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Jaypee Business School

A Constituent of Jaypee Institute of Information Technology (Deemed University) A-10, Sector 62, Noida, 201 307 INDIA DDM 2009-14 Batch; Semester VII (July 21, November 24, 2012) Course Code: 12MCGM04 Course Title: Business Research Methods Course Credit: 3 Session Duration: 90 Minutes Name of the Faculty: Debdeep De Email ID: 1. Course Introduction Knowledge and Information are indispensable tools for taking wiser decisions. They have to be acquired first and then assessed before they can be utilized in the decision-making process. This is where the usefulness of research methods lies. Through the application of careful scientific methods, and by using proven analytical and evaluation tools and techniques, a corporate manager can accomplish their organizational goals and objectives, set correct priorities, adopt prudent strategies and approaches, handle risks and efficiently and effectively manage their resources. This course gives a comprehensive introduction to the subject of business research methods. 2. Course Objective The intent of the course is to provide a basic grounding in, fundamental research methods as they relate to the modern practice of management and to academic research. The topics that will be covered, as well as the tools and practices that will be used will assist the participants in being more effective designers and consumers of applied research related to all the domains of management practice across disciplines. 3. Learning Outcome To understand the role of applied research and research methods in management theory and practice. To develop basic skills in the design, implementation, and evaluation of applied management research. To examine and apply current and emerging tools to assist the conduct of applied management research. To become more discerning consumers of management research in both the academics and the popular press. 4. Pedagogy The course will involve a healthy balance of classroom discussion and experiential activities which will generally include a mixture of lectures and case analysis. 5. Text Book: Zikmund William G, Business Research Methods, Cengage Learning, Eleventh Indian Reprint 2009, ISBN978-81-315-0029-3. 6. Additional Readings and References: 1. Donald R. Cooper, Pamela S. Schindler Business Research Methods, McGraw Hill Publishing Company Limited, 2008.

2. Mark Saunders, Philip Lewis and Adrian Thornhill, Research Methods for Business Students, Pearson Education Limited, 2009 3. Bryman, A.E. and Bell, E. Business Research Methods. Oxford University Press, 2009. 7. Evaluation Details a. Teachers Assessment (1) Case Analysis (10%) Task: To evaluate on the experience of developing an understanding on Contemporary Issues on Business Research, using course concepts and theories derived from reading. The process requires students who will work in groups and make use of information collected in their personal diaries, and to link their experiences to relevant research evidence, theories and concepts in addressing the discussion questions cited in the cases. Format: The students will be divided are required to submit a handwritten not exceeding 1000 words write up. The analysis should be presented in addressing an objective and reasoned assessment of the issues raised in the cases. The cases will be distributed in accordance with the groups in due course of time. The students need to address the unresolved issues and specify practical steps that the students would take to resolve these issues. Deadline: The deadline is till 1:00 PM, Saturday, September 22, 2012. (2) Research report (20%) Task: The report consists identifying specific issue relevant to contemporary business scenario and develop the research problem, and preparation of a written analysis of the problem through corresponding class presentation/viva-voce. Major goals of this exercise are to help you feel comfortable understanding of business issues relevant for research and to help you to integrate the course concepts into a coherent framework. Accomplishing this educational goal is important to any career path that requires higher-level managerial decision-making under conditions of uncertainty. Based on the data collected by you, a comprehensive analysis of the strategies adopted by the company can be made and which can also be critically examined. A well-prepared report will include a discussion of any relevant ethical and global issues facing the firm. To summarise the initial idea and provide a written proposal which answers several basic questions. This part of the assessment does not receive a mark but is either approved by the course facilitator, or not approved, in which case it must be resubmitted. Your topics of study broadly should include (one or more of the following): 1. Identification of the problem that relates to contemporary business scenario. 2. Relevance of the issue mentioned in the context of the study. 3. Developing the research problem. 4. Analysis of the problem using appropriate technique. 5. Implications and Recommendations drawn on the basis of the study. After completion of the report write Executive Summary of maximum one page which should appear in the beginning of the final report. Deadline: The deadline is till 1:00 PM, Saturday, November 3, 2012. Late submission of work Coursework submitted after the deadline, but within two working days of that deadline will be awarded a maximum mark of 50% of the marks to be scored in that coursework. All coursework submitted after two days will normally be awarded a Zero. 30%

Extensions for medical reasons or extenuating circumstances must be agreed with the Course Instructor in advance of the deadline where possible and supported by medical evidence where appropriate. Problems with printing will not normally be accepted as valid reasons for lateness. Non-submission of Coursework Any student failing to submit the coursework and/or failing to take the exam component (without medical reasons or extenuating circumstances agreed with the Course Instructor in advance of the deadline and supported by medical evidence where appropriate) will be awarded a Zero and no supplementary in such case will be given and the student will have to retake the course whenever offered next. b. Mid-Term Test c. End-Term Test 8. Session Plan Session Theme of the day 1-2 Introduction to Business Research Problem Definition and Research Proposal Exploratory Research and Qualitative Analysis Survey Research Experimental Research Measurement Concepts Sampling and Field Work Editing and Coding of Data Basic Data Analysis 30% 40% Lecture Topic Role of Business Research, The Research Process and Knowledge Management Defining the Business Problem, Preparing a Research Proposal Zikmund Chapter 1,2 Case/ Exercise The Atlanta Braves



Tulsas Central Business District(A)

What, Why and categories of Exploratory Research Nature, Error and Classification of Survey Research, TQM in Survey Nature and Issues and classification and Validity of Experimental Design. Scaling Concepts, Attitude Measurement and Questionnaire Design Sample design and sampling procedure Editing and Coding Tabulation, Transformation and Graphs, Hypothesis Testing, Z-test, t-test, Chi-Square Hypothesis Testing, Z-test, t-test, Chi-Square, Correlation and Regression Nature and Classification, Multiple Regression, Discriminant Analysis, Factor Analysis, Multidimensional Scaling Report and presentation

Todays Man

6-8 9 10-11

9,10, 11 12 13-15

Tulsas Central Business District(B) Professional Recruiters Flyaway Airways

12 13 14-15

16-18 19 20, 21

The Business Forms Industry Exercise The Multiplex Company, LastDance Health Care LastDance Health Care LastDance Health Care, Sunbelt Energy Corporation Employees Federal Credit Union


Bivariate Analysis



Multivariate Analysis



Communicating Research Results


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