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Presentation 1. What is the concept of our video?

The concept of our music video is the breakdown of the singers relationship with her boyfriend. The video is set in a rural, traditional English pub, illustrating the artists nationality and class; we felt the use of a common and relatable setting would help the audience connect with the messages portrayed in the songs video and lyrics.

2. What is the track/artist?

The track we are using is Foundations by Kate Nash. We thought this would be a good song to choose because it is entertaining with an easy narrative to follow. We also decided that this song would be a classic representation of our chosen genre, due to its dealings with common life situations and relationship-focused themes.

3. Is it a narrative? and if so tell in detail

Our music video is narrative based because we are following the conventions of classic indie music videos. The narrative consists of the female artist relationship problems mounting to a climax whilst she is out with friends. The boyfriend is shown cheating and drinking, we can see the artist becoming continually frustrated with this behaviour, before leaving him at the end of the video.

4. How do you intend to represent the artist/characters?

It is crucial that we portray our artist and characters in the conventional indie-pop way. We have done this through the clothes worn and the mise-en-scene. The artist wore typical indie clothes, for example; her flower accessories and brands that are usually associated with the genre like Topshop. The characters arent featured heavily in our music video which is typical of the genre as in most music videos of this genre the camera focuses mainly on the artist.

5. Who is your target audience, and how will you attract them?
Our target audience is aimed at females in the age range of 16-24 however this does not exclude males as from our research we gathered that some males were also interested in this genre. We will reach our target audience via social networking and sites such as YouTube, as these are the types of mediums our target audience; according to our research surveys, spend the most time on.

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