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The ability to influence a group toward the achievement of goals.

The event planning is a complex Phenomena which may involve one day / one month or one day. Staff expectations are hard to manage under these conditions & there is little time to build relationships & skills. So event manager has to be a great leader & give Clear guidelines. Good plan. Innovative ways to lead ,inform & motivate employees & volunteers. Facilitator for efficient work. Energizing people Celebrating successes.

What skills do leaders need?

Personal Skills


Coping with stressors Managing time Delegating

2.Managing stress

1.Developing Self-awareness

3. Solving Problems creatively Using the rational approach Using the creative approach Fostering innovation in others

Determining values and priorities Identifying cognitive style Assessing attitude toward change

Coaching Counseling Listening
Gaining power Exercise influence Empowering others

5. Gaining power and influences

4. Communication supportively 7. Management conflict

6. Motivating others

Identifying causes Selecting appropriate strategies Resolving confrontations

Diagnosing poor performance Creating a motivating environment Rewarding accomplishment

Managers Vs Leaders
Manager Characteristics
Administers A copy Maintains Focuses on systems and structures Relies on control Short range view Asks how and when Eye on bottom line Imitates Accepts the status quo Classic good soldiers Does things right

Leader Characteristics
Innovates An original Develops Focuses on people Inspires trust Long range perspective Asks what and why Eye on horizon Originates Challenges the status quo Own person Does the right thing

Leadership Skills
Task management Plan-Run charts Organize-Organization charts Control-Checklists
Reinforce-Celebrating People management Inform-Briefing

Lead- Energizing

Leadership Skills
Task -Management
Involves the skills of planning, organizing,co-ordinating, and controlling work processes. 1. Plan Important. Development of policies & procedures to cover all situations. Staff rosters Provision of meals to paid & volunteer staff. Run charts/ Gantt charts/checklists

Leadership Skills
Task -Management
2. Organize

Organization charts with task lists. Duties clarified Job rotation No ambiguity

Leadership Skills
Task -Management
3. Control Checklists are useful control mechanisms. Used to check cleanliness,safety,security, risk etc. Checklist is also intrinsically satisfying for the person carrying a task. Checks high risk event ,wirings, carpets, structures.

Leadership Skills
People -Management Great Challenge Keep them motivated Energizings Keeping your team informed Reinforce the attainment of specific results.

Leadership Skills
People -Management
1. Inform

Briefing before & after the shift on the order of proceedings as well as to clarify issues of concern. Increasing understanding of staff. Positive attitude of staff towards customer.

Leadership Skills
People -Management 2. Lead Inspired leadership of manager. Time & stress management

Leadership Skills
People -Management 3. Reinforce Positive enforcement of key messages can enhance safety & service ,two essential responsibilities of the whole event team.

Leadership Skills
People management Recognition strategies important as people work under great pressure. Reinforcing core messages briefings,meetings,radio conversations , photos, displays , demonstrations, handbooks , newsletter , checklists , videos , working practices.

Event leadership
In short event leadership Planning for short term assignments. Organizing & simplifying work. Developing checklists Briefing & communicating Motivating & energizing Reinforcing key messages Celebrating success.

Managing temporary & diverse teams

Long term teams
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Commitment to organization mission. Decisions by consensus. Group cohesion over time. Career development over time Intrinsic satisfaction Empowerment Lifelong learning Positive performance management

Temporary teams
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Commitment to task Leader solves problem & makes decisions. Limited relationship building No career /organization orientation Tangible rewards Limited responsibility Limited learning Positive reference

Stages of group development

5 defined stages- B.W.Tuckman
1. 2. 3. Forming Initial stage Goal formulation Formulate behaviors which are acceptable. Storming Conflict over control & leadership. Norming Hierarchy & roles defined Common set of behavioral expectations. 4. 5. Performing Productive stage Main focus on performance. Adjourning Successful teams are happy, but at the same time sad that the group member will be disbanding.

Group development culturally diversified groups

Following Strategies 1. Identify specific needs of group members. 2. Use plain English 3. Develop sub teams 4. Use graphics to impart information 5. Rotate roles 6. Opportunities to all 7. Develop group ritual & group identity.

Geert Hofstede-cross cultural communication

Two Value Dimensions
1. Power distance Extent to which a society accepts differences in power & authority. High power distance-great respect to authority /not discuss problems in open. Low power distance closer relationships/questions & criticism more readily accepted.
2. Individualism /CollectivismGroup loyalties Individual loyalties.

Hofstede suggests main cross cultural skills

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Communicate respect Be non judgmental Display empathy Be flexible Take turns-discussion Tolerate ambiguity Accept the relativity of ones own knowledge & perceptions.

Time management
To work effectively in short period of time event manager should1. Plan effectively 2. Identify critical issues 3. Analyze & allocate tasks 4. Manage work priorities 5. Build relationships 6. Provide timely information 7. Remove barriers 8. Simplify procedures 9. Solve problems 10. Manage stress 11. Monitor performance 12. Reward the achievers

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