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This presentation is about of description my place favorite.

I chose this place because I find a very interesting colonial architecture, museums and tourist attraction.

Colonial architecture and their colorful house Candelaria is a cultural part of Bogot, place which makes me travel to a colonial time, its beautiful.

Facades of old houses of la Candelaria La Candelaria is located in the downtown of Bogota. It is the historical and cultural core of the city. It is full of theaters, libraries and universities. You can also see the headquarters political as el palacio de justicia, el capitolio nacional y la casa de Nario.

Relaxing in this place depends on the plan you want to, if you like culture you can visit the museums such as: Botero Museum, Art Museum of the Republic Bank and museum of oro. If you like theater you can visit: Theater of La Candelaria, teatro libre and Colon theatre in Bogota. In its streets you can relax watching plays, different artists, singers, artist sand and orchestras.

Different artists such as: painters, mimes, singers and folk orchestras

For me the perfect day to visit La Candelaria is on Friday, you can go to septimazo where you can see different artists gather in Seventh, Race through the development of cultural, commercial offers, music and parades.

Different places to visit and relax

In this place a lot of activites have been done for example: festival iberoamericano de teatro, concerts of lot artists as Manu Chao, festival de la salsa, Philharmonic of Bogot.

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