0420 - Lesson 1 - Range and Scope of Computer Applications

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Cambridge IGCSE Computer Studies (0420) Lesson 1 Range of Scope of Computer Applications

Computer Applications: Intro

In very simple terms: can computers be used for? A great many things:
Word What

processing, communication, navigation, automation, art, relaxation, teaching & training, accounting, etc.

Definition: Application
From: The online Oxford dictionary Noun

the action of putting something into operation: the application of general rules to particular cases (also application program) Computing a program or piece of software designed to fulfil a particular purpose:

a database application

Definition: Application (cont)

It's important to make the distinction:

Communications is one of the many applications of computers. Skype is computer application used for voice communication.

The first case is an application in the broader sense of what computers can be used for. The second case is a computer program used for a specific application. This section deals with both cases...

How to analyze an application?

You will see a little later that the list of computer applications is very long! Memorizing them all would be quite hard better to have a system that helps you remember! To gain understanding of an application that you are not familiar with, you need to analyze it by asking yourself the following 10 questions.

Analysis: Purpose?

What is the purpose of the application?

Why does it exist? What is it good for?

Analysis: Outcome?

What is the desired outcome of the application?

Could it be to produce something like a document or a picture? Could it be to deliver a message to another person or computer? Could it be to convert data into a more useful format? There are many more possibilities!

Analysis: System Design?

How is the system designed?

Which parts of the system are computerized? Which parts are non-computerized?

Analysis: Inputs?

What inputs are necessary for the system to function? How will data be captured?

Manual or automatic? What input hardware devices are used?

Analysis: Data Organization?

What data is present in the system? How is the data organized? What processing is performed on the data?


Analysis: System Organization?

What are the major hardware components of the system? What are the major software components of the system? How are the components organized?

How do the components relate to each other?


Analysis: Recovery?

Is there a need for recovery in the event of a system failure? How can the system recover in the event of a failure?


Analysis: Interface?

How is the user interface organized? How does the user accomplish various actions by using the user interface?


Analysis: Effectiveness?

How effective is the system in practice at achieving its outcomes? How effective is the system compared to similar / competing systems? Why is the system effective / ineffective?

Is the system more effective in some circumstances than in others?


Analysis: Social Effects?

What are the social effects of the system on:

Individuals? Organizations?

How does the user accomplish various actions by using the user interface?


Types: Communication

Electronic mail (e-mail) Video conferencing

Why has use increased in recent years? What are the hardware & software requirements? Positive environmental impacts?

Digital Telephony Wireless networking technology

No messy wires, But security risk?


Broadband versus dial-up modems

Types: Information Systems & Remote Databases

Information retrieval & database systems Office automation

Use of word processors Electronic filing People need to learn new skills. Files with book details & borrower details Automatic reminders Bar codes used to track books & ID borrowers 17

Library systems

Types: Information Systems & Remote Databases


Use of sound / video / animation as a teaching aid Producing presentations Views inside a house Kitchen design Many, many more!

Virtual Reality applications

Types: Online Services


Online Banking Credit-card purchases What do people expect from e-commerce websites?

Search Engines


Types: Commercial & General Data Processing

Banking systems

e.g. automated cheque processing e.g. updating of accounts e.g. patient records Need to update records regularly Hospital administration


Types: Commercial & General Data Processing

Personnel records

What should be stored? Use of databases Need to keep data updated How do these link to other areas like payroll? Use of barcodes in supermarket stock control Understand overall system architecture and how it functions.

Automatic stock control & order processing

Types: Industrial, Technical & Scientific Uses

Weather forecasting

How is data gathered and processed? How is information conveyed to users? Predictions are based on new & existing data. What are the features of CAD? Data-banks of parts or components. Ability to do costings. Applications such as electronic circuit design.

Computer Aided Design

Types: Industrial, Technical & Scientific Uses

Virtual Reality

Designing new chemical / nuclear plants. Ability to see inside plants using special devices. Safety applications. Training

e.g. airline pilots What hardware is used? Why are simulators used?

Types: Monitoring & Control Systems

Monitoring hospital patients

How does equipment monitor vital signs? How does the system alert doctors? Using sensors to monitor and control plants What is monitored? How is plant status relayed to operators? Why are plants controlled by computers?

Chemical / Nuclear plants

Types: Monitoring & Control Systems

Traffic Control

How are models / simulators used to set traffic light timings? What types of sensors are used to gather data? How does the system "decide" the timing of the lights.


Types: Automation & Robotics

Domestic Equipment:

e.g. use of microprocessors to control microwave ovens Intelligent cookers that use bar-codes to automatically set cooking temperatures and times.

Navigation Systems

e.g. Satellite navigation systems used in ships, aeroplanes and cars (global positioning system GPS). Why are directions given by voice synthesis? Benefits & drawbacks of these systems?

Types: Automation & Robotics

Industrial Robots

e.g. used in car manufacturing & other automated processes Has advantages in terms of quality control & the environment. What are the effects on the workforce? Cameras used in surveillance. Automatic warning of intruders. Use of sensors to control the camera.

Use of CCTV:

Types: Expert Systems

Some examples of settings in which these are used:

Mineral prospecting Medical diagnosis Diagnostics (car engines & electronic devices)

How are these systems created? How do these systems function?

Inference engine Rule base Knowledge base Human-machine interface


Why & where are these systems used to great effect?

Types: Education, training & entertainment

Computer-based learning

Interactive learning & assessment How is music produced / generated with computers? How can a computer be used in teaching someone to play musical instruments? How are cartoon animations produced? How is speech synchronized with animation? Special effects? How are humans superimposed onto cartoons?

Applications in music

Computer graphics animation for TV & film

Types: Education, training & entertainment

Virtual Reality in training

Used in dentistry. Used to learn to operate nuclear & chemical plants. Used to learn how to fly an aircraft / helicopter. Recently also started to see use in military training of infantry and their commanders.


Types: Use of the Internet

Designing Internet sites:

What features do web page users expect? On-line banking & e-commerce. How do people find Internet sites to obtain information? How to refine searches. Features of search engines. http://www.googleguide.com/

Use of search engines:

Types: Use of the Internet


Built-in credit card protection features incl.:

Encryption Use of smart-card slots in keyboards

People's fear of the internet. Effects of on-line shopping on society? Effects of information retrieval & education systems on society?


Types: Use of the Internet

Other applications:

e.g. live satellite maps Interactive maps that combine traditional maps with satellite images. Other modern applications... Large companies typically have an intranet and a website. What's the difference between an intranet and 33 a website?

Use of Intranets:


Do an in-depth analysis of the following types of applications:

Office automation:

Word Processor Spreadsheet Presentation


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