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Human Nutrition Review test Answer as per nature of Question: 0.

5 = 15 Marks : 30 x

1. A low glycemic index of food products such as bread, cannot be classified as functional foods. True or false 2. a. 3. 4. What are the main minerals present predominantly in bone? Calcium and Phosphorus b. Calcium and Zinc c. Zinc and phosphorus d. Body mass index is defined as Fish is rich in ____________________ fatty acid. a. amylase a. Vitamin A Vitamin K 7 . Obesity is a risk factor for osteoporosis. True or False 8. Limiting amino acid in rice is _____________________. 9. one gram fat provides __________ calories 10. Deficiency of vitamin B12 leads to _______________________. Match the following 11 12 13 14 15 16.Normal range of BMI a. 19-25 Vitamin A Vitamin C Vitamin D Vitamin K Vitamin E in humans is Poor blood clotting Rickets infertility Night blindness scurvy b. lipase c. rennin d. protease c. Vitamin B complex d. Calcium and Boron

5. Enzyme that digests starch into glucose is 6. Vitamin involved in energy metabolism is b. Vitamin D

b. 18-24

c. 18.5-24.9 d. 18.2 24.2

17.Give the RDA for preschool children. 18.Recommended energy required for a new born baby is _____________. 19.Lack of vitamin D leads to _______________. 20.Expand BMR. 21.RDA of iron for expecting mothers is ____________. 22.Give two vegetables rich in calcium? 23. ____________ is the form of vitamin E that is preferentially absorbed and accumulated in humans. 24.Vitamin E exists in ____________ form.

25.Fish is a rich source of __________ fatty acid. a. Alpha fatty acid saturated 26.Deficiency disease of Folic acid ________________. 27.Iron - RDA for Adult ____________. 28.Give two food sources for phytonutrients ______________ 29.Anti carcinogenic fatty acid known as ___________________ 30.Enzyme hydrolyses lipids and fats are called as ______________ b. beta fatty acids c. omega fatty acids d.

Write in brief 5x2=10 1. Define Balanced diet. 2. What is meant by BMR? 3. What are essential fatty acids? 4. List the nutritional agencies? 5. Write four sources of vitamin C.

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