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Code: R5310104 B.

Tech III Year I Semester (R05) Supplementary Examinations, November 2012 WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING - I
(Civil Engineering)

Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE questions All questions carry equal marks *****

Time: 3 hours

(a) (b) (a) (b)

Describe the hydrologic cycle, with a neat sketch. Describe with a neat sketch, the principle of working of a float type recording raingauge. Briefly describe the various methods of estimating evaporation from water bodies. What are the various components of runoff? Describe how each component is derived in the runoff process. The ordinates of a 4 h. U.H. of a basin of area 300 sd. km. measured at 1 h. intervals are 6,36,66,91,106,93,79,68,58,49,41,34,27,23,17,13,9,6,3 and 1.5 m3/s. Respectively. Obtain the ordinates of a 3 h. U.H. for the basin using the S curve technique.

(a) (b)

What are various methods of estimating design flood? What are their limitations? Define flood routing. What are the uses of flood routing? Differentiate between channel routing and reservoir routing. Explain the terms: (i) Specific yield. (ii) Specific retention. (iii) Transmissivity and (iv) Storage coefficient. In an artesian aquifer of 8 m. Thick, a 10 cm. Diameter well is pumped at a constant rate of 100 liters/minute. The steady state drawdown observed in two wells located at 10 m. And 50 m. Distance from the centre of the well are 3 m. And 0.05 m. Respectively. Compute the transmissivity and the hydraulic conductivity of the aquifer. Define irrigation enumerate and explain the factors which necessitable irrigation. What are the different types of irrigation systems? Explain briefly. Explain the terms duty and delta. Derive a relationship between the two for a given base period. What is consumptive use of water? Describe any two methods for determining the consumptive use of water. What is balancing depth in a canal? Derive an expression for the same. Design an irrigation channel in alluvial soil according to laceys silt theory for the following data. Full supply discharge = 10 m3/s, laceys silt factor = 0.9 side slopes of channel = (H) : 1(V). *****

(a) (b)

(a) (b) (a) (b)

(a) (b)

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