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Module 8 Aerodynamics Exam number 33 1.

With all conditions remaining the same, if the aircraft speed is halved, by what factor is the lift reduced? a) b) c) 2. Half By a factor of 4 Remains the same

The boundary layer over an aerofoil is a) b) c) a layer of air close to the aerofoil that is stationary a layer of air close to the aerofoil which is moving at a velocity less than free stream air a layer of turbulent air close to the aerofoil which is moving at a velocity less than free stream air

3. On a swept wing aircraft, the fineness ratio of an aerofoil is a) b) c) 4. highest at the root highest at the tip equal throughout the span

IAS for a stall will a) b) c) increase with altitude decrease with altitude roughly remain the same for all altitude


If the radius of a turn is reduced the load factor will a) b) c) increase decrease remain the same


Streamlining will reduce a) b) c) form drag induced drag skin friction drag

7. If an aircraft has a gross weight of 3000 kg and is then subjected to a total weight of 6000 kg the load factor will be a) b) c) 8. 2G 3G 9G

A constant rate of climb is determined by a) b) c) weight wind speed excess engine power

9. to

Ice formed on the leading edge will cause the aircraft a) b) c) stall at the same stall speed and AoA stall at a lower speed stall at a higher speed

10. With an aircraft in bank, the upper wing produces more drag. To compensate a) b) c) the rudder is operated when bank angle is achieved then the ailerons are operated in the opposite direction to cause the opposite effect angle of attack is increased

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