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MUSPRA 202 COMPOSING MUSIC (STYLE) 2 8 Assessment Criteria The learner can: 1.1 Working alone, compose a song or an instrumental three minutes duration reflective of a defined musical style suggested by the tutor using at least three of the following: a. rhythm track; b. bass line; c. harmonic progression; d. melody; e. lyrics Describe the layout of the composed piece using either: a. graphic diagrams; b. chord charts; c. stave notation d. annotated sequencer screen shots or a combination of the above, identifying the structural and instrumental arrangement Describe how the composition created in 1.1 relates to the specified criteria and highlight strengths and areas for development.

Learning Outcomes The learner will: 1.0 Demonstrate skills to create a finished musical work in a defined style and evaluate its success and own skill development.



Additional information about the unit Unit purpose and aim(s) The aim of this unit is to facilitate an awareness of compositional protocols in a specific musical style. The purpose of the unit is to create music which is reflective (a pastiche) of existing work in the chosen style.

Details of the relationship between the This unit has a broad relationship with the following unit and relevant national occupational PLTS: Independent Enquirers, Creative Thinkers, standards or other professional standards Reflective Learners, Self Managers and Effective or curricula (if appropriate) Participators, specifically: IE1-5; CT1 Ct2 CT5 CT6; RL2 RL3-5; SM2 SM3; EP3 Activity undertaken in participating in this unit may be related to the following Key Skills: Communication and ICT, specifically: C1.3 C2.3 C1.1C2.1 C1.2 C2.2 IT 1.2 IT 1.3 IT 2.2 Assessment requirements or guidance specified by a sector or regulatory body (if appropriate) Support for the unit from a SSC or appropriate other body (if required) Location of the unit within the subject/sector classification system Category 9 Arts, Media and Publishing Sub-sector 9.1 Performing Arts

Name of the organisation submitting the Rockschool Ltd unit Availability for use Unit available from

Unit guided learning hours


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