2.a Study On Customer Satisfaction of Honda Activa Among Customers in Changanacherry Taluk

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A Project submitted to the Mahatma Gandhi University in partial fulfilment of the award of Bachelor in Degree Commerce

Submitted by Jinson George [Reg. No: SCAA09135747] Job J Palakunnel [Reg. No: SCAA09135748] Jobin K M [Reg. No: SCAA09135749]

Under the Supervision of




This is to certify that Jinson George, Job J Palakunnel and Jobin K M are Sixth Semester B.Com students of this college. This project is submitted by them in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the Bachelor Degree in Commerce.

Rev. Dr.Tomy Joseph Padinjareveetil, MA [Eco], Ph.D. Principal St. Berchmans College, Changanacherry

Changanacherry 28-03-2012

This is to certify that Jinson George, Job J Palakunnel and Jobin K M are Sixth Semester B.Com students of this college. This dissertation is submitted by them in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the Degree of Bachelor of Commerce.

Prof. M.C Baby M.Com, MBA, FICWA, ACS, CPA Head, Department of Commerce St. Berchmans College, Changanacherry

Changanacherry 28-03-2012

I certify that this dissertation entitled A STUDY ON CUSTOMER SATISFACTION OF HONDA ACTIVA AMONG CUSTOMERS IN CHANGANACHERRY TALUK is a bonafide work done by Jinson George, Job J Palakunnel and Jobin K M, in partial fulfilment for the Degree of Bachelor of Commerce in Mahatma Gandhi University, under my supervision.


Department of Commerce St.Berchmans College, Changanacherry

Changanacherry 28-03-2012

We, hereby declare that this dissertation entitled A STUDY ON CUSTOMER SATISFACTION OF HONDA ACTIVA AMONG

CUSTOMERS IN CHANGANACHERRY TALUK submitted in partial fulfilment for the Degree of Bachelor of Commerce in Mahatma Gandhi University, is a record of bonafide research work carried out by us under the guidance of MR. SOJAN KURIAN M.COM, MBA Lecturer, Department of Commerce, St. Berchmans College Changanacherry and no part of it has been submitted for any other degree or diploma.

Jinson George Job J Palakunnel Jobin K M

Changanacherry 28-03-2012

We would like to express our profound gratitude to our research guide, Mr.SojanKurianof the Department of Commerce, St. Berchmans College, Changanacherry for his valuable guidance and encouragement in completing this work.

We wish to thank the principal of this college, Rev Dr.TomyPadinjareveettil for giving us an opportunity to take up this study.

We would also like to thank Prof. M C Baby, Head of the Department of Commerce and other members of the faculty of Commerce for their support and encouragement in completing this work.

Our sincere thanks to our family and friends for their words of encouragement.

We thank God, the almighty who has been our guiding light

JinsonGeorge Job J Palakunnel Jobin K M

Changanacherry 28-03-2012


List of Tables List of Charts Chapter I II III IV V Findings and Suggestions Bibliography Appendix 43-45 Title Introduction Theoretical Review Company Profile Data Analysis and Interpretations Page No: 1-5 6-15 16-20 21-42


LIST OF TABLES Table No: Title I Gender II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII XIII XIV XV XVI XVII Age Occupation Income Source of information about Honda Activa Place of service Ratings for Ride, Handling Ratings for Comfort Ratings for Road grip Ratings for Mileage Ratings for Mileage Ratings for Engine performance Ratings for Speed Ratings for Braking Ratings for Pick-up Ratings for Re-sale value Service regularity Page No: 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41

XVIII Satisfaction level of after sales service of Honda Activa XIX Satisfaction level of cost and availability of spares of Honda Activa XX Overall satisfaction with regard to the use of Honda Activa

LIST OF CHARTS Chart No: Title I Gender II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII XIII XIV XV XVI XVII Age Occupation Income Source of information about Honda Activa Place of service Ratings for Ride, Handling Ratings for Comfort Ratings for Road grip Ratings for Mileage Ratings for Mileage Ratings for Engine performance Ratings for Speed Ratings for Braking Ratings for Pick-up Ratings for Re-sale value Service regularity Page No: 22 23 24 25 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42

XVIII Satisfaction level of after sales service of Honda Activa XIX Satisfaction level of cost and availability of spares of Honda Activa XX Overall satisfaction with regard to the use of Honda Activa



The two wheeler segment in the automobile industry plays a vital role in India. The present day market is such that a two wheeler is affordable by middle class people in urban areas. It is also more convenient for travelling short distance within the city and for individual. Over the years, the sales figures of the two wheelers have increased to a very large extent. The sales of the two wheeler in 1950 were merely 900 units, whereas now the sales have gone up to millions. The two wheeler market mainly consists of scooterette and motorcycles. The motorcycles segment forms 65% of whole of two wheeler segment. Whereas earlier the motorcycles had a very small share in the two wheeler segment but with the collaboration of Indian and Japanese companies (Honda, Suzuki, and of Kawasaki) the share has increased tremendously with reason being that two wheelers had a superior engine, better pick-up, good mileage, improved designs and large options to choose from. The two wheeler segment is divided into two stroke and four stroke categories. The two strokes consist of Kinetic Honda, Nova, YamahaRx135, KB-125, etc. The four strokes category consists of Honda Activa, TVS Scooty, Kinetic Style, etc. Most of the officials or some persons generally prefer these two wheelers, such as Honda Activa, Kinetic Honda, Scooty, etc., as they are more concerned with mileage. They are also concerned with these two wheelers, as they prefer unguarded vehicles, so that it would be easy to ride the two wheelers in the cities where there is much traffic. The scooterette segment will continue to lead the demand for two

wheeler in the coming years. The Indian two wheeler industries produced and sold about 3.4 million units in the year 2009-10. Like any other Indian industry, the policy environment guided and controlled this segment of the industry as well. Licensing norms ruled till the mid 80s restricted access to foreign technology inputs and foreign investment by government. Since mid 80s, the Indian automobile industry was administered policies of liberalization, foreign collaboration coupled with Indian market potential, attracted world major companies like, Honda, Yamaha, Suzuki,etc.


With the recent influx of different brands in todays two wheel auto segment each brand is striving to satisfy customer with the end results of maintaining quality. At present two wheelers as such has become necessity but not a nicety. With this outlook of todays market it is even in a laymans perceptive that Honda has stood against all odds. This indicates that Honda, by itself reflects a satisfied customer. Keeping in mind curriculum requirement and organizational requirement the study has been conducted to find out customer satisfaction towards Honda Activa

OBJECTIVES OF STUDY The main objectives of the study are:

1.To find customer satisfaction level towards Honda Activa 2.To find out the customer satisfaction level to various groups of people towards Honda Activa. 3.To find out the relationship between customer satisfaction and sales.


The need for the study arises in order to create awareness amongst the customers and to determine the customer satisfaction. The need for the study arises due to the following reasons: 1.To measure the level of customers satisfaction towards Honda Activa. 2.To know the customer preferences towards Activa. 3.To know the customers opinion towards existing after sales service provided by the company.


1.It helps to know that which publicity media gives maximum retention to the customers. 2.The study also helps the company to improve their standard of service & handle the competition in the near future. 3.It also helps in putting in possible improvements, additions, and new strategies and offers the customers.

The period of study of this dissertation is January to February 2012

METHODOLOGY Sample Procedure

Empirical field studies require collection of first-hand information on data pertaining to the unit of study from the field.This sampling plan is effective in getting the first hand information, i.e. primary data, which has been required for the study by the research. Secondary data is also used. The questionnaires were supplied to 30 respondents in Changanacherry Taluk.


1. The study could not be conducted on a large sample size and area because of time constraints. A sincere attempt has been made to collect information. 2. The number of sample size is 30 respondents. 3. The study is confined only to Changanacherry Taluk.

Chapter II


Marketing is so basic that it cannot be considered as a separate function. It is the whole business seen from points the point of view of its final results, that is from customer point of view business success is not determined by the producer but by the customer Peter.F.Drucker Marketing consists of all activities by which a company adapts itself to its environment Ray Corey

Marketing is a social and managerial process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating, offering and exchanging products of value with others.

The task of breaking the total market into segments that share common properties is market segmentation. It is the process of identifying a group of consumers with similar needs and producing a product that will meet those needs at a profit. Market segmentation will facilitate the firm to identify and find out the additional benefit desired by the people to pay benefits and source where they would like to buy it.

Customer satisfaction suffices the customer. Customer visualizes, perceives and will have some expectations before making any purchase. If the product meets customers expectations then he is satisfied. Customer will be satisfied when the product meets the basic needs set and therefore utility of a product is nothing but consumers estimation of products over all capacity to satisfy his needs. Customer satisfaction is a function of perceived performances and expectations.

Dissonance reducing buying behaviour The customer might experience post purchase dissonance by noticing disquieting features of product or by hearing favourable things about other product. If performance of product does not satisfy perceived expectations, the customer is dissatisfied, where he develops dissonance. Post purchase satisfaction When the customer is satisfied or delighted he will be dazzled. If the product matches the expectations of customer he is satisfied. The customers satisfaction is a function of closeness between the buyers product expectation (E) and products perceived performance (P)


There is high probability of purchasing the product if the customer is satisfied. Marketers should take keen interest in handling customers dissatisfaction. Marketers job is to understand buyers behaviour and aim at satisfying customers. The satisfied customers will have brand loyalty and strong affinity towards the product, so there is less scope of switching to other brands. Satisfaction can be used as gauge for measuring effectiveness of customer care of the organization. This increases the customer loyalty.


Social factors, personal factors, and psychological factors influence Customers buying decision process. The company should ignore competitions and concentrate on customers one-on-one that will drive competition crazy. This can be most potent competitive weapon. Customer satisfaction should be main objective, goal and marketing tool for a company.


The alert companies set up systems to monitor the attitude of customers by monitoring changing levels of customer satisfaction before they affect sales it takes action. The main attitude tracking systems are:

1. Complaint & suggestions system 2. Customer panel 3. Customer surveys 4. Ghost shopping 5. Lost customer analysis


A customer-oriented company records, analysis and responds to complaints and tries to correct problems by new ideas and should welcome complaints and try to correct problems by new ideas and should help customers. Many hotels, restaurants and banks use this feedback method to track and measure customer satisfaction. Complaint handling strengthens buyer-seller relationship by building trust.

Follow the LIST method to handle complaints


Companies should run panels of customers who have to be communicated periodically. Panels should be representatives of the range of customer attitudes. Panels would reveal kinds of people who responded to promotion.

It is conducted to learn how product has affected brand choice behaviour, what they thought of it and it is direct measure to track satisfied customers. Companies periodically send questionnaires or make telephonic calls to a random sample to customers to evaluate satisfaction level on 5 point scale (very dissatisfied, dissatisfied, neutral, satisfied, very satisfied) and ask about quality of service and various other aspects. Management compare these ratings and can arrive at customer satisfaction level, measurement of customers repurchase intention or willingness to recommend the product to others are also judged.

Customer oriented companies hire persons to pose as potential buyers to report their findings on strong and weak points they experienced in buying companys and competitors product. The ghost shoppers even pose certain problems to test whether the companys sales personal handle the situation well.


Retaining a single customer is most important than attracting many new customers. Company should reconfigure all planning processes towards customers. Direct all marketing efforts towards meeting customer needs. Create corporate strategy aimed at customer value. Company can make customers happy by providing reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy and tangible materials. The company should create an emotional bondage between themselves and customers

Customers are judged of quality. Therefore, highest quality of products should be companys objective. Maintaining zero defects or 100% quality. Thus improving quality, in turn quality increases costeffectiveness. Proven method and procedures should be adopted and applied consistently. Quality derivativeness should be compulsory, satisfying customers requirements. Companies should have quest for quality and should meet standards. Quality should be in every stage from planning to production. Quality should be in hallmark of the company. Company should promise highest standard of product quality, safety, comfort and dependability. Companies should have quest to find innovative ideas and features or attributes that will create excitement and desire and they should look beyond what the customer says.


Since immemorial time man has been trying to make things which would make life easier. Among these is the transportation for himself and the goods. The invention of wheel revolutionized the concept of transportation. Initially human beings and animals were used for drawing carts but quest for faster and delivering large quantities in faster period resulted in constant improvement of wheel driven carts. In 1985 Gattlib Palmer and Kalt Benz invented the first petrol driven car. This was the beginning of the trend, which revolutionized the concept of personal transport. But with the passage of time the need for a fuel efficient light weight vehicle was felt. Thus resulted in the invention of Europe, a car on two wheels.


In India two wheelers have demonstrated the ever since they come to know been used in the country. So the manufacturers are all set to woo the customers with the styles that surprise, efficiency above expectations, durability and services and more reliable pricing. Since the 1980s the market for personalized transport experienced a strident growth in the country. From January 1994 the market especially for two wheelers has so grown to meet the demand of the customers of India. The production capacity has been consistently increased. Largely speaking three major categories of two wheeler started coming, the Scooters, the Motorcycles and Mopeds. The recent trend is for the scooterette.



In India basically the people are composed of middle and lower income people. For them economical and reasonable comfortable bike or scooter with less maintenance was the priority. Honda noticed this and their efforts paid dividends when Activa was launched. The two wheeler age revolutionized Indian automobile market. The customers attitudes too changed with preference for looks, low cost, maintenance, fuel efficiency. Power of engine, availability of spare parts, comfortable riding and good after sales service. Consumers long list of preference was carefully kept in mind and a new era of market segmentation began. The market now segregates high income and middle income from rich class of customers. Bikes and scooterette for every one has become a motto for automobile industry. Rich and high-income group of customers usually goes for: Looks Maintenance Power The middle and low-income people goes for: Fuel efficient Power Economical cost


The Indian two wheelers industries can be broadly classified as scooters, motorcycles and mopeds. The domestic two wheeler sales of 3.4 million in financial year 2009-10. In the last six years, the domestic two wheeler industries have seen structural changes. This can be seen from the change in composition of two wheeler sales. Where the motor cycles have consistently gained market share from scooter and moped segment to corner a share of 41% of total two wheeler sales. This trend is expected to continue in the next two years till the four stroke scooters make their presence felt in this segment. Moped sales in southern region lead in three wheeler sales with a contribution of 42% and 35.8% of total three wheeler sales respectively.

Indian automobile industry is full of big names such as Maruti, Kawasaki, Tata, TVS, Suzuki, Yamaha, Hero Honda, and many others have swept away the automobile market with high quality 2 and 4 wheelers. When we shift our attention to manufacturers of bikes in India such as Hero Honda, Yamaha, TVS-Suzuki, Bullet and many others occupy pre-dominant positions in our eyes. These have been gained big status to their entity with liberalization opening gates of conservative Indian economy, many multinational companies are collaborating with Indian companies to market share for their vehicles at international level.





Honda is the world's largest manufacturer of 2-wheelers. Its symbol, the Wings, represents the company's unwavering dedication in achieving goals that are unique and above all, conforming to international norms. These wings are now in India as Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India Pvt. Ltd. (HMSI), a wholly owned subsidiary of Honda MotorCompany Ltd., Japan. These wings are here to initiate a change and make a difference in the Indian 2-wheeler industry. Honda's dream for India is to not only manufacture 2-wheelers of global quality, but also meet and exceed the expectations of Indian customers with outstanding after sales support.

ORIGIN OF THE ORGANIZATION Honda Activa is the first scooter model of HMSI for the Indian market. It has revitalized the Indian scooter market after its launch in the year 2000. Within the 1st year of its launch it has been awarded the 'Scooter of the Year' by Overdrive magazine and also the 'Readers Choice Award' for the best scooter by Auto India Magazine. The Honda Activa has set a new standard for new era of scooters in India. It has been developed exclusively for the Indian market after closely examining the changing lifestyles, wants and needs of the consumers. The Honda Activa has been designed to cater people who believe: The conventional Indian scooter is too big and difficult to handle The scooterette is too small and similar to mopeds


The Honda Activa is equipped with a number of new functions and mechanisms, introduced for the first time in India. It is designed to offer greater functionality, performance, economy, and ease of handling and maintenance to a wide cross-section of the Indian society. As responsible members of society and industry, Honda Motorcycle and Scooters India Pvt. Ltd. manufacturer of two wheelers, recognize that wellbeing of humans and conservation of earth's environment is important. By adopting environmental management system, HMSI is moving towards realization of Honda's green factory concept. HMSI tries continually to monitor, improve and conserve the environment in which we operate. HMSI is committed to achieve, environmental excellence in all its industrial activities, in the following ways: Conserving environment through preventing pollution at its source of generation and strengthening our existing pollution control system. Promoting conservation of resources such as energy, water, oil and grease and other raw materials, by reusing, recycling and minimizing the waste generation. Complying with all applicable legal/regulatory requirements and strive to go beyond wherever possible.

Regular monitoring and reviewing of environmental objectives and targets. Increasing environment awareness and competence amongst our employees and encourage vendors & dealers to adopt Execution Management System



Engine: Engine Displacement Maximum Power Maximum Torque Transmission Ignition Electricals: Battery Headlamp Chassis: Frame Dimension(l x b x h) Wheel Base Seat Height Ground Clearance Suspension: Front Rear Tyre Size: Front Rear Brakes: Front Rear Fuel Tank Capacity: Fuel Tank Capacity Underseat Storage 90/100-10 53 J 90/100-10 53 J 4-stroke, single cylinder, air cooled, OHC 109cc 8 bhp @ 7500 rpm 0.9 Kg-m @5500 rpm V-matic Self & Kick

12V, 5Ah 35/35W Halogen

High Rigidity Underbone Type 1761 x 710 x 1147mm 1238mm 765mm 145mm Bottom link with Spring loaded Hydraulic Damper Unit Swing with Spring loaded Hydraulic Damper

Drum, 130mm Diameter (with CBS) Drum, 130mm Diameter (with CBS)

5.3 Litres 18 Litres


Strand silver metallic Black Laser red Precious gold metallic Azure blue metallic Features: Aerodynamic Design: The Honda Activa has an aerodynamic body that helps cool the engine through smoother airflow. It also helps to lower fuel consumption by lowering air resistance. Tuff up Tube: The Tyres of the Honda Activa have double layered tubes with fluid in between. This seals the air leakage in case of a puncture to ensure that the rider enjoys a hassle-free ride. Under Seat Box: Neatly hidden beneath the seat of the Honda Activa is space that can comfortably hold a helmet or any other thing you wish to put away. CLIC: The Convenient Lift-up Independent Cover enables one to easily lift-up the Honda Activas body cover, like the bonnet of a car.This makes routine maintenance easier and faster. Multi-Reflector headlamp: Honda Activa has a powerful and very stylish multireflector headlamp that increases road visibility to make night driving a safe experience.




Analysis and Interpretation of Data 1. Gender Table I Table showing Gender

Gender Number of respondents Percentage of respondents

Male Female Total

20 10 30

66.67% 33.33% 100%

Chart I Chart showing Gender

Male Female

Among the respondents,20 were male and 10 were female. Out of 30 respondents, 66.67% were male and 33.33% were female.

2. Age Table II Table showing age

Age 18-25 25-35 35-45 45 and above Total Number 4 6 8 12 30 Percentage 13.33% 20% 26.67% 40% 100%

Chart II Chart II showing age

18-25 25-35 35-45 45 and above

The above table shows that 40% of respondents belong the age group 45 and above. The number of respondents in the age group 35 to 45 is 8 and the percentage is 26.67%.6 respondents were in the age group 25 to 35 and their percentage is


20%.Only 4 out of 30 were in the age group of 18 to 25 and their percentage is 13.33%.

3. Occupation Table III Table showing the occupation

Occupation Employee Profession Business Student Others Total Number 10 2 8 4 6 30 Percentage 33.33% 6.67% 26.67 13.33% 20% 100%

Chart III Chart showing Occupation

Employee Profession Business Student Others


The table above shows that 33.33% of the respondents are employees.8 out of 30 respondents are having business as their occupation. 13.33% of respondents are students and 6.67% of the respondents are having their occupation as profession. 20% of respondents have other occupations.

4. Income Table IV Table showing annual income

Annual Income Up to Rs.200000 Rs.200000 to Rs. 300000 Rs.300000 to Rs.400000 Rs.400000 to Rs.500000 Rs.500000 and above Total Number Percentage 8 12 5 3 2 30 26.67% 40% 16.67% 10% 6.67% 100%

Chart IV Chart showing annual income

Rs.500000 and above Rs.400000 to Rs.500000 Rs.300000 to Rs.400000 Rs.200000 to Rs.300000 Up to Rs.200000 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Annual Income


The above table shows 26.67% of respondents belong to the income group who have income up to Rs.200000. 40% ofrespondents belong to the income group who have income between Rs.200000 and Rs.300000. There is 16.67% ofrespondents who belong to income group Rs.300000 to Rs.400000. 10 % of respondents have income between Rs.400000 and Rs.500000.The percentage of respondents having income Rs.500000 and above is 6.67%.

5. Source of information about Honda Activa Table V Table showing the source of information about Honda Activa
Source of information Newspapers Television Magazines Show-room display Exhibition Friends Total Number 11 6 5 2 2 4 30 Percentage 36.67% 20% 16.67% 6.67% 6.67% 13.33% 100%


Chart V Chart showing source of information

Newspaper Television Magazines Show-room display Exhibition Friends

The above table shows that newspaper influenced 36.67% to buy Honda Activa. 20% of people are influenced by television to buy Honda Activa. Magazines influenced 16.67% of people to buy Honda Activa. Show-room displays and Exhibitions influenced 6.67% of people to buy Honda Activa and Friends influenced 13.33% of people to buy Honda Activa.

6. Place of service Table VI Table showing preferred service centres

Place of service Authorised selling centre Other authorised centre Private centre Total Number 20 6 4 30 Percentage 66.67% 20% 13.33% 100%


Chart VI Chart showing preferred service centres

25 20 15 10 5 0 Authorised selling Other authorised centre centre Private centre Preferred Service Centre

The above table shows that 20 out of 30 respondents that is 66.67% of respondents goes to an authorised selling centre to service their Honda Activa.20% of the respondents goes to other authorised centres for service.13.33% of respondents that is 4 out of 30 respondents go to private centres.

7. Ratings for Ride, Handling Table VII Table showing ratings for ride, handling
Ratings Excellent Good Average Poor Total Number 5 15 6 4 30 Percentage 16.67% 50% 20% 13.33% 100%


Chart VII Chart showing ratings for ride, handling

Excellent Good Average Poor

The above table shows that 50% of respondents have rated the ride, handling of Honda Activa as good.16.67% person rated it as excellent and 20% respondents find it only average.13.33% of respondents rated it as poor.

8. Ratings for Comfort Table VIII Table showing ratings for Comfort
Ratings Excellent Good Average Poor Total Number 3 20 4 1 30 Percentage 10% 66.67% 6.67 3.33% 100%


Chart VIII Chart showing ratings for Comfort

25 20 15 10 5 0 Excellent Good Average Poor Ratings for Comfort

From the above table it is clear that 66.67% people find the comfort given by Honda Activa is good. 10% respondents find it excellent and 6.67% people find it average. Only one respondent out of thirty finds it as poor.

9. Ratings for Road grip Table IX Table showing ratings for Road grip
Ratings Excellent Good Average Poor Total Number 1 12 13 4 30 Percentage 3.33% 40% 43.33% 13.33% 100%


Chart IX Chart showing ratings for Road grip

Excellent Good Average Poor

The above table shows that 43.33% of respondents find the road grip of Honda Activa is average. 40% of respondents think it is good and 13.33% of people think it is poor. Only one respondent thinks it is excellent.

10. Ratings for Mileage Table X Table showing ratings for Mileage
Ratings Excellent Good Average Poor Total Number 8 15 5 2 30 Percentage 26.67% 50% 16.67% 6.67% 100%


Chart X Chart showing ratings for Mileage

16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Excellent Good Average Poor Ratings forMileage

The above table shows that 53.33% of respondents find the mileage of Honda Activa is average and 20% of respondents think it is poor. However 26.67% of respondents find it good.

11. Ratings for Design Table XI Table showing ratings for Design
Ratings Excellent Good Average Poor Total Number 12 8 7 3 30 Percentage 40% 26.67% 23.33% 10% 100%


Chart XI Chart showing ratings for Design


Average Ratings for Design Good

Excellent 0 5 10 15

The above table shows that 40% of respondents find the design of Honda Activa excellent.26.67% respondents find it good and 23.33% of people find it average.10% of people find it poor.

12. Ratings for Engine performance Table XII Table showing ratings for engine performance
Ratings Excellent Good Average Poor Total Number 13 8 6 3 30 Percentage 43.33% 26.67% 20% 10% 100%


Chart XII Chart showing ratings for Engine performance

Excellent Good Average Poor

From the above table it is clear that 43.33% of respondents find engine performance of Honda Activa is excellent. 26.67% of respondents find it good and 20% find it average. 10% find it poor.

13. Ratings for Speed Table XIII Table showing ratings for Speed
Ratings Excellent Good Average Poor Total Number 6 17 6 1 30 Percentage 20% 56.67% 20% 3.33% 100%


Chart XIII Chart showing ratings for Speed

18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Excellent Good Average Poor Ratings for Speed

The study shows that 56.67% of the respondents find the speed of Honda Activa as good. 6 respondents find it excellent and 20% of respondents find it average. Only one respondent finds it poor.

14. Ratings for Braking Table XIV Table showing ratings for Braking
Ratings Excellent Good Average Poor Total Number 3 16 8 3 30 Percentage 10% 53.33% 26.67% 10% 100%


Chart XIV Chart showing ratings for Braking

Excellent Good Average Poor

The above table shows that 53.33% of the respondents rated the braking of Honda Activa good and 26.67% rated it average.3 respondents find it excellent and 10% of the respondents think it is poor.

15. Ratings for Pick-up Table XV Table showing ratings for pick-up
Ratings Excellent Good Average Poor Total Number 10 16 3 1 30 Percentage 33.33% 53.33% 10% 3.33% 100%


Chart XV Chart showing ratings for pick-up

16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Excellent Good Average Poor Ratings for Pick-up

From the above table it is clear that 53.33% of the respondents find the pick-up of Honda Activa good and 33.33% of the respondents find it excellent.10% respondents find it average and only one respondent finds it poor.

16. Ratings for Re-sale value Table XVI Table showing ratings for Re-sale value
Ratings Excellent Good Average Poor Total Number 3 14 10 3 30 Percentage 10% 46.67% 33.33% 10% 100%


Chart XVI Chart showing ratings for Re-sale value

Excellent Good Average Poor

The study shows that 46.67% people find the re-sale value of Honda Activa good and 33.33% of the respondents find it average.10% of respondents find it excellent and 3 respondents out of 30 find it poor.

17. Service regularity Table XVII Table showing Service regularity

Regularity Regular Irregular Total Number 17 13 30 Percentage 56.67% 43.33% 100%


Chart XVII Chart showing Service regularity

18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Regular Irregular Service regularity

The study shows that 56.67% of the respondents service their Honda Activa regularly and 43.33% of respondents do the service irregularly.

18. Satisfaction level of after sales service of Honda Activa Table XVIII Table showing satisfaction level of after sale services of Honda Activa
Satisfaction level Satisfied Dissatisfied Total Number 16 14 30 Percentage 53.33% 46.67% 100%


Chart XVIII Chart showing satisfaction level of after sale services of Honda Activa

Satisfied Dissatisfied

The above table shows that 53.33% of the respondents are satisfied in the after sales service of Honda Activa and 46.67% of the respondents are dissatisfied.

19. Satisfaction level of cost and availability of Honda Activa Table XIX Table showing satisfaction level of cost and availability of spares of Honda Activa
Satisfaction level Satisfied Dissatisfied Total Number 18 12 30 Percentage 60% 40% 100%


Chart XIX Chart showing satisfaction level of cost and availability of spares of Honda Activa

18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Satisfied Dissatisfied Satisfaction level of cost and availabilty of spares of Honda Activa

From the above table it is clear that 60% of the respondents are satisfied in the cost and availability of the spares of Honda Activa and 40% are dissatisfied.

20. Overall satisfaction with regard to the use of Honda Activa Table XX Table showing overall satisfaction with regard to use of Honda Activa
Satisfaction level Excellent Good Satisfactory Not satisfactory Total Number 5 14 10 1 30 Percentage 16.67% 46.67% 33.33% 3.33% 100%


Chart XX Chart showing overall satisfaction

Excellent Good Satisfactory Not satisfactory

The study shows that 46.67% of the respondents are satisfied in the use of Honda Activa and 16.67% of respondents find that overall satisfaction with regard to the use of Honda Activa is good. 10 respondents find it satisfactory and one person finds it not satisfactory.




Findings of the study

The study was undertaken to know the customer satisfaction of Honda Activa among customers in Changanacherry taluk. For this purpose, Questionnaire was used as instrument for collecting the data from the respondents. The data collected was analysed. The following are the findings of the study: 1. Among the respondents, 66.67% were male and 33.37% were female. 2. Among 30 respondents, 33.37% are employed, 6.67% were professionals, 26.67% were business men and 13.33% were students and 20% had other occupations. All the respondents bought Honda Activa for convenience. 3. The media through which the respondents came to know about Honda Activa werenewspaper, television, magazines, show-room display, exhibitions and friends. 4. The majority of the respondents are satisfied with Honda Activa. 5. It was clear in the study that those respondents who are dissatisfied serviced their Honda Activa irregularly and in private centres. 6. The ultimate aim of the study was to ascertain the satisfaction of consumers of Honda Activa. Among 30 respondents, 16.67% of the respondents rated Honda Activa as excellent, 46.67% respondents rated it good, 33.33% rated it as satisfactory and 3.33% rated it as not-satisfactory.


7. It was found through the study that middle aged respondents are more satisfied with Honda Activa than low aged respondents and high aged respondents. 8. The study revealed that there is a relationship with customer satisfaction and sales. The satisfied customers were willing to buy another Honda Activa if they will buy another two wheeler.


It was evident from the study that most of the respondents are satisfied with their Honda Activa. However some of the respondents were dissatisfied. Here are some suggestions where the company should make improvements: 1. Manufactures should allow discounts in the price of vehicle and spare parts. 2. The number of service centres should be increased and the availability of spare parts also should be increased. 3. The company should manage the service demand without causing inconvenience to the consumers. 4. As Honda Activa is a popular model, the company should make research so as to offer more efficient vehicle in terms of mileage and utility.


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