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-----------UnHide your hidden files and FolderS----------------

IF Your computer is infected with the infection(virus) autorun.inf then

that means you are not able to unhide the hidden folders of your system
from the File menu bar(i.e by selecting tools>folder options>view>show hidden
files and foledr).

Then, WE have two methods to show your hidden files and folders..

Method 1:

open nodepad on your computer and then paste the following code into it :




Save this Nodepad file AS uNHIDE.reg
now, double click this file and select ok on asking!!!

you can save this file with any name but .reg extention must be associated with
the file name.
(here .reg extention stands for registry file)

If this methode does not work then try the seconde method which WORKS 100%

method 2:

open your command prompt by goto startmenu-->Run type cmd.exe in the run.

now,type the following command into it:

attrib -h -s -a -r fullpath to the directory\* /s /d

for example,
if your hidden files and folders resides in the the directory lokesh and
this lokesh directory resides in the drive c.
the full path to this lokesh directory is c:\lokesh


the command that has to be put in command prompt is :

attrib -h -s -a -r c:\lokesh\* /s /d
after typing the command hit enter.
you will find that all the hidden files and folder are unhided (i.e shown)!!

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