The Antiphons of The Oktoechos

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American Musicological Society

The Antiphons of the Oktoechos

Author(s): Oliver Strunk
Source: Journal of the American Musicological Society, Vol. 13, No. 1/3, A Musicological
Offering to Otto Kinkeldey upon the Occasion of His 80th Anniversary (1960), pp. 50-67
Published by: University of California Press on behalf of the American Musicological Society
Stable URL:
Accessed: 09/01/2009 07:47

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The Antiphonsof the Oktoechos

IN THE RITE, at the Sun-

BYZANTINE would place their compositionsome-
day morning office, immediately where between the years 794, or
following the recitationof the Psalter shortly thereafter,and 797.
and just before the prokeimenonand In Byzantine liturgical usage, the
morning Gospel, the two choirs al- word "antiphon"means a selection
ternatein singing the Anabathmoiof from the Psalter,followed by a dox-
the mode, a set of three to four little ology. Such a selection may consist
antiphons on the Gradual Psalms of several psalms, not necessarily
(at d)8al Tiv avapaOetiv).1In all, consecutive, it may consist of one
there are eight such sets-one in each psalm only, it may even consist of
of the eight modes, one for each of single verses. The presence of a re-
the eight Sundays of the modal cy- frain is not essential,but when we
cle. Some sources, among them the find one it will be called it6pApXla,
Vienna MS publishedin facsimileby v
(p vtoviO, taxol, o r TQoXCdtov-
the editorsof the Monummenta musicae the name "antiphon"is never given
byzantinae,name as the composerof to the refrain itself, as it is in the
these pieces St. John of Damascus. West.4 At first glance, Theodore's
Other sources prefer Theodore antiphonsappearto constitutean ex-
Studites,2and their testimonyis con- ception to this generalrule. In most
firmed by Nicephorus Callistus,the later manuscriptsand in all printed
mid-14th-centuryauthor of a com- editions, each antiphon of the Ana-
mentary on the Anabathmoi, who bathmoi consists of three troparia,
records the traditionthat Theodore and of three tropariaonly-no verses
wrote the antiphonsin Thessalonica from the Psalter are indicated. But
at the time of his first exile.3 This
6Q0o86oouULtvoyQa4Cia (Athens, 1949), pp.
1 Earlier studies of the music of the Ana- te', ITl'.
bathmoi include H. J. W. Tillyard's "The 4 In the Greek translation of the Dialogues
Antiphons of the Byzantine Octoechus," An- of Gregory the Great, usually attributed to
nual of the British School at Athens XXXVI Zacharias of Calabria, Pope from 741 to 752,
(I935/36), pp. 132-I41, and P. Lorenzo Tar- there is a passage that throws a revealing
do's "L'ottoecho nei manoscritti melurgici," light on this difference between the Eastern
Bollettino della Badia greca di Grottaferrata and Western meanings of the word "anti-
I-II (I947-I948), especially I, pp. 34 and I33. phon." Chapter 35 of Book 4 tells the story of
A complete transcription is published in Till- a monk of Spoleto who foretold the day and
yard's Hymns of the Octoechus, Part I hour of his own death. When the time came,
(Copenhagen, I940), pp. I45-I83. he received Holy Communion, and calling the
2 The earliest source in which I have seen brothers to him, asked them to join him in
the attribution to Theodore is Sinai 778, an song. And he himself intoned the antiphon
eleventh-century text of the Parakletike. It is for them, saying: Aperite mihi portas justi-
also found in these later MSS with musical tiae (Ps. II7. i9). Gregory's own word-
notation: Athos, Koutloumousi 403 and 411; ing is: Quibus tamen antiphonam ipse per
Athos, Lavra A.30; Jerusalem, Greek Patriar- semetipsum imposuit. But Zacharias trans-
chate, Holy Sepulchure 533; Milan, Ambrosi- lates Oltg dvTLpOvxv TO QoxtaQOov aI&Tg o
ana A. 139 sup. (gr. 44); Sinai 12I6 and jteQL iavuov bif3ake.-"Answering them
I471. antiphonally, he himself intoned the troparion."
3 P. N. Trempelas, 'ExOoyh ir-Lvtixfi (Patrologia latina LXXVII, 375-378).

on turningto earliersourcesone will Disturbingthe tidy balanceof this
find that the generalrule applies. arrangement, the Plagios tetartos
The written tradition for the goes on to add a fourth and final
verses of the Anabathmoigoes back antiphon,with versesfrom Psalm132.
to our oldest copies of the music of Only too obviously, this lies outside
the Oktoechos-Lavra r.67 (late the main series,and if the Grottafer-
tenth century) and Vatopedi 1488 ratacopy did not tell us that the piece
(about 1050), two Athos manu- had a special function, we might
scripts using the notation of the easily infer it. The rubricin E.a.xi is
Chartresfragment.5It may be fol- 'AvtKpcovoviVaIE6Osvov etg pLvtPTV
lowed in the Coislincopies of the late dylov-"An antiphon sung at the
11th and early 12th centuries, of commemorationof Saints."8Thus,
which the GrottaferrataMS E.a.xi while the first twenty-four antiphons
(dated "1113")is an outstandingex- are for ordinaryuse, the twenty-fifth
ample.6From these sourceswe learn and last was at one time reservedfor
that in former times each antiphon feasts of a particularclass.9
of the Anabathmoi possessed four How the verses were to be per-
verses-two for the first troparion formed and where they were to be
and two for the second. Following fitted in, our sources do not tell us.
an orderly and symmetrical plan, No verse has musical notation, and
the antiphons of the authentic one cannotbe quite surewhether the
modes draw their verses from the single troparion is to precede its
first twelve GradualPsalms;those of verses or to follow them, for the
the plagal modes begin again from physical arrangementof the single
Psalm119,using the samepsalmsand antiphon varies from one copy to
in principle the same verses as their another.But it is easy to show that
authentic parallels.7 The whole the verseswere intendedto be sung,
scheme works out as follows: andour best andearliestsourcesagree
Protos and Plagios protos Psalms 119, 120, 121
Deuteros and Plagios deuteros Psalms 122, 123, 124
Tritos and "Low mode" Psalms 125, 126, 127
Tetartos and Plagios tetartos Psalms 128, 129, 130
5 For an account of these MSS, with several in entering each pair of verses after
facsimiles, see my "Notation of the Chartres the troparionto which it belongsand
Fragment," Annales musicologiques III (1955),
PP. 7-37. in indicatingthe position of the dox-
6 For a facsimile, see P. Lorenzo Tardo,
L'antica melurgia bizantina (Grottaferrata, ology by a conventional direction,
1938), pl. xvii. I have also consulted two placed after the final troparion of
other Coislin sources-Sinai 1214 and I241. each antiphon.The whole construc-
7 Even in r.67, our earliest source and the
only one to contain its full complement of
tion has a close parallelin the proper
verses, there are several cases of disagreement antiphons that displace the regular
between the verses of corresponding authentic
and plagal antiphons, and as one turns to later s In a shortened form, the rubric of the
and later MSS, the disagreements become more Grottaferrata MS is found again in Sinai
numerous and one begins to contend also with 1231.
omissions and ambiguities. Thus, in Vienna 9 Psalm 132 has in the East a special as-
Theol. gr. I8I, which is dated "I223," each sociation with certain feasts of brother or
antiphon has one verse only, and one of these companion martyrs-Sergius and Bacchus,
verses is drawn inappropriately from Psalm 6 Marcianus and Martyrius, Cosmas and Da-
(or 37). The inescapable conclusion is that by mian, Cyrus and John. For all four of these
the time our first MSS with musical notation feasts it supplies the Alleluia verses, and it is
were written, the verses of the troparia were also quoted or paraphrased in two of the four
already beginning to pass out of use. offices.

psalmody of the morning office on the last three or four words of the
Good Friday. In former times, these odd-numbered verses which follow
antiphons also arranged their verses them, and since the verses of the cor-
in pairs, one pair for each troparion, responding authentic and plagal anti-
and each troparion was sung twice, phons agree, the quotations with
once before the first of its paired which they begin will agree also.
verses, once before the second. We The third troparion begins invariably
may safely conclude that the troparia with the phrase 'Ayq IHIveiFa-t,
of the Anabathmoi were also repeated quoted from the end of the half-
in this manner. verse of the doxology which follows
Unlike the Latin trope, the Byzan- it, and to keep to this plan Theodore
tine troparion seldom has any bear- has had to contrive twenty-five dif-
ing on the sense of the official text ferent tributes to the Trinity, all be-
with which it is coupled.10 The tro- ginning with the same two words. A
paria are thus more or less inter- translation will give an idea of the
changeable, and the particular con- extent to which these troparia are
text in which a given troparion is dependent upon their verses and will
sung can easily vary from one locality at the same time serve to clarify the
to another. To this general rule, the over-all design of the single antiphon.
troparia of the Anabathmoi consti- I use for this purpose the final anti-
tute a notable and striking exception, phons of the Protos and its plagal
for each troparion is a close para- parallel, with verses from Psalm
phrase of the first of its two verses 121.11

When they said unto me, let us walk When they said unto me, let us draw nigh
into the courts of the Lord, my spirit unto the courts of the Lord, filled with
was glad and my heart rejoiced. many joys, I sent up prayers.
1. I was glad when they said unto me.
When they said unto me, let us walk, When they said unto me, let us draw nigh,
&c. &c.

2. Our feet shall stand within thy gates, O Jerusalem.

Upon the house of David there is a Upon the house of David fearful things are
mighty fear, for when the thrones have brought to pass, for there is a fire con-
been set, all the tribes and tongues of the suming every evil purpose.
earth shall be judged.
3. For there are set thrones of judgment, the thrones upon the house of David.
Upon the house of David there is a Upon the house of David fearful things
mighty fear, &c. to
brought pass. &c.

and is introduced by a literal quota- Whether they displaced some

tion from it. The first two troparia older feature of the morning office
of each antiphon begin by quoting or whether they were arbitrarily
10 Cf. John of Damascus, De hymno Tris-
agio epistola (Patrologia graeca, XCV, 36): TVzXv m o6fiS, O0V o JoXxL
"When we recite a text-from a psalm, per- TQOJtAQLovfi Rek(0o6&1a, It'TfiTS TOV QTITOU
haps, or a canticle-we often add to it a caovoLas EXO6Evov.
troparion or refrain having no bearing on its 11I have completed the second verse, for
meaning."-O?v Qxyov UeyovTeg, paxk!oi which my sources give only the first half.
4. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
To the Holy Ghost one should offer To the Holy Ghost, as also to the Father
honor, worship, glory, and power, as is and to the Son, belongs the life-ruling
due to the Father and to the Son, for the virtue which animates every being.
Trinity is one in nature, but not in
Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost.
To the Holy Ghost one should offer To the Holy Ghost, as also to the Father
honor, &c. and to the Son, &c.
Both now and ever, world without end. Amen.

added to the existing order, Theo- prehensive and systematic way are
dore'santiphonsmust haveimpressed the early copies of the anthology
his contemporariesby their novelty. compiledtowardsthe end of the 13th
As liturgicalinnovations,they agree century, or at the beginning of the
well with what we know of Theo- 14th, by Joannes Koukouzeles, a
dore as a reformer of monastic rule monk of the Lavra.Often referredto,
and as an editor of the office books somewhat loosely, as WaXTLlxI,
who also added to them. His anti- IIajablxrl, or Movolx6v,the compi-
phons have no exact parallelsamong lation had at first the specific title
the other antiphonsof the Byzantine 'AxoXovOtaL-"Orders of Service."If
rite. Their troparia approach the one thought only of its provisionsfor
Western trope more closely than the office, one might describe this
those of any other class. And they volume as a musical counterpartof
have still another claim on our at- the Horologion. But it providesalso
tention which transcends any of for the three Liturgies and contains
these-they enable us to trace back much of the music required for
to the beginningsof the written tra-their celebration-melodies for the
dition, and beyond, the underlying Trisagion,the CherubicHymns, and
conventions of Byzantine psalmody, the various parts of the Proper of
with many of its specific formulas. the Mass.In its day, this useful little
Herein lies their special importance.
book must have been in the handsof
In themselves,they can tell us very every psaltist, for an extraordinary
little. But they can be made to tellnumberof copies hasbeen preserved.
us a great deal when we combine For the 14th century alone I can
them with later documents. If we name eight. Two of these are pre-
now work backwards from these, cisely datedby their colophons-MS
we shall end by placing the melodies2458 of the National Library of
of the Sticherarionand Hirmologion Athens ("1336") and Lavra I. 178
in their original and proper setting.("1377"). The others are approxi-
What is more,we shallhavestrength- mately dated by their acclamations
ened the foundationupon which the of the ruling Emperor or Empress-
comparative study of Eastern and regent and of the variousco-emper-
Western chant must ultimately rest. ors and their wives-they fall be-
* * *
tween the year 1341,when Anne of
Savoy began her regency, and the
The first manuscriptsto treat the death of AndronicusIV, which oc-
Byzantine psalm-tones in a com- curred in 1385.Three of them were

written during the lifetime of Anne, relatively recent date, although one
who died in 1360or thereabouts,the can recognize a gradual change in
three others after her death. make-up and style which leads in
1341 to ca. 1360 Ca. 1360 to 1385
AmbrosianaL. 36 sup. (gr. 476) AmbrosianaQ. 11 sup. (gr. 665)
Lavra I. 185 Vatopedi 1495
Athens 2622 Koutoumousi 457

In turning out new copies of this the end to the development of the
book, each scribefelt free to add and more or less new type represented
to discard,for that part of the con- by Fleischer's"CodexChrysander,"12
tents which consisted of original one can also recognize an ultra-con-
work was always in need of being servativeresistanceto change of any
brought up to date. But he left the kind. Those things which Koukou-
underlying plan as he found it, and zeles took over from older sources
in so far as changes in the conduct or from oral traditiontend to retain
Ex. 1
Dteros A

ft tn L
rur i t Q-
Triros ,
" J
7-r i ?. p 3
Tetartos =- I
A , . A. A
IT-0 I n_ A_X

Plagios pro}os i I

p _J J Q sJ> 6 PJ> j
Plagios du+eros

"Lowmodel I

Plagios earlos

S; PoS.; Sd J 21 c'.e~~~~~~~~~
'v A o 1bz- ntL K@L nii- <?jS; CA-yi- f frvvi- /ao- t1.

of the services themselves did not the form he gave them, and in this
dictate the outright suppressionof sense one may say that his "Orders
this or that item, he reproducedthe 12 After Fleischer's
death, the "Codex Chry-
traditionalpart of the contentswith- sander" was acquired by the Prussian State
out altering it in any essential way. Library, where it received the signature Mus.
MS. 40614. Since the second World War it
Thus, on proceeding from the ear- has been housed in the UniversityLibraryat
liest copies to related manuscripts of Tiibingen.
of Service"led a long and useful life. Koukouzeles takes up their several
All things considered, it is astonish- uses one by one. First he adapts them
ing how little attention has been paid to verses from Psalm 50 (the Pente-
to them. Among Western scholars, kostarion), then he adapts them to
only Gerbert seems to have recog- verses from Psalms 148 to 150 (the
nized their importance.13 AIvoLor Lauds), finally he sums them
For the fixed and variable psalms up in the form of eight doxologies,
of the office, as found in the Horolo- one for each of the eight modes. I
gion and the liturgical Psalter, Kou- transcribe these from Lavra I. 185,
kouzeles makes a variety of provi- which was copied, as we know, in
sions in a variety of styles. The whole the 1340's or 1350's. (See Ex. 1.)
deserves a systematic study; here I In the normal Sunday order, the
can deal only with a part-the simple doxology of the Lauds is followed
Ex. 2
Psalm9 A+hens2458
A L L L m L NO 1 a

'E- to- eo-Xo - d'-o-

S a
, , ,
, ,

a' dot Ku-ugt-

.N!1. o-An
Kft-li-a t ov*

St-- -o- TOIV- Ta eau - c-P i- a uUU

yq pal

Canticleof Moses L.36 sup.

9 j
bPJ JJ b , b i. ' > b
"A-6o-pAEv DE
Ku-p(-~, p V&s-&-pccv ME-
"JA- R-u?1v
-cG Ku-S-, ? r.
Pv-,^oSt,a,; ,'v

K . - n -O
. <-- p- Tq ??- "- rv ?; e. -,a-oxv.

Second Canticleof the ThreeHolyChildren Ambrosiana L.36sup.

A L , , I__- ...-
I) D =J
YD& D - rI P _!I ,,

At- vouw
-v, v -Xo- IOc- piv, 1roff-Ku-VO.-v TOYKu- .-ov.

BeMtifudes Alhens 2458

A . 1% I I L

'- -
v . ' ar ."
=: I ?I' fi
&- v - o oLt rT -o;,
MM- Tz,vu-a -T'-
A > _.~
P G7
> .K
v ~l
K i K
L L .I
L =- I j
n n
Y42> 2 ;) >- e - ,- '- - -- A
%6-TrL u-T(V ?-I TL)V ] pa-fL-XECL-o TiV o0{- ga-v-v.

tones for the fixed psalms of the by one of the eleven Stichera Eothina,
morning office. In presenting these, and as though to remind the singer
13 De cantu et musica sacra, I, 587-588, of this, Koukouzeles adds to each of
pi. v. his doxologies a suitable opening

phrase from this cycle. In a similar preferredthe Koukouzelesversionto

way, he addsto the first verse of the these, it is because of its authority,
Pentekostarionopening phrasesfrom its completeness,and the ease with
the stichera which most frequently which the omissionsor mistakesof
follow it, and adapting each of his a given copy can be suppliedor cor-
eight simple tones to useful verses rected. It may be said at once, how-
from the psalms and canticles, he ever,thatKoukouzeleshasnot wholly
couples these with other opening succeededin resistingthe temptation
phrasesfrom the Sticherarionand to exaggerateand to embellish,and
irmologion, appropriate to the in one instancewe can actuallyelimi-
context. Thus it appears that the nate his embellishmentof a cadence
simple psalmody of the office has with the aid of his own model verses.
a twofold function: on the one hand
it serves for the recitation of the Ex. 3
Pentekostarionand the Lauds,on the
other, for the verses of the stichera
and the canons. To illustrate the 'A- ry- 1TXyv-o,-- I
I6~-E .
psalmody of these troparia,I tran-
scribethe model versesof the Protos,
from the morningoffice, andto these t. .u-u--dL- &a dou.
I add the first verseof the Beatitudes,
from the officeof the Typical Psalms.
We shall see presently that these It was said of the Anabathmoithat
same tones served also for the verses they could be madeto tell us a great
of the Anabathmoi.(See Ex. 2.) deal if we combinedthem with later
Needless to say, the simple psalm- documents.Returningto them now,
tones of the office were not invented and looking at them in the light of
by Koukouzeles.They belong among what we have learned from Kou-
the things he took over from the ex- kouzeles, we can see that their con-
isting written or oral tradition, and structioninvolvessomethinghitherto
one can actuallyfind them in slightly unsuspected.We know alreadythat
earliersources, always in less detail, each troparionbegins with a literal
often in a less satisfactoryform. One quotationfrom a psalmor doxology.
such source is the SticherarionParis It now appearsthat these quotations
gr. 261 (dated "1289"), with dox- are treated psalmodically,that they
ologies and simpletones for the fixed take the form of psalmodiccadences,
psalms as a part of the Oktoechos; and that these cadences,like those of
another is the SticherarionGrotta- the simpletones for the fixed psalms,
ferrata E.a.ii, with verses and dox- are "syllabic"or "cursive"cadences
ologies for the tropariaof the Christ- which apply their four elements
mas and EpiphanyHours.14If I have mechanicallyto the last four syllables
of their text, taking no account of
14 The Grottaferrata MS may be dated
quite precisely, for-as P. Ignazio Pecora of
tonic accent. In principle the final
Grottaferrata has pointed out to me-the copy- elementcoincideswith the end of the
ist of E.a.ii and its companion volume E.a.v
is the same Symeon of Grottaferrata who quotation,and in the oldest sources,
copied and signed the MS Ashburnham 64 at as though to emphasizethis, the quo-
the Laurenziana in Florence in the year I289.
For transcriptions of four of its verses, see
my "Influsso del canto liturgico orientale su "Musicae sacrae disciplina" (Rome, i957), PP.
quello della chiesa occidentale," L'enciclica 343-348.
tation is usually set off from what It will be simplest to begin with
follows by a mark of punctuation the troparia of the Protos, even
(.), even when this runs counter to though two of these (Troparia 4
the grammaticalconstruction.Should and 5) do not conform to type-the
a quotationextendto more than four mode is otherwiseregularandthe ca-
syllables, as often happens, the ca- dence formula most frequentlyused
nce is preceded by a brief recita- is the one that Koukouzeles pre-
tion, and in rare instancesthis reci- scribes. Only Troparion 8 uses a
tation is itself introduced by a formula of its own. As a psalmodic
conventionalimtiumor inchoatio.An cadence I do not find it elsewhere,
incidental result of this psalmodic but it is formed in the usualway and
treatmentis that the tropariaof the its use in this context is readily un-
Anabathmoicannot readily be fitted derstood-Troparion 8 continues in
into any general scheme of melodic the highest register, closing on the
classification,for while they make upper finalis, and it was evidently
extensiveuse of familiaropeningpat- thought that it required a special
terns, these are associated,not with preparation.
Ex. 4

5 I,- a ou Xst- 9[.

the beginning of the quotation, but Like most of those to follow, the
with the beginning of the poetic foregoing exampleis based
upon the
paraphrasewhich follows. complete transcriptionsof the Ana-

bathmoi published by Professor Till- directly from the Chartres and Cois-
yard in the first volume of his Hymns lin sources.7
Ex. 5
Athens 974 (AfterTillyard) 181
I. A I A dim. I. A I_ 1%,

4 Ee h &- T91 rv ov. 5 c&-- t- ou) t-

GrotaferrataE.a. xi
A A vm-- ' A
,z. L
H n *g .Ph^ '3= tL U t A

4 E t.s TK '- Sv 6av. 5 AS-t- & .1-3

6ou .
. 67 . , -
LavrT /
? II dim. I
_ >

4 ElsT '6- CTv od@v. 5 Ae-- 4- dv0 X6L - 91.

of the Octoechus. These are trans- In cases like these, the original in-
criptions from 13th-century manu- tention must remain in doubt, and
scripts in the round notation,15whose just as it is a fair inference that signs
versions are related to those of the peculiar to the one early notation or
Chartres and Coislin manuscripts the other are of later origin than
very much as fully diastematic ver- those that are common property, so
sions of Latin melodies are related to it should follow also that the two
those written in campo aperto. But it early versions lie closer to the origi-
is not as though the Chartres and nal intention when they agree, fur-
Coislin notations were successive ther removed from it when they do
stages in a single straight-forward de- not.
velopment-on the contrary, they Among the troparia of the Protos
are two distinct and largely inde- we have just seen an illustration of
pendent notations which developed the way in which the opening pat-
concurrently from a common begin- tern at the beginning of the free para-
ning. The round notation derives phrase may determine the choice of
from the Coislin notation, not from psalmodic cadence. We shall find
the Chartres, and in much the same others among the troparia of the cor-
way the round versions derive from responding plagal mode, and in co-
the Coislin versions and agree with ordinating these I add in each case
the Chartres only when the Chartres the beginning of the appropriate
and Coislin agree with one another. paraphrase.'1 (See Ex. 6.)
To recognize this, one has only to The preparatory function of the
compare Tillyard's transcriptions of psalmodic cadence and its subordina-
the two atypical openings (Troparia tion to what follows could scarcely
4 and 5)16 with transcriptions made have been made more clear. In
15 Tillyard's primary sources are Athens
17 For the method of transcription, see the
974 and Vienna 181; he makes incidental use
of Vatopedi 1499 and Patmos 220. article cited in Note 5 above.
16 For Troparion 5 I have preferred the 18 For Troparion 4 I have preferred the
reading of Vienna 81 ; Tillyard follows simpler reading of Vienna 181, without the
Athens 974. kylisma; Tillyard follows Athens 974.
Ex. 6

9 'A -IL-
t lTvh6-- tLv Zi*-w-@ - Kn.

Troparia 1 to 8, only the final ele- dore devises a special cadence to meet
ment of the cadence has been modi- a special requirement.
fied in an essential way. Where the Even from these few examples it is
paraphrase begins from G (as in quite evident that in Byzantine music
Troparia 2 and 8), this final element the psalmodic cadence is subject to
is simply a D; where the paraphrase the same laws that govern the modal
descends to the low C after a begin- formula and its abbreviation in the
ning on D (as in Troparia 1, 3, 6, and modal signature. When a hirmos or
7), the final element becomes the sticheron of the Plagios protos begins
group D-E; where the paraphrase from the low C, as sometimes hap-
begins directly from the low C (as pens, the modal formula which in-
in Troparia 4 and 5), the final ele- troduces it regularly takes the special
ment modifies the group D-E by ending whose earlier and later forms
prolonging the D and accenting the are shown in the example below. As
E which follows. Finally, in Tro- in the cadences of Troparia 4 and 5,
parion 9, where the paraphrasebegins only the final element is modified,
in a manner characteristic of the au- and it is modified in the same way
thentic form of the mode,19 Theo- and for the same reasons. (See Ex. 7.)
19 It agrees with the beginning of the para- To turn now to the body of the
phrase in Troparion 2 of the Protos. cadence, as distinguished from its

Ex. 7

'A- -a-s* C'H oo-q>i- a - ois.

finalelement,there can be little doubt early and late, for certain tro-
that the form this usually takes in pariaof the F modes, authenticand
Tillyard'smanuscriptsis a later form plagal.21
Ex. 8

7 'E-&ovp Ku-9 - o -o-1O l- - s 0 KV.

that has gradually crowded out an Koukouzelesknows this form too,

earlier one. In this later form, the for he uses it in his version of Psalm
cadenceis in essentialagreementwith 102, the first of the so-called "Typi-
the one prescribedby Koukouzeles cal Psalms."My transcriptionfollows
for the Plagios protos, and if one Vatopedi 1495. (See Ex. 9.)
were to transpose it to the fifth As these last examplessuggest, the
above,it would agreewith his Tritos cadence formulasused in Byzantine
cadence, as shown in Example 3. psalmodyare associated,not so much
Vatopedi 1488 uses this form for 20 We have already encountered it in the
Troparion2, GrottaferrataE.a.xi for two atypical openings of the Protos (Ex. 4,
Troparion7. But the form preferred Troparia 4 and 5), where it was not co-
6rdinated with the quotations from the Psalter
by our three early sourcesis the one in the expected way.
seen in Tillyard's transcription of 21 Finally, it ought probably to have been
used, in both forms of the F mode, for Tro-
Troparion2, and in Lavrar.67, our parion 5. This is the plain implication of the
earliest source, it is the only form ad- Chartres and Coislin sources, and in the "Low
mitted.20One finds it used also, both mode," Vienna 181 actually has this reading.
* *, et 4- ni,. i $S s5
'": '::: .e ': ;r1
^> s?
r< \. . ? .?. . ..
,, Ia < J
i# *
b".n et^6r a
*r..wv.t +w :,*sr&
'i 4t 3 4 ? *V+*' V s . *

* r -,.
, ?,? g U>vv i

,S _j:;:',,??
* - .?
t h* ^ 0#*? ..-/.'
f rpr . # 'gc?^. n ?w t W;S;Tff ;^^^r?

I4&* *- Vt.'

I ~

" tS ies x

Plate i.
Lavra r. 67, Folio I14, recto & verso
The Antiphons of the Deuteros

5 'a
5 Jj4 - I

,-4 4
- 1 r1 o

'S4 Ifl

* 2
t 3\-
z s
0 *
3 B' 0
S S ?:
-! 0 Z 4
% .
40 ~ F? S $
l -
9 f tc
,I T O
.. Z
s(< r p 0 0
* c 0ON
2 o

0* cc 0
tr 2
L/ P 07 C
la . -.,

? ,


, ' 0?

- 6.
t P 0o,
4b 5^
14 '4
o O

o6 C-


4e r4
ti. %<J? sU


Ex. 9

..P,-P P P P p D" p p -P
Eu-XA-rT,^ YU-X'IAo; iTKb - -ov
I t T I- V

Mi. WSV-Tt * 1V-TrO eO0 TO w -vO-1Xm &*- t-OV aU-TOy.

with particular modes, as with par- the simplest and the most instructive.
ticular steps of the system. A given In coordinating its troparia, I omit
formula may be used in several those of Antiphon 4, which treats its
modes, and as one result of this, there quotations from the Psalter and the
is established a sort of intermodal re- Doxology in a special style suited to
lationship, usually at the third. We its special purpose. (See Ex. 10.)
shall meet with this same relationship Once again the cadence formula
again, and with an entirely new set most frequently used is in essential
of formulas, if we turn now from agreement with the one prescribed
the modes on D and F to those on by Koukouzeles. Once again the final
E and G. Among these remaining element of this cadence has some-
modes, the Plagios tetartos is at once times been accommodated to the
Ex. 10

opening pattern at the beginning of the final element becomes the group
the free paraphrase.Normally, this G-E-F. And as before, these spe-
final element is simply a G (as in cial forms of the psalmodiccadence
Troparia 5 to 8); where the para- correspond to special forms of the
phrase ascends by step after begin- modal intonation and modal signa-
ning from the low D (as in Troparia ture,regularlyassociatedin the Hirm-
1 to 3), the finalelementbecomesthe ologion and Sticherarionwith the
group G-a;22 where the paraphrase same opening patterns.23
Ex. 11
Iviron 470 412

Ex. 12

. t, ' wi
VT--,- w TS
rsi - oc.

leaps up a fourth after beginning Troparion9 appearsat first glance

from the low D (as in Troparion4), to constitutea specialcase.Abandon-
22 Troparion 3 offers a somewhat different
ing the cadenceused elsewhere,Till-
a new one,
solution, but it agrees with Troparia I and yard's manuscriptsadopt
2 in its insistence on a as preparation for D. 23 The intonations, signatures, and opening
Tillyard follows Athens 974; in Vienna x18 patterns of the Plagios tetartos are studied
the last two elements of the cadence agree more closely in my "Intonations and Signa-
with those of Troparion 9, as shown in the tures of the Byzantine Modes," Musical
example above. Quarterly, XXXI (1945), 339-355.
and in so doing they faithfully re- step, rather than to the mode, and-
produce the tradition of Grotta- as anticipated-one finds it again, and
ferrata E.a.xi and the other Coislin at the same level, in certain troparia
sources. But Vatopedi 1488 and Lavra of the Deuteros. Two of these tro-
r.67 make no change and give the paria reproduce it exactly; in a third
familiar cadence its normal ending. case our sources disagree, with the
The distinction may seem trivial, but Chartres MSS preferring the familiar
it is none the less worth making, for form, the round and Coislin MSS
it is only when the Chartres and an embellishment of it.24 (Ex. 13.)
Ex. 13

:; O - ' -
go v.
K ~'Ev

7 Ot rO6--
lrt-W- I-T - Kv - ?- OV.

Afhens 974(AfterTIllyard)
ri- >

S ToT & bo o - Wv ar- utv.

E.a.xi v
Grottaferrata t/

TdLc&- aoi- tfv c- T(6v.

Lsvra r. 67 - - / 5* V a

Tot o - Aou- lwV tv - Twv.

Ex. 14

4 EL -L1 -T Kb- t
?L- ?- v tv - pvW tc - - v.

6 'A-- (t - pa--i ,to-a-,_ _- a.

9 s A - l c- fVeif- Ua-T o-On- fi- tl.

, Plaqios deuferos > . . >_
> 2-
^~ , ~~~~ rTTj I> J J^g
I 'Ev Tq o{i- gx -v'. ?o0v &- Ic.\poi pay.

Coislin versions disagree that the Not less important for the troparia
descent of the round versions be- For this embellished cadence, see also

comes apparent. (See Ex. 12.) (in Tillyard's publication) the first troparion
of the final antiphon of the Plagios tetartos,
This cadence too belongs to the paraphrasing the first line of Psalm 132.

of the E modes is the peculiar ca- quently used, but he will discover
dence used to prepare an opening little outright irregularity, provided
pattern common to the authentic and only that he bears in mind that what
plagal varieties.25 (See Ex. 14.) appears to be irregular in a later
In an embellished form, this ca- source will often prove to be a mere
dence is also used by the round and distortion of something that in an
Coislin sources for Troparion 8 of earlier one is not irregular at all.
the Deuteros. In Vatopedi 1488 and Thus our two sets of documents
Lavra r.67 it is just the other way- confirm and complete each other
Troparion 8 has the simple cadence, most satisfactorily. The "Orders of
while the embellished form is re- Service" enable us to recognize in
served for Troparion 4. early copies of the Anabathmoi the
Ex. 15
_ ( --_ Jr - /, (Z

8 'Ev '- vo c- ma Tar-pas o- to- KH ?-K -w-,-av.

This cadence belongs undoubtedly oldest written record of Byzantine

to what was once called the Mesos psalmodic practice. In turn, Theo-
deuteros-a modal variety halfway dore's troparia enable us to recognize
between authentic and plagal and that the doxologies and model verses
combining characteristics of both.26 of Koukouzeles preserve the essen-
At this point I may safely leave tials of that practice more faithfully
the curious reader to pursue the in- than might have been expected. In a
vestigation for himself. He has al- few cases, the quotation with which
ready looked at more than half the Theodore begins a troparion is a
troparia-if he looks at the rest he complete quotation, not a partial
will discover a wealth of variety, one,27 and in these cases he has fixed
with many special cadences, infre- for us an entire psalm-tone, not sim-
25 For Troparion I of the Plagios deuteros ply a cadence. Combining these ex-
I have preferred the reading of Vienna 18 ; ceptional beginnings of Theodore's
Tillyard follows Athens 974. I do not under- with the doxologies and model verses
stand Tillyard's note on this opening. Vienna of Koukouzeles, we can readily de-
I8I has the familiar Nenano signature and its duce their underlying principles, and
first line reads readily from a.
26 In my study of "The Byzantine Office at having deduced them, we can as
Hagia Sophia," in Dumbarton Oaks Papers
IX/X (Cambridge, 1956), pp. 175-202, wish- readily apply them, in any mode, to
ing to demonstrate the antiquity of a psalm- any verse. And having worked out
tone quoted from a source of the late four- the recitation appropriate to a par-
teenth or early fifteenth century, I could show ticular verse, we can give to its ca-
only that it was found also in a dated MS
from the year 1225 (ibid., I84). It is now dence the ending required by the
evident, however, that this same psalm-tone
goes back at least as far as the beginning of 27 These complete quotations open the
the written tradition, for Theodore uses it to troparia on the first verses of Psalms 123,
open Troparia 3 and 6 of the Plagios deuteros. I24, I26, and I32.

context, for the Byzantinesystem of Among the chantsof this lattergroup

modal intonations and modal signa- are the antiphonsof the Anabathmoi,
tures shows us how to do it. and from two plates published by
Metallov in his Russkaia Semio-
How can we be certainthat in its grafia29one can see just what form
essentials the manner of recitation these took.
prescribedby Koukouzelesis in fact The more interestingplate of the
the one usedin Theodore'sday when two is T. III (f. 98), towards the
no Greek manuscriptearlierthan the foot of which one finds the general
13thcenturyshowsus how any verse headingandthe beginningof the first
of any troparionwas sung?And how antiphon of the Protos. First comes
can we be certain that this manner the Slavonictranslationof Troparion
was appliedalso to the verses of the 1, adapted to a melody closely re-
Anabathmoiwhen Koukouzeleshim- semblingits Greek prototype. After
self does not tell us that it was? If this follows the first of the four
the survival of an archaic form of verses, and this verse has musical
cadence in the practice of the 14th notationthroughout.Its Slavonictext
century is not in itself enough to is from Psalm 119:1 and it runs to
settle these two questions,there re- nine syllables.Above each of the first
mains anotherway of settling them. five the scribe has written the short
We have only to consultthe Slavonic horizontalhook sometimesidentified
sources, which are often more ex- with the Greek ison; added to the
plicit than the Greek, and which first of these hooks is an auxiliary
tend, as peripheral documents, to dot, or kentema,evidentlyto indicate
lag conservativelybehind,preserving that the recitation is to begin from
vestigesof archaicliturgicaland mu- the upper finalis. Following this re-
sical practices. citation is the four-syllablecadence,
Among the oldestof these Slavonic set off from the body of the verse by
sources is the so-called Typografskii a little space, and above this cadence
Ustav, a Kontakarion of the late the scribe has repeated the neumes
eleventhor early twelfth century.At already written above the four-syl-
the end of this MS an entire section lable cadenceat the end of the trans-
is devoted to a sort of Oktoechos in lated quotationwith which the pre-
which certainordinarychantsof the ceding troparionbegan. My example
Sunday office are brought together compares the Greek equivalent of
and arranged in the order of the this Slavonic verse with the form
modes. For some of these chantsthe it would presumablyhave taken if
notation used is the elaborate and Koukouzeleshad included it among
somewhat enigmatic notation pecu- his models. (See Ex. 16.)
liar to the Slavonic Kontakaria.For Insteadof stopping here, as might
others, it is the simpler notation of have been expected, the scribe goes
the earliestSlavonic Hirmologia and on to repeat,with minorchanges,the
Sticheraria,a notation not unlike- neumesof the free paraphrase,adapt-
indeed, obviously derived from-the ing them now to the text "Alleluia!
primitive Coislin notation found in
certain Greek Hirmologia of the 29 Moscow, I912. The first of the two plates
10th and early 11th centuries.28 (T. III) is reproduced by Mme R. Palikarova
Verdeil in La musique byzantine chez les
28 Notably Leningrad 557, Patmos 55, Saba Bulgares et les Russes (Copenhagen & Boston,
83, and perhaps also Esphigmenou 54. I953).

Ex. 16

4 JK-
Too K-9-ov
t Iv -Ti xnL
L-pI -- 6 . E. ;
1v T r
T?cS KV-qL-ov bV x ext
PF.- I
6M 4

Alleluia!" A similar thing happens on same simple tones that were used for
T. IV (fol. 102v), at the head of the verses of other troparia. And they
which one finds the ending of the were followed by Alleluia refrains
final antiphon of the Deuteros, with adapted to the melodies of Theo-
Verses 2, 3, and 4, Troparion 9, and dore's paraphrases.The first of these
an abbreviated doxology. Here the conclusions should be equally valid
verses are without musical notation for Byzantium. And it would seem
and no Alleluia refrains are indicated. that the second must be valid also,
But in copying the abbreviated dox- despite the silence of the Greek
ology, the scribe has repeated above sources on this point, for unless it is,
the Slavonic equivalent of the words the single antiphons, ending as they
'Aylp IIv6Uptaxtthe neumes already do with the half-verse "Both now
written above these same words at and ever," will break off inconclu-
the beginning of the preceding tro- sively with a preparatory cadence,
parion, and once again, instead of leaving an unsatisfactory impression.
stopping, he has gone on to add an To sing the Anabathmoi with Alle-
Alleluia refrain, this time a threefold luia refrains would be to tie them in
Alleluia. It has no musical notation, with the readings from the Psalter
but the plain inference is that it is to that precede them, for in former
be treated exactly like the one on the times the psalms recited on Sunday
previous plate. The melody of the mornings were regularly chanted
earlier paraphrase was a short one with Alleluia refrains that followed
and fell naturally into two distinc- each distinction of the text.
tions; the one to be adapted here is * * *
longer and falls naturally into three.
And from the meaningless extra syl- This is not the place to enlarge
lables that have been interpolated to upon the implications of the Ana-
lengthen the Alleluias, one can ac- bathmoi for the comparative study
tually see how the adaptation is to be of Eastern and Western chant. One
made-the first two Alleluias, with would be simplifying matters unduly,
10 and 4 plus 4 syllables, correspond and claiming at once too much and
to the distinctions whose Greek too little, if one were to ascribe to
equivalents are jtooxrlyadesl jtoa the Lavra copy of Theodore's anti-
oocpia and EVsyEVXaCig1 a&toot6xoAg; phons a position analogous to that oc-
the third Alleluia corresponds to the cupied in the West by the Tonarius
remainder of the paraphrase. of Regino, the Commemoratio brevis,
We may draw two conclusions. or the Hartker Antiphoner. In some
In the Slavic-speaking countries the respects it is a comparable document.
verses and doxologies of the Ana- But there is one respect in which it is
bathmoi were at first recited to the not. As a record of psalmodic prac-
tice, it is an involuntaryrecord, for music, he sought only to enrich the
its writer did not consciouslyseek to rite of his church, and if he consci-
transmit information on this point. ously alluded in this work to the
All he sought to do was to transmita psalmodic practice of his day, this
cycle of compositionsby an eighth- was for him a meansand not an end.
century author, and it was no con- In a word, while our record belongs
cern of his that, imbedded in that to the tenth century, it records the
cycle, were incidentalallusionsto the testimony of an eighth-centurywit-
salmodicpracticeof its author'sday. ness, and if the record and the wit-
omething of the same kind may be ness are equally ingenuous,they are
said also of Theodore Studites. He by the sametoken equallyandideally
is an involuntary witness, for in trustworthy.
writing a poetic commentaryon the Princeton University
Gradual Psalms and setting it to

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