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AS Media Studies Foundation Portfolio in Media (G321) Task Booklet 2012

AS Media Studies AS Coursework Task Sheet

Introduction Your Coursework counts for 50% of your final AS grade. For AS your brief is to:

Produce the front page, contents and double page spread of a new music magazine. The syllabus states quite clearly that all images and text used must be original, produced by the candidate, minimum of four images per candidate) any manipulation of existing images cannot count as an original image.

Your work will be marked out of 100: 20 marks for Research and Planning 60 marks for Construction 20 marks for Evaluation MainTask STAGE 1 Starting your Research and Planning Complete all of the tasks in the Foundation Portfolio Research and Planning booklet. You have approx. 4 weeks to complete all of these research and planning tasks and you should upload all of your findings onto your blog as you complete it. You cannot upload research and planning once you have started to make the product so you should aim to add at least one post per day. The Board feel that a High achieving student would be likely to have between 3050 posts on their Blog-but bear in mind it is the quality that counts!

Your teacher will explain all of the tasks to you, but you will find examples for all of them on the W/apps Drive and you are encouraged to work independently on the tasks in your own time if you wish to achieve the higher grades.

STAGE 2 Planning and Drafting 1 (after completion of the Research and Planning) After you have completed your research you will need to: summarise all of your research findings so that you are ready to now start planning your draft music magazine. Produce a detailed draft of your front cover Produce a detailed draft of your contents page 2

Produce a detailed draft of your double page spread article. You should produce detailed sketches of your pages that your teacher will check. You will not be allowed to begin using the PCs until you have produced your drafts and copy for the interview you will use in your article UPLOAD TO YOUR BLOG your drafts and copy of the interview as again they will be assessed as evidence that you have planned and drafted your magazine pages. STAGE 3 Planning and Drafting 2 You should now research and write your article in Word ready to be transferred onto your double page spread. You should aim to interview a current band/manufacture a band e.g. college or friends bands, remembering that all images and text need to be original i.e. your own work. You need to invent your own new magazine rather than producing an edition for an existing publication. It is extremely important that at this stage you fill in a Risk Assessment, ensure that you re-familiarise yourself with the Student Guide to Filming and gain any permissions you need before taking your photographs. YOU MUST NOT DO ANYTHING THAT WILL PUT YOURSELF OR OTHERS AT RISK DURING YOUR PRACTICAL WORK AND MUST GAIN PERMISSION FROM YOUR TEACHER FOR EVERYTHING THAT YOU DO. ANY PERMISSION LETTERS, E-MAILS OR OTHER CORRESPONDENCE SHOULD BE UPLOADED TO YOUR BLOG AS EVIDENCE OF PLANNING.

Dates and deadlines (from 19/11/12 to 3/01/13) Research and Planning should start from around Monday 19 November 2012 and all tasks should be completed by Friday 14 December 2012. All of your work must be uploaded to the Blog. If you still have bits to add you can do so over the Christmas holiday, but everything for this section must be on the blog by your return after Christmas Thursday 3 January 2013 Final Deadline for Research and Planning (worth 20% of the coursework mark) is Thursday 3 January 2013 (8.30)

STAGE 4-Taking photographs and making your music magazine using Photoshop and Indesign (From Thursday 3 January 2012 Friday 1 February You will now work in the computer room for 4-5 weeks on the production of your magazine. You will use the colleges digital cameras to produce your original images, which you can save on a memory stick or download straight into your area. You must keep these original, unaltered photos and submit them as evidence of planning. You will be given guidance on taking photos by your teacher, and will also be instructed in the use of the relevant software. You should aim for a range of images over the different pages that you create. Photograph THREE different artists and use a variety of shot lengths, angles and backgrounds to give sufficient variety. To ensure that work is your own and to comply with health and safety regulations, all photographs must be taken in college. You will work on your magazine in all of your Media lessons for the 5 weeks: you should present a completed version of your pages after 3 weeks at the latest in order that your teacher can give you feedback to help you improve the quality of your work. You should UPLOAD TO YOUR BLOG all of your pages plus all of the supporting paperwork by the final deadline. It is your responsibility to ensure that you make the deadline and that you plan carefully to avoid last minute technical problems. The Blog will be switched off on the day of the deadline.

By the final deadline ( 1 February 2012) you should ensure that the following are UPLOADED TO YOUR BLOG: JPEG OR pdf versions of your magazine pages. A separate section with all of the original images that you have used UPLOADED TO YOUR BLOG. Action Plan. Research and planning evidence. Hand drawn drafts of your cover, contents and article. Audience research questionnaires and results. Word copy of your interview. STAGE Five-Target Audience feedback Produce a questionnaire to gain feedback from your target audience on your magazine pages. Write up your findings in chart/diagram form and write a summary of your findings. UPLOAD TO YOUR BLOG.

Stage Six- The evaluation You now have 2 weeks to produce an evaluation, which is to be presented as interactively as possible on your Blog and counts for 20% of your coursework mark. You will present this to your teacher and be marked on your use of ICT e.g. incorporating images and text, linking to external sites e.g. publishers, videos from your chosen musical genre as well as the content. (evalautions must be ready by Monday 25 February and will be shown to teacher who will give feedback and tell you how to improve. You then maker these improvements during that week and must have final version uploaded to Blog by final deadline of Monday 4 March (4.00pm at latest)

AS Foundation Portfolio: advice on writing the Evaluation


The Evaluation has 7 sections which are questions provided by the exam board. The Evaluation should address each question in turn using the questions as section headings: 1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? 2. How does your media product represent particular social groups? 3. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why? 4. Who would the audience be for your media product? 5. How did you attract/address your audience? 6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product? 7. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Advice on the seven sections

1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

How have you stuck to the codes and conventions of front covers, contents pages and double page spreads that you highlighted in your research?

In what ways have you developed or challenged/changed the conventions of front covers, contents pages and double page spreads that you highlighted in your research?

2. How does your media product represent particular social groups? What different areas of society are represented in your magazine? Do you represent a cub-culture e.g. emos, goths, hoodies. Do you deal with issues of race, ethnicity, gender, age, social class, disability?

3. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why? Which companies might distribute your magazine e.g. IPC, Emap, Bauer? Do they already distribute magazines from a similar genre? 4. Who would the audience be for your media product? Define your target audience in terms of age, social class, gender, ethnicity and psychographic profile. 5. How did you attract/address your audience? What in your magazine tell us what your target audience is/ is designed to appeal to them? 6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product? What hardware and software have you used to plan your pages? How effective was it? What hardware and software have you used to construct your pages? How effective was it?

7. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product? 6

How have you developed your skills and knowledge since you constructed your preliminary task? UPLOAD TO YOUR BLOG Final checklist what to include and in which order on your BLOG: Research and planning booklet. Audience research questionnaire provide one blank copy Summary of what you found in your audience research and notes on what aspects you will use in your magazines. Typed Formal Proposal. Word version of your article. Hand drawn drafts of cover, contents and article. Action plan with tasks and dates to cover the entire coursework phase. Front page, contents page and double page spread saved as JPEGs or pdf. Original photos untreated saved as JPEGS onto the BLOG. Seven point evaluation uploaded onto your BLOG. Audience feedback questionnaire provide one blank copy Summary of what you found in your audience feedback. This should be uploaded onto your BLOG on a date given to you by your teacher.

Final deadline


Research and Planning Booklet


Main task: Students to produce the front page, contents page and double page spread of a new music magazine. (Photoshop will be used for image manipulation and Indesign will be used for page layout and design features on contents page and article) All images and text used must be original, produced by the candidate, minimum of FOUR images per candidate.

Marking Criteria for Unit G321: Foundation Portfolio in Media


Main task: students to produce the front page, contents page and double page spread of a new music magazine. (photoshop will be used for image manipulation and indesign will be used for page layout and design features on contents page and article) all images and text used must be original, produced by the candidate, minimum of four images per candidate.
UNIT G321 (as media coursework-foundation portfolio) is marked out of total of 100 marks there are 3 sections to the coursework: 1. RESEARCH AND PLANNING(MARKED OUT OF 20) 2. CONSTRUCTION (the final magazine cover, contents page and double page spread (dps) article - MARKED OUT OF 60) 3. THE EVALUATION (detailed analysis of the whole process (MARKED OUT OF 20)

DATES AND DEADLINES 1. the RESEARCH AND PLANNING section(20% of coursework mark) should all be completed and added to your blog by (this includes taking your initial photographs(minimum of 40) all of this work should have been uploaded and added to your blog)

2.the CONSTRUCTION SECTION (60% of coursework mark)completing the magazine cover, contents page and article-should all be completedand added to your blog by

3.THE EVALUATION SECTION (20% of coursework mark) should be completed and added to your blog by .

Begin with THE RESEARCH AND PLANNING element, as this must be completed first before Christmas (over the next 4 -5 weeks )

Research and Planning must be presented in electronic format and must show evidence of all of the research and planning done by the candidate from the start of the process through to the finished music magazine. All of your evidence of research and planning must be added to the blog on a daily basis-it is expected to be a significant amount and must record the whole process from start to finish. it must be very visual and move away from essay style responses. you should save your blog details to your favourites and write down your password in several places so you dont lose it! The main RESEARCH areas for which evidence must be provided are: Research into similar music magazines and Institutions (the companies/institutions that publish the magazines) Research into target audiences THE MAIN PLANNING EVIDENCE THAT MUST BE PROVIDED WILL INCLUDE: evidence of drafting/ scripting (both paper sketches and using the software to show the stages of development) organising actors/props etc organising time-meeting all deadlines using digital technology through all stages of the process

Marking Criteria for the research and planning element (marked out of 20) There are four levels with:
level 1 being a fail level 1 - 07 marks (minimal) level 2 being from grade E to grade D level 2 - 811 marks (basic) Level 3 being from grade Cto B Level 3 - 1215 marks (proficient) Level 4 being Grade A Level 4 16-20 marks (excellent)

Level 4 1620 marks (excellent) There is excellent research into similar products and a potential target audience. There is excellent organisation of actors, locations, costumes or props. There is excellent work on shotlists, layouts, drafting, scripting or storyboarding. Time management is excellent. 10

There is excellent use of digital technology or ICT in the presentation.

SECTION A RESEARCH INTO SIMILAR MEDIA PRODUCTS ( MUSIC MAGAZINES) (complete analysis in Word first of all and then copy into the blog when you have finished. Dont forget if you are analysing images, convert them into JPEG format first of all)

This first part of the research into similar music magazines should be done in classtime, Independent Learning time and as homework. You would be expected to complete this within 2 weeks with the deadline for the analysis of all 3 magazines being..................................... . It is important you keep to these internal deadlines because you will then be set other tasks that relate to the coursework booklet and it will cause you stress if you leave it all to do at onceso chip away at the work

Working in pairs/groups look at one of the music magazines provided and answer the general questions 1-4 below (REMEMBER TO KEEP YOUR OWN IDIVIDUAL NOTES AS YOU WILL ADD THESE TO YOUR OWN INDIVIDUAL BLOGS ) GENERAL QUESTIONS ABOUT MUSIC MAGAZINES (QUESTIONS 1-4)

1. What is a music magazine?

A music magazine is a magazine dedicated to music and the music culture.

2. What content (text/copy/writing/articles/stories) would you expect to find in a music magazine?

Music based magazines typically include any music news and updates, interviews, photo shoots, essays, record reviews, concert reviews and occasionally have a cover mount with recorded music.

3. What images would you expect to find in a music magazine?

Images of bands within the genre of music the magazine focuses on, fun pictures to represent their music and personalities as well as posed photos for any posters for the fans. Plus a day in the life of the specific artist or band, say on tour, any gigs/festivals they went to etc.

4. Identify general characteristics/ Features that you would expect to find in all music magazines. 11

Masthead is the magazines name. So that it recognizable to the readers and remember it again. Bright colours attract your eyes to the logo. Puff this is something you put onto a magazine to improve its status, by saying its Britains biggest music magazine it will appeal to a larger audience because of the quality its are the sub Strap lines implying it on the front headings has. cover, they tell you what features in the issue, any specific stories that will attract more readers.

Cover line big/bold writing, colours to attract your eye. The most important story, this one Noel Gallagher, giving bullet points of the stories about him. Rule of thirds - This photo of Noel Gallagher for example is fitting within the rule of thirds; his eye line is just below the cover line and logo. Main background image is probably the main thing you need on your front cover, because thats the image that catches your eye and if you are a fan of the artist it will make you buy it anyway. The artists/models eyes are starring at you through the paper, attracting your eyes without even realizing it. The photos normally try to get across to the reader the artists music genre and personality, making it more genuine. Here Noel shows he is a bit grungy, old rock and roll, meaningful songs, what you see is what you get with him.

Barcode - is something every magazine has to include otherwise you wont be able to purchase the magazine.




Task 1b Analyse the contents page from NME (Dizzee rascal edition)

Task 1c Analyse the double page spread from NME (Dizzee Rascal Edition)

Task 1d. Identify the elements that connect the 3 different parts of the magazine and makes the magazine cohesive and gives it a House Style.


Task1E: find out as much as you can about NME and who publishes it and who reads it (target audience) Put all of your findings on task 1 onto a Slideshare presentation and add to your Blog. Labe l it a s NME ma gazi ne a na l ys is -Audie nce s a nd Ins titutions

TASK 2 ANALYSE A SECOND MUSIC MAGAZINE (the cover, contents pages and DPS article, and audiences and institutions) IN THE SAME WAY YOU HAVE ANALYSED MAGAZINE 1 (NME ) ABOVE. There are examples of magazines on Moodle or you can google specific types of music magazines. You should choose magazines that have some similarities to the type of music magazine (genre/audience or style) that you may wish to create. The best magazine to analyse will be based on a magazine you have bought yourself and have scanned into your computer. We also have complete music magazines in the media department that you are welcome to use.

TASK 3 ANALYSE A THIRD MUSIC MAGAZINE (the cover, contents pages and DPS article) IN THE SAME WAY YOU HAVE ANALYSED MAGAZINE 1 (NME ). There are examples of magazines on Moodle or you can google specific types of music magazines. You should choose magazines that have some similarities to the type of music magazine (genre/audience or style) that you may wish to create. The best magazine to analyse will be based on a magazine you have bought yourself and have scanned into your computer. We also have complete music magazines in the media department that you are welcome to use.

TASK 4 Research into a specific music magazine that you might like to emulate (or base your magazine on)Show some of the covers, contents pages and articles from this magazine. Complete research into this publisher and why it might or give reasons why this institution might not make a suitable publisher for your final magazine

TASK 5 14

Research into similar music magazines on which you could base your magazine. Map out possible ideas for your music magazine including names, possible musical genres and ideas for articles. TASK 6 Choose a musical genre/genres to feature in your magazine. List the names of bands/artists that are part of this genre, a brief history of the genre and the type of imagery associated with it.


TASK 7. Audience Research using quantitative methods such as questionnaires Audience Research: You need to carry out research into your target audience. Produce a questionnaire focusing on 2 areas: their knowledge about the genre(s) you will be covering (helping you work out where to pitch your magazine) and also their views on music magazines (stylistic preferences, approaches they have found successful, for example). You should summarise your findings and indicate how what you have found will influence your final product.

TASK 8. Audience Research using qualitative methods such as Focus groups. Interview 4-6 people who would be members of your target audience (eg if you are making a rock magazine that targets males aged 16-19, you would be expected to do a focus on this group of people. You need to find out any specific information that you have not already found out from your questionnaires such as their detailed preferences or opinions on some of your choices. Summarise your findings and highlight how these will affect the making of your final product Take photographs of your typical target audience

On the basis of all of your research findings which should have been summarised you are now ready to start planning your work TASK 9 15

Write out a Formal Proposal. Use the subheadings below to make notes. You proposal should contain the following: Title of magazine you wish to produce. Explanation of choice of genre.

Target audience.

Initial ideas about front page.

Initial ideas about contents page.

Initial ideas about double page spread.

Initial ideas about photographs.


TASK 10 -You now need to draw detailed drafts of your cover, contents page and


TASK 11. Take photographs-Original Images (minimum of 4) that you intend to use. I

would suggest you take at leat 10 photogaraphs and chose from the best ones. Try and

create a sense of the appropriate mise en scene for your chosen genre


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