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To whom it may concern

Santa Maria di Zevio, 09/01/2012

Comac S.p.A herewith certifies that Agapit Sp. z o.o. Sp. k., ul. Marii Zientary Malewskiej 26, 10-302 Olsztyn, Poland is an authorised dealer for sales & service of Comac scrubber dyers, sweepers, vacuum cleaners and single disc machines This certificate is only valid for the year of 2012 and need to be thereafter be renewed by new signature of the President of Comac S.p.A. in order to be valid. Best regards, Comac S.p.A Giancarlo Ruffo, President

Comac spa Capitale Sociale interamente versato Euro 17.020.000,00 Codice Fiscale 03322910237 - Partita IVA 03322910237

Via Maestri del Lavoro, 13 37059 S. Maria di Zevio (Verona) Italia Telefono +39 045 8774222

Ufficio Comm.le Telefax + 39 045 8750303 Servizi Tecnici Telefax + 39 045 8266468 Ufficio Acquisti Telefax + 39 045 8751125

Registro imprese di Verona 03322910237 R.E.A. N . 327004 e-mail:


+ 39 045 8751289

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