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Required Data Inputs for Huawei Infrastructure Ultima Mentor v7.

Required Data Inputs for Huawei Infrastructure Ultima Mentor v7.1

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Due to a policy of continuous product development and refinement, Schema reserves the right to alter the specifications and descriptions outlined in this publication without giving prior notice of any kind. In addition, no part of this publication, taken as a whole or separately, shall be deemed to be part of any contract for equipment or services. Schema retains the sole proprietary rights to all information contained in this document. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted in any form or by any means, including but not limited to: electronic, mechanical, magnetic, photocopy, recording, or otherwise, in use now or in the future, without prior written consent from Schema.

Copyright 2010 Schema

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February 2010

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Required Data Inputs for Huawei Infrastructure Ultima Mentor v7.0

Table of Contents
1 Introduction........................................................................................................................3 1.1 Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations.....................................................................3 2 Mentor Preliminary Setup Checklist................................................................................4 3 Detailed Description of Required Information and Data................................................5 3.1 Network Data.................................................................................................................5 4 Huawei Logs and Stats......................................................................................................9 4.1 Logs (CHR) Files...........................................................................................................9 4.2 Stats (PMs) File...........................................................................................................10

Table of Figures
Figure 1: Executing scheduled INNER MML scripts ........................................................6 Figure 2: Executing one-time INNER MML scripts............................................................6 Figure 3: Executing the CHRRNCCTRL command through LMT..................................10 Figure 4: Task Management command............................................................................11 Figure 5: 30 Minute counters tab ......................................................................................12 Figure 6: Selected tables in the right pane .....................................................................13 Figure 7: Common Parameters tab showing task information......................................14 Figure 8: Active Measurement command.........................................................................15 Figure 9: Active dialog box................................................................................................16 Figure 10: Active measurement enable counters.........................................................17

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Required Data Inputs for Huawei Infrastructure Ultima Mentor v7.0

1 Introduction
The following document contains a list of all the required information and data to be collected on Huawei UMTS infrastructures in preparation for the installation of the Mentor optimization tool. The information and data required includes the following:

Network configuration (described in detail in section 3) o o o Schema Format Network Topology file (MML) Network Preferences

Huawei logs and stats (described in detail in section 4) o o CHR logs PMs

When preparing to set up Mentor in a network, it is usually recommended to start by creating the network configuration, followed by a sample data collection. Section 2 outlines a setup checklist, which should be used as a first step to facilitate efficient installation and configuration. The following sections of this document provide a more in-depth description of the required data sources, and the manner in which they can be obtained.

1.1 Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations

The following definitions, acronyms, and abbreviations are used throughout this document: HO handoff HHO hard handoff NL neighbor list RNC - Radio Network Controller RAB Radio Access Bearer

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Required Data Inputs for Huawei Infrastructure Ultima Mentor v7.0

2 Mentor Preliminary Setup Checklist

The following table summarizes the minimal data required for the kickoff of a Mentor installation. This table should be used as a reference to expedite the installation process. These files can be collected by Schema professional services on site, or by the customer point of contact. Mandatory files and definitions: Description 1 2 Huawei Switch Dump -MML script Antenna file Data source Huawei RNC Planning tool, Internal database TAB, GRD, GeoTiff Planet format and others LMT tool M2000 tool Reference Section 3.1.1 Section Check

3 4 5 6

Terrain file Antenna profiles CHR log files Huawei Counter tool

Section Section Section 4.1 Section 4.2

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Required Data Inputs for Huawei Infrastructure Ultima Mentor v7.0

3 Detailed Description of Required Information and Data

3.1 Network Data
The sources for network configuration data are: Schema Format files, including complete information required for physical sites and soft parameter configuration (depending on availability) in text format. A predefined set of Network Topology files exported from the Huawei switch dump.


Huawei Switch Dump Inner Configuration MML

The MML file is configuration file that contains all the NodeB parameters per RNC. Retrieval Procedure

The MML script is generate by the LMT tool every day. The default path for the MML file is: BAM/Version/FTP the LMT Tool to Schedule Subtasks that Generate INNER Configuration MML Scripts

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Required Data Inputs for Huawei Infrastructure Ultima Mentor v7.0 Figure 1: Executing scheduled INNER MML scripts 1. In the LMT tool, execute the command ADD SUBTSK in the Command Input field. 2. Enter the information in the relevant fields. Note that fields in red are mandatory, and must be filled in. a. In the Command String field, enter EXP INNERCFGMML to execute the MML script. b. Choose the start date c. Choose the time mode - DAILY_T (day_based_scheduling) d. Choose the execute time the time when the MML script is generated. 3. You can also run a command through a batch file: ADD SUBTSK: ID=1, TSKN="INNERMML", SUBID=1, ENF=ENABLED, SCMD="EXP INNERCFGMML", FREQ=DAILY_T, SD=2009&02&19, RFT=1; the LMT Tool to Generate One-Time MML Scripts

Figure 2: Executing one-time INNER MML scripts 1. In the LMT tool, execute the command EXP INNERCFGMML in the Command Input field. 2. Enter the path in which to store the MML file in the Export file path field. If you do not enter a value, the default value is used: BAM/Version/FTP 3. Enter a name for the exported file in the Export file name field. The following name should be used: INNERCFGMML-20090212120000.txt

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Required Data Inputs for Huawei Infrastructure Ultima Mentor v7.0


Antenna and Sectors Physical Location, Profiles, and Parameters in Delimited Format

The physical parameters of the network, such as the sector and antenna location, and the antenna profiles, might not be available through the configuration dump. Most of the required physical configuration of the network can be derived from network planning tools or from customer-self-maintained databases with the most updated network configuration. Mentor defines a set of textual files that should be available. These files are: Antenna file - includes the physical configuration of each sector. See section below for the file format. Antenna profiles antenna-pattern data files Mentor also requires an updated Terrain file

In contrast to planning tools or other configuration sources, Mentor requires only active sectorcarriers. Sectors that are inactive during an analyzed period should be marked as inactive in the antenna files. All soft parameters may be defined in this file, but will be overridden by the Network Topology files. It is recommended that the latest Network Topology files be used to update the Schema Format file and to identify any inconsistencies, such as missing or unnecessary sectors. Antenna File

The antenna file (in tab-delimited text format) includes the physical configuration of each sector, including: Location data (i.e., coordinates, height, and so forth) Antenna characteristics (i.e., height, azimuth, and so forth) Physical constraints Network topology

The antenna file must include all sectors selected for optimization and all sectors in the guard-zone area where optimization is not performed. It is recommended that all sectors within two tiers of the selected sectors be included.

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Required Data Inputs for Huawei Infrastructure Ultima Mentor v7.0 The Antenna file fields are described below. Field
RNC Name RNC ID Vendor NodeB Name NodeB Id NodeB Longitude NodeB Latitude Sector Name Active Missing Data Noise Figure AntennaID Antenna Model Sector Keywords Antenna Longitude Antenna Latitude Height Mechanical DownTilt Azimuth Downlink Loss Uplink Loss RTT fix A Coefficient RTT fix B Coefficient RET ID


Unique in the network RNC display name Unique in the network The vendor of the RNC Site display name Unique under the same RNC

Default value

In Use

TRUE FALSE Unique under the same cell Lookup from antenna DB Comma-Separated list of keywords, if any

Height of the antenna above ground Mechanical tilt 0 0 1 0

In Building

TRUE Table 1: Antenna File Parameters


Note: If UTM coordinates are used, the relevant column headers should be different: NodeB X, NodeB Y, Antenna X and Antenna Y Terrain File

The terrain map should be in GeoTif data format. It is recommended that the map resolution is at least 50m. Mentor can support additional terrain file formats, such as TAB, GRD, etc. Antenna Profiles

Antenna-pattern data files are in Planet format.

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Required Data Inputs for Huawei Infrastructure Ultima Mentor v7.0

4 Huawei Logs and Stats

4.1 Logs (CHR) Files
From Mentor v7.0, the IOS traces are no longer used, as the log data is collected from CHRs.


CHRs file path

From Huawei R10, the CHRs are generated automatically and stored under the BAM in the following path: - /BAM/VersionA/LoadData/FamLofFmt


CHRs in the Inner Configuration MML File

Before running a model, check that the CHRs field is enabled in the INNER MML file. 1. Check table SET CHRRNCCTRL: 2. Check if all fields are enabled (set to 1), for example:

meaning that the CHRs log abnormal and normal calls Using the LMT to Enable the CHRs Field

If one of the fields is not enabled in the CHRs, use the following command to enable it: 1. In the LMT tool, execute the command SET CHRRNCCTRL in the Command Input field. 2. In the Type option drop down lists, click the SELECT ALL check box. 3. In Huawei R10 and above, you can run the command through a batch file only:

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Required Data Inputs for Huawei Infrastructure Ultima Mentor v7.0

Figure 3: Executing the CHRRNCCTRL command through LMT Mandatory fields to be enabled in the CHRs

The following fields are mandatory fields to be enabled by the LMT: Field name ABNORMAL_ONLY NORMAL_ONLY CS_ONLY PS_ONLY CONN_SETUP RAB NET_OPT SHO HHO RRC_RELEASE

4.2 Stats (PMs) File

4.2.1 Retrieval Procedure

The Counter files are generated through the Hauwei OSS per RNC. The PMs files, per RNC, are located in: /export/home/omc/var/fileint/pm/ File format: pmresult_<Counter number>_<Period>_<YYYYMMDDHHMM_YYYYMMDDHHMM>.csv

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Required Data Inputs for Huawei Infrastructure Ultima Mentor v7.0 For example, pmresult_67109395_30_200902010000_200902010030.csv


Performance Data Export

If the default location is empty, proceed as follows: 1. On the M2000 tool, go to Maintenance Task Management.

Figure 4: Task Management command 2. In the Task Management tab, select Performance Data Export.

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Required Data Inputs for Huawei Infrastructure Ultima Mentor v7.0 3. In the Attribute window, select the Extended Parameters tab, and then the 30 Minute counters tab.

Figure 5: 30 Minute counters tab In the Extended Parameters tab, select which table of counters you would like to export and move them to the right-hand pane.

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Required Data Inputs for Huawei Infrastructure Ultima Mentor v7.0

Figure 6: Selected tables in the right pane 4. Press Apply. Note: File Path Export location. File Format CSV all releases; XML release R11 and above

If not all the tables are shown under the 30 Minute tab, select the 15 Minute tab and export the relevant tables.

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Required Data Inputs for Huawei Infrastructure Ultima Mentor v7.0 5. In the Common Parameters tab, which shows the task information, leave the default parameters.

Figure 7: Common Parameters tab showing task information


Generating RNC PMs Files using the M2000 Tool

1. In the M2000 tool, click the Measure Management tab. 2. In the Organization Style check object Type. 3. Choose RNC to activate the RNC PMs 4. Choose NodeB to Activate the RBS counters A list of tables will be displayed for each selection.

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Required Data Inputs for Huawei Infrastructure Ultima Mentor v7.0 Activating RNC PMs (Counters)

1. Right-click the list of tables and select Active Measurement.

Figure 8: Active Measurement command

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Required Data Inputs for Huawei Infrastructure Ultima Mentor v7.0 The Active dialog box is displayed.

Figure 9: Active dialog box 2. Select the tables you want to activate. The following tables must be activated: i. ii. iii. iv. Measurement between a cell and a neighbor interIRAT cell Measurement between a cell and a neighbor UMTS cell Measurement of Radio Cell Performance Measurement of RNC performance

3. In the Period area, select 30 Minutes. 4. Click OK, and then select the Measurement Settings tab.

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Required Data Inputs for Huawei Infrastructure Ultima Mentor v7.0 5. Enable all the counters.

Figure 10: Active measurement enable counters All counters will be generated every 30 minutes and will be stored under the RNC in the following path: /export/home/omc/var/fileint/pm/ Activating NodeB PMs (Counters)

1. After selecting NodeB in the Measure Management tab, right-click the list of tables and select Active Measurement, as shown in Figure 8. The Active dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 9. 2. Select the tables you want to activate. The following tables must be activated: i. ii. iii. iv. HSDPA measurements per local cell 50331648 Traffic measurements per local cell - 50331650 IUB measurements per NodeB - 50331649 HSUPA measurements per local cell - 50331651

3. In the Period area, select 30 Minutes. 4. Click OK, and then select the Measurement Settings tab. 5. Enable all the counters. All counters will be generated every 30 minutes and will be stored under the RNC in the following path: /export/home/omc/var/fileint/pm/

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Required Data Inputs for Huawei Infrastructure Ultima Mentor v7.0


Mandatory Counters

In order to run a model or power optimization there are few counters that are mandatory. Other counters are for KPI analysis only. Mandatory Counters for model optimization

VS.CellDCHUEs table number 67109365 Mandatory Counters for power optimization

VS.MeanTCP.NonHS table number 67109385 VS.MeanTCP table number 67109385 VS.MinTCP table number 67109385

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