Aquaponics Intro Sheet With Tables

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1. How do plants use water, carbon dioxide, and sunlight to grow?

In other words, what is the process referred to as photosynthesis? Photosynthesis is the process used by plants and other organisms to convert the light energy captured from the sun into chemical energy that can be used to fuel the organisms activities. Photosynthesis uses carbon dioxide and water, releasing oxygen as a waste product. Photosynthesis is the source of energy for nearly all life on earth. 2. What type of nitrogen waste do fish produce and how can this be broken down into a form suitable for plant roots to absorb? (Hint: this answer will include bacteria) Fish release ammonia into the water and ammonia kills fish. Bacteria within the filter will convert this ammonia to nitrate which is even more toxic. So, there is another bacterium in the filter that will consume the nitrites in the tank and convert them to nitrates, which are not toxic but are not healthy for your fish either. Cycling the tank is important because it produces bacteria in the filter that will support your fish economy by neutralizing their waste. 3. Explain the relationship of oxygen and carbon dioxide generated and utilized by plants and animals? The relationship of oxygen and carbon dioxide generated and utilized by plants and animals is that plants release oxygen that the animals need to survive, the animals in return give off carbon dioxide that is used by the plants for photosynthesis. Questions of Technology and Setup 4. What equipment do I have at my disposal? The equipment I have at my disposal is an aquarium, rocks, filter, light, water pump, and aerator will be given. Fish, plant seeds, cleaning chemicals for aquarium are things we will have to buy. 5. Which plants and animals can I use in my system? The animals I can use are animals that do not need a ton of space to live and can live in a mass amount. The plants that can be used are plants that are edible by humans and can germinate without soil and will take up the chemicals from the fish waste. 6. How can water be circulated between plants and animals? Water can be circulated between plants and animals because both humans and plants need water to survive. You can put a fish in water so it can breathe, and give the plant an everlasting water supply while doing that. 7. How will I determine if my design is successful? To determine if our design is successful, we will measure the plant growth, pH level, and the biotic mass.
Project Lead The Way, Inc. Copyright 2010 PLTWTM - BE Unit 4 Lesson4.1 Optional Activity 4.1.6 - Bioengineering: Agriculture Student Worksheet - Page 1

Biotic Factors of Aquaponic System Type of plants (must be an edible plant for humans) Growth media for plants (no soil) Time to maturity (plants) Light source (include proper wattage and possible color) Type of fish Time to maturity (fish) Black Beans, Mint, Peas Wet paper towels, plastic bin with holes and funnel. Beans: 60-70 days. Peas: 60-70 days. Mint: 7-10 days to germinate and then keep growing. 25 watts, white/yellow color. Common Goldfish 2-3 months

Abiotic Factors of Your Aquaponic System Optimum pH Optimum Temp Ammonia levels Dissolved oxygen levels Size of tank for fish Number of appropriate fish for tank size Suggested frequency of feeding Amount of food to be fed per feeding (mass) Filtration Aeration Frequency of Data Collection Mint: 5.6-7.5 pH. Bean: 5.6-6.5 pH. Pea: 6.0-7.5 pH. Goldfish: 7.0 pH. Goldfish: 20 Degrees C. Mint: 15-26 Degrees C. Bean: 18-23 Degrees C. Pea: 10 Degrees C. As little as possible because it is toxic to the fish. At least 5mg per liter. 10 Gallons No more than 5 Once a day Two mouthfuls per fish None Everyday all day Everyday

8. Which technologies can be utilized to engineer an aquaponics or a hydroponics system and to monitor its progress? A water pump can be used to help move the water in an aquaponics system. A scale can be used to weigh the fish and the plants mass 9. Explain why you selected the technologies listed in Question 1. In other words, what are the advantages of those technologies versus other available technology? We selected the technologies listed in the question above because we needed a type of pump that can get the water out of the tank and into the tray without filtering it. We chose a scale because it is the easiest way to get accurate measurements.

Project Lead The Way, Inc. Copyright 2010 PLTWTM - BE Unit 4 Lesson4.1 Optional Activity 4.1.6 - Bioengineering: Agriculture Student Worksheet - Page 2

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