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ACN Internship Program

What is an Internship ?
An Internship is a temporary position within a commercial organisation where the emphasis is on-the-job training rather than merely employment. It is similar to an apprenticeship. Student internships provide opportunities for students to gain experience in their field of study, usually to determine if they have an interest in a particular career. Internships can also provide the prospect of interns returning to the company after completing their education.

Benefits of completing the Internship Program

Gain invaluable work experience within an Australian commercial environment Transfer knowledge, skills, methodologies, theories from university course into a practical capacity within a structured organisation Increase knowledge and technical skills within field of endeavour Assists international students increase their proficiency of the English language and experience of Australian workforce culture Enhance CV writing skills, interviewing techniques and overall communication skills Increase chances of full-time employment post-graduation within chosen career Invaluable Australian reference

Internships usually last around 12 - 16 weeks

Weekly hours
During semester = 20 hours per week During summer break = 25 hours per week Duration and weekly hours are flexible and will be negotiated by the host company and the intern.

How do I apply?
Application checklist: Please return all of the following information to the ACN Internship drop-in box located by reception: Signed and completed application form Copies of academic results including all modules completed so far Evidence of English language proficiency (IELTS) Evidence of current visa status Copy of CV Passport sized photo Brief letter stating reasons for wishing to undertake the Internship Program and what you wish to gain from the program Completed questionnaire

$750 to be paid once enrolment is confirmed.

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