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Kashful Asrar
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IN THE NAME OF ALLAH, THE MOST GRACIOUS, THE MOST MERCIFUL Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds and the good end is for the pious and Darood and Peace be on the Holy Prophet of Allah Almighty - Muhammad Sal Allahu Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wassallam entire Progeny, on his and his Family. (42:13) , on his

Companions Rizwaan Allahi Ta ala Alaihim Ajmaeen

Allah chooses for Himself whom He wills and guides unto Himself who turns (towards Him)

Countless and innumerable Darood, that enlightens the conscious, be on the Anwaar (Scintillations) of the Qurb of the Sustainer - the Seal of the Prophet hood - the Holy Prophet of the Lord of both the Worlds - the Mustafa - the Habeeb e Khuda - Hazrat Muhammad Sal Allahu Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wassallam , on his Progeny, on his Companions Rizwaan Allahi Ta ala Alaihim Ajmaeen and on his Family. O Lord! You (Alone) we worship, and You (Alone) we ask for help (1:4)


After this, the author of this book [Faqeer Bahu Rahmatullah Alaihi ], with the Taufeeq from the Great and the Superior Most Lord [ And my welfare is only in Allah (11:88) ], humbly says that the Aalim Bi Allah attains the Martaba of Tahqeeq [ He taught man that which he knew not (96:5) ], eating that which is Halal (admissible), speaking that which is the

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truth and [ discard your Nafs and come up


And further, he is the granter of Jamiyat ; and attains

and he shows the Majlis of Hazrat Muhammad Sal Allahu Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wassallam the Marifat of the Tauheed of Lord that he draws the letter Alif

from the Ilm e Azam and that

through the Alif [that is, the Name Allah the Essence ] he studies each and all Uloom and shows the Mushahida of the Hazoori that gets availed in a single Sukhan (Word) and becomes Waasil Bi Allah and, in a flash, covers the Martaba and the Station of Li Ma Allah , he is of the Pure religion of the Ahl e Sunnat and Jama at . Transcending both the Worlds, in an hour, is easier, through the ability of the Able and the Powerful, in the Sarwari Qadri Order as compared to all other Sufi Orders. Suggested Meanings: Ilm: knowledge. Majlis: Court. Qurb: Propinquity. Aalim Bi Allah: He on whose finger tips is the entire Ilm of the Holy Quran and Hadis and has also knowledge of their Tafseer (Exegesis) and he who meets with the entire Arwah from till Hazrat Muhammad and sits in the company of every Hazrat Adam Alaihi Salam Messenger, Prophet (and) Asfiya (Adorers) and can take himself to the Majlis of Muhammad Sal Allahu whenever he wants! (P22 Qurb e Didaar). Martaba: Rank. Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wassallam Halal (allowed). Uloom: Sciences. Mushahida: the Vision. Hazoori: Attendance at some intangible Station or Majlis, that is, a Wayfarer, after disconnecting with the creation and after fleeing away of the outward world, gains cordially, spiritually and inwardly the Qurb of Lord, Wisaal and Didaar and is present before Allah in the said way or he is allowed attendance in Spiritual Court of Hazrat Muhammad , inwardly or spiritually, while sleeping or Maraqiba (Expl. by K. B. Naseem, P105 Aqal Baidar). Transcending: covering. Marifat: Literally it means: cognition, cognizance, knowledge and identification. He who has identified, he saw; he who has seen, he reached and he who reached the Tauheed of the Noor of Tauheed, he [is as if] has Tasted the Marifat of Mushahida of Didaar. That Arif Bi Allah who has attained the Marifat of Lord, the eyes of Marifat of his heart remain always honored with Didaar; he is respectful, silent and cautious in Shariyat (P31 Qurb e Didaar). Beginning of Marifat is Fana (Destruction), middle is Baqa (Rebirth) and Ultimate is Liqaa. Wisaal: Seeing the Didaar (Sight) of the Jamaal (Beauty) of His Tauheed and drowning in Visualization of the Name Allah the Essence, is Wisaal. He who has connected with Allah after disconnecting with His Outsiders, is Waasil . Existence of the sate of Wisaal is Wasal . Sarwari Qadri: Sarwari Qadri is called that person who takes the Seeker of Allah to Allah through a single gaze and makes him Waasil Bi Allah. Also he is called Sarwari Qadri to him the overlord of Worlds Hazrat Muhammad Initiates on his blessed hand and hands him over to Hazrat Shah Muheyyudin Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jelaani Rahmatullah Alaihi and Hazrat Ghaus Shah Muheyyudin Rahmatullah Alaihi who is the Pir of the Piraan blesses him and his heart never separates from Allah (P01 Muhik ul Faqar Khurd). Jamiyat: Stability and all inclusive integrity similar to milk which becomes stable when it solidifies into curd after some sour juice is mixed in it and it becomes possible to obtain many useful products from its contents.. After achieving Jamiyat a person becomes contended and less exposed to outward threats that may attempt to destabilize him. For more details, P18 Kaleed e Tauheed Khurd (Eng. Translation). Tahqeeq: research with realization of the Truth of probe. Plural is Tahqeeqaat . First 1 Next Last 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

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Kashful Asrar
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Faqeer, son of Bazaid Rahmatullah Alaihi , Bahu Fana Fi Hu (Destroyed in Hu) Surname Awaan, the resident of Par Ganah Shor Kot that is situated in the suburbs of the province Lahore (at that time), under the order of Allah Almighty and the permission from Hazrat Muhammad Sal Allahu Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wassallam , [this book] has been written for his inwardly Irshaad with Talqeen for him who is judge on his Nafs e Ameen and the Reviver of the Religion - the just king is [Aurangzeb Alamgir] and in every way has the knowledge of both the outward and the inward and is the Arif of the Touchstone of the Gaze and the Tauheed of Lord and is competent for the course of Hazoori; that the Majlis of Muhammad Sal Allahu Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wassallam is the witness over the Ilm of Hazoori through the Mushahida of Hazoori, says that he who issues Talqeen to a Mureed, without the degree of Hazoori, he commits a very big grave sin. At the end his Seeker and Mureed will become misguided. The name given to this Risala is Kashf ul Asrar .


It is like obligation that the Murshid e Kaamil (Perfect Guide), should first, instruct the Ilm of Da wat to his Seeker and Mureed, which is the source of unending Jamiyat and it has no contradiction with the Holy Quran and is in the opposition to the Satan Nafs and is a Naked Sword for killing the insidious and flustered disbelievers as it decides in one breath and in one step! Get the condescension, beneficence and munificence through the Visualization of the Name Allah the Essence and through reading the Ism e Allah Azam all the rest desires are the source of worries and grief. Since its Aamileen are very rare and the Aamil of such Master of Da wat are very few in the world, hence the Ilm of Da wat (Invoking Sprits) through Surah Muzammil is very difficult. If it is performed with sequence, once for the total problems of the entire world, its Amal becomes unremitting till the Doomsday provided its Aamil makes himself the Favorite of the gaze of God in the Ilm of the Mushahidaat and takes himself in the Hazoor and recites the Khatam e Quran Dur Maddoor Hifz along with Allah .

Recitation of the Holy Quran in this way, which is the Taufeeq in the outward and Tahqeeq in the inward, is valid. You take the Haq and seek forgiveness of Lord against the Bid at that is the Baatil (Falsehood).

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Its Aamil is cautious in Shariyat. Suggested Meanings: Ilm: knowledge. Martaba: Rank. Maratib: Ranks. Mushahida: the Vision. Qurb: Propinquity. Hazoor: the Presence. Majlis: Court. Qalb, Ruh and Sirr: Generally Qalb means Heart , Ruh means Spirit and Sirr means Secret . As per a Hadis: There is a clot in human body called Fuaad (Heart). In the Fuaad is the Qalb; in Qalb is the Ruh; in the Ruh is the Sirr (P154 Noor ul Huda Klan) Tahqeeq: research with realization of the Truth of probe. Plural is Tahqeeqaat . Da wat: Invoking Spirits. Bid at: heresy. Aalim: erudite, scholar. Plural is Ulema means Scholars. Hazoori: Attendance at some intangible Station or Majlis, that is, a Wayfarer, after disconnecting with the creation and after fleeing away of the outward world, gains cordially, spiritually and inwardly the Qurb of Lord, Wisaal and Didaar and is present before Allah in the said way or he is allowed attendance in Spiritual Court of Hazrat Muhammad , inwardly or spiritually, while sleeping or Maraqiba (Expl. by K. B. Naseem, P105 Aqal Baidar). Ilm. Risala (Treatise). Jamiyat. Tawajuh: (impetus) Attention. Aamil: skilled executor of a specific Amal . Amal means an action or a specific set of actions done in a predefined way as an application of a knowledge to obtain desired goal. Its plural is Aamileen . Dur Maddoor (That Zaakir e Qalbi, the Sawaab of whose single breath is equivalent to the Sawaab of Seventy Thousand Times complete recitations of the Holy Quran, that Zaakir e Qalbi of Hazoor the Master of Qalb of Noor is called Dur Maddoor Hafiz e Rabbani). Arif of Allah: Literally means (Muslim) Theosophist . In Majalisa Tun Nabi (P04 Eng. Translation) Hazrat Sultan Bahu says that it is he who always binds the yoke of servitude and worship of Allah around the neck of Nafs and keeps it in the confinement of Fana Fi Allah (Destruction in Allah) but rather Destroys the Nafs in the Visualization of the Name Allah and after this the Faqeer on becoming lit through the torch of the Noor of Eimaan (Belief) and Yaqeen turns to be Roshan Zamir (with enlightened Conscience) and becomes able over Nafs. Plural is Arifeen . Shariyat: Literally means the Exoteric Practice of the system of Islamic Code of Life.. It means doing that which has been recommended and refraining from that which has been forbidden by Allah Almighty and the Holy . In short, it means complete compliance to the way of Hazrat Muhammad as followed Prophet by him till one enters his Majlis. Pir and Mureed: Pir is that Spiritual Guide who Initiates the Seekers on his hand (that is, takes Bai at: the oath of allegiance) . Plural is Piraan . Murshid and Taalib: Murshid means Guide of whole course of inward towards Allah. He is the Teacher and the Master. Plural is Murshideen . He who comes to Murshid with demand of Allah and guidance, he is Taalib means the Seeker . Talqeen: piece of Instruction advised by the Murshid to the Seeker. Irshaad: the (rightly guided) Directive of the Murshid for the Seeker. Jamiyat: Stability and all inclusive integrity similar to milk which becomes stable when it solidifies into curd after some sour juice is mixed in it and it becomes possible to obtain many useful products from its contents.. After achieving Jamiyat a person becomes contended and less exposed to outward threats that may attempt to destabilize him. For more details, P18 Kaleed e Tauheed Khurd (Eng. Translation). Ism e Azam: It is that Holy Name of Allah or a Verse that contains that Holy Name of Allah which if is remembered, it inwardly takes the person Near Allah and other profits are achieved. Taufeeq: Success and welfare in becoming better and making better. First Previous 2 Next Last 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

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In the beginning of the Surah Muzammil, (one) should reach Hazoori of the Majlis, in the inward through the Visualization of the Wahdat of the Name the Essence and recite the Quran Dur Maddoor Hifz

along with Muhammad Sal Allahu Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wassallam . And with the Ilm of the Tassaruf of the sacred Kalima e Tayyeb - La Elaha Il Allahu Muhammad ur Rasool Allah , the Taufeeq of the Tassaruf of the Name Allah the Essence is attained. The hint of the Ilm of the Da wat through Surah Muzammil, with sequence, has been hinted this way: Awzid Alaihi Wa Rattilil Qurana Tarteela. Saqeelan. Inna Sanulqi Alaika Qawlan Saqeelan. Saqeelan.

That person who recites the Surah Muzammil in accordance with above Tareeq, for him the Waseela unlocks at once and no doubt that at the same time the Blessed Ruh of Hazrat Muhammad Sal Allahu Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wassallam sits and Ind Allah (with or from Allah) apart the person, who is reciting, from its company till Doomsday. declares that it will never

That person, who will recite Surah Muzammil, in this way through the Ilm of the Haziraat, both the Worlds will come in his Tassaruf provided that the person reciting the Surah Muzammil wears the full of Anwaar (Scintillations) subtle raiment of the shroud of honor of the Shariyat in his: Damm (Breath) by Damm, heart by heart, Nafs by Nafs, Qalb by Qalb, and Amar e Ruh by Ruh and thousands of thousand countless Lataif (Subtleties) are rippling in his heart due to the Qurb of the Sustainer and can contribute, with an audible voice, in the saying Balaa while standing in the rows of the Arwah (Spirits) of Aulia Allah Rahmatullahi Ta ala Alaihim Ajmaeen , the Mo min (True Believer) and all the Assembly at the Station of the Alastu Bi Rabbikum that is, Am I not your Lord? (7:172) , on the Day of the Azal. Everyone s spirit is in the Hifz (asylum) of the Hafiz of the Dur Maddoor Khatam e Quran and the spiritualism of every person remains under his command. The recitation of the Ilm of the Holy Quranic Da wat needs Taufeeq in the outward and Tahqeeq of the Hazoori should be there in the inward. Opening these types of Maratib within a breath and showing

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within a step is easy for the Aalim Bi Allah but is very difficult for the Imperfect. Only the Aulia Allah Rahmatullahi Ta ala Alaihim Ajmaeen can solve this enigma and the Arifeen can demonstrate it because they have got the Ilm, in both the outward and the inward, through their bosom. There neither remains Nifaaq (Discord) nor any vindictiveness in their selves. BAYT (COUPLET) All the life was spent in acquiring, reading and writing the [outwardly] Ilm, But this is a Station of regret and grief that even then Wisaal could not be attained. Suggested Meanings: Ilm: knowledge. Martaba: Rank. Maratib: Ranks. Mushahida: the Vision. Qurb: Propinquity. Hazoor: the Presence. Majlis: Court. Qalb, Ruh and Sirr: Generally Qalb means Heart , Ruh means Spirit and Sirr means Secret . As per a Hadis: There is a clot in human body called Fuaad (Heart). In the Fuaad is the Qalb; in Qalb is the Ruh; in the Ruh is the Sirr (P154 Noor ul Huda Klan). Da wat: Invoking Spirits. Aalim: erudite, scholar. Plural is Ulema means Scholars. Hazoori: Attendance at some intangible Station or Majlis, that is, a Wayfarer, after disconnecting with the creation and after fleeing away of the outward world, gains cordially, spiritually and inwardly the Qurb of Lord, Wisaal and Didaar and is present before Allah in the said way or he is allowed attendance in Spiritual Court of Hazrat Muhammad , inwardly or spiritually, while sleeping or Maraqiba (Expl. by K. B. Naseem, P105 Aqal Baidar). Tareeq: the Mode of action Haziraat: inwardly and spiritual extraordinary powers and rewards which are the outcomes of Visualization of Name Allah (Expl. by K. B. Naseem, P33 Aqal Baidar). Azal: eternity without the beginning. Wisaal: Seeing the Didaar (Sight) of the Jamaal (Beauty) of His Tauheed and drowning in Visualization of the Name Allah the Essence, is Wisaal. He who has connected with Allah after disconnecting with His Outsiders, is Waasil . Existence of the sate of Wisaal is Wasal . Dur Maddoor (That Zaakir e Qalbi, the Sawaab of whose single breath is equivalent to the Sawaab of Seventy Thousand Times complete recitations of the Holy Quran, that Zaakir e Qalbi of Hazoor the Master of Qalb of Noor is called Dur Maddoor Hafiz e Rabbani) Aalim Bi Allah: He on whose finger tips is the entire Ilm of the Holy Quran and Hadis and has also knowledge of their Tafseer (Exegesis) and he who meets with the entire Arwah from Hazrat Adam Alaihi Salam till Hazrat Muhammad and sits in the company of every Messenger, Prophet (and) Asfiya (Adorers) and can

take himself to the Majlis of Muhammad Sal Allahu Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wassallam whenever he wants! (P22 Qurb e Didaar). Shariyat: Literally means the Exoteric Practice of the system of Islamic Code of Life.. It means doing that which has been recommended and refraining from that which has been forbidden by Allah Almighty and the Holy Prophet . In short, it means complete compliance to

the way of Hazrat Muhammad as followed by him till one enters his Majlis. Arif of Allah: Literally means (Muslim) Theosophist . In Majalisa Tun Nabi (P04 Eng. Translation) Hazrat Sultan Bahu says that it is he who always binds the yoke of servitude and worship of Allah around the neck of Nafs and keeps it in the confinement of Fana Fi Allah (Destruction in Allah) but rather Destroys the Nafs in the Visualization of the Name Allah and after this the Faqeer on becoming lit through the torch of the Noor of Eimaan (Belief) and Yaqeen turns to be Roshan Zamir (with enlightened Conscience) and becomes able over Nafs. Plural is Arifeen . Taufeeq: Success and welfare in becoming better and making better. Tassaruf: Possession and utilization. Plural is Tassarufaat . Waseela: way of approach. Tahqeeq: research with realization of the Truth of probe. Plural is Tahqeeqaat .

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Kashful Asrar
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Ilm is that which keeps a person away from egotism and ravenousness and desire and makes him Khuda Raseeda (reached Allah) . Every study of the Ilm of the Hazoori of the Majlis of Muhammad Sal Allahu Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wassallam is essential. That person who has not been accompanied with this kind of the Ilm as witness; he is at the level of sin in the quest of the World (Dunya). First of all the Master of Ilm (Sahib e Ilm) should slaughter, with this Ilm, all the four birds of all the four Nafs that is: the Cock of Shahwat, the Crow of ravenousness, the Peacock of Pomp and the Pigeon of Desire. BAYT (COUPLET) Initially I was Four, and then became Three and now I am Two, And then I crossed the Duality and united with Allah Almighty. Uniqueness and purity [of heart] is achieved through the Name Allah the Essence such that the physical senses deactivate and the inwardly senses activate and evil traits leave the body and the (Light) of Lord enters every organ. The Aalim commands over every Ilm and is in the study of the quests that are like Mushahida by virtue of which his Qalb becomes Noor at once. [Thus the same] Faqeer becomes Maalik ul Mulki with the order of the Merciful Lord because this Martaba is [also] attained by him because of the Ilm of the Haziraat. This is because that all the creation, big and small, although is countless but for Master of Haziraat it is all countable. And all Ilm, the names of the angels, the drops of the beneficial rain, the Marifat of Tauheedaat, destinations, Stations, Ilhaam and Divine Self Disclosures, the Essence, Sifaat (calibers) and the Names of the Almighty Evolver; are though numerous, but the Master of Ilm of the Haziraat knows their number. And everything on the face of earth such as plants, the Ilm of Kimya, Akseer, the Sang e Paaris on mountains, the Fatuhaat e Ilm O Iraadaat and the treasures of the Tassaruf of the Doubtless Scriptures, though, are countless, but he knows their number. And the leaves of trees and leaves of many types, the Ism e Azam and the Aulia Allah [in world], are though, so many, but he knows the number. Suggested Meanings: Ilm: knowledge. Uloom: Sciences. Noor: Light. (A supernatural inwardly power like electricity) which emanates across the letters of Name Allah (P171 Noor ul Huda Klan). Martaba: Rank. Maratib: Ranks. Mushahida: the Vision. Qurb: Propinquity. Hazoor: the Presence. Da wat: Invoking Spirits. Aalim: erudite, scholar. Plural is Ulema means Scholars. Khuda Raseeda: reached Allah. Hazoori: Attendance at some intangible Station or Majlis, that is, a

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Wayfarer, after disconnecting with the creation and after fleeing away of the outward world, gains cordially, spiritually and inwardly the Qurb of Lord, Wisaal and Didaar and is present before Allah in , inwardly or the said way or he is allowed attendance in Spiritual Court of Hazrat Muhammad spiritually, while sleeping or Maraqiba (Expl. by K. B. Naseem, P105 Aqal Baidar). World (Dunya): General meanings are the resources, wealth, pomp and glitter of physical world intended or accumulated in lust and not for the cause of Allah. Hazrat Sultan Bahu has said that Every that thing which distracts you from your Lord, its name is World (Dunya) (P09 Ganj ul Asrar). Maalik ul Mulki: like the owner of total sovereignty of the entire domains of Lord he and who falls in the top of the list of Faqar. More details Page 85 Noor ul Huda Klan (English). Haziraat: inwardly and spiritual extraordinary powers and rewards which are the outcomes of Visualization of Name Allah (Expl. by K. B. Naseem, P33 Aqal Baidar). Ilhaam: delivery of the message of good in the heart of second person directly without physical means (P125 Noor ul Huda Klan Eng. Translation). Sang e Paaris: stone that when touches a cheap metal, converts it into gold. Marifat: Literally it means: cognition, cognizance, knowledge and identification. He who has identified, he saw; he who has seen, he reached and he who reached the Tauheed of the Noor of Tauheed, he [is as if] has Tasted the Marifat of Mushahida of Didaar. That Arif Bi Allah who has attained the Marifat of Lord, the eyes of Marifat of his heart remain always honored with Didaar; he is respectful, silent and cautious in Shariyat (P31 Qurb e Didaar). Beginning of Marifat is Fana (Destruction), middle is Baqa (Rebirth) and Ultimate is Liqaa. Wisaal: Seeing the Didaar (Sight) of the Jamaal (Beauty) of His Tauheed and drowning in Visualization of the Name Allah the Essence, is Wisaal. He who has connected with Allah after disconnecting with His Outsiders, is Waasil . Existence of the sate of Wisaal is Wasal . Taufeeq: Success and welfare in becoming better and making better. Tassaruf: Possession and utilization. Plural is Tassarufaat . Shahwat: lustful libido. Kimya Akseer: Alchemy of the Visualization of the Name the Essence. Ism e Azam: It is that Holy Name of Allah or a Verse that contains that Holy Name of Allah which if is remembered, it inwardly takes the person Near Allah and other profits are achieved.

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Pages#: Home Books Audio Video Gallery Forum Guest Book Community Webmaster About us Contact us Recommend 1 Share 2 3 4 5 6 7 Page No: 5 8 First Previous 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Next Last 9 10 11 The Mard is he who, through the Verses of the Holy Quran, the Kalima e Tayyeb, the Holy Names, 12 13 Name Allah the Essence and the Name Muhammad Sal Allahu Alaihi Wa Aalihi 14 15 Wassallam , after unlocking the Naziraat (visuals) with the Key of the Haziraat, may open the 16 doorwau in a single breath and, in a single step, may see the Mushahidaat of the Tassaruf of the treasuries 17 of the riches and wealth of the mortal world and the Marifat of the everlasting Baqa (Rebirth) 18 Tauheed of Divine. Although this wealth and virtue can be achieved in the outward as well as 19 inward through: the Ilm of the Holy Quran and Tafseer (Exegesis), the Ilm of Wilayat along with 20 effectiveness, the Ilm of Ghinayat (Self-sufficiency), Kimya Akseer, the Ilm of Hidayat that enlightens heart, the Ilm of the Ghinayat of the Fana Fi Allah (Destroyed in Allah) Faqeer and the Ilm infinity which is the emir of both the Worlds; but even then the Murshid e Kaamil (Perfect Guide) extremely essential.

Kashful Asrar

If in the very first day, search for the Murshid e Kaamil (Perfect Guide) is not done and does not become Waasil with God, then all the wayfarers of the course of the inward will become perplexed and go astray. Every that person who will read this book with genuineness, nothing will remain hidden or invisible for him. That person who knows the enigma of the Haziraat, the Kingdom of Solomon (the entire face of earth) always remains at his disposal!

O dear! Be informed! Four Maratib come out with the Reality of the Haziraat of the Visualization the Name Allah the Essence and every Martaba comes under the Tassaruf through Ilm and Amal. 1. The Martaba of king the Shadow of God (Zill Allah) - that is, sovereignty. 2. The Martaba of Tee of all the seven spheres and nine heavens from moon to the fish. This rank is also of a Wali Allah. 3. That person [who finds the rank of] Fana Fi Allah (Destroyed in Allah), Baqa Bi Allah (Reborn with Allah), Arif of God, Muqarrib of Allah Almighty and Aulia Allah. 4. The Martaba of the Master of Qata a Daleel, the heart which gets information because of its nearness to the Glorious that is, the Aalim Bi Allah.

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These Maratib are also attained with the Auspiciousness of the Haziraat that each and all Ilm and total learning from the beginning to the end is included in the Visualizations of the Name Allah the Essence . That person who does not know this rule of the ability of the Ilm of the Able and has no access to the of the Haziraat then he is a stupid if he calls himself Aamil, the Perfect Faqeer and the Wali Allah This is the course of the Taufeeq, not the Tareeq; this is the way of Tahqeeq, not Tafreeq (Discrimination). This is course of Tauheed, and cannot be achieved through Taqleed (Imitation). This course is not of the pains taken for the treasures, but instead it is liked by heart and is the ideal. And this course is not that which will be lost but instead this course is of Mushahida of the Marifat. pains of Mujahida are required in it. Purpose is sooner achieved through this course, because just one gaze of the Ilm of the Haziraat takes the Seeker to the Ilm of the study of the Loh e Mahfooz. Suggested Meanings: Mard: That person who decapitates the Outsiders of Allah Almighty with a single blow of the Sword of the Visualization of the Name Allah the Essence and he comes in peace against their assaults and sacrifices his head on the course of Allah, he is called Mard whereas that person who day and night continues fighting with the said Outsiders to overcome these is called Mardak . The Plural of Mard is Mardaan . That person who lacks the caliber of Mard is called Na Mard . In the Asrar ul Qadri Sultan Bahu says that: Mard is he who puts his Nafs in accountability (reckoning) in every condition. And in Muhik ul Faqar Khurd he says that Mard is he who is the Seeker of Allah. Ilm: knowledge. Uloom: Sciences. Noor: Light. (A supernatural inwardly power like electricity) which emanates across the letters of Name Allah (P171 Noor ul Huda Klan). Martaba: Rank. Maratib: Ranks. Mushahida: the Vision. Qurb: Propinquity. Hazoor: the Presence. Da wat: Invoking Spirits. Aalim: erudite, scholar. Plural is Ulema means Scholars. Haziraat: inwardly and spiritual extraordinary powers and rewards which are the outcomes of Visualization of Name Allah (Expl. by K. B. Naseem, P33 Aqal Baidar). Kimya Akseer: Alchemy of the Visualization of the Name the Essence. Aamil: skilled executor of a specific Amal . Amal means an action or a specific set of actions done in a predefined way as an application of a knowledge to obtain desired goal. Its plural is Aamileen . Tee: the cover or travelling through or transcendence (P160 Noor ul Huda Klan). Muqarrib: the Favorite admitted to be Near or brought nigh. Mujahida: Jihad against Nafs. Loh e Mahfooz: Divine Scripture that keeps records of everything. Murshid and Taalib: Murshid means Guide of whole course of inward towards Allah. He is the Teacher and the Master. Plural is Murshideen . He who comes to Murshid with demand of Allah and guidance, he is Taalib means the Seeker . Haziraat: inwardly and spiritual extraordinary powers and rewards which are the outcomes of Visualization of Name Allah (Expl. by K. B. Naseem, P33 Aqal Baidar). Kimya Akseer: Alchemy of the Visualization of the Name the Essence. Tee: cover or travelling through or transcendence (P160 Noor ul Huda Klan). Muqarrib: the Favorite admitted to be Near or brought nigh. Mujahida: Jihad against Nafs. Loh e Mahfooz: Divine Scripture that keeps records of everything. Arif of Allah: Literally means (Muslim) Theosophist In Majalisa Tun Nabi (P04 Eng. Translation) Hazrat Sultan Bahu says that it is he who always binds the yoke of servitude and worship of Allah around the neck of Nafs and keeps it in the confinement of Fana Fi Allah (Destruction in Allah) but rather Destroys the Nafs in the Visualization of the Name Allah and after this the Faqeer on becoming lit through the torch of the Noor of Eimaan (Belief) and Yaqeen turns to be Roshan Zamir (with enlightened Conscience) and becomes able over Nafs. Plural is Arifeen . Akseer: that is, the Visualization of the Name the Essence ). Aalim Bi Allah: He on whose finger tips is the entire Ilm of the Holy Quran and Hadis and has also knowledge of their Tafseer

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(Exegesis) and he who meets with the entire Arwah from Hazrat Adam Alaihi Salam Hazrat Muhammad and sits in the company of every Messenger, Prophet (and) Asfiya (Adorers)

and can take himself to the Majlis of Muhammad Sal Allahu Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wassallam whenever he wants! (P22 Qurb e Didaar). Marifat: Literally it means: cognition, cognizance, knowledge and identification. He who has identified, he saw; he who has seen, he reached and he who reached the Tauheed of the Noor of Tauheed, he [is as if] has Tasted the Marifat of Mushahida of Didaar. That Arif Bi Allah who has attained the Marifat of Lord, the eyes of Marifat of his heart remain always honored with Didaar; he is respectful, silent and cautious in Shariyat (P31 Qurb e Didaar). Beginning of Marifat is Fana (Destruction), middle is Baqa (Rebirth) and Ultimate is Liqaa. Wisaal: Seeing the Didaar (Sight) of the Jamaal (Beauty) of His Tauheed and drowning in Visualization of the Name Allah the Essence, is Wisaal. He who has connected with Allah after disconnecting with His Outsiders, is Waasil . Existence of the sate of Wisaal is Wasal . Hidayat: Guidance. Taufeeq: Success and welfare in becoming better and making better. Tassaruf: Possession and utilization. Plural is Tassarufaat . Tahqeeq: research with realization of the Truth of probe. Plural is Tahqeeqaat Wali Allah Aulia Allah: Wali Allah is that person who abandons the four kinds of darkness: darkness of the creation, the World (Dunya), the Nafs and the Satan and enters these four Lights: the Noor of Ilm, Zikr, Ilhaam, and Marifat with the Qurb of Hazoor. And at the fourth degree, he drowns into the Mushahida of Noor of Baqa (Rebirth) of the Essence (P02 Taigh e Barhana).

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Pages#: Home Books Audio Video Gallery Forum Guest Book Community Webmaster About us Contact us Recommend 1 Share 2 3 4 5 6 7 Page No: 6 8 First Previous 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Next Last 9 10 11 And this Ilm of the Haziraat takes the human being away of the Bid at of the violence of Nafs. This 12 course is the La Yahtaaj (Self Sufficient), and is not the needy. This is the course of Salaat (Prayers) 13 and Fasting through which complete answers as advice is received from Allah the Hayyu (The Alive) the 14 15 16 Qayyum (The Self-Subsisting) through Ilhaam during bowing and prostrating positions 17 (during prayers). There blows the only wind of the Wisaal, (and) not of the decline. And from that 18 End comes the soundless call of Taraani (you can see) instead of Lan Taraani (you will not be able 19 20 to see) (7:143) [that is the voice of Taraani comes in ears].

Kashful Asrar

[For such said persons] Hazrat Muhammad Sal Allahu Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wassallam Salaat (Prayers) is the ascension of the Believers .

said that:

I wonder about those persons who frequently call Rabbi Arinee (O my Lord show me 7:143 ) with zeal and fervor and are perform Da wat to conquer kings but if they recite the Name and the Holy Names all throughout their lives and hit their heads on stone, even then the Ilm of Da wat does not become operational. Faqeer Aalim Bi Allah performs Da wat through the Holy Quran with mere intention to win the gladness of Allah Almighty. His Da wat is neither meant to get anything from people nor does he need the king because of the reason that Allah Almighty makes him La Yahtaj (SelfSufficient). BAYT (COUPLET) That is holy which is liked by Allah Almighty, And if is liked by Allah Almighty, then what? In the Ilm of Da wat, the Holy Quran is recited in such a way that it can cease the Ilm of Da wat of the every Aamil of Da wat that exists on the face of earth. And if it releases, then there would be none with a power to cease it. That person, who has once entered the Hisaar, with due sequence, he, thereafter, cannot leave [the Hisaar of Da wat through the Holy Quran]. And if the Murshid e Kaamil (Perfect Guide) employs his Tawajuh on the Seeker, then that Tawajuh alone becomes the form

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of the Murshid e Kaamil (Perfect Guide) and [that form of Tawajuh] does not part from the Seeker till the Doomsday and keeps him safe and sound against every calamity and disaster. This is the Martaba of Istiqamat is superior to Karamat . This is so much virtuous Martaba that it makes admirable the futurity of the person doing the Visualization of the Name Allah the Essence The Martaba as well as the futurity of the People of Bid at is disqualified. . Reaching towards the

Ultimate is inclining towards the beginning. [That is, when the Ultimate stage of a matter has come, then its commencement takes place] Taffakur of an hour [about the Calibers of Lord] is better than the worship of both the Worlds [the mankind and the jinn]

ABOUT ISTIQAMAT AND KARAMAT: Uprightness is called Istiqamat which implies that the Faqeer should remain safe against unrighteousness and should never allow the taint of Nafs and Satan in him. It also implies that he should never be desirous of anything else besides Allah. That unusual outcome that apparently seems impossible, if that happens by the Aulia Allah Rahmatullahi Ta ala Alaihim Ajmaeen , then it is called Karamat and if such happens by a non believer, then it is called Istadraaj. Since, in Karamat, there is possibility of the taint of the Nafs that is why Istiqamat is superior to Karamat.

Suggested Meanings: Ilm: knowledge. Tawajuh: (impetus) Attention. Uloom: Sciences. Noor: Light. (A supernatural inwardly power like electricity) which emanates across the letters of Name Allah (P171 Noor ul Huda Klan). Martaba: Rank. Maratib: Ranks. Mushahida: the Vision. Qurb: Propinquity. Hazoor: the Presence. Da wat: Invoking Spirits. Bid at: heresy. Aalim: erudite, scholar. Plural is Ulema means Scholars. Taffakur: Contemplation. At its Utmost Level, it results in Fana (Destruction) of Nafs, Baqa (Rebirth) with Allah and experience of seeing Didaar (P195 Noor ul Huda). Haziraat: inwardly and spiritual extraordinary powers and rewards which are the outcomes of Visualization of Name Allah (Expl. by K. B. Naseem, P33 Aqal Baidar). Ilhaam: delivery of the message of good in the heart of second person directly without physical means (P125 Noor ul Huda Klan Eng. Translation). Wisaal: Seeing the Didaar (Sight) of the Jamaal (Beauty) of His Tauheed and drowning in Visualization of the Name Allah the Essence, is Wisaal. He who has connected with Allah after disconnecting with His Outsiders, is Waasil . Existence of the sate of Wisaal is Wasal . Aamil: skilled executor of a specific Amal . Amal means an action or a specific set of actions done in a predefined way as an application of a knowledge to obtain desired goal. Its plural is Aamileen . Hisaar (shield, fence).). Aalim Bi Allah: He on whose finger tips is the entire Ilm of the Holy Quran and Hadis and has also knowledge of their Tafseer (Exegesis) and he who meets with the entire Arwah from Hazrat Adam Alaihi Salam till Hazrat Muhammad and sits in the company of every Messenger, Prophet (and) Asfiya (Adorers) and can take himself to the Majlis of Muhammad Sal Allahu Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wassallam whenever he wants! (P22 Qurb e Didaar). Murshid and Taalib: Murshid means Guide of whole course of inward towards Allah. He is the Teacher and the Master. Plural is Murshideen . He who comes to Murshid with demand of Allah and guidance, he is Taalib means the Seeker . Karamat: extraordinary miraculous outcome due to a person s high spiritual status.. Plural is Karamaat . Istiqamat: steadfastness with uprightness.

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Pages#: Home Books Audio Video Gallery Forum Guest Book Community Webmaster About us Contact us Recommend 2 Share 3 4 5 6 7 8 Page No: 7 9 First Previous 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Next Last 10 11 12 13 THE METHOD OF THE ILM OF 14 DA WAT 15 16 In Da wat the tongue of heart in the heart recites the Holy Quran. In the communication of the Ilm of 17 18 Da wat first write from the ink on the tongue the Kun Fa Yakoon (Be! And it is (36:82) ) 19 with the words of the Ism e Azam because the tongue of Faqeers becomes the Sword of [the 20 Beneficent] . The Perfect Master of Da wat [when] recites the Holy Quran with the tongue of heart, [it takes him] in the Qurb of Allah Almighty and the Qudrat e Amar e Ruh itself recites the Holy Quran on the tongue of the Aamil of the Ilm of Da wat, which takes him to

Kashful Asrar

the Majlis of the Holy Prophets Alaihim Salam Ta ala Alaihim Ajmaeen .

and the honorable Aulia Allah Rahmatullahi

In the Ilm of Da wat, on reciting the Holy Quran with the tongue of Damm (Breath), complete answer with advice is received from Hazoor. In the Ilm of Da wat, when the Holy Quran is recited with the Taufeeq of Noori (photic) tongue, then this Noor comes in all over from the top to toe of the human body. Each word of this person with Noor is from the Qurb of Hazoori. In the Ilm of Da wat, when the Holy Quran is recited with the tongue of Nafs, it completely eliminates the carnality of the Nafs e Ammara.


The Ilm of Da wat is acquired in: a Damm (breath), in an hour, in a day and night, in a week, in a month, in a year and even in the past, future and present. And he, who recites the Glorious Quran through Da wat in the Qurb of Divine, he is at Lahoot Lamakaan. This cannot be called Ghaib Daani(omniscience), but it is Ain Ayani Ghaib Daani is, but, the Jununiyat (Insanity), Shataniyat (devilish) and the goblin of wilderness. Also that, this course of Ain Ayani is neither attained through Kashf nor through Karamat but can be attained through becoming Fana Fi Allah Zaat (Destroyed in Allah the Essence) indeed. And such person is the Muqarrib of Allah, the Aalim Bi Allah, and is the Aalim Muntaha and the Perfect Faqeer.


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The Master of Da wat of the Dua e Saifi and the Surah Muzammil when recites with sequence, he tremors the Arsh (Throne) and the Kursi (Footstool), The Loh O Qalam, nine heavens and seven spheres in such a way that the Arwah (Spirits) of the Holy Prophets Alaihim Salam and Aulia Allah Rahmatullahi Ta ala Alaihim Ajmaeen see warning and angels are flabbergasted. Suggested Meanings: Ilm: knowledge. Tawajuh: (impetus) Attention. Uloom: Sciences. Noor: Light. (A supernatural inwardly power like electricity) which emanates across the letters of Name Allah (P171 Noor ul Huda Klan). Martaba: Rank. Maratib: Ranks. Mushahida: the Vision. Qurb: Propinquity. Hazoor: the Presence. Majlis: Court. Qalb, Ruh and Sirr: Generally Qalb means Heart , Ruh means Spirit and Sirr means Secret . As per a Hadis: There is a clot in human body called Fuaad (Heart). In the Fuaad is the Qalb; in Qalb is the Ruh; in the Ruh is the Sirr (P154 Noor ul Huda Klan) Da wat: Invoking Spirits. Karamat: extraordinary miraculous outcome due to a person s high spiritual status.. Plural is Karamaat . Aamil: skilled executor of a specific Amal . Amal means an action or a specific set of actions done in a predefined way as an application of a knowledge to obtain desired goal. Its plural is Aamileen . Noori (Photic). Hazoori: Attendance at some intangible Station or Majlis, that is, a Wayfarer, after disconnecting with the creation and after fleeing away of the outward world, gains cordially, spiritually and inwardly the Qurb of Lord, Wisaal and Didaar and is present before Allah in the said way or he is allowed attendance in Spiritual Court of Hazrat Muhammad , inwardly or spiritually, while sleeping or Maraqiba (Expl. by K. B. Naseem, P105 Aqal Baidar). Ghaib Daani (omniscience). Ain Ayani: reaching wherever one desires just by employing his Tawajuh and seeing reality of every occurrence. Muqarrib: the Favorite admitted to be Near or brought nigh. Dua e Saifi: a prayer that was revealed to Hazrat Muhammad by Hazrat Jibraaeel (Gabriel) Alaihi Salam

and Hazrat Muhammad taught this prayers to Hazrat Ali Alaihi Salam taught this prayers to Hazrat Ali Alaihi Salam ). Loh O Qalam: the Tablet and Pen. Lahoot Lamakaan: immutable (Baaqi) Station that relates to the Baqa (Rebirth) of Ruh. Lamakaan: That Station of Hazoori to which no . Aalim Bi physical address or whereabouts can be assigned to. It is known by Hazrat Muhammad Allah: He on whose finger tips is the entire Ilm of the Holy Quran and Hadis and has also knowledge of their Tafseer (Exegesis) and he who meets with the entire Arwah from Hazrat Adam Alaihi Salam till Hazrat Muhammad and sits in the company of every Messenger, Prophet (and) Asfiya

(Adorers) and can take himself to the Majlis of Muhammad Sal Allahu Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wassallam whenever he wants! (P22 Qurb e Didaar). Kashf: the revelation or discovery. Karamat: extraordinary miraculous outcome due to a person s high spiritual status.. Plural is Karamaat . Ism e Azam: It is that Holy Name of Allah or a Verse that contains that Holy Name of Allah which if is remembered, it inwardly takes the person Near Allah and other profits are achieved. Nafs e Ammara {12:53}, Lawwama {75:2}, Mulhima, and Mutma ina {8:27}: Nafsaniyat is of three kinds. he who s Nafs is Kaafir, his trait is also of a Kaafir and Zannaar; he keeps sincerity with the World (Dunya) and the Kuffaar only. This Nafs e Ammara is brigand. He who s Nafs has the temper of hypocrisy; his devotion is with the hypocrites. His Nafs is Nafs e Lawwama. And who s Nafs has the temper like the People of World (Dunya), he is very cruel. This is called Nafs e Mulhima. And he of who s Nafs has Cordiality with the Ilm of Shariyat, the Aalim, the Perfect Faqeers, the pitiful and theists and that remains drowned into the Zikr of Lord and remains Gharq (Drowned) in Masti; he is the Perfect in the gestures of Abudiyat and Rabubiyat, this Nafs is called Nafs e Mutma ina (P23-24 Muhabbat ul Asrar). Plz also see P26 Majalisa Tun Nabi.

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Pages#: Home Books Audio Video Gallery Forum Guest Book Community Webmaster About us Contact us Recommend 3 Share 4 5 6 7 8 9 Page No: 8 10 First Previous 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Next Last 11 12 13 The Aalim Bi Allah Faqeer recites Da wat from the Verses of the Holy Quran in such a way that both 14 15 the Worlds stay in his command. This is the Ilm of Da wat the study of which lets a person be seated on the royal throne of Solomon after having conquered the entire world. 16 17 18 These are just initial Maratib for a guide Faqeer. The Faqeer who is the Emir of both the Worlds, he 19 remains in a hard condition day and night same like the Sang e Paaris [yes if he is kind and 20 condescending and generous] then with single Gaze turns the unrefined iron and copper into pure gold. And [same like this] the Master of Da wat promotes the Saadiq (Truthful) persons to the Martaba of the Ilm of the Tasdeeq (Acknowledgement) along with Sidq (Truthfulness).

Kashful Asrar

Allah Almighty says: of the Prophets and of the saints and of the martyrs and the righteous. company they are (4:69)

The best

[To cover this Station, a companion is needed. Aalihi Wassallam said]

Therefore Hazrat Muhammad Sal Allahu Alaihi Wa

HADIS (sayings of the Holy Prophet ) First the companion and then the way.

[That is, he who has no guide, his faith will remain incomplete. So first find the companion and when you get him then start walking on the path.]. The Mureedain of such person always remain cautious in Hazoori. [Thus] on this Martaba [the Faqeer] should not be proud [because] the course of the People of Allah goes farther than this which is the Fana Dar Fana (Destruction over Destruction), Baqa Dar Baqa (Rebirth over Rebirth), and Liqaa after Liqaa. You [also] keep on with it. And fear God and become bashful. Victory and triumph is through Ilm, by which the outwardly worship and Maratib [of Faqar] are attained. [O real Seeker]! Get the Naqsh of three kinds from the Doubtless Holy Quran for the outwardly Ilm and inwardly Ilm and the Ilm of Ludni and the unseen Wardaat and the Fatuhaat. And with the said Naqsh the spectacle of the both Worlds will be seen clearly.


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[Naqsh is of four types] These Naqsh are these: the Visualization of Tareeq, Visualization Rafiq, and Visualization of Tahqeeq and Visualization of Darya e Ameeq of the Tauheed. The Visualization of Tareeq is that: through the Visualization of the Name Allah the Essence , at the time of obedience, the Seeker covers both the Worlds; on doing this the spectacle of both the Worlds always remains in his sight. , takes himself in the The Visualization Rafiq is that: the Seeker, through the Name Allah the Essence Qurb of the Tauheed of Lord and in Hazoori. And always remains the Favorite in the gaze of Mercy of Allah Almighty. Suggested Meanings: Ilm: knowledge. Tawajuh: (impetus) Attention. Uloom: Sciences. Noor: Light. (A supernatural inwardly power like electricity) which emanates across the letters of Name Allah (P171 Noor ul Huda Klan). Martaba: Rank. Maratib: Ranks. Mushahida: the Vision. Qurb: Propinquity. Hazoor: the Presence. Majlis: Court. Qalb, Ruh and Sirr: Generally Qalb means Heart , Ruh means Spirit and Sirr means Secret . As per a Hadis: There is a clot in human body called Fuaad (Heart). In the Fuaad is the Qalb; in Qalb is the Ruh; in the Ruh is the Sirr (P154 Noor ul Huda Klan). Da wat: Invoking Spirits. Liqaa: Meeting and Wisaal. Tahqeeq: research with realization of the Truth of probe. Plural is Tahqeeqaat . Pir and Mureed: Pir is that Spiritual Guide who Initiates the Seekers on his hand (that is, takes Bai at: the oath of allegiance) . Plural is Piraan . Such Initiated Seeker is called Mureed of that Pir.. Plural is Mureedain . Hazoori: Attendance at some intangible Station or Majlis, that is, a Wayfarer, after disconnecting with the creation and after fleeing away of the outward world, gains cordially, spiritually and inwardly the Qurb of Lord, Wisaal and Didaar and is present before Allah in the said way or he is allowed attendance in Spiritual Court of Hazrat Muhammad , inwardly or spiritually, while sleeping or Maraqiba (Expl. by K. B. Naseem, P105 Aqal Baidar). Naqsh: drawing showing words of the Holy Quran and Holy Names with a specific purpose usually for Visualization and for inscribing on body. (Expl. by K. B. Naseem, P56 Aqal Baidar) Ludni: theological. Wardaat: experiences of the occurrences of the unseen. Fatuhaat (Conquests). Rafiq (companion). Darya e Ameeq: deep Ocean. Hazoori: Attendance at some intangible Station or Majlis, that is, a Wayfarer, after disconnecting with the creation and after fleeing away of the outward world, gains cordially, spiritually and inwardly the Qurb of Lord, Wisaal and Didaar and is present before Allah in the said way or he is allowed attendance in Spiritual Court of Hazrat Muhammad , inwardly or spiritually, while sleeping or Maraqiba (Expl. by K. B. Naseem, P105 Aqal Baidar). Aalim Bi Allah: He on whose finger tips is the entire Ilm of the Holy Quran and Hadis and has also knowledge of their Tafseer (Exegesis) and he who meets with the entire Arwah from Hazrat Adam Alaihi Salam till Hazrat Muhammad and sits in the company of every Messenger, Prophet (and) Asfiya (Adorers) and can take himself to the Majlis of Muhammad Sal Allahu Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wassallam whenever he wants! (P22 Qurb e Didaar). Wisaal: Seeing the Didaar (Sight) of the Jamaal (Beauty) of His Tauheed and drowning in Visualization of the Name Allah the Essence, is Wisaal. He who has connected with Allah after disconnecting with His Outsiders, is Waasil . Existence of the sate of Wisaal is Wasal . Tareeq: the Mode of action.

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Pages#: Home Books Audio Video Gallery Forum Guest Book Community Webmaster About us Contact us Recommend 4 Share 5 6 7 8 9 10 Page No: 9 11 First Previous 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Next Last 12 13 14 The Visualization of Darya e Ameeq is that: [the Seeker] enters Tauheed through the Visualization of the 15 16 Name Allah the Essence . And he never leaves Tauheed in life or death [that is, his life and death 17 become equal] and the Qalb and all the Haft Andaam of the human body receive the Noor from 18 Tauheed. And always talks with Allah Almighty in Hazoor and people think as if he is talking with 19 them. 20

Kashful Asrar

That person, who has not achieved these three Visualizations, he is not aware of the Tareeqat of the Visualization that the entire creation, the Essence and Sifaat (calibers), Tajalliyaat (Self Disclosures), Ilhaam, Qalaam (dialogue), Noor of Hazoor is achieved through the same. By this he becomes shrived enlightens the by God and gets the bliss of Shauq (Zeal). Saying Allah Allah inner-self. The Fana (Destruction), the Baqa (Rebirth), the sight of the Liqaa and the San at Saaney Khuda shows. everything the Aalim Bi Allah gets from the Name Allah Almighty and he sees and he

[Through the Visualization of this Naqsh] the Ganj ul Harmain, Sharf ud Darain, Ain Numa (like spectacles which clear the vision of the seer of the Essence of Lord), Ba Ain Safaa, Ba Ain Baqa, Ba Ain Wafa, Ba Adab Ba Haya, Qurb of God and Hazoori of Muhammad Sal Allahu Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wassallam is attained because in this, the Truthful Seeker always remains seeing the Mushahida through Visualizations. And the Taufeeq of the Haziraat is also received through this. And every quest is accomplished through the Ilm of the Haziraat. And the Mercy of Lord descends through the Ilm of the Naziraat (visuals). BAYT (COUPLET) Search the Naqsh of Muhammad Sal Allahu Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wassallam from the Name Allah Everything that is besides Allah in your heart, clean that from your heart. ,

That Taufeeq of Lord in the outward and in the Majlis of Muhammad Sal Allahu` Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wassallam is availed in the inward through this Naqsh:

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There are four Tareeq of the Visualization of the Name Muhammad Wassallam through which the Taufeeq of four types is received.

Sal Allahu Alaihi Wa Aalihi

Suggested Meanings: Ilm: knowledge. Tawajuh: (impetus) Attention. Noor: Light. (A supernatural inwardly power like electricity) which emanates across the letters of Name Allah (P171 Noor ul Huda Klan). Martaba: Rank. Maratib: Ranks. Mushahida: the Vision. Qurb: Propinquity. Hazoor: the Presence. Majlis: Court. Qalb, Ruh and Sirr: Generally Qalb means Heart , Ruh means Spirit and Sirr means Secret . As per a Hadis: There is a clot in human body called Fuaad (Heart). In the Fuaad is the Qalb; in Qalb is the Ruh; in the Ruh is the Sirr (P154 Noor ul Huda Klan). Liqaa: Meeting and Wisaal. Darya e Ameeq: deep Ocean. Haft Andaam: Seven body parts - head, front and back chest, hands, feet, ear, eye and tongue. (Expl. by K. B. Naseem, P88 Aqal Baidar). Ilhaam: delivery of the message of good in the heart of second person directly without physical means (P125 Noor ul Huda Klan Eng. Translation). Qalaam: words of speech. Naqsh: drawing showing words of the Holy Quran and Holy Names with a specific purpose usually for Visualization and for inscribing on body. (Expl. by K. B. Naseem, P56 Aqal Baidar) Ain Numa (like spectacles which clear the vision of the seer of the Essence of Lord). Ba Adab Ba Haya: respectful and bashful. Hazoori: Attendance at some intangible Station or Majlis, that is, a Wayfarer, after disconnecting with the creation and after fleeing away of the outward world, gains cordially, spiritually and inwardly the Qurb of Lord, Wisaal and Didaar and is present before Allah in the said way or he is allowed attendance in Spiritual Court , inwardly or spiritually, while sleeping or Maraqiba (Expl. by K. B. of Hazrat Muhammad Naseem, P105 Aqal Baidar). Haziraat: outcomes and spiritual rewards in the inward. Aalim Bi Allah: He on whose finger tips is the entire Ilm of the Holy Quran and Hadis and has also knowledge of their Tafseer (Exegesis) and he who meets with the entire Arwah from Hazrat Adam Alaihi Salam till Hazrat Muhammad and sits in the company of every Messenger, Prophet (and) Asfiya

(Adorers) and can take himself to the Majlis of Muhammad Sal Allahu Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wassallam whenever he wants! (P22 Qurb e Didaar). Tareeqat: The very basic meanings of it are: esoteric mode of practice or path or course of access or mysticism. The beginner of Tareeqat sees the Mushahida of everything and the master of Tareeqat confides his cause unto Allah and sees the display of the Haq ul Yaqeen at the Station of Holiness. This person is neither God nor is [anytime] separate from God. Wisaal: Seeing the Didaar (Sight) of the Jamaal (Beauty) of His Tauheed and drowning in Visualization of the Name Allah the Essence, is Wisaal. He who has connected with Allah after disconnecting with His Outsiders, is Waasil . Existence of the sate of Wisaal is Wasal . Tareeq: the Mode of action.

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Kashful Asrar


With this Visualization of the Name Muhammad

Sal Allahu Alaihi Wa Aalihi

Wassallam , the Majlis of Muhammad Sal Allahu Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wassallam is allowed [to the Seeker]. From this: finding, identifying, reaching there and seeing it is granted. 3. Whosoever does the Visualization of the Name Muhammad Sal Allahu Alaihi Wa

, he, with his Visualization, gets the information of all the affairs of the Aalihi Wassallam universe and he becomes shrived by God. Verse: That Allah may forgive you of you sin that which is past and that which is to come


The Master of Visualization becomes the human being and no more remains cattle like cow and donkey. 4. Though this Visualization of the Name Muhammad Sal Allahu Alaihi Wa Aalihi

Wassallam , the Haziraat become present. And he can see these with the Ilm of Naziraat (visuals) by virtue of which, then, no wish remains in heart. This is the course of the Naqsh which awards the Marifat and Martaba of Hazoori of Muhammad Sal , in the very first day because it witness on the Ilm of Hazoori. Allahu Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wassallam It is a sin to divert towards any other thing without Hazoori. The Murshid who does not take to the Martaba of Hazoori and does not grant Talqeen from Muhammad Sal Allahu Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wassallam , that Murshid is the misguided person and his Seekers are disgraced.


The one with the Naqsh of Fana Fi Sheikh (Destruction in Sheikh) gets Tawajuh of the Sheikh, the Tassaruf and the Taffakur. For him on whom the Sheikh does a favor, exchanges him with his own

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Martaba. Sheikh is the name of Hazoori, the Sheikh who himself always remains in Hazoori, for him granting his Seekers and Mureedain the Hazoori is not a difficult task because his inner-self is radiant [with Hazoori]. The aforesaid Visualization of the Sheikh is such that the Visualization of the face of the Sheikh grants many everlasting treasures in every condition. That person who exchanges with the figure of Sheikh; he becomes Roshan Zamir (with Enlightened Conscience). Suggested Meanings: Ilm: knowledge. Tawajuh: (impetus) Attention. Uloom: Sciences. Noor: Light. (A supernatural inwardly power like electricity) which emanates across the letters of Name Allah (P171 Noor ul Huda Klan). Martaba: Rank. Maratib: Ranks. Mushahida: the Vision. Qurb: Propinquity. Hazoor: the Presence. Majlis: Court. Qalb, Ruh and Sirr: Generally Qalb means Heart , Ruh means Spirit and Sirr means Secret . As per a Hadis: There is a clot in human body called Fuaad (Heart). In the Fuaad is the Qalb; in Qalb is the Ruh; in the Ruh is the Sirr (P154 Noor ul Huda Klan) Liqaa: Meeting and Wisaal. Bid at: heresy. Taffakur: Contemplation. At its Utmost Level, it results in Fana (Destruction) of Nafs, Baqa (Rebirth) with Allah and experience of seeing Didaar (P195 Noor ul Huda). Haziraat: outcomes and spiritual rewards. Naqsh: drawing showing words of the Holy Quran and Holy Names with a specific purpose usually for Visualization and for inscribing on body. (Expl. by K. B. Naseem, P56 Aqal Baidar) Hazoori: Attendance at some intangible Station or Majlis, that is, a Wayfarer, after disconnecting with the creation and after fleeing away of the outward world, gains cordially, spiritually and inwardly the Qurb of Lord, Wisaal and Didaar and is present before Allah in the said way or he is allowed attendance in Spiritual Court of Hazrat Muhammad , inwardly or spiritually, while sleeping or Maraqiba (Expl. by K. B. Naseem, P105 Aqal Baidar). Mureedain: the disciples who have been Initiated on hand by the Pir. Marifat: Literally it means: cognition, cognizance, knowledge and identification. He who has identified, he saw; he who has seen, he reached and he who reached the Tauheed of the Noor of Tauheed, he [is as if] has Tasted the Marifat of Mushahida of Didaar. That Arif Bi Allah who has attained the Marifat of Lord, the eyes of Marifat of his heart remain always honored with Didaar; he is respectful, silent and cautious in Shariyat (P31 Qurb e Didaar). Beginning of Marifat is Fana (Destruction), middle is Baqa (Rebirth) and Ultimate is Liqaa. Wisaal: Seeing the Didaar (Sight) of the Jamaal (Beauty) of His Tauheed and drowning in Visualization of the Name Allah the Essence, is Wisaal. He who has connected with Allah after disconnecting with His Outsiders, is Waasil . Existence of the sate of Wisaal is Wasal . Murshid and Taalib: Murshid means Guide of whole course of inward towards Allah. He is the Teacher and the Master. Plural is Murshideen . He who comes to Murshid with demand of Allah and guidance, he is Taalib means the Seeker . Talqeen: piece of Instruction advised by the Murshid to the Seeker. Irshaad: the (rightly guided) Directive of the Murshid for the Seeker. Taufeeq: Success and welfare in becoming better and making better. Tassaruf: Possession and utilization. Plural is Tassarufaat .

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Pages#: Home Books Audio Video Gallery Forum Guest Book Community Webmaster About us Contact us Recommend 6 Share 7 8 9 10 11 12 Page No: 11 13 First Previous 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Next Last 14 15 16 With Fana Fi Sheikh (Destruction in Sheikh), the Martaba of Fana Fi Allah Faqeer (Faqeer Destroyed 17 in Allah) can be attained with which the qualities like less harm in salvation, cautiousness in Shariyat 18 etcetera are gained. In the hands of the Sheikh he becomes like a Sword that kills the insidious infidels 19 and does the task of seeking the forgiveness of God against falsehood Bid at. [That is, the 20 Visualization of the face of Sheikh does the task of a sword for him and for his enemies and infidels it is as if a Naked Sword in his hand. And the Visualization keeps him safe from indulging in Bid at and becoming a victim of aberration and at once initiates the Talqeen of Istaghfaar on its tongue].

Kashful Asrar

When the Visualization of Sheikh, as single body after uniting, face with face recites Qul Hu Allahu Ahad (Say: He is Allah, the One) , the figure of Sheikh takes the Seeker and Mureed to every target, every perfection and every Martaba which he desires. There is Khissat in this Fana Fi Sheikh (Destruction in Sheikh) but instead it rectifies Yaqeen and enforces conviction on Talqeen. Devotee of the Sheikh, the friend of cave and shares pain. In the Habsi Tawakul and Tark (giving up) his body accompanies with the body of Sheikh. Ism by Ism with Sheikh, Qalb by Qalb with Sheikh, Ruh by Ruh with Sheikh, Damm (Breath) by Damm with Sheikh and step is with the step of the Sheikh.

When [the Seeker] does the Visualization of the face of the Sheikh, the face of the Sheikh takes him to the Majlis of Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa Sal Allahu Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wassallam . The Visualization of Fana Fi Sheikh (Destruction in Sheikh), with this approach, has a rank in Faqar otherwise it is idolatry of the figure and a Martaba of Fana Fi Satan (Destruction in Satan). This Naqsh of Faqeer is with the effectiveness of beneficence, Sahib e Nazar (Master of sight), Baatin Khizar and violence on Nafs. In his sight soil, gold and silver are equal, and yet further he is the

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sovereign over Nafs. In the initial Maratib of a Faqeer the Ilm of the Holy Quran and Tafseer (Exegesis) is on his tongue and he uses to be the Roshan Zamir (with Enlightened Conscience). Faqeer is in study of the Ilm of Fiqah and the Fiqah is the guide to the Mushahida of that which has been described above. This is the Naqsh [of Faqar]: Suggested Meanings: Ilm: knowledge. Tawajuh: (impetus) Attention. Uloom: Sciences. Noor: Light. (A supernatural inwardly power like electricity) which emanates across the letters of Name Allah (P171 Noor ul Huda Klan). Martaba: Rank. Maratib: Ranks. Mushahida: the Vision. Masti: spiritual drunkenness. Majlis: Court. Qalb, Ruh and Sirr: Generally Qalb means Heart , Ruh means Spirit and Sirr means Secret . As per a Hadis: There is a clot in human body called Fuaad (Heart). In the Fuaad is the Qalb; in Qalb is the Ruh; in the Ruh is the Sirr (P154 Noor ul Huda Klan) Liqaa: Meeting and Wisaal. Bid at: heresy. Istaghfaar: pardon of God. Tawakul: breaking relation with all that which is besides Allah and making relation with Allah (Expl. by Dr. K. B. Naseem, P01 Ganj ul Asrar). Naqsh: drawing showing words of the Holy Quran and Holy Names with a specific purpose usually for Visualization and for inscribing on body. (Expl. by K. B. Naseem, P56 Aqal Baidar) Fiqah: Islamic Jurisprudence. Naqsh: drawing showing words of the Holy Quran and Holy Names with a specific purpose usually for Visualization and for inscribing on body. (Expl. by K. B. Naseem, P56 Aqal Baidar) Talqeen: piece of Instruction advised by the Murshid to the Seeker. Irshaad: the (rightly guided) Directive of the Murshid for the Seeker. Shariyat: Literally means the Exoteric Practice of the system of Islamic Code of Life.. It means doing that which has been recommended and refraining from that which has been forbidden by Allah Almighty and the Holy Prophet compliance to the way of Hazrat Muhammad . In short, it means complete

as followed by him till one enters his Majlis.

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Kashful Asrar

That person who Visualizes the Name Faqar , the Name Faqar takes him to the Sultan ul Faqar. He becomes deserver of the title of Faqeer is not needy of anyone except Allah Almighty . The Faqeer who is needy of someone, he is not Faqeer. Beneficence and grace is the spirit of Faqar and mercy is also Faqar; and condescension is also Faqar and Hidayat, Wilayat, Ghinayat (Self-sufficiency), Fana (Destruction), Baqa (Rebirth), Raza, Qaza, ability, Jamiyat, Jamaal (Beauty), Jalaal (Glory), Uloom, hidden mysteries and Secrets, Noor of Hazoor, wisdom and total intelligence - all is Faqar and Faqar alone is the Maalik ul Mulk, Muqarrib of Divine, kingship of the Kingdom of Solomon (the entire face of earth), Tassaruf over the treasures of Kimya, Hayaat and Mamaat and the Ilm of the Degrees. And solely with Faqar the Nafs, Qalb, Damm (Breath), Ruh and heart all burn in Cordiality.

All above said Maratib are received through the Visualization of the Name Faqar word Faqar is made up of three alphabets: Faa, Qaaf and Raa Raa .

The Faa

implies the Fana (Destruction) of Nafs; Qaaf implies violence on Nafs and with (gladness of) God. implies Raaz (Secret). Further Faa implies pride; Qaaf

implies gladness Raa

implies Qurb and

These Maratib are available to the Faqar of Muhammad Sal Allahu Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wassallam if the case is otherwise then Faa implies Fazeehat, Qaaf Raa implies rejection of like that Faqar that fells down straight. safe against the Faqar e Mukibb!


implies violence of God and May Allah Almighty keep us


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O Mo min (True Believer)!

[Be informed well]!

That the demand of Haq is evidenced by keeping as Allah Almighty says:

on the way of Hazrat Muhammad Sal Allahu Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wassallam Say (O Muhammad Sal Allahu Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wassallam If you love Allah, follow me; Allah will love you (3:31) , to mankind):

Suggested Meanings: Ilm: knowledge. Tawajuh: (impetus) Attention. Uloom: Sciences. Noor: Light. (A supernatural inwardly power like electricity) which emanates across the letters of Name Allah (P171 Noor ul Huda Klan). Martaba: Rank. Maratib: Ranks. Mushahida: the Vision. Qurb: Propinquity. Hazoor: the Presence. Khatraat: Menaces that pose threat to integrity etc. Majlis: Court. Qalb, Ruh and Sirr: Generally Qalb means Heart , Ruh means Spirit and Sirr means Secret . As per a Hadis: There is a clot in human body called Fuaad (Heart). In the Fuaad is the Qalb; in Qalb is the Ruh; in the Ruh is the Sirr (P154 Noor ul Huda Klan). Da wat: Invoking Spirits. Liqaa: Meeting and Wisaal. Yaqeen: Certainty. Bid at: heresy. Aalim: erudite, scholar. Plural is Ulema means Scholars. Maalik ul Mulk: the owner of total sovereignty. Muqarrib: the Favorite admitted to be Near or brought nigh. Hayaat: realm of the living. Mamaat: Realm of the Dead. Fazeehat: shameful act. Mo min (True Believer). Raza and Qaza: Literally Raza means total gladness and Qaza means Decree . In Muhik ul Faqar Khurd, Hazrat Sultan Bahu says that: And the Ilm takes [the human being] to two Stations: one at the Station of Raza and the other towards the Station of Qaza which implies the companionship with the king the shadow of God and from Raza is implied the companionship with Hazrat Muhammad . The Martaba of Raza is extremely higher than the Martaba of Qaza. The Imaam ul Muslimeen (Hazrat Abu Hanifa Rahmatullah Alaihi ) reached the Station of Ilm and Raza and he never accepted the Martaba of Qaza. He preferred dying over stepping towards Qaza. (Hazrat) Imaam e Azam (Hazrat Abu Hanifa Rahmatullah Alaihi) missed (qazaa) the Salaat (Prayers) of seventieth year but never accepted to become Qazi (judge) for even one day! (P14 Muhabbat ul Asrar, Eng. Tr. can also be read). According to a holy Hadis: Raza is superior to Qaza. Murshid and Taalib: Murshid means Guide of whole course of inward towards Allah. He is the Teacher and the Master. Plural is Murshideen . He who comes to Murshid with demand of Allah and guidance, he is Taalib means the Seeker . Hidayat: Guidance. Taufeeq: Success and welfare in becoming better and making better. Tassaruf: Possession and utilization. Plural is Tassarufaat . Jamiyat: Stability and all inclusive integrity similar to milk which becomes stable when it solidifies into curd after some sour juice is mixed in it and it becomes possible to obtain many useful products from its contents.. After achieving Jamiyat a person becomes contended and less exposed to outward threats that may attempt to destabilize him. For more details, P18 Kaleed e Tauheed Khurd (Eng. Translation). Faqar e Mukibb: that Faqar that fells down straight; it is also called Iztarari means the unreal Faqar that is imposed on a person by Lord due to his bad deeds.

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Kashful Asrar

That is, if even his single step and single word is against the teachings of Muhammad Sal Allahu Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wassallam and the Faqar of Muhammad Sal Allahu Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wassallam then he is not a Sufi but is Satan. Thus one should avoid such a Pir. Because of the reason that the Jaahil Pir is not competent of guiding or leading same as Allah Almighty has said that: and turn away from the ignorant (7:199) [That is, their words and actions should not be trusted]

[And on the evil of their ignorance another Verse is witness] Allah forbids that I should be among the foolish (2:67)

What a fine words these are whosoever has said: BAYT (COUPLET) He is worse a dog, who keeps company with a common man, It seems as if he wants to become holy by urine. In bright Tafseer this Verse has been revealed: From the evil of sneaking whisperer, who whispers in the heart of mankind, of the jinn and of mankind (114:4-6)

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It has been written in the Tafseer (Exegesis) of this Verse that devils are of two kinds: one is Jinn [who are commonly] popular and other is Devilish Man: such as the Jaahil Sheikh; that the evil of Satan Jinn is invisible whereas the evil of the Jaahil Sheikh is obvious. Thus first the deeds and words of the Perfect Pir should be suitable in accordance with the way as described above, that is, the course of Shariyat and after this it is a must that he must be aware of four types of Ilm. After complying with all said rules there are four conditions on complying which he becomes competent to be followed. If he has these four conditions, then he is competent of becoming a Pir [Murshid] otherwise he should not Initiate anyone on his hand so that he may neither himself be misguided nor may he mislead others as well. Suggested Meanings: Ilm: knowledge. Tawajuh: (impetus) Attention. Uloom: Sciences. Noor: Light. (A supernatural inwardly power like electricity) which emanates across the letters of Name Allah (P171 Noor ul Huda Klan). Martaba: Rank. Maratib: Ranks. Mushahida: the Vision. Fiqah: Islamic Jurisprudence. Istadraaj: it is a miracle type extra ordinary outcome that is the result of one s approach and expertise but this outcome is not intended for the sake of Allah and is not in conformity with Islam and true spirit of Sufism. Pir and Mureed: Pir is that Spiritual Guide who Initiates the Seekers on his hand (that is, takes Bai at: the oath of allegiance) . Plural is Piraan . Such Initiated Seeker is called Mureed of that Pir.. Plural is Mureedain . Murshid and Taalib: Murshid means Guide of whole course of inward towards Allah. He is the Teacher and the Master. Plural is Murshideen . He who comes to Murshid with demand of Allah and guidance, he is Taalib means the Seeker . Shariyat: Literally means the Exoteric Practice of the system of Islamic Code of Life.. It means doing that which has been recommended and refraining from that which has been forbidden by Allah Almighty and the Holy Prophet . In short, it means

complete compliance to the way of Hazrat Muhammad as followed by him till one enters his Majlis. Jaahil: Generally Jaahil means that person who lacks knowledge and is illiterate. In Muhik ul Faqar Khurd, Hazrat Sultan Bahu says that: three kinds of people are Jaahil: he is Jaahil Kaafir who does not recite Kalima e Tayyeb, he is Jaahil who does not believe Allah as the All Present and the All Seer, he is Jaahil who is desirous of the sordid World (Dunya) and is intoxicated in his selfness.

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Pages#: Home Books Audio Video Gallery Forum Guest Book Community Webmaster About us Contact us Recommend 9 Share 10 11 12 13 14 15 Page No: 14 16 First Previous 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Next Last 17 18 19 [And these conditions are:] first he should be fully aware of the Ilm of the Tafseer (Exegesis) of the Holy 20 Quran and Ilm of Hadis. That is, he must know which is Naasikh and which is Mansookh and can distinguish between those which are typical which are specific Verses because of the fact that it is obligation to believe in the Words of Allah but it is not obligation to act on All Words of Lord [in the Holy Quran, some orders are Obligatory, some Most Recommended, some Sunnat, some allowable and some warning lessons while some have been narrated as anecdotes]. And when you will become steadfast on this way, then the Satan and Nafs will present before you many different evil traits and many events of the Nafs e Mulhima for example sometimes [in sight] the drops of rain [sometimes] mirage, sometimes dusty winds [sometimes] like the hotness of the noon of summer suddenly countless many types of bad colors appear. At least Ten Thousand Hijaabaat the Nafs and Satan will cast in front of you: at times many different types of gardens and beautiful girls, good looking adolescent boys, clean and clear canals, Houris and Palaces, Arsh and the Kursi etcetera are in his front in spite of the fact these would not be actually existing. If in this time you did something against Shariyat or any leniency came in your body, then Satan will also show you Arsh (Throne) and the Kursi (Footstool) at that time [but remember that all these things are from Satan].

Kashful Asrar

Thus Murshid e Kaamil (Perfect Guide) is he, who safely takes the Seeker to Haqeeqat after all these following four Stations of Tareeqat. All the four Stations of Tareeqat with Anand Zandeeq are these: Fist Tareeqat that descends on the Master of Tareeqat (Sahib e Tareeqat) merely emerges out of the arrogant Nafs as Kashf and Karamat due to which one feels delighted and joyful. But by doing this he goes far away from Qurb of the Wisaal of Lord. Though these things are considered by the people as Sawaab but it is Hijaab near the Creator. The second Tareeq that descends on the Master of Tareeqat is Rujuaat e Khalq and Jununiyat (Insanity) that world and of the People of World (Dunya) run behind him as his admirers. Such person is considered as a rescuer by the creation but in the opinion of the Creator he is Incomplete and slave of desire and lust. The third Tareeq is that which descends on the Master of Tareeqat is to conquer animals and birds. Suggested Meanings: Ilm: knowledge. Tawajuh: (impetus) Attention. Uloom: Sciences. Noor: Light. (A supernatural inwardly power like electricity) which emanates across the letters of Name Allah (P171 Noor ul Huda Klan). Martaba: Rank. Maratib: Ranks. Mushahida: the Vision. Qurb: Propinquity. Hazoor: the Presence. Majlis: Court. Qalb, Ruh and Sirr: Generally Qalb means Heart , Ruh means Spirit and Sirr means Secret . As per a Hadis: There is a clot in human body called Fuaad (Heart). In the Fuaad is the Qalb; in Qalb is the Ruh; in the Ruh is the Sirr (P154 Noor ul Huda Klan). Da wat: Invoking Spirits.

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Naasikh: abrogating. Mansookh (abolished). Wisaal: Seeing the Didaar (Sight) of the Jamaal (Beauty) of His Tauheed and drowning in Visualization of the Name Allah the Essence, is Wisaal. He who has connected with Allah after disconnecting with His Outsiders, is Waasil . Existence of the sate of Wisaal is Wasal . Sawaab: a deed of virtue and its reward. Rujuaat e Khalq: approaching of people, especially of those who the elite of society, as gesture of acknowledgement of their acceptance of the eminence of a person. Shariyat: Literally means the Exoteric Practice of the system of Islamic Code of Life.. It means doing that which has been recommended and refraining from that which has been forbidden by Allah Almighty and the Holy Prophet . In short, it means complete

compliance to the way of Hazrat Muhammad as followed by him till one enters his Majlis. Tareeqat: The very basic meanings of it are: esoteric mode of practice or path or course of access or mysticism. The beginner of Tareeqat sees the Mushahida of everything and the master of Tareeqat confides his cause unto Allah and sees the display of the Haq ul Yaqeen at the Station of Holiness. This person is neither God nor is [anytime] separate from God. World (Dunya): General meanings are the resources, wealth, pomp and glitter of physical world intended or accumulated in lust and not for the cause of Allah. Hazrat Sultan Bahu has said that Every that thing which distracts you from your Lord, its name is World (Dunya) (P09 Ganj ul Asrar). Hijaab: Veil or cover that halts in between or hides real face of something. When there is nothing in between to hide real face, such state is Bay Hijaab . Plural is Hijaabaat . Murshid and Taalib: Murshid means Guide of whole course of inward towards Allah. He is the Teacher and the Master. Plural is Murshideen . He who comes to Murshid with demand of Allah and guidance, he is Taalib means the Seeker . Tareeq: the Mode of action. Kashf: the revelation or discovery. Karamat: extraordinary miraculous outcome due to a person s high spiritual status.. Plural is Karamaat .

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Kashful Asrar

The fourth Tareeq that descends on the Master of Tareeqat is the Mushahida and travelling in the Stations and Degrees of Nasoot, Jabroot, and Malakoot in which the people consider him a Ghaus or a Qutub but there still remain Seventy Thousand Stations from the Arsh to the bottom of earth and he is still deprived of the last Station of Tareeqat, the Marifat and Haqeeqat although people call him Master of Hazoori and Arif due to overwhelming dominance of Sukr but still now he is lying far behind the genuineness of Sukr. Thus it is learnt that in Shariyat the Eimaan (Belief) exists between hope and fear and Ghaus, Qutub, Autaad and Abdaal act on the same and remain within these Stations of Saghira and Kabira. The Stations of Saghira (Minor) are the visions of the seven Tabqaat of the earth and the Stations of Kabira (Major) are the Mushahidaat of the nine Tabqaat of heavens, the Arsh, the Kursi and Loh O Qalam. The Faqeer Arif Bi Allah is at the Station of Saghira but seeing these is his Minor Sin and same like this seeing the Teer Sair of heavens even is a Major Sin for the Master of Station of Kabira, until he has got the honor of the Majlis of lord Muhammad Sal Allahu Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wassallam and has fully covered the Absorption in Tauheed and the Irfaan of the Marifat [and if this is not, he has seen nothing]. May Allah save not that eye which sees anything besides the Majlis of Muhammad Sal Allahu Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wassallam and the Marifat of the Wahdaniyat of God!

BAYT (COUPLET) Eye is that which sees exactly the Noor of Lord, And eye is that which has Hazoori in the Majlis of Muhammad Sal Allahu Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wassallam . Whatever Faqeer says, says under a certain reason [and for good], not with jealousy and whatever is, is from the Marifat the Tauheed of Lord and [the People of] the Majlis of Muhammad Sal Allahu Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wassallam .

Praise is for him, who day and night remains absorbed in Noor of the Hazoori of the Majlis. His outer self and inner self always remains whole. In the opinion of general people he is seen as a Master of gaze who gives the news of inward both in outer self and the inner self. But everlastingly happening of this is rather a difficult matter and it is the action of the Perfects that they can give news of the entire universe with in twinkling of an eye. Allah is Sufficient, all that, which distract from Allah, is lust! [That is, only Allah is the Rightful Lord. Every other thing is just desire and wish].

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Suggested Meanings: Ilm: knowledge. Tawajuh: (impetus) Attention. Uloom: Sciences. Noor: Light. (A supernatural inwardly power like electricity) which emanates across the letters of Name Allah (P171 Noor ul Huda Klan). Martaba: Rank. Maratib: Ranks. Mushahida: the Vision. Qurb: Propinquity. Hazoor: the Presence. Majlis: Court. Teer Sair: travelling and sightseeing or transcendence. Ghair (outsiders), that which distract from Allah. Hazoori: Attendance at some intangible Station or Majlis, that is, a Wayfarer, after disconnecting with the creation and after fleeing away of the outward world, gains cordially, spiritually and inwardly the Qurb of Lord, Wisaal and Didaar and is present before Allah in the said way or he is allowed attendance in Spiritual Court of Hazrat Muhammad , inwardly or spiritually, while sleeping or Maraqiba (Expl. by K. B. Naseem, P105 Aqal Baidar). Sukr: intoxication that is the result of witnessing the Beloved and Sehve: returning of Arif to normal state from overlooking due to condition of spiritual intoxication and unconsciousness.. Saghira (Minor). Kabira: major. Tabqaat: strata or trays. Irfaan: the realm of Marifat. Arif Bi Allah: That Arif on him all that is in the world and Hereafter becomes clear and revealed and who is cautious in the inward and possesses the Marifat of Lord and the Marifat of the Name Allah the Essence and Spirits of the entire Aulia Allah and Holy Messengers are curious for him (P19 Kaleed e Jannat). Marifat: Literally it means: cognition, cognizance, knowledge and identification. He who has identified, he saw; he who has seen, he reached and he who reached the Tauheed of the Noor of Tauheed, he [is as if] has Tasted the Marifat of Mushahida of Didaar. That Arif Bi Allah who has attained the Marifat of Lord, the eyes of Marifat of his heart remain always honored with Didaar; he is respectful, silent and cautious in Shariyat (P31 Qurb e Didaar). Beginning of Marifat is Fana (Destruction), middle is Baqa (Rebirth) and Ultimate is Liqaa. Wisaal: Seeing the Didaar (Sight) of the Jamaal (Beauty) of His Tauheed and drowning in Visualization of the Name Allah the Essence, is Wisaal. He who has connected with Allah after disconnecting with His Outsiders, is Waasil . Existence of the sate of Wisaal is Wasal . Shariyat: Literally means the Exoteric Practice of the system of Islamic Code of Life.. It means doing that which has been recommended and refraining from that which has been forbidden by Allah Almighty and the Holy Prophet . In short, it means complete compliance to the way of Hazrat Muhammad as followed by him till one enters his Majlis. Tareeqat: The very basic meanings of it are: esoteric mode of practice or path or course of access or mysticism. The beginner of Tareeqat sees the Mushahida of everything and the master of Tareeqat confides his cause unto Allah and sees the display of the Haq ul Yaqeen at the Station of Holiness. This person is neither God nor is [anytime] separate from God. Tareeq: the Mode of action. Eimaan: the Belief.

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Kashful Asrar

If someone, runs with a pace more than that of the electricity and gale, from Hazrat Adam Alaihi Salam to Hazrat Muhammad Sal Allahu Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wassallam Sal Allahu Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wassallam and from the last Prophet

to the Day of Resurrection, even then he can never reach

even to the rope of the holy tent of the Majlis of Muhammad Sal Allahu Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wassallam and cannot attain the Marifat of Lord. Since this way is very far, yet this can come about within the twinkling of an eye with the Auspiciousness of the Name Allah the Essence ! For the Master of Secret (Sahib e Raaz) of the course and for the Master of Visualization of the Name Allah the Essence , there is no concern in the Riyazat of the Tabqaat because the conclusion of the Name Allah the Essence is the Name Allah the Essence itself. Allah is Sufficient, all that, which distract from Allah, is lust! [That is, only Allah is the Rightful Lord. Every other thing is just desire and wish]. There are some such people who attract people towards them with the Tawajuh of Ba Nazar Naazir Zikr e Damm and conquest them. Thus this Damm Nosh sect is insidious like a snake and lies far off the Marifat of the Sustainer. Some people, with Taffakur and Zikr e Qalbi move their heart in chest and pull it up to the chest and say that this is the Habs. They belie completely and this is useless because with (one s) presence before Hazrat Muhammad Sal Allahu Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wassallam the Zikr starts involuntarily. Then there remains no need of Taqleed (Imitation) or Habs e Damm afterwards. And some people claim to be Zaakir e Qalbi and they after stopping breath [for quite some time] release through nostrils. [O Seeker of Lord!] The best would be that you never see face of such irreligious persons, because stopping breath is a practice of disbelievers and the Zannaar. [Hence] one should seek refuge in Allah thousands of times against this party. Habs means to keep Islam protected against Minor and Major sins and secure against Shirk (Polytheism) and the Bid at. Keep Islam and Eimaan (Belief) safe. That becoming and remaining a Mo min Muslim is very difficult and hard. Same as Hazrat Muhammad Sal Allahu Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wassallam has said that: whom no harm comes to any Muslim brother with his tongue and hands. Muslim is he from

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And it does not mean that he may hold his breath and do actions contrary to the Glorious Quran and Hadis , as doing this is vain and is the custom of Kuffaar and if the said pretender translates this Verse giving these meanings that I domineer upon my Nafs [their claim is wrong] but instead they are rather slaves [of Nafs]. Further they say wrong and lie. Suggested Meanings: Ilm: knowledge. Tawajuh: (impetus) Attention. Uloom: Sciences. Noor: Light. (A supernatural inwardly power like electricity) which emanates across the letters of Name Allah (P171 Noor ul Huda Klan). Martaba: Rank. Maratib: Ranks. Mushahida: the Vision. Qurb: Propinquity. Hazoor: the Presence. Bid at: heresy. Aalim: erudite, scholar. Plural is Ulema means Scholars. Taffakur: Contemplation. At its Utmost Level, it results in Fana (Destruction) of Nafs, Baqa (Rebirth) with Allah and experience of seeing Didaar (P195 Noor ul Huda). Riyazat: Sufi abstinence and austerity and worship etcetera exercised to attain desired perfection. Tabqaat: trays. Naazir (all seer). Zikr e Damm: Zikr through breath. Zikr e Qalbi: Zikr through Qalb. For more details Page 68 of Asrar ul Qadri (Eng. Translation). Zannaar: Inwardly cysts of Khatraat, Wahamaat, Waswaas, Khannas, Khartoum, temptation of world (P215 Noor ul Huda Klan). Zikr: remembrance or action of remembering the Holy Names, by Seeker of Allah, usually through rhythmic manner as a spiritual exercise. Fikr: (Thought leading to) Fana (Destruction) of the Nafs (P24 Taufeeq ul Hidayat). Mo min (True Believer). Marifat: Literally it means: cognition, cognizance, knowledge and identification. He who has identified, he saw; he who has seen, he reached and he who reached the Tauheed of the Noor of Tauheed, he [is as if] has Tasted the Marifat of Mushahida of Didaar. That Arif Bi Allah who has attained the Marifat of Lord, the eyes of Marifat of his heart remain always honored with Didaar; he is respectful, silent and cautious in Shariyat (P31 Qurb e Didaar). Beginning of Marifat is Fana (Destruction), middle is Baqa (Rebirth) and Ultimate is Liqaa. Wisaal: Seeing the Didaar (Sight) of the Jamaal (Beauty) of His Tauheed and drowning in Visualization of the Name Allah the Essence, is Wisaal. He who has connected with Allah after disconnecting with His Outsiders, is Waasil . Existence of the sate of Wisaal is Wasal . Kufr and Kaafir and Kuffaar: every that way which is rejected by Shariyat is Kufr. Such person is called Kaafir . Plural is Kuffaar . Eimaan: the Belief. First Previous 16 Next Last 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Show Page#

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Kashful Asrar

And they are not in accordance to this Verse in which Allah Almighty says: while in a state unjust to himself (18:35)

and he went into his garden,

The meanings of the quoted (verse) mean the four birds: the Cock of Shahwat, Peacock of Pomp, the Crow of ravenousness and Pigeon of desire. When all the four birds have been killed, then even the Satan will part from Nafs [and] the Master of Nafs will domineer upon Nafs [will get full control and power] and the afflicted Nafs will die in his slavery. At this time Nafs will die, the Qalb will turn to be Zinda (Living). He will receive the Four Elements (soil, fire, water and air) in accordance with the following Words of Divine: Allah Almighty says: Allah Almighty says: And when Ibrahim said (to his Lord): show me how do you give life to the dead, He said Do you not believe . Ibrahim said yes I do but (I ask) in order that my heart be at ease . (His Lord) said: take four birds and cause them incline to you, then place a part of them on each hill, then call them, they will come to you in haste. And know that Allah is Mighty Wise (2:260)

BAYT (COUPLET) O companion! Give up the ineffectual Habs e Damm, Drown in Tauheed of Lord and become the Arif of God. [For the Seeker of God], knowing three (types of) Marifat that is, the Ilm of Shariyat, Ilm of Tareeqat and Ilm of Haqeeqat is [necessary]. But the Marifat of the Ilm of Nasoot of mankind is Shariyat and the Ilm of Malakoot of Nafsani (mortal) is Tareeqat. And the Ilm of the Lahoot of Divine is Haqeeqat. Thus the Ilm of Nasoot is this world. And the Ilm of Malakoot is that world. And the Ilm of Jabroot

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is the Qurb of Hazrat Muhammad Sal Allahu Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wassallam . Neither this world nor that world is that which is with mark (Ba Nishaan) and the Ilm of Lahoot of Divine is becoming the Waasil Bi Allah and He Himself is untraceable (and incomparable). Suggested Meanings: Ilm: knowledge. Tawajuh: (impetus) Attention. Uloom: Sciences. Noor: Light. (A supernatural inwardly power like electricity) which emanates across the letters of Name Allah (P171 Noor ul Huda Klan). Martaba: Rank. Maratib: Ranks. Mushahida: the Vision. Qurb: Propinquity. Hazoor: the Presence. Majlis: Court. Qalb, Ruh and Sirr: Generally Qalb means Heart , Ruh means Spirit and Sirr means Secret . As per a Hadis: There is a clot in human body called Fuaad (Heart). In the Fuaad is the Qalb; in Qalb is the Ruh; in the Ruh is the Sirr (P154 Noor ul Huda Klan). Nafsani: carnal. Arif of Allah: Literally means (Muslim) Theosophist . In Majalisa Tun Nabi (P04 Eng. Translation) Hazrat Sultan Bahu says that it is he who always binds the yoke of servitude and worship of Allah around the neck of Nafs and keeps it in the confinement of Fana Fi Allah (Destruction in Allah) but rather Destroys the Nafs in the Visualization of the Name Allah and after this the Faqeer on becoming lit through the torch of the Noor of Eimaan (Belief) and Yaqeen turns to be Roshan Zamir (with enlightened Conscience) and becomes able over Nafs. Plural is Arifeen . Marifat: Literally it means: cognition, cognizance, knowledge and identification. He who has identified, he saw; he who has seen, he reached and he who reached the Tauheed of the Noor of Tauheed, he [is as if] has Tasted the Marifat of Mushahida of Didaar. That Arif Bi Allah who has attained the Marifat of Lord, the eyes of Marifat of his heart remain always honored with Didaar; he is respectful, silent and cautious in Shariyat (P31 Qurb e Didaar). Beginning of Marifat is Fana (Destruction), middle is Baqa (Rebirth) and Ultimate is Liqaa. Wisaal: Seeing the Didaar (Sight) of the Jamaal (Beauty) of His Tauheed and drowning in Visualization of the Name Allah the Essence, is Wisaal. He who has connected with Allah after disconnecting with His Outsiders, is Waasil . Existence of the sate of Wisaal is Wasal . Shariyat: Literally means the Exoteric Practice of the system of Islamic Code of Life.. It means doing that which has been recommended and refraining from that which has been forbidden by Allah Almighty and the Holy Prophet . In short, it means complete compliance to the way of Hazrat

as followed by him till one enters his Majlis. Tareeqat: The very basic meanings of it Muhammad are: esoteric mode of practice or path or course of access or mysticism. The beginner of Tareeqat sees the Mushahida of everything and the master of Tareeqat confides his cause unto Allah and sees the display of the Haq ul Yaqeen at the Station of Holiness. This person is neither God nor is [anytime] separate from God. Shahwat: lustful libido.

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Kashful Asrar

The Marifat of the Ilm of Nasoot is the Istiqamat of the course of the Aalim. The Marifat of the Ilm of Malakoot is the Istiqamat of the course of the votary and the Marifat of Jabroot is the Istiqamat of the Station of the Arif. And the Haqeeqat of Lahoot is the Istiqamat of the course of the Aashiqeen (Lovers) but the Marifat of the Station of the Malakoot is the task of those who are the companions with insight. The tongue of those who are craven and are deprived of the Didaar has become Raast on saying La

Elaha Il Allah (there is none worthy of worship except Allah) as is said by the Holy Prophet that I saw the Sustainer in heart with my eyes in extremely nice appearance

But will reach there through the Fire [of the Ishq (Love)] of the La Elaha Il Allah (there is none worthy of worship except Allah) true believers and only they are those who attain unto the Martaba of the


O Dear!

La Elaha (there is none worthy of worship)

shows the Nafi shows the Marifat of Haq,

(Negation) of idols and the Asbaat of Il Allah (besides Allah) the Haqqaniyat and Wahdaniyat of Almighty Haq.

ABOUT THE ZIKR OF KALIMA E TAYYEB (AND NAFI AND ASBAAT): The Zikr of Kalima e Tayyeb is superior Zikr. It is the lamp of Qadri Order. segments: Through La Elaha (there is none worthy of worship)

This Zikr has three This

Nafi (Negation) is done.

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Nafi is for all that which is besides Allah. Through the Il Allah (besides Allah) , Asbaat (Affirmation of Truth) is done and the Faqeer is drowned completely into Wahdat and attains the Marifat of Il Allah (besides Allah) . With it, the Noori body gets that ability of flying that cannot be explained in words. The Roohani meets him. Muhammad ur Rasool Allah (Muhammad is the Prophet of Allah) Hazoori of Hazrat Muhammad Sal Allahu Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wassallam (perfection) of Faqar. bestows that is the entirety

But just verbal recitation of the Kalima e Tayyeb, like a parrot, grants nothing except Sawaab unless a Master of Kalima e Tayyeb does not educate the Seeker and does not tell him its Depth because he who recites it with the Depth, he gains the higher ranks and this the most high blessing and then he does not say it (just) through tongue but hears its recital from his heart. Hazrat Sultan Bahu Rahmatullah Alaihi has said in his poetry that there is no better elixir for heart than the Kalima e Tayyeb as it cures it, removes the corrosion of polytheism, lust, desire, grudge, vanity and jealousy etcetera from the heart and washes the pollution of the world from heart. Suggested Meanings: Ilm: knowledge. Tawajuh: (impetus) Attention. Uloom: Sciences. Noor: Light. (A supernatural inwardly power like electricity) which emanates across the letters of Name Allah (P171 Noor ul Huda Klan). Martaba: Rank. Maratib: Ranks. Mushahida: the Vision. Qurb: Propinquity. Hazoor: the Presence. Majlis: Court. Didaar: Sight of Allah or the action of seeing the Sight of Allah. At Page 83 of Noor ul Huda Klan (Eng. Translation), Hazrat Sultan Bahu says that Martaba, office, Taufeeq and endurance of seeing Didaar is ONLY with Qadri Seeker. Raast: right. Haqqa: truly. Haqqaniyat: genuineness. Marifat: Literally it means: cognition, cognizance, knowledge and identification. He who has identified, he saw; he who has seen, he reached and he who reached the Tauheed of the Noor of Tauheed, he [is as if] has Tasted the Marifat of Mushahida of Didaar. That Arif Bi Allah who has attained the Marifat of Lord, the eyes of Marifat of his heart remain always honored with Didaar; he is respectful, silent and cautious in Shariyat (P31 Qurb e Didaar). Beginning of Marifat is Fana (Destruction), middle is Baqa (Rebirth) and Ultimate is Liqaa. Wisaal: Seeing the Didaar (Sight) of the Jamaal (Beauty) of His Tauheed and drowning in Visualization of the Name Allah the Essence, is Wisaal. He who has connected with Allah after disconnecting with His Outsiders, is Waasil . Existence of the sate of Wisaal is Wasal . Istiqamat: steadfastness with uprightness.

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Kashful Asrar





(OCT. 2010)

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After the revised Edition of the Noor ul Huda Klan the Second Edition of the translation of The Kashf ul Asrar is being presented in the honorable court of Janab Hazrat Sultan Bahu Rahmatullah Alaihi . May Allah Almighty bless with tremendous rewards to Janab Dr. K. B. Naseem Sahib Rahmatullah Alaihi whose Translations in Urdu enable us to access the priceless treasure troves of the Light and Right Guidance of the Persian Books of Janab Sultan ul Arifeen Hazrat Sultan Bahu Rahmatullah Alaihi ! Ameen! Many thanks to Janab Ali Sahib for the enlightening guidance all the way! May Allah bless him with the best! Ameen! All translations are based on the Translations in Urdu of Janab Dr. K. B. Naseem Sahib Rahmatullah Alaihi . There are many Terms of Tassawuf that are so comprehensive and deep that cannot be translated in English with words of equal weight because of many reasons the main is that the English Language takes its roots from the Christianity and as such replacing the Terms of Islam and Sufism with English words may mislead the readers. And in case these Terms are not given any meanings at all, then the reader reading English Translations may face a lot of difficulties as there are chances that he might have no prior knowledge or has very little understanding of Sufism and Islam and he may leave reading the books in the very beginning if at least some support is not given to him by the translator. In order to overcome this, the humble translator has used the original Terms and has given their very general and basic meanings side by side of the Terms and at the end of every page just to assist the reader. Separate chapters and many pages may be needed for explanation of each Term and as such a word or a few words do not cover the full scope of a Term. After receiving feedbacks from our worthy readers and in order to make the Translations more authentic and more useful for the respectable readers, the style of presentation has been changed by this humble translator and now instead of giving meanings with brackets in the main text, the literal meanings as well as some text from the books with reference of Page Numbers have been added at the end of each page so that the person who needs, he may consult the relevant Page of English Translation for more understanding. There is no doubt that almost all Terms are explained by Hazrat Sultan Bahu Rahmatullah Alaihi himself

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under separate headings and discussions in different books and as such the reader, when he again and again reads all the books, comes to know the exact meanings that Hazrat Sultan Bahu Rahmatullah Alaihi wants to convey. Therefore, please read all the books thoroughly. For any error, omission or overlooking I seek Allah s forgiveness and look forward to the graciousness of Hazrat Sultan Bahu Rahmatullah Alaihi to accept and honor my humble service. May Allah keep Pakistan safe from all calamities and all insurgencies and keep Islam safe against the evil of every Fitna and every threat! Ameen! Please pray for the forgiveness and success of me, my family, my parents, my brothers, my sisters, my benefactors, my friends and my teachers and all those who have contributed for collecting, translating, composing, printing, publishing and displaying on web for people, free of charge without any greed of the monetary benefits, the books of Janab Sultan Bahu Rahmatullah Alaihi.

Regards, Khadim - Zaheer, First Edition: Dec. 2009. 2011. 2011. Show Page#

Revised Edition: Mar. Second Edition: Sep.

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