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The Nanny Alternative Handbook

I am a Professional Child Care Provider. My goal is to provide your child with a healthy, clean, safe, happy, nurturing environment where they can play and learn with guidance and loving care. I strive to create a setting where your child is very happy and you can go to work without worry about the care of your child. Early childhood is the most critical period in human growth and development; it is the period when the foundations of academic achievement are laid. Play is the work of childhood. Through play, children seek to understand the world around them and their place within it. Through structured activities, children develop the neurological pathways necessary for cognitive, physical, social and emotional development. During these early years, learning experiences must be varied, creative and carefully planned. In addition to play based activities we will also work with your child to insure mastery of the alphabet, numbers, shapes and colors in preparation for preschool. We inspire a love of learning and encourage a significant amount of reading to develop verbal skills and puzzles to activate the math brain. The Nanny Alternative Family Day Care is a licensed daycare provider, CA License #384001976. We believe that a child's natural curiosity and sense of wonder are very special assets entrusted to us, and through these, we seek to impart a love of learning in every child we serve. We believe that providing a rich and attentive environment is only the beginning. For "learning through play" to be truly meaningful, we focus on helping the child become a critical observer of his or her environment, and develop problem solving skills. Our goal is to help the child become an active agent in his or her own development by encouraging each childs natural curiosity. We encourage this process in an individualized, language-rich environment through the questions they ask, the goals they set, the information they provide, and the behavior they model. Specific Objectives: Personal Confidence - building in each child a sense of inherent value and self-esteem Social Skills - helping the children learn how to form relationships of caring, trust, mutual respect, and teaching the children appropriate social behaviors Cognitive Development-structured activities including circle time, centers, arts & crafts, music, and cooking projects Language Development - these critical skills are gently and patiently encouraged through storytelling and singing Toilet Training - we work with families to provide consistency as the children master this skill In order to make our relationship thoroughly enjoyable, the following rules and guidelines are articulated to insure that there are no misunderstandings, that each of us is aware and agree to certain responsibilities, and that these responsibilities are carried out in a businesslike manner. At The Nanny Alternative you are paying for a specific slot. No discounts are given if your child is absent. The policies listed below are set forth by The Nanny Alternative and are in accordance with the State of California, Department of Social Services, Child Care regulations. These policies and the accompanying contracts become effective upon acceptance by the parent/guardian and The Nanny Alternative. Updates to the handbook are effective immediately after being provided to my clients via email and/or updated on my website Business Hours/Overtime I provide childcare Monday to Friday from 7:30 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. There is a late charge of $25.00 per child for every fifteen minutes or portion thereof that your child is picked-up after 6:00 p.m. on a Monday-Friday basis. If you would like to visit or update, please allow yourself enough time to be complete by 6:00 p.m. The same fee schedule applies to Date Night or any other alternate care arrangement. Clients who are late more than 3 times per rolling calendar year will be charged a late fee equal to double the prevailing rate. I encourage parents to visit at drop off or pick up. Its fun to see how your child interacts with their friends and the staff and provides a nice time to update with the staff or myself. Please be respectful of my time and plan on finishing any visiting or updating by 6:00 p.m. In some circumstances we may schedule a meeting outside of regular business hours to discuss any concerns that you or I may have. If a conference is necessary, please schedule this in advance. To ensure the safety of your child, only you or your designate(s) may pick up your child.

The Nanny Alternative Handbook

Special Services Monthly we offer a Date Night on a Saturday evening from 5-11 pm, the cost of this service is $60.00. Deposit I require a deposit equal to four weeks (20 days) of childcare for all families. Admission Paperwork Prior to caring for your child I require the following: Signed Policy Handbook and Contract/Financial Agreement Deposit equal to 4 weeks of care Nebulizer Care Consent/Verification (If Applicable) Family Child Care Home Notification of Parents Rights Consent for Emergency Medical Treatment Consent for Administration of Medication Immunization Record Caregiver Background Check Information Consumer Awareness Information Parent Responsibility Statement Vaccination Records Client & General Information forms Transportation Agreement release forms We require yearly updates of most forms Payment and Late Fees th th Payment is due on the 25 of the month for the following month. I will provide an invoice by the 15 of each month. If fees are late a $25.00 per day charge will be applied, including weekend days. I offer the following payment options: Online Payment through Intuit Payment Network (Preferred Method) Visa or Mastercard (invoiced amount plus a 2.7% service charge) Personal Check Please make checks payable to Ellen Jones. Checks may not be postdated past the invoiced date. There is a $50.00 fee for returned checks. Clients who have multiple returned checks will be required to pay through Intuit Payment Network. Provider Holidays / Sick days We observe the following paid holidays: New Years Day Martin Luther King Day Presidents Day Memorial Day Independence Day Labor Day Columbus Day Veterans Day Thanksgiving Day and the day after Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and the day after When a Holiday falls on a weekend it will be observed according to the same guidelines as State of California employees. Vacation: I take three weeks paid vacation per year. Typically vacations occur as 1 week at Christmastime and two consecutive weeks in July. If either party terminates the childcare agreement, accrued vacation will be deducted from the deposit. Vacation is accrued at approximately 1.9% per week beginning the first week that care is provided. Vacation time used but not yet earned will not be refundable under any circumstance should you terminate our agreement. Personal/Family Flex Days: I reserve the right to take 4 personal days/family flex days per year. Parents will be provided with a minimum of 30 days notice of these dates unless it is an emergency situation. These days are for urgent or unforeseen events. Personal/Family Flex days are not refundable under any circumstance and will not be pro-rated.

The Nanny Alternative Handbook

When I provide an alternate child care provider in my home and you wish to make your own arrangements for childcare you will not be reimbursed. Drop Off and Pick Up It is important to take a minute to check on their overall wellness and learn how their day has started. Let me know if your child had a good nights sleep, what time they awakened and when they were last fed. If you are dropping off at an odd time, please work with me to insure it is a transition time. In other words, if your child naps at 12:00 please drop them off before 12:00 so I can keep them and all the other children on schedule. Additionally, if you are dropping off after 9:00 a.m. please be sensitive to the fact that some of the infants may be napping and keep noise levels in the front hallway and at the front door to a minimum. If your child experiences separation anxiety at drop off, please say goodbye to them, explain where you are going, when you will be back, and make a swift departure. Cleanliness/Hygiene We always maintain strict cleanliness and hygiene standards. Children's hands are washed before and after meals and snack, coming in from outside and after toileting. The children sleep in separate cribs (Pack and Plays) with clean sheets and blankets, used only by them. Each child has a separate crib with their own bedding. These are washed weekly or as needed. Toys are frequently sanitized with a bleach solution. Termination/Changes to Existing Schedule One month (30 days) written notice is required in any circumstance where you wish to withdraw your child from The Nanny Alternative or make a change to your existing schedule. Schedule changes from full time to part time will not be considered unless I am able to offset the days you no longer require daycare with another customer. Fees will continue to be incurred if the parent withdraws the child before notice is given, or at any given time during the notice. One months (30 days) fees may be paid in lieu of one month notice. I will provide parents or guardians with one month (30 days) written notice if I am no longer able to care for your child or if I decide to cease daycare operation. You continue to be responsible for your current timeslot/schedule and monthly fees during this notice whether your child attends or not. I will terminate our childcare arrangements immediately for any of the following reasons (but not solely limited to): Failure to comply with the policies set forth in this handbook. Failure to comply with the contract. Behavior or actions by a parent or child that disrupt the positive, respectful environment of the day care or effectively make other children, clients or staff uncomfortable. Destructive, hurtful or disruptive behavior of a child that persists even with parent cooperation in stopping the behavior, this includes negative naptime behavior, violent or disrespectful behavior (spitting, hitting, kicking, and biting) and/or uncontrollable, persistent temper tantrums. Non-Payment of childcare fees or persistently late payment of fees. Failure to show up for 5 days in a row without any communication. Failure to complete required forms. Inability to meet the childs needs without additional staff. Habitual lateness in picking up your child Child Abuse/Neglect Childcare providers are mandated reporters. It is the law and my responsibility, as a childcare provider, to report child abuse or neglect. I am required to report abuse or neglect to Children's Protective Services and the Police Department.

The Nanny Alternative Handbook

Supplies Parents are responsible for supplying: Bottles, Formula, Diapers, infant food (puree) Medications (including Tylenol or Motrin), sunscreen, diaper rash ointments Two full changes of clothing, swimsuit, hat and jacket Any other supplies your child may need I teach the children creativity, problem solving, and pride in their skills. Sometimes these values get messy. Some days we will be painting, or playing at the water table. So please send your child in appropriate clothing. The Nanny Alternative is not responsible for your childs clothing or personal items. I will let you know when I need more supplies for your child. Toys I provide a wide variety of playthings. Please do not bring toys from home with the exception of a special blanket or stuffed animal/doll to be used exclusively during naptime. Meals & Snacks I provide a mostly organic, nutritious breakfast, lunch, and morning and afternoon snacks. 7:309:00 A.M. Breakfast 11:30-12:00 P.M. Lunch Breakfast and lunch are always a protein, fruit and/or vegetable, and a grain. Breakfast is often served hot and lunch is always a hot meal. Meals are prepared on site. The lunch schedule is a bit more flexible based on nap schedules, but lunch is generally complete no later than 12:00. Please let me know if your child requires a special diet due to allergies, medications, age, cultural or religious beliefs. If you are dropping your child off outside of a mealtime window, please insure your child has been fed prior to drop-off. Child Illness Please do not bring your child to care when the child is ill. If you are not sure if your child is well enough to attend child care, call or text and we can discuss. A good rule of thumb is, if you wouldnt want your child to be exposed to your child, stay home. A sick child should recuperate fully at home to insure the health and safety of all the children and staff at The Nanny Alternative. Sometimes its just not possible to miss a day of work when your child is ill. Please feel free to give me a call, I may be able to arrange to have one of my helpers care for your child in your home. This would require a separate payment arrangement between you and the helper. There are many options available for back up care for an ill child. I encourage all of my customers to develop a backup plan when your child is not able to attend daycare. The best barometer of your childs health is how they are behaving. All children need more cuddling and affection on some days versus others. If your child is feeling so unwell, physically or emotionally, that they need to be held all day or is so miserable that they are crying or melting down; they clearly cannot participate in our usual activities and should stay home. The following list of illnesses is not all-inclusive but generally should serve as a good guideline of when to keep your child home: Fever - I measure temperature using an Exergen Temporal Artery Thermometer. A temperature higher than shown in the table below is considered a fever. The child must remain fever free for 24 hours, without the use of medication, before returning to daycare. Age Upper limit of Normal Temperature 0-2 Months 100.7 3-47 Months 100.3 4-9 Years 101.1 10-18 Years 101.1 Irritability, lethargy, persistent crying

The Nanny Alternative Handbook

Child Illness (continued) Respiratory illness- such as severe coughing, bronchiolitis, influenza, a deep cough, wheezing or any difficulty breathing. Diarrhea Diarrhea that cant be contained by diapers is a signal to keep your child home. Bloody stools or stools containing mucus could be the sign of a viral or bacterial infection. Please call the Doctor immediately should this occur. The child must be symptom free for 24 hours without the aid of medication. Vomiting child must be symptom free for 24 hours without the aid of medication. Rash Any and all undiagnosed rashes. This is reason to keep your child home unless you know for sure that it's not linked to an infection (for example, if you know it's a reaction to eating an allergen). The child must be symptom free for 24 hours without the aid of medication Runny nose this is a judgment call on your part. In general if the nasal discharge is so profuse that it is constantly dripping or is all over their face and hands, they should be kept home. Discharge from eyes or ears Lice child needs to be treated and nits removed before returning Communicable diseases Any and all contagious disease including: chicken pox, measles, mumps, conjunctivitis (pink eye), influenza, hand foot and mouth etc.

If your childs bodily fluids result in equipment damage while attending daycare, parents are responsible for replacing any items that are destroyed or damaged. This includes replacement of equipment and fees for professional carpet cleaning. The child may return when the incubation and contagious period has passed and the child is well enough to resume normal daily activities. Please consult with your pediatrician to determine when your child may return to daycare. If your child develops any of the above symptoms while attending The Nanny Alternative, you or your alternate will be required to pick up your child immediately as any child displaying these symptoms must be isolated from the other children. Your child may return to care 24 hours after unmedicated symptoms of illness end or upon the advice of a Doctor. Just as child care providers have an obligation to report when children in care are exposed to contagious disease, parents have the same obligation to report disease to the child care provider within 24 hours of a diagnosis, even if the child is kept at home. Some very serious or exceptionally contagious diseases or conditions must be reported to the health department, child care licensing and others. Parents need to be informed that their child was exposed. Medication If your child is on antibiotics he/she continues to be contagious for 24-48 hours after the first dose of medication and cannot return to childcare until this time period has passed. Childcare regulations prohibit me from giving your child medication of any kind unless you have filled out and signed a Permission to Administer Form. All medication must be in the original, labeled container. Blank Permission to Administer medication forms are available on the website. Medical Emergencies Minor bumps and scrapes are inevitable and when this happens the child will receive appropriate first aid. Should an emergency injury or illness occur, you would be contacted immediately. If I am unable contact either parent, I will call the emergency contact numbers supplied to me to make the appropriate medical decisions for the child. If necessary your child will be transported by ambulance to the nearest hospital. Parents are responsible for all costs involved in emergency medical treatment, including transportation.

The Nanny Alternative Handbook

Teething Many infants experience a considerable amount of pain and discomfort while teething. We will work as a team to manage your childs discomfort. If your child is close to teething age please discuss remedies with your pediatrician. Infant acetaminophen or ibuprofen can provide stronger pain relief on occasion, if necessary. Benzocaine teething gels are a mixed blessing. They do reduce pain, but they can also leave a babys mouth feeling as if she has just been to the dentist. Some babies object to the swollen, numb sensation as much as they do to the pain. Either way, the effect of these gels is very short-lived. And they do carry a small risk of allergic reaction and decreased gag reflexes.

Nap/Quiet Time All children are required to lie down for a nap/quiet time each day. I strongly encourage parents to read Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child by Marc Weissbluth, M.D. I employ his methodology at naptime. I also find soothing strategies from Your Fussy Baby by Marc Weissbluth, M.D. to be very helpful. We will work with you to encourage positive sleep habits by the age of 6 months. We will develop strategies together to insure children can soothe themselves to sleep. It is important that your child can soothe themselves to sleep. In a group setting a child that cant nap or consistently disrupts the naps of the other children may not be a suitable candidate for a daycare environment. Damages It is expected that your child be respectful of my personal property and furnishings. A certain amount of wear and tear is normal, but if your child intentionally damages my property through destructive behavior or roughness, you will be liable for 100% of the replacement costs. This reimbursement is due with your next monthly payment. Potty Training I will assist and encourage potty training when we agree the child is ready. Please make sure your child has plenty of changes of training pants and extra changes of clothing including socks. Behavioral Goals I believe the most effective way of reinforcing positive behavior is: Praise, Respect, Redirection, and Positive Reinforcement. I use strategies to engage children in their own problem solving. During conflict it is important for children to feel respected, secure, loved, important and special. They need to know I am always available to listen and help. My goal is to coach the children so they can negotiate compromise, brainstorm and work it out together. I will place a child in time out if I feel that they are a threat to the safety or well being of themselves or others or if they need some alone time to settle down. If something of a more serious nature or a persistent behavior should occur that is of concern to me, a threat to the safety of others, or seriously disrupts the other children, I will discuss it with you so that we can jointly decide on a consistent course of action that is followed at home and in my care. If the problem cannot be resolved arrangements must be made for the child to receive care elsewhere. Policy Revisions Revisions to policies and procedures, fees, contracts and forms will be communicated via email and also posted on my website. I will notify parents in writing of any changes. All previous forms will become obsolete and all revisions are effective within 30 days. Open Door Policy While your child is in my care, you are always welcome to drop in. My home is equipped with a keyless entry pad; I will give you the code. Please feel free to let yourself in at any time during business hours. Parents are always welcome and encouraged to drop in and check on their child. There may be times when it is not safely possible for me to answer the phone (diaper changing, bottle feeding, etc.) If the phone goes unanswered, please do not become alarmed, simply leave me a voice mail or send me a text and I will get back to you promptly. Sometimes the kids get a little excited when parents arrive for pick up, even when its not always their own parents! If things become chaotic and the kids get a little overstimulated, please make a speedy exit.

The Nanny Alternative Handbook

Communication When I accept a new family into my home it is important that we both feel that we can openly share any concerns or questions that may arise. We are working as a team to raise and nurture your child. It is important that we share similar viewpoints and childcare philosophies. I welcome questions, concerns, feedback, or discussions of any kind that affect a positive outcome for the child. I encourage parents to discuss any concerns with myself only. Please do not involve my staff or other clients in disagreements or concerns. As adults, we are all able to voice any concerns or criticisms that we may have individually. Sensitive issues should be discussed outside of regular hours face-to-face. Daily Communication I will update you on a regular basis via text messages and photos of your child. This is my primary means of communication. Some days you will receive many updates and others only a few, depending on the kind of day we are having. New families can expect to receive more texts and photos than usual, as you transition into the daycare. Please feel free to send me a note if you are missing your little one and Ill gladly respond with a photo right away. If something of a more serious nature occurs, i.e. a bad fall, an allergic reaction, sudden onset of illness, a black eye, a head injury or any injury that causes bleeding, I will call you. My Staff All of my helpers/assistants have passed a background check through the Department of Justice, FBI and the Child Care Index. Additionally, they have all submitted negative test results for TB. I strongly encourage them, and will reimburse them, for receiving seasonal flu shots and DTAP vaccines. Many of my clients use my helpers/assistants on evenings or weekends. I do ask my clients to check with me first if they would like to schedule one of my staff during regular business hours for The Nanny Alternative. If you hire any of my current or former employees as a nanny, the prevailing market rate for a nanny referral service will be charged in order to cover my costs for training, background checks and loss of daycare revenue. Daily Schedule Children thrive in an environment that is structured, organized and routine. If you are dropping your child off after 8:30 please make sure they have already been fed. Similarly, if your child has a 9:30 nap time, please drop them off in time to prepare for their nap. 7:30 - 9:00 Breakfast 9:00 - 9:30 Circle Time, Centers, Arts & Crafts 9:30 - 11:00 Naptime for little kids and babies, Free Play/Outside Play for big kids 9:30 - 11:00 Free Play/Outside Play for big kids 11:00 - 11:15 Diapers 11:15 - 11:30 Clean Up, get ready for lunch 11:30 - 12:00 Lunchtime 12:00 - 2:00 Outside Play for little kids 12:00 - 2:00 Naptime for big kids 2:00 - 2:15 Diapers 2:15 - 2:30 Hand washing, Snack time 2:30 - 4:00 Naptime for little kids and babies (time may vary depending on the quality of the morning nap) 2:30 - 4:00 Outside Play for big kids 4:00 - 4:15 Clean up, hand washing, Diapers 4:15 - 5:00 Afternoon story time, centers 5:00 - 6:00 Diapers (as needed), clean up, preparation for pick up, free play Special Programs & Curriculum Calendar: Every Wednesday from 12:15-12:45 p.m. the children enjoy music, dance and storytelling by Jamaroo Kids. This is a wonderful program and a special time that the children really look forward to. I encourage you to check out their website: As the children grow and mature we will vary the curriculum to insure readiness for pre-school and relevancy for all age groups.

The Nanny Alternative Handbook

We are developing a program to celebrate the ethnic diversity of our clients and staff and to touch on relevant topics each month. The curriculum includes; books, toys, music, art and cuisine. The curriculum schedule is: January: Iran, New Years, Sleepy Animals, Teddy Bears, Colors, Numbers (Knick, Knack Paddy Whack) February: China, Chinese New Year, Transportation (The Journey Home from Grandpas), Valentines, Dental Health, Shapes March: Ireland, St. Patricks Day, Forest Animals (Over in the Meadow), Pet Week, Zoo Animals (The Animal Boogie), Opposites April: Scotland, Queen Elizabeths Birthday, Weather, Spring, Easter, Community Workers May: Mexico, Cinco de Mayo, Caterpillars to Butterfly, Mothers Day, Flowers, Bugs (Creepy, Crawly Calypso) June: Norway, Summer Safety, Fathers Day, Frogs, Beach July: France, Bastille Day, America, Independence Day, Ocean, Camping August: India Independence Day, Birds, Nursery Rhymes (Mother Goose Remembers), Picnics and BBQs, Dinosaurs September: Korea, All About Me, Leaves, Apples, the Five Senses October: Japan, Trees, Pumpkins, Fall, Halloween November: America, Thanksgiving, Native Americans, Pilgrims, Farm Animals (Driving My Tractor), Fruits, Vegetables, Colors December: Christmas, Hanukkah, Snow, Winter, Alphabet Privacy, Safety and Security: For the privacy, safety and security of my staff, clients and their children, I do not permit potential clients to observe the daycare in session. New client meetings are exclusively outside of operating hours, usually on the weekend. Once you have enrolled your child in the day care you are welcome and encouraged to drop in, visit and observe at any time. For the safety of the children I do not allow them to be exposed to strangers and in fairness to my existing clients, their children deserve my undivided attention.

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