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1. Describe MHCs strategy in terms of market position.

Also, identify the type of external environment MHC is operating in and the degree to which the strategy matches the environment. MHC just finished its corporate strategic planning process and decided to work on two things in market strategy to deal with its changing business environment. One was focus on technology (It reducing the hospitals costs and technology can be marketed to other health care providers for generating more revenue) and second they focus was improving on efficiencies basic health care and outpatient services (This would allow them to give the basic health care needs and subsidies from governmental provide them profit only if efficiencies could be developed throughout the corporation).External Environment is complexity as Health care industry began to experience to change governmental regulations and insurance procedures. The federal and state governments were putting increasing pressure on health care institutions to reduce costs new technologies developed and procedures were expensive to develop and were often subject to long waiting periods before being approved by the insurers and government agencies. Subsidies provided by the government. If we see MHC match with the strategy match with the proactive
2. Identify the type of structure MHC currently uses in its primary businesses.

Describe the fit between the structure and the competitive strategy. Describe any structural adjustments MHC should make to maximize the effectiveness of the strategy. As the regional executive (EVP) Report to the CEO and Functional staff report to the regional executive (EVP) and management is divided by all most three team which are interrelated and report to top as Eastern Region control 10 hospital then come Mid-States Region control 12 hospital and western Region control 8 hospital so the company follow the organization structure.In the case we have study the relationship among competitive strategy and both the HR and HRD functions at Multistate Health Corporation (MHC).if we talk about MHC in the market is becoming much more competitive while products and services are rapidly changing environment as far Mitchell said. Our competitive strategy is for the big picture and the long term. If these HR issues are going to be a problem, we have to fix them right away. So the net shell is company is following the competitive strategy. The MHC should centralized its structure as there should be communication between Eastern Region, Mid-States and western Region and can be transfer of information, records, technology, skill staff and other.MHC should work out on Paper-based incident system ,communication between risk department and managers , front-line staff inaccurate reporting,Timely incident follow-up accurate data leads to process improvements Patient concerns resolve.
3. Identify any areas where current management KSAs are not aligned with effective

implementation of the competitive strategy? a. No system for comparing internal candidates for positions. Performance evaluation is decentralized.

No system for making known the criteria for positions. People do not respond to posted openings because rejection is a block to future promotion. Recommendation from a higher-up is known to be necessary. A related complaint was that many CEOs will not recommend their best people either because the CEOs rely on them heavily or because the bright young people might eventually be competition. c. No system for evaluating the KSA required of a CEO in one part of the corporation compared to that of another. For example, the CEO in Grand Rapids has different responsibilities compared with a CEO in Detroit, but no one at the corporate level knows what the differences are. d. No corporate HR philosophy or strategy guides the organization in its HR activities. 4. Describe how MHC should go about addressing the KSA deficiencies you have identified in the previous question. Your answer should be consistent with the mission and values of MHC. a. Improve the selection process for filling vacant positions. b. Develop a succession plan. c. Forecast critical skill, knowledge and ability needs. d. Identify critical skill, knowledge and ability deficiencies. . e. Create a career development system that reflects the organizational mission. 5. Assume that the u are The Hr manager and the competitive strategy was given to you prior to its adoption using principal and concepts from the chapter what recommendations would you gave the strategic planning term. a. 1. People are our most important resource. b. 2. The human resource needs of the organization are best met through the development of employees to their maximum potential. c. 3. Justice in the workplace is embodied in honest, fair, and equitable employment and personnel practices with priority given to the correction of past social injustices 6. Given the strategy, what tactical activities can the HR unit in general, and HRD specifically, develop to support the strategy (be sure to include the implementation of the HRIS)? Identify sources of support and sources of resistance to these tactical activities and point out any areas in which collaborating with the OD unit would be advisable. Business strategy remains important in ensuring that a business performs well. It is important that human resources management is carried out in a proper manner the human resource has a function of delivering strategy insights in the organization so as to enable the organization to be more effective in sourcing, evaluating and motivating employees in this increasingly unstable business environment. In addition the human resource has to continue providing administrative services which are dependable, responsive and cost effective to the needs of the organization.


And HRD gives us chance to develop us at every point or every level of business developing each level can give us optimum output of works aligning with companys strategy We can Use ERP systems of further evolvement of HRD mechanism and it can make flow of HRIS very smooth and competitive.

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