Pre Birth To Three Key Principles (2) Portrait

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Pre-birth to Three Key Principles of Effective Practice

Rights of the child 1. To be consulted with and have their views and opinions heard and acted upon 2. To have opportunities to be actively involved in decision making 3. To be involved in daily planning including planning for transitions 4. To thrive and be nurtured by loving adults who promote their learning and development 5. To be treated as individuals and have their individual needs / preferences met

Responsive care 1. To feel welcomed into a warm, friendly and familiar environment 2. To be involved in daily and individual routines

Relationships 1. To develop a secure attachment with a caring, consistent and trusted adult

Respect 1. To feel included, appreciated and valued as an individual 2. To develop respect for themselves, others and the environment around them 3. To have the opportunity to participate and enjoy a range of experiences 4. To have their individual needs, feelings and preferences acknowledge d and respected

2. To feel safe, secure and loved

3. To become independent and practice new skills

3. To develop a positive sense of self and feel good about themselves 4. To communicate and express their needs and feelings and to have these understood 5. To grow in confidence and be supported to work through new experiences, challenges and conflict 6. To develop an awareness of their own feelings and those of others

4. To explore, experiment and try out new things indoors and out 5. To develop an awareness about what they know and can do through play

5. To have the freedom to express themselves

6. To ensure their rights are protected and promoted

6. To be involved with others and take time out for themselves

6. To value diversity in language, ethnic background, faith and family circumstance s

7. To feel respected, valued and begin to know their place in the world

7. To feel connected to their home environment and the wider community

7. To feel that they belong and have opportunities to make friends

7. To learn about others and value differences, fairness and equality

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