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Table of Contents

1. Abstract 2. Introduction 3. Related Work 4. Proposed block diagram 5. Tools & Technique 6. Quality Measurment 7. Result & Discussion 8. Future Scope 9. Acknowledgment & References

The encrypting techniques of secure communication by which one can transmit confidential messages secretively are of practical interest in several areas, including databases internet banking, production of communication channels etc. Based on the structure of the encryption algorithm we can classify cryptosystems into two categories, namely, stream cipher and block cipher. Defining it as covered writing . Steganography is the practice of hiding information in plain sight. This technique relies on a message being encoded and hidden in a transport layer in such a way as to make the existence of the message unknown to an observer. The notion of data hiding or steganography was first introduced with the example of prisoners' secret message by Simmons in 1983. In this study, we are going to have a survey on some published algorithms and methods in this field. In follow, some recent studies in the field of audio encryption will be introduced. It includes: Modifying Quantized Spectrum Values of MPEG/Audio Layer III Embedding data between frames in MP3 file RSA Algorithm-Based audio encryption

Related Work

Tools & Techniques

RSA Algorithm: The RSA Algorithm is claimed in the RSA Patent, which was issued to Drs. Rivest, Shamir and Adelman. The RSA Algorithm is only one implementation of the more general concept of public key cryptography, which permits two parties who have never met and who can only communicate on an insecure channel to nonetheless send secure and verifiable messages to each other. With public key techniques, each user has two different keys, one made available to the public and the other kept secret. One of the keys is used to encrypt a message, and the other is used to decrypt the message. If somebody wants to send a secret message, looks up public key and uses it to encrypt the message. Because public key cannot undo the encryption process, no one who intercepts the message can read it. Only who possesses the secret key corresponding to his public key, can read the message, this is a substantial improvement over older encryption methods in which an exchange of private keys was necessary. In the RSA encryption formula, the message (represented by a number M) is multiplied by itself (e) times (called "raising (M) to the power (e)"), and the product is then divided by a modulus (n), leaving the remainder as a cipher text (C)

C = Me mod n

The RSA Algorithm may be divided, then, into three steps: Key generation: in which the factors of the modulus (n) (the prime numbers (p) and (q)) are chosen and multiplied together to form (n), an encryption exponent (e) is chosen, and the decryption exponent (d) is calculated using (e), (p), and (q). Encryption: in which the message (M) is raised to the power (e), and then reduced modulo (n). Decryption: in which the cipher text (C) is raised to the power (d), and then reduced modulo (n).

Encoding is a process of hiding the message in the audio. The audio file contains set of bytes. For e.g. take an audio file which play for 10 secs. It has more than 60,000 bytes. Each byte is received and checked if the received byte is 254 or 255.If it is byte 255 or 254, encoding is done.

Decoding is a process of retrieving the message from the audio The encoded file is decoded to get the message .The message is decoded first and then decrypted by the public key. The eight consecutive 254 or 255 bytes are taken and decrypted with the public key. This decrypted byte have value less than 128.So if the value is 255 after decrypted then it is said to be end of message.

MPEG AUDIO ENCODER & DECODER: The high performance of this compression algorithm is due to the exploitation of auditory masking. This masking is a perceptual weakness of the ear that occurs whenever the presence of a strong audio signal makes a spectral neighborhood of weaker audio signals imperceptible. In this high-level representation, encoding closely parallels the process described above. The input audio stream passes through a filter bank that divides the input into multiple sub bands. The input audio stream simultaneously passes through a psychoacoustic model that determines the signal-to-mask ratio of each sub band. The bit or noise allocation block uses the Signal-to-mask ratios to decide how to apportion the Total number of code bits available for the quantization of the sub band signals to minimize the audibility of the quantization noise.

FIG: MPEG/Audio Compression and Decompression

Proposed Block Diagram




C+E Audio




Quality Measurment
Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) ratio of speech vs. noise (power) level (in dB) Segmental SNR (SNRseg) based on short-time segmental SNRs

Spectral distance measures (distance measures in the frequency domain) Auditory sound quality measures (based on auditory modeling) Other methods weighted spectral slope distance LPC (linear prediction) distance measure

This paper presents an encryption technique for the audio which is applied at the time of compression. Encryption algorithms are used to provide security to the multimedia data. Here, Audio Encryption is a technique used to transmit hidden information by modifying an audio signal in an imperceptible manner. It is a method that ensures secured data transfer between parties normally in internet community. Here we present a novel approach for resolving the problems related to the substitution technique of audio encryption. In the first level of security, we use an improved RSA encryption algorithm to encrypt message, which is very complex to break. In order to increase the robustness against intentional attacks in which the hackers always try to reveal the hidden message as well as some unintentional attacks such as noise addition, the encrypted message bits are embedded into random LSB layers. Here in order to reduce distortion, GA operators are used. The basic idea behind this paper is maintained randomness in message bit insertion into audio data for hiding the data from hackers and to provide a good, efficient method for hiding the data from hackers and sent to the destination in a safer manner.

Keywords- RSA; MP3; GA Operators; LSB layers

Future Scope

Though it is well modulated system, it has been limited to certain restrictions. The quality of sound depends on the size of the audio which the user selects and length of the message. The quality of the sound in the encoded audio file can be increased. There are number of ways that this project could be extended. Its performance can be upgraded to higher levels in practical conditions. There are also other weighting algorithms like spread spectrum, echo data hiding etc., and those can be implemented. Instead of having common secret key to encode and decode, a publicprivate key pairs will be introduced.

Result & Discussion

With the help of above documents, further processing of encoding & working will be carried out in next semester. The encryption is performed simply by choosing any file while decryption is executed by choosing an encrypted file with an appropriate key. This review document got into audio encryption. Basic concepts of audio encryption were mentioned.Embedding data between frames in MP3 file,


I. II.

Erik Olson, Woojin Yu, Encryption for Mobile Computing Anoop MS, Public key Cryptography (Applications Algorithm and Mathematical Explanations) Encryption and






consumption in wireless LANs-n, The Third EEE workshop on wireless LANS, pp. 148-152, Newton, Massachusetts, Sep. 27-28, 2001. IV. V. Marshall D. Abrams, Harold J. Powell on Cryptography. S. Hirani, Energy Consumption of Encryption schemes in Wireless device Thesis, university of Pittsburgh, Apr. 9, 2003, Retrieved Oct.1, 2008. VI. A.Nadeem, "A performance comparison of data encryption Algorithms", IEEE information and communication Technologies, pp.84-89, 2006.Bn VII. Andrea Pellegrini, Valeria Bertacco, Todd Austin on topic

Fault-Based attack of RSA Authentication

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