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JOURNAL OF ORAL RESEARCH Instructions for authors

The Journal of Oral Research (JOR) is a peerreviewed international scientific journal dedicated to the dissemination of knowledge and information on subjects relevant to dental and oro-facial structures, in health and disease. The JOR is the official journal of the Iraqi Association for Oral Research (IAOR)/Iraqi Section of the International Association for Dental Research. Manuscripts authored by member and non-members of the IAOR are accepted for consideration. The manuscripts must be the original work of the author(s) and all authors must have contributed significantly to the work. The articles must not have been previously published or is under consideration by another journal. The Journals publishes reports of original research, clinical case presentations and critical reviews. Letters to the Editor will also be published, as appropriate. Original Research Reports: Description of original clinical and basic research is accepted for consideration. The manuscript is limited to 3,000 words excluding figure legends and references. The article is to be arranged under the subheadings; Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusion. A short Acknowledgments section can be added if appropriate. A maximum of 4 Figures and Tables and 30 References are to be included. Clinical Case Reports: Interesting or unusual clinical cases will be considered for publishing in the JOR. Consent for patients should be obtained. The maximum manuscript is limited to 2,000 words. Critical Reviews: Manuscripts of systematic reviews are favoured although critical review articles will also be considered for publications. The review of the specific subject should be comprehensive and with the aim of highlighting problems and controversies. The important relevant concepts should be illustrated clearly with the aid of Tables and Flow Charts as relevant. The word limit for this type of articles is 4,000 words. Letters to the Editor: Letters expressing an opinion or a position in relation to issues of interest to the readers of the JOR will be published. The letter has a limit of 300 words. No figures or tables are permitted. General Requirements: Submitted manuscripts should be written in English. The authors are encouraged to use a languageediting service prior to submitting, if their first language is not English. The text should be in New Times Roman, font size 12. Author(s) should submit their manuscript by emailing it as a Word document to the Editor on:

The submission should be accompanied by a letter from the author(s) declaring that the research is original and that the material has not been submitted for publication or has been previously published elsewhere. Any form of publication other than an abstract only constitutes prior publication. The author(s) have the responsibility of obtaining consent from patients for publication of material including photographs as appropriate. Titles should consist of a maximum of 10 words. The title should reflect the content of the manuscript. Sufficient detail should be included in the title for indexing purposes. The title page should include: total word count (Abstract to Acknowledgements), total number of tables/figures, number of references and a minimum of 6 key words. The Abstract should not exceed 300 words and should include an informative summary of the manuscript. References should be cited within the text by the first authors name and year of publication. When citing a reference by two authors, use the two surnames separated by and. When citing references by three authors or more, mention the first authors name followed by et al. The References section should include all references cited in the text, arranged in alphabetical order by last name of the first author without numbering. The Reference list should not include any papers that have not been cited in the manuscript. When citing multiple references by the same author(s) in the same year, use a, b, etc. Papers accepted but not yet published can be cited; add in press to such references. When citing a Web site, list the author(s), title and date, then the URL. The reference list should follow the Journal for Dental Research referencing style, as in the below example: Lecanda F, Avioli LV, Cheng SL (1997). Regulation of bone matrix protein expression and induction of differentiation of human osteoblasts and human bone marrow stromal cells by bone morphogenetic protein-2. J Cell Biochem 67:386-396.

All digitized images must be of high quality and resolutions. Authors are required to acknowledge all sources of support for their study or article and any source of perceived or actual conflicts of interest in the acknowledgments section. The cost of submission is $70 for members of the IAOR and $100 for non-members.

Copy rights Submission will constitute the agreement of all authors that all rights to manuscripts will be transferred to the Journal of Oral Research, which will hold all propriety rights in the manuscript submitted, including all copyrights.

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