should
not be relied upon by prospective or current Arbonne Independent Consultants as an indication of what
they should expect to earn. Actual results for each Arbonne Independent Consultant will vary depending
upon individual effort, time, skills and resources. Arbonne makes no guarantees regarding income.
Have a no-matter-what attitude,
and dont let anything stand in
the way of your goals.

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