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Bibliography Primary Honolulu Police Department. Grace Fortescue. January 1932. JPEG. <>.

This is a picture of Grace Fortescue, Thalias mother. It was the police booking photos of her after the killing of Joseph Kahahawai. n.p. Miscellaneous Documents from the Massie-Fortescue Trial Pdf. 1931. 31 October 2012. < miscpackage.pdf> This is a primary document from the Massie- Fortescue Trial. It has the suspects and lawyers statement. The suspects admit to killing Joseph Kahahawai but tell their reason for killing him. n.p. Joseph Kahahawai's Murder. PBS. American Experience. Web. 7 April 2005. < >. This was an article relating to the death of Joseph Kahahawai. It has quotes from the trial with mostly Grace Fortescue talking about it. n.p. Thalia Massie's Alleged Assault. PBS. American Experience. Web. 7 April 2005. <>.

This article was about the trial of the Ala Moana Trial. It has quotes from Thalia Massie, the suspects, and witnesses. They were asked during both the trial and the police station getting investigated. n.p. Trial Transcripts for Hawaii v. Ahakuelo, et. al (aka Ala Moana trial) November 1931. 31 October 2012.< PACKAGE.pdf> This is the official document of the Ala Moana Trial with Thalia Massie and the five suspects. Wright, Theon. Inspector McIntosh and his transcript of Thalia Massies Original Statement Rape in Paradise. Honolulu: Mutual Publishing, 1990. (pg. 115) A picture about Thalia Massies original statement that inspector McIntosh made. Wright, Theon. Horace Ida after his Beating. Rape in Paradise. Honolulu: Mutual Publishing, 1990. (pg. 181) A picture of Horace Ida after Thomas Massie and his friends beat him up, demanding for a confession. Wright, Theon. The Phony Summons handed to Joseph Kahawai. Rape in Paradise. Honolulu: Mutual Publishing, 1990. (pg. 187) A picture that shows a phony summons Thomas Massie gave Joseph when they were going to kidnap him. <>.

This is a primary source website containing pictures relating to the Massie Case. There are various pictures of the suspects, defendents, places, and witnesses. Wright, Theon. Detective George Harbottle and Mrs. Fortescue Immediately after her Arrest for Murder. Rape in Paradise. Honolulu: Mutual Publishing, 1990. (pg. 193) A picture of George Harbottle and Mrs. Fortescue after he arrested her. Wright, Theon. Prosecuting Attorney John C. Kelley Examining Evidence in the Kahahawai Murder. Rape in Paradise. Honolulu: Mutual Publishing, 1990. (pg. 236) A picture that shows the attorney inspecting the evidence, of the murder of Joseph Kahahawai. Wright, Theon. Mrs. Fortescue and her Daughter Thalia Massie. Rape in Paradise. Honolulu: Mutual Publishing, 1990. (pg. 166) This is a picture of Grace Fortescue (the mom) and Thalia Massie. Wright, Theon. Thalia and Lt. Thomas Massie Prior to their Departure from Hawaii. Rape in Paradise. Honolulu: Mutual Publishing, 1990. (pg. 243) A picture before the Massie family was going to leave after their one day sentence at Iolani Palace Wright, Theon. Joseph Kahawais Body being Removed from the Murder Car. Rape in Paradise. Honolulu: Mutual Publishing, 1990. (pg. 193) This is a picture of Josephs dead body when Thomas Massie, Grace Fortescue, and one military person murdered him.

Secondary Chapin, Helen G. Getting Away with Murder. The Hawaiian History Society. 23 Aug. 2012. <>. This source is a website that basically summarizes why the Massie case was important and other background information. The Five Men Accused of Assaulting Thalia Massie PBS. WGBH, N,D, 7 April 2005. 1 Sept. 2012. <>. This is source is a website from PBS. It tells background information about the 5 local suspects. It also explains the racial tensions rising. Linder, Douglas O. The Massie Case Trials: A Chronology. University of Missouri, Kansas City. 2007. 30 Aug. 2012. < massiechronolog.html>. It is a website that provides the important dates that happened during the Massie trial and Kahahawai death. Bolleoa, Richards. Dark Side of Paradise. Honolulu Star Bulletin. 15 Oct. 1999. 30 Aug 2012. <>. This is a newspaper on a website of the Hawaii Star Bulletin. It summarizes the Massie Case and Thalias side of the story.

Stannard, David. The Massie Case: Injustice and Courage. 14 Oct. 2001. Honolulu Advertiser. 23 Aug. 2012. <>. This resource is a newspaper from the website. It explains the popularity of the Massie case and the rape and death trials. It also explains their main peoples life after the trial. Thalia Fortescue Massie. PBS. WGBH, N.D. 7 April 2005. 1 Sept 2012. < /amex /massie/peopleevents/p_thalia.html>. This is a website from PBS that explains Thalia Massie life before the trial, and after the trials. It also gives you more information about where Thalia was before the rape. Wright, Theon. Rape in Paradise. Honolulu: Mutual Publishing, 1990. Print. This is a book that is very detailed. It talks about the specific time of things and what exactly happened in the trial, the rape, and the murder. This book has various interviews from the people who were there. It explains the racial tensions and there are pictures from this event. Rosa, John P. Local Story: The Massie Case Narrative and the Cultural Production of Local Identity in Hawaii. Whos Vision? Spec. issue of Arerasia Journal Asian Settler Colonialism in Hawaii. (2000) : 93-115. Print. This is a college journal from the UCLA Asian American Studies center. This explains how tensions were rising between locals and haoles. The journal provides how we classify ourselves in Hawaii using the terms Local and Haole. Hannon, Michael. The Massie Case. Hawaii: University of Minnesota. Web. 31 October 2012. <>.

This is a college journal from the University of Minnesota. This website goes in depth of both the Joseph Kahahawai murder and Thalia Massie murder. It also has some quotes from both trials. Local Theory. Hawaii: University of Manoa. 1999. 31 October 2012 <http://localcite.manoa.> The article explains how the Massie Case changed Hawaii socially. This article explains how we could identify people as locals and outsiders. The website also includes a primary picture of Thomas Massie. n.p. Thalia Fortescue Massie (1911-1963). PBS. American Experience. Web. 7 April 2005. <>. This page was about the accuser of the Ala Moana Trial which is Thalia Massie. It is about her life, background information, and pictures about her. n.p. Thomas Massie (1904-1987). PBS. American Experience. Web. 7 April 2005. < >. This page is about Thomas Massie, Thalias husband. It explain background facts about him, including him working in the military. This website also has picture of him. n.p. Grace Hubbard Fortescue (1883-1979). PBS. American Experience. Web. 7 April 2005. <>. This is an article of Grace Fortescue, the defendants mother. It explains additional facts about her. It also explains why she came to Hawaii for. This website also includes primary pictures of her, and of her with her daughter.

n.p. The Five Men Accused of Assaulting Thalia Massie . PBS. American Experience. Web. 7 April 2005. <>. This is a page about the five suspects accused of raping Thalia Massie; Joseph Kahahawai, Ben Ahakuelo, Horace Ida, Henry Chang, David Takai. It has individual backgrounds of them, including their mug shots. It also summarizes that they were falsely accused of raping Thalia Massie and how they were treated like after the case. Chapin, Helen . Getting Away with Murder: The Massie Case The Hawaiian Historical Society. Web. 2012. 31 October 2012. <> The website is a basic summary about the Joseph Kahahawai case. It explains the social tensions. Zwonitzer, Mark, Chin, Michael. (2005). The Massie Affair [Motion Picture]. PBS. Educational Foundation This is a video by PBS that talks about the Massie Affair. It goes more in depth about what was happening. It explained all the clues from the case that helped solved if the 5 defendents were innocent or not. It talks about how the media thought of what happened and the effects of the pressure from the media caused.

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