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A.Write the sentences using `going to.

1. I / buy an MP4 player.

2. They / not / wear jeans on Saturday.
3. You / not / stay in Oxford.
4. He / do an exam tomorrow.
5. Sally / not / invite Mark to her party.

B. Be going to
Tomorrow Im going to go to the beach.
1. I ___________ (not be) with my family.
2. I ___________ (meet) my friends.
3. We ___________ (play) football on the beach.
4. I ___________ (not swim).
5. We ___________ (have) a great tim

C. Write questions and short answers about the weekend plans of

Jose, Eli and Rafa.
1. Eli and Rafa / get up early on Saturday?

No, _______________________________
2. Jose / play tennis in the morning?
Yes, _______________________________
3. Jose / watch a DVD on Saturday?
No, _______________________________
4. Rafa / get up early on Saturday?
No, _______________________________
5. Rafa and Eli / do any homework on Sunday?
Yes, _______________________________

D. Correct the sentences

Example: My parents are go to meet my teachers tomorrow. X
My parents are going to meet my teachers tomorrow.
1. Rob and I arent going wear trainers. X
2. We going to visit my grandparents tomorrow. X
3. Is it going to rains today? X
4. Im no going to do any homework this evening? X

5. What is he going to doing tomorrow? X

Be going to
1. __________ you __________ school on Friday?
2. Next week you __________ use the computer.
3. You __________ (not) use the internet.
4. We __________ finish at three oclock.
5. Chris __________ design websites.
6. Eli __________ be a film director.
7. Ben __________ (not) work with computers.
8. Isabel __________ design software.
9. Mark and Mandy __________ be rich.
10. Sarah __________ (not) be a writer.
11. What __________ you __________ do this evening?
12. __________ you and your family __________ go out this weekend?
13. __________ you and your family __________ go on holiday this year?
14. What __________ you __________ buy for your best friend?
15. What __________ you __________ do when you leave school?
16. __________ you __________ be famous one day?
17. Tonight I __________ cook.
18. This weekend I __________ Granada.
19. they __________ (not) going to a computer shop.

20. Sam __________ town with his friends.

21. Eli and Ayla __________ to design computer games.
22. __________ you __________ buy a new phone?
23. My sister __________ leave school next year.
24. She __________ listen to music this afternoon.
25. We __________ watch TV at the weekend.
26. They __________ a party on Saturday.
27. I __________ (not) visit my best friend tomorrow.
28. We __________ stay in on Friday.
29. He __________ do his homework this evening.
30. My parents __________ (not) go out this evening.

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