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MATH PRAYER Dear Lord, Can you add more good to my life, subtract more of the bad, multiply

all my good experiences, and divide the truths from the false, fact from fiction. Can you differentiate between good goals and bad, and help me find the shortest path between a and b. For this, I shall always calculate my devotion to you as the summation of all my great achievements. Amen. Dear God, Im sorry I added a few items on my list of sins. I promise to subtract my wrong doings. May you continue to multiply your blessings on me so that I may divide them equally to my brothers and sisters. This I ask in your most Holy Name. Amen.

MATH RIDDDLES 1. Complete the sequene: 1=3, 2=3, 3=5, 4=4, 5=4, 6=3, 7=5, 8=5, 9=4, 10=3, and 11=?, 12=? ANSWER: 6, That is the number of letters in the spelling of each number. 2. How can you add eight 8s to get the number 1,000? (only in addition) ANSWER: 888+88+8+8 = 1,000 3. I am an odd number, take away an alphabet & I become even. What number am I? ANSWER: SEVEN take away S becomes EVEN. 4. If a rooster laid 13 eggs & the farmer took 8 of them, and then another rooster laid 12 eggs & 4 of them were rotten, how many eggs were left? ANSWER: No, because rooster dont lay eggs. 5. There are 20 match sticks formed into 7 boxes, as 1 box on the 1st layer, 3 boxes on the 2nd & 3 boxes on 3rd layer. How can you make it 5 boxes using 3 matchsticks on it that can be move? MATH POEM Odd and Even If you are an even number You always have a pair So if you look around Your buddy will always be there But ... If you are an odd number There's always a lonely one He looks around to find his buddy But he's the only one. Problem Solving Theres a math problem Written on a sheet I can work it out Its not such a feat First I read it twice find out what it asks Double underline the info Its an easy task Next I look for clues Underline them once Choose a strategy Sometimes you have to hunt Now I work it out I can draw a chart I will show my work This is quite an art Mark your answers clear Check over your facts Make sure they are right Be sure it is intact

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