Cohoes Republican 15 July 1913

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Cohoes Republican July 15 1913


The following list of names and date of their death is from the Cohoes "Republican" newspaper dated July 15th, 1913. Please note, not
everyone listed below, died in Cohoes, NY. It is a list of 450 people who lived, or formerly lived in Cohoes. Therefore, the Cohoes City
clerk may not have a death certificate. [for example, my great-great grandfather who is listed, died at his daughter's home in Albany, NY.] I
have done my best to accurately transcribe the newspaper article. However, some names were hard to transcribe due to the quality of the
photocopy, and the microfilm.
NOVEMBER 18, 2002

"The names of those Cohoesiers who have passed away from Earth during the
past twelve months."

15. Mrs. Oliza Deguire.
16. John Finnigan, Mrs. Rosalie Coulombe.
17. Mrs. Anna E. Brennan.
22. Mrs. Earnest Byron.
23. Mr. John M. Krause, Philip Kennedy
24. Mitchell Yarter, Sidney S. Davis.
26. David White.
31. Mrs. Delphine Rioux."
"1. Mrs. Louis Pullman, Mrs. Mary Glashheen, Thomas Bowler.
2. James B. Whipple, Mrs. Anna Tilford, Mrs. Isabelle T. Pease.
3. Mrs. Judith Thibodeau, Mrs. Harry Smith.
5. Mrs. Sophia Bessette, Mrs. Margaret H. Hayden.
6. Mrs. Herminie B. Seney.
7. Mrs. Margaret Welch, Almon Stone.
9. Mrs. Margaret Tooley, Mrs. Exilda McDonald.
10. Mrs. Lucy L. Sill, Mrs. Margaret Hume.
12. Mrs. Catherine English, John Dolan.
13. George Appleby, Mrs. Bridget Saverson, Mrs. Alice Lighthall, Mrs. Alice
R. Fredette, Mrs. Cornelius Houlihan.
14. Sergeant William J. Lind.
15. Daniel Cunningham, Mrs. Josephine Girard, Aduram Perreault, Frank
16. Walter J. Kennedy, John F. Egan.
19. Augustus Roughtmaker.
20. Mrs. Hattie B. Douglas.
21. Louis Patenaude.
22. Mrs. Mary Gray.
23. Moise Fountaine.
25. Mrs. Patrick Lee, Mrs. Catherine Dunn, Ambroise Desautels."
26. Mrs. Estella M. Van Kleeck.
27. Bernard C. Doolan.
28. Frank Gamacdhe Jr.
29. James G. Roberts.
30. Thomas Gallagher, Charles Gould.
31. Mrs. Peter Curry, Mayor Clarence E. Curruth, M. D.
4. Mrs. Rebecca B. Gaughey.
5. Frank Keefe.
8. Mrs. Lydia F. Hazer.
9. Jewett W. Gardner.
10. Ellen Hazer.
11. Henning Anderson.
12. Mrs. Catherine Bell, Martin Keveny.
14. Mrs. Adeline Baillargeon, John W. Powers.
15. Mrs. Sarah Brennan, Moses G. Smith.
16. Mrs. Alice Allen, Mrs. Georgiana Cidmore.

17. George W. Jennings, Bartholomew McCusker, Nelson P. Lund.
18. Mrs. Philomene Gadoua.
19. Frederick Weinbender.
20. Michael J. O'Neill.
21. Augustus Girard.
22. Miss Mary Flanagan.
27. Michael Mealey.
28. Mrs. Julia Chabot.
29. Jeremiah Cushane, Helen T. Lesell.
30. Mrs. Delima Syrie, Patrick Connolly."
1. Mrs. John Kane.
2. James Bootman.
3. Mrs. Johanna O'Keefe, Miss Mary Dougher.
4. Edward Murphy, Mrs. Honora McLean, Mrs Rose Sansoucy.
5. Mrs. Catherine P. Corr, Mrs. Elizabeth Fallon.
6. Patrick McDermott
7. John E. Eccles, William Hungerford, George Robinson.
8. Mrs. Charles M. Lane, Alfred Lussier.
9. Edward Walsh, Charles Collette, Mrs. Ellen Evers.
10. James M. Tompkins.
11. Patrick Cummings.
12. Joseph Miron, John Driscoll, Joseph Lanreau.
15. Miss Elizabeth Martin, Sarah E. P. Conger.
18. Mabel Cook-Greenwood.
19. William English.
20. Mrs. Mary Hagadorn, Mrs. Herminie Langelier.
21. Albert Chase, William Egan.
22. Albert Forget.
23. Michael J. Ryan.
24. Mrs. Catherine V. Miller, Mrs. Harriet L. Ingalls.
26. George N. Monette, Richard Nelson.
27. Mrs. Lavina T. Page, Hugh Murphy, John Reardon, Mark C. Beers, John J.
28. Sarah Runkle.
29. Mrs. John H. Higgins.
30. Mrs. Rose La France.
31. Mrs. John Tighe, Miss Emma Shaw.
2. Charles P. Hiller.
3. Charles Boomhower, Mrs. Ida M. Rivet.
5. Mrs. Terrence Sheridan, John Keane, Joseph Guilfoyle, Mrs. Thomas J.
6. Benjamin C. Prest, Mrs. William S. Wright, Mrs. Cornelia S. Gilbert.
7. Louis J. Belanger.
8. Mrs. Catherine Murray, Joseph Rigney.
11. Farrell Donohue.
13. Mrs. Helen C. Smith, Charles Fallon.
14. Mrs. Matilda DeLadurantaye, Miss Eva Sumprenant.
15. Mrs. Maria A. Godfrey, George Fountaine.
17. Mrs. Edna Reynolds.
18. John Haughton, Patrick H. Guiltman[?], Peter Granger.
19. Joseph J. Jerome.
20. Sarah Oakley, Thomas W. Brierley.
22. William Hayes.
23. Mrs. Marie F. Blaleski, Thomas G. Keene.
25. Mrs. Lillian Lancaster.
28. Mrs. Adelia Haword.
29. Amelia Cayen.
30. Susan J. Davenport, Mrs. Elizabeth Wagstaff.
2. Mrs. Harriet Boudreau.
3. Joseph L. Smith, Joseph O. Bourret.
4. Mrs. James H. Hall, John Quinn, Francis A. Perrin.
7. Lucins K. Smalling.

8. Dr. Frank Schermerhorn, Miss Emma L. Towne.
10. Sylva Gregoire, Margaret Reid.
11. Miss Jessie Jones, Byron Simpson, Thomas Collins Sr.
12. John Conway, Mary Tonge.
13. William Murphy.
15. Mrs. Annie E. Cole, Augustus Dion.
18. Mrs. Samuel Murdock.
18. Leo Sorel, Dennis A. Clifford.
19. Miss Ellen Evers.
20. Mrs. Mary Ann Daley.
21. Mrs. Lena Rose.
22. Mrs. Anna M. Surprise, Mrs. Olive M. Jones.
23. Mrs. Pierre Sicotte, Lawrence Fredette.
24. Mrs. Albert J. Truax.
25. Mary R. McNeany, Michael Mulvihill.
26. Dennis Tessier.
27. Edward E. Vandenburgh, Mrs. Catherine Holleran.
28. Adolph Plantier, Simon Driscoll.
29. David J. Thuon.
31. Miss Mary Frances Foley
1. Alfred Casey
4. Mrs. Magaret Becker.
5. Daniel Murray, Mrs. Edward Warnick.
7. Mrs. Elizabeth Maloney.
8. Everett Plante.
9. Hon. William W. McDonald, Albert C. Howe.
10. Wilfred Corbiel, Mrs. Julia Verchereau.
11. Mrs. Many A. Brady, Mrs. Catherine Riley, James L. Friay.
12. Mrs. Xaviet Cardin
13. Mrs. Hannah W. Blakeley.
14. Charles H. Flood, Clarance C. Crossingham.
17. Michael Walsh.
18. Mrs. Maria Gaffey and Mrs. David Senecal, Mrs. Aurelie La Valee.
20. Mrs. Mary Cushing, Miss Itha Chicoine, Miss Mary Cassin.
21. Margaret H. Dwyer, William H. Allen.
22. Mrs. Gertrude Ostrom, Mrs. James Cook, William J. Fonda, Mrs. Margaret
23. Mrs. Bazelise Fontaine, Mrs. Lulu M. Reynolds.
24. William Tetreault.
25. Miss Nellie Flaherty, Zepherine Levesque, Mrs. Julia Gallagher.
27. Abraham Vadney
29. Mrs. Theresa A. Jermain, Christian J. Reinhardt, Charles Guerin.
30. Mrs. Many A. McCall.
31 Mrs. Susan P. Adams.
2. Mrs. William Black.
4. Fred Brisbois, Miss Maria Eagan,
5. J. Henry Dunz.
6. Jeremiah Lessard.
7. Mrs. Catherine Duffy, Mrs. Anna Burns, Mrs. C. P. Frederickson, Mrs.
Winifred Dee.
8. Raymond Dufresne.
10. Joseph Boneau.
11. John Nertney.
12. Walter Connor, Mrs. Welhelmina Zink, Mrs. Fraimi Grimmell.
13. Alphee Girard.
14. Oliver Raymond, Mrs. Sadie O'Brien, Thos. F. Nacey, James Burns, Frank
15. Herbert W. Sikles, Ira Smith.
16. Mrs. Elizabeth Lake, Alexander J. LaRose, George Robinson.
17. Matilda Tetreault, Mrs. Louise Mathais.
21. Mrs. Bridget McCormick
22. Miss Josephine Worden.
23. Mrs. Charlotte Cawley.

24. Mrs. Jane Hemphill, Daniel J. Murray.
26. Silvester O'Brien, Mrs. Bridget Quirk.
27. Mrs. John Neary, James B. Tobin, Mrs. Margaret Griffith.
28. Miss Catherine F. Smith.
1. Elmer E. Pierson, Sr., Mrs.William Smith.
2. Edward Flanigan.
4. Mrs. Charles Hay.
5. C. Pierce Kittle.
9. Bernard Farrell, John L. Swett, Jr.
10. Mrs Rosalie Boivin
11. John Callahan, Miss Sibyl A. Pasko, Andrew Gustafson, Henry Ham.
13. Mrs. Edward Cropsey, William McNeill.
14. Samuel Amador, Richard Corbett.
16. Rev. Father Patrick Joseph Brady.
18. Mrs. Mary Abdallah.
19. Mrs. Alexander McDowell, Thomas Connors.
20. James Flatley and Mrs. Rhonda Hildreth, Mrs. Michael Donovan.
21 Matthew J. Alderson, Andrew J. Nugent.
23. Mrs. Matilda Baillargeon,
24. Mrs. Catherine Martin.
25. Mrs. Alphonse Daigneault, Hypolite Brouillette
27. Menzo Smith, Miss Agnes Hebert, Martha Kelly.
28. Samuel T. Page, Mrs. Matilda P. Fuller.
29. Joseph Hayden, Mrs. Julia Berthiaume.
31. Elizabeth Palmer, Edward Durocher, Mrs. Abbie McGee.
2. Mrs. Jeanette A. Seaman
3. Mrs. Edessa Hebert, Hugh Kelly, Oscar Gregoire, Peter Devoe.
4. Michael McLean.
5. Rene Robitaille.
7. Mrs. Pierce Cahill, Mrs. Agal Robitaille.
8. Thomas Flavin, Michael Keegan, Mrs. Joseph Brun.
9. Carrie E. Beattie.
10. Mrs. William McDonald.
11. Mrs. James Hayes.
13. Mrs. Martha Taylor.
15. Mrs. Catherine Easdon, Sarah M. Lee, James White, Harriet Silvernail.
1. Frank Cassidy, Emile Breault.
19. Mrs. Samuel Page.
21. Rame L. Brunelle, Mrs. Peter Ayotte.
22. Rosanna Hayes.
23. Mrs. Isabella Frink.
27. William Murphy.
28. John O'Connel.
1. Mrs. Elizabeth Hadfield, Arthur J. Blais.
2. Richard Delaney, Mrs. Zep Senecal.
3. Margaret Ryan.
4. Mrs. Joseph Corbiel.
6. Joseph Tessier, Frank Brown, Michael Ledwith.
8. Richard Pearson.
9. Albert Hayes.
12. John McCormick, William P. Bell, Mrs. Philiomene Lavell.
1. Anthony S. Laing, Mrs. Hannah C. Baldwin.
15. Margaret Keane.
16. James Croak.
17. Thomas Pilling, Mrs. Margaret C. Robertta, Angeline Van Olinda.
18. Mrs. Mary A. Van Norden, Miss Mary J. Lawrence, Mrs. Marion V. Johnson, Charles K. Williams.
19. Antoine Leneville, Mrs. Esdrea(?) Mochon.
22. Joseph Herbs, Mrs. Ellen H. Hurley.
23. Bridget Tague, Patrick Kelley.
24. Mrs. Louise LeFebvre.
25. Mildred Jane Kinns, Mrs. Margaret Wallace, Mrs. Bertha Triebel.
27. Mrs. Catherine Welsh.

29. Patrick Fox, John Slattery.
30. Mrs. Mary Quinn, Mrs. Mary Trombley, Russell W. Champoux, Mrs. M. H. Page.
31. Mrs. Emma Mulhern.
2. John O'Reilly.
3. Philomene Dalpe.
5. Mrs. Catherine Coffey, Joseph Langelier, Edward Burns
7. Mrs. Marie Charron.
8. Mrs. Alice McEachron.
13. Mark Gribbon, Sr.
1. Christina D. Carlson.
15. William Riley, Miss Margaret Clancy.
16. Mrs. Elizabeth LeMair.
17. Mrs. Jane Farrell.
18. Mrs. Jane Hammon, Andrew Le Page.
20. Thomas Hanlon, Honore I. Flamme, Mrs. Peter Wall, Mrs. Eliza A. Robbins, Chas Slater.
21. Thomas Donlon.
22. Augustus Bergesson, Mrs. Emma Daigneau, Miss Mary Mc Mahon, Edna Kiniry, Matthew J. Nugent.
23. Daniel Gregg, Mrs. John Brown.
24. Joseph Duhamel.
26. Mrs. Frank Bonkiski, William Gavigan, Chester Bailey.
28. Owen O'Neill, Eugene Bernier.
29. Edward Lindsay, Andrew Lukaszek, Miss Mary E. Taylor.
30. Mrs. Mary Rooney.
1. Souffrini La Barge, Mrs. Bridget Campbell.
3. Cornelius V. Whalen, Mrs. Matilda McCoy.
4. Mrs. Philomene Hinkel.
6. Mrs. John Lavin, Mrs. Mary McMullen
8. Miss Anna Gleason.
9. Thomas Morrissey.
11. William Nealand.
12. Yvonne Martineau
14. Miss Anna Keoughan at Nyack N. Y.

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