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1984 Vocabulary #1: 1. Abasement 2. Abstruse 3. Apathetic 4. Avaricious 5. Clandestinely 6. Corrugated 7. Despotism 8. Didactically 9. Disseminate 10. Hedonistic 11.

Impudent 12. Latent 13. Malleable 14. Mutability 15. Orthodox 16. Prodigious 17. Proliferated 18. Superfluous 19. Translucency 20. Vanquished

Assignment: 1. Define each word and its Part of Speech (Noun, Verb, etc). 2. Next, look-up all forms of the word (see example below) 3. Finally, use EACH form of the word in a sentence that pertains to 1984. 4. Turn-in this work on the day of the exam; EXAMPLE: 1. Abasement (noun)- humiliation (the act of being put down or lowered) Sentence: Because they did not want to face harsh abasement, some citizens of Oceania participated in Hate Week in an obligatory fashion. Verb (used with an object)-abase, abased, abasing, abases Sentence: Mr. Obrien abased the prisoners; one by one they fell to his act of humiliation.

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