Question Form JSTU

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Office of the Controller of Exam inations Phone : 042161766

. Year

Je sso re S cien ce & Te ch n o lo g y U n iv ersity Je sso re7 40 8 Examination: Session: ..


Department: .. ...Full Title of the .................. Course No: Course: .... .Full Marks: 72 Time: 3 Hours...
(There are .........8...................questions in this course. Answer any ........6.................... questions)
a) b) c) The Figures in the margin indicate full marks. The questions are equal marks. Special instruction (if any).

[N.B. Incase of question and extracts, please give at the bottom of the paper full reference to the text books or Other books from which these are taken, indicating the edition used and the paper in which these are occurred]

Name & Signature of Moderators

Signature of the Question Paper Setter (Name in block letter)

1 2 3 4

Name Signature . .. . .

Office of the Controller of Exam inations

Phone : 0421-61766

Je sso re S cien ce & Te ch n o lo g y U n iv ersity Je sso re7 40 8 -

(There are .........8...................questions in this course. Answer any ........6.................... questions)



[N.B. Incase of question and extracts, please give at the bottom of the paper full reference to the text books or Other books from which these are taken, indicating the edition used and the paper in which these are occurred]

Signature of the Question Paper Setter

. (Name in block letter)

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