G2gactivity Humantaco

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G2G - Icebreaker Activity

Human Taco Have enough ingredients for each member of the group Taco shell, meat, cheese, lettuce, tomato, salsa. (For 10 people print out two sets of the ingredients)

Cut out each ingredient. Dont let anyone see what you are taping to their back. If you have more than 10 people in your group, Add an ingredient per person. Feel free to print the list & cut out the ingredients below. Rules: The facilitator explains the correct order of the taco ingredients. Then, he/she gives the start command by saying, Im hungry, Lets eat! Run for the Border! Each individual must find out what their ingredient is by asking yes/no questions. (ex. Am I a vegetable? y/n) Then, they work together to form a human taco with all the necessary ingredients. (copy 2xs for 12 students)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Taco shell meat cheese lettuce tomato Salsa

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