Biography Shape Grader

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Name: _______________________


DUE: Thursday, December 13th!

Cover: Displays title, author, and students name __________ (1 pt.)

Page #1: __________ At least 2 sentences telling why this person is famous or well-known (3 pts.) and a colorful illustration of this person Page #2: At least 3 detailed sentences telling about the persons childhood (Ex: when he/she was born, about family, education, hobbies, etc.) Page #3: At least 3 sentences providing new interesting facts learned about this person (not already mentioned on another page) __________ (6 pts.) __________ (3 pts.)

Page #4: __________ At least 3 sentences naming one character trait for this person with (6 pts.) support from the text, and why you think this word describes him/her Page #5: At least 1 THICK question you would ask this person if you had a chance to meet him/her __________ (2 pt.)

Cover and all pages shaped creatively to represent person Overall quality of booklet and writing (neatness, spelling, punctuation, and capitalization) __________ (2 pts.) __________ (2 pts.)

TOTAL POINTS EARNED: _________________ (25 pts.) COMMENTS:

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