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Barry Grauman Subject: Honors Algebra II Grade Level: 9/10 OVERVIEW This lesson introduces the concept of a determinant of a 2x2 matrix of coefficients of a system of linear equations and how that determinant can be used to determine whether an inverse to the matrix exists and thus whether or not a solution exists to the corresponding system of equations. STATE STANDARDS ADDRESSED N-VM.8 (+) Add, subtract, and multiply matrices of appropriate dimensions. N-VM.12 (+) Work with 2 2 matrices as transformations of the plane, and interpret the absolute value of the determinant in terms of area. OBJECTIVES Students will be able to compute the determinant of a 2x2 matrix. Students will be able to correctly interpret the effect of a determinant of zero on a system of linear equations. ALIGNMENT WITH SUPERVISING PRACTIONERS GOALS The concept for this lesson plan was approved by Mr. Thistle and will culminate the previous weeks work on matrices. CONCEPTS/CONTENT TO BE COVERED In any (n x m) matrix where (n = m) there exists a determinant. In a 2x2 matrix of elements a,b,c,d the determinant can be computed by the formula, (ad-bc). When the matrix represents a system of linear equations, a determinant of zero indicates that there is either no solution because the two lines are parallel or infinite solutions because the two lines are identical. REQUIRED PRIOR KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE WITH CONTENT Knowledge of matrices and matrix multiplication plus knowledge of the formula for computing the inverse of a 2x2 matrix. MATERIALS Whiteboard, pencils and paper, projector and laptop. METHODS OF ASSESSMENT


Students will informally be assessed concerning prior knowledge during the interactive lecture, formatively assessed while working on the in-class problems and further assessed when their homework is graded. Finally, they will be summatively assessed via the weekly quiz. LEARNING ACTIVITIES AND ORGANIZATIONAL PATTERNS [5 min] Introduction of the daily agenda and training in ooo ahh. [5 min] Review of necessary prior knowledge using powerpoint and interrogative questioning. [5 min] Students will be given a 2x2 matrix and asked to find the inverse. Unbeknownst to the students this matrix is unlike any they have seen to date. The determinant of this matrix is zero and they will be unable, therefore , to compute its inverse. [10 min] The concept of the determinant will be introduced along with the formula for computing it. Implications of a zero determinant on the corresponding system of linear equations will be explored via interactive lecture. [5 min] Halftime show: Pumpkin Pi joke. [10 min] In-class problems. Teacher and student peers will scaffold the class as they work on them. [5 min] Homework problem set will be distributed and students will begin work on it. PLANS FOR STUDENTS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS Any student with an IEP or 504 will be accommodated as specified in their plan. There is a student in the class that is hearing impaired and sometimes she asks the instructor to wear a microphone for her personal amplification device. She will be accommodated. Beyond that, any students with special needs will receive extra instruction and help in completing assigned work during directed study periods or after school. ALTERNATIVE ACTIVITES / EMERGENCY FILLERS In the unlikely event that an alternative activity will be needed, we will review computing the inverse of a 2x2 matrix. ASSIGNMENTS Students will be assigned a six determinant problem homework set that will be collected the following day and corrected. They will be given the final 10 minutes of class to begin work on it so if anyone needs further instruction/feedback or help of any kind, they can get it without having to attend directed study or the after-school program. Estimated time to complete: 20 minutes.

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