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Unit Plan
Social Studies 10-1 Related Issue 1 September 4 18, 2012 1. Unit Overview Inquiry Question To what extent should globalization shape Identity? 2. General Learning Outcomes for Unit 1. Students will explore the impacts of globalization on their lives. 3. Focusing Questions for Unit
To what extent should globalization shape Identity? To what extent does globalization shape your identity? Who are you? How do you express who you are? How do collectives express who they are? How are identities connected through globalization? To what extent do identity and the forces of globalization shape each other? What are some forces of globalization? How is identity affected by some economic, political, environmental, and social dimensions of globalization? How do some forces of globalization provide opportunities to affirm and promote identity? To what extent is identity affected by communication technology and the media in a globalizing world? How is identity affected by opportunities to communicate with people around the world? How is diversity influenced by the media and communication technologies? How is identity affected by media coverage of world events? How is diversity affected by the dominance of American media? To what extent can people respond to globalizing forces that affect their identity? How do people affirm and promote their language in a globalizing world? How do people affirm and promote their culture in a globalizing world? How do governments affirm and promote their language in a globalzing world? How do international organizations affirm and promote languages and cultures in a globalizing world?

4. Key Concepts for Unit Globalization, Identity, Context, Role Model, Collective, Transnational Corporation, Media Concentration, Media Convergence, Economies of Scale, Biodiversity, Homogenization, Acculturation, Accommodation, Assimilation, Cultural Revitalization, Digital Divide, Propaganda, Pop Culture, Universalization, Hybridization, Cultural Content Laws, Cultural Diversity 5. Specific Learning Outcomes for Unit 1.1 acknowledge and appreciate the existence of multiple perspectives in a globalizing world 1.2 appreciate why peoples in Canada and other locations strive to promote their cultures, languages and identities in a globalizing world 1.3 appreciate how identities and cultures shape, and are shaped by,

2 globalization 1.4 explore ways in which individuals and collectives express identities (traditions, language, religion, spirituality, the arts, attire, relationship to land, ideological beliefs, role modelling) 1.5 explore understandings and dimensions of globalization (political, economic, social, other contemporary examples) 1.6 examine the impact of communications technology and media on diversity (universalization of pop culture, hybridization, diversification) 1.7 analyze opportunities presented by globalization to identities and cultures (acculturation, accommodation, cultural revitalization, affirmation of identity, integration) 1.8 analyze challenges presented by globalization to identities and cultures (assimilation, marginalization, accommodation, integration, homogenization) 1.9 evaluate efforts to promote languages and cultures in a globalizing world (language laws, linguistic rights, cultural content legislation, cultural revitalization, linguistic revitalization)

3 Lesson # 1 Duration: 2h50m Instructional Objectives The Students will be able to Demonstrate an understanding of course rules and procedures through participation in class activities Recognize key aspects of the organizational structure of the textbook. Identify objects and ideas which align with core aspects of their identity Explain why aspects of those objects and ideas are important to them Procedure/Tasks Materials/Resources: 1. Introduce Myself Introduction of Self (mystery box) 2. Orientation; Name Game Hanging things in car 3. Course Outline overview Something UofL 4. Rules and Classroom DJ Headphones Procedures Vinyl Record 5. News/Current Events Bass Guitar String 6. Introduce Textbook Surfboard Fin 7. Pre-assessment (Fan-folded Piece of Slag Page) Some Quotes 8. Relate fan to pages in textbook Platos Republic 9. Students read prologue, up to Longboard Glove end of What is globalization Etc. (p1) Course Outlines 10. Continuum of definitions done Vocab Sheets as a class negative to positive Class Rules (Add Carnegie Definition) Current Events Articles 11. Discuss Fig. P-1 (p2) Textbook (Prologue, and 12. Discuss issue-based Fan Folded Pages approach and What is an TOT 2 issue? TOT 3 13. Students read pp4-5 on issues Reproducible A and complete TOT 2. Reproducible B 14. Read page 6 on critical thinking Wall Map (Political) then Think Pair Share for TOT 3. Teacher Guide pp92-106 15. Have students read various habits of mind out loud (p7) have students write down in their books to what extent they practice each 16. Discuss Developed/Developing 17. Distribute and discuss Reproducible A 18. Distribute and discuss Reproducible B 19. Examine Related Issue 1 intro (pp14-15) and compare structure with related issues 2,3,4. 20. MINOR ASSIGNMENT:

4 Class time to draft their responses will be given, they must be typed up and submitted online Students will respond to a blog post listing three things they would put in their own mystery box and why. Review rules and procedures for working online. 21. HOMEWORK: Students will find out about one ancestor who was alive in 1912, and where they lived. 22. SPONGE: Introduce the use of debate, and discuss procedures. Run a fun practice debate on a topic like BRT Jersey Shore is good television.

Formative Assessment Minor Assignment: Blog Response 3 Items they would use for their own Mystery Box

5 Lesson # 2 Duration: 2h50m Instructional Objectives The Students will be able to Recognize factors which influence how individuals express their identity Correlate factors and collectives which influence identity, with their personal identity Procedure/Tasks Materials/Resources 1. News/Current Events Wall Map 2. Introduce and discuss source Textbook analysis assignment Reproducible 1.1.8, 1.1.9 3. Hand out pages for Source Analysis Assignment Vocab/Definitions, that students Handout can complete in their own time. 4. Ancestors on Wall map Activity and discussion 5. Think Pair Share for Before and After 6. As a class read and discuss Introduction p19 7. Note looking ahead inquiry questions discuss what these questions mean, and write some brainstorms on the board 8. Who are you? p20 Discuss question, read with students 9. Examine photos on pp20-21 brainstorm a list of identity shaping factors on the board. 10. Students read: Some Factors that Shape Who You Are 11. Discuss the word Context and the picture Fig1-5 pp 21 12. Students read: Time and Who You Are 13. Distribute and complete Venn diagram for Me in Grade 8 and Me Now 14. Share Venn diagrams in small groups and discuss what aspects tend to stay the same? Which tend to change? Slowly? Quickly? Discuss Questions as a Class 15. Have the students create a Mind-Map of using the Venn diagram 16. Complete Reproducible 1.1.6 Reflect and Respond activity

6 pp22 17. Discuss and Read How Do You Express Who You Are 18. Expand mind maps, individually or with partner 19. Video: Between: Living in the Hyphen 20. Read pp23-24, up to Ideas 21. Complete Ideas activity 22. Read pp25 and discuss how people are read. 23. Read introduction on p26 24. Small group activity pp2728,29,30-31 25. Complete activity for Reproducible 1.1.9 26. MINOR ASSIGNMENT: Respond to your previous post, select one or two of the items you wrote about, explain what factors about your identity they are expressing, whether or not they indicate your relationship to a particular collective, and why. 27. SPONGE/Debate: Impromptu debate topic, take ideas from students, funny random, etc. Formative Assessment Response to previous blog post

7 Lesson # 3 Duration: 2h50m Instructional Objectives The Students will be able to Apply previously acquired understandings about collectives and identity to a realworld case study Critically Evaluate sources of information based on stake-holders and multipleperspectives Demonstrate consensus building techniques through roundtable debate/discussion Procedure/Tasks Materials 1. Personal News/Current Events Textbook 2. Lubicon Cree activities from **Laptop Carts or Computer Lab or pp32-33 resources for research** 3. Focus on skills pp 34-35 Lubicon Cree Kairos 4. Discuss building arguments Reproducible 1.1.10 5. Introduce roundtable debate Reproducible 1.1.11 6. Research time for roundtable (spectrum) debate 7. Students participate in roundtable debate on possible solutions for the Lubicon Cree 8. Look at and discuss Fig 1-16 9. Complete Reproducible 1.1.12 10. Students read intro paragraph and IQ pp 36 11. World connections on map activity 12. Read Coltan and Connected Identities 13. Flow chart between students and miners 14. Class mini debate topic BRT: Coltan use should be banned 15. Blood Coltan Video Have students take notes for debate 16. Divide class in two, distribute argument map handouts, allow time for argument building as groups. 17. Class debate 18. MINOR ASSIGNMENT: Position Statement write up from debate. States position, gives evidence, addresses counter evidence. Formative Assessment Position Statement Write-up

9 Lesson # 4 Duration: 2h50m Instructional Objectives The Students will be able to Differentiate between examples of negative and positive aspects of global connections Explain to what extent specific factors of globalization effect their identity Procedure/Tasks Materials 1. Personal News/Current Events Textbook 2. Read and discuss Aysha Wills Reproducible 1.1.12 Global Citizen Blood Coltan Video 3. Examine negative and positive Reproducible 1.2.1 aspects of global connections in Reproducible 1.2.2 T chart while students read pp38 4. Discuss charts as a class 5. Discuss and have volunteers read Points of View pp39 6. In pairs analyse each of these sources 7. Discuss analysis as a class 8. Have students complete 2-3 of the end of chapter activities. 9. MINOR ASSIGNMENT: Hand in assigned end of chapter activities 10. Chapter introduction and discussion Fig 2-1 p42 11. Pair activity read and answering questions on p43. Discuss as a class. 12. Hand out vocab terms for chapter 13. Examine IQs for chapter and make predictions as a class 14. Read Trade as a Globalizing force p44 15. Complete Reproducible 1.2.1 Globalization in Trade and Food 16. Class activity, inputting countries from 1.2.1 onto a World Map (SmartBoard?) and Discuss as Class 17. Students read p45 complete activity and discuss as class 18. Jigsaw activity for pp46-49 Reproducible 1.2.2 19. Reflect and Respond activity p49

10 Assessment End of Chapter Activities

11 Lesson # 5 Duration: 1h20m Instructional Objectives The Students will be able to Characterize ways in which economics acts as a globalizing force Procedure/Tasks Materials 1. Personal News/Current Events Textbook 2. Read IQ and introduction United Fruit Co. Massacre brainstorm as a class Reproducible 1.2.3 3. Read p50 Show on map course Reproducible 1.2.4 that Bananas take to get to us Reproducible 1.2.5 4. Work through reproducible 1.2.3 Reproducible 1.2.6 pp50-51 Reproducible H Detecting Bias 5. Youtube video United Fruit CO http://www.thecoca6. Jigsaw activity pp52-55 7. Reflect and respond activity Killer Coke Full Movie pp55 8. Youtube video Killer Coke Trailer 9. MINOR ASSIGNMENT: Find out about and post how one of the day-to-day products you use finds its way to you. Formative Assessment Blog Response Lesson #6 Duration: 2h50m Instructional Objectives The Students will be able to Identify ways in which forces of globalization affirm or promote identity Compare how globalization affirms identity with ways in which globalization Procedure/Tasks Materials 1. News/Current Events Textbook 2. Focus on skills detecting bias Reproducible 1.2.5 pp56-57 Reproducible 1.2.6 3. Introduce and discuss IQ p58 Reproducible 1.2.7 4. Media Convergence Youtube Reproducible H Detecting Bias 5. Read intro paragraph, as a class Media Convergence Youtube work out definitions National Geographic Article on 6. Read history of metis people Dying languages p58 7. Complete reproducible 1.2.5 8. Complete Points of View activities using Reproducible H p59 9. Read p60 complete Reproducible 1.2.6, collect

12 findings together in once spot 10. Read NatGeo to students 11. Reflect and respond activity p60 12. Introduce next IQ p61 13. Relate terms from earlier to new IQ 14. Read and discuss with students pp61-62. Full class discussion of questions from teacher guide 15. Discuss activity icons 16. Complete Reproducible 1.2.7 17. Class discussion relating first IQ of lesson to second IQ 18. Mini-Debate: BRT: The forces of Globalization tend to affirm Identity 19. 2-3 End of Chapter Activities Formative Assessment End of Chapter Activity or Position Statement from Debate Lesson #7 Duration: 2h50m Instructional Objectives The Students will be able to Identify ways in which identity may be effected by communication technology and the media in a globalizing world Explain ways in which media is changing in a globalizing world Procedure/Tasks Materials 1. Personal News/Current Event Textbook 2. Chart paper intro activity Reproducible 1.3.1 3. Chapter introduction and Reproducible 1.3.2 (sponge) discussion p67 Reproducible 1.3.3 4. Group Chart Paper activity How people use commination technology p68 5. Complete reproducible 1.3.1 p69 6. Making Choices and Explorations p69 7. Read pp70-71 8. Reflect and respond p71 9. Global village question p70 10. Discussion on comm tech as an extension of human senses 11. Class discussion to create working definitions for Media related terms. Compare to glossary 12. Complete reproducible 1.3.3 reading sections one at a time

13 pp72-75 13. Techno isolation tag debate 14. Points of View activity p74 15. MINOR ASSIGNMENT: SEE-I for one of the Media X terms Formative Assessment Blog Response SEE-I Lesson #8 (lessons 12-13 in tg) Duration: 2h50m Instructional Objectives The Students will be able to Explain how cultural diversity is affected by the dominance of the American Media Argue whether the net influence of American media dominance is positive or negative with respect to cultural diversity Procedure/Tasks Materials 1. Personal News/Current Events Reproducible 1 2. Discussion about the recent Reproducible 1.3.4 Olympics Urban Legend 3. Introduce IQ Computer Time/Laptop Carts 4. Read and discuss Kennedy p76 American Media Infographic 5. Read and discuss Sept 11 pp7677 6. Dealing with the backlash activity p77 7. Discuss Omar Khadr 8. Discuss Conspiracy Theories, logical fallacies, what is wrong with them, is it all bunk? 9. Relate urban legend. Discuss urban legends; are they the same as conspiracy theories, what is different? 10. Complete Focus on Skills pp7879 11. Compare media coverage of Olympics to media coverage of Kennedy Assassination 12. Read Make Poverty p80 and think pair share to complete Missing Voices questions 13. Read and respond as a class to Stories told.. p81 14. Discuss If it bleeds, it leads 15. Reflect and respond p81 16. Discuss Sesame street p 83 17. Complete Reproducible 1.3.4

14 18. Read and discuss pp84-85 19. Debate Does the prominence of American media excerpt a positive or negative influence on diversity? p 85 20. End of chapter activities pp86-87 Formative Assessment Blog response: Does the prominence of American media excerpt a positive or negative influence on diversity Lesson #9 (lessons 14-15 in tg) Duration: 2h50m Instructional Objectives The Students will be able to Identify ways that people affirm their identity, culture, and language in a globalizing world Express to what degree they believe that globalization hinders or assists in ones ability to affirm identity, culture, and language Procedure/Tasks Materials 1. Personal News/Current Events Textbook 2. Chapter intro and discussion Chart Paper pp88-89 Reproducible 1.4.1 3. Read and Discuss IQ How do Reproducible 1.4.2 people affirm identity.. p90 and Reproducible 1.4.3 compete activity Reproducible 1.4.4 4. Discuss fig 4-3 p90 Natgeo Dead Languages Article 5. Group work discuss Differing Views and Voices P90 6. Read more from NatGeo article 7. Read and discuss endangered languages p91 8. Activity icon p91 9. Jot notes on pp92-93 10. Reflect and Respond p93 and complete 1.4.1 11. Complete reproducible 1.4.2 12. Class Debate: BRT: There should be one official global language 13. Focus on Skills pp94-95 and Reproducible 1.4.3 14. Introduce IQ ...affirm and promote culture p96 15. Voices activity p96 16. Students Jot notes on p96 and class discussion 17. Cultural revitalization pp97 18. Reproducible 1.4.4 and Voices Activity

15 19. Triangle Debate: Should museums return Aboriginal artefacts? 20. Discuss fig 4-11 p99 21. Partner work Ladakh pp98-99 22. Read pp 100 reflect and respond Formative Assessment Blog response: summarize positions from debate and defend one Lesson #10 (lesson 16-17 in tg) Duration: 2h50m Instructional Objectives The Students will be able to Identify ways in which governments affirm (or fail to affirm) languages and cultures in a globalizing world Identify ways in which international organizations affirm (or fail to affirm) languages and cultures in a globalizing world Compare the way that governments and international organizations affect the affirmation of languages and cultures in a globalizing world Procedure/Tasks Materials 1. Personal News/Current Events Texbook 2. Introduce IQ How governments Reproducible 1.4.5 affirm p 101 Reproducible 1.4.6 3. Students read p101 Reproducible 1.4.7 4. Complete reproducible 1.4.5 in Reproducible 1.4.8 groups and discuss as class Reproducible 1.4.9 (sponge) 5. Discuss Fig 4-13 as a class p101 6. Complete reproducible 1.4.6 7. Read and discuss p102 8. Discuss fig 4-15 p102 9. Read and discuss controlling content p102 10. Relfect and Respond p102 11. Read and discuss profile p103 12. Read IQ and opening paragraphs p104 discuss cultural heritage 13. Discuss intangible and tangible. Read remainder of p104 14. Complete reproducible 1.4.7 15. Discuss la Francophonie as a class p105 16. Read p106 and discuss declaration on rights 17. Small group responses to points of view p107 18. Class discussion of points of view p107

16 19. End of chapter activities Formative Assessment Lesson #11 Assess and Debrief Instructional Objectives The Students will be able to Procedure/Tasks 1. Personal News/Current Events 2. Review for test 3. Test 4. Work time for Source Analysis 5. Fun Sponge Debate Assessment Test and Source Analysis Duration: 2h50m

Materials Test

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