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Level 2 Credit value 8 Learning Outcomes The learner will: 1.0 Demonstrate how to use a rehearsal-level PA system and understand personal development in relation to using sound reinforcement equipment.

Assessment Criteria The learner can: 1.1 Produce a sound reinforcement plan describing: a. accommodation & resources; b. schedule and timescale; c. equipment and resource inventory d. musicians/acts requirements e. health & safety requirements. 1.2 Set up and use a rehearsal-level PA system to sound-check an ensemble, meeting the following requirements: a. all activity is undertaken with full regard to health & safety issues; b. placing components in the best location with regard to power supply, feedback suppression, and monitoring; c. correct connection of all equipment; d. testing system with a sound source (e.g. CD player) and rectifying any problems if they occur; e. effective communication with the members of the ensemble f. sound-checking the following: i. a micd lead/backing vocal; ii. a D Id indstrument e.g. a keyboard, electro acoustic instrument, DJ decks etc iii. a micd acoustic instrument;

g. use of gain/trim, pre-fade listen/solo (if available), EQ and level controls to achieve a desired balance addressing problems such as feedback; h. balancing the output level of the PA mix with other instruments not using the PA (e.g. drums, guitars etc.) i. connect an audio recorder to the desk and record an extract of the mix; j. safe dismantling of components taking care to fold leads correctly ensuring that all equipment is accounted for. 1.3 Consider the success of the PA set up and soundcheck process undertaken in 1.2 in relation to the specified criteria highlighting strengths and areas for development.

Additional information about the unit Unit purpose and aim(s) This unit aims to provide the learners with a rehearsal PA system scenario setting up sound checking and mixing an ensemble in a rehearsal environment The purpose of the unit is develop the learners skills in using PA systems, focusing on the planning, technical aspects, timeframe and communicational skills involved in using the equipment with an ensemble or band. Unit expiry date Details of the relationship between the unit and relevant national occupational standards or other professional standards or curricula (if appropriate) Activity undertaken in participating in this unit may be related to the following Key Skills: Communication and ICT, specifically: C1.1 C1.2 C1.3 ICT 1.1 ICT1.2 ICT 1.3 PLTS IE2 IE4 CT2 RL6 SM2 SM3 NOS relationships BMT22 HSS1-6 Assessment requirements or guidance specified by a sector or regulatory body (if appropriate) Support for the unit from a SSC or appropriate other body (if required) Location of the unit within the subject/sector classification system N/A


Category 9 Arts Media and Publishing Sub sector 9.1 Performing Arts.

Name of the organisation submitting the unit Availability for use Unit available from Unit guided learning hours

Rockschool Limited


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